Category Archives: Other Legal

California v. Big Oil: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

California to Big Oil: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire, Lawsuit Charges Companies Knew Fossil Fuels Caused Climate Change and Deliberately Denied It by Nick Welsh, Sep 20, 2023, Santa Barbara Independent CAVEAT EMPTOR: I happen to be reading a book … Continue reading

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Dual Trucking, suspected radioactive Bakken frac waste dumper, does the hanky panky; Montana court sides with Admiral Insurance

Trucking company withheld information, taking insurer off the hook for hazmat violation by Tyson Fisher, May 26, 2021, Landline Now An insurance company for Dual Trucking is off the hook for covering an environmental violation on the company’s property, in … Continue reading

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Judicial flashback 2010: Harper gov’t appointed politically like-minded judges who donated cash. Jacob Ziegel: “It’s a system that lacks credibility, it’s tarnished and highly partisan and it should be a national embarrassment.” It is to me.

It’s clear to me that Canada’s judicial industry is dirty, shameful, partisan and abusive to the citizenry even though we pay for it, and became hideously and blatantly more so under Herr Harper. Ex Justice Russell Brown, who recently resigned … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Judicial flashback 2010: Harper gov’t appointed politically like-minded judges who donated cash. Jacob Ziegel: “It’s a system that lacks credibility, it’s tarnished and highly partisan and it should be a national embarrassment.” It is to me.

“….Jordan Peterson, that mean, spiteful little ho.”

Report: There’s no College of Satire Writers, so we’re allowed to call Jordan Peterson a hateful little bitch without consequence by Luke Gordon Field, August 25, 2023, The Beaverton TORONTO – The Ontario Divisional Court has upheld the College of … Continue reading

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Held v Montana Victory! Judge Kathy Seeley rules kids’ constitutional right to “clean and healthful environment” violated by state agencies permitting fossil fuel development without considering greenhouse gas emissions effect on climate (like Steve Harper made agencies do in Canada when he was PM). Michael Gerrard, founder of Columbia’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law: “I think this is the strongest decision on climate change ever issued by any court.”

@MichaelGerrard: … After a trial where climate scientists testified under oath and were subject to cross examination (very rare in itself), the court issued a 103-page decision that found that fossil fuel use is the principal cause of climate change, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Held v Montana Victory! Judge Kathy Seeley rules kids’ constitutional right to “clean and healthful environment” violated by state agencies permitting fossil fuel development without considering greenhouse gas emissions effect on climate (like Steve Harper made agencies do in Canada when he was PM). Michael Gerrard, founder of Columbia’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law: “I think this is the strongest decision on climate change ever issued by any court.”

FFS! Calgary Stampede “committing to” no longer covering up rape of kids for decades isn’t good enough. “Committing to” means nothing. Just look to frac’ers, the popes and catholic church for ample example of that.

Marky Mark@MrkStdngr: The whole “Transgendered People are grooming our Children” was a Lie made up by the establishment involving Church and State to deflect from the real abusers (Priests, Executives, etc). True: “Statistically your child is far safer with a … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on FFS! Calgary Stampede “committing to” no longer covering up rape of kids for decades isn’t good enough. “Committing to” means nothing. Just look to frac’ers, the popes and catholic church for ample example of that.

Harper judge, Sheldon W. Lanchbery, orders injunction against grieving families who don’t want their loved ones left in a garbage dump, tells them he doesn’t come from white privilege because he grew up poor. FFS! What a cruel racist asshole.

I am white; I am female (because of our violent patriarchal world, men have much more privilege than women, even white women). I was born in Canada, grew up in a poor immigrant family. I was raped before I was … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Harper judge, Sheldon W. Lanchbery, orders injunction against grieving families who don’t want their loved ones left in a garbage dump, tells them he doesn’t come from white privilege because he grew up poor. FFS! What a cruel racist asshole.

Misogynistic Canadian “justice” strikes victims yet again. David Kukoly, ex cop who sexually abused 11 women, gets rewarded by Justice Richard Blouin with tiny sentence to spend sweetly at home even though the judge said some assaults were “harrowing” causing “a significant impact on the psychological health” of victims. As usual, the judge only gives kind care to the abuser, and gross unjust unfair disgusting disrespect for the victims.

Former Niagara cop who ran massage business sexually abused 11 women. Will serve 18 months of house arrest, David Kukoly pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual assault and was sentenced in June by Samantha Beattie, CBC News, Jul 06, … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Misogynistic Canadian “justice” strikes victims yet again. David Kukoly, ex cop who sexually abused 11 women, gets rewarded by Justice Richard Blouin with tiny sentence to spend sweetly at home even though the judge said some assaults were “harrowing” causing “a significant impact on the psychological health” of victims. As usual, the judge only gives kind care to the abuser, and gross unjust unfair disgusting disrespect for the victims.

