Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

End of September 2023, Canada’s wildfires still raging (please don’t call it “season” which is propaganda normalizing it)

What will Canada’s wildfires look like when frac’ers inject the last billion gallons of water in dry jurisdictions? What will they look like after hundreds of thousands of fracs permanently leak methane and other flammable hydrocarbons to surface (that are … Continue reading

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Bravo! Dear wise and courageous Nanaimo city councillors: Thank you for voting out life-threatening, health-harming, water-decimating frac’d gas hookups!

“Fossil fuel companies have used their wealth and influence and political connections to slow things down. And they fight tooth and nail against anything that would reduce the burning of oil and gas and coal. They’re much better at capturing … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Bravo! Dear wise and courageous Nanaimo city councillors: Thank you for voting out life-threatening, health-harming, water-decimating frac’d gas hookups!

California v. Big Oil: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

California to Big Oil: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire, Lawsuit Charges Companies Knew Fossil Fuels Caused Climate Change and Deliberately Denied It by Nick Welsh, Sep 20, 2023, Santa Barbara Independent CAVEAT EMPTOR: I happen to be reading a book … Continue reading

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Homo sapiens mutilates the tree of life, destroying conditions on earth that make human life possible.

In my view, Homo sapiens proved its evil nature when it began frac’ing the earth. It’s impossible to repair industry’s trillions of fracs and impossible to put that leaking frac’d methane back. Satan has been unleashed, never to be locked … Continue reading

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Calgarians say “No!” to oil, protest World Petroleum Congress 2023 (a decade ago, they also said “No”)

Amanda Hu@amandalhu Sept 17, 2023: Calgarians facing down the World Petroleum Congress is not a small thing. The idea of Alberta identity being intrinsically linked to the oil and gas industry is something we’re steeped in our whole lives. But … Continue reading

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Wise! Republic of Ireland Planning Board says no to unclean unnatural frac’d LNG

Permission refused for Shannon Estuary LNG terminal by RTE, 15 Sep 2023 An Bord Pleanála has refused permission for the proposed development of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and power station on the Shannon estuary in Co Kerry. The … Continue reading

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Participant Dennis LeNeveu Perspective on Manitoba Clean Environment Commission (CEC)’s Recommendations for Vivian Sand Extraction Project by Sio Silica Corporation of Calgary (prev. CanWhite Sands)

I commend Mr. LeNeveu for his diligence exposing what I see is ample fraud (and many unaddressed valid concerns) regarding the Vivian Sand mining scheme that smells like just another a frac job (con). Mr. LeNeveu has donated an incredible … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Participant Dennis LeNeveu Perspective on Manitoba Clean Environment Commission (CEC)’s Recommendations for Vivian Sand Extraction Project by Sio Silica Corporation of Calgary (prev. CanWhite Sands)

Hey Tamboran, what’s going down down down? Your share price! Even after NT gov’t approved frac’ing and gave you $1.5 billion subsidy. Just another frac scam to steal from investors and the citizenry?

Snaps taken Sept 6, 2023 Mark Ogge@MarkOgge Sept 6, 2023: So weird. NT fracking company Tamboran’s share price has completely tanked SINCE the NT government approved fracking, and despite $1.5 billion subsidy from the Australian Government. What is going on … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Hey Tamboran, what’s going down down down? Your share price! Even after NT gov’t approved frac’ing and gave you $1.5 billion subsidy. Just another frac scam to steal from investors and the citizenry?

Dual Trucking, suspected radioactive Bakken frac waste dumper, does the hanky panky; Montana court sides with Admiral Insurance

Trucking company withheld information, taking insurer off the hook for hazmat violation by Tyson Fisher, May 26, 2021, Landline Now An insurance company for Dual Trucking is off the hook for covering an environmental violation on the company’s property, in … Continue reading

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Judicial flashback 2010: Harper gov’t appointed politically like-minded judges who donated cash. Jacob Ziegel: “It’s a system that lacks credibility, it’s tarnished and highly partisan and it should be a national embarrassment.” It is to me.

It’s clear to me that Canada’s judicial industry is dirty, shameful, partisan and abusive to the citizenry even though we pay for it, and became hideously and blatantly more so under Herr Harper. Ex Justice Russell Brown, who recently resigned … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Judicial flashback 2010: Harper gov’t appointed politically like-minded judges who donated cash. Jacob Ziegel: “It’s a system that lacks credibility, it’s tarnished and highly partisan and it should be a national embarrassment.” It is to me.

