T. Ryan Gregory is too funny, too brilliant! So many full grown humans are scaredy cats. How many “True North Declaration” lawyers and past directors of LSO (self regulator of lawyers) are afraid of jabs, masks, pronouns?

T. Ryan Gregory June 7, 2023:

Before the I started talking about pandemic stuff on Twitter, I had no idea that so many full grown humans were so scared of mythological creatures, masks, and pronouns in bios.

And many of those scaredy cats are Canadian lawyers, including previously on the Board of their self regulator, the LSO.

Thankfully all or most were voted out in their recent board election, showing to my stunned amazement – there remains some intact brain power in Ontario’s legal industry.

DPR IAN – Scaredy Cat

An excellent succinct summary below (I’ve been reading and archiving the last LSO Board’s shit for years, most of it too childish and disgusting for me to post; I might when my bile subsides, if it subsides):

Why I am not running again in the Law Society of Ontario bencher election, Fixing voter apathy and governance need to be the top priority by By Joseph Groia, 31 Mar 2023, Canadian Lawyer

The most important election in the history of the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Law Society of Ontario is now underway. I will not be running in it.

Instead, I will work hard to at least double the number of lawyers voting and help elect many new benchers. 31 out of 40 incumbent elected benchers are running again; 19 are holdovers from the “StopSop” party, most of whom now belong to the “FullStop” party or the DeadEnd party as I call it. 10 other incumbents are running for the Good Governance Coalition. They claim they will disband if elected. Very strange.

Two incumbents are running as independents.

The profession’s goal in this election should be to vote out at least 16 incumbent benchers and elect at least 25 new ones. This will not be an easy task, as the history of the LSO teaches us that incumbents are usually re-elected. Nevertheless, I gave up my seat to a new bencher to show my commitment to this cause.

My conscience has been telling me for some time now that I needed to continue to work to increase the number of lawyers who vote in the election rather than trying to run for re-election myself. During my years as an independent bencher, I have pointed out the many errors in corporate governance at the LSO, most notably the terrible mistake in passing the statement of principles [SOP] and the refusal to accept my proposed conscientious objection amendment to it. As is often said, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We have only barely survived the 4-year storm that followed. Do not be fooled, however, by those candidates who are now fearmongering and wanting to re-fight the 2019 election again. The SOP is dead, and it’s never coming back to life.

This election needs to be about new issues; voter apathy, the waste of a valuable financial asset in LAWPRO, the continuation of articling when it has become discriminatory, the proposed gutting of critical LSO support services and questions of integrity. Last year I was asked to deal with some instances of serious bencher misconduct. I was unsuccessful. As a result, I lost most of my trust in corporate governance at the LSO today.

Alberta’s frac’d courts and the lying supreme court of Canada, cumulatively with the LSO’s vile bullshit and bullying 5 year old lawyers on the board, destroyed my trust in Canada’s legal/judicial industry. (I call it an industry because professionals do not behave the way I saw judges and lawyers behave.)

I doubt anything will rebuild my trust or respect in “the law” or the cats that piss in it.

Canada has serious problems with law-violating oil, gas, frac and coal companies and a legal-judicial industry in dire need of clean-up from coast to coast to coast. Of course self regulation does not work, that’s why polluting companies (fast destroying livability on earth) and their servants – lawyers and judges, are self regulated.

Just how many Canadian lawyers are rapists FFS? And how many of their peers know it, and say nothing?

The secretive drunken “creepy” Justice Russell Brown situation is the cherry on LSO Board’s icing. One big happy creepy family.

I learned to have zero trust in the self regulation of the oil gas and frac industry; I learned to have zero trust in Canada’s patriarchal patronizing Judicial Council (self regulator of judges); I learned to have zero trust in lawyers regulating themselves or their condescending self regulators (as bad and harmful as AER, one of the world’s most evil). How the hell do I get a fair review by LSO of my complaint against my quitting lying lead lawyer Murray Klippenstein while he was on the board of LSO, his self regulator? Ya, impossible.

Lawyers have proven they are incapable of self regulation. We have lawyers that lie, abuse and bankrupt their clients’ finances and futures, and judges that intentionally publish lies in rulings to shame and denigrate litigants. What the fuck?

What I witnessed over the last five years at the LSO is more disgusting than the unlawful treatment I was cumulatively subjected to by AER (the oil industry’s self regulator in Alberta, led by ex Encana VPs!), the Alberta gov’t, Encana and my own lawyers, notably lying quitting bully extraordinaire Klippenstein (thankfully not reelected to the board of the LSO – such a piece of scaredy cat shit has no business being on the board of his self regulator).

Much more needs to be said about what goes on behind closed doors at the LSO. I hope to say as much as probity will allow.Good! I look forward to learning more. I also hope that some other benchers will speak up. I doubt they will. What I learned trying to do my lawsuit and what I find most repulsive about lawyers and judges is how they cover for bad lawyers/judges and try to gag harmed citizens. It’s a club loaded with secrets, lies, too much privilege, enormous power and bigger egos, and little humanity or humility, as they pat us on the head. A club filled with too many ass jerks unwilling to do the right thing, or stand up for truth and the public interest. When the public interest, my case and I needed my lawyers the most, they were too chicken, telling me their futures were too important. WTF! I hear judges say that too – to convicted rapists when they set them free on sentencing day. What of the futures of the raped? Citizens and our environment harmed by dreadful lawyers and judges? What of the futures of kids raped by their parent’s lawyers?However, I know that if I were to run again, it would have resulted in my deeply held concerns being dismissed as “politics” by those benchers who, in my view, should not be re-elected. I hope to shine a light on some serious LSO governance problems and add to the profession’s best and maybe last chance for wholesale change.

I also concluded that it was time to end my unhappy relationship with the LSO. It has been at the centre of my personal and professional life for the last 22 years; 8 years under its surveillance while I conducted the successful defence of the late John Felderhof in the Bre-X Minerals Ltd case and another nine years while being prosecuted for how I conducted that defence. Only in the Supreme Court of Canada was I acquitted of the LSUC’s charges of alleged incivility. Finally, I have now spent eight difficult years as a bencher.

During this last term, dealing with the impact of COVID on LSO finances and with the misconduct of a few members of Convocation was exhausting. Sadly, some incumbent benchers running again are not, in my respectful view, fit and proper to serve as benchers. Sometimes, they see their job as hurling angry comments at those they accuse of “wokeism.”

In other cases, they engage, with impunity, in conduct that falls far below the standards of honesty and integrity that the profession is entitled to expect from benchers. The terrible and sad irony for me is that this conduct is what passes for leadership and civility at the LSO in 2023. It is neither.

Seeing what goes on behind the LSO’s closed doors has been hard on my soul. I am not good at keeping secrets about things that should be disclosed to the profession, especially when they are so important. Questions of honesty and integrity need to be at the forefront of this campaign. Do not cast 36 or 40 votes for any party based on their slogans. Only vote for those candidates that you know you can trust.

