Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

Give Canadian youth their day in court! Kids appeal 2020 loss trying to sue Canada over climate inaction where Harper’s Justice Michael D. Manson ruled it’s not for courts to decide. What cave does he (and Harper) live in?

Canada is behind on environmental rights. Will the courts help? Last month, 15 children and youth asked judges to hear their claim to a constitutional right to a livable climate. The federal government wants to stop the case before the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Give Canadian youth their day in court! Kids appeal 2020 loss trying to sue Canada over climate inaction where Harper’s Justice Michael D. Manson ruled it’s not for courts to decide. What cave does he (and Harper) live in?

I flip my middle finger and say “Shame on you!” to the court in the Jody Vance case for disallowing “shame on you” in her victim statement and for their lame sentence. WTF?! Misogyny and enabling abusers of and abusing women by Canada’s legal-judicial industry must stop!

My statement to the court, judge(s), plea dealers and rules writer(s): “What cave do you operate and dwell in?” Thank you Mr. Mason for this vital reporting. Shame on the judge. Shame on the court. Shame on the rules. Shame … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on I flip my middle finger and say “Shame on you!” to the court in the Jody Vance case for disallowing “shame on you” in her victim statement and for their lame sentence. WTF?! Misogyny and enabling abusers of and abusing women by Canada’s legal-judicial industry must stop!

Give the middle finger to most judges!

J.L.Petrie@Jlpetrie64 March 9, 2023: New ABCA Chief Justice Khullar: “The bravery and the commitment it takes for people to stand up and fight for themselves is quite remarkable. It is our business, but you can never underestimate how terrible it … Continue reading

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Worldwide Premier of award-winning film: “Uncovering the Permian Climate Bomb”

Complete documentary now on youtube: Uncovering the Permian Climate Bomb Trailer: Uncovering the Permian Climate Bomb by Earthworks To protect billions of people from the immediate risks of climate change, science tells us the world needs to end all new … Continue reading

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“Women don’t need to be ‘included’ into our capitalist, neoliberal economic system. We need to transform it.” This International Women’s Day, “resist, reimagine and rebuild.” No more empty platitudes. Say “NO!”

I highly recommend this short clip, best in full screen: Message from the Governor General on the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8, 2023 Today, as we mark International Women’s Day, we celebrate the contributions of women and girls. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on “Women don’t need to be ‘included’ into our capitalist, neoliberal economic system. We need to transform it.” This International Women’s Day, “resist, reimagine and rebuild.” No more empty platitudes. Say “NO!”

Politicians magically turn toxic frac’d gas “green.” Poof! No more sperm-decimating benzene from frac crews spewing into the air you and your loved ones breath. No more life threatening drinking water.

Comments: Pilot3: Goebbels would be proud. No tactic is too slimy for big business. asdfkjasldk: Their new definition of green energy is “anything better than coal”. Their clean coal friends are going to be really pissed. Voter Frog: In other … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Politicians magically turn toxic frac’d gas “green.” Poof! No more sperm-decimating benzene from frac crews spewing into the air you and your loved ones breath. No more life threatening drinking water.

Lawsuit settles industry’s 2016 methane leak contaminating citizen water wells and Mahomet Aquifer, Illinois’ largest freshwater source. Judge’s order requires four relief wells to try to remove the gas. In Alberta, AER still has not ordered Encana/Ovintiv to fix the company’s illegal fracs into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers 20 years ago.

Illinois AG, Peoples Gas settle lawsuit over 2016 leak that reached Mahomet Aquifer by Mary Schenk, June 29, 2022, The News-Gazette URBANA — A Champaign County judge has approved an agreement between the state of Illinois and People’s Gas Light … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Lawsuit settles industry’s 2016 methane leak contaminating citizen water wells and Mahomet Aquifer, Illinois’ largest freshwater source. Judge’s order requires four relief wells to try to remove the gas. In Alberta, AER still has not ordered Encana/Ovintiv to fix the company’s illegal fracs into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers 20 years ago.

Ontarian white ass, Alberta (ex) Premier Jason Kenney, joins Bennett Jones Law Firm. Ex PM Steve Harper glued his anti rule of law Ontarian white ass to a law firm too (Dentons in Edmonton). How much do firms pay for punted politicians voters reject? No wonder most can’t afford to hire lawyers, legal fees are too high because of exorbitant costs buying used white trash to keep raping religion and corporations happy.

