Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

Caveman Canada’s Racist Judicial Industry (and RCMP): Aggravating, delay after delay, “horrendous” and “protectionist” (intentionally, to keep those harmed by Canadian authorities and the rich out).

RCMP Officers Plead Not Guilty in the Death of Dale Culver, Two officers made their first court appearance six years after the Wet’suwet’en man’s death by Amanda Follett Hosgood, June 7, 2023, The Tyee Two RCMP officers charged in the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Caveman Canada’s Racist Judicial Industry (and RCMP): Aggravating, delay after delay, “horrendous” and “protectionist” (intentionally, to keep those harmed by Canadian authorities and the rich out).

Pennsylvania, Three years on: Frac’ing health study into Ewing sarcoma and other rare forms of cancer results in cover-up rug. Secrets are a toxic industry’s (and enabling court’s) best friend.

Environmental groups seek results of Pitt cancer studies by Karen Mansfield, Jun 3, 2023, Observer Reporter Environmental health groups are seeking an update on the status of a pair of studies about fracking and health issues, after those studies were … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pennsylvania, Three years on: Frac’ing health study into Ewing sarcoma and other rare forms of cancer results in cover-up rug. Secrets are a toxic industry’s (and enabling court’s) best friend.

Big bitumen (Suncor et al), oil, gas & frac’ers hold the world captive boasting jobs jobs jobs while slashing 1000’s of workers via automation to serve greed greed greed (as our world burns).

Prof Dan Shugar@WaterSHEDLab Jun 1: Over the past 48 hrs in Alberta, we’ve had the announcement of new 1.4 GW solar installation and the elimination of 1500 jobs from an oil and gas company. The writing is on the wall. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Big bitumen (Suncor et al), oil, gas & frac’ers hold the world captive boasting jobs jobs jobs while slashing 1000’s of workers via automation to serve greed greed greed (as our world burns).

Central Alberta: 2005 study suggests oil and sour gas facilities located within 4 km of rural residential properties significantly affect their sale price.

I have a paper copy of the complete study. Time permitting winter 2023, I’ll scan and upload it to my website, and add a link to it below. The impact of oil and natural gas facilities on rural residential property … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Central Alberta: 2005 study suggests oil and sour gas facilities located within 4 km of rural residential properties significantly affect their sale price.

Jason Redmond, OPP cop who sexually assaulted and filmed unconscious woman, could face ‘exemplary’ sentence. *Could* is key. I doubt it’ll happen. Canada’s patriarchy-serving judges favour rapists, letting them off, again and again, no matter how vile their crimes, often revictimizing victims.

OPP officer who sexually assaulted and filmed unconscious woman could face ‘exemplary’ sentence WARNING: This article contains graphic content by Dan Taekema, CBC News, May 31, 2023 WARNING: This article contains graphic content and may affect those who have experienced​ … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Jason Redmond, OPP cop who sexually assaulted and filmed unconscious woman, could face ‘exemplary’ sentence. *Could* is key. I doubt it’ll happen. Canada’s patriarchy-serving judges favour rapists, letting them off, again and again, no matter how vile their crimes, often revictimizing victims.

Belmont Co, Ohio: Father and 10 year old son drown in plastic-lined frac water hoarding impoundment. Younger son, age 8, went to get help. What terror all three endured.

Father and son drown in pond, younger child runs for help by D.K. Wright, May 30, 2023, BELMONT COUNTY, Ohio (WTRF) — An Amish man and his 10-year-old son died of drowning Saturday, according to Belmont County Sheriff’s Department … Continue reading

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Fracking Next Door

sō-lä-stál-jə n.: A pain or discomfort caused by the present state of one’s home environment. Solastalgia ia a kind of distress: a homesickness felt at home. Glenn Albrecht coined the term “solastalgia” — a mash-up of “solace,” “desolation,” and “nostalgia” … Continue reading

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Oh my raped and frac’d heart; I can’t take much more of the hideousness and stupidity of humanity. Spotted owl in Canada: going going …

All I see are ghosts’: fear and fury as the last spotted owl in Canada fights for survival, Only one female remains in the Canadian wilderness, a symbol of the country’s inability to save a species on the verge of … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Oh my raped and frac’d heart; I can’t take much more of the hideousness and stupidity of humanity. Spotted owl in Canada: going going …

Dear Ruby River Capital LLC and your Énergie Saguenay: Take your greedy Clusterfuck lawsuit for *your* failures back to Hell. How many hundreds of $Billions would *you* owe Canadians for your part in burning Canada up and polluting our climate, air, land, water and public health via frac’ing? You owe us! Not surprising Osler represents you.