Canada needs to start jailing law-violating polluting frac’ers too. Ohio: Benjamin Altier and his company ordered to pay more than $20,000.00 in fines and sentenced to 30 days in jail, 50 hours community service, three years of community control for theft (fabricating wastewater disposal tickets and taking money for them), dumping waste on land, improperly storing the rest.

In my view, the reason corporations like Teck, tarsands miners, and Encana/Ovintiv et al intentionally break the law and pollute, is because they know Canadian “regulators” and courts will let them get away with it more often than not. And … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Canada needs to start jailing law-violating polluting frac’ers too. Ohio: Benjamin Altier and his company ordered to pay more than $20,000.00 in fines and sentenced to 30 days in jail, 50 hours community service, three years of community control for theft (fabricating wastewater disposal tickets and taking money for them), dumping waste on land, improperly storing the rest.

Billy Marcum, Jr., owner of oil & gas companies, sentenced to 17 years in prison for $30 million fraud, ordered to pay $16 million in restitution. Why did “Frack Master” Breitling Energy CEO Chris Faulkner get less time (15 years for $80 million fraud, fined over $90 million)?

Fort Worth oil, gas owner sentenced to 17 years in prison in $30 million fraud case by Nicole Lopez, June 23, 2023, Yahoo News A Fort Worth owner of oil and gas companies was sentenced to more than 17 years … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Billy Marcum, Jr., owner of oil & gas companies, sentenced to 17 years in prison for $30 million fraud, ordered to pay $16 million in restitution. Why did “Frack Master” Breitling Energy CEO Chris Faulkner get less time (15 years for $80 million fraud, fined over $90 million)?

US Federal Appellate Court rules for American Home Insurance Co. in case where Superior Well Services Inc.’s “improper use of certain chemical mixtures” damaged 53 U.S. Energy Development Corporation gas wells. But, frac’ers promise us their process is perfectly safe!

Accidental frac’ing? Frac’ers intentionally experiment with different chemical brews intentionally using “brute force and ignorance” intentionally contaminating millions of gallons of water to intentionally cause damage underground (often contaminating aquifers and water wells in their violent stupid intentional process). Trigger … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on US Federal Appellate Court rules for American Home Insurance Co. in case where Superior Well Services Inc.’s “improper use of certain chemical mixtures” damaged 53 U.S. Energy Development Corporation gas wells. But, frac’ers promise us their process is perfectly safe!

PA Frac Lawsuit Hearing: Bryan & Ryan Latkanich v Chevron & EQT Corporation health harm, and well water and home contamination

An update by Bob Donnan, June 22, 2023: I learned yesterday the local Washington, Pa newspaper for our same county WILL NOT be publishing a story about the case, even though they had a reporter in court on Tuesday. Reason? … Continue reading

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New York State: Gives Bayer and Monsanto, makers of glyphosate-based Roundup herbicides, puny fine of $256,000 annually for continuing to lie for 27 years after agreeing not to.

Roundup Weedkiller Manufacturers to Pay $6.9 Million in False Advertising Settlement, Agrochemical giants Bayer CropScience and Monsanto violated a 1996 agreement to stop making false and misleading claims about the safety of its popular weedkillers, New York’s attorney general found … Continue reading

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First woman to hold this position! Dame Sue Carr appointed Lord Chief Justice of England & Wales

Dame Sue Carr has been appointed the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales from 1 October 2023 Press Release by Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, June 15, 2023 … Dame Sue Carr was called to the Bar in 1987. As … Continue reading

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Held v Montana: “Unexpectedly wild” climate trial. Trump copycats, Rep. Ryan Zinke and Cowboy State Daily, denigrate the kids as radicals “weaponizing” the legal system. Canada’s disgraced supreme court Justice Russell Brown’s Stockwoods LLP lawyers copied Trump too, calling Judicial Council’s review of complaint about J Brown “weaponization.”

Held v Montana; Kids Climate Lawsuit Inside the unexpectedly wild landmark Montana youth climate trial, Young people are attempting to hold their state accountable for fossil fuel expansion by Karin Kirk, June 15, 2023, Yale Climate Connections When I got … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Held v Montana: “Unexpectedly wild” climate trial. Trump copycats, Rep. Ryan Zinke and Cowboy State Daily, denigrate the kids as radicals “weaponizing” the legal system. Canada’s disgraced supreme court Justice Russell Brown’s Stockwoods LLP lawyers copied Trump too, calling Judicial Council’s review of complaint about J Brown “weaponization.”

Patriarchy will rage. Rapist OPP Jason Redmond finally goes to prison, Gets six years (not enough – he’ll likely be out in three, but better than being let off as usual, collecting pay while suspended and committing crime after crime for years). Will Rapist Redmond appeal his sentence?