How many Albertans did Kenney and his compliant puppet Dr Deena Hishaw kill or disable via COVID-19? Of course he “joined” a law firm, one that largely serves big oil, notably runaway to the USA illegal aquifer frac’er Encana/Ovintiv. Kenney … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Ontarian white ass, Alberta (ex) Premier Jason Kenney, joins Bennett Jones Law Firm. Ex PM Steve Harper glued his anti rule of law Ontarian white ass to a law firm too (Dentons in Edmonton). How much do firms pay for punted politicians voters reject? No wonder most can’t afford to hire lawyers, legal fees are too high because of exorbitant costs buying used white trash to keep raping religion and corporations happy.

Fucker trucker lawyers, Kieth Wilson, Eva Chipiuk, and Justice Centre for [Con] Freedoms sued by fucker trucker accountant that helped gather money for the occupiers/abusers of residents, health care workers, public health, democracy, businesses, kids, travellers, Canada, decency, etc.

Lawyers representing ‘Freedom Convoy’ organizers sued over negligence claim by Glen McGregor, March 2, 2023, CTV National News An accountant who participated in the “Freedom Convoy” is suing two lawyers who represent other protest organizers, alleging they negligently failed to … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Fucker trucker lawyers, Kieth Wilson, Eva Chipiuk, and Justice Centre for [Con] Freedoms sued by fucker trucker accountant that helped gather money for the occupiers/abusers of residents, health care workers, public health, democracy, businesses, kids, travellers, Canada, decency, etc.

Bankruptcy, Deregulated & Weaponized: Used by the rich and powerful, judges, lawyers, corporations (including churches), politicians, etc. to hide truth, evade liability and accountability so as to keep polluting and poisoning us (as earth becomes increasingly unlivable). “Using bankruptcy, corporations get to eat their cake and lie about it too.” 

Alberta is in an uproar these days, with anti Canada, anti Rule of Law “Dead Eyes” Premier Danielle Smith giving law-violating, billion dollar profit-raping, polluting oil and gas companies more billions off the backs of taxpayers (to clean up abandoned … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Bankruptcy, Deregulated & Weaponized: Used by the rich and powerful, judges, lawyers, corporations (including churches), politicians, etc. to hide truth, evade liability and accountability so as to keep polluting and poisoning us (as earth becomes increasingly unlivable). “Using bankruptcy, corporations get to eat their cake and lie about it too.” 

Calgary Petroleum Club 1986: Votes against women, “That’s very discriminatory.” Calgary Petroleum Club 2023: Says it never tolerated “any form of discrimination.”

Heather Campbell@ThatHeatherC March 1, 2023: Quote: “The club replied Tuesday that it has never and will never tolerate any form of discrimination, and encourages respectful freedom of expression.” So says the Calgary Petroleum Club which did not admit women until … Continue reading

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Right to Freedom of Speech? Really? For whom? Rapists and their lawyers? Judicial-political orgies of misogyny scream on.

Her right to speak versus his reputation: how courts around the world are getting this wrong, Speaking out about gender-based violence is a human right, protected not just by the right to freedom of speech, but also the right to … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Right to Freedom of Speech? Really? For whom? Rapists and their lawyers? Judicial-political orgies of misogyny scream on.

Victoria BC: Big crowd protests old growth logging; Neil Young and Daryl Hannah special guests: “The necessary and simple answer is do no harm. … No further destruction.”

It’s always fascinating to me, but upsetting, how mainstream media report using photos showing a few attendees at such events at this one, instead of photos showing the thousands attending and marching, such as the photos above. Main media no … Continue reading

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Dutch Gov’t NAM Exxon Shell Game: Delay Delay Delay Court orders to Pay?

Dutch government, Shell and Exxon ignored Groningen risks for years, inquiry finds by Reuters, February 24, 2023, The Globe and Mail The Dutch government and energy companies Shell SHEL-N -0.86%decrease and Exxon Mobil XOM-N -0.41%decrease ignored the risks of gas … Continue reading

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Rob Rogers cartoon, Team Trump-GOP-Norfolk Southern’s vast Poisoning for Profit Project, East Palestine Ohio, PA, NY, Ontario, Quebec and more: “I love the smell of deregulation in the morning.”