“….Jordan Peterson, that mean, spiteful little ho.”

Report: There’s no College of Satire Writers, so we’re allowed to call Jordan Peterson a hateful little bitch without consequence by Luke Gordon Field, August 25, 2023, The Beaverton TORONTO – The Ontario Divisional Court has upheld the College of … Continue reading

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Synergy Strikes Again! CAPE (BC doctors) & CANE (nurses) blame LNG and frac’ing for rampant wildfires and disease but do not call for a ban, instead they ask for a pause on new fracs to study harms that have already been studied (for years)!

CAPE and CANE need to get with the frac ban program. They even link to PSE’s eighth (2022) Frac Harm Compendium on their LNG harms website, They have known better for years, but do not do better. Smells like … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Synergy Strikes Again! CAPE (BC doctors) & CANE (nurses) blame LNG and frac’ing for rampant wildfires and disease but do not call for a ban, instead they ask for a pause on new fracs to study harms that have already been studied (for years)!

Webinar Aug 30, 2023: Wasted Water: The Impacts of Fracking’s Water Use from Pennsylvania to Colorado; Frac’s in PA consume 19 million gallons of freshwater per well, most of which is lost permanently to the hydrogeological cycle (in Canada too) as we roast ourselves and other species out of life and home. What when there is no water left to drink or fight fires with?

Wasted Water: The Impacts of Fracking’s Water Use from Pennsylvania to Colorado by Halt The Harm Network, Kevin Richardson, HHN & Erica Wednesday, August 3012:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. MDT Registration Hello! To join the event, please register at link … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Webinar Aug 30, 2023: Wasted Water: The Impacts of Fracking’s Water Use from Pennsylvania to Colorado; Frac’s in PA consume 19 million gallons of freshwater per well, most of which is lost permanently to the hydrogeological cycle (in Canada too) as we roast ourselves and other species out of life and home. What when there is no water left to drink or fight fires with?

6 Bad and Dangerous Geoengineering Ideas Meant to Cool Down Earth that we should never try includes “A little potato flying a kite” to block the sun. Why not simply stop human over-breeding and over-polluting? Much less harmful. Oh right, rich raping churches, corporations and billionaires need more and more babies to keep making too much money destroying life on earth.

I thoroughly enjoyed this clip and agree wholeheartedly. I do think though the extreme white paint has uses for people living in poverty without fans or AC. AC is a polluting energy wasting privilege in areas without hydro; I’ve never … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 6 Bad and Dangerous Geoengineering Ideas Meant to Cool Down Earth that we should never try includes “A little potato flying a kite” to block the sun. Why not simply stop human over-breeding and over-polluting? Much less harmful. Oh right, rich raping churches, corporations and billionaires need more and more babies to keep making too much money destroying life on earth.

Frac Canada Dry!

Drought conditions at highest level in parts of B.C. as province warns of tightening water restrictions, Two-thirds of the province’s water basins are now at Level 4 or 5 drought by CBC News with files from The Canadian Press, Jul … Continue reading

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Dear Danielle Smith, Take Back Alberta, UCP, Fucker Truckers (prev Yellow Vesters) and rural Albertans (too greedy and brainwashed by oil and gas to think for themselves): This post is for you.

Jeff Berardelli@WeatherProf: The GOAT: He was so well respected and deservedly so. He would have been so angry at the nonsense going on right now. Not surprised, as he did predict this exact evolution, but still beside himself that people … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Dear Danielle Smith, Take Back Alberta, UCP, Fucker Truckers (prev Yellow Vesters) and rural Albertans (too greedy and brainwashed by oil and gas to think for themselves): This post is for you.

Severe Drought, water restrictions for citizens but not frac’ers: Calgarians and Airdronians not allowed to wash windows but oil and gas frac’ers permanently lose billions of gallons of water to the hydrogeological cycle while Alberta Premier Danielle Smith bans clean safe non-water harming solar and wind energy projects. How stupid can Albertans get?