I hope our new bench will have the moral courage and the wisdom to tackle the complex issues it will face in cleaning up the sad situation at the LSO and that it will act with the leadership, civility, and respect now missing at Convocation. I hope that it will follow the policy of transparency that is in our by-laws but is not in our practice. If my experience as a bencher and my 17-year fight with the LSO has taught me anything, it is this: We need to elect as many new benchers as we can who have independence of thought, the moral courage to stand up for what is right, and the wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong.

Some benchers and the LSO have lost their moral compass. The profession needs to clean the Convocation house. The cherished and essential right of self-governance of the profession is at the beginning of its end if we do not make the right choices in this watershed election. Please get out and vote wisely.

Refer also to:

“If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat….” No wonder it’s nearly impossible to find a law firm willing to sue Encana for its crimes. Bennet Jones law firm (serves Encana/Ovintiv) with note to then CEO Gwyn Mogan, gives $70,000 (largest single donation any law firm had ever given to a political party) to Alliance Party of Canada after getting $400,000 “windfall” defending Stockwell Day: A fundraiser, a Lawsuit and a Questionable Contribution

The Free North Declaration, Canada is supposed to be a free country governed by the rule of law. Restore it now or risk losing it for good.

651 lawyers signed this declaration (how many have brain damage from COVID? Cumulative brain damage from reinfections?). The list of lawyers that signed, including 172 too cowardly to include their names, is copied below.

This declaration against health protections is one of the stupidest things I’ve read (as stupid as Alberta lawyer John Carpay hiring a spy to follow the judge hearing one of his cases). It’s harmful to the public interest, public health and the public.

Since when did lawyers become (very bad) immunologists and medical doctors?

From the declaration:

“People who have recovered from Covid and therefore have natural immunity….”

How many innocent Canadians were killed, sickened, and or permanently brain-damaged by this lawyer-created disinformation? SARSCoV2 is proving to be a virus of vast mutations and causing many harms. There are now over 1,100 variants of Omicron with many people, including kids, reinfected, risking long COVID, brain damage, immune system harm, stroke, heart attacks, diabetes, and more, or death, with each infection. The virus is clearly much more harmful than the vaccines, mRNA or Novavax, even in asymptomatic or mild cases and even to kids under 12.

Study: SARS-CoV-2 reinfection: Adding insult to dysfunctional endothelium in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

Both the first infection and reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 increase cardiac event risk, particularly in vulnerable patients with cardiovascular risk factors and the accompanying systemic endothelial dysfunction”

My ex lead lawyer Murray Klippenstein signed this declaration. Scheesch, what box did I hire and sacrifice my life-long savings to? He’s a heavy smoker, which makes him particularly vulnerable to harm by SARSCoV2 (including erectile dysfunction).

Who are these Canadian anti-health protection lawyers serving?

Our poor abused health care workers. No wonder health care is imploding across Canada.

Over 600 lawyers signed (479 with their names; 172 scaredy cats anonymously as Jane or John Doe) this brain rot spewing “freedom” to divide and conquer like Hitler did. Their declaration is dated 2021, before the fucker truckers invaded Ottawa and elsewhere, with many breaking the law. Did these lawyers feed rage and disinformation to the insurrectionists (many pretending to be truckers) that tried to overthrow our democratically elected gov’t and abused kids, health care workers, small business workers/owners (and me), just for wearing masks, trying to protect public health and the vulnerable?

I’ve never been impressed with the thinking of lawyers (many drink too much alcohol, including working drunk in court, and have distorted cognitive function). Lawyers are excellent at memorizing, copying and toeing-the-line, and know well how to lie and break the law (better than the rest of us), but to think critically, clearly and courageously, especially when it comes to the public interest and others – pfffft, seems a rarity.

I think these “freedom” propagandizing lawyers need to retract their disinformation, apologize publicly for putting Canadians’ health and public health care at risk and watch the interview below with Prof Yazi Ke.


“COVID-19 can fuse brain cells together according to a new study and could explain symptoms associated with those suffering long COVID such as brain fog, headaches, loss of taste and smell.”




Lawyer Signatories 479

Bruce Pardy

LLB, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Executive Director, Rights Probe and Professor of Law, Queen’s University.

Lisa Bildy

JD, BA, of the Ontario Bar, Libertas Law, London, Ontario.

W. Christopher Nunn

BA (Hons), LLB, of the Ontario Bar (Simcoe, Ontario).

Stephen J.W. Penney

JD, MA, of the Ontario Bar.

Michael Menear

LLB, of the Ontario Bar (London, Ontario).

James S. M. Kitchen

BA (Hon), JD, of the Alberta Bar, Barrister & Solicitor and Chief Litigator, Liberty Coalition Canada.

Karen Selick

LLB, retired lawyer, Ontario.

Rudi Taylor

LLB, of the Ontario Bar.

Derek From

BRS, BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Barrister & Solicitor.

Jorge Pineda

BA, MA, JD, of the Ontario Bar and Law Society of Ontario Bencher.

Ryan Alford

BA, MA, MSt, JD, LLD, Bencher of the Law Society of Ontario, Professor, Bora Laskin Faculty of Law, Lakehead University.

Doris E. Reimer

JD, of the Alberta Bar.

Murray KlippensteinNow I understand why Klippenstein told me in 2007, when he took on my case, “science will lose my lawsuit, the law will win it.” It made no sense to me then, but now it does. I feel sick about how horridly I was conned.

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Law Society of Ontario Bencher.

Alexander D. Wilkes

LLB (Hon), of the Ontario Bar and Law Society of Ontario Bencher.

Brian D. Heck

retired lawyer, Alberta.

Joseph Chiummiento

BA, BSW, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Law Society of Ontario Regional Bencher, Central East.

Michael J. Pollard

BA, LLB, of the Alberta Bar (Twin River Law, Lethbridge, Alberta).

Cecil Lyon

Father, Lawyer, Mediator, Arbitrator, Law Society of Ontario Bencher and Honoured Fellow, Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution.

Scott Marshall

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Law Society of Ontario Bencher, Central West Region.

Cheryl Lean

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Law Society of Ontario Bencher.

Gary D. Graham

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar and Bencher of the Law Society of Ontario.

Daphne Williamson

LLB, Constitutional rights consultant with Canadian Rights Watch and member of the NS Bar.

Daniel Harder

BA (Hon), LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Didsbury, Alberta.

Jennifer Lynn Richards

BA (Hons), JD, of the Ontario Bar, Windsor, Ontario.

Jean-Jacques Desgranges

BA, BEd, LLD, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Patricia Armstrong

BA, LLB / BCL, Toronto, Ontario.

Walter Fox

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Philip Friedlan

B.Sc, BCL, JD, MBA, of the Ontario Bar, Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Grant Brown

DPhil (Oxon), LL.B., non-practicing, Stratford, Ontario.

