Must Watch: Dr. Sandra Steingraber on Pore Space in context of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

Emissions cap not possible without oil, gas production cuts, Deloitte concludes, Alberta government commissioned report to assess economic impact of Ottawa’s proposed cap by Amanda Stephenson, The Canadian Press, Jun 18, 2024, CBC News

Canadian oil and gas companies facing a federally imposed emissions cap will decide to cut their production rather than invest in too-expensive carbon capture and storage technology, a new report by Deloitte says.

The Alberta government-commissioned report — a copy of which was obtained by The Canadian Press — aims to assess the economic impact of the proposed cap.

….the Deloitte report also casts doubt on the idea that widespread deployment of carbon capture and storage technology will drive down emissions from the oil and gas sector in the coming years, suggesting that scenario doesn’t make financial sense.

“We expect that the cap (will impose) 20 megatonnes in emissions reduction on producers by 2030, which will need to be achieved by CCS (carbon capture and storage) investments, or through production curtailment,” the Deloitte report states.

The oil and gas industry itself has been promoting carbon capture and storage as the key to reducing emissions while still increasing production.That’s the scam of CCS in a nutshell: increasing profits, production and pollution. The oilsands industry, which is responsible for the bulk of Canada’s overall oil and gas sector emissions, has proposed spending $16.5-billionof course, of the public’s money, not industry’s on a massive carbon capture and storage network for northern Alberta.

But the group of companies behind the proposal, called thealways dishonestPathways Alliance, has not yet made a final investment decision, saying more certainty about the level of government support and funding for the project is required.translation: Industry won’t do it unless 1) the citizenry pays for it entirely, and 2) all legal liabilities are hung on the public, never on the companies doing the high risk poisoning via injected industry’s deadly waste into the subsurface they’ve already frac’d to hell, caprock included.

It says it is unlikely that many companies would go that route in an effort to comply with an emissions cap, and would instead simply curtail production.

“It is important to note that once implemented, the investment in CCS is irreversible,” the report states.

“However, production curtailment can be reversed. Considering these factors, we do not foresee any oilsands CCS investments being implemented.”

In my view of hearing about industry’s CCS scam, it’s got nothing to do with reducing their pollution, it’s just about using CCS as propaganda to keep laundering money from taxpayers into pockets of rich oil patch CEOs while letting companies increasing their profit raping and polluting. CCS is as dreadful as the scams of hydraulic fracturing and AI, and most CO2 injected under lies of cleaning up industry’s pollution is to enhance oil recover, in other words, to feed industry’s greed.

Better Path Briefing Sandra Steingraber on Pore Space 1:01:11 May 23, 2024

Dr. Steingraber’s presentation is about 30 min long, after a short intro, followed by comments/questions.


Better Path Coalition@BetterPathPA June 23, 2024:

On Tuesday, the PA House Consumer Protection, Technology, & Utilities committee will vote on a HUGELY consequential bill without holding a public hearing on it. The bill opens PA to Carbon Capture & Storage. Here are some points we’re sending members. #handsoffourporespace

We are out of time for necessary site characterization – Identifying sites where CO2 will stay put once injected is not an easy task.

@NaomiOreskes discusses it in her essay in


A key provision in the bill is a form of subsurface eminent domain that deprives landowners the right to say no to their pore space being used for CO2 sequestration of enough neighbors say yes.

Why? Because the injected CO2 plume’s path is unpredictable.

From the Journal of Petroleum Engineers, “Plume modeling is an emerging challenge for geoscientists and petroleum engineers, and there is a limited amount of storage data to rely on.” …

DCNR also advises against putting injection wells too close to unplugged or poorly plugged wells. With a lowball estimate of 500,000 of them in PA, including some that will never be found, it’s impossible to find a safe site.

Pore space is filled with brine that must be removed to make room for the CO2. Disposing of CO2 waste means creation of another dangerous, radioactive waste that must also be disposed of.

CCS infrastructure threated health and safety. Ask the people of Satartia, Mississippi about that.

Read the full letter we will deliver to Chair @RobMatzie and his colleagues tomorrow.

Then contact committee members and your own state reps to say CCS is not the way forward in PA. And get ready to tell Shapiro the same thing if the House is foolish enough to pass Yaw’s SB831. Here’s how to find committee members –

EPA probe of Texas oil wells could stymie carbon capture industry by Shelby Webb, June 24, 2024, E&E News

The agency is examining whether the state is adequately monitoring underground injection of carbon dioxide and wastewater.

The EPA is launching a review into Texas’ oversight of wells for injecting gases and chemicals underground — a process that could thwart the state’s hopes to oversee long-term carbon sequestration and change how companies operate in the most productive oil fields in the country.

