2014 03 05: Cartoon by C Abel in Lethbridge Herald [Added here on June 28, 2019]
BEST FRAC TALK EVER! Andrew Nikiforuk presenting at ACORRDS Frack Conference in Cochrane, Alberta by Will Koop, May 13, 2017
MUST WATCH! The Tricks of the Oil and Gas Corporations 44:28 Min. Documentary by NDR.de, April 6, 2017, English subtitles by Charlie Williams
Die Tricks der Öl- und Gaskonzerne Verschmutzen und verharmlosen by NDR.de, March 6, 2017
Oil and gas producers like ExxonMobil are promising safe production and install their drilling rigs throughout Northern Germany. However, this documentary shows that things go wrong on a regular basis with harmful consequences for the people and the environment.
German journalist Jo Hiller is on the track of energy corporations like ExxonMobil and investigates their marketing tricks. He questions the alleged reliable environmental protection and investigates if oil and gas production in Northern Germany is making people sick in the targeted areas. Jo Hiller reveals the marketing tricks of the energy corporations. He meets with physicians who criticize the distribution of medical misinformation.
Laboratory analyses – commissioned by the German broadcaster NDR – prove that pollutants are released into the environment in the vicinity of the drilling sites. The increase of earthquakes in the gas production regions is most probably related to the extraction of hydrocarbons. Jo Hiller meets locals whose houses are damaged. He confronts the regulatory body and the oil and gas companies with the results of the comprehensive investigation.
Source: http://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/The-Trick…
MUST WATCH: Save the Rosebud by Jon Groves, October 11, 2016
We’re Better Together by Love Leitrim, September 26, 2015
Vote for the video clip, at link above.
An evening with ‘Slick Water’ author Andrew Nikiforuk Talk and Q & A 1:58 Min. published by The Tyee, February 5, 2016
Standing up to Fracking: An evening with ‘Slick Water’ Author Andrew Nikiforuk January 28, 2016, This event is proudly co-presented by The Tyee and SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement. Click on link or image below to order tickets.
Slick Water Book Launch at Ground Zero, Rosebud, Alberta September 12, 2015
Secondhand Smoke by Rob Rogers, May 4, 2015
As it turns out, pollution from our fracking wells in Pennsylvania may be drifting down to Maryland, raising ethane levels in the state to unhealthy levels.
New Frac Film to be released in April 2015: L’or du golfe trailer by Rapide Blanc, Febraury 20, 2015
L’or du golfe est un film documentaire qui nous transporte aux quatre coins du Golfe du St-Laurent alors que s’amorce une nouvelle vague d’exploration pétrolière au Québec. Après avoir vécu le bruit des foreuses en face de chez lui, Kevin Parent part à la rencontre des acteurs d’un conflit qui ne fait que commencer.
Starring: Kevin Parent
Directed by: Ian Jaquier
Sortie en avril 2015
Snap from L’or du golfe trailer
The Alberta Energy Regulator’s (was ERCB, became EUB, morphed back into the ERCB, now AER) Lawyer Mr. Glenn Solomon’s Advice for Frac’d Families [Mr. Solomon named Ernst a terrorist without any evidence in his December 2012 legal filing, arguing Charter rights of terrorists can be violated. The court ruled in September 2013 that there was no evidence of Ernst being a terrorist, “absolutely none,” but did not punish Mr. Solomon, instead ordered costs against Ernst]:
Why is legal advice in Alberta so bleak?
Fueling Fears by CTV W-5, Canada, February 7, 2009:
W-FIVE’s Fueling Fears aired nationally in Canada on February 7, 2009. Two days later, the Harper government’s anti-terrorist squad began harassing Jessica Ernst but not the others interviewed. W-Five interviewed the following and more:
Pekisko ranchers Wendy and Gordon Cartwright
Rodeo stars Linda Thurston and her family
Singer-song writer Ian Tyson
2007: Alberta Court allows appeal of EnCana sour gas well
The Alberta Energy and Utilities Board was wrong to throw out a complaint by an Alberta family who were concerned that their health would be hurt by a sour gas well proposed by EnCana Corp., the province’s Court of Appeal ruled yesterday. The EUB approved the sour gas well last year, despite concerns by Barbara Graff, Larry Graff and Darrell Graff, who said their chemical-induced asthma could be made worse by venting and flaring if EnCana’s plan to place the well two kilometres from their home near Vulcan, southeast of Calgary, goes ahead. “The applicants raise a serious, arguable point which is of significance both to the practice and to the action itself, and is potentially meritorious,” Madame Justice Marina Paperny wrote in granting the Graffs leave to appeal the AEUB ruling.
2007: Graff v. Alberta (Energy and Utilities Board), 2007 ABCA 246 In granting leave on the first question, I emphasize the Board’s acknowledged mistake about the distance between the EnCana Well and the Graffs’ land. Although the Board’s finding about direct and adverse effect is generally a matter of fact over which this Court has no jurisdiction…a misapprehension of the facts may give rise to an error of law…. Despite arguments to the contrary, I find it impossible to conclude that the Board’s decision about direct and adverse effect would necessarily have been the same had it been aware of the correct distance when making the Decision. On the contrary, the distance is one of the specific facts mentioned by the Board in support of its conclusion about direct and adverse effect. …
Given its misapprehension about the facts, I cannot say the Board would have reached the same conclusion on this point had it considered the correct distance.
In regard to the third question, despite the fact that Barbara Graff’s letters make obvious reference to the cumulative effects of hydrocarbon development on her health, the Board’s decision makes no reference to this matter. Although that may be because of its initial decision that the Graffs had not shown direct and adverse effect, it is arguable that the Board committed an error of law by overlooking this issue.
2011: Hydrogen Sulfide Jim Hope-Ross, the lawyer for Barbara and Larry Graff and their adult son, Darrell, said he found it “disturbing” that the court considered the Graffs “the authors of their own demise.”
“If it’s something cumulative, as it is with the Graffs, how can you ever establish that?” he said. “It puts an awfully tough onus on the little guy.”
The Graffs didn’t want to publicize their health problems, he added, and the regulator could have done more to consider their request for privacy. But Bob Curran, a spokesman for the Energy Resources Conservation Board, which now handles the oil and gas regulation formerly overseen by the EUB, said anything filed with the regulator has to be made public.
When the family asked for it to be kept private, but didn’t file a confidentiality request, that left the regulator to choose protecting the family’s privacy over keeping the documents — leading to staff returning the evidence so that it wasn’t part of the case. [How much more abusive can the “No duty of care” Alberta Regulator get?]
Chronicle Herald editorial cartoon, July 28, 2014
MUST WATCH: Oil-soaked Texas! Denton Takes a Stand 7:03 Min. by Adam Briggle, July 23, 2014
Helen Slottje, 2014 Goldman Environmental Prize, USA by Goldman Prize, April 27, 2014
Do you seek these towns out, or do they come to you?
We only work with towns that come to us. We have to be invited, by our own internal rule, because we don’t want to be accused of lobbying.