2023: Frac Canada Dry! 2015: Fracing the Bow River: “The most important resource in the province, and the rarest, is water” Then why let “No duty of care,” legally immune, Ex-Encana led, Charter violating AER permit multinationals to frac it? … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Severe Drought, water restrictions for citizens but not frac’ers: Calgarians and Airdronians not allowed to wash windows but oil and gas frac’ers permanently lose billions of gallons of water to the hydrogeological cycle while Alberta Premier Danielle Smith bans clean safe non-water harming solar and wind energy projects. How stupid can Albertans get?

Held v Montana Victory! Judge Kathy Seeley rules kids’ constitutional right to “clean and healthful environment” violated by state agencies permitting fossil fuel development without considering greenhouse gas emissions effect on climate (like Steve Harper made agencies do in Canada when he was PM). Michael Gerrard, founder of Columbia’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law: “I think this is the strongest decision on climate change ever issued by any court.”

@MichaelGerrard: … After a trial where climate scientists testified under oath and were subject to cross examination (very rare in itself), the court issued a 103-page decision that found that fossil fuel use is the principal cause of climate change, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Held v Montana Victory! Judge Kathy Seeley rules kids’ constitutional right to “clean and healthful environment” violated by state agencies permitting fossil fuel development without considering greenhouse gas emissions effect on climate (like Steve Harper made agencies do in Canada when he was PM). Michael Gerrard, founder of Columbia’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law: “I think this is the strongest decision on climate change ever issued by any court.”

Aug 15, 2023 U Pittsburgh and PA Dept Health Frac Harm Studies released. Was the truth told? I doubt it (industry controls much of gov’t studies and academia, notably in Republican states – in Canada too).

Comments by a PA resident who attended and recorded the event: … Audience comments were the highlight of the evening in my opinion, and the link below takes you to their beginning at the 39:43 mark, starting with retired Post-Gazette … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Aug 15, 2023 U Pittsburgh and PA Dept Health Frac Harm Studies released. Was the truth told? I doubt it (industry controls much of gov’t studies and academia, notably in Republican states – in Canada too).

Petroleum-238 by Justin Nobel. “Their strategy was to keep this quiet and not let anyone know what was going on. They’ve known for 110 years, but they haven’t done anything about it. It’s the secret of the century.” (Secrets are a judge’s best friend too.)

About The Book An acclaimed science journalist’s years-long investigation into how the US oil and gas industry has averted environmental regulations and created a dangerous public health crisis. Over the past decade, as Justin Nobel traveled the country reporting on … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Petroleum-238 by Justin Nobel. “Their strategy was to keep this quiet and not let anyone know what was going on. They’ve known for 110 years, but they haven’t done anything about it. It’s the secret of the century.” (Secrets are a judge’s best friend too.)

Flash Back to 2011: Wise and Courageous Alberta County Reeve Paddy Munro says Tax Fracks, “We need to whack these guys $25,000 a hole.”

In today’s dollars, and adding the financial harm from drinking water contamination and frac’ing causing permanent loss of water from the hydrogeological cycle, I think a complete frac ban is most appropriate. What idiot species intentionally contaminates and permanently removes … Continue reading

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Aug 9, 2023 Halt the Harm webinar: Fracking Through the Cracks: The Halliburton Loophole & Unregulated Chemicals in Fracking​

Will regulating frac chemicals improve anything? Or make frac’ing safe? 2023 10 13: Anticipated launch date of Compendium 9 in New York City. 2022 05 01: Compendium 8 on Harms of Frac’ing & Associated Infrastructure: “The only method of mitigating … Continue reading

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Rally Against Fracking, July 28, 2023, Noon at Premier David Eby’s office, Vancouver

To Stop Fracking in BC! peter vranjkovic@petervranj: Two great rallies on Friday in #vancouver. Both underline the need to stop #globalwarming. 12 noon at David Eby’s office to stop fracking in BC. 6:30pm at the Vancouver Art Gallery for a … Continue reading

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FFS! Calgary Stampede “committing to” no longer covering up rape of kids for decades isn’t good enough. “Committing to” means nothing. Just look to frac’ers, the popes and catholic church for ample example of that.

Marky Mark@MrkStdngr: The whole “Transgendered People are grooming our Children” was a Lie made up by the establishment involving Church and State to deflect from the real abusers (Priests, Executives, etc). True: “Statistically your child is far safer with a … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on FFS! Calgary Stampede “committing to” no longer covering up rape of kids for decades isn’t good enough. “Committing to” means nothing. Just look to frac’ers, the popes and catholic church for ample example of that.