Sodding greedy clusterfucks at Ruby River Capital LLC (U.S.-based owner of GNL Québec Inc.) and Osler in Calgary, you’re way out of line with your $20 Billion in lost profits demand. Frac’ing loses money. It loses lots of money, notably … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Dear Ruby River Capital LLC and your Énergie Saguenay: Take your greedy Clusterfuck lawsuit for *your* failures back to Hell. How many hundreds of $Billions would *you* owe Canadians for your part in burning Canada up and polluting our climate, air, land, water and public health via frac’ing? You owe us! Not surprising Osler represents you.

Hey CBC! Why report that PFAS chemicals are used in EVs, batteries and solar panels but leave out that oil & gas frac’ers, including Encana/Ovintiv, use them too?

‘Forever chemicals’ found in Canadians’ blood samples: report, Government departments propose listing the chemicals as toxic under Canadian Environmental Protection Act by David Thurton, May 20, 2023, CBC News Toxic “forever chemicals” are being found in the blood of Canadians … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Hey CBC! Why report that PFAS chemicals are used in EVs, batteries and solar panels but leave out that oil & gas frac’ers, including Encana/Ovintiv, use them too?

New study: Scientists find massive amount of methane, super-potent greenhouse gas, spewed from California wildfires. Any air quality managers accounting for methane from wildfires in Canada?

What a vicious circuitous cumulative impact if oil, gas and frac companies’ leaking methane and other gases are igniting and fuelling wildfires which then release massive amounts more methane. It’s been known for decades that oil, gas and frac companies … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study: Scientists find massive amount of methane, super-potent greenhouse gas, spewed from California wildfires. Any air quality managers accounting for methane from wildfires in Canada?

South Africa to frac ecologically sensitive water scarce Karoo. Frac’ing will “directly and detrimentally affect women’s lives.” Yup.

Earth is running on empty. Water scarcity is becoming ever more dire, with frac’ers invading the most water scarce places. Most humans, notably male, corporate, legal and or political, don’t care and keep over producing babies. Every new human born … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on South Africa to frac ecologically sensitive water scarce Karoo. Frac’ing will “directly and detrimentally affect women’s lives.” Yup.

New study on wildfires: Measurable connection between acres burned and carbon emissions released by world’s largest fossil fuel companies.”The general public has been left footing the bill for these disasters.”

The study: 19-page PDF Observed Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Changeon Wildfire in California by A. Park Williams, John T. Abatzoglou, Alexander Gershunov,Janin Guzman‐Morales, Daniel A. Bishop, Jennifer K. Balch and Dennis P. Lettenmaier, 2019, Earth’s Future, 7, 892–910. Abstract … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study on wildfires: Measurable connection between acres burned and carbon emissions released by world’s largest fossil fuel companies.”The general public has been left footing the bill for these disasters.”

Frac Central Alberta: Fox Creek Wall of Wildfire. How many hundreds of thousands of fracs are leaking methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, sour gas to surface fuelling wildfires? Do leaking facilities, wells, pipelines start and fuel fires? Who’s checking? AER? Encana/Ovintiv? Chevron? No one.

Photo by Kyle Brittain: Wall of Wildfire, Fox Creek Alberta May 14, 2023 Mother’s day: Gaia weeps. John Vaillant@JohnVaillant: ’cause all the [smoke] was being inhaled by the fire . . . ? Kyle Brittain@KyleBrittainWX: Yes sir! Brad In YYC … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac Central Alberta: Fox Creek Wall of Wildfire. How many hundreds of thousands of fracs are leaking methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, sour gas to surface fuelling wildfires? Do leaking facilities, wells, pipelines start and fuel fires? Who’s checking? AER? Encana/Ovintiv? Chevron? No one.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs: Old, white, Irving Oilman (for 33 years), anti-First Nations, anti-water, anti-community, anti-health, anti-environment, anti-rule of law, anti-truth frac pimp. Dolly Parton: “Greedy politicians present and past. They wouldn’t know the truth if it bit ’em in the ass.”

Liar, liar, the world’s on fire. Whatcha gonna do when it all burns down? First Nations chiefs blast Higgs over report he is prepared to frack without their consent, Premier quoted as saying, ‘We gotta get on with it’ by … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs: Old, white, Irving Oilman (for 33 years), anti-First Nations, anti-water, anti-community, anti-health, anti-environment, anti-rule of law, anti-truth frac pimp. Dolly Parton: “Greedy politicians present and past. They wouldn’t know the truth if it bit ’em in the ass.”

Really pope? Capitalism? Perhaps popes helping priests rape kids is stopping Italians from having kids; popes and christian men sure stopped me.

After too many rapes to count when I was a child – all by white married christian men, I decided not to have kids. One of my dreams was to be a stay home mum but no way would I … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Really pope? Capitalism? Perhaps popes helping priests rape kids is stopping Italians from having kids; popes and christian men sure stopped me.