In 2013, The Goldman Environmental Prize also went to a citizen fighting to keep fracing out – Jonathan Deal of South Africa
Jonathan Deal Receives Goldman Environmental Prize for his work protecting the Karoo from Fracing 3:31 Min. narrated by Robert Redford, 2013
I think in terms stopping the advent of fracking in this country, it became very clear to us that the stronger way to attack this would be through the courts. Our constitution guarantees the right for every single person in this country to live in an environment that is not harmful to their health and well being, and it provides for the protection of the environment for future generations.
Jonathan Deal 2013 Africa Oil & Mining Biography
Cartoon by C. Abel published in the Lethbridge Herald,ebruary 24, 2014
MACHT ENERGIE – HD Trailer deutsch (in German) | Ab 7.3.2014 im Kino (in theatres in Europe, March 7, 2014) directed by Hubert Canaval
First Things First
Grateful, I slept till a morning that would not say
How much it believed of what I said the storm had said
But quietly drew my attention to what had been done
—So many cubic metres the more in my cistern
Against a leonine summer—, putting first things first:
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.
Collected poems, Wystan Hugh Auden, edited by Edward Mendelson Modern Library ed. 1st ed. 2007 , p. 582.
Texte de Marie Néron, Lecture de Roy Dupuis au Cabaret du Mile End, spectacle bénéfice de la Fondation Rivières. Posted with translation by Amie du Richelieu, January 9, 2014
et si tu te sens seule – and if you are lonely by Julie Ali, Reading Children’s Books, translation by lesamisdurichelieu, December 10, 2013
et si tu te sens seule
ne pense pas
que tu n’as personne
les étoiles dans le ciel
prononcent ton nom
et le vent souffle avec toi
la rivière
colle une chanson
sur la porte de neige
avec les merles
et les mésanges
entretemps le geai bleu
éclate en fleurs de delphinium
dans l’épinette
chante ce que tu peux
pour te garder compagnie
mais comprend bien que la terre
et nous t’accompagnons
peu importe où tu vas
tu n’es jamais seule
and if you are lonely
do not think
that you have no one
the stars above
say your name
and the wind limps with you
the river
pastes a song
on the door of snow
with the robins
and chickadees
meanwhile the blue jay
bursts out in delphinium bloom
in the fir
sing what you can
to keep yourself accompanied
but understand the land
envelopes thee
and we accompany you
wherever you go
you are never alone
Our Land – Fracking Balcombe by You and I Films, September 11, 2013
As drilling progressed through August, this film captures not only the endeavor to be heard, but also the love and loss experienced by many who followed their hearts to express dismay and outrage at the fracturing of our land and society.
Land owners in dark on fracking problems by CNN, March 14, 2012
Ernst safe alternate water hauling tank, Encana compressors at Rosebud in background, June 2013
Source of map: Alberta Oil & Gas Industry Quarterly Update, Summer 2013. Note the National Parks
Source: Susquehanna River Sentinel Semper Vigilans since 1999
Zweifel am Fracking [Doubt about Fracing] 5:55 Min. by Westpol, June 2, 2013
EnCana statement in the news clip:
“Numerous studies show that we cause no harm to groundwater There is no single scientifically proven case in which a link between the chemicals used in fracking and groundwater contamination was detected.”
[Refer to:
ERCB Investigation Report: Caltex Energy Inc., Hydraulic Fracturing Incident, 16-27-068-10W6M, September 22, 2011 by the ERCB, December 20, 2012
Combustible gas was detected through lower explosive limit (LEL) measurement at the surface during the pumping and water sampling tests in the deeper monitoring well Crew was required to report the detection of combustible gas to the ERCB. In addition to the routine components, the deeper monitoring well is likely to continue to be tested for isopropanolamine, being the selected indicating chemical for the presence of the fracturing fluids. The sampling event in February 2012 detected the presence of isopropanolamine in a sample collected from the deeper well; however, isopropanolamine was not detected in either monitoring well in the samples collected on September 20, 2012. The total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and ammonia concentrations both showed a significant decrease to one-fifth of the previous concentrations, possibly indicating the attenuation of the amines as well. The groundwater composition on September 20, 2012, continued to be impacted by the fracturing fluids. The concentrations of chloride has decreased from the February 2012 sample, but remains elevated. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) concentrations remained unchanged between the February and September 2012 sampling events. The petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) fractions F2 through F4 concentrations overall decreased (with the PHC fraction F1 showing an anomalous increase). ]
Jessica Ernst Vs Encana Part 1: Actions and Omissions speak louder than words with Meg Rybiki 54:20 Min. Video produced by NoFrackingIreland and NoFrackingDublin, posted by twillaleebone, May 25, 2013
Snaps above: presentation by Meg Rybiki, North West Network Against Fracking
Jessica Ernst Vs Encana Part 2 with Q and A 85 Min. Video produced by NoFrackingIreland and NoFrackingDublin, posted by twillaleebone, May 25, 2013
Jessica’s 2013 speaking tour in Ireland and the UK was coordinated by North West Network Against Fracking and No Fracking Ireland
Ad in Rockyview Weekly, May 21, 2013
Bruce Jack – Well Water Explosion at Spirit River, Alberta by Grant Gelinas, October 25 and 26, 2006, CBC News, posted by Will Koop, BC Tap Water Alliance, May 9, 2013
Bruce Jack and two industry gas-in-water testers were seriously injured and hospitalized when the methane and ethane contaminated water well ignited on industry water testing day, May 9, 2006
Source: TXSharon Blue Daze Drilling Reform May 11, 2013
Refer also to:
Bruce Jack Private water well explosion at Spirit River, Alberta Alberta Hansard, May 17, 2006
Dr. Swann: Three years this man waited for investigations. He still has no explanation of why his water exploded. Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Environment has not met the mark in protecting our most vital resource.
The Speaker: Hon. member, I appreciate that there’s a synergy that goes on in here, and I also appreciate that there’s emotion, but it’s question period. Let’s get to the question, okay?
Smokey the Bear Faucet Fire Fracus by Bill Huston, May 3, 2013
A NYC artist called Lmnopi (Lopi LaRoe) has been ordered by the US Government to Cease and Desist causing harm to them(*) by infringing their intellectual property rights, to wit, using the SMOKEY THE BEAR icon in this anti-fracking parody.
Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Daniel Kovalik, Jessica Ernst, Janine Bandcroft by Chris Cook, April 29, 2013, Gorilla Radio
Click and scroll to the bottom to access the podcast (Ernst interview at about 35 Min.) Jessica Ernst and when David meets the whole Goliath clan in the second half.
Argentina libre de fracking by obpetsur, April 29, 2013
Para más información acceder a www.argentinalibredefracking.org
GAS LEAK! by Matthew Carney and Connie Agius, April 1, 2013, ABC Four Corners
VIDEO: Interview with Simone Marsh, Senior environmental specialist (Four Corners)
That’s what’s upsetting to us. They didn’t tell us the truth in the first place.
I’m scared. I’ll be honest with you. I’m scared. What’s going to be left? Nothing. They’ve taken everything.
QGC says it’s naturally occurring because its wells are not operational. The government has done three reports on this bore and concluded it’s safe and not flammable – a finding Brian Monk finds absurd. We’re going to basically light the unlightable gas.