Love. Courage. Truth. Integrity. Kindness. They called you crazy to deny it. Rest well Sinéad. “It’s asking for trouble, to stick out your neck.” You did it anyways and served raped kids justice when no authority would (too cowardly to take on the popes).

Sinéad O’Connor sacrificed her career and risked herself, and was treated abysmally by the world because she stood up for kids raped by the catholic church, enabled by pope after pope after pope, with parishioners too greedy for their promised … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Love. Courage. Truth. Integrity. Kindness. They called you crazy to deny it. Rest well Sinéad. “It’s asking for trouble, to stick out your neck.” You did it anyways and served raped kids justice when no authority would (too cowardly to take on the popes).

Ten people who were wrong about SARSCoV2

AJ Leonardi, MBBS, PhD@fitterhappierAJ July 16, 2023: It is not the true nature of a scientist to command trust The true nature of a scientist is to educate others so that their science can be examined tern@1goodtern Jul 19: The … Continue reading

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Harper judge, Sheldon W. Lanchbery, orders injunction against grieving families who don’t want their loved ones left in a garbage dump, tells them he doesn’t come from white privilege because he grew up poor. FFS! What a cruel racist asshole.

I am white; I am female (because of our violent patriarchal world, men have much more privilege than women, even white women). I was born in Canada, grew up in a poor immigrant family. I was raped before I was … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Harper judge, Sheldon W. Lanchbery, orders injunction against grieving families who don’t want their loved ones left in a garbage dump, tells them he doesn’t come from white privilege because he grew up poor. FFS! What a cruel racist asshole.

‘The Petroleum Industry is a Fire Industry.’ Interview with John Vaillant on his new book Fire Weather, The Making of a Beast

In my view it’s propaganda to call it fire season. There’s no such thing. Earth has, or used to have, four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. It’s human greed, selfishness and pollution-induced climate change/global warming causing extreme conditions leading … Continue reading

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Why I hate AI

This ruined my Friday. Mr. Baird is a white man, I expect he’ll never understand. He writes “everyone” while not noticing or not caring that AI left many of “everyone” out. I expect AI will be controlled initially (until AI … Continue reading

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Frac noise hurts; frac noise harms health

Encana was required by law to complete a noise assessment before installing its endless compressors in the county where I live; the company installed 13 around Rosebud, including two directly sending their noise into the steep coulee that amplifies (by … Continue reading

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Magnificent Documentary: Living in the Time of Dying, meeting the truth of the climate crisis

I bought my home and 50 acres of worn out, raped and pillaged (by agriculture) land at Rosebud in 1998. The pasture and coulee were weed infested, over grazed, covered with a hundred years of abandoned cars, trucks, farm equipment, … Continue reading

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“Oh Canada, Our Home on Stolen Land.” Thank you Ben & Jerry’s for calling out racist Canada (and our lying abusive RCMP). Next trip to town, I’ll buy some Cherry Garcia ice cream (my fav) to celebrate your courage and integrity.

I love Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream, but because I tried to protect the public interest and sacrificed my savings trying to access justice in Canada’s outlandishly expensive self-regulated legal-judicial industry, such treats are for only for special … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on “Oh Canada, Our Home on Stolen Land.” Thank you Ben & Jerry’s for calling out racist Canada (and our lying abusive RCMP). Next trip to town, I’ll buy some Cherry Garcia ice cream (my fav) to celebrate your courage and integrity.

Misogynistic Canadian “justice” strikes victims yet again. David Kukoly, ex cop who sexually abused 11 women, gets rewarded by Justice Richard Blouin with tiny sentence to spend sweetly at home even though the judge said some assaults were “harrowing” causing “a significant impact on the psychological health” of victims. As usual, the judge only gives kind care to the abuser, and gross unjust unfair disgusting disrespect for the victims.

Former Niagara cop who ran massage business sexually abused 11 women. Will serve 18 months of house arrest, David Kukoly pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual assault and was sentenced in June by Samantha Beattie, CBC News, Jul 06, … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Misogynistic Canadian “justice” strikes victims yet again. David Kukoly, ex cop who sexually abused 11 women, gets rewarded by Justice Richard Blouin with tiny sentence to spend sweetly at home even though the judge said some assaults were “harrowing” causing “a significant impact on the psychological health” of victims. As usual, the judge only gives kind care to the abuser, and gross unjust unfair disgusting disrespect for the victims.

