Thank You

Nikiforuk: The Brutal Legal Odyssey of Jessica Ernst Comes to an End

Had I known my lawyers were going to quit, I would never have let them set up donations and I would never have accepted any money. My apologies to all.

I will refund any contributor who can prove their donation, including to the lawfirm. There is no deadline.


Many thanks for the wonderful, generous, helpful donations and kind notes of thanks. All are read and enormously appreciated, some posted below and on the Home Page. Donations have come in from Ireland, Belgium, England, Scotland, Australia, New York and Norway; many from Canadians, including wonderful thoughtful treats for my dogs, which they loved.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.

Albert Scweitzer

Living frac’d is horrendous hell. I do not wish it on any bacteria, animal, plant, tree, water, fish or human, except Gwyn Morgan (CEO of Encana when it illegally frac’d my community’s drinking water aquifers, among many other frac crimes and cruel abuses) and Neil McCrank (CEO of the AER when it enabled Encana’s endless crimes, and bullied and threatened me, and violated my charter rights trying to terrify me silent).

2021 12 20 Alberta:

Dear Jessica: Merry Christmas to the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met!

(Sent with a most remarkable gift!)

2021 04 Alberta:

Dear Jessica,

… In my opinion , your Toronto lawyer Intentionally screwed up your case while cashing the gas companies money under the table. Rather then a judge , your own lawyer threw you on under the bus.

Like you , I was made a criminal ( you were slandered as terrorist ), and faced injustice, so I understand things. All because I stood up against a government hero that assaulted me.

It is very hard to find a lawyer to sue the government while being loyal to our case.

Regardless the results in the courts , you did bring awareness into many people and this is not invisible . For such a great effort , you will be compensated in another realm which I believe to be The reality . So, you are building your way out of this degenerated world.

Sincerely , your fan,


Murray Klippenstein and Cory Wanless abruptly quit my lawsuit in August 2018 contrary to law society rules. Klippenstein still refuses to return my files which I need to continue my lawsuit and that he promised in writing to send to me; Wanless could easily send me my files that he has. I paid one hell of a lot of money to the lawfirm for working on and photocopying those files.

I always paid my lawyers in full, without question – even when they inappropriately charged me (a lot) to help a student not in Alberta or living frac’d.

Klippenstein also ignores my correspondence and knows he’s killing my lawsuit, so it remains inappropriate for me to ask for donations (the donation page was removed after they quit).

An Alberta lawyer was recently disbarred for lying: “The code of professional conduct prohibits lawyers from misleading others, either intentionally or accidentally.” Why did all the judges on my case let AER’s lawyer, Glenn Solomon, lie to every level of court?

The nastiest of Solomon’s lies: naming me a terrorist (without any evidence or charges) in his 2012 court filing (apparently to bias judges against me) and that the AER – 100% industry funded and led then by an ex-Encana/Cenovus VP – operates in the public interest when the legislation clearly shows that it doesn’t. 

Solomon’s lies were obvious; he also twisted vital parts of my factum, which the judges let him get away with too.

And why has not one legal authority, not even Jody Wilson-Raybould when she was Attorney General, called out Canada’s Supreme Court judges for intentionally lying in their ruling on my case?

Because the Rule of Law in Canada is the oil & gas industry?


2020 06 30: San Luis Obispo, California:

Oh Jessica, I just want to give you one big hug and say over and over again thank you thank you thank you. You have made a difference. You have been a thorn, a big thorn in the side of oil and a corrupt legal system and politics and yes absolutely the NGO’s. You exposed them. You put them to shame and it is on the record written in stone. And so many are watching you and are afraid to say anything. Your fearless spirit and soul took you to places where no man has gone before.

And Jess omg oil is going down. Going down big time. They are done. However you do it Jess, How ever you can safely and wholehearted embrace their demise do it!!!!! You so deserve it. You earned it. You are part of this reckoning. And all the divine inspiration that got you to this point is here to reward you. Stand by.

There are way more kind, gentle, good souls out there, then bad ones. You were their voice. They couldn’t speak. Didn’t know how and you were an answer to their prayers. You did what needed doing and the cosmos is going to bless you for all that you have done. So much love coming your way Jess. Stand by. Big Hug. Big Big hug.

February 13, 2020, Morningside Alberta:

My partner and I admire you so much…. The oil industry has ravaged Alberta but we seem to be shifting into acceptance that the “pipe dream” is over. You’ve proven that oil companies are above the law. Such a hard won victory for you but what a foot hold for others pursuing claims against oil companies in the future. Dragging the dark into light is the work of giants and you did it!

I hope this finds you in good spirits.
Thank you again for staying the line👏👏👏

Deb Macleod
Rick Wyrozub [Alberta lawyer]

January 28, 2020, Salt Spring Island:

Dear Jessica,

All these (very worthy) causes are asking for donations and I realize hey! it’s time to send something to you. I have to admit, I don’t know your story that well (I must see if I can get a copy of Slickwater somewhere) – but I know it’s important.

And, if ever you were in the Vancouver area & would have time to come here to Salt Spring Island to speak, let me know. …

It’s ridiculous that we have such battles to fight. and, while I’m grateful to know there are people like you willing & able to do this kind of work, I’m so sorry for what it has cost you.

Love & best wishes, Jan

January 27, 2020, Victoria, BC:

Here’s a song that I dedicate to you, since it describes you and your battle for justice, corporate responsibility and clean water. I love you. Love HB

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers – I Won’t Back Down

2019 08 10: Many thanks also to those asking how they can make donations. A vital trust has been violated by Klippenstein: quitting; ignoring correspondence; withholding my website about a year; not returning my files or trust account funds (includes donations sent to the law firm from kind citizens around the world). Under the circumstances, I think it’s inappropriate to ask for donations, so I removed the donate page.

Apologies for my tardiness posting thank-yous for the more recent donations. The information was sent to me late and then during the year I did not have access to my website.

As of January 28, 2020, Donations = $75,089.89

That’s amazing! Thank you all!

(includes $210.00 raised by ACORRDS at Cochrane Frac Conf)

More than $380,000.00 has been spent personally, so far, by Ernst to pay for legal fees/associated expenses (including $35,000 legal fees paid to AER’s dishonest outside counsel, Glenn Solomon, includes costs 5/9 Supreme Court of Canada justices ordered Ernst to pay even though her case is clearly in the public interest). Additionally, Ernst paid for many more costs directly herself relating to the lawsuit and speaking tours, and helping families harmed by frac’ing.


June 22, 2019:

I will forever remember this day. It started out as one of the worst days of my life.

And then, suddenly, a most amazing, soul and heart-lifting thing happened.

Phil, your timing could not have been more perfect; I was weak with astonishment and gratitude for hours. I remain amazed.

Thank you Phil and your Slick Water reading community in Courtenay BC!

June 2018 to July 2019 remains unknown at this time.

2017 – June 2018: 


Canada: Jessica, Please keep fighting. Fracking is disgusting.
Our collective dependence on oil and gas has blinded most people to the cost of extraction and burning. Already we see earthquakes and groundwater contamination yet we go on, crying for cheap gasoline, cheap electricity and the convenience of energy on demand. I admire your perseverance and laud your courage. Karen

NSW, Australia: Hi Jessica, Thank you for your courage & dedication from Sue

Calgary AB (attending ACORRDS Frac Conf):

Cherry Blossom Shadow Box Card © Motoko Kitamura

Dear Jessica, Thank you so much for your words & activities despite brutal malicious attacks. Your courageous activities are the contribution to humanity. 

Nanaimo, BC: I am so sorry about the loss of your case. I heard about it briefly on the CBC (Radio) and a friend to whom I sent your book mailed me a clipping of a Jan. 14, 2017 newspaper (Jim Bronskill, reporter).

My friend commented “Isn’t this typical, I am so disgusted!!”

Are you able to pass on to Andrew Nikiforuk that I found his book informative, well-researched and a valuable environmental tool? Big Business, Big Oil, Big Government, Big Bureaucracies rule. … Best, THANKS for a monumental fight.

Halifax, Nova Scotia: Bravo! Thank you! I’m glad that Andrew and others are dissecting the Supreme Court ruling. … I feel the world (and Canada) is on the edge of a change – people are behind you. … Take heart my dear, you are making a huge difference.

Longview, Alberta: Dear Jessica, I finished “Slick Water” the week before the decision was to come out. I prayed that the sins of man would be exposed for what they are but now fear that some eyes of the court believe, “It is easier to continue to make the error than admit the error”. This quote from page 174 of Judge Reilly’s book…of the dichotomy that exist for the Stony people that he tries to address in the book Bad Medicine. I’m convinced my education does not bring me to any place where I can begin to comment on the complexities of everything that you have endured. I can only say thank you for your courage, strength and conviction to see things through. You have done a great service for all landholders exposing this issue. The way you have been treated by some along the way is hard to describe and I hoped the Supreme Court would address this as wrong. 

… I fear that governments creating immunity clauses creates a dichotomy that landholders are expected to forfeit their wealth in the interest of the economic good of the nation. The responsibility of due diligence with the nature of fracking is passed around government and nobody does anything constructive to address concern except you. I fear the court has failed you and the split decision smells of politics….

There is a premise that denial brings in my mind in my next sentence. The outstanding problem is that a judicial review that Justices’ comment on that they thought would remedy the problem probably would have been denied if it exists. Landowners are left with no remedy.

Maybe split decisions carry a weight that governments are required to do something to redress the problem. If that be true again, thank you. My heart hurts thinking of you and the weight you have carried.

November 2016: 

Edmonton, Alberta: Dear Jessica, Welcome home. That indecision on the part of the [Supreme Court of Canada] should be a hopeful thing — but whichever way it goes, you can’t be penalized for acting in accord with your highest sense of principle, rather, Principle. You know your subject so well, and the moral support and gratitude of thousands for what you’re doing so well, should help outweigh all the negatives, including stresses of speaking or being in the dark about the immediate future. They simply can’t touch you — you’re grounded in a different mental space. 

I like the image of the eagle facing the storm winds and being lifted higher. I think your home is becoming the world, (in a good way ;o)


Art by Myron Angus

I never wanted more than enough money – now more would be nice – your money worries would be over. 

The role you find yourself in can’t overwhelm you. I like this message that came via Jahaziel: “Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)

Lethbridge, Alberta: We continue to admire and respect your efforts. Somehow the Supreme Court does not seem too interested in justice. With the delays & deep pockets of Encana, any notion of fairness is difficult to sense or even imagine. 

Hopefully you are being encouraged by your supporters, of which you have many.


Art by Lyn Snow

September 2016:

Powell River, BC:

I have been wondering about your case since I read Slick Water, and I am going to read it again. It is excellent but pretty “dense” reading – and so POWERFUL! Your amazing lawyers are still representing you I am hoping? Smart people with integrity and thick skin! … Thinking and hoping for you very deeply.