The coal seam [CBM] gas industry promotes itself as a cleaner carbon-fuel alternative; but how do we know this is true? Until now much of the information used to back this claim has come from the industry itself. The problem is this “cleaner-greener” claim doesn’t always square with experience on the ground. Next on Four Corners reporter Matthew Carney talks to farmers who’ve seen rivers bubble with methane, their bore water polluted with chemicals, while the reserves of ground water on their property have dropped alarmingly. He also looks at the latest research that suggests the coal seam gas industry might be a much bigger greenhouse gas emitter than previously thought.
But why weren’t these problems picked up in the development approval process? The answer is simple: according to one insider, the approval process is significantly flawed. Four Corners reveals what really happened when two major companies applied to develop thousands of square kilometres of southern Queensland for coal seam gas. Using hundreds of pages of confidential documents, the program reveals that the companies didn’t supply enough basic information for an informed decision to be made about environmental impacts. Despite this, various government agencies permitted the developments to go ahead, allowing the companies to submit key information at a later date. A decision which shocked some who were involved:
It was quite frightening that they would consider approving such a project without the basic information that a normal mining project would have been asked to submit, given that this was like six hundred times the size of your standard, large mine.
This same insider claims pressure was applied to the bureaucracy to fast track approval for coal seam gas development. This allegation would deeply concern many farmers who have seen their land used for coal seam gas sites and raises significant concerns about the future expansion of the industry across Australia. [Emphasis added]
HOME 7:45 Min. by FrackingCanada
WATCH Ecocide, the 5th Crime Against Peace 19 Min. by Polly Higgins, May 1, 2012, TEDxExeter
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Sligo, Republic of Ireland, March 17, 2013
Jemima on the left, Elli in the middle, Dawni on the right
“No Fracking” Billboards in Mora and San Miguel Counties, New Mexico
Citizens in Mora and San Miguel Counties have launched a full-out billboard and yard sign campaign this year. Yard signs and billboards line highway 518 between Holman and Buena Vista, and highway 442 between La Cueva and Ocate, Mora County, New Mexico.
Fracking on the Fylde 7:35 Min. Interview with Jessica Ernst by Wave 965, March 7, 2013
A Candian Scientist is visiting St Annes to share her expiriences of fracking for shale gas. Jessica Ernst is visting the area as part of a national tour to highlight the dangers associated with the conterversial gas extraction. She’s suing the company that has been fracking near her home. Proposals have been made to make more than 800 wells in the Fylde. Local residents’ group, RAFF (Resident Action on Fylde Fracking hope that the meeting will provide residents a wider picture so they can make an informed decision. They’re meeting at the United Reformed Church on St George’s Road.
Jessica Ernst at Old Ground Hotel, Ennis, Co. Clare 71 Min. by Clare Fracking Concern, March 4, 2013, Republic of Ireland
Trouble in the Peace by Julian T. Pinder, 2012, is the story of a growing grassroots revolution against the multinational energy extraction industry. The film offers an unflinching look into the dark viscous world of Big Oil & Gas told through the personal perspective of two neighboring families at war over the land beneath their feet. When livestock begin dying and children become mysteriously ill after gas leaks, a series of bombs are set off on the pipelines in reaction. The gas company announces a 1 million dollar reward for the capture of the pipeline bomber, which viciously tears the community apart. Trouble is brewing in the Peace River region. As Big Oil and Gas moves in, family farms suffer from lethal gas leaks and flares, and the government fails to regulate safety standards it is instead preoccupied with catching a pipeline bomber. The community begins to fracture, with many residents expending vast amounts of time and energy on ineffectual protests and petitions. In the midst of this, cowboy, sculptor and father, Karl Mattson, struggles to make sense of what is happening to his town and its residents.
[Refer also to:
Failure Investigation Report: Failure of Piping at EnCana Swan Wellsite A5-7-77-14 L W6M by the BC Oil and Gas Commission, February 4, 2010.
The 22 November 2009 failure…was caused by internal erosion of the wall resulting from flowing fracture sand suspended in the gas stream. Leak detection and emergency isolation at the site did not achieve timely detection of the leak or control of the escaping gas. EnCana’s integrity management program did not effectively mitigate the hazard of internal erosion. [Emphasis added]
EnCana Corporation facing criminal charges
$250000 in community safety projects following Encana deadly sour gas leak
‘Industry people have threatened me’: AB air pollution campaigner by Andrew Nikiforuk, March 14, 2012 ]
You’ve Been Fracked by NYYouthAgainstFrack, February 2, 2013, Moving Box Studios
Winner of Yoko Ono’s Artists Against Fracking Video Contest
I am a fracking company
I own the USA. …
I’ll poison all your water
contaminate your land.
I’ll make you sign a contract
You don’t really understand.
I’ll dig a well straight down to hell
And turn your water black.
And when I’m done,
I’ll cut and run,
‘Cause you’ve been fracked!
My drills go down a mile
And they crack the earth in two.
That sometimes causes earthquakes
But there’s nothing I can do.
A quake’s an act of nature
That’s just a simple fact.
I can’t be sued,
So you are screwed,
If you’ve been fracked!
by Edith O. McCrea
Faulty drilling leads to contaminated water in Bainbridge, Ohio by WKYC.com, February 12, 2013
[Refer also to: Bainbridge Ohio residents deal with contaminated water from drilling ]
Workplace Deaths Drop – But not in the Oil Industry by Yang Wang, Lise Olsen, February 10, 2013, KBTX.com
Anti Austerity March, February 9, 2013, Sligo, Republic of Ireland
WATCH Risky Business – Al Jazeera’s report on Coalseam Gas [Coalbed Methane] in Australia 25 Min. January 14, 2013, by AlJazeeraEnglish
One day, the kids were having a bath, and they started screaming. And when Kathy pulled them out of the bath they had a ring-line at water level, everything below the water level was red, like a chemical burn. Everything above the water was normal. Some while later, we found out in fact that a gas well had been fracked about three and a bit kilometres away from us around that time. …
Environmental Engineer Gavin Mudd, Monash University: We can’t just ignore all these things. It deserves very serious scrutiny, and certainly not bald-faced denial.
Drew Hutton, President The Lock the Gate Alliance: In many cases around the country, local communities have just simply withdrawn their social licences. … Somewhere between 10 and 20,000 landowners have locked their gate. And in many cases, that means committing civil disobedience. …
Leaking methane bubbling
Professor Steven Raine, University of Southern Queensland: In terms of the recovery of the aquifers, certainly they will take a long period to recover. The modelling that’s been done suggests that it could be anywhere 50 – 100 years is sort of the minimum sort of estimate, but in many cases we’re actually seeing models that are predicting the system may take three, four, 500 years before it fully recovers.
For such a squeaky green industry, they’re very very secretive. …
We’re feeling a little intimidated though.
Front Page: Knitting Nanna
Freedom to Connect: Aaron Swartz (1986-2013) on Victory to Save Open Internet, Fight Online Censors by Democracy Now, January 14, 2013
We air an address of Swartz’s from last May where he speaks about the battle to defeat the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA — a campaign he helped lead. “[SOPA] will have yet another name, and maybe a different excuse, and probably do its damage in a different way. But make no mistake: The enemies of the freedom to connect have not disappeared,” Swartz said. “Next time they might just win. Let’s not let that happen.”