Rest well Rob Schwartz. We’ll miss you dearly.

Rob Schwartz’s passing by Barb Ryan, July 1, 2023, Alberta Surface Rights Group FB Page This Canada Day morning, Rob Schwartz, one of the founding members of this group, passed away peacefully in Red Deer. Alberta lost a strong defender … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Rest well Rob Schwartz. We’ll miss you dearly.

Sexism in science: Poor pathetic old white man Nobel laureate Kurt Wüthrich claims diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) discriminates against men. Science: “60 women have been awarded Nobel Prizes, compared with 892 men. Just five of this year’s 39 invited Lindau speakers were women.”

As a woman with a career in science working for decades in the even more sexist oil and gas industry in misogynistic Alberta, this Lindau Nobel news is hideous, but typical. It’s standard abusive behaviour by many old white men … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Sexism in science: Poor pathetic old white man Nobel laureate Kurt Wüthrich claims diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) discriminates against men. Science: “60 women have been awarded Nobel Prizes, compared with 892 men. Just five of this year’s 39 invited Lindau speakers were women.”

Frac’ing harms health. Ron Gulla: “The truth has to come out and the law firms are the ones that really need to be held accountable because the law firms are making a lot of money representing the industry and covering all the lies up. … This is organized crime, that’s what this is.”

Exclusive: For Decades He Railed Against Fracking — Now His Wife Has a Type of Cancer Linked to Fracking Chemicals, For two decades, Ron Gulla has been speaking out about how fracking is harmful to human health. Last year, Gulla’s … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac’ing harms health. Ron Gulla: “The truth has to come out and the law firms are the ones that really need to be held accountable because the law firms are making a lot of money representing the industry and covering all the lies up. … This is organized crime, that’s what this is.”

Canada needs to start jailing law-violating polluting frac’ers too. Ohio: Benjamin Altier and his company ordered to pay more than $20,000.00 in fines and sentenced to 30 days in jail, 50 hours community service, three years of community control for theft (fabricating wastewater disposal tickets and taking money for them), dumping waste on land, improperly storing the rest.

In my view, the reason corporations like Teck, tarsands miners, and Encana/Ovintiv et al intentionally break the law and pollute, is because they know Canadian “regulators” and courts will let them get away with it more often than not. And … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Canada needs to start jailing law-violating polluting frac’ers too. Ohio: Benjamin Altier and his company ordered to pay more than $20,000.00 in fines and sentenced to 30 days in jail, 50 hours community service, three years of community control for theft (fabricating wastewater disposal tickets and taking money for them), dumping waste on land, improperly storing the rest.

Plugs failing at uncomfortably high rate during hydraulic fracturing, allowing high-pressure fluids to escape causing casing erosion. Encana/Ovintiv claims it found a solution.

Schlumberger Chair and CEO Andrew Gould on frac’ing: “We’re doing it by brute force and ignorance.” Ovintiv: Reliable Data, Better Plug Choices Solve Casing Erosion and Improve Stimulations in Shale Wells, Shale producers have learned in recent years that their … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Plugs failing at uncomfortably high rate during hydraulic fracturing, allowing high-pressure fluids to escape causing casing erosion. Encana/Ovintiv claims it found a solution.

Part 2: Private land; Frac’ers Garbage Can. Another Encana/Ovintiv (now Lynx) Sentron LD 3000 oil barrel on Rosebud River coulee, Ernst property.

Dear Encana/Ovintiv now Lynx, My requests are the same as I sent Lynx in June 2021, copied below (I added the bold today). This is not fun for me. Lynx’s unsecured barrels rolling down my coulee could kill nesting birds … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Part 2: Private land; Frac’ers Garbage Can. Another Encana/Ovintiv (now Lynx) Sentron LD 3000 oil barrel on Rosebud River coulee, Ernst property.

Hey anti-health-protections, anti-rights-for-the-rest-of-us Fucker Truckers: How’s your sperm? New study suggests COVID does long-term damage to male reproductive tract (even in mild cases).

