Jody Vance@jodyvance:
… The fight to modernize rules and laws around online harassment is the ultimate goal. #justice shouldn’t be this hard.
… Having a platform I am mindful of each and every share and step on this journey for change l. How #Online #harassment is handled in [Canada] must modify. In the days and weeks to come @MediatedReality and I will share next steps. #accountability and #justice. @Dave_Eby @JustinTrudeau
Kimanda Jarzebiak @KimandaJ:
Good. I hope @jodyvance gets more justice from civil court than she has so far.
Also, journalists, do better. A “fill-in host” isn’t the first descriptor I would use for the first woman to host her own sports show in Canada.
David Lough@DavidLough:
It was the plea deal that was the problem here, not the laws already on the books: Had the Crown actually followed through and thrown the book at the offender, it would have landed heavily. I highly doubt it. Canada employs “protect abusers of women no matter what” Caveman Misogynistic Justice to intentionally keep women trodden upon so as to continue serving the vile patriarchy.
Instead, they have him an easy out and he gladly took it.
Chuck Unfiltered@ChuckUnfiltere2:
The justice system is a complete joke. Criminals, especially repeat offenders, can do virtually whatever they want and get away with it.
Keith Baldrey@keithbaldrey:
… The criminal system was a complete joke in this case. This menace got off with almost nothing.
ucas Gates@LucasGates92:
Go get his a** @jodyvance! Harassment is terrible and good on you! I’m backing you right up.
Charles Gauthier@DowntownCharles:
The broken glass on the bus shelters along @downtownvan Granville Street was replaced quickly. If only this could happen with our broken criminal justice system. #bcpoli #vanpoli
Sandy Garossino @Garossino:
Harasser’s lawyer messed up by negotiating a plea deal so insulting to @jodyvance
that she’s suing his ass.
Now he’ll have to spend more on defending himself and have to pay damages to boot.
Shoulda taken his medicine in criminal court.
He had a pricey criminal defence counsel
Carissa Byrne Hessick@CBHessick:Relating to a different case in USA
The idea that non-transparent plea bargains are something that only “progressive prosecutors” use for “social justice” is an outrageous lie.
So-called “traditional” prosecutors routinely use plea bargains to mask their decisions from the general public.
Broadcaster Jody Vance sues her online harasser, The CHEK TV host says a recent criminal harassment sentence was disappointing by Dustin Godfrey, March 24, 2023, Economy, Law and Politics
B.C. broadcaster Jody Vance is suing a man who recently pled guilty to charges of criminal harassment against her.
Vance is the first woman to host her own sports show in Canada
a fill-in host for local radio station CKNW and one-half of the CHEK TV talk show Steele and Vance, alongside former CKNW broadcaster Lynda Steele. The show recently featured a segment in which the two discussed a decision by the B.C. provincial court that sentenced Vance’s harasser to a conditional discharge.
A conditional discharge involves a year on probation, and if the person follows certain conditions, their criminal record is expunged.
Vance and Steele, along with others on social media, have decried the sentence as beneath their expectations.
“What I want for change is for swift and meaningful consequences for others. I want deterrence,” Vance said on her show. “I want people like this man to know that you do this, and you will immediately have consequences for your actions. It’s time for our system to grow up.”
Vance and social media specialist Jesse Miller, another person who experienced part of the harassment, have filed a lawsuit against Richard Sean Oliver for harassing them.
Oliver’s harassment campaign against Vance spanned years, from 2015 to September 2021, while Miller was targeted between March 2020 and September 2021, according to the lawsuit. The campaign included hundreds of emails to Vance or Miller, often multiple in a day and often adding their colleagues or friends as recipients.
Oliver reportedly often used different email addresses switching to a new one when Vance blocked another, and often used offensive or sexualizing addresses like email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Vance’s lawsuit details a litany of the emails and posts Oliver sent to her or posted about her, including referring to Vance as “Jody BOLSHEVIK TRUMP HATING Vance” or “FAR LEFT WOKE JODY VANCE” and declaring her to be corrupt or a “gestapo snitch.”
The emails also employed racist language, calling Global News reporter Emily Lazatin “Emily Lazabrown – the brown supremacist” and referring to immigrants as “gimmegrants,” according to the lawsuit.
When police warned the defendant to back off on Sept. 21, 2021, Oliver reportedly reacted with an email calling the COVID-19 vaccines “murder and/or permanent injury” and saying Vance knew that “so well she sent her traitorous piece of shit NAZI police friends after me.”
Miller similarly received a deluge of emails, according to the lawsuit, including spreading misinformation about voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. election and saying that when Trump wins “and you ‘Big Tech’ communists are all put down like rabid dogs I am going to laugh so hard it might kill me,” reads one email, according to the lawsuit.
Oliver only stopped after he was arrested on Sept. 29, 2021.
The two are seeking general damages and aggravated and punitive damages for the harassment campaign and for defamation.
The lawsuit claims the two feared for their safety and that of their families, while also interfering with Vance’s work, as she declined public paid events and other freelance opportunities.
Oliver has not filed a response in court.

Refer also to:

Not broken. Judicial industry & police working as intended by rich white men. In Canada too.
Caveman Canada brutalizing women, yet again.
The big picture of violence against women

“It’s the judges!” enabling rape and murder of women. No kidding. In Canada too.
“Unf*ck the system.” Alberta’s Neanderthal “Justice” system assaults sexual assault victims. “The judge in this troubling case was none other than former Deputy Justice Minister Ray Bodnarek, a PC loyalist appointed as a judge by former PC Justice Minister Jonathan Denis who himself resigned under troubling allegations of domestic violence.” Commenter: “So who exactly is the crown protecting by blocking the publication of the victim’s name?” Another commenter: “My guess…..the ‘system’. It stinks and it’s all because of the judges & lawyers.” I believe the only way to start unravelling patriarchy and cleaning up Canada’s corrupt politicians, lawyers and judges, is to make it illegal for a lawyer (past, current, future) to be an MLA or MP in our provincial or federal gov’ts. Let lawyers practice/teach law, let politicians make laws, don’t mix the two – that includes no judges in politics either.