First PEI criminalized frac’ing to protect their water, now this! So positive, smart, easy, can be relocated, and benefits community instead of just the raping polluting rich

How electric school buses will keep Canadians warm during emergencies by Jameson Dow, Apr 28 2023, Electrek Prince Edward Island has enlisted the help of Lion Electric‘s electric school buses to provide power in the event of emergencies, to keep … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on First PEI criminalized frac’ing to protect their water, now this! So positive, smart, easy, can be relocated, and benefits community instead of just the raping polluting rich

Welcome to Patriarchy’s AI: Of course all lawyers are men! And white, and privileged, and racist, and misogynistic, and bigoted (hate & rage farm against anyone they think has no right to live in peace, or live at all), and break the rules, and betray their clients after half a million dollars wasted, and and …

A few of the responses: rynrynryn@rynrynrynnyryn Apr 24: AI chat is like speaking with a polite mediocre white man Gregory Balloch@GregBalloch: Completely unrelated: I wonder what kind of people programmed this thing rynrynryn@rynrynrynnyryn: I assume an undiverse group of people … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Welcome to Patriarchy’s AI: Of course all lawyers are men! And white, and privileged, and racist, and misogynistic, and bigoted (hate & rage farm against anyone they think has no right to live in peace, or live at all), and break the rules, and betray their clients after half a million dollars wasted, and and …

To Protect Water Stop Frac’ing! Stop SAGD! Stop Tarsands Mining! Stop Water Waste by Fossil Fools!

To Protect Water, Bring Together Indigenous and Western Knowledge: U of G Expert Report, To restore and protect vulnerable freshwater systems in North America, start by interweaving Indigenous and Western values, worldviews and knowledge systems Press Release by Dr. Andrea … Continue reading

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ObscuriousMind creates AI generated Drag Show, Conservative Queens: Right Wing & Fabulous, “In God We Trust, In Glam We Must!”

Fabulous indeed. This made my year! Thank you ObscuriousMind. Ha Ha Ha! Brilliant: “In God We Trust, In Glam We Must.” An ai generated drag show, Conservative Queens: Right Wing & Fabulous 1:27 Min. by Obscurious Lab, April 24, 2023

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New Orleans: Influence of rape religion on court “stinks to high heaven.” Judge Greg Guidry refuses to recuse himself after investigation finds he donated tens of thousands of dollars to catholic archiocese he consistently favours amid bankruptcy involving 500 sex abuse victims.

Too many Canadian judges are equally as stinky, in my experience. And some lie in rulings to protect frac’ers. Think of the kids raped by priests et al, compare to money and other favours passing under the table from oil … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on New Orleans: Influence of rape religion on court “stinks to high heaven.” Judge Greg Guidry refuses to recuse himself after investigation finds he donated tens of thousands of dollars to catholic archiocese he consistently favours amid bankruptcy involving 500 sex abuse victims.

Michael de Adder: Successful removal of cancerous lump, Tucker Carlson, from America’s anus. (Thank you Dominion!)

Keith Olbermann@KeithOlbermann Apr 24: I’d just like to congratulate @TuckerCarlson on getting fired from the middle @cnn and from the left @msnbc and from the fascist right @foxnews CoffeyTimeNews@CoffeyTimeNews BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Will Receive NO Severance From Fox News Because … Continue reading

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Texas GOP: Mask wearing to protect health verboten but Dept Agriculture orders “all employees must dress in a matter consistent with their biological gender.” WTF?

Paisley Currah@paisleycurrah: Here we go. Using “biological sex” as a cudgel against trans people was always just the pre-game. For the right, it’s not just “men in dresses” that’s the problem. It’s also women in pants. Princess Aviana@PayPrincessAvii: Is it … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Texas GOP: Mask wearing to protect health verboten but Dept Agriculture orders “all employees must dress in a matter consistent with their biological gender.” WTF?

The Lawless Place = Frac’ing. The Moral Urgency of Stopping this Intergenerational Theft

April 2023 Networker: A Fracked Nation by Science and Environmental Health Network Volume 28 (4), April 2023 Table of Contents 1. Editor’s Note2. Celebrating Our Colleagues: Martha Dina Argüello3. The Moral Urgency of Stopping this Intergenerational Theft4. The RePercussion Section: … Continue reading

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Elon Musk/SpaceX: Selfish idiotic misogynistic mega polluter, risks and makes community clean up his mess, yet again.

Brandon Friedman@BFriedmanDC: What a debacle: The FAA has now grounded SpaceX’s Starship program “pending results of a ‘mishap investigation.’” “It’s not yet known” whether the fallout material “is dangerous to touch or breathe in and what effect it could have … Continue reading

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Celebrate earth day 2023? How?