We Must Make Changes
It is unfortunate that such a brilliant and passionate person ended in such a tragic way. Our judicial system is broken, our education system is broken, our society is broken! If we all don’t do something to fix these things Aaron will not be the last one persecuted to the point of hopelessness.
Official statement from family and partner of Aaron Swartz: ….his refusal to accept injustice as inevitable—these gifts made the world, and our lives, far brighter. Aaron’s commitment to social justice was profound, and defined his life. He was instrumental to the defeat of an Internet censorship bill; he fought for a more democratic, open, and accountable political system….
The People vs Coal Seam Gas [CBM]: the birth of Coal Seam [Coalbed] Gas Free Communities by CSGFree NorthernRivers, April 24, 2012
This really tears at people’s hearts. … The power actually lies in the community. … And when people have that sort of power, very hard to stop them. …
We have – by overwhelming majority – decided to declare our roads and lands CSG [CBM] Free. This is the most spine-tingling event I’ve been to in my time as mayor. … We’ve launched possibly Australia’s first self-declared coalseam [coalbed] gas-free community. … We are emphatically saying to the gas industry and to the government: we do not want this destructive industry here. … The secret is genuine, neighbour to neighbour engagement. …
We are from all walks of life and political persuasions, united in a fast-growing, mass movement. We will not shirk our responsibility to protect the country we love. We insist on justice and fairness. We insist on the precautionary principal to protect our water, our rights, and our communities. Our opposition is non-violent, but non negotiable. … Congratulations, you are now part of the greatest social movement Australia has ever seen. Local the gate! Lock the road! Lock the community!
Oil boom, Delta burns: photographs by George Osodi 15 June 2012 to 1 September 2013, International Slavery Museum
The region’s impoverished inhabitants have been left with a poisoned environment caused through uninterrupted gas flaring and oil spillage, which has devastated traditional livelihoods. They are also at the mercy of a government that does not care….
“It is amazing how people carry on with their lives, with their daily routines against all odds. I want to put a human face on this paradise lost. I do not wish to offend, but to draw the viewer near my images in order to provoke a feeling and be inspired or trigger a deep sense of change within the observer.” George Osodi
Shattered Ground by Zoot Pictures in Association with Suzuki aired February 7, 2013, 8 PM on CBC’s The Nature of Things (later shown again May 23, 2015, 3 PM on CBC TV).
Publicly posted on Suzuki’s website with the film this incorrect Council of Canadians statement (Ernst has repeatedly advised Council of Canadians of their “errors” about frac’ing, the NGO continues to intentionally mislead the public) under Fracking in Canada:
“In Alberta, for example, fracking operations must be at least 200 metres or deeper underground”
Shallow Fracturing Operations, Original 2006 Directive 027 by the ERCB (previously EUB) and ERCB’s 2012 draft fracturing regulations (became Directive 083) allow high volume high pressure frac’ing less than 200 metres in Alberta and do not require any baseline testing for water wells or groundwater monitoring for any high pressure, high volume shale/sand fracs above the base of groundwater protection:
“The EUB will conduct random or select audits of fracturing operations at depths less than 200 m.”
“A licensee must not perform nitrogen fracturing operations within 50 vertical metres of the top of the bedrock surface“
EnCana continues completions at depths less than 200 metres in the already dangerously contaminated Rosebud fresh water zones.
Refer also to:
Shallow Operations Issues by Jim Reid, Manager, Alberta EUB [now ERCB, soon to be AER], May 12, 2004
‘shallow operations can be “high risk”’
EUB [now ERCB] Directive 027 (Issued January 31, 2006): Shallow Fracturing Operations-Interim Controls, Restricted Operations, and Review by Jim Reid, Manager, Alberta EUB
Increased development at ever shallower depths.
Increased Fracture volumes, rates and pressures.
Increased public concern on water well protection.
Lack of regulatory control on fracture design. …
Number of reported incidents of communication…. Emphasis added
EUB [now ERCB] Bulletin 2005-33, December 9, 2005: Shallow Fracturing Operations: New Requirements, Restricted Operations, and Technical Review Committee Incidents of shallow fracturing operations impacting nearby oilfield wells have been reported to the EUB. … The EUB has recently met with most major coalbed methane operators and service companies to discuss their fracturing practices, including program design. These discussions have indicated that design of fracture stimulations at shallow depths requires improved engineering design and a greater emphasis on protection of groundwater [Emphasis added]
[Dimock drinking water] is a toxic substance and cannot come into the building video by Casey Seiler, January 31, 2013, Times Union
Governor Cuomo: Don’t Poison New Yorkers by NYAgainstFracking, January 31, 2013
“When we first moved here, it was heaven on earth. Now it’s hell on earth.”
Call NY Governor Cuomo and tell him to ban fracking today: 1-855-675-9300
Jessica Ernst on Synergy Alberta, at Whitehorse, Yukon, September 22, 2013 1:18 Min. by ZET Group, January 25, 2013
Jessica Ernst clarifies that synergy consultations have the purpose of brainwashing everybody all the while gas [and oil] fracking proceeds like crazy until its too late for people to do something about it.
Source: Synergy Alberta
WATCH: Rosebud resident launches lawsuit against energy giant News Hour 2:03 Min. by Mia Sosiak, January 17, 2013, GlobalTVCalgary
A landmark lawsuit over a controversial oil and gas practice goes back to court on Friday. Jessica Ernst is suing Encana, the Energy Resource Conservation Board, and Alberta environment. She can light her well water on fire, because it contains flammable gasses. Mia Sosiak reports.
Shattered Ground by Zoot Pictures (in association with the CBC) Moved from January 17 to February 7, 2013, 8 PM on CBC’s The Nature of Things
Full Documentary Be… Without Water? The Sequel 60 Min. by Rob Turgeon, January 13, 2012
Groundwater Safety vs Gas Fracking January 7 – 13, 2013 Daily 9 am & 8 pm on Northwestel Community TV
Petroleum-industry expert Jessica Ernst delivers a lecture on the “fracking” practice of gas exploration. Whitehorse, Sept 2012.
Coal Seam Gas [Coal Bed Methane] in Northern Rivers / New South Wales and Queensland by Blake Noonan, January 29, 2012
“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right.” …
“As a rural area is industrialized, the psychological impact of such destruction of property, lifestyle, prospects results in predictable emotional responses. Many suffer anxiety, breakdown, depression, some suicide.
And they simply say, ‘I’m going down the back to fix the fence.’ And they don’t come back, they can’t handle it.”
Matt Damon on Promised Land: “The movie asks a difficult question,” Damon says of his latest project. “Do you take your daughter to the whorehouse when times are tough?”
Promised Land opens in Calgary Alberta January 4, 2013
Beloeil, le film “Terre Promise” au Cinéma à partir du 4 janvier
Promised Land Trailer in French: Terre Promise – Bande-annonce officielle by vivafilmofficiel
Matt Damon talks Promised Land:
“It was the perfect way to show the human cost of something like this. Ultimately, it’s a pro-community, pro-democracy story. If there’s a message, that’s it.”