August 2016:

Missouri, USA: 

2016 08 11 Note to Ernst vs Encana legal team from citizen in Missouri on Andrew Nikiforuk's Slick Water and fracing

Canada: You are making history, Jessica.

Alberta: I have been following your fight from a distance and so admire you. In turn, you have inspired me to fight a little bit. My place…is west of Cochrane. … With deep appreciation and gratitude.

2016 08 14 Donation card to Ernst vs Encana, 'I have been following your fight from a distance and so admire you.'

In the fire of love by Lee Shik Kueng. The calligraphy reads: “In the fire of love… you will find tranquility, longevity and prosperity.”

May 2016:

Nanaimo, BC: I ordered two copies of Slick Water! I gave one to a brother…. I have finished reading my copy and am very thankful you have and are fighting such a case. What a woman you are – fighting superhuman odds! Doing what is right indeed. I do hope the ruling comes soon and is positive. [Comment by Ernst vs Encana: If the Supreme Court of Canada rules in Ernst’s favour, she doesn’t win anything, she’s merely sent back to the Alberta courts that denied her rights in the first place to try again to sue the AER for violating her Charter rights, nine years into the lawsuit.]

BC: Hello Jessica,

The book “Slick Water” was chosen by our Book Club to read last month and we just met and discussed it last week. We all agreed that it was definitely the most disturbing book any of us have ever read. I personally found that I could not read it before going to bed, or I was unable to sleep. I went from feeling angry to depressed to scared to helpless as I learned about fracking in general, and your personal story in particular. It seemed all the more real to me in that I have stayed in Rosebud…and I loved the area.

I, too, live in a pristine, small village in BC (on well water)…. I cannot imagine experiencing the horrible reality of your story. Please know that your story is getting out there, and is affecting the lives of people who read about it. I hope it helps you to know that others have been moved by your experience and are wishing you success…. I personally did not know very much about fracking until I read this informative and well researched book…. It made me very scared and worried about the world we are leaving for our grandchildren. Two of our Book Club members, upon reading the book, immediately checked with their financial advisors to make sure they did not have any stock in their portfolio that had anything to do with Encana (they didn’t), as they were prepared to sell them. Two of us decided to contact you and tell you how much we admire what you are doing, to give you encouragement, and to support you with a small donation. What you are doing is amazing and brave beyond words; don’t give up!

With admiration and encouragement,

April 2016: 

Calgary: There has been solicitation of proposals of significant women for consideration to be featured on Canadian money in recognition of their significant contributions to Canadian life and I think you would be a worthy candidate.

Indiana, USA: 

Dear Jessica, I have recently finished “Slick Water”. Reading it, was more exciting than reading a murder mystery. And knowing that this story is real, the [AER] and Encana and Canadian government want money rather than clean water. How can anyone live with themselves and speak just lies. … Thank you for sharing your life and giving hope to so many.

Maple Ridge, BC: 

2016 04 16 Donation note to Ernst vs Encana

February – March 2016:

Edmonton, Alberta:

2016 02 23 Donation note from Edm, Alberta to Ernst vs Encana lawsuit, 'you make my spirit sour, I've started Slick Water from the beginning'

Jessica, you make my spirit soar. I’ve started Slick Water from the Beginning. Betrayal & abuse are not powers. Nor is deceit, even on an industrial scale. In 1901, Mary Baker Eddy wrote: “… rest assured you can never lack God’s outstretched arm so long as you are in His service.” I don’t believe that’s less true in 2016. Thank you, & hugs to you too,

2016 02 23 Donation card from Edm, AB, to Ernst vs Encana lawsuit, Misty waters of Gros Morne, Newfoundland

Misty waters of Gros Morne, Newfoundland

The Canada Chronicles by Matt Jackson

Campbellville, Ontario: I borrowed Slickwater from the library so i thought the least i could do is donate. If you and/or Andrew ever come to southern Ontario i’d love to hear you speak. Thanks for all your hard work.

2016 03 02 shaughnessy cohen prize finalists include books on harper, fracking, climate change

Andrew Nikiforuk for Slick Water among finalists for 2016 Shaughnessy Cohen Prize “awarded to a book of literary non-fiction on a political subject of relevance to Canadians”

2016 03 02 Writer's Trust announceds year's best political books, Shaughnessy-Cohen-Shortlist-2015 includes Andrew Nikiforuk's Slick Water

2016 01 18 Slick Water review posted to London Ontario Public library

Slick Water review posted at London Ontario Public Library Website by Margaret Gagie who also donated to the lawsuit.

Terrace BC: Thank you so much to Jessica and her team, just read Nikiforuk’s excellent book. 

North Vancouver, BC:

2016 03 14 Donation Card for Ernst vs Encana, AER, Alberta government, w frac cartoon

Victoria, BC:2016 03 14 Donation Note for Ernst vs Encana, AER, Alberta government

[No mainstream non-profits have helped Ernst, some have used Ernst’s lawsuit to raise money for themselves. Greensense, a group of committed citizens in Lethbridge, Alberta, offered to fund raise for Ernst and various small groups have donated to help with legal fees and expenses for Ernst’s speaking events when communities asked for her help. Ernst has done the work on her case herself, without help, except from her legal team.]

Nanoose Bay, BC:

2016 03 14 Donation Card for Ernst vs Encana, AER, Alberta government on note paper

February 2016:

Edmonton, Alberta: I skipped to the epilogue [of Slick Water] and was reminded of something I came across recently: “Immortal courage fills the human breast and lights the living way of Life,” — Mary Baker Eddy. To me, that about describes it.

Location unknown, anonymous donor: Please find enclosed…$5,000.00 to help you and the court case.

2016 02 anonymous donation of 5,000

Card with the anonymous donation.

January 2016:

Lethbridge, AB: Soon it will be spring, with butterflies on the wing. Your fortunes will rise, hopefully to the skies. Best wishes on your continuing pursuit of justice.

Pennsylvania, USA: Good luck Jessica from south of the border!

Canada: Keep your head up Jessica. You are a true Warrior.

Cowichan Bay, BC:

2016 01 25 donation note, Ernst vs Encana

Canada: thank you, jessica, for standing up against injustice and
bullies. you are amazing!!!

Vancouver, BC: 

2016 01 14 Donation note, Ernst vs Encana

Canada: I know how hard it is to try and make inroads against the injustices corporations inflict on those they find in the way of their endless need for more at any cost.

Coldstream, BC: Go Jess!

Salmon Arm, BC: Hullo Jessica – I’ve just read Andrew Nikiforuk’s write up in the Tyee on the current progress of your case to the Supreme Court…and want to wish you the very best of success for the hearing…. This is going to be so monumentally important, and so many people will be watching it.

One day, back in the Alberta courts, those responsible will bitterly regret ever thinking they could get away with this.

2016 01 07 Thank You for Jessica Ernst upcoming Supreme Court of Canada hearing, Ernst vs AER

December 2015: 

Edmonton: Will be following the hearing next month. You deserve lots of credit for what you are doing. Wish you lots of grass roots support because you certainly can’t depend on government or business leaders, unfortunately.

Calgary: You are a brave warrior of our time! [We] admire your courage & stamina.

Port au Port/Bay St. George, Newfoundland: In September of 2013 you came to Newfoundland to make a presentation and you inspired hundreds of citizens and empowered us to stand up and fight against the oil and gas industry; our Government; and fellow citizens who were seduced into thinking that with good regulations hydraulic fracturing could bring prosperity to Newfoundland; and there would be jobs, jobs, jobs. You warned us that there was no such thing as “good regulations” and that we should be skeptical of Government regulators and smooth talking frackers who would come in and promise us that everything would be just fine: “We’ve [fracked] over two hundred thousand wells and there has not been one problem with groundwater contamination!”

…we are keeping our ear to the ground and tending the fire  until we regroup in February when Dr Ray Gosine, chair of the NL Hydraulic Fracturing Review Panel, delivers his report.

Thank you so much for all you have done to motive grassroots organizations around the world. We are closely following your legal battle and will be with you in spirit when you walk back into court in the New Year.

You will be pleased to note that six of our Board members have already read Slick Water and we have 12 copies coming in this week. I have also contacted the provincial libraries and asked the chief librarian if extra copies could be put into the libraries in western NL.

Please accept this donation to help you with your legal fees.

Lethbridge, Alberta

2015 12 09 Thank You Jessica

Calgary, Alberta:

2015 Donation note Ernst vs Encana, Merry Christmas, sorry it can't be more

October 2015:

Lethbridge, AB: You’re an inspiration and I thank you for fighting the giant!

Calgary, AB: I have so much respect for your courage, knowledge, and tenacity. … Keep up your important work. It’s for all our benefit.

2015 08 17 Donation Note Ernst vs Encana, seems govt doesn't realize it's protecting the wrong people

September 2015:

Lethridge, AB: You are a brave and courageous woman! God bless you for all you do for humankind.

August 2015: 

2015 08 Donation note, Ernst vs Encana, you are an inspiration, image

2015 08 Donation note, Ernst vs Encana, you are an inspiration

Scarborough, Ontario:

I heard your interview on CBC Radio recently. Thank-you for your courage and endurance also, in fighting for protection of our right to protect drinking water. In the seventies, in a little community in Eastern Ontario (Femleigh), my parents’ well water was contaminated when the highway was “improved”. Their lives changed forever dealing with legal issues, and having to filter their drinking water forever more. It was a constant stressor. So, I can barely imagine the scale of what hydraulic fracturing did to you and other residents and what the continuation of the process is doing to destroy the water supply. I have not been paying much attention to important issues, just dealing with my own problems, small in comparison. However, your informative explanation of the problems was superb and I know that Canadians need to get more active. I am immensely grateful to you for being one to stand up for what is right. Stay strong!

Port Hope Ontario:

This Sunday I listened to “The Sunday Edition” on CBC radio and was appalled to hear of the situation that Jessica Ernst finds herself in with regard to her fight for justice. … I thank you for taking on her case and please convey to her my sincere sympathy that in a supposedly enlightened and lawful country like Canada, she should find herself in such a terrible position. I hope…that justice will eventually prevail.

2015 08 02 Thank you Postcard fr Women for Just & Healthy Planet to CBC Sunday Edition, re Klippenstein & Ernst interview on fracking front

2015 08 02 Thank you Postcard fr Women for Just & Healthy Planet to CBC Sunday Edition, re Klippenstein & Ernst interview on fracking

Coquitlam, BC: Dear Mr. Murray Klippenstein, I heard of you by way of CBC’s The Sunday Edition. Your client, Jessica Ernst is facing enormous obstacles as she fights for justice…. Her story was particularly moving. Many cannot engage in climate crime issues since the problem is so overwhelming. The effect is that many just feel numb. Thus we witness a deafening roar of public outcry over the killing of Cecil the Lion, while countless citizens such as your client face threats far more insidiously harmful and larger in scope, yet we hear next to no peep for justice.