Human greed has destroyed everything I love. Starting with Encana/Ovintiv illegally frac’ing my drinking water supply at Rosebud, enabled by AER, Alberta gov’t, politicians at all levels (municipal, provincial and federal), judges, NGOs and Synergy groups, even my own legal … Continue reading

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Letter in PR PEAK by Jan Slakov: “Often the legal system has failed to protect the health of people and other living things.” Ernst: Science is on humanity’s side, the law is not; billionaires get richer while making life on earth increasingly unbearable.

Thank you Ms. Slakov for including me and my case in your excellent letter, and thanks to PR PEAK for publishing it! Kids in Newfoundland demanding climate justice – NOW! Letter: Class action, Efforts to protect our children’s future have … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Letter in PR PEAK by Jan Slakov: “Often the legal system has failed to protect the health of people and other living things.” Ernst: Science is on humanity’s side, the law is not; billionaires get richer while making life on earth increasingly unbearable.

Dear G7, Fossil Fools: Liquefied frac’d *un*natural gas is a bridge fuel to climate disaster

My note that I attached to this open letter to Ireland’s Minister for Energy, Eamon Ryan, on LNG U-turn. This is excellent! G7: Liquefied natural gas is a bridge fuel to climate disaster by Leah Qusba, April 14, 2023, The … Continue reading

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Montana: Courageous integral Judge Michael Moses rules officials failed to adequately consider climate pollution, cancels natural gas power plant permit

Judge cancels Montana gas plant permit over climate impacts by Matthew Brown and Amy Beth Hanson, Associated Press, April 9, 2023, W.Va. News BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — A judge canceled the air quality permit for a natural gas power plant … Continue reading

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“Miscarriage of justice” is what Canada’s legal players do best. The cruelty Tammy Bouvette (and others) endured at the hands of our callous self-serving judicial-legal industry is unforgivable. BC Court of Appeal “ordered stay of proceedings because retrying her case would be an ‘abuse of process.'” Why the hell did this take so long? Thank you, CBC Fifth Estate, you served Ms Bouvette justice; our “justice” system did not.

B.C. Court of Appeal quashes conviction of woman in toddler’s death, calling it ‘miscarriage of justice’, Tammy Bouvette, 39, fell into addiction and became homeless after 2nd-degree murder charge in 2011 by Rachel Ward, CBC News Apr 12, 2023 The … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on “Miscarriage of justice” is what Canada’s legal players do best. The cruelty Tammy Bouvette (and others) endured at the hands of our callous self-serving judicial-legal industry is unforgivable. BC Court of Appeal “ordered stay of proceedings because retrying her case would be an ‘abuse of process.'” Why the hell did this take so long? Thank you, CBC Fifth Estate, you served Ms Bouvette justice; our “justice” system did not.

Congratulations Pooja Parmar! “The President’s Chair is the highest academic honour UVic can bestow on a faculty member.”

Finding common threads of Indigenous laws in a global context by Julie Sloan, March 28, 2023, U Victoria There are common threads that run through experiences of Indigenous communities in different parts of the world—experiences of social, political and economic … Continue reading

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New Brunswick Premier Higgs pisses on UNDRIP, bullies/threatens First Nations trying to coerce them to let their territories and unceded lands be frac’d; sings about gas riches like any old conniving oilman. Stand firm, say “NO!” If Cities of Calgary and Lethbridge in Alberta can keep frac’ers out, First Nations in NB can too.

The frac’d get all the propaganda, lies, lures, bribes, bullying, threats and harms. The rich get richer because the frac’d get all the harms while the rich get billions via infinite subsidies, royalty breaks, freebies, deregulation and regulators and courts … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Brunswick Premier Higgs pisses on UNDRIP, bullies/threatens First Nations trying to coerce them to let their territories and unceded lands be frac’d; sings about gas riches like any old conniving oilman. Stand firm, say “NO!” If Cities of Calgary and Lethbridge in Alberta can keep frac’ers out, First Nations in NB can too.

Health protections against airborne pathogens like SARS2: Masking works. It matters, even if you are the only one. Dec 2022: Nearly 30% excess mortality in Canada’s fastest reporting provinces, Germany 47%, France 31%, UK 25% …

Malgorzata (Gosia) Gasperowicz@GosiaGasperoPhD: Please speak. Please act. Even small actions matter.Every internal or public conversation and chat matters. The data shows that the situation is grave Tara Moriarty@MoriartyLab: My colleagues, the emperor has no clothes. Nearly 30% excess mortality in … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Health protections against airborne pathogens like SARS2: Masking works. It matters, even if you are the only one. Dec 2022: Nearly 30% excess mortality in Canada’s fastest reporting provinces, Germany 47%, France 31%, UK 25% …

Baltimore archdiocese, Maryland: Astonishing depravity by catholic church deviant priests and lying cover-up bosses: 600 kids tortured, terrorized. How many hundreds more? Condescending William E. Lori, archbishop of Baltimore, lays it on thick. Rape Religions lie like Frac’ers, a lot.