Damon’s fracking hunt finds little good will by Mike Soraghan, January 2, 2013, E&E News
“No one moved or said anything when it ended,” Wilson said. “It was total silence and stillness.”
If they frack by WebcoTV, January 2, 2013
Fouled Waters: Woodlands trying to solve its own problems Water tests by state, U.S. agencies, driller provide no answers by December 30, 2012, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Video by Julia Rendleman
Fracking plans for Balcombe by BBC South Today, December 12, 2012, uploaded by FrackoffUK
….the southeast is a water stressed region. Do we really want to be pouring millions of gallons underground, laced with chemicals, at a time when we don’t have enough water in the southeast to meet our continuing need?
Methane Gas Bubbling In Bayou Corne Near Sinkhole by rainbeaudais, December 11, 2012
First Methane and now Hydrogen Sulfide. Will we ever be able to feel safe here again? Will we ever BE safe here again?
Letter to the President About Chemicals Disrupting our Bodies: Theo Colborn at TEDxMidAtlantic December 10. 2012, TEDxTalks
“This is nothing more than industrial terrorism in the womb.”
Why the UT Fracking Study Controversy Matters by Terrence Henry, December 7, 2012, NPR State Impact
Ernst Water Well Complaint Review by Dr. Alex Blyth, P. Geol, PhD., Alberta Research Council Inc. (Name changed to Alberta Innovates – Technologies Futures) Permit to Practice P03619, December 31, 2007, Prepared for Alberta Environment [name changed to Alberta Environment and Water, now Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, soon to be Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)]
An Independent Review of Coalbed Methane Related Water Well Complaints Filed with Alberta Environment by Dr. Alex Blyth, P. Geol, PhD., Alberta Research Council Inc. (Name changed to Alberta Innovates – Technologies Futures) Permit to Practice P03619, January 16, 2008, Prepared for Alberta Environment [name changed to Alberta Environment and Water, now Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, soon to be Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)]
8 Landowners Reject Closure of Groundwater Cases: Demand Proper Study of Industrial Contamination Media Alert, March 19, 2008
Alberta Environment closed the Rosebud cases based on reviews by the [Alberta Research Council (ARC)]…. ARC’s 2007 annual report clearly lists EnCana as a funder of its water program including studies on the impacts of coalbed methane development. (p.14) In a January 28th letter to MLA David Swann, Karlis Muelenbachs and Barbara Tilley at the University of Alberta, two experts on fingerprinting the sources of gas contamination, criticized the ARC study as inadequate and called the government’s conclusion “premature.”
IMAGINE THERE’S NO FRACKING by Artists against Fracking, December 10, 2012, Ad in the New York Times
Seeking justice by The National, CBC News
A group of indigenous people from Guatemala say a Canadian mining company was behind violent crimes and the destruction of their villages and they have come to Canada seeking justice. Warning, graphic images
Former Supreme Court of Canada Justice Ian Binnie:
“In any responsible legal system, people have a right to a day in court”
[Does the fact-fabricating Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Ernst vs AER prove Canada has an irresponsible legal system?]
Raising Resistance – Global Day of Action by Franklin Lopez, December 2, 2012, on Vimeo
Today Unist’ot’en allies are rising up in cities across North America, and around the world, to deliver a message to industry and government warning them to cease their trespass against sovereign Wet’suwet’en territory. The Global Day of Action is in response to an incident last week where Wet’suwet’en Chief Toghestiy intercepted and issued an eagle feather to surveyors from the Can-Am Geomatics company who were working for Apache’s proposed Pacific Trails Pipeline (PTP).
Dr. Eilish Cleary Executive Report Chief Medical officer of Health’s Recommedations Concerning Shale Gas 1:14 Min. Video by André Faust, posted by thelefteyeview, December 1, 2012
Dr. Eilish Cleary – Chief Medical Officer of Health, New Brunswick [Begins at 44 Min.]
Is this not all fear-mongering? No. It is reasonable to consider the health [impacts]. … If this really is enough to meet our energy needs for a hundred years, I think it’s well worth investing some dollars up front. ….if we can persuade the industry to switch their apparently very substantial social marketing budget away from saying that they’re doing it safe into actually keeping it safe, they might find themselves a solution.
APTN INVESTIGATES: Standing up against fracking on the Blood reserve by Francine Compton, November 26, 2012, ATPN
Ban Fracking In Ireland Now 1:07 Min. by twillaleebone on November 23, 2012
Fracking could ruin Ireland warn experts 2:14 Min. by Aljazeera, November 21, 2012
MEPs divided over shale gas use by BBC, November 20, 2012
Swedish Green MEP Carl Schlyter said shale gas extraction would “destroy the future of mankind”.
Timelapse Animations Reveal Staggering Water Withdrawals, Industrial Activity for Fracking by Damien Gillis, November 19, 2012, The Common Sense Canadian
Watch these staggering timelapse animations of recent water withdrawals and industrial activity on the traditional territory of Fort Nelson First Nation for natural gas hydraulic fracturing. These short term licenses were all issued without public or First Nations consultation. Animation courtesy of Fort Nelson First Nation Lands Department and mapper Bobby Concepcion
Research questions green credentials of Coal Seam Gas 5:33 Min. by ABC News November 14, 2012, uploaded by The SirCharles, November 18, 2012
He says the data suggests the methane came from under the ground, which could have serious consequences. … “Governments give them a big push, off they go, no preliminary research, no baseline studies, no precautionary principle applied, just let ’em loose on the environment and then do your studies a decade or so later,” he said. … “We found very high concentrations and we are now in a position (to ask) what the hell that means.” Mr Wilkinson [APPEA] says the studies should have been done 10 or 15 years ago.
Civil Gas War by Peter Becker, November 11, 2012, Whitehorse, Yukon
Explosions and hydraulic jolts
Release gas from the deeps
Smell and filth of earth rape
Soil water, land, air and rabbits
Weasel words and false fronts
Kuweit incubator babies
Cigarettes are good for you
Synergy Alberta to the end
Source: Slides from Ernst presentation September 22, 2012, Whitehorse, Yukon
Source: Slide from Chapter on Synergy Alberta Ernst Presentation to Eagle Hill Alberta, March 15, 2012
Fractured Landscapes 27:28 Min. on Vimeo, Dublin Community Television, November 7, 2012
“Well, I did try and step back and think what is good about fracking. And there isn’t anything good about it.”
Gilles Wendling, president GW Solutions, presents an overview of the impacts of oil and gas energy developments on groundwater in NE British Columbia 61 Min. by Will Koop B.C. Tap Water Alliance Coordinator, affiliated with Stop Fracking British Columbia, October 23, 2012
The Fracking Job Creation Machine by Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Matt Davies, October 17, 2012, Remapping Debate
Part I: Fracking stands between NWT and shale oil boom by Cullen Crozier, October 10, 2012, APTN National News
Part II: Fracking fears gripping some in NWT as shale oil boom tempts by Cullen Crozier, October 11, 2012, APTN National News
Be… without water. The sequel. Trailer 3:55 Min by KnowShaleGas, September 29, 2012
The continuing documentary by Rob Turgeon of Fracking in New Brunswick presents the protests and continuing education of the public through visiting speakers such as Anthony Ingraffea Ph.D.,P.E., Jessica Ernst (who is suing Encana in Alberta), Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians, Calvin Tillman, former mayor of Dish Texas. It is present at the government’s Natural Gas Group’s meetings where the public’s displeasure is overwhelming. You wonder what is happening to Democracy in Canada as you see government and industry in conflict with concerned citizens.