The review is in response to a petition from two nonprofits — EarthJustice and Commission Shift — that asked EPA to investigate how the state’s oil and gas regulator oversees Class II wells, where companies inject tons of wastewater, carbon dioxide and other gases and chemicals. Those wells in Texas have been linked to earthquakes that have rocked West Texas and have also been tied to sinkholes and explosions.

“Your petition raises substantial concerns regarding the sufficiency of Texas’ implementation of the (Underground Injection Control) Class II program that the EPA Region 6 will need to evaluate through extensive and thorough technical and legal review in order to evaluate the issues raised in your petition,” wrote Troy Hill, EPA’s Water Division director,  in a letter to EarthJustice.

The two groups put out a statement Friday on the letter, which was dated May 23. …

Signatures supporting repeal of ‘Landowner Rights’ pipeline law turned in, Carbon pipeline opponents fighting Senate Bill 201 await ballot certification after petitions submitted to South Dakota Secretary of State by Austin Goss, Jun 24, 2024, The Dakota Scout

Mark Lapka addresses a landowners’ rights rally at the state Capitol, while Jerad Bossly stands by with petitions to deliver to Gov. Kristi Noem’s office asking her to call for a special session. (Austin Goss/The Dakota Scout)

Petitions to force a vote on carbon pipeline policy in South Dakota have been submitted to the state’s top election official.

The political campaign committee South Dakota Property Rights and Local Control Alliance has turned in signatures in support of repealing Senate Bill 201, submitting petitions to South Dakota Secretary of State Monae Johnson’s office Monday.

Refer also to:

2024: Dr. Karen Elias on CCS: “Pore space means more space for the fossil fuel industry. … Nothing in carbon storage technology guarantees that buried deposits of massive amounts of CO2 will remain locked in place forever.”

2024: Carbon Capture (no matter what type) is a money laundering con job, steals from the poor to give to the rich, and industry, politicians and regulators know it. Another $2.4Billion CCS project, this one in Alberta, bites reality and dies for “lack of economical feasibility” despite “massive subsidies.”

2024: Louisiana: Another high pressure CO2 pipeline failure, many could have been killed or sickened. Calls to Exxon went unanswered, took operator over two hours to show up to fix the leak. CO2 damages the brain. WTF with Denbury and it’s deadly pipeline failures?

2023: Frac’ing ‘generation 3’ rock requires injecting captured carbon to make more oil flow. No wonder companies, lobby groups, regulators, gov’ts and Env NGOs are conning the world with Net Zero miracles via high risk Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

2023: Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS): Fossil fuel industry and enablers pick perfect bend over liar at Geological Survey of Canada: Honn Kao. Not only can CO2 injection cause earthquakes, it won’t stay put, busts caprock, shoots to surface, pollutes ground water, migrates into and contaminates petroleum wells, kills, impairs cognitive function, harms families and communities

2021: Satartia, Mississippi gassed by Denbury Inc., nearly killing dozens when CO2 P/L (contaminated with H2S) ruptured. Foreshadowing Canada’s Carbon Capture & Storage (that produces more pollution under guise of reducing it)? Deaths already reported in SK at Encana/Cenovus/Ovintiv’s CO2 injected oil recovery experiment.

LEFT: The CO2 pipeline rupture. RIGHT: Vehicles pass over the pipeline explosion site in Satartia in July. Yazoo County Emergency Management Agency/Rory Doyle for HuffPost

2021: North Dakota: Judge rules ‘pore space’ bill unconstitutional because it took property from landowners, destroyed its value, gave it to corporations: “The taking of pore space from surface owners is clearly and unambiguously for the constitutionally impermissible purpose of economic development to benefit private parties, i.e. the oil and gas industry.” Bill 2344 (2019) responded to Mosser v Denbury (2017). Alberta gov’t stole pore space from landowners in 2010.

2021: North Dakota: “Thorny legal territory of subsurface property ownership.” Pore space “turf war.” Massive deregulation ahead to steal the valuable asset from landowners to give to oil and gas companies?The Alberta gov’t already stole the pore space from landowners to give to industry, back in 2010.

2021: 500 international, US, Canadian groups open letter to leaders to “reject carbon capture and storage.” CCS is high risk like frac’ing, another scam used by gov’ts to give oil and gas companies $billions of public money to produce more pollution

2019: Stanford study casts doubt on carbon capture. Carbon capture technologies can cause more harm than good and increase air pollution!

2013: Denbury fined $662,500 for Mississippi blowout of CO2 injected in high pressure enhanced oil recovery, So much carbon dioxide came out that it settled in hollows, suffocating deer and other animals

2011: Nikiforuk: Pfffft Goes Promise of Pumping C02 Underground, Farmers say high profile carbon sequestration experiment is a bubbling, dangerous failure



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