OPP officer sentenced to 6 years for sexually assaulting, filming unconscious woman by Dan Taekema, June 16, CBC News WARNING: This article contains graphic content and may affect those who have experienced​ ​​​sexual violence or know someone affected by it. … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Patriarchy will rage. Rapist OPP Jason Redmond finally goes to prison, Gets six years (not enough – he’ll likely be out in three, but better than being let off as usual, collecting pay while suspended and committing crime after crime for years). Will Rapist Redmond appeal his sentence?

Massachusetts: Quiet Communities files lawsuit seeking mandatory injunction ordering EPA to resume its Noise Control Act responsibilities. After Encana violated Alberta’s noise regulations and I requested regulation, AER judged *me* the criminal – in writing (without evidence, due process, trial, hearing, arrests, or fingerprinting).

Frac’ing is noisy. In my community, and others, Encana/Ovintiv installed compressors without noise assessments or mitigation, in violation of the noise control directive. Encana’s noise roared 24/7, disrupted my sleep and that of my loved ones, and drove out songbirds. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Massachusetts: Quiet Communities files lawsuit seeking mandatory injunction ordering EPA to resume its Noise Control Act responsibilities. After Encana violated Alberta’s noise regulations and I requested regulation, AER judged *me* the criminal – in writing (without evidence, due process, trial, hearing, arrests, or fingerprinting).

Held v Montana; Kids Climate Lawsuit

Michigan Public Service Commissioners were not prepared for what came nextOil & Water Don’t Mix: Keep Oil Out of the Great Lakes June 13, 2023 Anna Stuntz is an eighth-grader from Michigan. The MPSC was hearing public comment on its … Continue reading

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Chevon subsidiary Union Oil’s “blatant example of environmental pollution and corporate malfeasance” gets hit with $63Million jury verdict for covering up chemical pit with carcinogen (benzene) on private land. Don’t fret Chevron, I’m sure you can buy pollution-friendly judges to overturn the ruling.

Jury returns $63M verdict after finding Chevron covered up toxic pit on California land by AP News, June 8, 2023 SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) — A California jury has returned a $63 million verdict against Chevron after finding the oil … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Chevon subsidiary Union Oil’s “blatant example of environmental pollution and corporate malfeasance” gets hit with $63Million jury verdict for covering up chemical pit with carcinogen (benzene) on private land. Don’t fret Chevron, I’m sure you can buy pollution-friendly judges to overturn the ruling.

Montana: Fair ruling killed by “law” makers serving polluters. Judge Michael Moses flips his unnatural gas plant ruling, cites “changing legal landscape”

Montana gas power plant can resume construction, judge rules by Matthew Brown, June 9, 2023, Yahoo News BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — NorthWestern Energy will resume construction of a natural gas power plant along Montana’s Yellowstone River following a two-month delay, … Continue reading

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Iceland passes conversion therapy ban that’s trans-inclusive. None voted against. “Landslide majority” for human rights! Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir: “The legislation had cross party support in parliament, despite attempts from known anti-trans hate groups under English influence to oppose it, and wrongfully claiming they managed to ‘kill the bill’ … Their arguments were dismissed as anti-scientific and anti-trans rhetoric.”

Iceland passes historic conversion therapy ban and yes, it’s trans-inclusive by Harriet Williamson, June 10, 2023, The Pink News The Icelandic parliament has passed a law banning so-called conversion therapy practices on the basis of sexual orientation, gender expression and … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Iceland passes conversion therapy ban that’s trans-inclusive. None voted against. “Landslide majority” for human rights! Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir: “The legislation had cross party support in parliament, despite attempts from known anti-trans hate groups under English influence to oppose it, and wrongfully claiming they managed to ‘kill the bill’ … Their arguments were dismissed as anti-scientific and anti-trans rhetoric.”

T. Ryan Gregory is too funny, too brilliant! So many full grown humans are scaredy cats. How many “True North Declaration” lawyers and past directors of LSO (self regulator of lawyers) are afraid of jabs, masks, pronouns?

T. Ryan Gregory June 7, 2023: Before the I started talking about pandemic stuff on Twitter, I had no idea that so many full grown humans were so scared of mythological creatures, masks, and pronouns in bios. And many of … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on T. Ryan Gregory is too funny, too brilliant! So many full grown humans are scaredy cats. How many “True North Declaration” lawyers and past directors of LSO (self regulator of lawyers) are afraid of jabs, masks, pronouns?

Jason Redmond, OPP cop who sexually assaulted and filmed unconscious woman, could face ‘exemplary’ sentence. *Could* is key. I doubt it’ll happen. Canada’s patriarchy-serving judges favour rapists, letting them off, again and again, no matter how vile their crimes, often revictimizing victims.

OPP officer who sexually assaulted and filmed unconscious woman could face ‘exemplary’ sentence WARNING: This article contains graphic content by Dan Taekema, CBC News, May 31, 2023 WARNING: This article contains graphic content and may affect those who have experienced​ … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Jason Redmond, OPP cop who sexually assaulted and filmed unconscious woman, could face ‘exemplary’ sentence. *Could* is key. I doubt it’ll happen. Canada’s patriarchy-serving judges favour rapists, letting them off, again and again, no matter how vile their crimes, often revictimizing victims.