Promised Land Watch the trailer for Gus Van Sant’s new movie starring Matt Daman, Frances McDormand, John Krasinski, Hal Holbrook and Rosemarie DeWitt, September 24, 2012, The Toronto Star
The North This Week September 23, 2012, CBC News
A conversation on fracking between A New Day host Sandi Coleman and Jessica Ernst
Signs that hitching BC economy to fracking might not be that bright by Dan Murphy, September 16, 2012, The Province
TV Ad Challenges Fracking Industry by Delaware Riverkeeper Network, August 20, 2012
“It’s unfair that the deep pockets of energy corporations allow them to dominate popular airwaves and as a result to overwhelm the public discourse with distortions and falsehoods.”
Jessica Ernst Speaks Out Against The Danger of Fracking 1:23 min. by BanMichiganFracking, August 16, 2012, CaptureMeFilms
“The lies are always the same. They told us in Alberta that the terrible things that had happened in America would not happen here. But the terrible things had already happened.” The Committee To Ban Fracking in Michigan is circulating a petition to amend the state constitution to ban Michigan fracking. If you are interested in more information you can go to: LetsBanFracking.org Sign the petition to amend our state constitution to ban fracking in Michigan.
New Brunswick Government Shale Gas Session, Dr. Angela LeGresley 7:09 min. by CCNBActionTV, July 12, 2012
“We need a moratorium. The Moncton City Hospital physicians have voted for a moratorium.” … “You probably already know that The College of Family Physicians have also voted for moratorium and I would be willing to say that there are going to be more physicians following this.” … “We need health impact assessments, not just environmental impact assessments, there is only one that I know of, and that was in Colorado.” … “I will sleep well at night, knowing that I spoke up.”
Fractured Land 3:37 min. by Fiona Rayher and Damien Gillis, June 10, 2012, Two Islands Films and GEN WHY MEDIA
Caleb Behn is a young, indigenous warrior fighting to save his people’s land and culture. Deep in the exquisite wilderness of northeastern British Columbia, the ancestral home of Caleb’s Dene people, the multi-billion-dollar oil and gas industry emits chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects, the killing of brain and blood cells, and environmental harm.
The Sky is Pink 18:34 min. by Josh Fox and the GASLAND Team, June 20, 2012, on vimeo
The Sky is Pink with French sub-titles
Let’s Ban Fracking in Michigan 4:14 min. by BanMichiganFracking, June 12, 2012, CaptureMeFilms
Jessica Ernst, a scientist from Rosebud, Alberta and Kevin Heatley, restoration ecologist from Pennsylvania, warn Michigan residents about the effects of fracking. Go to LetsBanFracking.org to find out how you can help protect Michigan. Sign the petition to amend our state constitution to ban fracking in Michigan.
LISTEN: The Capitol Pressroom by Susan Arbetter, May 25, 2012, WCNY Connected
You know the David and Goliath story – In the version you will hear on today’s show, David is a 54 year old Canadian scientist by the name of Jessica Ernst
WATCH: Scientist Fracking Concerns by News Channel 34, May 23, 2012
A Canadian scientist was in Owego last night speaking about the potential dangers of hydrofracking
Watch: Jessica Ernst, The Consequences of Fracking 6:57 min. by CaptureMeFilms, May 21, 2012, Michigan USA
Quotes in video transcribed by Bill Huston, January 20, 2013, Bill Huston’s Blog (Binghamton, NY), ~@2:50 Min:
“No healthy community will allow hydraulic fracturing
so they have to make the community sick —
And they do so by feeding the dark side [of] human nature
which is greed, sloth, selfishness they feed the ego
they promise a little bit…
…and then whammo, the community is divided.
The people with concerns are then abused
by the people who want more money
and Encana doesn’t even have to do the dirty work!
A lot of the other companies;
the people in the communities
do the dirty work for them.
It’s an incredibly brilliant technique
which works very well.
Everywhere they’re fracking this is happening.
And my conclusion as a scientist,
and as an environmental biologist–
as an environmental specialist that has worked in this industry…
My conclusion is that
No healthy community on this planet
would allow hydraulic fracturing
because it is not safe,
It is impossible to do
even with the best rules and regulations.”
Gaz de schiste – Entrevue avec Jessica Ernst translation and complete transcript by Amie du Richelieu, April 3, 2013
Alberta’s Best in the World ERCB: “No Duty of Care to Landowners and Groundwater”
LISTEN: Poursuite contre la gazière Encana/ Lawsuit against EnCana by Dominique Arnoldi, 3 mai 2012, CBC Radio-Canada
En Alberta, une consultante en environnement qui a travaillé pendant 25 ans pour l’industrie gazière poursuit maintenant la compagnie Encana, qu’elle accuse d’avoir contaminé son puits lors d’opérations de fracturation hydraulique
Unconventional Gas Development from Shale: Myths and Realities Related to Human Health Impacts Keynote address by Anthony Ingraffea at Marcellus Shale Exposed March 17, 2012, Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, PA Part 1 (53:43 Min.) deals with well integrity, or lack there-of due to inevitable cement failures and human health impacts; Part 2 (17:35 Min.) deals with methane emissions and the imperative of reducing this powerful greenhouse gas immediately; Part 3 (21:42 Min.) is the Q and A. Video by Cris McConkey and Bill Huston, Shale Shock Media, April 3, 2012
WATCH: RTÉ (Ireland) Prime Time on Frac’ing Katie Hannon reports on fracking and the battle for hearts and minds over one of the most contentious subjects at the moment. 15:47 min. February 23, 2012
LISTEN: Fracking: between a rock and a hard place by Radio Netherlands Worldwide, February 3, 2012
Jessica Ernst lives near a fracking operation. She used to work as an environmental consultant for Encana, the gas company that’s doing the fracking, and she tells host Marnie Chesterton the story of how her life, water, and land has changed since fracking began. …(The ERCB, Alberta’s energy resource regulator wouldn’t comment on Jessica’s case…)
LISTEN: It’s not fracking’s fault by Radio Netherlands Worldwide, February 3, 2012
David Pryce, the vice-president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, tells Marnie that the practice of fracking is safe, and that the water going bad has to do with the drilling, or other things, and not the chemicals or gas involved in the process
America’s fracking problem, A controversial form of natural gas extraction is on the rise in the US January 26, 2012, Aljareera
In the United States, there is a heated debate over the safety of these practices and whether they are hazardous to the environment and public health. … Fracking has spread to other countries including Canada and others are considering the method to tap into natural gas reserves. So far, two EU countries – France and Bulgaria – have banned fracking, citing environmental and health concerns
LISTEN: CBC News Fractured Future Audio Clip: Alberta Woman Says Water Contaminated by Fracking 19:00 Min. December 9, 2011 (posted December 12)
WATCH: NB Newsmaker December 9, 2011, CBC News
Jessica Ernst & Jennifer West on CKDU’s Habitat 88.1 FM, December 2, 2011
Erica Butler interviewed Jessica Ernst and Jennifer West on her program Habitat regarding fracking in Nova Scotia
Peace Out by Charles Wilkinson, November 7, 2011, Feature documentary about the amazing degree of resource extraction going on up on the top left hand corner of North America
Dr. David Schindler: I would say that we’re not doing a very good job of looking after the Peace River at this point. Another study that I’ve done shows that the summer flows in the Peace have dropped by about 40%.
