Anyone who makes frac free posters for your community and puts them up, or prints and puts up the one provided below: Take photos when you do, send them to me, I’ll add them to this post.
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Thank you!
Poster by Rena Woss, Lethbridge Alberta
First poster in (above) by Will Koop, BC Tap Water Alliance
Frack Free BC is a growing movement of people in so-called B.C. working together to hold their government accountable on our province’s biggest climate problem. We’re kicking off 2023 by reclaiming our public space from fossil fuel advertisers and government misdirection – and proclaiming loudly our vision for the future: Frack Free BC!
How? Through public art!
We are planning a day of action on March 26-27 focused on powerful climate movement art!
This will be a visual interruption to the myth that fracking can be clean.
All across the province, we’ll shine a spotlight on B.C.’s fracking problem, introduce our movement to the community, and inspire others to join.
The #FrackFreeBC Day of Action includes two art actions to choose from:
- A poster blitz! On March 26, gather with friends and allies to cover your community in rad FFBC posters! We’ll mail these to you ahead of time and provide tips on where and how to put them up.
- A banner drop action! From March 20-26, gather with friends and allies to paint a fabric FFBC banner. On March 27, “drop” (hang or hold) your banner in a high-visibility place in your community as part of a coordinated province-wide action. We’ll provide instructions on how to make your banner and how to plan the drop.
All participants will receive a toolkit with a guide and instructions for both act actions, as well as tips for organizing your community to participate. SIGN UP NOW
….you can access a digital PDF of the posters. It prints easily onto standard letter-size copy paper (8.5”x11”).
Download an “End Fracking” poster here.
Above poster and photo by Rosemary Baxter Courtenay, BC
Amazing Ireland bans frac’ing!
Canada can too (PEI already did, years ago).