Adam Blake-Gallipeau

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Wingham, Ontario.

Mark MacDonald

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Carpay

BA, LLB, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Calgary, Alberta.

Shelley Hulko

BA, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Carolina Recinos

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Chatsworth, Ontario.

Ryan Smith

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Oakville, Ontario.

D. Jared Brown

Brown Litigation, Law Society of Ontario Bencher, Toronto, Ontario.

Kora Paciorek

LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Donald Wilson

LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, New Westminster, British Columbia.

Keith Wilson

QC, LLB, BA, Wilson Law Office, Edmonton, Alberta.

Erika Traub

of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Paula Luis

LLB, of the Quebec Bar, Montréal, Québec.

Joseph Horrigan

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Peterborough, Ontario.

Thomas Byrne

B.A., LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Kemptville, Ontario.

Thomas Mann

BComm, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Cochrane, Ontario.

David Avren

B.Com., LL.B., LL.M., of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

John Venneri

B.A., LL.B. of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Geoff Ritchie

BA, JD, LL.M, ICD.D, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Louis Olivier Fontaine

B. Sc. Arch., LL. B., of the Quebec Bar, Montréal, Québec.

Kirk Rintoul

B.A., J.D., LL.M, Professor of Law, Humber College, Vaughan, Ontario.

Colleen Nicholls

LLB, of the Alberta Bar (non-practising), Trochu, Alberta.

Derek Sloan

BA, JD, former Member of Parliament, leader True North Party of Canada, Belleville, Ontario.

Adam Friedlan

A.B., J.D., LL.M., of the Ontario Bar, Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Jeffrey Paquin

LLB, Retired member of the BC Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Steven Leach

LLM, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Ryan Filson

LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Grace Pang

LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, St. Catharines, Ontario.

Timothy Pusztai

B .A., Hons., M.A., LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

Stephen Boyce

LLB, of the Nova Scotia Bar, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Tim Turple

B.A. L.L.B., of the Saskatchewan Bar, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Andre Memauri

BA, JD, Justice Centre For Constitutional Freedoms, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Rebecca Coyne

JD, of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Jordana Talsky

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

James Manson

LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Karsten Erzinger

BBA, JD, of the BC Bar, Penticton, British Columbia.

James Tausendfreund

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Elizabeth Nash

B.A., J.D., M.B.A, Retired lawyer, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Eva van Loon

BA, PDEd, LLB, MA, Retired from BC and Yukon Bar, Powell River, British Columbia.

Catherine Greenall

BComm, LLB, Retired Lawyer of the BC Bar, Burnaby, British Columbia.

Philip Jones

Retired Lawyer of the Ontario Bar, Brantford, Ontario.

Gerald Heinrichs

B.A., LL. B., of the Saskatchewan Bar, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Stavroula Nikolakakos

BA(Hons), MA, LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Oakville, Ontario.

Deborah Holbrook

J.D., B. Ed., Hon. B.A., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Motek Sherman

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jordan Derpak

BA, JD, of the Saskatchewan Bar, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Eli Jakubovic

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

David Levy

LLB, Levy & Associates, Toronto, Ontario.

Greg Kanargelidis

B.COM, LL.B., LL.M., of the Ontario Bar, Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Shahdin Farsai

of the British Columbia Bar, Kelowna, British Columbia.

Sean Oostdyk

B.A., J.D., of the Ontario Bar, Burlington, Ontario.

Daria Chyc

JD, BA, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Stanley Foo

BA, MA, LLB., Stanley Foo Law Corporation, Vancouver, BC.

Latoya Farrell

BA, JD, of the BC Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tony Vacca

of the Alberta & Ontario Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Timothy Fedy

Fedy Law, Waterloo, Ontario.

Michael Murray

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Wesley Mussio

BSF, LLB, RPF, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

William Slater

B.A.(Hons.), LL.B., of the British Columbia Bar, Surrey, British Columbia.

Olga Young

LLB, of the Ontario and Nova Scotia Bar, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Jordan Watson

J.D., of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Andrew Bird

JD, LLM, of the British Columbia Bar, Cranbrook, British Columbia.

Debora De Thomasis

LLB, of the Québec Bar, Laval, Québec.

Nicole Lawson

B.A.(Hons), LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Lawyers Stand Up, Peterborough, Ontario.

Nicolle Snow

BA, LLB, of the Nova Scotia Bar, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Antoine d’Ailly

BA (Hons), J.D., J.D, of the Ontario and Michigan Bar, Windsor, Ontario.

Kimberly Rule

BA, LLB, LLM, of the Ontario and British Columbia Bar, Kelowna, British Columbia.

Jeff Sharpe

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Tabitha Ewert

of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Gord Kettyle

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Katya Permiakova

MSc, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Christina Lazier

B.A. Hon., LL.B , of the Nova Scotia Bar, Falmouth, Nova Scotia.

Allison Pejovic

BA, LLB, LLM, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Jennifer Kravis

LL.B, BA, of the Ontario Bar, Oakville, Ontario.

Clint Harcourt

LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Langley, British Columbia.

Alejandro Jaramillo

BA,JD,LL.L, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Ravi Jadusingh

BSc, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Kerry Croft

JD, B.Sc. Psych, of the Alberta Bar, Sherwood Park, Alberta.

Peter Collins

LLB, Retired Lawyer, Calgary, Alberta.

John R. Lisowski

B.A.(Hons.), LLB, of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Kevin McHugh

BA, MA, LLB, Retired Lawyer, Kitchener, Ontario.

Pierre Cadoret

BA, LLB, MA, M.Div, retired member of the Quebec Bar, Montreal, Québec.

Jim Heller

J.D., of the British Columbia Bar, Victoria, British Columbia.

Charlene Le Beau

BA, JD, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Michael Alexander

MA, JD, LLM, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Toronto, Ontario.

Alison Steeves

MA, JD, of the Nova Scotia Bar, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

John Dunn

BA (Hons.), LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Peterborough, Ontario.

Marty Moore

JD, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Calgary, Alberta.

Richard Garrett

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Jay Cameron

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Marie Aziz

BSc., LL.B., of the Ontario and Quebec Bar, Oakville, Ontario.

Orton Minor

BA, LLB, TEP, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Simon Duchaine

LLL, DDN, Chambre des notaires du Québec, Gatineau, Québec.

Myriam Bohemier

BCL and LLB, Accredited Mediator, Brossard, Quebec.

Michael Hennessy

JD, MBA, of the Ontario Bar, Sudbury, Ontario.

Marc S. Champagne

BA, BCL, LLB, of the Quebec and Ontario Bar, Montreal, Québec.

Douglas Younger

BA, M.Sc (Econ), LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Andrej Litvinjenko

JD (cum laude), MA (Economics), MA (Political Science), H BA, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Banu Ozlem Unal

BBA, MBA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

James Rumball

B.A.(hon), LL.B., LL.M, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Joyce Weinman

Weinman Arnold LLP, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Norm Groleau

B.A, LL.B, of the Ontario Bar, Windsor, Ontario.