Just like the wanna-be-GOP, Trump-worshipping conservatives in Canada, notably in Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan where deregulation is religion, and oil and gas towns ‘n trains ‘n frac’d water towers blow up poisoning and killing (with judges lying in rulings, enabling … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Rob Rogers cartoon, Team Trump-GOP-Norfolk Southern’s vast Poisoning for Profit Project, East Palestine Ohio, PA, NY, Ontario, Quebec and more: “I love the smell of deregulation in the morning.”

Caveman Canada: Miscarriage of Justice Review Commission Act (David and Joyce Milgaard’s Law) to help wrongfully imprisoned people get sent back to the same racist misogynistic judicial hell that put them in prison in the first place.

“How quickly will anti Canada, anti rule of law Premier of Alberta, “Dead Eyes” Danielle Smith, write a law to exclude Alberta from this new Miscarriage of Justice Review Commission Act (David and Joyce Milgaard’s Law)? Alberta “Justice” is well … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Caveman Canada: Miscarriage of Justice Review Commission Act (David and Joyce Milgaard’s Law) to help wrongfully imprisoned people get sent back to the same racist misogynistic judicial hell that put them in prison in the first place.

Rape Religion might bankrupt San Diego catholic diocese with $550Million US in settle ‘n gags (that already paid $200Million in 2007 for other rapes) after lifting statute of limitation is followed by 400 lawsuits alleging priests raped kids. Parishioners will need to give more of their life savings into donation plates to keep pedophile priests raping their kids. Why not stop enabling evil and stop attending the catholic church?

Bankruptcy is not a negative, it rewards raping churches and corporations by letting them walk from their crimes, sleazily and secretly hide/transfer rich assets to a new entity to start over fresh, sometimes under a new name/location. Sometimes judges even … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Rape Religion might bankrupt San Diego catholic diocese with $550Million US in settle ‘n gags (that already paid $200Million in 2007 for other rapes) after lifting statute of limitation is followed by 400 lawsuits alleging priests raped kids. Parishioners will need to give more of their life savings into donation plates to keep pedophile priests raping their kids. Why not stop enabling evil and stop attending the catholic church?

Judge rules CP not liable for Lac-Megantic deadly frac’d oil train crash. Status quo wins again. Soon, there will be no ordinary people left for the rich to rape, pillage and murder.

Quebec court says Canadian Pacific Railway not liable in Lac-Mégantic train derailment by Marisela Amador The Canadian Press, December 15, 2022, Global News A Quebec Superior Court judge has found that Canadian Pacific Railway was not liable in the 2013 … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Judge rules CP not liable for Lac-Megantic deadly frac’d oil train crash. Status quo wins again. Soon, there will be no ordinary people left for the rich to rape, pillage and murder.

Long past time to end Rape Religion, start with the pedophile catholic church, most raping thieving violent criminal corporation on earth

The misogynistic raping catholic church has succeeded in taking over the usa supreme court, thanks to parishioners financing and supporting the rich corporation’s priests et al raping their kids, and Trump and his ilk conning the ignorant religious. Mighty evil … Continue reading

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How can an intelligent species be so stupid? Trout River, my favourite town in NL, ignores destructive reality of the up and incoming sea (created by our greed induced over population and pollution)

Trout River’s Main Street destined for destruction by Diane Crocker, Feb. 12, 2023, Saltwire TROUT RIVER — Residents and business owners in Trout River are concerned that their town could become another Port aux Basques if something isn’t done to … Continue reading

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New study: Increased transparency and public pressure around frac’ing lowers pollution levels; mandatory chemical disclosure lowers number of new wells drilled. Targeted transparency can influence corporate behavior, no kidding – that’s why regulators keep so many secrets and let industry keep secrets too.

No wonder conservative/repuglican states and provinces have been so busy destroying education. Knowledge brings power to ordinary minds, which rapists (frac’ers, churches, and other industries) do not want us to have. No wonder my lawyer Murray Klippenstein withheld my website … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study: Increased transparency and public pressure around frac’ing lowers pollution levels; mandatory chemical disclosure lowers number of new wells drilled. Targeted transparency can influence corporate behavior, no kidding – that’s why regulators keep so many secrets and let industry keep secrets too.