When Jessica shared that a bag of carrots left at her door made a depth of difference to her, I decided to send this tiny drop. I know ten bucks is nothing … I’m older, on a pension, and in many directions do I sent a spot of money to try to help … people, the environment, social justice…. At any rate, maybe she can buy a few loaves of bread or what-have-you. Just let her know her voice is heard and she has support. Give her many, many thanks for what she’s doing. And thanks to you too. Sincerely yours.

High River, Alberta: 

2015 08 04 donation note ernst vs encana, stellar's jay photo by wally bauman, w tremendous respect admiration love

Stellar’s Jay Photocard by Wally Bauman

2015 08 04 donation note, ernst vs encana, w tremendous respect admiration love

Van Anda, BC: We heard about your struggle on CBC radio and want to help a little. Along with this cheque come our prayers for success and a better life. Keep your chin up!

Edmonton, Alberta: Two enormous parcels filled with: cards, food, soaps and fancy toiletries, candles, chocolates, cookies, shawl, dried fruit, teas, hot chocolate and more, and balls, treats and chew bones for Gem (little Jack Russell who needed a home last August and stayed to rescue Ernst).

[We] felt you needed love. … We love you. Keep your spirit high.

Kingston, Ontario: The coverage…on CBC Radio 1…was deeply moving to me. I applaud your courage and your commitment to pursuing justice in this matter. There must be times when you want to give up; but I heard it in your steady voice…that you will refuse to do so.

The enclosed cheque from one retired individual certainly won’t go very far in supporting your efforts; however, I hope you will see it as a sincere contribution toward helping you sustain your determination.

Nanaimo, BC: Dear Jessica Ernst, I just heard the interview with you and your lawyer on the Sunday Edition, C.B.C. Radio today, August 2, 2015. I am quite appalled that the fracking industry has refused to acknowledge your (and others) finding of water pollution..and of the ‘blocks’ you have been fighting. It is quite unbelievable (Bureaucracy, greed, heads in the sand, etc.)

I’m a retired senior (disabled) but I would like you have my small contribution to your costs (of any sort). There is no need to thank me as I’m sure you have your hands full. 

2015 08 02 Donation note ernst vs encana, quite unbelievable, the blocks you have been fighting

Rosebud, Alberta:

Peaches from BC always make my day better. Lots of love

Duncan, BC:2015 08 10 donation note from 91 year old Canadian, Harry will urge NPD to do battle for Ernst

2015 08 10 donation note from 91 year old Canadian, part 2, legally blind

Accompanied by a letter to Ernst:

Dear Jessica Ernst – Aug 2nd [we] listened with total concentration to your interview on CBC 1, Sunday Edition…. We send you our deepest gratitude for your integrity, dedication to your scientific profession, your courage and heart. Keep strong and steady … You are what Canada needs right now – a voice for truth and justice and love for our human condition.

We send you a mere drop and pray you’ve started a tsunami. We pray for you and your lawyer. Love

PS Please excuse writing – losing sight.

Tillsonberg, Ontario: 

2015 08 10 Donation note, wish it coule be more

Edmonton, Alberta: Caught your radio piece on “The Sunday Edition” (CBC Radio One) this past Sunday (02). Quite a tale, and I admire your persistence….

Living where I do, I can’t say I’m against all oil and / or natural gas–at least in the short term–but the planet needs a change on a lot of fronts (won’t bore you with my diatribes here). But I’ve never been a fan of fracking, or, really of carbon capture and storage. Measured change; without the knee-jerk (as we so often seem to be seeing). But change there must be.

Afraid that I couldn’t fit any carrots into the envelope. And, although there are legal fees to be paid, you have to live, too. Thus… use what little that’s here as you see fit.

London, Ontario: Take courage Jessica

Westmount, Quebec: thank you and don’t stop; bon courage

Locations unknown:

Heard you on CBC this morning. Was very moved by your story. It is not fair for a single individual to bear the burden of protecting our charter freedoms. Wish I could do more for you.

Your case is bringing increased awareness of the dangers of fracking to the public domain. The evidence is mounting. Take heart!

To help with the Jessica Ernst suit against fracking. Good luck at the SCC

We heard you on CBC today. How can we say THANK YOU enough? You are so brave, please stay strong.

Good luck, keep up the fight!

Jessica and Murray practiced great teamwork in the CBC interview — in the shared, Herculean project, as well!

Hi Jessica – It’s actually Trudy donating again. Thanks so much for fighting back. I wish you didn’t have to.

Go get ’em! You are an inspiration. And thank you, CBC for alerting Canadians.
I was appalled that this could happen here.

Goulais River, Ontario:

2015 08 10 Sacredness of Owls donation card

Art card “Sacredness of Owls” by Zoey Wood – Salomon

2015 08 10 Sacredness of Owls donation card, note


The Society of the Sacred Heart Contributes to the Work of Truth and Reconciliation at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada

The Society of the Sacred Heart recently donated a piece of art by Zoey Wood-Salomon, an indigenous artist, to Saint Paul University, as a contribution to the transformation of education being promoted at Saint Paul University. The presence of indigenous art is one step of many needed for reconciliation in Canada. But reconciliation has indeed, at last, begun.


Saturna Island, BC: You were superb on CBC just now. Your information on Alberta law firms ought to make them cringe. (We went in the early 1960’s to nearly 40 firms before getting a lawyer who sold us out in the 1966 Supreme Court trial against the mayor, Chief of Police, and City Solicitor. But we overcame and with two other forces that grew out of our work unseated the corrupt mayor and ended his climb.) Alberta doesn’t change.

You were splendid on the NDP. THEY SHOULD clean out the regulators, and could by removing top man and putting in a toughie: the sheep would smell the wind and begin to do real work. It isn’t that hard. We must hope that the NDP will AT LEAST support at the Supreme Court.

[Comment by Ernst: The deadline to file notice of intervention in support of Ernst’s Charter rights or against was July 27, 2015 (4 weeks after service). As of August 14, the new NDP government of Alberta filed nothing and did not file request for time extension. No federal or provincial Attorney General did.]

But, as you say, you have learned to trust nobody…. Stay strong. The issue is huge, important, everybody. With much love.

Burtts Corner, New Brunswick:

2015 08 10 donation card painting, old barn

Painting by Joyce Ripley, Hermit Thrush Studio

2015 08 02 Donation note, with a great deal of respect to lawyers and Ernst

Gabriola Island, BC:

2015 08 Donation note, ernst vs encana, believe strongly in what you're doing, Gabriola Island John Poirier

Sunrise, Gabriola Island by John Poirier

Dear Jessica, [We] believe strongly in what you are doing. Stay strong and keep in good health.

Winnipeg, Manitoba: 

2015 08 10 donation note, cheer Jessica on

Ontario: Dear Jessica,

Just heard you on this morning’s interview on CBC. I am a lawyer (and a former chemist) who was a litigant myself. I wanted to say Thank You on behalf other litigants going through a lawsuit. I think your interview made it easy to understand why we litigants have so much motivation to fight on. I am also glad you explained how easy it is for large corporations to “buy up” communities and pervert justice.

I specialize in self-representation issues. However, I can see that even with representation by your very capable lawyer, the pursuit for justice is not easy in this country. I admire your strength and persistence. [Emphasis added]

I wish you all the best at the Supreme court. I will be following closely.

Yours sincerely,

Heather Hui-Litwin
Ph.D. (Chem, Univ. Toronto); J.D. (Osgoode)

Heather Hui-Litwin J.D. on Facebook

[A recent costs decision posted:

Saleh v Nebel, 2015 ONSC 3680 (CanLII)
Date: 2015-06-08
Docket: CV-08-357306

[21] The civil justice system in Ontario is broken. [What does that say about the civil justice system in Alberta and the oil and gas industry way of “justice?”] It does not fulfil the goals of providing efficient, affordable, proportionate access to courts for the fair resolution of civil cases. Hryniak v. Mauldin, 2014 SCC 7 (CanLII). It is too slow and expensive to meet the needs of most Ontarians. [Emphasis added]

Heather Hui-Litwin’s blog, August 2, 2015

I was just listening to Jessica Ernst’s interview on CBC this morning, and I must say that I was so moved by her story. Ms. Ernst is suing EnCana (and various other co-defendants) for contamination of ground water as a result of fracking. This is certainly a David versus Goliath case. Imagine being an individual landowner, suing a mega corporation like EnCana. While she has counsel (Murray Klippenstein), this has definitely not been an easy journey. She spoke of the personal attacks and lack of community support she has endured during the litigation. She spoke of her financial hardships. She has refused to settle on principle. EnCana is contaminating water that belongs to everyone. She admits quite candidly that she did not choose to be in the public eye, that being on radio interviews has been a major stress. Yet, she does it anyway, because, it is the right thing to do.

I think it’s really hard to explain to people sometimes, why one persists in litigation. Sometimes, people think litigants are just very stubborn, or they’re trouble-makers. They should just let things go. People find it hard to understand where all the energy and motivation come from, the strong urge to right a wrong. However, in this case, Jessica’s message came through loud and clear: this is a case that needs to be out in the open. This is a case that needs proper adjudication by the courts. I want to thank Jessica for being so incredibly courageous and persistent. I will be following closely in her Supreme Court Appeal in January 2016. [Emphasis added]

Heather Hui-Litwin’s Home Page:

We have wonderful justice for corporations and for the wealthy. But the middle class and the poor may not be able to access our justice system.”

– Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, University of Toronto conference, 2011


And what about the oil and gas industry’s way to justice and to keep fracing us?

2013 03 11 Canada Fracked the Head off Lady Justice

Slide from Ernst presentations


Toronto, Ontario: Jessica; Take a bow! What a terrific interview. Murray too.
There was more information content about fracking in that 15 minute interview than we’ve heard in a decade in this country. Great delivery. Factual, strong, vulnerable, yet determined. A Canadian watershed interview. In more ways than one. [Emphasis added]

Terence Bay, Nova Scotia: Hello Ms Ernst: I heard your interview on CBC this morning; I then listened to your talk on Utube “Fracked; Jessica Ernst vs. Encana”. I am really shocked & saddened to hear all that you are going through. I know the effects of fracking are bad & have seen documentaries about it. But your presentation really, really hit home. … Your strength of character is truly amazing. If it were in my power, you would be given the “Order of Canada” because of your unselfish willingness to fight for what is right.

I’m not a church goer, but I really wish “God Bless You” for your efforts. You are an amazing Canadian; someone we are All proud of. Your plight brings tears to my eyes.
Thank you for everything that you are doing to make this country a better place to live.

And “thank you” from all Canadians. I will keep your words in my heart & pray in my own way for your success…. I truly mean this. God Bless You Jessica! Wishing you peace, good health, & success to come.

Ontario:  I live in Ontario yet have very strong feelings about fracking and what it’s doing to people, their drinking water, and so much more. … Wishing you all the luck in the world with your lawsuit(s). May humanity win over Big Oil.