Greg Piasetzki

Hons B.Sc., LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Greg Guzik

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

Andrew Hitchcock

B.A., LL.B, of the Saskatchewan Bar, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Mario Naccarato

LL.B.,LL.M.,LL.D., of the Québec Bar.

Jonah Arnold

BHK, LLB, health lawyer, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Mark Arnold

LL.B., LL.M., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Daniel Thompson

Thompson Law Office, of the Ontario Bar, Brighton, Ontario.

Elli Rosenberg

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Trevor Parry

M.A. LL.B LL.M (Tax) CLU TEP, Bencher, of the Ontario Bar, Ancaster, Ontario.

William West

BHSc (Heath Sciences), JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Peter Gouda

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

David Rosati

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Stefanie Pereira

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Michael Swinwood

Elders Without Borders, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Julian van der Walle

LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Vernon, British Columbia.

John Christian

B.Com, LL.B, of the British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Christopher Konrad

BASC, JD, of the British Columbia Bar, White Rock, British Columbia.

Corina Bachmann

Bachmann Personal Injury Law, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Craig McTavish

BA, JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Port Moody, British Columbia.

David Baker

LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Pamela-Jane Taylor

JD, MBA, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Sheldon Wood

B.A., LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Josh Cheifetz

BESc, HBA, JD, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Windsor, Ontario.

Don Martin

B.A. LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Union Bay, British Columbia.

Sarah Cherry

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Kenneth Post

BA, MA, LLB, PhD, of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Jared Faber

BA, Juris Doctor, of the British Columbia Bar, Victoria, British Columbia.

Kyle Cameron

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Simcoe, Ontario.

Pierre Guindon

LLB, Retired Lawyer, St. Andrews, Ontario.

Dallas Brodie

BA LLB, Retired Lawyer, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Richard Baker

Retired Lawyer, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.

William Hawley

LLB, Retired Lawyer, Calgary, Alberta.

Brent Swanick

LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Benjamin Ferrie

BComm, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Christopher Bruce

BComm, LLB, MBA, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Keith Sabey

LLB JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Kelowna, British Columbia.

Kevin Scott

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

A. Carson Rehn

JD, MA, of the New Brunswick Bar, Saint John, New Brunswick.

Peter Liston

Ph.D. (Virology), JD, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Martin Schulz

Martin G Schulz & Associates, of the Alberta, B.C & NWT Bar, Alberta

Chris Skelton

LL.B., of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Benjamin Meadow

JD, LLM,CL, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Gwendolyn Adrian

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Mariana Bracic

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Oakville, Ontario.

Damián López

B.Com, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Louis Béliveau

B.C.L./LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Robert Weiss

LLB of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Alan Honner

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Megen Zelinka. BA

JD. of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Evgene Jakubov

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Marty Gobin

BSLS, LLB, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Oshawa, Ontario.

Alexander MacKenzie

BA Hon., LLB (now JD), of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

David Anber

LLB, LLL, BA, of the Ontario and Quebec Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Michaele DelZotto

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Caitlin S. Green

B.PR, LL.B, of the New Brunswick Bar, Noonan, New Brunswick.

Todd Munday

B.A. LL.B, of the Alberta and Saskatchewan Bar, Bonnyville, Alberta.

Richard Sage

BA(Hon). LLB, MLS, Retired Lawyer, Toronto, Ontario.

Nancy Brooks

BSc (Hons), LLB, Retired Lawyer, Ottawa, Ontario.

John Ryder-Burbidge

Retired Lawyer, Kingston, Ontario.

Jessica Medina

of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Angeli Swinamer

BA JD, of the Nova Scotia Bar, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia.

Sean Daley

LLB, of the Ontario Bar (non-practicing), Woodbridge, Ontario.

Daniel Tangjerd

BA, LLB, of the Saskatchewan Bar, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Cynthia Emond

Avocate et médiatrice familiale, of the Quebec Bar, Prevost, Québec.

William Desrochers

of the Quebec Bar, Gatineau, Québec.

Heather Caswell

BCL, LLB, BA, of the Alberta Bar, Kronberg, Hessen, Germany.

Barry Bussey

BA, LLB, MA, LLM, MPACS, PhD, of the Ontario Bar, Roseneath, Ontario.

Chantal Roy

of the Quebec Bar, Québec.

Debbie Kay

B.MUS, B.ED, M.ED, LLB, LLM, of the Alberta Bar, Stony Plain, Alberta.

Pierre Blais

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Edmonton, Alberta.

Mary MacGregor

B.Sc (Agr), LLB, QC, of the British Columbia Bar, Kamloops, British Columbia.

Sunil Joneja

BA, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Michael Connell

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Chantale Collard

Avocate, of the Quebec Bar, Québec.

Kevin Senn

MA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Aline Avanessy

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Faye Sonier

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Albertos Polizogopoulos

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

John Wilson

B.Mgt, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Frank Bueti

LLB, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Laurie Gordon

B.Comm, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Nanton, Alberta.

Helen Brooks

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Whitby, Ontario.

Andrew Clark

LL.B., of the New Brunswick Bar, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Andrew Marshall

BA, LLB, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Kirk Wirsig

BA, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Surrey, British Columbia.

Daphne Tsang

BA, LLB, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Markham, Ontario.

Janice Vincent

BA (Hons), LLB, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Elliot Bridgewater

BA, MA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Water Valley, Alberta.

Lee Turner

LLP, B.A., L.L.B., of the British Columbia Bar, Kelowna, British Columbia.

Jessica Bortnick

B. Comm, LL.B., of the Alberta Bar, Edmonton, Alberta.

Jennette Vopicka

BA LLB, of the Alberta and British Columbia Bar, Kelowna, British Columbia.

Frank Boscariol

BA, LL.B, Retired Lawyer, Markham, Ontario.

Marlene Herdman

B.A. Dip. Ed. LLB, Retired lawyer, Calgary, Alberta.

Philip Carson

PhD Chemistry, LLB, Retired Lawyer, Calgary, Alberta.

Carol Dakai

BA, LLB, of the Nova Scotia Bar, Albert Bridge, Nova Scotia.

Jaclyn Giffen

JD, MA, of the Ontario Bar, Kawartha Lakes, Ontario.

Douglas Treilhard

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Ian MacInnis

B.Com, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Cristina Nedelcu

of the Quebec Bar, Laval, Québec.

Angus McNeil

Hons B.Sc, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Lindsay, Ontario.

John Ormston

BBA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

James Inglis

BBA, of the Ontario Bar, Brampton, Ontario.

Elizabeth Bayliff

BA, LLB, retired member of the British Columbia Bar, Williams Lake, British Columbia.

John Kaldas

BA (Hons), LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Dan Mayo

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Carp, Ontario.