True: “Statistically your child is far safer with a Drag Queen rather than a Priest.” A tweet: FakeJoeBiden@fake_biden: I have a daughter. One political party wants to check her genitals, monitor her period, restrict her interstate travel, force her to … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Baltimore archdiocese, Maryland: Astonishing depravity by catholic church deviant priests and lying cover-up bosses: 600 kids tortured, terrorized. How many hundreds more? Condescending William E. Lori, archbishop of Baltimore, lays it on thick. Rape Religions lie like Frac’ers, a lot.

Phew! Anti Public Health Care Brian Day loses to the end. Now, let’s see if the fucker truckers succeed where he failed

Amir Attaran (@email hidden; JavaScript is required)@profamirattaran April 7, 2023: What chutzpah! The Canadian Constitution Foundation’s attempt to kill public health care FAILED at the Supreme Court, but they’re still fundraising for the legal challenge. I’m pretty horrified that … Continue reading

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Qatar Energy’s big stakes in ExxonMobil’s NL and Canada offshore (50% stake with Encana/Ovintiv spawn, Cenovus, 22% stakeholder)

Qatar Staking Out Eastern Canada Offshore for More Natural Gas, Oil Prospects by Carolyn Davis, April 3, 2023, Natural Gas Intelligence Qatar’s state-owned energy producer is looking to Eastern Canada to build exploration prospects after taking sizable stakes in ExxonMobil’s … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Qatar Energy’s big stakes in ExxonMobil’s NL and Canada offshore (50% stake with Encana/Ovintiv spawn, Cenovus, 22% stakeholder)

Frac’er Lone Pine Resources loses evil attempt to snag $250 Million from Canadians via suing under NAFTA, at the time owing $300 Million in debt.

Prairie Provident Resources announces decision in NAFTA case Press Release by owner of Lone Pine (Prairie Provident), November 22, 2022, Globe Newswire, BOE Report CALGARY, Alberta – Prairie Provident Resources Inc. (“Prairie Provident” or the “Company”) announces that its wholly-owned … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Frac’er Lone Pine Resources loses evil attempt to snag $250 Million from Canadians via suing under NAFTA, at the time owing $300 Million in debt.

Judicial Frac-Farce, Dimock PA: Aquifer polluter Coterra (Cabot) rewarded, the harmed betrayed, to be refrac’d. 15 criminal charges, incl. 9 felonies, dropped to 1 misdemeanor, Judge J. Legg accepts Coterra admitting criminal responsibility while denying guilt; DEP un-bans Coterra from 9 sq mile gas-contaminated groundwater zone. Judge orders: 2 supply wells drilled (any safe groundwater there?); 10 mile water p/l that’ll take *5 yrs* to build (same was ordered a decade ago but pro-frac’ers killed it, and will again); bottled water for 75 years (after that?) or water treatment systems known to blow up (Bruce Jack and two industry gas-in-water testers were nearly killed by similar system pimped by Alberta gov’t in 2006).

Email in, with photos, from one of the Coterra/Cabot frac-harmed families: “Nice article. Photo below is of the bogus “water treatment system” which DEP mandated in 2010 then let the gas co run away from. DEP also ignores complaints from … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Judicial Frac-Farce, Dimock PA: Aquifer polluter Coterra (Cabot) rewarded, the harmed betrayed, to be refrac’d. 15 criminal charges, incl. 9 felonies, dropped to 1 misdemeanor, Judge J. Legg accepts Coterra admitting criminal responsibility while denying guilt; DEP un-bans Coterra from 9 sq mile gas-contaminated groundwater zone. Judge orders: 2 supply wells drilled (any safe groundwater there?); 10 mile water p/l that’ll take *5 yrs* to build (same was ordered a decade ago but pro-frac’ers killed it, and will again); bottled water for 75 years (after that?) or water treatment systems known to blow up (Bruce Jack and two industry gas-in-water testers were nearly killed by similar system pimped by Alberta gov’t in 2006).

Question from Ireland on Canada’s taxpayer-funded Propaganda “Energy Centre” for Big Oil, Bitumen, Gas and Coal Profit-Raping Law-Violating Polluters

“Are these muppets for real?” My response: “YES! They are using our tax dollars to lie for big oil and propagandize the world into taking our frac’d LNG. VULGAR!!!!” Canadian Energy Centre (@CDNEnergyCentre) tweeted at 5:37 pm on Wed, Mar01, … Continue reading

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George Rammel’s judicial satire sculpture: “Chambers of Predetermined Outcomes / Gatekeepers of Justice” unveiled with a dinosaur landing aptly on BC Chief Justice Robert Bauman’s head during the performance!