New Brunswick:  I’m sure you’ll win in the Supreme court. … So, much good luck to you and the same to us!

Windsor, Ontario:

2015 08 03 Donation note, concerned about detrimental issue of fracing

Quebec: I just heard your interview on CBC Radio with Francine Pelletier. Wow!

OMG, I am so sorry for the hell you have gone through but at the same time I certainly admire your strength and courage and resolve. I know that the whole damn system is corrupt from top to bottom but that you MUST continue your fight. The government is in collusion with the oil companies and the Justice System, so believe me, I do not have much faith in either…. I just know instinctively that you will never back down. … Ne lâche pas as they say here in Quebec! (don’t give up!). Many many blessings to you!

Vancouver, BC:

I will watch with interest your progress with your law suits. Best wishes for your success!

St. Catherines, Ontario:

2015 08 02 Donation note, not voting for Harper again re eroding of rights and Senate

Courtenay, BC:  we couldn’t even talk when you finished… it was such a powerful interview. … We think that this puts the new Alberta government in a tough spot… you have truth on your side… they just want to throw their power and money around and this time it won’t work.

Toronto, Ontario:

2015 08 06 Donation note, comment on CBC Sunday Edition interview

Lethbridge, Alberta: Hi Jessica, What a tremendous interview you gave to CBC!! I was glued to my seat listening in the parking lot at SaveOn Foods! Got home & shared it with everyone I know including the fellow from Australia.  … Thank You Thank You Thank You

Gatineau, Quebec:

2015 08 06 Donation note, heard CBC interview

Taranaki, central west coast of New Zealand’s north island: All power to you Jessica and your legal team, justice shall prevail! 

She has something the oil and gas industry and regulator don’t have 03/08/2015

“They [the Alberta lawyers] told me that the regulator cannot be sued because of the special immunity clause… they [the regulator] infringed on my charter rights trying to intimidate me into obedience, silence … they are all guilty but the energy regulator is the most guilty … they [industry and regulator] have all the money yes and they have all the experts and they control the court…  but they don’t have that humanness where if you are willing to stand on the line and sacrifice everything, that gives you an enormous power and I rely on that, and that’s what keeps me going…” said Jessica.

Yarker Ontario (rural – we are all on well water here): Thank you so much for your courage and perseverance fighting the Regulators and the company fracking your ground water. I used to travel through Northeastern Pennsylvania and it has been devastated by over 76,000 fracking wells. It showed me how lethal fracking can be. I sent your website a few dollars to help with your legal expenses. Hang in there!

Peace River, Alberta: Ms. Ernst, I just heard your interview on CBC, and it was the most informative discussion about the issue that I’ve ever heard. … Water is essential to all life on the planet. When you told those stories about people preferring money in their own pockets to clean drinking water, that decided me to get involved. I’ve done fundraising for many causes and look forward to your ideas on how I can help from here in Dawson Creek, BC. Thank you so much.

Nova Scotia: Jessica, your courage is immeasurable! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sending love 

Pennsylvania, USA: Jessica this is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New York, USA: God Bless you, Jessica! ….you have maintained such grace while suffering incredible hardships and personal attacks. … Thank you for your service. I bow in honor to you.

Kelowna, BC: Thank You for standing so tall against such overwhelming odds in your fight….I hope you don’t mind me saying so but you are absolutely a hero in my book……… I will be keeping an eye on your situation as the months go by. All the Best

USA: Thank you Jessica – I admire you greatly. You ma’am are braver than the all mighty corrupt industry

London, Ontario: You’re my new hero… wish you didn’t have to be one. Sending love, and wishing you every support. 

Locations Unknown: 

Dear Jessica, Just heard your CBC interview and I am left gobsmacked so to speak. I do try to keep up with news and events but somehow I missed this story. I am so taken by your bravery, courage and endurance over the last 8 yrs. Every Canadian should know this story. The lies and injustices being committed are truly atrocious. How can these people sleep at night knowing they are poisoning our water. I am so sorry you have been affected by this. Maybe these folks should have to drink the water from your well. If I lived closer I would bring you some carrots too.


Thank you for your courage, integrity and resolve.


I heard the interview this morning and was impressed and yet dismayed by what I heard.

Victoria, BC: I was so impressed with your determination to fight this overwhelming battle for everyone who is facing a similar situation. And the impacts of course of taking on the oil and gas companies, the Alberta regulator and the Alberta government will have ramifications way beyond Alberta…. I so appreciate what you are doing for us all, it is such a tough battle. I just wanted to thank you for your actions and to support you to keep going. 

Thank you so much, you are a hero to us all.

Lochend, Alberta: Thank you on behalf of every living soul in this province
Love and all the best

Alberta foothills: I think of you sometimes and wonder how you hold up.

Harper’s judicial remake, fast-tracking extremely rightwing judges to higher
courts, threatens every aspect of the rest of our lives. Truly alarming.
Russ Brown? Not good. Hopefully the centre will hold for at least the next
four years until CJ McLachlan retires, and hopefully you will be vindicated
by then….

… Who would have thought anyone could think that a province could bypass the Charter just by saying so? Who would think judges would agree?

Who would think injecting poison into willfully pulverized substrate would be legal?

Who would think any rational government could still think fossil fuels are more valuable than precious, life-giving, scarce in Alberta water? Who would have thought this industry coup would occur, in both levels of government, with so much obvious corruption, and so little public opposition?

Kathyrn, Alberta: Dear Ms. Pelletier, it was so encouraging yesterday, to hear Jessica Ernst describe the things about fracking the way they really are; and I wish to thank you for having her on your show

I am submitting the following hymn, which is so candidly to the point that it speaks for itself and I cannot improve on it.  ….I took it out of a United Church of Canada, of which I am a member, hymn book. The author is Omer Westendorf.

So thanks again, and keep up your courageous work.2015 08 03 Stewards of the Earth

All praise to  you (Stewards of the Earth)

May 18, 2015

Rimbey, Alberta: Best wishes at the Supreme Court of Canada, you are fighting a battle on behalf of all Canadians

May 15, 2015:


2015 05 15 gift to Ernst vs Encana, both the boar's head and the knight's helmet denote courage, fierceness, endurance in battle


Both the boar’s head and the knight’s helmet denote courage, fierceness and endurance in battle.

Alberta:2015 05 15 Donation note, sad when govt agenices have 'no duty of care'

April 2015:

Why they would frac into such a shallow horizon and deny the contamination they seemingly have induced is not right. Good fortunes in your struggle.

March 2015:

1998 01 20 Rimbey Review cartoon on evidence benefits of oil and gas near farming community

February 2015: 

Thanks a lot for what you do for people in Alberta but also for us, in Quebec. Good luck for future. I will keep me informed about you. Thanks again.

January 2015:

New York City, with package beloved ginger snaps: Been thinking about you as we wait the legal system to move forward. … I want you — US — to win.  Put it in God’s hands and relax, breathe, this will be good for you,  Surrender to God’s way of doing things.

December 2014:

Hi Jessica This is just a little Xmas gift to show you I care. I just learned of your struggle against [Encana] and the Albt. Gov. on DeSmog Canada’s Twitter page from someone posting a link to the article in the Tyee. I am a bit tapped out with Xmas, but will donate more later. In the meantime I’ll spread this around…. LOL Merry Xmas to you and yours!!!

California: Congratulations, I think.
You are a tenacious warrior woman and will win.

USA: Wonderful, Jessica!

It’s been a long time that we have watched this unfold. It’s a great Christmas present for you..and for the rest of us.


Lacombe:  heard the news

The is big—REAL BIG—goes to show there is “A BOARD MADE TO FIT EVERY ASS”!!!! 

good going girl!!

Lethbridge, Alberta:

2014 12 10 Thank You Jessica. from lethbridge, re alberta govt not appealing ernst big win

UK: Jess – this is great news, and sets a persuasive precedent here (just as our government are sneaking in statutory immunity provisions into the current Infrastructure bill that is going through our parliament at the mo)

USA: Congratulations! I’m so used to news like this being bad. Keep up the good work!

Edmonton: Congrats!

2014 12 09 Congrats Ernst vs Encana, AB Govt not appealing Wittmann ruling Ernst can sue for negligent investigation

November 2014, some of the many cheers in response to the win allowing Ernst to sue Alberta Environment:

Dear Jessica, Congratulations for your epic endurance. Well done. W.

Calgary: Jessica you are marvel of perseverance. I have to offer you all accolades for your work in this problem area. The citizens of Canada, and for that matter North America are indebted to you for your work in this big business intrusion into the rights of citizens.

Most of us just cannot envision the trials and tribulations you must have undergone to get this process as far down the pike as you have. Certainly the (cs) Alberta Gov’t will seriously consider an appeal, but who knows, this new Premier may have more on the ball and will be able to hold off the big money folks, and forego the appeal process. The Alberta voters are balanced in their opinion of the Govt we have endorsed for years – maybe it would be better for the power group to ‘back off’ and attempt to gain a few votes from the general public.

Denmark: Wooow and 1000 congratulations!!

BC: Great news, all in all a very bad day for the bullies 

New Brunswick: wow, yeah. I’m so pleased you got a win under your belt — and a good precedent setting one at that.

Rosebud: WOWOWOWOWO~!!!!!! Can’t quite believe it but that is good news…. So that leaves the Environment Ministry on the hook but the EUB off?  Are you still pursing that appeal to Suprreme Court? [Yes] I see that EnCana has to give you documents by December 19 (Merry Christmas…geez) and then what?

Priddis, Alberta: Wow this is fantastic news I’m thrilled…this must give you so much more motivation to keep on with this battle!! Good job, I’m in awe right now it’s such a surprise.

Calgary: as i read articles online, i am not just knowing but understanding the enormity of what has happened

Email by an Edmonton mom to Premier Jim Prentice: It is a sham of democracy that the government of Alberta proposes that it is not responsible for the protection of the environment of citizens. 

Why does Jessica Ernst have to go to court to do the job of the government of Alberta?

Why is the government of Alberta not only not doing its job in the case of protecting the environment and the health of Albertans but wasting taxpayer monies doing the spurious defenses of the sort it has engaged in with Jessica Ernst so that the public purse is now paying triple her legal costs? [The “triple” costs Justice Wittmann ordered the Alberta government to pay Ernst for the April 2014 hearing (the 3rd hearing the government has asked for so far) is about 3% of costs paid by Ernst to date. Ernst was ordered to pay the ERCB much more ($22,000) than she will get for the “triple” cost award.]

Just look at the problems of ordinary Albertans living with the oil and gas industry messes. Citizens have had to organize to protect their families. Some of them have had to give up their lands because of the contamination. … 

Why is environmental work being put under the umbrella of the AER for example? I‘d say this is being done—to prevent further lawsuits of the Jessica Ernst sort. If the Tories did their jobs we wouldn’t have these lawsuits would we? But no, the Tories are so darn arrogant they simply assumed that every single citizen in rural Alberta was ignorant, cowed and obedient and would never do what Jessica Ernst has done.