East Palestine Ohio toxic train derailment: Chickens, fish, pets, livestock dying; fallout over much of Ontario and Quebec. Norfolk Southern Railway Co, market value $55 Billion (rejected safety measures), offers residents $5 each for ordered evacuation (or face death) to flee toxic fumes. For the stingy $5, will residents have to sign NDAs (gags) and forfeit their right to sue?

There are many market gardens and orchards in this area of Ontario and Quebec where much of the fallout appears to have headed. Citizens in Ontario are reporting black particles on snow in their yards and headaches and in Montreal, … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on East Palestine Ohio toxic train derailment: Chickens, fish, pets, livestock dying; fallout over much of Ontario and Quebec. Norfolk Southern Railway Co, market value $55 Billion (rejected safety measures), offers residents $5 each for ordered evacuation (or face death) to flee toxic fumes. For the stingy $5, will residents have to sign NDAs (gags) and forfeit their right to sue?

Texas: 58,199 wells frac’d (some by Encana/Ovintiv) in 9 years with 6.1 billion lbs “trade secret” chemicals, nearly 100,000 lbs PFAS (extremely toxic at low levels) “forever” chemicals and precursors. How much in Canada? Hint: No one is looking.

Frac’ing proves the stupidity of the human species. In a world running out of safe water, and in some communities, running out of contaminated water, politicians (so called “law” makers but really rape enablers, both rape by corporations and men … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Texas: 58,199 wells frac’d (some by Encana/Ovintiv) in 9 years with 6.1 billion lbs “trade secret” chemicals, nearly 100,000 lbs PFAS (extremely toxic at low levels) “forever” chemicals and precursors. How much in Canada? Hint: No one is looking.

Lawyer proves – without going to court – “guns do kill people” and “you can’t fix stupid.”

QENNY 2023@AKBrews Feb 10, 2023: This lawyer died from being shot when an MRI machine triggered his gun. This is darwin awards material. I bet he thought he was getting away with something by keeping it hidden on him. Lawyer … Continue reading

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Boycott the Olympigs! IOC’s Thomas Bach licks Putin’s ass, threatens Ukraine, says boycott violates its charter. Oleksandr Usyk: “The medals that Russian athletes are going to win are medals of blood, deaths and tears.”

I’ve boycotted the raping doping exploitative Olympigs for decades and will until I die. Nothing will change my mind. The Olympigs and its IOC are like frac’ing and CAPP – corrupt and harmful. Typical. IOC’s head honcho, Thomas Bach, is … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Boycott the Olympigs! IOC’s Thomas Bach licks Putin’s ass, threatens Ukraine, says boycott violates its charter. Oleksandr Usyk: “The medals that Russian athletes are going to win are medals of blood, deaths and tears.”

Australia: NT gov’t hit with frac lawsuit, had a “terrible track record of failing to regulate highly polluting industries … we’re arguing the minister failed to lawfully assess Tamboran’s environmental plan by not identifying and considering all the risks”

Frack Free NT@FrackFreeNT Feb 6, 2023: Central Australian Frack Free Alliance have launched a legal challenge to Tamborans approval to drill and frack 12 wells in the Barkly. Caffa will argue the minister should have considered the climate impacts of … Continue reading

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Critical Race Theory by Jonathan Raymond Harris. “We only know what we are taught.”

Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis: If Black kids are old enough to experience racism, white kids are old enough to read about it. Critical Race Theory prints available to purchase on Jonathan Harris’ website. ‘This Painting Could Be the Future’: Artist … Continue reading

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Pegagus Scandal: Have you been hacked and spied on by Israeli company NSO Group’s spyware sold to your gov’t and or agencies like AER?

My favourite quotes: Part 1: “….like living inside the condom.” Part 2: “The question is going to be, ‘Who have they missed?’” Part 2: “If you publish anything, we will sue you.” Part 2: “….it could not happen without the … Continue reading

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Newfoundland: First the sea collapsed. Now comes the crisis everyone is talking about

This article has some translation glitches, but is excellent with stunning photos. Aftenposten, based in Oslo, is Norway’s largest printed newspaper by circulation. I too, am afraid of the future. I grieve daily for the endless harms humans cause while … Continue reading

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SARS-CoV-2 in 2022: Outstanding reporting by Andrew Nikiforuk, and courage by The Tyee for publishing his works. Complete with nasty backlash from anti-public health, pro-corporate-rape-&-pillage-for-profit bullies (COVID liars, minimizers, and deniers).