The unveiling of Mr. Rammel’s interactive sculpture unveiling and performance starts at 20 mins. (The three judges featured were put on BC’s Supreme Court by Steve Harper.) This art is clever and fun. Mr. Rammel’s artist statement is just as … Continue reading

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Sister Serpents: “Tips for Men #1: Don’t Rape.” Me: “Tips for Judges #1: Stop Letting Rapists Off” especially OPP constable Jason Redmond, suspended with *full* pay for 8 years now because the law says he can’t be fired unless he gets jail time. How happy the Patriarchy must be!

The Forgotten History of the Controversial Sister Serpents: “SisterSerpents Demolishing the patriarchy since 1989.” “Misogyny: Look it up. Stamp it out.” “Male-supremacy” “Rape” Ha ha ha ha! My favourite: “When a woman masturbates, a man’s penis falls off.” Ha ha … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Sister Serpents: “Tips for Men #1: Don’t Rape.” Me: “Tips for Judges #1: Stop Letting Rapists Off” especially OPP constable Jason Redmond, suspended with *full* pay for 8 years now because the law says he can’t be fired unless he gets jail time. How happy the Patriarchy must be!

Another AER agent not to trust: Industry rep at AGS, Rebecca Salvage, quickly blamed nature for 5.6M biggest (industry induced) earthquake in Alberta’s history; includes snide “comments” and big winded promises by Obsidian, quake-maker

Regulator defends finding that Alberta’s largest earthquake was caused by oilpatch by Bob Webber, The Canadian Press, Mar 30, 2023, Edmonton Journal EDMONTON — Alberta’s energy regulator has defended its finding that the province’s largest recorded earthquake was caused by … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Another AER agent not to trust: Industry rep at AGS, Rebecca Salvage, quickly blamed nature for 5.6M biggest (industry induced) earthquake in Alberta’s history; includes snide “comments” and big winded promises by Obsidian, quake-maker

No wonder frac’ers are raping earth dead. New low for self-regulating rape industry, oopsie daisy, I meant legal industry. Lawyer, Dan K. Purdy of Missouri, not disbarred for sexual assaults of six clients (some in open court), gets one year suspension for “egregious and outrageous conduct.” Creepy, like Steve Harper’s Supreme Court of Canada J Russell Brown and lawyer Robert Regular and his lawyers. No wonder self-regulation of lawyers and judges is clung to with quasi-religious fervour like rape religions cling to kids and tax free status

Three dissenting judges would have disbarred him. The disciplinary hearing panel recommended he be disbarred. The judges that did not disbar this creep are sexual assault enablers, and need to be charged for their crimes. That would stop one hell … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on No wonder frac’ers are raping earth dead. New low for self-regulating rape industry, oopsie daisy, I meant legal industry. Lawyer, Dan K. Purdy of Missouri, not disbarred for sexual assaults of six clients (some in open court), gets one year suspension for “egregious and outrageous conduct.” Creepy, like Steve Harper’s Supreme Court of Canada J Russell Brown and lawyer Robert Regular and his lawyers. No wonder self-regulation of lawyers and judges is clung to with quasi-religious fervour like rape religions cling to kids and tax free status

Satan’s Pedophile-enabling Bench: Money hanky panky, gun slugging in court and abusing 6 & 7 year old girls testifying (What else did he do? What do other judges get away with?): W.Va. Supreme Court revokes former circuit Judge David Hummel’s law license.

What surprises me most in this Hummel case is that his law licence was revoked. Wow. Many more bad judges need to be removed from the bench and lawyers disbarred, including in Canada. W.Va. Supreme Court Revokes Former Circuit Judge … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Satan’s Pedophile-enabling Bench: Money hanky panky, gun slugging in court and abusing 6 & 7 year old girls testifying (What else did he do? What do other judges get away with?): W.Va. Supreme Court revokes former circuit Judge David Hummel’s law license.

April 5, 2023, 3 – 5 pm: Participate live with Justin Nobel and others on the oil and gas industry’s “Downstream Radioactivity: What on Earth is Coming out of the Pipes?” (Canada’s LNG is frac’d gas, it’s not natural)

Downstream Radioactivity: What on Earth is Coming out of the Pipes? Moderated by Justin Nobel April 5, 2023 Join us Wednesday April 5th, 3 – 5 p.m. EST / noon – 2 p.m. PST Click below to participate on the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on April 5, 2023, 3 – 5 pm: Participate live with Justin Nobel and others on the oil and gas industry’s “Downstream Radioactivity: What on Earth is Coming out of the Pipes?” (Canada’s LNG is frac’d gas, it’s not natural)

Comedy Hour at the AER: Bla bla “independent” bla bla bla 3rd party (retired Harper judge?) “review” of our lies, inaction regarding Imperial’s toxic spill at Kearl bitumen cesspit that went on for months and months bla bla bla, while we, the regulator, bla bla bla, did nothing but help hide it.