Geoff Cauchi

of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

Calvin Chan

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Peterborough, Ontario.

Ariadni Athanassiadis

B.Sc, M.Sc, LLB, BCL, MA, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Ron Miles

BComm, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Cranbrook, British Columbia.

Brian Farmer

BA, LLB, retired member of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Ronald McCloskey

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Kevin McGuinness

LLB, LLM, SJD, retired member of the Ontario Bar, Stoney Creek, Ontario.

Thomas Hart

LLB, retired member of the Nova Scotia Bar, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Paul Reed

LLB, LLM, of the Quebec Bar, Sherbrooke, Québec.

Roger Fisher

BA, MA, PhD, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Carolyn Janusz

LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Kamloops, British Columbia.

Nozomi Smith

JD, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Oakville, Ontario.

Jillian Harker

B.Sc. (Hons), LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Thomas Ostrowerka

BComm, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Michelle Davis

Bsc, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Alina Silvestrovici Paun

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

Lorraine Roche

LLM, of the British Columbia Bar, Victoria, British Columbia.

Maureen Fitzgerald

BComm, JD, LLM, PhD, retired from the Ontario and BC Bar, Courteney, British Columbia.

Jeffrey White

BA, LL.B., MBA, retired member of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Mark Hargrave

B.A. (Honours), M.H.A, LL.B, of the British Columbia Bar, Abbotsford, British Columbia.

Sean Robichaud

LL.B, LL.M, C.S., Robichaud Law, Toronto, Ontario.

Lorenzo Oss-Cech

BSc, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Victoria, British Columbia.

Raylene Rosenau

JD, of the Alberta Bar, Olds, Alberta.

Robert J. Iverach

BA, LLB, LLM, QC, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John S.

Wakelin Sr., BA (Hon), JD, of the Ontario Bar, Whitby, Ontario.

Jordan Arthur

LL.B., JD, of the Ontario Bar, Cornwall, Ontario.

Sean Aylward

BA, LLB, LLM, retired member of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Andrée Chiasson

LLB, of the Quebec Bar, Montreal, Québec.

Constantin Draghici-Vasilescu

LLB, of the Nova Scotia Bar, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Markus Buchart

BA (Hons. Econ), LLB, MA (Econ), of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

William Lambert

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, North York, Ontario.

Daniel Gilborn

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Richard JN Gilborn

QC, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Valorie Pawson

of the British Columbia Bar, West Vancouver, British Columbia.

Elena V.

Reshetnikova, BA, BCL, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Sikkema

BA, JD, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Brian Scott

HBA, LLB, D.Min, retired member of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Lara Wharton

BScH, JD, Retired Lawyer, Minett, Ontario.

Rosemary T. Walden

LLB, of the Ontario Bar (non-practicing), Bobcaygeon, Ontario.

Jeffrey Lowe

B. Comm, LLB, Lowe & Company, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Howard Milner

B. Sc., L.L.B, Retired Lawyer of the Alberta and B. C. Bar, Campbell River, British Columbia.

Joe Kerr

LL.B., Retired of the Ontario Bar, Saanichton, British Columbia.

Robert Bush

BEd, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Courtenay, British Columbia, Bush.

Delwen Stander

BA, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Chilliwack, British Columbia.

John Eberhard Q.C

BA, LLB, LLD (HC), of the Ontario Bar, Komoka, Ontario.

Curtis McMinn

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Newmarket, Ontario.

Julia Steele

retired lawyer of the Saskatchewan bar, Ottawa Ontario.

Erica Lamont

of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Agnieszka Mijalska

BSc, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Maya Zeltser

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Vaughan, Ontario.

Andrew Loewen

LLB, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Daniel Romano

BCL, LLB, MA, of the Quebec Bar, Montreal, Québec.

Jeremy Mitchell

JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Cranbrook, British Columbia.

Kim Deslandes

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Jesyca Froese

BSc, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Natasa Andelovic

JD, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Regan Christensen

HBA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Cambridge, Ontario.

Joseph P. Hamon

B.A., LL.B, C.S., FMC FDRIO Cert. CFM, of the Ontario Bar, Combermere, Ontario.

Cynthia Murphy

LL.B., of the Alberta Bar and British Columbia Bar, Edmonton, Alberta.

Leslie Smith

B.A., LL.B., Q. Arb., of the Ontario Bar, Oakville, Ontario.

R. Travis Bissett

B.Sc., LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Lethbridge, Alberta.

Rob Kittredge

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Tanner Hinman

BA, JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Revelstoke, British Columbia.

David Wood

LLB, PhD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Chad Williamson

LLB (Hons), of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Scott Bollinger

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Barbara MacLellan

BA, LL.B., of the Nova Scotia Bar, Fall River, Nova Scotia.

Vladimir Zhivov

of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Gordon Kallio

of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Paul Jaffe

of the British Columbia Bar, West Vancouver, British Columbia.

Katherine Kowalchuk

BA, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Ruth Johnson

BA (Hons), JD, of the Ontario Bar, Grey County, Ontario.

Daniel Graham

LLB, LLM, retired member of the British Columbia Bar, Duncan, British Columbia.

James R.W. McNeill

BA, MA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Robert B. Howe

of the Ontario Bar, Barry’s Bay, Ontario.

S. Jordan Bierkos

BPE, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Cheryl Maczko-Chang

LLB, retired member of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Paul Formby

BA, MDiv, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Surrey, British Columbia.

David Cavilla

BA, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Lethbridge, Alberta.

Lorne Welwood

BA, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Abbotsford, British Columbia.

Valerie Suderman

BA, JD, of the Manitoba Bar, Steinbach, Manitoba.

Kassy Baker

JD, BSc, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Stuart Iversen

MA, LLB, MA, of the Quebec Bar, Montreal, Québec.

Thomas Marlay

BA, B.Ed, JD, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Kingston, Ontario.

Rhonda Murray

JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Maple Ridge, British Columbia.

Richard Harlow

BA, LLB, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Vaughan, Ontario.

Wendy Mcgonigal

MBA, LLB, retired member of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Tanya Road

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Stacy Paquin

B.Ed, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Bracken

retired member of the Ontario Bar and British Columbia Bar, London, Ontario.

Kyle Morgan

BA, JD, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Benjamin Ferland

JD, of the Alberta Bar, St.Albert, Alberta.

Amy Secord

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Kawartha Lakes, Ontario.

Hatim Kheir

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Ruth Sutherland

BSc (Hons), LLB, retired member of the Ontario Bar, Puslinch, Ontario.

Tim Mallett

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Edmonton, Alberta.

Steven Osmond

B.Mgt, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Lethbridge, Alberta.