Thank you Mr. Nikiforuk and The Tyee. I believe there are citizens alive today and COVID-free because of your diligent reporting and the experts willing to honestly warn us about the virus. It’s not just a cold, it’s not just … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on SARS-CoV-2 in 2022: Outstanding reporting by Andrew Nikiforuk, and courage by The Tyee for publishing his works. Complete with nasty backlash from anti-public health, pro-corporate-rape-&-pillage-for-profit bullies (COVID liars, minimizers, and deniers).

Best quote of 2022: “To me, reconciliation’s all bullshit,” Simogyet (Chief) Neekt, George Muldoe, in line to take hereditary name Delgamuukw.

A Groundbreaking Indigenous Rights Decision, 25 Years Later, The Delgamuukw-Gisday’wa case had impact around the world. What has it done for the nations who fought it? by Amanda Follett Hosgood, 11 Dec 2022, “To me, reconciliation’s all bullshit.” – … Continue reading

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Frac’ing on its way out: “We’re going to run out of inventory in the next four to six years.” Will the shysters leave anything but ruin behind?

“A proportion (25% to 100%) of the water used in hydraulic fracturing is not recovered, and consequently this water is lost permanently to re-use, which differs from some other water uses in which water can be recovered and processed for … Continue reading

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Fresh Frac Hell: Frac’ers dumped waste from wells with PFAS across Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. Regulators refuse to test for PFAS, even after spills. How many wells in Canada were/are frac’d with PFAS and the waste dumped on our foodlands? How many by illegal aquifer frac’er Encana/Ovintiv?

Hello AER: Anyone looking? No? I didn’t think so. AER didn’t even look after they were sent documented evidence of crimes by Encana/Ovintiv intentionally directly frac’ing in community drinking water aquifers, with many drinking water wells thereafter contaminated. AER “dickheads” … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Fresh Frac Hell: Frac’ers dumped waste from wells with PFAS across Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. Regulators refuse to test for PFAS, even after spills. How many wells in Canada were/are frac’d with PFAS and the waste dumped on our foodlands? How many by illegal aquifer frac’er Encana/Ovintiv?

Self-regulating shit show: UK lawyer Stephen Jones pleads guilty, gets 12 years for fraud after private prosecution. Solicitors Regulation Authority pisses in the wind, does not disbar him. No wonder “self-regulation is regarded with quasi-religious fervour.”

Solicitor jailed for 12 years after private prosecution for fraud by Catherine Baksi, 1 December 2022, The Law Society Gazette A solicitor who pleaded guilty to a £10.3 million fraud has been jailed for 12 years, following a private prosecution … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Self-regulating shit show: UK lawyer Stephen Jones pleads guilty, gets 12 years for fraud after private prosecution. Solicitors Regulation Authority pisses in the wind, does not disbar him. No wonder “self-regulation is regarded with quasi-religious fervour.”

Dec 8, 2022 Free Webinar: Home on Native Land – RAVEN & Sentinel

Home on Native Land – RAVEN & Sentinel Description Home on Native Land is a self-guided course about Indigenous justice in Canada. Through a series of 10 videos, cartoons & lessons, people are invited to take a walk down the … Continue reading

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Los Angeles City Council votes unanimously to ban new oil & gas wells and close existing ones to *protect health of residents*

Hello Canada. Are you paying attention? March 12, 2014: Cochrane Interpipeline Gas Plant NW of Calgary (where polluter CEOs and deregulators at AER live and breath) Diary of a frac’d resident in NEBC. Damn It Premier Horgan, find some humanity! … Continue reading

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Nov 29, 2022 Cabot Oil & Gas on Criminal Docket. Public invited to Montrose PA main courtroom to hear AG read off each of 15 criminal charges against the frac’er for polluting waters of Dimock and hear Cabot’s guilty plea. Families have endured polluted water for 14 years. No such justice for Canadians suffering illegal acts by Encana/Ovintiv.