AER Board Chair, David Goldie, Announces Kearl Investigation Press Release by AER, March 28, 2023 At our March 16, 2023, meeting, the Board of Directors of the Alberta Energy Regulator decided to commission an impartial, third-party reviewby Encana (aka run … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Comedy Hour at the AER: Bla bla “independent” bla bla bla 3rd party (retired Harper judge?) “review” of our lies, inaction regarding Imperial’s toxic spill at Kearl bitumen cesspit that went on for months and months bla bla bla, while we, the regulator, bla bla bla, did nothing but help hide it.

Jody Vance and Jesse Miller file lawsuit against harasser Richard Sean Oliver after tiny sentence by Caveman Canada’s misogynistic judicial-legal industry

Jody Vance@jodyvance: … The fight to modernize rules and laws around online harassment is the ultimate goal. #justice shouldn’t be this hard. … Having a platform I am mindful of each and every share and step on this journey for … Continue reading

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March 26 & 27, 2023: End Fracking in Canada (PEI already banned it). Frac Free Art Day of Action. Let’s put posters up across Canada!

Anyone who makes frac free posters for your community and puts them up, or prints and puts up the one provided below: Take photos when you do, send them to me, I’ll add them to this post. email hidden; JavaScript … Continue reading

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James Byrne: We must act fast, push for change and dump fossil fuels; “Health-care costs alone are a great reason to get the hell off of fossil fuels”

World needs to mitigate and adapt to climate change: expert by Ry Clarke, March 24, 2023, Lethbridge Herald The Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs welcomed back James Byrne to its Thursday session speaking on the topic of “Climate, Energy, … Continue reading

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Gong Show! Oil and gas industry self-regulator, AER, after blaming nature, “regulates” Obsidian Energy *only* because researchers make their study public on the 2022 damaging, record-breaking 5.6M industry-induced earthquake at Peace River, and media, including Tyee, reported on it. Corrupt AER cowards led by just another scandal-ridden old white “dickhead.” Obsidian shares fell 4% by morning.

And here’s why industry’s self-regulator, AER, doesn’t regulate unless publicly pressured to: Obsidian shares fall after Alberta’s energy regulator says company caused seismic events March 24, 2023 6:30 AM, The Globe and Mail I wonder how much Encana’s shares would … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Gong Show! Oil and gas industry self-regulator, AER, after blaming nature, “regulates” Obsidian Energy *only* because researchers make their study public on the 2022 damaging, record-breaking 5.6M industry-induced earthquake at Peace River, and media, including Tyee, reported on it. Corrupt AER cowards led by just another scandal-ridden old white “dickhead.” Obsidian shares fell 4% by morning.

New Standford study confirms Tyee investigation: Tarsands high pressure injections near Peace River most likely caused 2022 5.6M earthquake (largest in Alberta so far) and others, felt as far away as Edmonton; More quakes (4.6 to 5) in 2023, also felt in Edmonton. AER, industry’s self regulator, as usual, blames nature.

Disposal From In Situ Bitumen Recovery Induced the ML 5.6 Peace River Earthquake by Ryan Schultz, Jeong-Ung Woo, Karissa Pepin, William L. Ellsworth, Howard Zebkar, Paul Segall, Yu Jeffrey Gu, Sergey Samsonov, March 23, 2023, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 50, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Standford study confirms Tyee investigation: Tarsands high pressure injections near Peace River most likely caused 2022 5.6M earthquake (largest in Alberta so far) and others, felt as far away as Edmonton; More quakes (4.6 to 5) in 2023, also felt in Edmonton. AER, industry’s self regulator, as usual, blames nature.

No surprise: New study by UChicago links frac’ing to heart and respiratory disease among older adults living near unconventional (un)natural gas development.