Dear Ruby River Capital LLC and your Énergie Saguenay: Take your greedy Clusterfuck lawsuit for *your* failures back to Hell. How many hundreds of $Billions would *you* owe Canadians for your part in burning Canada up and polluting our climate, air, land, water and public health via frac’ing? You owe us! Not surprising Osler represents you.

Sodding greedy clusterfucks at Ruby River Capital LLC (U.S.-based owner of GNL Québec Inc.) and Osler in Calgary, you’re way out of line with your $20 Billion in lost profits demand. Frac’ing loses money. It loses lots of money, notably … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Dear Ruby River Capital LLC and your Énergie Saguenay: Take your greedy Clusterfuck lawsuit for *your* failures back to Hell. How many hundreds of $Billions would *you* owe Canadians for your part in burning Canada up and polluting our climate, air, land, water and public health via frac’ing? You owe us! Not surprising Osler represents you.

Welcome to Patriarchy’s AI: Of course all lawyers are men! And white, and privileged, and racist, and misogynistic, and bigoted (hate & rage farm against anyone they think has no right to live in peace, or live at all), and break the rules, and betray their clients after half a million dollars wasted, and and …

A few of the responses: rynrynryn@rynrynrynnyryn Apr 24: AI chat is like speaking with a polite mediocre white man Gregory Balloch@GregBalloch: Completely unrelated: I wonder what kind of people programmed this thing rynrynryn@rynrynrynnyryn: I assume an undiverse group of people … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Welcome to Patriarchy’s AI: Of course all lawyers are men! And white, and privileged, and racist, and misogynistic, and bigoted (hate & rage farm against anyone they think has no right to live in peace, or live at all), and break the rules, and betray their clients after half a million dollars wasted, and and …

ObscuriousMind creates AI generated Drag Show, Conservative Queens: Right Wing & Fabulous, “In God We Trust, In Glam We Must!”

Fabulous indeed. This made my year! Thank you ObscuriousMind. Ha Ha Ha! Brilliant: “In God We Trust, In Glam We Must.” An ai generated drag show, Conservative Queens: Right Wing & Fabulous 1:27 Min. by Obscurious Lab, April 24, 2023

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New Orleans: Influence of rape religion on court “stinks to high heaven.” Judge Greg Guidry refuses to recuse himself after investigation finds he donated tens of thousands of dollars to catholic archiocese he consistently favours amid bankruptcy involving 500 sex abuse victims.

Too many Canadian judges are equally as stinky, in my experience. And some lie in rulings to protect frac’ers. Think of the kids raped by priests et al, compare to money and other favours passing under the table from oil … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on New Orleans: Influence of rape religion on court “stinks to high heaven.” Judge Greg Guidry refuses to recuse himself after investigation finds he donated tens of thousands of dollars to catholic archiocese he consistently favours amid bankruptcy involving 500 sex abuse victims.

Texas GOP: Mask wearing to protect health verboten but Dept Agriculture orders “all employees must dress in a matter consistent with their biological gender.” WTF?

Paisley Currah@paisleycurrah: Here we go. Using “biological sex” as a cudgel against trans people was always just the pre-game. For the right, it’s not just “men in dresses” that’s the problem. It’s also women in pants. Princess Aviana@PayPrincessAvii: Is it … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Texas GOP: Mask wearing to protect health verboten but Dept Agriculture orders “all employees must dress in a matter consistent with their biological gender.” WTF?

Montana: Courageous integral Judge Michael Moses rules officials failed to adequately consider climate pollution, cancels natural gas power plant permit

Judge cancels Montana gas plant permit over climate impacts by Matthew Brown and Amy Beth Hanson, Associated Press, April 9, 2023, W.Va. News BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — A judge canceled the air quality permit for a natural gas power plant … Continue reading

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“Miscarriage of justice” is what Canada’s legal players do best. The cruelty Tammy Bouvette (and others) endured at the hands of our callous self-serving judicial-legal industry is unforgivable. BC Court of Appeal “ordered stay of proceedings because retrying her case would be an ‘abuse of process.'” Why the hell did this take so long? Thank you, CBC Fifth Estate, you served Ms Bouvette justice; our “justice” system did not.

B.C. Court of Appeal quashes conviction of woman in toddler’s death, calling it ‘miscarriage of justice’, Tammy Bouvette, 39, fell into addiction and became homeless after 2nd-degree murder charge in 2011 by Rachel Ward, CBC News Apr 12, 2023 The … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on “Miscarriage of justice” is what Canada’s legal players do best. The cruelty Tammy Bouvette (and others) endured at the hands of our callous self-serving judicial-legal industry is unforgivable. BC Court of Appeal “ordered stay of proceedings because retrying her case would be an ‘abuse of process.'” Why the hell did this take so long? Thank you, CBC Fifth Estate, you served Ms Bouvette justice; our “justice” system did not.