T. Ryan Gregory@TRyanGregory on the new study and Alberta unvaxxed sperm seller, June 27, 2023: Dude just lost a fortune. Study: Sperm counts decline even after mild COVID infections by Stephanie Soucheray, June 26, 2023, Center for Infectious Disease Research … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Hey anti-health-protections, anti-rights-for-the-rest-of-us Fucker Truckers: How’s your sperm? New study suggests COVID does long-term damage to male reproductive tract (even in mild cases).

Billy Marcum, Jr., owner of oil & gas companies, sentenced to 17 years in prison for $30 million fraud, ordered to pay $16 million in restitution. Why did “Frack Master” Breitling Energy CEO Chris Faulkner get less time (15 years for $80 million fraud, fined over $90 million)?

Fort Worth oil, gas owner sentenced to 17 years in prison in $30 million fraud case by Nicole Lopez, June 23, 2023, Yahoo News A Fort Worth owner of oil and gas companies was sentenced to more than 17 years … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Billy Marcum, Jr., owner of oil & gas companies, sentenced to 17 years in prison for $30 million fraud, ordered to pay $16 million in restitution. Why did “Frack Master” Breitling Energy CEO Chris Faulkner get less time (15 years for $80 million fraud, fined over $90 million)?

US Federal Appellate Court rules for American Home Insurance Co. in case where Superior Well Services Inc.’s “improper use of certain chemical mixtures” damaged 53 U.S. Energy Development Corporation gas wells. But, frac’ers promise us their process is perfectly safe!

Accidental frac’ing? Frac’ers intentionally experiment with different chemical brews intentionally using “brute force and ignorance” intentionally contaminating millions of gallons of water to intentionally cause damage underground (often contaminating aquifers and water wells in their violent stupid intentional process). Trigger … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on US Federal Appellate Court rules for American Home Insurance Co. in case where Superior Well Services Inc.’s “improper use of certain chemical mixtures” damaged 53 U.S. Energy Development Corporation gas wells. But, frac’ers promise us their process is perfectly safe!

Terry Mosher: “Introducing the Montreal Gazette, a once proud newspaper, now being sunk by the assholes in Toronto at Postmedia”

I grew up reading the Montreal Gazette, kept reading it when I was at University in Ontario, and the last 41 years living in Alberta. I loved it. American Republicans won’t stop until they’ve swallowed Canada, Canadians, our timber, water, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Terry Mosher: “Introducing the Montreal Gazette, a once proud newspaper, now being sunk by the assholes in Toronto at Postmedia”

PA Frac Lawsuit Hearing: Bryan & Ryan Latkanich v Chevron & EQT Corporation health harm, and well water and home contamination

An update by Bob Donnan, June 22, 2023: I learned yesterday the local Washington, Pa newspaper for our same county WILL NOT be publishing a story about the case, even though they had a reporter in court on Tuesday. Reason? … Continue reading

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Frac’d Up Madness: FortisBC to drill 9km long, 14 ft wide tunnel under Squamish Estuary and through a mountain to deliver frac’d gas to Woodfibre Liquid unNatural Gas. Tunnel equipment built in Germany, transported to B.C. by ship. Net Zero? Impossible.

Woodfibre LNG accelerates Canada’s pathway to net zero: Mar 23, 2023 — West coast project announces plan to be the first LNG export facility in the world to achieve net zero emissions. … This fast-tracked timeline exceeds the federal requirement … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac’d Up Madness: FortisBC to drill 9km long, 14 ft wide tunnel under Squamish Estuary and through a mountain to deliver frac’d gas to Woodfibre Liquid unNatural Gas. Tunnel equipment built in Germany, transported to B.C. by ship. Net Zero? Impossible.

New York State: Gives Bayer and Monsanto, makers of glyphosate-based Roundup herbicides, puny fine of $256,000 annually for continuing to lie for 27 years after agreeing not to.

Roundup Weedkiller Manufacturers to Pay $6.9 Million in False Advertising Settlement, Agrochemical giants Bayer CropScience and Monsanto violated a 1996 agreement to stop making false and misleading claims about the safety of its popular weedkillers, New York’s attorney general found … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on New York State: Gives Bayer and Monsanto, makers of glyphosate-based Roundup herbicides, puny fine of $256,000 annually for continuing to lie for 27 years after agreeing not to.