Darlings Island, New Brunswick: after reading the decision…all i can say be very cautious … this sudden turn of fairness makes me smell trap. 

Marysville, BC: congratulations on having your lawsuit proceed and your decision to go to the supreme court on the ercb issue.

New York City (with package of ginger snaps):

2014 11 card 'Blue Pillar' detail from New York City w ginger snaps, re Ernst v Ab Govt win FRONT

Blue Pillar detail, 2009, by Paul Shannon

2014 11 card 'Blue Pillar' detail from New York City w ginger snaps, re Ernst v Ab Govt win BACK 'You have moved mountains'

If you believe – you can move mountains.

You have moved mountains


Lethbridge, Alberta: My sister just phoned from Banff to tell me she had heard on the radio that you had won the right to sue the Alberta government.

Am overjoyed to hear this. A victory for all people who care about the earth and future generations. I am sure the Tyee will have all the details. Please find enclosed cheque. I am sure there will be many hours of legal advice needed as you go forward. With deepest respect and affection.

2014 11 thank you card from lethbridge w donation

Saskatchewan: For “the little guy” with energy + love

Vancouver, BC: 

2014 11 18 Donation note Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Ernst vs ERCB


2014 11 Donovan Snider, 11 years old, Rosebud Hamlet, card to Ernst snap

“I don’t want to save the environment, I want to make a world where the environment doesn’t need saving.”

Donovan Snider, 11 years old

Republic of Ireland: Well, you couldn’t get this news too often Jessica, congrats, you’re an inspiration.

Longueuil, Québec, celebrating American Thanksgiving: we were just thinking about you and your recent court victory. Just want you to know that we support you and keep cheering for you whenever we hear good news. We also pray harder when we hear news that is not so good. 

Go girl!

I am really grateful for you.

Longueuil, Québec, celebrating American Thanksgiving:
We had a prayer session which centered on the gift of you to the world
Your search and determination for truth and justice gives us much hope and courage. We are so proud to be part of your support group
The passage from Scripture we read reminds us of you.
Blessings on you your work and the road ahead with its continued legal struggle
We are with you …we love your virtue of persistence

Luke 18
The Parable of the Persistent Widow

18 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’

4 “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”

6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Hamilton, Ontario: Jessica, Needless to say, we are delighted with the judgment! Finally you seem to have your foot in the judicial door. … By the way I heard you at 5.40 am on Matt Galloway’s show, on CBC. I could not believe it was you. I was so excited having heard you speak. You sounded just jubilant. 

New York: WOOPEE!  this is great, great news. You deserved and needed a little good news, didn’t you? We are so proud of you for sticking to your guns. Regardless of the eventual outcome of your case, this is a GREAT PRECEDENT to set. 

Montreal, Québec: Yahooooo!!!! This is absolutely fantastic, Jessica, and the outpouring of support for you in the comments accompanying the piece is equally heartening. You must feel such a relief after all the let downs in the case over the past couple of years, and it certainly feels like your hard work and your sacrifices are paying off. Public opinion and public education and awareness on this issue have also moved along significantly since you began the case…. I am so happy the tides have turned. I am SO in awe of what you have done. [We] send love and congratulations, and will be following what happens next with excitement and interest. 

Victoria, BC: Warmest Congratulations to Jessica and her legal team. This court ruling brings hope to all of us citizens who feel so powerless against the massive corruption between industry and government and the ugly greed that drives them to destroy our environment without consequences.

Lethbridge, Alberta: Congratulations and thanks for your tireless and unrelenting efforts on behalf of fresh water and the life forms that depend on her, including humans.

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia: YEAH JESSICA onwards to victory !!!!!!!! Big hug to you, and your legal team. YEAH

Edmonton, Alberta: Hey, Lassie, Many large Congratulations. What a relief. Full steam ahead.

1,000 Islands, Ontario: I just finished reading the good news on the internet. A 27 page judgement is something to respect. I made a donation and hope very much that you will receive the justice you deserve after all the work you have put into fighting the wrongs of the Alberta Government. You are a wonderful role model for others who bicker about things they don’t agree with, but never do anything to change them. I am so proud of you, though you are the one who must feel pride, for you have persevered, while the rest of us haven’t done much to help you.

Didsbury, Alberta: Morning….most emailed, most popular on tyee, my friends are emailing the story to me!!! Congrats!

Northern Ireland: I just heard you have been granted leave to sue the Alberta govt. Wow! You deserve some good news after all the this time. 

Rimbey, Alberta: I am so very glad for you and all of us – I am so glad to see your courage recognized in this way and on this day. Many many hugs

Manitoba: Wow.Wow. Wow. I can’t get over this. You are winning. This gives me hope. I don’t understand why the regulator can successfully claim immunity but not Alberta Environment. … Oh my, I am so happy for you but I guess its a long way from over. You still have a long struggle to go. You are so smart and strong you can do it. One person can make a  difference. … 

Heard your radio interview. You are fabulous. …

I still don’t [get] this ERCB stuff. So what if they didn’t have the words in good faith. Surely the regulator has to operate in good faith by default. It didn’t say are allowed to proceed in bad faith. Besides what has faith got to do with it. … Besides no one is immune from bad behaviour. We are all responsible for our actions. The regulator is made up of people. People are responsible for their actions. What a bunch of crap. 

New Brunswick: YEE-HAH!!!!!!

Victoria, BC: Good for Jessica… she is a Canadian Hero.

Yukon: Hello Jessica, Congratulations on this round of your battle with Encana, Alberta Regulators and Govt. You have been a model of support in the battle of fracking in Canada and the World. Hopefully justice has come back to Alberta and Canada. I hope this means that you will be compensated for your hard work and will put on notice to Govt.s and Companies they just can’t continue to roll over people and property as they have in the past number of years. Once again your dedication and commitment to Ban fracking from the face of the earth is celebrated by all of us who are working towards the same goal. Thank you for all you have done.

East Coulee, Alberta: Out of my mind happy…unbelievable!!! Congrats girl…now you have a couple of bucks for SCC. Yowzers.

New Brunswick: The news of Judge Neil Wittmann’s decision has given us all hope that the courts are not under the influence of the O&G industry. We are inspired by your strength and steadfastness through this lengthy and at times bizarre turn of events. Our newly elected premier, Brian Gallant has declared a less than convincing moratorium on shale gas exploration but he is still in the honeymoon stage. … This makes your recent victory even more significant for us. I hope that your trial has an outcome that proves that democratically elected governments funded by the tax revenues from its citizens have the responsibility to protect the health, wellbeing and quality of life of its citizens.

BC: Great news Jessica!!!! For all of us too.

Calgary: Jessica so delighted to hear of the judicial decision to proceed with your suit against AESRD! Hope you’re well. Please let me know if there are ways I can be helpful, personally or in this endless process. Warm regards and thanks for all you do…


Dr. David Swann, MLA Calgary-Mountain View, Alberta Liberal Opposition, Critic for Agriculture and Rural Development, Health, Human Services, Seniors, Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour [Only one other politician contacted Jessica on her win, see below]

Yukon: Hello Jessica, WoW!! Indeed what great news. Your efforts and SUCCESSES are an inspiration to us all. Congratulations on this round of your battle with Encana, Alberta Regulators and Government of Alberta. Thank you for your persistence and leadership.


Jim Tredger, MLA Mayo-Tatchun, Yukon NDP Official Opposition Caucus


Lochend, Alberta: Good evening you did great on the radio this afternoon…I wish we were there to see the huge smile on your face…Thank you thank you from the bottom of our hearts and all Canadians ..The phone over here has not stopped ringing…..You have made many new friends with this huge act of courage ..

New York: Wonderful! so happy. thanks!

Calgary:  i am so very very happy for you.  congratulations my friend!  such a huge victory, for sure!!!!  xoxoxox

New York State: wowee!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! You are a hero to all of us. Will they try to squirm out of this?

Rockyford, Alberta: THANK YOU JESS. Your hard work deserves far more credit than you will ever see.

BC: HOOOOOOOOOOOORAY!! The best news I have heard in a very looooooong time! Jessica is a brick and we all owe her a ton and a half (at least!!) of gratitude!

Rimbey, Alberta: I heard you on CBC. Well done. You were cogent, eloquent, and it gave me hope. Thank you. Not often I feel tears come to my eyes from hearing a radio interview, but that is what happened. Very proud to be associated with you.

Michigan: Jess, great news! Loved the Nikiforuk article about your new win! This is just fanTAStic , as you would say. Very happy for you.

Salmon Arm, BC:  Absolutely fantastic news – congratulations.

Alberta: You don’t know me but I have been following your challenges with the oil and gas industry and I have been impressed with your drive and approach. Your last win was monumental, way to go. It is important to hold this government and the industry accountable. I wish you every success. Just for your information I am a lawyer…please don’t think I am courting you for your business. I just wanted to congratulate you.

Yukon: Thank you for hanging in, you are an unbelievable strong woman. We are making headways here in the Yukon thanks to you. You put us on the right track. I hope this will develop to a Tsunami of court cases against Governments and the Industry. Here in the Yukon we are going fast in that direction.

West of Cochrane, Alberta: Heard the news on CBC Jessica. Way to go! … I don’t want to spoil this moment, but please be very careful from now on. There is a lot at stake and I fear dirty tricks. You are a very strong person and have made it this far because of this strength. Don’t let down your guard and be vigilant. I would be ready for some dirty tricks and would have a plan in place. The stakes are high now that you have an advantage. … As I said before, you will win this thing.

BC: “While this is a novel claim, I find there is a reasonable prospect Ernst will succeed in establishing that Alberta owed her a prima facie duty of care,” Wittmann wrote.  How sweet is that!!! When you’ve finally won your case, you should pack up your stuff and move to the Southern Gulf Islands … where people are truly civil.

Newfoundland:  I have had replies all day with Yippeeees for Jessica .. You go girl … Lots of people behind you! 

Yukon: Heartfelt Congratulations. It is so good that you are defeating totalitarian legal immunity of gov against the citizens.

Alberta: Let the bells ring…such good news for you and other landowners. I admire your commitment to stand against the fracking industry. You stepped forward and took them on…this is what courage looks like. Thanks for hanging in there

Lethbridge: Dear Jessica, I just got a phone call of the great news that you have won a major battle for us! My god, what a victory!! From the bottom of my heart to yours I want to thank you for your courage, wisdom and vision.  THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US! … You are truly a heroine that I cherish with all my heart.

2014 11 Thank You Jessica, for your Courage, re win Ernst vs Alberta government

Ponoka, Alberta: Jessica, Murray & Cory

It was with total elation that we read the announcement today that the judge ruled in your favor against Alberta Environment. What a huge personal accomplishment for each of you, but what a blessing to the rest of us who have been ignored and abused by Alberta`s government regulators. Will this change what’s happened. We can only hope it will going forward for all Albertans and all the other people in areas that chose to copy Alberta’s “best in the world” regulations. You stood up for all of us and we are deeply grateful. Celebrate and then go after the next big fish!!