Congratulations Pooja Parmar! “The President’s Chair is the highest academic honour UVic can bestow on a faculty member.”

Finding common threads of Indigenous laws in a global context by Julie Sloan, March 28, 2023, U Victoria There are common threads that run through experiences of Indigenous communities in different parts of the world—experiences of social, political and economic … Continue reading

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Baltimore archdiocese, Maryland: Astonishing depravity by catholic church deviant priests and lying cover-up bosses: 600 kids tortured, terrorized. How many hundreds more? Condescending William E. Lori, archbishop of Baltimore, lays it on thick. Rape Religions lie like Frac’ers, a lot.

True: “Statistically your child is far safer with a Drag Queen rather than a Priest.” A tweet: FakeJoeBiden@fake_biden: I have a daughter. One political party wants to check her genitals, monitor her period, restrict her interstate travel, force her to … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Baltimore archdiocese, Maryland: Astonishing depravity by catholic church deviant priests and lying cover-up bosses: 600 kids tortured, terrorized. How many hundreds more? Condescending William E. Lori, archbishop of Baltimore, lays it on thick. Rape Religions lie like Frac’ers, a lot.

Phew! Anti Public Health Care Brian Day loses to the end. Now, let’s see if the fucker truckers succeed where he failed

Amir Attaran (@email hidden; JavaScript is required)@profamirattaran April 7, 2023: What chutzpah! The Canadian Constitution Foundation’s attempt to kill public health care FAILED at the Supreme Court, but they’re still fundraising for the legal challenge. I’m pretty horrified that … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Phew! Anti Public Health Care Brian Day loses to the end. Now, let’s see if the fucker truckers succeed where he failed

Frac’er Lone Pine Resources loses evil attempt to snag $250 Million from Canadians via suing under NAFTA, at the time owing $300 Million in debt.

Prairie Provident Resources announces decision in NAFTA case Press Release by owner of Lone Pine (Prairie Provident), November 22, 2022, Globe Newswire, BOE Report CALGARY, Alberta – Prairie Provident Resources Inc. (“Prairie Provident” or the “Company”) announces that its wholly-owned … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Frac’er Lone Pine Resources loses evil attempt to snag $250 Million from Canadians via suing under NAFTA, at the time owing $300 Million in debt.

Judicial Frac-Farce, Dimock PA: Aquifer polluter Coterra (Cabot) rewarded, the harmed betrayed, to be refrac’d. 15 criminal charges, incl. 9 felonies, dropped to 1 misdemeanor, Judge J. Legg accepts Coterra admitting criminal responsibility while denying guilt; DEP un-bans Coterra from 9 sq mile gas-contaminated groundwater zone. Judge orders: 2 supply wells drilled (any safe groundwater there?); 10 mile water p/l that’ll take *5 yrs* to build (same was ordered a decade ago but pro-frac’ers killed it, and will again); bottled water for 75 years (after that?) or water treatment systems known to blow up (Bruce Jack and two industry gas-in-water testers were nearly killed by similar system pimped by Alberta gov’t in 2006).

Email in, with photos, from one of the Coterra/Cabot frac-harmed families: “Nice article. Photo below is of the bogus “water treatment system” which DEP mandated in 2010 then let the gas co run away from. DEP also ignores complaints from … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Judicial Frac-Farce, Dimock PA: Aquifer polluter Coterra (Cabot) rewarded, the harmed betrayed, to be refrac’d. 15 criminal charges, incl. 9 felonies, dropped to 1 misdemeanor, Judge J. Legg accepts Coterra admitting criminal responsibility while denying guilt; DEP un-bans Coterra from 9 sq mile gas-contaminated groundwater zone. Judge orders: 2 supply wells drilled (any safe groundwater there?); 10 mile water p/l that’ll take *5 yrs* to build (same was ordered a decade ago but pro-frac’ers killed it, and will again); bottled water for 75 years (after that?) or water treatment systems known to blow up (Bruce Jack and two industry gas-in-water testers were nearly killed by similar system pimped by Alberta gov’t in 2006).

George Rammel’s judicial satire sculpture: “Chambers of Predetermined Outcomes / Gatekeepers of Justice” unveiled with a dinosaur landing aptly on BC Chief Justice Robert Bauman’s head during the performance!

The unveiling of Mr. Rammel’s interactive sculpture unveiling and performance starts at 20 mins. (The three judges featured were put on BC’s Supreme Court by Steve Harper.) This art is clever and fun. Mr. Rammel’s artist statement is just as … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on George Rammel’s judicial satire sculpture: “Chambers of Predetermined Outcomes / Gatekeepers of Justice” unveiled with a dinosaur landing aptly on BC Chief Justice Robert Bauman’s head during the performance!