What a relief!

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First woman to hold this position! Dame Sue Carr appointed Lord Chief Justice of England & Wales

Dame Sue Carr has been appointed the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales from 1 October 2023 Press Release by Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, June 15, 2023 … Dame Sue Carr was called to the Bar in 1987. As … Continue reading

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Held v Montana: “Unexpectedly wild” climate trial. Trump copycats, Rep. Ryan Zinke and Cowboy State Daily, denigrate the kids as radicals “weaponizing” the legal system. Canada’s disgraced supreme court Justice Russell Brown’s Stockwoods LLP lawyers copied Trump too, calling Judicial Council’s review of complaint about J Brown “weaponization.”

Held v Montana; Kids Climate Lawsuit Inside the unexpectedly wild landmark Montana youth climate trial, Young people are attempting to hold their state accountable for fossil fuel expansion by Karin Kirk, June 15, 2023, Yale Climate Connections When I got … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Held v Montana: “Unexpectedly wild” climate trial. Trump copycats, Rep. Ryan Zinke and Cowboy State Daily, denigrate the kids as radicals “weaponizing” the legal system. Canada’s disgraced supreme court Justice Russell Brown’s Stockwoods LLP lawyers copied Trump too, calling Judicial Council’s review of complaint about J Brown “weaponization.”

Patriarchy will rage. Rapist OPP Jason Redmond finally goes to prison, Gets six years (not enough – he’ll likely be out in three, but better than being let off as usual, collecting pay while suspended and committing crime after crime for years). Will Rapist Redmond appeal his sentence?

OPP officer sentenced to 6 years for sexually assaulting, filming unconscious woman by Dan Taekema, June 16, CBC News WARNING: This article contains graphic content and may affect those who have experienced​ ​​​sexual violence or know someone affected by it. … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Patriarchy will rage. Rapist OPP Jason Redmond finally goes to prison, Gets six years (not enough – he’ll likely be out in three, but better than being let off as usual, collecting pay while suspended and committing crime after crime for years). Will Rapist Redmond appeal his sentence?

Massachusetts: Quiet Communities files lawsuit seeking mandatory injunction ordering EPA to resume its Noise Control Act responsibilities. After Encana violated Alberta’s noise regulations and I requested regulation, AER judged *me* the criminal – in writing (without evidence, due process, trial, hearing, arrests, or fingerprinting).

Frac’ing is noisy. In my community, and others, Encana/Ovintiv installed compressors without noise assessments or mitigation, in violation of the noise control directive. Encana’s noise roared 24/7, disrupted my sleep and that of my loved ones, and drove out songbirds. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Massachusetts: Quiet Communities files lawsuit seeking mandatory injunction ordering EPA to resume its Noise Control Act responsibilities. After Encana violated Alberta’s noise regulations and I requested regulation, AER judged *me* the criminal – in writing (without evidence, due process, trial, hearing, arrests, or fingerprinting).

Held v Montana; Kids Climate Lawsuit

Michigan Public Service Commissioners were not prepared for what came nextOil & Water Don’t Mix: Keep Oil Out of the Great Lakes June 13, 2023 Anna Stuntz is an eighth-grader from Michigan. The MPSC was hearing public comment on its … Continue reading

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Chevon subsidiary Union Oil’s “blatant example of environmental pollution and corporate malfeasance” gets hit with $63Million jury verdict for covering up chemical pit with carcinogen (benzene) on private land. Don’t fret Chevron, I’m sure you can buy pollution-friendly judges to overturn the ruling.

Jury returns $63M verdict after finding Chevron covered up toxic pit on California land by AP News, June 8, 2023 SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) — A California jury has returned a $63 million verdict against Chevron after finding the oil … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Chevon subsidiary Union Oil’s “blatant example of environmental pollution and corporate malfeasance” gets hit with $63Million jury verdict for covering up chemical pit with carcinogen (benzene) on private land. Don’t fret Chevron, I’m sure you can buy pollution-friendly judges to overturn the ruling.

Think it’s tough to buy a house now? Extremes caused by human pollution and greed induced climate change is devouring insurance: You can’t get insurance, you don’t get a mortgage. And what about frac quakes and all those other harms to our homes and businesses?