Alec Bildy

LL.B., LL.M. (Cambridge), of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Richard Owens

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

David de Groot

BA, MA, JD (Hons), of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

James Cooper

LLB, MFA, of the Ontario Bar, Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Victor Schappert

BMath, JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Wayne Morrow

BSc, LLB, retired member of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Jordan Overholt

HBSc, JD, of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

K. Daniel

Landry, BA, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Donald Smetheram

B.Com, CPA, CA, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Bryce Geoffrey

BA, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Athens, Ontario.

Dianne Grenier

Hon. BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Welland, Ontario.

George Burger

BA, LLB, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Nadia Irani

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

Tyler McCuaig

LLB, of the Saskatchewan Bar, Bengough, Saskatchewan.

Daniel Halyk

BComm, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Cam Danyluk

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

G. Knia Singh

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Harold Wright

LLB, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Collingwood, Ontario.

Gleb Malinovsky

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Natalia Melnyk

of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Marion Skaja

BCom, BProc, LLB, LLM, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Robin Elliott

JD, MBA, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Georgialee Lang

BA JD FCIArb, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tina Blair

LL.B., J.D., of the Ontario Bar, Town of Saugeen Shores, Ontario.

Natalia Manole

of the Quebec Bar, Montreal, Quebec

Hugo Potts

BA, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, AB

Andrew Slater

Retired member of the Ontario Bar, Sudbury, ON

Jean-François Morin

Retired member of the Quebec Bar, Quebec, QC

Stefania Fortugno

LL.B., LL.M., Retired member of the Saskatchewan Bar, Saskatoon, SK

Andre Schutten

Hon.B.A., LL.B., LL.M., of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, ON

Ken Muys

LLB, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, MB

Susan Kootnekoff

of the Alberta & BC Bar, Kelowna, BC

Gloria Nardi-Bell

of the Ontario Bar, Burlington, ON

Jouman El-Asmar

B.A., L.L.B., of the Quebec and Alberta Bar, Edmonton, AB

Michael Forrester

B.A. (Hons.), L.L.B., of the Ontario Bar, Grand Bend, ON

Randall Oickle

of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, ON

Connor Gamble

JD, BA / of the Ontario and British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

Rod Grierson

JD / of the Ontario Bar / Peterborough, ON

Michael Loberg

of the Alberta Bar / Calgary, AB

Morley Shortt, QC

BCom, LLB / retired of the British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

Iain Benson

PhD, JD, MA(Cambridge), BA (Hons) Professor of Law / of the Ontario Bar (non-practicing) / Victoria, BC

Jonathan Goode

LL.B. / of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Jonathan Keslassy

of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Rhonda Ruston, QC

BA; LLB; former Bencher of the Alberta Bar / Presently of the BC Bar / Kaslo, BC

Samuel Bachand

LL.B., JD / of Québec and Ontario Bar / Boisbriand, QC

Raminder Hayre

B.A, MBA, Juris Doctorate / of the British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

Lisa Anne Miron

B.Sc (Hons), LLB, LLM / of the Ontario Bar / Mississauga, ON

John Woon

retired of the Ontario Bar / Thornbury, ON

Marie-Louise Fast

BA LLB / of the British Columbia Bar / Burnaby, BC

Lauren Jones

B.Soc.Sci. (Hons.) MCA, MA International Law & Human Rights, JD / of the Ontario Bar / Oshawa, ON

Bruce Rosenberg

BSc., LL.B. / of the Ontario Bar / Lions Head, ON

H. Paul Beyer

of the Ontario Bar / Meaford, ON

Denis Grigoras

of the Ontario Bar / London, ON

Gerard Barosan

LLB / of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Robert Ivan Holloway

B.A.(adv.), LLB. / Manitoba and Alberta / Headingley, MB

Kenneth Anderson

Journalism Diploma, BA, LLB. / of the British Columbia Bar / Thornhill, BC

Nawel Hamidi

LL.B., MA, Ph.D candidate (University of Essex, UK.) Member of the Essex Human Rights Center / Québec Bar / Ottawa, ON

Alexandra Kostiw

Hon. BA, MA, LLB (Canada), JD (US) / Ontario (also licensed in Illinois) / Apsley, ON

Phillip Millar

of the Ontario and Alberta Bar / London, ON

Valerie Knafo

Lawyer / of the Quebec Bar / Montreal, QC

Jaime Stephenson

of the Ontario Bar / Erin, ON

Stephen L Ross

of the Ontario Bar (non-active) / Hamilton, ON

Robert Leck

BA, LLB / Retired of the Ontario Bar / Queensville, ON

Helen Carroll

LLB / Retired of the Ontario Bar / Lindsay, ON

Nabil Ben Naoum

LLB / Quebec Bar / Montreal, QC

Donald Lofendale

BA, LLB / retired of the Manitoba Bar / Winnipeg, MB

Holden Rhodes

of the Ontario Bar / London, ON

Elena Dimitrova

of the Quebec Bar / Montreal, QC

Kingsley Laurin

B.A., J.D., LL.M. / of the Ontario Bar / Southampton, ON

Shelley Ferrara

BA, JD / member of Alberta Bar (non-active)

Judy Kennedy

BCL / retired of the Quebec Bar / Granville Ferry, NS

Michelle Morgan-Coole

BA, LLB / of the Nova Scotia Bar / New Minas, NS

Samuel Bachinski

of the Ontario Bar / Thunder Bay, ON

Michael Bond

J.D. / of the Ontario Bar / Barrie, ON

George Atis

of the Ontario Bar / Vaughan, ON

Andrew Morrison-Mighty

LLM / of the Ontario and Saskatchewan Bars / Toronto, ON

Hart de Loi

of the British Columbia Bar / Penticton, BC

Rhonda Elder

of the Alberta Bar / Red Deer, AB

Leighton Grey

BA, LLB, / of the Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia Bars / Cold Lake, AB

Marianne Walters

BA, CPA, LLB / of the British Columbia Bar / Abbotsford, BC

Eric Vandergriendt

B Sc., J.D. / of the British Columbia Bar / Surrey, BC

Robert Grad

BA (Hon), JD / of the Ontario Bar / Concord, ON

Bruce H Wildsmith QC

retired member of the Nova Scotia Bar / Barss Corner, NS

Michelle Kelly

B.Comm, LL.B. / of the Ontario Bar / Guelph, ON

David Kent Macdonald

Bsc (Hons), LLb / retired member of the Nova Scotia / Rhodes Corner, NS

Bruce Baxter

BA, LLB / retired member of the Nova Scotia Bar / Amherst, NS

Krista McKee-Samson

of the Ontario Bar / Metcalfe, ON

Claire Chantal Perez

of the Quebec Bar / Laval, QC

Christopher Robinson

B.A., LLB; / of the Nova Scotia Bar / Halifax, NS

Alyssa Clutterbuck

B.A., B.C.L, LL.B, MPS / of the Ontario Bar / Mississauga, ON

Roman Ivanov

B.C.L., LL.B. / of the Ontario Bar / Mississauga, ON

Lisa Miron

LLB, LLM, hns BSc / of the Ontario Bar / Mississauga, ON

Vanessa Kinnear

of the Nova Scotia Bar / Shubenacadie, NS

Daniel Freiheit

of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Shelley Overwater

BSW, J.D. / of the Manitoba Bar / Morden, MB

Valerie Yap

of Ontario Bar / Brampton, ON

Dane Kostenuk

of the Saskatchewan Bar / Saskatoon, SK

Maureen Webb

retired member British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

Mike Jukic

BA(Hons), LLB / of the British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