Yee Haw from the Campbell’s

Rosebud, Alberta: You gave a fantastic interview on the radio. Tremendous news. I thought Alberta was hopelessly corrupt and would never allow you to be heard in a court of law. This is a huge step forward. There are hundreds of thousands of people pulling for you. way to go!!

Newfoundland: Do I understand that you won your case against the province of Alberta and they have to pay triple the costs? … Please clarify … I am so excited

Alberta: I am sooo elated to hear the ruling in your favour re: AENV does have duty of care…I literally have tears of joy as I write this…you have been fighting for so long and your tireless efforts will no longer go unnoticed by detractors, governmental agencies and the industry. I am so very grateful to you Jessica – thank you!


We are so happy , you have no idea.
God please let Jessica have peace .
LOts of loVe

New York State: Great news on the lawsuit. It has been a very long road. Great precedent.

Alberta: One small step for Jessica Ernst , one LARGE step for all ALBERTANS!

Alberta: Maybe if Bev Yee [Assistant Deputy Minister] Dept. of Environment hadn’t slept thru most of the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee on Coalbed methane meetings over the 3 years they were convened she would have woke up to the facts that were presented by landowners that this was going to happen. Great win Jessica.

Newfoundland: congratulations on the court ruling…I like it…triple the cost…. 

Rosebud: JESS!!!! YAYAYAYAYA!!! This is so wonderful!!!! Will this set precedents? So excited for YOU, I can hardly type!!!! I hope you don’t mind, shared the link on Facebook. Not sure if folks around town would find out otherwise. So fantastic!!!! What’s your next step, just wait ’til Encana gets its docs together for Dec 19?

And this! This this this! “In addition to ruling in favour of Ms. Ernst on all key points, Chief Justice Wittmann took the rare step of ordering the government to pay triple Ms. Ernst’s legal costs for the improper manner in which her claim was attacked.” … I’m so thrilled for you! Will this help you with the stress?

Lethbridge: HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! This is incredible news! I could feel your energy in the CBC interview today and [we] are so happy for you! … I wish you continued strength

Republic of Ireland: Jessica, finally finally finally – all power to you, sending best wishes and our thoughts are with you – keep going girl, you’re on the home stretch!! Love and solidarity from Ireland

Newfoundland: Hi Jessica, I rejoice with you as I read the good news of your victory! Halleluijah! 

This week in this cold weather a rose came out to peek. … I think this rose is for you. 

2014 11 11 Bob Hope Rose in Nfld for Ernst vs Alberta Government legal win, ability to sue

Bob Hope Rose in Newfoundland, Photo taken November 9, 2014

Congratulations. In this struggle you have become a wealth of knowledge and hope for others in this fight. … Take care of your health. This has been a rough marathon. 

Republic of Ireland: Well done on with your law suit Jessica. We’re going into the Dail again here tomorrow to hopefully get rid of the threat of Fracking here. We’re getting there bit by bit.

Many fleas make big dog move.
Thanks for all your help

Canada: Jessica, You have fought a battle for all Canadians and I thank you. I can’t imagine how stressful and expensive this has been.

Calgary: We had a vote and the boys made her an honorary Rottweiler.

Newfoundland: Omg!!!! I could jump over the moon right now! Your most recent news is the best ever. … It’s just so wonderful. It’s such a promise that justice will prevail … It really will. God bless you girl! Congratulations on making this far! Your persistence  and determination to see justice has come to this!

Toronto: Jessica; How sweet. Relief and renewal. Congratulations and many thanks.


Courtenay BC: OMG JESSICA…. what incredible news! We were all hooping and hollering! Will you and Gem sleep better tonight – or will you be too excited to sleep! You’ve been through the wars…. and now something good is happening for you. thank god.

Saskatchewan: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful piece of news this is – were you expecting this? You must be over the moon, Jessica – I’m so happy for you.

Didsbury, Alberta: my unending gratitude to you for being inspirational.

USA: Oh, Jessica! Hooray! After these long years of such personal trial and travail, your strength and persistence marvel. I know it isn’t over yet by a long stretch…. Big hugs around you

Alberta: Just saw Nikiforuk’s article in the Tyee – another battle won – well done and congratulations.

Newfoundland: Jessica, Just heard you on CBC radio, congratulations, this victory is ,first, for you, and second, ALL of the common people, the landowners, (citizens of NL) especially western Newfoundland, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done, you travelled to Stephenville, NL, to help in our fight but you had your own personal battles, Because of you, we will keep working for truth, clean water, and a healthy environment, congratulations

British Columbia: !!!! Justice … the needle in the haystack in Alberta ! ! ! 

USA: YES!!!!! Jessica, I hope you sue the pants off ’em! Congratulations!

Turner Valley, Alberta: THAT is SOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!! Happy Dance time!!!!! Whoot, Whoot! You do us all proud and perhaps put some Albertans to shame. If anyone says to me “What can one person do?”….I know what to tell them.

 Pekisko, Alberta: About cried with glee when I read the press advisory today, Jessica. You are this millennium’s Rosa Parks. Congratulations!

2014 07 Home on the Range, Alberta, congrats note re Ernst vs Alberta Govt win

July 2014: Home on the Range, Pekisko, Alberta

Edmonton: Happy happy happy for you! I pray for justice and truth!

Victoria, BC: Perfect. You’re going to win!!

Nova Scotia: How wonderful, wonderful wonderful!

Balcombe UK: So happy !! .. am in tearing hurry right now, but stopped to do this

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia: Yea!!! Great News !!! Three times the rate !!! God Bless you M’am

BIFF (Britain and Ireland Frack Free):  Yrs whoop

Calgary: Jessica, Congratulations on your hard-fought and deserved legal victory in Drumheller Queen’s Court of Alberta allowing your case to proceed. I realize there is still much work ahead but [Chief Justice] Wittmann’s ruling provides legal support for the validity of your claims which I believe you will have little difficulty in proving. 

You have the support of everyone who believes in government accountability to its citizens, and who believe that when government action or inaction or action in bad faith harms a person, that person has legal redress. 

Three Hills, Alberta: Hi Jessica, Among your flood of well wishers, I too am ecstatic for what has unfolded as a result of your unwavering intent to hold true to the course for justice! It’s a major step; of course, yet so far to go. Well done, to you and your legal team. You have made evolutionary progress, and have changed timelines for everyone, with so much yet to unfold in a better way. Carry on! You inspire everyone to challenge the status quo of the past that has been all about unreasonable tyrannical entitlements.

Northern Ireland: Just a quick note this evening to say how happy I was to see your news update. you deserve your costs tripled at least, that is excellent. Of course the ruling is excellent too. Well done.

Ontario: you are brave and amazing

Republic of Ireland: Jessica so massively STOKED to hear this news. Is all over social media. We love your indomitable spirit, your support for our Irish campaign, and your ability to just keep going where others would have walked away. You said once that you were doing this not for yourself, but for all of us, and for that amazing, giving statement, I have awarded you Woman of the Year:)

Northern Alberta: So happy for you, Jess–and so proud!  I’m sending vibrations of strength and fortitude to you.  And love, love, love.  xoxo

Ontario: They tried but FAILED! Keep going Jessica. Motion to strike and request for summary judgment denied. It hurts that you had to go through all of this to hold them accountable but now it’s on. They absolutely owed you duty of care, duty of care to public included you once you submitted complaints, inspections conducted etc.

You got them! They tried to rely on S.220 of the EPEA, Protection from liability clause “acting in good faith” (certainly not in your case). I know it’s still a long road but good fight Jessica!!!!!

Oh and my thoughts re your costs to be considered (triple), I’m glad about that. Every obstacle they placed in front of you to obviously waste your time and financial resources will backfire.

Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Québec: This is wonderful news and a giant leap for public health and social justice. Your commitment, courage and perseverance are admirable. Congratulations

Alberta: Congratulations on this very significant ruling, Jessica. All here are rooting for you and wishing the very best.

Saskatchewan: Victory for Jessica Ernst!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!! 

Australia: Congratulations Jessica, You are inspirational to the rest of us, standing up for your rights in the face of powerful vested interests! You are the new David in a world much oppressed by Golliaths. You are proof it can be done, thank you on behalf of all of us David’s in Australia 🙂

September 18, 2014: Edmonton, Alberta:

2014 09 18 Note w donation from Edmonton Alberta

2014 09 18 Image on note w donation from Edmonton Alberta

 September 18, 2014, Rosebud, Alberta:

Dear Jessica,

I learned from Shauna that your appeal was denied, so that EUB is remains exempt from the lawsuit. That sucks!

Not the news you were hoping for, nor is it the hope of so many Albertans you represent – people whose interests the EUB should be representing, but they aren’t. I just wanted to tell you: I see so much strength and poise in you, please be encouraged, you are persistent, you are beautiful, may justice be done and the earth be healed. … Strength to you, Jessica.

Maki Van Dyke

August 2014: Calgary, Alberta:

Jessica, this piece has it’s start some 35 years ago… At that time I took a trip to a botanical beach in BC with my brother. On the way I found a chunk of cedar that I carved with a knife that used to belong to my grandmother. It was a wonderful souvenir of a wonderful trip. That cedar sculpture has lived in multiple gardens over those 35 years and now has come home to my garden … still in surprisingly good shape. That is the base design on this totem I’ve made for you. It also encompasses some “added bits” that you may find give it elements that will bring you luck and strength. Use it as a touch stone if you like and wear it down if necessary. What I really intend is that you know it’s a symbol of all of us that support you and that perhaps 35 years from now some part of it remains to remind you…. All the best, Mary

2014 All of us that support you by Mary

Packaged with card: Don’t  you feel as if you just loved the world on a morning like this?

July 4, 2014, Edmonton Alberta:

I know this man is fighting a battle like ours and he is in his eighties…when you feel low listen to him. It helps me. I am fighting for a reduction of pesticides and GMO’s in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and have contacts around the globe. This is hurting everyone. What is happening to you is a part of the same problem I think. Anyway…you may find this lifts you (I hope so). 

July 5, 2014, BC: 

Thanks for your response Jessica, I admire your stalwart spirit. Please know that you’re constantly in my thoughts and you give me strength with your admirable principles. Your efforts are not lost on me that you are fighting for all of us not just yourself. No amount of money will ever be enough to support you for your efforts and actions fought on our behalf, which are priceless.

Logs of (((BIG HUGS))) to YOU and your team

June 12, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta:

Hi Jessica. I found your website very much by accident. I was looking for info on the new Tesla motor that is being developed by a few people in the world right now. I saw the bit about government trying to strike down somebody’s rights and decided to have a look. … I like to help in any way where it brings comfort and joy to people and fracking is something that, at a very high level, has to stop. It WILL stop and I know that for a fact. But, for now, I want to help you stay afloat in the vicious and corrupt world of government, media and big business. … This is not a favour, it’s something that has to be done. … We are all one.