Cabot Oil & Gas, like most criminal oil and gas frac’ers, changed it’s spots via a merger after the criminal charges were filed against the company. Cabot is now Coterra Energy Inc. I believe companies do this to muddy their … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Nov 29, 2022 Cabot Oil & Gas on Criminal Docket. Public invited to Montrose PA main courtroom to hear AG read off each of 15 criminal charges against the frac’er for polluting waters of Dimock and hear Cabot’s guilty plea. Families have endured polluted water for 14 years. No such justice for Canadians suffering illegal acts by Encana/Ovintiv.

West Texas Permian frac field: 5.4M earthquake, 6.9km depth “likely caused by oil and gas industry activity.” Felt in Fort Davis in the mountains and as far away as State of Ohio! Even after industry reduces injection, frac quakes get bigger and bigger and bigger …

M 5.4 – 38 km WSW of Mentone, Texas Responses vs Time Plot (2,163 responses within 24 hours): Some areas reported moderate to strong shaking with light damages. As of Nov 17, 2022, over 2000 felt reports have been submitted, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on West Texas Permian frac field: 5.4M earthquake, 6.9km depth “likely caused by oil and gas industry activity.” Felt in Fort Davis in the mountains and as far away as State of Ohio! Even after industry reduces injection, frac quakes get bigger and bigger and bigger …

New Freeport Pennsylvania: EQT Frack Hit (last June); Gas contaminated water for Thanksgiving, enabled by DEP. “Ongoing testing shows that the water for dozens of households is unsafe to drink”

Donate to the food bank water bank. Frac’d Thanksgiving = water for frac’ers, judges, politicos and regulators, but not you and yours. Don’t fret, eventually, frac’ers and their enablers will have toxic gas-contaminated water too, that burns their skin, corrodes … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Freeport Pennsylvania: EQT Frack Hit (last June); Gas contaminated water for Thanksgiving, enabled by DEP. “Ongoing testing shows that the water for dozens of households is unsafe to drink”

Pennsylvania Frac Lawsuit Latkanich v Chevron et. al., family contaminated with high levels benzene and toluene, PFAS “forever chemicals” and more. Brian Laktanich: “They gotta stop poisoning people”

To read the Statement of Claim, background on the case and view galling photos: LANDMARK LAWSUIT: Latkanich v Chevron, EQT, PFAS Defendants November 7, 2022 by bobscaping Lawsuit by Washington County homeowner says fracking caused “forever chemicals” to contaminate his … Continue reading

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Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf feeds the frac’ers with multi-billion dollar taxpayer giveaway

Governor Tom Wolf’s Fracking Legacy by bobscaping, Nov 4, 2022 Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA reports on November 3, 2020: Tom Wolf signs $2 billion tax package that encourages natural gas production in Pa. – Despite the size of the … Continue reading

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Tenth Annual Shale & Public Health Conference featuring Dr. Anthony Ingraffea and more.

Tenth Annual Shale & Public Health Conference Tuesday, November 15, 2022&Wednesday, November 16, 2022from noon to 4pm EST The conference is presented by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania and hosted by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of … Continue reading

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New Brunswick: The only fracking going on is in Premier Higg’s head.

1940: Frac’ing Stoney Creek New Brunswick with nitroglycerin in Oil and Natural Gas in New Brunswick: Historical and Current Industry-related Activities 2013: Brief review of threats to Canada’s groundwater from the oil and gas industry’s methane migration and hydraulic fracturing Includes … Continue reading

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Shervin Hajipour’s Baraye: “Because of woman! Life! Freedom!” Real freedom! (Not that which old white mostly male privileged violent extreme right racist Canadian f*cker truckers demand for themselves but want no one else to have) “Because of man! Homeland! Prosperity!” (For all, not just the misogynistic and rich)

“Because of the banned girl who wished she’d been born a boy.” Shervin Hajipour Coldplay: “We believe as a band that everybody should be able to be themselves, as long as you don’t hurt anybody else. So we fully send … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Shervin Hajipour’s Baraye: “Because of woman! Life! Freedom!” Real freedom! (Not that which old white mostly male privileged violent extreme right racist Canadian f*cker truckers demand for themselves but want no one else to have) “Because of man! Homeland! Prosperity!” (For all, not just the misogynistic and rich)

SPECIAL PROTECTION WATERSHEDS: Victims of Repeated Abuse and Lingering Pollution in Pennsylvania. Brought to you by The Fracker, every day & night, not just on Halloween.

