Are you frac’d?
I was (still am), and this is now our story.
Water moves.
“Jessica’s Farm” by Erin Shilliday
Painted up at Rosebud Hamlet’s drinking water reservoir that a few years later blew up in an explosion (seriously injuring the county’s water manager) from an apparent accumulation of gases in January 2005 – nine months after Encana (now Ovintiv after running away to the USA) illegally frac’d directly into my community’s drinking water aquifers. The regulators knew but did not warn my community.
The smaller black dots in the above map are deeper wells, most by Encana. The map only shows energy wells up to April 2006. Encana frac’d many more after that, shallow and deep.
The purpose of frac’ing is to force methane to let go from formations it is tightly adsorbed to, from which it will not release naturally.
When you are frac’d, there’s no aftercare like governments give to dead avalanche victims, lost hikers, out of bounds skiers and snowboarders, etc.
Frac’ers are never satisfied.
After our water was contaminated, Encana kept frac’ing us, again and again and again.
This is how Encana gets rid of its waste in my community:
Encana vs humanity
Subject: Encana vs humanity
2020 02 13
Hi Jessica…
I’ve read the timeline of your ongoing battle with Encana and am curious as to your frame of mind these days. … I read your comment that you have a ‘wild sense of humour’ …dealing with mass denial can be brutalizing but only if you let it. You’ll know the brutes have won if you can’t see how absurd human behaviour can be.
My partner and I admire you so much…we live on a quarter-section near Morningside [Alberta] and monitor the oil business from afar. I had a job lined up at Home Oil in the early 80’s and intuited that it wasn’t for me. The oil industry has ravaged Alberta but we seem to be shifting into acceptance that the “pipe dream” is over. You’ve proven that oil companies are above the law. Such a hard won victory for you but what a foot hold for others pursuing claims against oil companies in the future. Dragging the dark into light is the work of giants and you did it!
I hope this finds you in good spirits.
Thank you again for staying the line👏👏👏
Deb Macleod
Rick Wyrozub [Alberta lawyer]
2020 06 30: San Luis Obispo, California:
Oh Jessica, I just want to give you one big hug and say over and over again thank you thank you thank you. You have made a difference. You have been a thorn, a big thorn in the side of oil and a corrupt legal system and politics and yes absolutely the NGO’s. You exposed them. You put them to shame and it is on the record written in stone. And so many are watching you and are afraid to say anything. Your fearless spirit and soul took you to places where no man has gone before.
And Jess omg oil is going down. Going down big time. They are done. However you do it Jess, How ever you can safely and wholehearted embrace their demise do it!!!!! You so deserve it. You earned it. You are part of this reckoning. And all the divine inspiration that got you to this point is here to reward you. Stand by.
There are way more kind, gentle, good souls out there, then bad ones. You were their voice. They couldn’t speak. Didn’t know how and you were an answer to their prayers. You did what needed doing and the cosmos is going to bless you for all that you have done. So much love coming your way Jess. Stand by. Big Hug. Big Big hug.
The photos below show my water after Encana (Ovintiv) illegally fractured (frac’d) and injected 18 Million litres of frac fluid into my community’s drinking water aquifers.
Our regulators engaged in fraud to cover-up Encana’s crimes and abused the harmed to try to scare us quiet, which they do everywhere to those of us who speak up.
My water is too dangerous to use to flush toilets or be connected to my home.
Frac’ing pollutes water wells, blows up homes, kills people and seriously injures others.
After the regulator’s fraudulent investigations that ignored historic records in their database for community water wells, including mine, that state Gas Present: No, authorities concluded our water was always contaminated and blamed nature, or if not nature, then we (the frac harmed) were to blame. Our explosive water was deemed safe to live with and cases closed.
The chemicals Encana (Ovintiv) injected remain secret, even with the lawsuit. Trade secrets are not allowed under Alberta Rules of Court.
Even the oil and gas industry’s biggest lobby group CAPP and company CEOs in testimony to Parliamentary Committee admit frac’ing contaminated Rosebud’s water.
I am making a few changes to this page.
“About” and my lawyers abruptly quitting has it’s own page and includes the 2011 Press Release and UNANIMA International Woman of Courage Award.
The other pages and posting remain the same:
The Lawsuit page contains legal filings, rulings and other information.
I have so far experienced phenomenal delays, lawyer and judicial lies, contradictions (the same judge ruled I cannot sue the 100% industry-funded AER because it is legally immune but I can sue the 100% taxpayer-funded Alberta Environment even though it too is legally immune) and doors slammed in the public interest’s face (including to my shock, by my own lawyers, Murray Klippenstein and Cory Wanless).
Wells frac’d by Encana (Ovintiv) near Rosebud, Alberta
Andrew Nikiforuk’s Slick Water
On my land with the old Rosebud River meandering through it.
To my surprise and delight, C Abel created this cartoon published in The Lethbridge Herald, March 5, 2014. I love cartoons! To my heartbreak, my lawyers ordered me not to make it public or distribute it.
After my lawyers quit, I added the cartoon to this page; it sums up Canada’s judicial industry and Alberta regulators better than I ever could.
I dedicate this page to the Ali sisters in Edmonton.