Mitchell Crowder

CD, JD, BA (honours) / of the Ontario Bar / Woodstock, ON

Gianluca Gurizzan

of the Ontario Bar / Nobelton, ON

Nicolas Alexandre Sauriol-La Palme

of the Quebec Bar / Montreal, QC

Andra Dumitrescu

Hons. BA, JD, LLM / of the Ontario Bar / Newmarket, ON

Matthew Hack

BA, LLB, LLM / of the Nova Scotia Bar / New Glasgow, NS

Sergei Voronov

of the Quebec Bar / Montreal, QC

Jeffrey R.W. Rath

of the Alberta, Manitoba, NWT Bars / Foothills, AB

David Halkett

of the British Columbia Bar / New Westminster, BC

Laura McPheeters

of the British Columbia Bar / Vernon, BC

Jeff Derman

of the Ontario and Quebec Bars / Toronto, ON

Timothy Thielmann

of the British Columbia Bar (non-practicing) / Victoria, BC

Mike Martin

of the Alberta Bar / Calgary, AB

Johanna McNulty

of the Ontario Bar / St. Catherines, ON

Jason Joseph

J.D., M.B.A. / of the Ontario Bar / Pickering, ON

Barry Seltzer

of the Ontario Bar / Richmond Hill, ON

Hans Mercier

of the Québec Bar / Saint-Georges, PQ

Tom Curry

of the Ontario / Toronto, ON

David Waterhouse

of the Ontario Bar / Oakville, ON

Raymond Wade

of the New Brunswick Bar / Tracadie, NB

Nadezhda Simova

of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Nadia Bérubé

of the New Brunswick Bar / Edmundston, NB

Ryan Prokopishin

BSc, JD / of the British Columbia and Yukon Bars / Vancouver, BC

Frank Alfano

of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Gordon Zittlau

of the Alberta Bar / St Albert, AB

Nicky Brink

BScOT, LLB / of the Alberta Bar / Calgary, AB

Stephanie Heyens

of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Paul Vincent Groarke

LL.B., Ph.D. / of the Alberta Bar / AB

Harmon Hayden

BA, JD / of the British Columbia Bar / Kamloops, BC

Louise Melconian

LL.B. (Hons) / of the British Columbia and Alberta Bars / Vancouver, BC

Melanie Darbyshire

of the Alberta Bar / Calgary, AB

Francois Roy

retired member of the Quebec Bar / Gatineau, PQ

Rosy Rumpal

of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Matt Anderson

of the Alberta Bar / Edmonton, AB

Bruce Halliday

BA., LLB / of the Alberta Bar (inactive) / Calgary, AB

Byron Goertz

JD, BBA / of the British Columbia Bar / New Westminster, BC

Suzanne Anton QC

of the British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

Rick McCurrach

of the British Columbia Bar / Kelowna, BC

Andrea Meyes

of the British Columbia Bar / Kelowna, BC

Kristin Greenough

of the British Columbia and Saskatchewan Bars / Kelowna, BC

Christy Wayne

BSc, LLB / of the British Columbia Bar / Richmond, BC

Kenneth Pazder

BA, LLB / of the British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

Hope Evenden

B.A., LLB. / retired member of the Ontario bar / London, ON

Bernice Farah

of the British Columbia bar / Langley, BC

Gabriel Lemay

of the Quebec Bar/ Montreal, QC

Lindsay Parcells

of the Alberta & British Columbia bars / Calgary, AB

Joan Moffat

B.A., LLB, MBA / retired member of the Alberta bar / Calgary, AB

Darren Russell

LLB / of the Ontario bar / Hamilton, ON

Angela Scarlett

of the Ontario bar / Toronto, ON

Anonymous Signatories 172

Jane Doe

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar, Burlington, Ontario.

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

Jane Doe

of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

JD, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Jane Doe

B. Ed., JD, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

John Doe

B.A, L.L.B, of the NWT Bar, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

Jane Doe

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Spruce Grove, Alberta.

Jane Doe

MSc, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

BCom LLB LLM, of the NS Bar, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Jane Doe

LLB, LLM, of the BC Bar (non-practicing), Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

B.A.A., LLB, of the New Brunswick Bar, Tracadie, New Brunswick.

John Doe

BA, LLL , DDN , LLB, of the Barreau du N.B., Neguac , New Brunswick.

John Doe

B.A., LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

MA, LL.B, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

B.A., LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

J.D., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, London, Ontario.

John Doe

B.A., M.A., B.C.L./LL.B., of the Nova Scotia Bar, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

John Doe

BSc. Microbiology, LLB (JD), of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia

Jane Doe

J.D., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

B.A. (Hons.), J.D., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

B.A., LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

John Doe

JD, BA, BA, of the Ontario and British Columbia Bar, Victoria, British Columbia.

Jane Doe

BA, JD, of the Manitoba Bar, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

John Doe

BSc, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Sherwood Park, Alberta.

Jane Doe

BA(Hon.), LLB of the Ontario Bar (retired), Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

BA, MA, MBA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

B.A.Sc., LL.B., of the Ontario Bar, Hamilton, Ontario.

Jane Doe

MA, LLB, Retired Lawyer, Ottawa, Ontario.

John Doe

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, LL.B, JD, of the Quebec Bar, Montreal, Québec.

John Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

JD, MBA, of the Ontario, Bar, Burlington, Ontario.

John Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

BA (Hons), JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver/Surrey, British Columbia.

Jane Doe

BA, LLB, of the New Brunswick Bar, Drummond, New Brunswick.

Jane Doe

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Rockyview County, Alberta.

John Doe

MSc, JD, of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Bar, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

John Doe

BA, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

BEng, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Kingston, Ontario.

John Doe

LL.B. BCL, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

JD, of the Alberta Bar, Jasper , Alberta.

John Doe

LLB., Retired Lawyer, Edmonton, Alberta.

John Doe

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BSc Engineering, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Newmarket, Ontario.

Jane Doe

LL.L, LL.B, of the Quebec Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BScOT, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Jane Doe

BA, of the Quebec Bar, Rosemere, Québec.

Jane Doe

of the Quebec Bar, Roxton Pond, Québec.

Jane Doe

LLL DDN, Chambre des notaires, Granby, Québec.

Jane Doe

BA, MA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Edmonton, Alberta.

Jane Doe

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, LLB, LLM, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, MA, LLB, of the Nova Scotia Bar, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

John Doe

LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Red Deer, Alberta.