On Saturday, David Hess published a blog about microplastics being found in ALL of Pennsylvania’s BEST trout streams tested. This disturbing news revived my memories of repeated fracking spills into our county’s Special Protection watersheds, over one 4 year period, … Continue reading

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We must reconcile by doing, not with endless empty promises and big lies. And we must punt all racist judges (and stop putting them on the bench).

The Beaverton@TheBeaverton: Country that took 11 days to mourn symbol of colonialism takes day to honour victims of colonialism Global Round Dance “Utter disgust” at retired judge Brian Giesbrecht’s “filth” telling us “to move on” from 215 Indigenous children found … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on We must reconcile by doing, not with endless empty promises and big lies. And we must punt all racist judges (and stop putting them on the bench).

Sandra Steingraber: Happy 60th to Silent Spring. What would Rachel Carson say about frac’ing?

Happy 60th to Silent Spring By Sandra Steingraber, PhD, Senior Scientist at SEHN Rachel Carson’s book on the toxicological properties of 19 pesticides is almost as old as I am. Published sixty years ago, on September 27, 1962, Silent Spring … Continue reading

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Liar liar, oil & gas patch pants on fire: What will Rape & Pillage Canada do with this complaint? It’s easy to fine coffee, not so easy to punish oil and gas. They’re above the law and God, after all.

$10 million complaint flagging advertising by the Canadian Gas Association is filed today with the Competition Bureau by Canadian doctors, nurses and public health advocates Press Release by CAPE, September 27, 2022 Industry lobby group for Enbridge, ATCO, Fortis and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Liar liar, oil & gas patch pants on fire: What will Rape & Pillage Canada do with this complaint? It’s easy to fine coffee, not so easy to punish oil and gas. They’re above the law and God, after all.

Twenty years later, I’m still waiting for EnCana’s then CEO, Gywn Morgan, to apologize for frac’ing Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers and to fix them!

2005: National Post Business features EnCana’s CEO Gwyn Morgan in its March issue: “What does Gwyn Morgan know that the rest of us don’t?” We didn’t know that a year earlier, Morgan-led EnCana intentionally illegally secretly frac’d Rosebud’s drinking water … Continue reading

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Ottawa rapist Paul Batchelor found guilty yet again, his third conviction. Next: Ontario’s self-regulator of lawyers will grant him licence to practice law.

2022 08 27: LSO, self regulator of lawyers “is a shield for corrupt lawyers.” Yup, and it licences known convicted pedophiles giving them protected access to children. 2022 04 10: Canada’s Misogynistic Bench: How many rapes will Paul Batchelor get … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Ottawa rapist Paul Batchelor found guilty yet again, his third conviction. Next: Ontario’s self-regulator of lawyers will grant him licence to practice law.

CJ Richard Wagner wanting “more transparency” will not undo the Supreme Court of Canada’s secrets (would our judges hide their reasons for lying in rulings, defaming applicants, pissing on the rule of law, damaging the Charter … if they were clean?)

Emmett Macfarlane@EmmMacfarlane Sept 12, 2022: He… what? Did you point out to him that the Court he runs has a FIFTY year embargo on the release of judicial papers in the national archives? This is also an institution, by the … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on CJ Richard Wagner wanting “more transparency” will not undo the Supreme Court of Canada’s secrets (would our judges hide their reasons for lying in rulings, defaming applicants, pissing on the rule of law, damaging the Charter … if they were clean?)

Raping Caveman Canada shoots steroids to better serve the patriarchy. Fredericton ER refuses rape victim. What a vile way to further traumatize victims while protecting rapists. Satanic Health Team Conservative Irving Oil style?

This is what Conservatives do to healthcare. Every time. Rape victim turned away from Fredericton ER, told to make appointment for next day, Woman, 26, was told no trained nurses were available to conduct sexual assault forensic exam by Bobbi-Jean … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Raping Caveman Canada shoots steroids to better serve the patriarchy. Fredericton ER refuses rape victim. What a vile way to further traumatize victims while protecting rapists. Satanic Health Team Conservative Irving Oil style?

Zelensky to Russia, Sept 11, 2022: “Cold, hunger, darkness and thirst are not as frightening and deadly for us as your friendship and brotherhood.”