Anthony Farnell@AnthonyFarnell June 12, 2023: Canada just surpassed 5 million hectares burned this season. That’s more than the entire 2016, 2019, 2020 and 2022 seasons combined. The dull way Americans are being forced to care about climate change risk: Insurance … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Think it’s tough to buy a house now? Extremes caused by human pollution and greed induced climate change is devouring insurance: You can’t get insurance, you don’t get a mortgage. And what about frac quakes and all those other harms to our homes and businesses?

Hello gamblers: Another frac scam to lure in wary investors? ExxonMobile “bets” it can ramp up shitty results by refrac’ing. Not: Encana/Ovintiv refac’d, refrac’d and refrac’d Rosebud and other communities to hell and back, still lost masses of money and ran away to USA

ExxonMobil: New Fracking Technology Can Double Oil Output by Alex Kimani, Jun 04, 2023, Oilprice The U.S. shale revolution dramatically reshaped the world energy markets. The shale boom was one of the most impressive growth stories, from take off in … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Hello gamblers: Another frac scam to lure in wary investors? ExxonMobile “bets” it can ramp up shitty results by refrac’ing. Not: Encana/Ovintiv refac’d, refrac’d and refrac’d Rosebud and other communities to hell and back, still lost masses of money and ran away to USA

U.S. Shale bites dust as Art Berman warned over a decade ago? Investors finally smartening up to the fraud that is frac’ing?

U.S. Shale Is Slowing Down Due To Factors Beyond Its Control by David Blackmon, Forbes, June 10, 2023 From its’ January 14 peak, the Enverus Daily Count of active North American drilling rigs has now fallen by 20%. Baker Hughes said Friday its own … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on U.S. Shale bites dust as Art Berman warned over a decade ago? Investors finally smartening up to the fraud that is frac’ing?

Montana: Fair ruling killed by “law” makers serving polluters. Judge Michael Moses flips his unnatural gas plant ruling, cites “changing legal landscape”

Montana gas power plant can resume construction, judge rules by Matthew Brown, June 9, 2023, Yahoo News BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — NorthWestern Energy will resume construction of a natural gas power plant along Montana’s Yellowstone River following a two-month delay, … Continue reading

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Iceland passes conversion therapy ban that’s trans-inclusive. None voted against. “Landslide majority” for human rights! Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir: “The legislation had cross party support in parliament, despite attempts from known anti-trans hate groups under English influence to oppose it, and wrongfully claiming they managed to ‘kill the bill’ … Their arguments were dismissed as anti-scientific and anti-trans rhetoric.”

Iceland passes historic conversion therapy ban and yes, it’s trans-inclusive by Harriet Williamson, June 10, 2023, The Pink News The Icelandic parliament has passed a law banning so-called conversion therapy practices on the basis of sexual orientation, gender expression and … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Iceland passes conversion therapy ban that’s trans-inclusive. None voted against. “Landslide majority” for human rights! Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir: “The legislation had cross party support in parliament, despite attempts from known anti-trans hate groups under English influence to oppose it, and wrongfully claiming they managed to ‘kill the bill’ … Their arguments were dismissed as anti-scientific and anti-trans rhetoric.”

Call for National Firefighting Service. Excellent idea! But don’t call it “fire season” and don’t expect extreme polluter anti-Canada Alberta or UCP to pitch in while needing most of the service.

Dear Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, Stop with your cruel rage farming lies and conspiracy crap blaming arsonists for the fires, notably after the gov’t you lead, the UCP, cut fire prevention funding and your recent announcement of another massive gift … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Call for National Firefighting Service. Excellent idea! But don’t call it “fire season” and don’t expect extreme polluter anti-Canada Alberta or UCP to pitch in while needing most of the service.

T. Ryan Gregory is too funny, too brilliant! So many full grown humans are scaredy cats. How many “True North Declaration” lawyers and past directors of LSO (self regulator of lawyers) are afraid of jabs, masks, pronouns?

T. Ryan Gregory June 7, 2023: Before the I started talking about pandemic stuff on Twitter, I had no idea that so many full grown humans were so scared of mythological creatures, masks, and pronouns in bios. And many of … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on T. Ryan Gregory is too funny, too brilliant! So many full grown humans are scaredy cats. How many “True North Declaration” lawyers and past directors of LSO (self regulator of lawyers) are afraid of jabs, masks, pronouns?