Sister Serpents: “Tips for Men #1: Don’t Rape.” Me: “Tips for Judges #1: Stop Letting Rapists Off” especially OPP constable Jason Redmond, suspended with *full* pay for 8 years now because the law says he can’t be fired unless he gets jail time. How happy the Patriarchy must be!

The Forgotten History of the Controversial Sister Serpents: “SisterSerpents Demolishing the patriarchy since 1989.” “Misogyny: Look it up. Stamp it out.” “Male-supremacy” “Rape” Ha ha ha ha! My favourite: “When a woman masturbates, a man’s penis falls off.” Ha ha … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Sister Serpents: “Tips for Men #1: Don’t Rape.” Me: “Tips for Judges #1: Stop Letting Rapists Off” especially OPP constable Jason Redmond, suspended with *full* pay for 8 years now because the law says he can’t be fired unless he gets jail time. How happy the Patriarchy must be!

No wonder frac’ers are raping earth dead. New low for self-regulating rape industry, oopsie daisy, I meant legal industry. Lawyer, Dan K. Purdy of Missouri, not disbarred for sexual assaults of six clients (some in open court), gets one year suspension for “egregious and outrageous conduct.” Creepy, like Steve Harper’s Supreme Court of Canada J Russell Brown and lawyer Robert Regular and his lawyers. No wonder self-regulation of lawyers and judges is clung to with quasi-religious fervour like rape religions cling to kids and tax free status

Three dissenting judges would have disbarred him. The disciplinary hearing panel recommended he be disbarred. The judges that did not disbar this creep are sexual assault enablers, and need to be charged for their crimes. That would stop one hell … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on No wonder frac’ers are raping earth dead. New low for self-regulating rape industry, oopsie daisy, I meant legal industry. Lawyer, Dan K. Purdy of Missouri, not disbarred for sexual assaults of six clients (some in open court), gets one year suspension for “egregious and outrageous conduct.” Creepy, like Steve Harper’s Supreme Court of Canada J Russell Brown and lawyer Robert Regular and his lawyers. No wonder self-regulation of lawyers and judges is clung to with quasi-religious fervour like rape religions cling to kids and tax free status

Satan’s Pedophile-enabling Bench: Money hanky panky, gun slugging in court and abusing 6 & 7 year old girls testifying (What else did he do? What do other judges get away with?): W.Va. Supreme Court revokes former circuit Judge David Hummel’s law license.

What surprises me most in this Hummel case is that his law licence was revoked. Wow. Many more bad judges need to be removed from the bench and lawyers disbarred, including in Canada. W.Va. Supreme Court Revokes Former Circuit Judge … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Satan’s Pedophile-enabling Bench: Money hanky panky, gun slugging in court and abusing 6 & 7 year old girls testifying (What else did he do? What do other judges get away with?): W.Va. Supreme Court revokes former circuit Judge David Hummel’s law license.

Jody Vance and Jesse Miller file lawsuit against harasser Richard Sean Oliver after tiny sentence by Caveman Canada’s misogynistic judicial-legal industry

Jody Vance@jodyvance: … The fight to modernize rules and laws around online harassment is the ultimate goal. #justice shouldn’t be this hard. … Having a platform I am mindful of each and every share and step on this journey for … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Jody Vance and Jesse Miller file lawsuit against harasser Richard Sean Oliver after tiny sentence by Caveman Canada’s misogynistic judicial-legal industry

Holy Fracamoley! U.S. Dept of Justice Backs Communities Suing Big Oil

DOJ Backs Communities Suing Big Oil, Reversing Trump-era Position Press Release by Centre for Climate Integrity, March 16, 2023 For the First Time, the Justice Department Sides with Communities Seeking to Hold Major Fossil Fuel Corporations Accountable for Climate Damages … Continue reading

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USA Supreme Court, In 6-3 ruling asserts “only corporations have the right to abortion, if done properly through child health and development issues arising from air pollution”

I have hundreds of posts in draft form. I am struggling to catch up. Injuries done to me when I was being raped (often) as a child causes me difficulty typing and posting. Unknowingly bathing in Encana/Ovintiv’s life-threatening frac water … Continue reading

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Another self regulating legal industry circle jerk: BC’s Law Club does not disbar trust fund fudging lawyer Hong Guo

Law Society of BC fails to disbar lawyer Hong Guo following review, Hong Guo is scheduled to start her one-year suspension on March 8 after the Law Society of BC unsuccessfully argued for her disbarment in relation to various trust … Continue reading

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Finally! More than four years after quitting Ernst vs Encana, Murray Klippenstein (lawyer bencher LSO) stops using me, my image and “environmental protection” case as free advertising for his firm (that he said was destroyed along with his career by working to kill his self regulator’s Statement of Principles)

Why now? To appear honest to get re-elected to the board of Ontario’s LSO? On the main page of his law firm’s website, Mr. Klippenstein used my name, image and case without permission or specifying he quit in 2018, betraying … Continue reading

Posted in Case News, Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Finally! More than four years after quitting Ernst vs Encana, Murray Klippenstein (lawyer bencher LSO) stops using me, my image and “environmental protection” case as free advertising for his firm (that he said was destroyed along with his career by working to kill his self regulator’s Statement of Principles)

Celebrating legal scholar Val Napoleon and National Centre for Indigenous Laws at UVic. BRAVO!