“Do you still think we are one people? Do you still think you can scare us, break us, force us to make concessions? Don’t you really get it? Don’t you understand who we are? What we stand for? What we … Continue reading

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New Film: Blowout: Dimock, Pennsylvania. Who’s Next? Already f*cked in Canada: Wheatley, Norfolk, Indian Hills, Leamington and more in Ontario; Rosebud, Redland, Wetaskiwin, Ponoka, Calgary, Spirit River, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Fox Creek, Calmar, Lloydminster and more in Alberta; Hudson’s Hope, Farmington, Rose Prairie and more in British Columbia; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Nova Scotia; etc. etc. etc.

Water well driller to Ray Kemble: “That ain’t air Bubba, that’s gas.” Craig and July Sautner show and explain the air separator Cabot installed on their contaminated water supply. Alberta Environment instructed Bruce Jack from Spirit River to install a … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Film: Blowout: Dimock, Pennsylvania. Who’s Next? Already f*cked in Canada: Wheatley, Norfolk, Indian Hills, Leamington and more in Ontario; Rosebud, Redland, Wetaskiwin, Ponoka, Calgary, Spirit River, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Fox Creek, Calmar, Lloydminster and more in Alberta; Hudson’s Hope, Farmington, Rose Prairie and more in British Columbia; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Nova Scotia; etc. etc. etc.

North Dakota Supreme Court, Precedent setting ruling: Encana/Ovintiv (Newfield Exploration) did the Hanky Panky (again), underpaid $millions in royalties to the state.

I expect Encana/Ovintiv will win if the company appeals to Trump’s supremely oily republican religious court of the USA. North Dakota high court backs state in oil company dispute by James MacPherson, Sept 2, 2022, AP News BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) … Continue reading

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Honduras: Father Melo on his award for defending human rights, environmental conservation and freedom of expression: “This won’t shut me up.”

Este premio no me callará la boca: Padre Melo Press Release by Radio Progreso, September 1, 2022 Tras anunciar que aceptará el reconocimiento aprobado por el Congreso Nacional, el sacerdote jesuita Ismael Moreno, dijo en Radio Progreso que con dicho … Continue reading

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Will ex Chief Justice of Canada’s Supreme Court, Beverley McLachlin, finally quit Hong Kong’s top court, and stop enabling vile shit by China?

Hong Kong says it can target anyone in the world after Canadian journalist charged, Hong Kong says it will prosecute anyone who violates the city’s widely condemned national security law — ‘regardless of their background or where they’re located’ by … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Will ex Chief Justice of Canada’s Supreme Court, Beverley McLachlin, finally quit Hong Kong’s top court, and stop enabling vile shit by China?

Demented and creepy: Lawyer (accused of sex crimes against a child) Robert Regular’s lawyers tried to keep his identity secret to protect reputation of other lawyers. To do that, self regulators of lawyers (law societies) need to clean house and stop granting known convicted pedophiles licence to practice law.

Identity of N.L. lawyer in sexual assault case revealed as top court won’t hear anonymity bid, Robert Regular argued publishing name would harm his reputation by Rob Antle and Ariana Kelland, CBC News, Aug 04, 2022 The curtain has been … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Demented and creepy: Lawyer (accused of sex crimes against a child) Robert Regular’s lawyers tried to keep his identity secret to protect reputation of other lawyers. To do that, self regulators of lawyers (law societies) need to clean house and stop granting known convicted pedophiles licence to practice law.

Medieval Conservatives: Alberta removes sexist slave title of “master” from court but not superiority titles of m’lord, his lordship and m’lady, her ladyship.

Zack M. Elias@EliasCrimLaw: But we are still good with My Lord and My Lady? Jonny Wakefield@jonnywakefield: Interesting: Alberta courts are doing away with the title Masters in Chambers, on the grounds the term is outdated and sexist. … J.L.Petrie@Jlpetrie64 Replying … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Medieval Conservatives: Alberta removes sexist slave title of “master” from court but not superiority titles of m’lord, his lordship and m’lady, her ladyship.

LSO, self regulator of lawyers “is a shield for corrupt lawyers.” Yup, and it licences known convicted pedophiles giving them protected access to children.

Update: Slippery LSO. Typical: Yes, it’s known that some ‘people’ rehabilitate; it’s also known that pedophiles do not. This has been known for decades. Amir Attaran @profamirattaran August 27, 2022: The @LawSocietyLSO does not deserve to be called a regulator … Continue reading

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