… Rosebud… so appropriate, that you should be in a town that is named after the most beautiful flower and at it’s most incredible stage, that of coming into bloom. I think that is you and what you are doing for the earth and therefore, for mankind.

….in your case, you are taking an action whose ultimate benefit will be to wake up the world and show that you CAN fight the fraud, the greed and the suppression of our rights.

You will prove that. Warmest regards

June 4, 2014, Courtenay BC:

Dear Jessica, I met you at the Water Conference…. I found your presentation very haunting and moving. Because you were before us in person I was much better able to personalize what you’ve been going through. If it were me, our place, what would it be like, could I do what you’ve done. Would I have the courage and support? So, I write you today to tell you that I admire you so much for speaking to us and sharing your story on opening up your life and your struggle to us. Please know that we do support you in energy and caring. You are never alone, especially because once we know, we are part of your journey.

Detail from 'Roots' by Dorothy Drubek Courtenay BC

Art card, detail from “Roots” (fabric work) by Dorothy Drubek, Courtenay, BC

We all need roots and it is in community that we find them. 

When we choose to share our lives with others, we send down roots that sustain us all.

We are home.

'Roots' by Dorothy Drubek Courtenay BC framed

“Roots” by Dorothy Drubek

June 4, 2014, Courtenay BC: 

Dearest Jessica, It was an honour to meet you … hard work for one to yell out the truth … but, you can’t do otherwise. Blessings. 

As Seen by Diane

“As Seen” photo card by Diane

May 30, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta:

Dear Jess, It takes all kinds of bees to make honey, to keep a community alive but it all starts with a queen bee like you. Love you.

2014 05 30 It takes a lot of bees to make honey and keep a community alive but it all starts w a queen bee like you

May 7, 2014, Calgary, Alberta:

Dear Jessica, Love you Always Heart

2014 05 07 Card of support Ernst vs Encana Alberta Government and Energy Regulator

Art card, art by Kimberly Webber (Red Sonya, 2006). Text on back of the card: Red Sonya wields the golden sword of justice as the warrior protectress of the deep forest. She is the moon goddess who rules the waters of both Earth and body, the tides of the ocean….

May 3, 2014, Lethbridge, Alberta:

Jessica, thank you for coming to Lethbridge and blazing the trail for us.  Your example, courage, integrity, creativity and tenacity have been fundamental to our success in Lethbridge.

April 2014, Canada:

I’ve wanted to thank you since I heard about your battle on CBC. Thank you all so much for your principled fight against greed. 

April 2014, Canada:

Thank you very much for your courage and tenacity!

April 25, 2014, Lethbridge, Alberta: 

2014 04 25 Donation Note Ernst vs Encana

April 24, 2014, Lethbridge, Alberta:

Dear Jessica, Be encouraged to know that people around the world are following your battle. Here in Canada, I believe your legal battle is one of the most important issues we face. 

I think the mainstream media should be paying much closer attention. In the meantime, I hold your David & Golialth struggle daily in my heart and prayers.

April 23, 2014, Rosebud, Alberta: 

Hey Jess…

I mentioned this quote and I wanted to send it to you prior to the court hearing but it applies as you go about your daily work….

“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves. Although they may feel very alone during the quest, at its end their reward is a sense of community: with themselves, with other people, and with the earth.”

– Carol Pearson

April 21, 2014, Australia:

Dear Jessica

The news of the latest garbage being foisted on you by the so-called government is being posted by friends in Australia. You have a great deal of support and admiration from many here. I am forever in awe of you. I admire you for taking a stand. I admire you for sticking to the message. I admire you for your courage in the face of overwhelming odds.

May you win. May you receive the compensation as part measure of their actions. May you win and bring hope to millions.

John C Thomson

April 8, 2014, Ithaca, New York State:

You have such a powerful voice.
Thank you for doing this.


April 8, 2014, Lethbridge, Alberta:

Hi Jessica: 

My name is Jeannine & I live in Lethbridge. In the past, I have supported drilling and fracking in Alberta, though I have never been in favor of urban drilling where the risks to a densely populated area are too great. My opposition to drilling in Lethbridge has resulted in countless hours of research. I believed I had done adequate research to understand the issues; however, my recent review of your video presentations has left me speechless and in tears. The blinders have come off & I have come to understand the full implications of fracking, that indeed it is far worse than anywhere my imagination could have ever taken me. The realization of the extent of lies that we have been subjected to has left me sickened, angry, horrified and in disbelief that we have been so manipulated by AER, the PC government and the oil industry. I have now arrived at the truth and have realized that this goes way beyond urban drilling and that fracking anywhere is evil.

I have been writing letters to officials almost weekly voicing my opposition to drilling in Lethbridge, but now that effort will reflect my opposition to all fracking–urban or rural. This is just an excerpt of a letter I will send today that expresses how I feel:

Those who are supposed to represent us and protect us have betrayed us. You have been lying to us on every front and allowed our health and that of our environment to be jeopardized. Apart from the horrors of the residential schools, I cannot think of an act that the government has perpetuated upon its people that is more evil than fracking. You are experimenting with our health and our lives. Is what you are doing really any different than what Hitler did during the war? He brainwashed the population and carried out dreadful experiments on unsuspecting victims. This is exactly what the PC Government is doing. You have excelled at it and have managed to coerce the population into believing that fracking is safe and that the government has our best interest at heart. Is there anything that is sacred to the politicians? Not even your own children and grandchildren? It is doubtful that our grandchildren will have the privilege of living to a ripe old age because babies today are being exposed to these toxic chemicals from the day they’re born. It is so unbelievable to me that such a thing should happen in this country. Most Canadians see themselves as good people who try to live a good and honest life. This happens in other countries we believe–in Nazi Germany, in countries with dictatorships—“This would never happen in our country,” we say, but yes, this is in fact happening in our own country and most citizens are completely unaware of it. We are being poisoned to death by our own politicians.

Thank you for going public and bringing this issue to light. I want to express to you my heartfelt gratitude for all that you are doing for us, for your courage, for your persistence, for the willingness to sacrifice yourself for our good. I don’t know if I could ever muster up that kind of courage if I were in your shoes and put up with that kind of intimidation and harassment, but I honor you for being our Albertan Erin Brokovich. I will be making a donation after payday. I wish you much success with your Court case, and pray that only good may prevail in this province.

Thank you.

Jeannine Schulz

PS We’ve only been in Alberta for 5 years but plan on going back to Saskatoon in 3-5 yrs when we retire, unless this Lethbridge drilling goes through & they end up fracking under our house which is less than a mile from the proposed site. If our house loses too much value, we probably won’t be able to afford to go back to SK. … 

I was very disappointed that I was not able to attend your presentation when you were here in Lethbridge, but I’m so happy that I googled you & found all those fantastic videos. I have learned so much and it’s changed my way of thinking. I have already sent your links to a couple of people. I’m going to send these videos to everyone I know. I will continue to speak to all who will listen about our government’s betrayal and the evils of fracking. Not that I know a ton of people in Alberta, but I will do my bit, as small as that may be. I will encourage all who will listen to vote only for those who care about our future. I’m going to send your video to Premier Brad Wall in an attempt to prevent this from happening in my beloved province, although SK is starting to head the same way Alberta has. Hopefully, I can plant a seed before it’s too late. Once in a while I’ll contribute to your fund and encourage others to do the same. I can’t imagine how financially devastating this must be for you. No one person can withstand the weight of this burden, not emotionally, not financially. … 

I totally get it that you’re doing this for all of us, or you wouldn’t have survived this decade long abuse. This is not about one person—it’s about all of us. Words just can’t express how grateful I am that you have taken this on, on our behalf and that you have stayed the course. There’s not many people like that in the world. 

March 11, 2014, Victoria, BC: 

2014 03 11 Donation note from Victoria BC

December 30, 2013, Toronto, Ontario: Dear Jessica (Ms. Ernst), I have read the Statement of Claim and have watched several of your videos and wanted to let you know that I have great admiration for the courage you have demonstrated. ….it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what has and is happening. My thoughts are with you.

I heard you say that “you’re alone”, untrue. Keep going and NEVER give up… I remind you that even when you feel alone, you’re not. You’re an incredible Woman and human being!! I am sorry that you are going down this dark road. Rest assured, you’ll get there, you’ll be able to finally breathe and perhaps cry a little then smile. Stay strong Jessica!! Your “Woman of Courage” award, while fitting, is the tip of the iceberg. Sincerely, Lisa M. Martin

December 22, 2013, Weyburn, Saskatchewan: Hello Jessica, So very glad you have a date booked for your Appeal, even though they only allowed you 45 minutes. Could be the most valuable 45 minutes in the history of Canada!!  All the best in 2014!!! 

December 22, 2013, Calgary Alberta: Jessica: No legislation nor government agency can trump the Charter, no matter what Chief Justice Neil Wittmann imagines.

December 21, 2013, Alberta: Jessica: Thank You for your unwavering determination and dedication to protect the waters/lands for all of us. I truly admire your strength to move forward the way that you do despite everything the companies put in your path to not continue onward. Know that many people pray for you and send good energy your way on this journey as it is for all of us & future generations to come.

October, 2013, in response to Murray Klippenstein and Jessica interviewed on The Current:

Canada: I heard you telling your story on CBC radio this morning & would like to say thank you 4 all you are doing 4 your neighbors, community, province, Canada, our environment & humanity in the grand scheme of this life. It’s people that make a difference in this life & people like you who, instead of taking a buyout, instead make a stand & use the injustices of what has happened & continues to happen, to make a difference in this world. Thank you sweetie 🙂 You are AWESOME!!! U R more than welcome to add me as a friend anytime!!! 

Fort St James, BC: Dear Jessica, I listened to your interview on CBC today and I just wanted to say that you are most definitely not alone in your fight. I don’t have money to give you but I want to give you my moral support and tell you that what you are doing is both right and necessary. If there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know. That is not a frivolous offer. … There’s no fracking way that we’re going to let them get away with this.

Edmonton, Alberta: Hello! I heard your interview on CBC Radio October 22nd, and it occurs to me that even truckloads of money can’t overwhelm the truth. Truth always wins. Hitch your wagon to the truth —  it’s never in an awful situation. All best wishes,

East Coulee, Alberta: Jessica! We love you, we love your stand. Thank you for doing this for us all.