Celebrating the vision and construction of the National Centre for Indigenous Laws by Julie Sloan, March 9, 2023, U Victoria News For more than a decade, Indigenous legal scholars, First Nations and the founders of the world’s-first Indigenous law degree … Continue reading

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Give Canadian youth their day in court! Kids appeal 2020 loss trying to sue Canada over climate inaction where Harper’s Justice Michael D. Manson ruled it’s not for courts to decide. What cave does he (and Harper) live in?

Canada is behind on environmental rights. Will the courts help? Last month, 15 children and youth asked judges to hear their claim to a constitutional right to a livable climate. The federal government wants to stop the case before the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Give Canadian youth their day in court! Kids appeal 2020 loss trying to sue Canada over climate inaction where Harper’s Justice Michael D. Manson ruled it’s not for courts to decide. What cave does he (and Harper) live in?

I flip my middle finger and say “Shame on you!” to the court in the Jody Vance case for disallowing “shame on you” in her victim statement and for their lame sentence. WTF?! Misogyny and enabling abusers of and abusing women by Canada’s legal-judicial industry must stop!

My statement to the court, judge(s), plea dealers and rules writer(s): “What cave do you operate and dwell in?” Thank you Mr. Mason for this vital reporting. Shame on the judge. Shame on the court. Shame on the rules. Shame … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on I flip my middle finger and say “Shame on you!” to the court in the Jody Vance case for disallowing “shame on you” in her victim statement and for their lame sentence. WTF?! Misogyny and enabling abusers of and abusing women by Canada’s legal-judicial industry must stop!

Give the middle finger to most judges!

J.L.Petrie@Jlpetrie64 March 9, 2023: New ABCA Chief Justice Khullar: “The bravery and the commitment it takes for people to stand up and fight for themselves is quite remarkable. It is our business, but you can never underestimate how terrible it … Continue reading

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Lawsuit settles industry’s 2016 methane leak contaminating citizen water wells and Mahomet Aquifer, Illinois’ largest freshwater source. Judge’s order requires four relief wells to try to remove the gas. In Alberta, AER still has not ordered Encana/Ovintiv to fix the company’s illegal fracs into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers 20 years ago.

Illinois AG, Peoples Gas settle lawsuit over 2016 leak that reached Mahomet Aquifer by Mary Schenk, June 29, 2022, The News-Gazette URBANA — A Champaign County judge has approved an agreement between the state of Illinois and People’s Gas Light … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Lawsuit settles industry’s 2016 methane leak contaminating citizen water wells and Mahomet Aquifer, Illinois’ largest freshwater source. Judge’s order requires four relief wells to try to remove the gas. In Alberta, AER still has not ordered Encana/Ovintiv to fix the company’s illegal fracs into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers 20 years ago.

Ontarian white ass, Alberta (ex) Premier Jason Kenney, joins Bennett Jones Law Firm. Ex PM Steve Harper glued his anti rule of law Ontarian white ass to a law firm too (Dentons in Edmonton). How much do firms pay for punted politicians voters reject? No wonder most can’t afford to hire lawyers, legal fees are too high because of exorbitant costs buying used white trash to keep raping religion and corporations happy.

How many Albertans did Kenney and his compliant puppet Dr Deena Hishaw kill or disable via COVID-19? Of course he “joined” a law firm, one that largely serves big oil, notably runaway to the USA illegal aquifer frac’er Encana/Ovintiv. Kenney … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Ontarian white ass, Alberta (ex) Premier Jason Kenney, joins Bennett Jones Law Firm. Ex PM Steve Harper glued his anti rule of law Ontarian white ass to a law firm too (Dentons in Edmonton). How much do firms pay for punted politicians voters reject? No wonder most can’t afford to hire lawyers, legal fees are too high because of exorbitant costs buying used white trash to keep raping religion and corporations happy.

Fucker trucker lawyers, Kieth Wilson, Eva Chipiuk, and Justice Centre for [Con] Freedoms sued by fucker trucker accountant that helped gather money for the occupiers/abusers of residents, health care workers, public health, democracy, businesses, kids, travellers, Canada, decency, etc.

Lawyers representing ‘Freedom Convoy’ organizers sued over negligence claim by Glen McGregor, March 2, 2023, CTV National News An accountant who participated in the “Freedom Convoy” is suing two lawyers who represent other protest organizers, alleging they negligently failed to … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Fucker trucker lawyers, Kieth Wilson, Eva Chipiuk, and Justice Centre for [Con] Freedoms sued by fucker trucker accountant that helped gather money for the occupiers/abusers of residents, health care workers, public health, democracy, businesses, kids, travellers, Canada, decency, etc.