Study links fracking to heart disease in nearby communities by Alison Caldwell, Press Release by UChicago News, March 14, 2023 UChicago Medicine research finds hospitalizations for older adults are higher near fracking sites A new University of Chicago study examining … Continue reading

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Faces of Greed, Lies & Evil: LNG2023 Vancouver BC Canada, July 10-13, Sponsors include Bennett Jones Law Firm. Biggest lie = LNG is green (it’s not, it wastes masses of energy and water and can’t be decarbonized). In Canada, LNG is polluting, health farm & family harming, methane-leaking (at every stage), noisy, diesel-fuming, permanent water-losing, frac’d gas. *LNG = LFG (Liquid Frac’d Gas), it’s not natural!*

1982 LNG bomb cartoon in Vancouver Sun LNG’s biggest lie is that it’s green. LNG is much more polluting than coal. Think about what LNG is, and the vast amounts of energy required to frac it, ship it, cool it, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Faces of Greed, Lies & Evil: LNG2023 Vancouver BC Canada, July 10-13, Sponsors include Bennett Jones Law Firm. Biggest lie = LNG is green (it’s not, it wastes masses of energy and water and can’t be decarbonized). In Canada, LNG is polluting, health farm & family harming, methane-leaking (at every stage), noisy, diesel-fuming, permanent water-losing, frac’d gas. *LNG = LFG (Liquid Frac’d Gas), it’s not natural!*

Holy Fracamoley! U.S. Dept of Justice Backs Communities Suing Big Oil

DOJ Backs Communities Suing Big Oil, Reversing Trump-era Position Press Release by Centre for Climate Integrity, March 16, 2023 For the First Time, the Justice Department Sides with Communities Seeking to Hold Major Fossil Fuel Corporations Accountable for Climate Damages … Continue reading

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Queen’s University (receives $millions in corporate “donations”) via CBC spews crap to deflect dioxin and phosgene pollution/health risks in Ontario and Quebec from Norfolk Southern’s toxic train derailment, burning of vinyl chloride, etc.

Greg Macdougall@GregEqEd March 8, 2023: Chemistry prof Philip Jessop @queensu quoted saying dioxins are “too heavy to have crossed the Great Lakes through the air.” But study from 2000 found that almost all dioxins in Nunavut got there by traveling … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Queen’s University (receives $millions in corporate “donations”) via CBC spews crap to deflect dioxin and phosgene pollution/health risks in Ontario and Quebec from Norfolk Southern’s toxic train derailment, burning of vinyl chloride, etc.

Dear rage farmers, anti science, anti rule of law Justice Centre for [Con] Freedoms; anti maskers; anti vaxxers; anti public health care; abusive Fucker Truckers: “Prior COVID-19 infection associated with increased risk of newly diagnosed erectile dysfunction”

I write rage farmers because during the wanna-be-republican insurrectionist fucker truckers’ violent illegal invasions of Ottawa and elsewhere, I was nastily assaulted five separate times by fucker truckers enraged that I choose to mask indoors in public to protect myself … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Dear rage farmers, anti science, anti rule of law Justice Centre for [Con] Freedoms; anti maskers; anti vaxxers; anti public health care; abusive Fucker Truckers: “Prior COVID-19 infection associated with increased risk of newly diagnosed erectile dysfunction”

USA Supreme Court, In 6-3 ruling asserts “only corporations have the right to abortion, if done properly through child health and development issues arising from air pollution”

I have hundreds of posts in draft form. I am struggling to catch up. Injuries done to me when I was being raped (often) as a child causes me difficulty typing and posting. Unknowingly bathing in Encana/Ovintiv’s life-threatening frac water … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on USA Supreme Court, In 6-3 ruling asserts “only corporations have the right to abortion, if done properly through child health and development issues arising from air pollution”

Another self regulating legal industry circle jerk: BC’s Law Club does not disbar trust fund fudging lawyer Hong Guo

Law Society of BC fails to disbar lawyer Hong Guo following review, Hong Guo is scheduled to start her one-year suspension on March 8 after the Law Society of BC unsuccessfully argued for her disbarment in relation to various trust … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Another self regulating legal industry circle jerk: BC’s Law Club does not disbar trust fund fudging lawyer Hong Guo

Finally! More than four years after quitting Ernst vs Encana, Murray Klippenstein (lawyer bencher LSO) stops using me, my image and “environmental protection” case as free advertising for his firm (that he said was destroyed along with his career by working to kill his self regulator’s Statement of Principles)

Why now? To appear honest to get re-elected to the board of Ontario’s LSO? On the main page of his law firm’s website, Mr. Klippenstein used my name, image and case without permission or specifying he quit in 2018, betraying … Continue reading

Posted in Case News, Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Finally! More than four years after quitting Ernst vs Encana, Murray Klippenstein (lawyer bencher LSO) stops using me, my image and “environmental protection” case as free advertising for his firm (that he said was destroyed along with his career by working to kill his self regulator’s Statement of Principles)

Celebrating legal scholar Val Napoleon and National Centre for Indigenous Laws at UVic. BRAVO!

Celebrating the vision and construction of the National Centre for Indigenous Laws by Julie Sloan, March 9, 2023, U Victoria News For more than a decade, Indigenous legal scholars, First Nations and the founders of the world’s-first Indigenous law degree … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Celebrating legal scholar Val Napoleon and National Centre for Indigenous Laws at UVic. BRAVO!