WATCH: 16×9 Untested Science Fracking natural gas controversy 16:55 min. released November 5, 2011
16×9 Extended Preview – Untested Science 1:22 min. by Global TV, November 5, 2011
Hydraulic Fracturing or ‘fracking’ is becoming more common in Canada. But experts say ‘fracking’ can cause contaminated ground water, earthquakes and pollute our land with toxic chemicals.
Jumelage contre les gaz de schiste Québec-France v2.mov Uploaded by BleuGroseille Oct 26, 2011, Cette vidéo a été créée dans le cadre d’un jumelage citoyen entre la ville de Mont-Saint-Hilaire, au Québec, et la commune de Barjac, en France, contre l’exploitation des gaz de schiste. Le jumelage a été officialisé le 23 octobre 2011, lors de la Grande manifestation citoyenne qui a eu lieu à Barjac, où plusieurs milliers de manifestants ont défilé dans les rues de la commune pour dénoncer cette industrie rétrograde.
Colbert Report: Anti-frack Attacks Colbert Nation, July 11, 2011.
To promote fracking, Talisman Energy releases Talisman Terry the Frackosaurus, the funnest energy extraction-based character since Mountaintop Mining Manny.
Talisman Terry the Frackosaurus colouring book
Canadians: watch the Colbert Report Frack show at the Comedy Network Archives
WATCH: Dangers of Natural Gas Extraction Alberta Prime Time interview with Jessica Ernst followed by a panel discussion, June 15, 2011
60 Minutes Australia – Fracking – The Coal Seam Gas Land Grab 13:27 min June 15, 2011 by wake up world
How’s this for a raw deal? A big company marches onto your land, sinks a well without your permission and then proceeds to threaten your livelihood. And it does it all with the consent and approval of the Australian government. Now this would be bad enough if it was happening halfway across the world in some tin pot dictatorship. But this is happening in our backyard. And it’s our laws and our politicians who are letting it happen.
“Something is seriously wrong.”
Above are snaps of a water well, not a gas well. There is so much gas contaminating the groundwater it ignites and spurts water out of the well, as it did the Bruce Jack contaminated water well near Spirit River, Alberta
WATCH TROUBLED WATERS: Alberta woman files lawsuit over flaming water 2:20 min. June 12, 2011, Canadian Press
Le diable et le fermier prise 2 uploaded by dmc7142, Jun 15, 2011
Le diable et le fermier : Chanson-billet contre l’exploration aveugle des gaz de schiste Un regroupement d’artistes et d’artisans qui joignent leurs voix à celles des milliers de citoyens et d’organisations pour réclamer un moratoire sur l’exploitation des gaz de schiste au Québec. Avec Les Charbonniers de l’Enfer, Galant tu perds ton temps et Le Vent du Nord, Paroles et musique / Lyrics & music : Nicolas Boulerice, Réalisation du vidéoclip : JF Dugas, Prise de son : Mark Busic, Studio Chemin 4, Uploaded by lediableetlefermier on May 13, 2011
This is the story of a devil straight out of the flames
Who promised the farmer he would spare his soul
If they shared the fruits of the land
To each his half, the bargain was struck
To sweeten the deal the devil chose
To keep what remained on the ground in the fall
The farmer agreed and planted parsnips
Potatoes and carrots and turnips
Oh oh oh who would give away for nothing?
Oh oh oh the bounties of his land
Oh oh oh the devil or the man
Oh oh oh who made a better deal?
When the time came to share the wealth
The devil, furious to find himself empty-handed
Told the farmer “For a change, next year
It will be your turn to harvest above ground”
The farmer agreed and this time planted
Tomatoes and squash and melons and peas
Then came the harvest, the devil reaping nothing
Returned to Satan as the farmer triumphed
Oh oh oh who would gamble his future?
Oh oh oh without knowing the stakes
Oh oh oh who would want to fracture?
Oh oh oh the earth beneath his feet
The devil returned, true to his word
He would drain the land of water, iron and gas
What, then, would grow on the land?
Tainted water and poisonous gas leaks?
Resources depleted, the devil became rich
And went away leaving only concrete
The earth shattered like this Québécois
Condemned to boil the water for his child to drink
LISTEN: Methane Water Study CBC, “As it Happens“, May 10, 2011
Last month, we spoke with Jessica Ernst from Rosebud, Alberta. Ms. Ernst has several fracking sites near her home. And she’s now suing EnCana, because of what she alleges are high methane levels in her drinking water. She says the levels are so high she can light the water on fire. This week, researchers at Duke University published a study suggesting a link between shale gas drilling and high levels of methane in drinking water. Robert Jackson is an author of the study. We reached him in Durham, North Carolina.
Rachelle Van Zanten – My Country Uploaded by bootshank, May 6, 2011
Inspired by images of Tahltan women blockading coalbed methane mining by Shell and Fortune Minerals in defense of the Sacred Headwaters in northern British Columbia, Rachelle wrote ‘My Country’. She was invited to perform it for the Tahltan people at the Iskut Music Festival a year later, where we filmed this video.
WATCH: Allegations of an Alberta Cover-up Alberta Prime Time Interview with Jessica Ernst at ABC Studio in New York on Monday, May 02, 2011
WATCH: Fracking water in Alberta (Canada) 1:48 min. May 2, 2011, CBC News
LISTEN: Alberta Fracking CBC “As It Happens”, April 27, 2011
It’s known as “fracking” — the process of using water and other chemicals under extreme pressure to blast apart coal formations and release natural gas. And one woman in Southern Alberta says that in using that process, the natural gas producer Encana has flooded her drinking water with so much methane that she can set her tap water on fire. Jessica Ernst announced today that she’s suing Encana, the Alberta Government and the provincial energy regulator for thirty-three million dollars. We reached Jessica Ernst in Calgary.
Gasland: Dangers of Natural Gas Extraction (Extended Trailer) 10:59 Min. uploaded by SustainableGuidance, Dec 15, 2010
The true costs in health and environmental pollution of hydraulic fracturing are exposed in this amazing documentary by Josh Fox. Everyone needs to know this information. Please support the filmmakers. Visit the website, learn the facts, sign petitions, contact your elected officials, share your story. Buy the DVD for everyone you know.