Right to Freedom of Speech? Really? For whom? Rapists and their lawyers? Judicial-political orgies of misogyny scream on.

Her right to speak versus his reputation: how courts around the world are getting this wrong, Speaking out about gender-based violence is a human right, protected not just by the right to freedom of speech, but also the right to … Continue reading

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Dutch Gov’t NAM Exxon Shell Game: Delay Delay Delay Court orders to Pay?

Dutch government, Shell and Exxon ignored Groningen risks for years, inquiry finds by Reuters, February 24, 2023, The Globe and Mail The Dutch government and energy companies Shell SHEL-N -0.86%decrease and Exxon Mobil XOM-N -0.41%decrease ignored the risks of gas … Continue reading

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Caveman Canada: Miscarriage of Justice Review Commission Act (David and Joyce Milgaard’s Law) to help wrongfully imprisoned people get sent back to the same racist misogynistic judicial hell that put them in prison in the first place.

“How quickly will anti Canada, anti rule of law Premier of Alberta, “Dead Eyes” Danielle Smith, write a law to exclude Alberta from this new Miscarriage of Justice Review Commission Act (David and Joyce Milgaard’s Law)? Alberta “Justice” is well … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Caveman Canada: Miscarriage of Justice Review Commission Act (David and Joyce Milgaard’s Law) to help wrongfully imprisoned people get sent back to the same racist misogynistic judicial hell that put them in prison in the first place.

Rape Religion might bankrupt San Diego catholic diocese with $550Million US in settle ‘n gags (that already paid $200Million in 2007 for other rapes) after lifting statute of limitation is followed by 400 lawsuits alleging priests raped kids. Parishioners will need to give more of their life savings into donation plates to keep pedophile priests raping their kids. Why not stop enabling evil and stop attending the catholic church?

Bankruptcy is not a negative, it rewards raping churches and corporations by letting them walk from their crimes, sleazily and secretly hide/transfer rich assets to a new entity to start over fresh, sometimes under a new name/location. Sometimes judges even … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Rape Religion might bankrupt San Diego catholic diocese with $550Million US in settle ‘n gags (that already paid $200Million in 2007 for other rapes) after lifting statute of limitation is followed by 400 lawsuits alleging priests raped kids. Parishioners will need to give more of their life savings into donation plates to keep pedophile priests raping their kids. Why not stop enabling evil and stop attending the catholic church?

Judge rules CP not liable for Lac-Megantic deadly frac’d oil train crash. Status quo wins again. Soon, there will be no ordinary people left for the rich to rape, pillage and murder.

Quebec court says Canadian Pacific Railway not liable in Lac-Mégantic train derailment by Marisela Amador The Canadian Press, December 15, 2022, Global News A Quebec Superior Court judge has found that Canadian Pacific Railway was not liable in the 2013 … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Judge rules CP not liable for Lac-Megantic deadly frac’d oil train crash. Status quo wins again. Soon, there will be no ordinary people left for the rich to rape, pillage and murder.

Long past time to end Rape Religion, start with the pedophile catholic church, most raping thieving violent criminal corporation on earth

The misogynistic raping catholic church has succeeded in taking over the usa supreme court, thanks to parishioners financing and supporting the rich corporation’s priests et al raping their kids, and Trump and his ilk conning the ignorant religious. Mighty evil … Continue reading

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East Palestine Ohio toxic train derailment: Chickens, fish, pets, livestock dying; fallout over much of Ontario and Quebec. Norfolk Southern Railway Co, market value $55 Billion (rejected safety measures), offers residents $5 each for ordered evacuation (or face death) to flee toxic fumes. For the stingy $5, will residents have to sign NDAs (gags) and forfeit their right to sue?

There are many market gardens and orchards in this area of Ontario and Quebec where much of the fallout appears to have headed. Citizens in Ontario are reporting black particles on snow in their yards and headaches and in Montreal, … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on East Palestine Ohio toxic train derailment: Chickens, fish, pets, livestock dying; fallout over much of Ontario and Quebec. Norfolk Southern Railway Co, market value $55 Billion (rejected safety measures), offers residents $5 each for ordered evacuation (or face death) to flee toxic fumes. For the stingy $5, will residents have to sign NDAs (gags) and forfeit their right to sue?

Lawyer proves – without going to court – “guns do kill people” and “you can’t fix stupid.”

QENNY 2023@AKBrews Feb 10, 2023: This lawyer died from being shot when an MRI machine triggered his gun. This is darwin awards material. I bet he thought he was getting away with something by keeping it hidden on him. Lawyer … Continue reading

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Critical Race Theory by Jonathan Raymond Harris. “We only know what we are taught.”

Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis: If Black kids are old enough to experience racism, white kids are old enough to read about it. Critical Race Theory prints available to purchase on Jonathan Harris’ website. ‘This Painting Could Be the Future’: Artist … Continue reading

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