Winnipeg, Manitoba: hi jessica, you’re amazing and a huge inspiration to all of us who must stand up for what they believe in, even in the face of intense obstacles. i admire you greatly.
best, vivi

Edmonton, Alberta: I want to preface this with a bit of back ground. Ive worked around politics a lot in the last 25 years and when I listen to things I do it with some level of objectivity that should later translate to some sort of component in political strategy.Your CBC bit this morning had an impact that politicians will find disturbing and will likely trigger more attempts at discrediting. They will find it disturbing because it was somewhat raw but with solid human emotion that a whole lot of people can identify with. There are all sorts of reasons people are frustrated with government (corruption, mismanagement deceit etc). Your piece this morning will likely have something of a polarizing effect on some, perhaps many of them. The illiterate red necks were lost long ago don`t worry about them, that would be like trying to convince coyotes to not eat chickens.

I think the timing is great for several reasons, there is New Brunswick of course, there is a train on fire at Gainford and more important than both is the fact that both Edmonton and Calgary have elected young, educated and centrist mayors. In Edmonton, Kerry Diotte (wildrose) mayoral candidate took what may be the biggest ass kicking ever by a redneck in the province of Alberta.This wont go unnoticed by upper levels of govt. Of course supporters of Iveson and Nenshi listen to CBC…that has to be a good thing……..

Yours was direct, honest and not scripted by a team of speech writers.That is a good place to be these days. I say well done, anytime it finishes in a better place than it started its a win, you did that.

Toronto, Ontario: I heard your interview yesterday w Anna Maria Tremonti on CBC. It’s wonderful to hear your position well explained! We have known Murray for some years and have great respect for his principals and professional expertise.

Enclosed is a little encouragement. Carry on!

Winnipeg, Manitoba: Dear Ms. Ernst, Just a few words to tell you how my heart goes out to you and how much I admire your strength and perseverance in the face of such a God Almighty foe as the oil industry. I know my words don’t do justice to the actual state of affairs that has taken hold of your life. I have struggled, in a mere pittance compared to your fight, with environmental and social issues that ruffle feathers and/or draw public apathy. I can well imagine the toll it is taking on you.

I wish for you continued strength and peace of mind in knowing that what you are undertaking is a right and virtuous thing.

Ladysmith, BC: Listened to you this morning. I didn’t think it was a great interview as it didn’t let you really express how this has impacted so much on your life, including the threatening reality in which you live. Still, it gives you more exposure and the other side was revealing by its unwillingness to respond. Love you, hang in there and be safe

East Coulee, Alberta: Jessica, your voice and poise was very exceptional. The overall show was profound, getting at Protti was great, and AMT dissing the rubber stampers somewhat was a reminder that we are absolutely unprotected and unrepresented as Alberta Land Owners.

Thank you!!

Powell River, BC: Dear Jessica. It was interesting to hear the interview with Anna Maria Tremonti this morning – to hear the trap people like Tremonti are willingly in … and, apparently their producers want them to be in. You were excellent. Murray Klippenstein was good. Ms. Tremonti was about as bad as it is possible to be – to the ears of a concerned listener. She had to rush away because William Shattner’s gig with a Beatle is, of course, more important than democracy, the rule of law, and organized corporate/govt. repression in Canada. When a “good” program like Ms. Tremonti’s reveals its essential triviality, we know how desperate the situation in Canada is.

Perhaps the spike driven through your heart was the interview with an “expert” at the University of Alberta. We know that the University of Alberta is paid for by the government of Alberta. We know it is – and has been always (when I worked for it in the ‘sixties even) a reactionary place. We know that the Oil and Gas industry has pumped money in to establish ‘fronts’ there. ARE there benefactors who set up and pay for the Institute or Department or centre or whatever it is called that the interviewee on regulatory bodies and government, etc. works in? Did the Current check that? Of course not.

There must be a number of people who could comment on the unholy alliance of govt./corporations/regulators in Alberta and what they do to innocent people. Such commentators have to be outside the pay-off system – which the universities more and more are in – purposefully, so that the dumbies from the media will go
to them for ‘objective’ ‘informed’ observation! ! The Tremonti circus went to someone anyone might fairly suspect is a paid hack of the industry (and govt.) even if he doesn’t fully realize it.

But that is what the Tremontis (and their ever-so-smart producers) of this present world do. As a woman, Tremonti must feel great power abusing (as I see it) another woman.

What power! What fun (for her)!


Vulcan, Alberta: Dear Jessica, Just wanted to say thank you for everything you are doing for the planet, I hope you become our premier in the next election. or perhaps our new prime minister. it looks to me like god has a plan for you.. not only saving Canada but saving the planet.

Victoria, BC: Hello Jessica, I listened to you on CBC last night and I want to say that you are a very brave lady for taking on this corporate bully.  Very few people are willing stand up for what is right today. You are admirable. I will be posting your web site wherever and whenever I see an opportunity and I will be following your case closely. Rick Allenberg

Mayne Island, BC: You are a courageous woman … I fully support you … are you still fundraising for your cause? ….we all have to stand up for our values … despite the threat of attracting attention from those that plan to gain from our silence and find ways to punish us for our voice. The best to you. Toby Snelgrove

October 25, 2013, Toronto, Ontario:

2013 10 25 Donation note Ernst vs Encana

October 19, 2013, Medicine Hat, Alberta: 

2013 10 19 Donation note Ernst vs Encana

October 13, 2013, Colorado: I believe I feel whispers of your deepest pain, frustration and stirrings of determination. Whether you decide to go forward or not, I respect and admire all you’ve endured and pushed for. I also know that justice will prevail. … 

 Truth exists even when it is denied.
Justice exists even when access is barred.
Courage exists even when hope is lost. 

My deepest love, understanding and support to you both – always!

September 2013, Edmonton Alberta:

2013 09 30 Donation w card Never give in, Never ever give in

September 2013, Vegreville, Alberta: Hope all is going well!

September 2013, by Gros Morne National Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Newfoundland:

May this shawl keep you beautifully
Wrapped with warmth, comfort and love.

May the candle continue to light
your way with all of those burning 
bright around the world Heart

Ever near, & always here, with peace – gratitude & love

September 2013, Newfoundland: Thank you so much for coming out. We truly appreciate the work you do. We wish you the best and hope that we can support your efforts a bit as well. With gratitude.

September 2013, Newfoundland: We’re very lucky to have your expertise.

August 2013, Edmonton Alberta:

2013 08 Hi Jess and Magic Keep Going

July, 2013 New York State: Gift of the book “Old Turtle” by Douglas Wood with watercolours by Cheng-Khee Chee. 

I continue to pray for the success of your struggle for justice. … Old Turtle will be on her way by the end of this week I hope. You will love her I feel sure and I hope that she gives you continued courage because you are walking along the way that she advocates. The efforts that you are pursuing are and will help to build a more peaceful and just world! … My prayers will continue! Keep up your courage!

Old Turtle by Douglas Wood water colour by Cheng-Khee Chee.JPG

Text accompanying above watercolour:

And often the people
misused their powers,
and hurt one another.
Or killed one another.

And they hurt the earth.

Until finally even the forests
began to die …

… and the rivers
and the oceans
and the plants and animals
and the earth itself …

June, 2013, Nokomis, Saskatchewan: Please accept this gift – it is non-negotiable and non-refundable. I think of you often and the continuing battle you are going through. … Many people don’t stop to think the water is already privatized! Our Co-op store sells the “stuff of life.”

May 27, 2013, Courtney, BC:

2013 05 27 Am appalled at the apparent interference of the Harper governmentApril 2013, Edmonton, Alberta: My hubby agrees this is the best donation we have ever made to anyone.

March, 4, 2013, The Burren, County Clare, Ireland: Jessica, May you be forever blessed. May love surround you and protect you, wherever you go. With love and many many thanks.

March, 4, 2013, The Burren, County Clare, Ireland: Thank you Jessica. You are always welcome! I know you are always protected and loved. The land and animals stand for you.

March 3, 2013, Toronto, Ontario:

2013 03 3 I know you're going to win this

February 25, 2013, Valemount, BC: Please use enclosed for anything that helps your fight against fracking. I don’t care if it pays lawyers or buys dog food or maybe just takes you out for a nice meal some time when you need it.

Winter, 2013, somewhere on the West Coast, with painting below: Hiding in these woods from the malefactors – knowing there is nowhere to hide, only places to fight. Down to the sea today and gathering seaweed for the garden in deliriously beautiful setting sun. All — all seemingly temporary and evanescent as poisons are pumped into the sea and species [inexplicably] begin to disappear. … Be well. Be happy. Be strong. Excelt!!


February 24, 2013, Fort Macleod, Alberta: We have become aware of your attempts, now through law suit, to force the ERCB, EnCana and the Government of Alberta to accept responsibility for any groundwater contamination resulting from fracking procedures affecting your water tables. We also understand that thousands of wells have been drilled throughout your area without first establishing baseline water quality. This is all very concerning.

It is clear that your struggle to have full accountability and liability on the part of both regulator and operator written directly into statute is both fundamentally necessary, and of grave important to all landowners in Alberta. Your fight is the fight of all rural peoples to have industry behave in a responsible and open fashion. Please accept therefore, this financial token of our solidarity with your efforts. … We wish you all the best in your efforts, and share with you a hope for a more conscientious approach to all such matters in the future.

February 5, 2013, Cowley, Alberta:

2013 02 5 Valkyrie in full battle mode

April 19, 2012, Australia:

Your battle is for your land, your property. But it is also what I believed all along – a battle that is for the world. I am not a “greeny”. I am not an “activist”. I am a businessman. I am / have become aware of the scope and scale of this problem because of people like you. You belong to the world. We all do, but too many are stuck in a view that constrains them to what they can physically see from their window. You have far grander vision.

We, the people of the world, owe you all our praise. You issues started so very localised. Your recent win is focused on what first drew you into this – your piece of heaven being f…ed up. Where others take this threat and lie down, where others take this threat and want to ring-fence (ie not on my land but elsewhere is ok), you have stood up and taken your message to the world and, by doing that, given hope to so many. What is the battle for your little piece of heaven, has become a symbol of hope for so many because of your open and honest view.

I wish in our little interchange for three things:

1. That you get shortly the win you must have for your place.

2. That you shortly get to pass on the torch to others and get back your life.

3. That in the interim, you come and speak to Australia.


July 2012, Nova Scotia: Victory through truth

2012, Alberta: I sincerely hope this helps fund your lawsuit to a just conclusion. I am currently attempting to spread the word about the dangers of fracking in rural Alberta – the amount of apathy is saddening. 

September 2012, Quebec: I am convinced this cause of yours will be a very important legal precedent that will have global repercussions. It is crucial that we see it to the end. I’m sure you’re aware of this.

Fall 2012, Kathryn, Alberta: Remember: “He who laughs – lasts.”  I am sure you can handle this better than any New York lawyer. We’re praying for you.

December 2012, Victoria, BC: You and Magic are one of our nicest thoughts. Thinking of you and sending you love and energy!

December 14, 2012, Ladysmith, BC: Wanting you to know we not only love you but support you.

September 30, 2011, New York, USA: Our board was very impressed with the work you are doing on behalf of the planet and its peoples. We want to express our solidarity with you and support this work through this assistance to you.