GASLAND Trailer 2010 2:47 Min. uploaded by CMGOpMgr on May 5, 2010, Directed by Josh Fox. Winner of Special Jury Prize – Best US Documentary Feature – Sundance 2010. Screening at Cannes 2010.
It is happening all across America and now in Europe and Africa as well…. In America, the company hopes to tap into a huge natural gas reservoir dubbed the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. Halliburton developed a way to get the gas out of the ground—a hydraulic drilling process called fracking—and suddenly America finds itself on the precipice of becoming an energy superpower. But what comes out of the ground with that natural gas? How does it affect our air and drinking water? GASLAND is a powerful personal documentary that confronts these questions with spirit, strength, and a sense of humor.
Gasland by latelelibre, Film by Josh Fox with French subtitles, International Wow Company
Pour plus de renseignements sur ce film: www.gaslandthemovie.com
Gaz de schiste: Wo! 3:08 Min. uploaded by gazdeschiste, November 28, 2010
‘This is My Prairie’ by Corb Lund and the Hurtin’ Albertans on Q TV, December 18, 2009
It’s for my Mum…she’s trying to keep the family ranch from getting over run by coalbed methane people.
Well this is my prairie and this is my home
And I’ll make my stand here and I’ll die alone
They can drill and they can mine through my smouldering bones
Cause this is my prairie and this is my home
My water is poisoned. My calves are all dead
My children are sick and the aquifer is bled
They want a big pipeline right through Pop’s grove
But this is my prairie, this is my home
Well I can’t blame the riggers or the boys driving truck
For feeding their families and making a buck
Take a good look at the stock that you own
Cause this is my prairie and this is my home
Well, I don’t got the money that lawyers can buy
I don’t got my own government’s laws on my side
But I got this old rifle that my granddaddy owned
This is my prairie, this is my home
Split Estate Trailer 3:14 Min. uploaded by debjand, Jul 20, 2009, Documentary by Debra Anderson, Red Rock Pictures, 2009, 76 minutes
Zeroing in on Garfield County, Colorado, and the San Juan Basin, this clarion call for accountability examines the growing environmental and social costs to an area now referred to as a “National Sacrifice Zone.” … One Garfield County resident demonstrates the degree of benzene contamination in a mountain stream by setting it alight with a match. Many others, gravely ill, fight for their health and for the health of their children. All the while, the industry assures us it is a “good neighbor.” … Aggressively seeking new leases in as many as 32 states, the industry is even making a bid to drill in the New York City watershed, which provides drinking water to millions. As public health concerns mount, Split Estate cracks the sugarcoating on an industry touted as a clean alternative to fossil fuels….
Split Estate wins the Emmy for Outstanding Individual Achievement in a Craft: Research, at the 31st annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards
Alberta Gas: Battle over wells wages in pristine valley CTV W5, February 7, 2009. Removed from CTV Website in about 2012
CTV W5: Fueling Fears, Part One February 7, 2009, Removed from CTV Website in about 2012
CTV W5: Fueling Fears, Part Two February 7, 2009, Removed from CTV Website in about 2012
EnCana slide show for Citizen EnCana article July 10, 2008, by Adrian Morrow, Fast Forward Weekly
Musicians’ ribs about rigs limit their gigs by Leslie Robinson, May 29, 2008, The Colorado Independent
The song, “EnCana Bluegrass Blues” by the Good Old Guard Gospel Singers from the Glenwood Springs area has attracted the ire of both EnCana and oil-and-gas workers because the lyrics are none too kind to the industry. … The tune also describes a 2004 drilling mishap when one of EnCana’s wells leaked benzene, a carcinogenic chemical, in West Divide Creek about 20 miles west of Glenwood. … The Good Old Guard Gospel Singers are really four musicians –- Don Kaufman, Don and April Paine and Dustin Micheli. … Micheli said he has been elbowed and shoved by oil and gas workers since the song was publicized. “We don’t play in Rifle bars,” he admitted.
Glenwood quartet sings drilling blues, BBC World News features ‘EnCana Bluegrass Blues’ by Pete Fowler, May 12, 2008, Front Page Aspen Times
A video of local musicians – including a workers’ compensation attorney – singing a less-than-flattering song about EnCana may have been viewed by some 350 million people in various parts of the world. Clips of the song were featured in a 10-minute BBC World News America television segment on natural-gas drilling in Colorado. … The BBC reportedly approached Kaufman after hearing an original recording and requested to film it on location on the banks of Divide Creek in Garfield County. The song was written after one of EnCana’s wells leaked into West Divide Creek in 2004. The seep was found to contain the carcinogenic chemical benzene, and the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission fined EnCana a record $371,000. … EnCana spokesman Doug Hock wrote in an e-mail, “This song is actually a revamp of a song called ‘The Old Home Place’ performed by The Dillards in the 1960s. While Don Kaufman and his group are certainly talented musicians, we prefer the original version for obvious reasons.” He said nothing EnCana did was out of compliance with regulations at the time and that the company learned, along with regulators, that a different cementing procedure was needed for well casings given the area’s geology. … There’s also an air-convection system in place to remove benzene from the groundwater, Hock said…. The BBC segment aired April 29 and was repeated several times:
“I spend a lot of my time crying.” ..
“Losing my home.” …
“But the cancer risk at or above the acceptable range under EPA Guidelines. Isn’t that worrying?”
“I’m not going to respond to that.”
“The energy companies are making billions of dollars in Colorado, yet there’s not enough money to comprehensively research the effect they’re having on the people who live here.”
EnCana Bluegrass Blues / BBC World News America Preview by BBCWorldNewsAmerica, April 23, 2008
David Willis took you to West Colorado where small towns there are experiencing a natural gas boom. During filming, a group of local residence played a bluegrass song that Encana took them to court to stop singing and it was thrown out of court.
British Columbia: Nigeria North? June 6, 2007 by dogwoodinitiative
The flashpoint of this unrest is Shell’s Klappan project, a massive Coalbed Methane gas proposal for the entire sacred headwaters basin.
Coalbed methane is considered one of the most destructive forms of resource extraction on the planet.
Mike Gatens (Chair Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas – now Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources and CEO MGV Energy Inc. – now Quicksilver – being sued by Dale and Brenda Zimmerman for well water contamination at their farm near Westaskiwin, Alberta) presented with Jessica Ernst at Hudson’s Hope, British Columbia, April 21, 2005
Mike Gatens, 2005:
Canada has advantage of a regulatory regime that will not allow “negative” U.S. experiences to occur here
Divide Creek Seep 2004 that resulted in the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission issuing a record fine against EnCana video by DivideWatch, April 2, 2004
Alleged Violations of the rules and regulations of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) by EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. Cause No. 1V, Order No. 1V-276 before the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado, September 16, 2004. 29
The COGCC staff hand-delivered a Notice of Alleged Violation (“NOAV”) to EnCana on April 23, 2004. …The NOAV cited Rule 209., failure to prevent the contamination of fresh water by gas, Rule 301., failure to notify the Director when public health or safety is in jeopardy, Rule 317.i., failure to pump cement 200’ above the top of the shallowest producing horizon, Rule 324A., impacts to water quality and Rule 906.b.(3), failure to report a release to the Director.