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar and British Columbia Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

BA, JD, of the New Brunswick Bar, Moncton, New Brunswick.

John Doe

B.Comm, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Kitchener, Ontario.

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar, Kleinburg, Ontario.

John Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Kingston, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BSc., MA, LLB, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Jane Doe

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Devon, Alberta.

Jane Doe

JD, of the Alberta Bar, Edmonton, Alberta.

Jane Doe

BAH, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, MA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Oakville, Ontario.

John Doe

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Windsor, Ontario.

John Doe

BA, MA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Embrun, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

LLB, BCL, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Jane Doe

BA, LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Barrie, Ontario.

Jane Doe

LLB, LLM, of the Quebec Bar, Montreal, Québec.

Jane Doe

BA, LLB, C.Dir., of the Ontario Bar, Mississauga, Ontario.

Jane Doe

BA, BCL, JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

John Doe

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, Kingston, Ontario.

John Doe

BSc, BArch, LLB, retired member of the British Columbia Bar and Yukon Bar, Victoria, British Columbia.

John Doe

QC, of the Alberta Bar, Edmonton, Alberta.

Jane Doe

BA, BEd, LLB, Retired Lawyer, Township of Langley, British Columbia.

John Doe

MBA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

BA, BComm, JD, of the Alberta bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

LL.B., Barreau du Québec, Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, Québec.

Jane Doe

JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Kamloops, British Columbia.

Jane Doe

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Thornhill, Ontario.

John Doe

BComm, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

Jane Doe

JD, of the Alberta Bar, Edmonton, Alberta.

John Doe

BA (Hons), JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Delta, British Columbia.

Jane Doe

BA, MA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Brooks, Alberta.

Jane Doe

of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

of the British Columbia Bar, Victoria, British Columbia.

Jane Doe

BA (Hons), JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Nanaimo, British Columbia.

John Doe

B.Sc., JD, of the Ontario Bar, Waterloo, Ontario.

John Doe

BSc, JD, of the British Columbia Bar and Yukon Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

John Doe

LLB, LLM, retired member of the British Columbia Bar, North Vancouver, British Columbia.

Jane Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Windsor, Ontario.

John Doe

LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

Jane Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Ottawa, Ontario.

John Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Etobicoke, Ontario.

John Doe

BA (Hons), LLB, of the Saskatchewan Bar, Regina, Saskatchewan.

John Doe

BA, JD, of the Ontario Bar, St. Catharines, Ontario.

Jane Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

John Doe

BSc., LLB, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

BA, JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

John Doe

BA, JD, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

BSc, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

BA, MA, LLB, of the Alberta Bar, Calgary, Alberta.

John Doe

BA, MBA, JD, CPA, CA, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario.

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario

John Doe

BA, JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Castlegar, BC

John Doe

BA, MBA, LL.B., Retired former Member of British Columbia Bar, Surrey, BC

John Doe

LL.B., of the British Columbia Bar, Vancouver, BC

Jane Doe

JD, of the Ontario Bar, Toronto, Ontario

John Doe

BA, JD, of the British Columbia Bar, Lake Country, BC

Jane Doe

B.Sc., LL.B. (JD), Post-Graduate Certificate from Harvard School of Public Health / former member of BC Bar (non-practicing), Ottawa, ON

John Doe

MA, LLB / Law Society of Alberta / Fort McMurray, AB

Jane Doe

BA (Hons), J.D. / Law Society of Ontario / Toronto, ON

John Doe

BA (Hons), JD / of the British Columbia Bar / Nelson, BC

Jean Doe

Barreau du Québec / Montréal, QC

Jane Doe

JD, MSc / of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Jane Doe

Law Society of British Columbia, Law Society of Alberta / White Rock, BC

John Doe

Retired of the Alberta Bar / Radium Hot Springs, BC

Jane Doe

BSc Biochemistry and JD / Former member of Law Society of BC / Victoria, BC

John Doe

LLB / of the Quebec Bar / Montreal, QC

Jane Doe

of the Alberta Bar / Calgary, AB

John Doe

B.A., B.C.L. / Retired of the Quebec Bar / Côte Saint-Luc, QC

Jane Doe

of the Manitoba Bar / Morden, MB

John Doe

Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Jane Doe

Québec Bar / Brossard, QC

John Doe

LL.M., Ph.D. (ABD) / Ontario Bar / Ottawa, ON

Jane Doe

retired of British Columbia bar / Vancouver, BC

Jane Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Embrun, ON

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Oakville, ON

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Abu Dhabi

John Doe

B.Sc., LL.B, M.P.A. / of the British Columbia Bar / Kamloops, BC

Jane Doe

of the Manitoba Bar / Morden, MB

Jane Doe

of the British Columbia Bar / Victoria, BC

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Jane Doe

BA, JD / non-practising member of the Alberta Bar / Calgary, AB

Jane Doe

BA, JD / of the Alberta Bar (non-practising) / Calgary, AB

John Doe

B.A., J.D. / of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

John Doe

JD / of the British Columbia Bar / Victoria, BC

John Doe

JD / of the British Columbia Bar / Victoria, BC

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Belle River, ON

Jane Doe

of the Quebec and Ontario Bars / Montreal, QC

John Doe

of the Alberta Bar / Edmonton, AB

John Doe

BA, B.C.L., L.L.B. / of the Ontario and Quebec Bars / Burlington, ON

Jane Doe

LLM / of the Manitoba Bar / Winnipeg, MB

John Doe

LL.B., LL.M., B.Sc., M.Sc. / of the Ontario Bar / Ottawa, ON

Jane Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Mississauga, ON

Jane Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Whitby, ON

John Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

John Doe

of the Alberta Bar / Calgary, AB

John Doe

of the Alberta Bar / Edmonton, AB

Jane Doe

of the British Columbia Bar / Victoria, BC

John Doe

B.Sc., LL.B, M.P.A. / formerly of the BC Bar / Kamloops, BC

Jane Doe

of the British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

John Doe

BA, LLB / of the British Columbia Bar / Vancouver, BC

Jane Doe

J.D., MBA, MA / of the Ontario Bar / Ottawa, ON

Jane Doe

BA, JD / of the Ontario Bar / Ottawa, Ontario.

John Doe

B.A., J.D. / of the Ontario Bar / Timmins, ON

Jane Doe

of Ontario Bar / Toronto, ON

Jane Doe

of the Ontario Bar / Brampton, ON

Jane Doe

of the Nova Scotia Bar / Dartmouth, NS

Jane Doe

BA, LLB / retired member of the Ontario Bar / Oakville, ON

© 2021 by Free North Declaration



Thank you Dr. T. Ryan Gregory!

What a delight to read a courageous Canadian in action every day.

I believe many are alive globally, free of SARSCoV2 and not suffering brain damage, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, etc. because of your astounding work and kind care.

I will always remember, in gratitude.

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