Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

Unnecessary Noise: “The cruel absence of care” living invaded by Encana/Ovintiv’s (now Lynx) frac compressors for 20 years with my legal right to quiet enjoyment of home and land violated.

Encana/Ovintiv’s unlawful noisy belching compressors (13 around Rosebud alone, hundreds in the county) have invaded my body, mind, soul and home for decades and violate my legal right to quiet enjoyment of my home and land (I bought my place … Continue reading

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Rio Grand Valley: Two county judges issued declarations of disaster in response to increasingly severe water shortage, yet, frac’ers keep frac’ing, permanently losing 25 to 100% of water injected

Scorched border counties downstream of depleted Falcon Lake face ‘threat of imminent disaster’ by Pablo De La Rosa, August 12, 2022, Texas Public Radio. Carolina Cuellar contributed to this report. Two county judges in the Rio Grande Valley issued declarations … Continue reading

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New study by Yale School of Public Health researchers: Kids born within two km (1.24 mi) of frac sites were two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia between ages 2 and 7. A known cause is benzene, released by oil and gas activities into air and water. Dr. Cassandra Clark: “The magnitude of the elevated risk that we observed was fairly striking.”

2012: Alberta mother of three, Kimberly Mildenstein (wearing “Frack Off Cancer” T-shirt) attends Mountain View County Clr Paddy Munro’s presentation on frac’ing: Children living near Pa. fracking sites are at increased risk of leukemia, study finds by Susan Phillips, Aug … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study by Yale School of Public Health researchers: Kids born within two km (1.24 mi) of frac sites were two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia between ages 2 and 7. A known cause is benzene, released by oil and gas activities into air and water. Dr. Cassandra Clark: “The magnitude of the elevated risk that we observed was fairly striking.”

Life is about perspective. You might think you’re a lion…but….

Four brutal years ago today, on August 18, 2018, my “public interest” lawyers, lead Murray Klippenstein and trainee, Cory Wanless, pissed on the rules of their profession, lied to me, and abruptly quit my lawsuit while not quitting cases taken … Continue reading

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Canada’s Supreme Court claims it’s transparent and dedicated to enhancing access to justice but lies in rulings, defames applicants, keeps secrets, denies charter rights of Canadians, pisses on CJC’s time limit to release rulings, and is self-regulated.

Any institution proclaiming to be transparent and dedicated to enhancing access to justice, usually isn’t. If an institution is, they don’t need to boast about it. The Supreme Court of Canada damaged our Charter, pissed on the rule of law, … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Canada’s Supreme Court claims it’s transparent and dedicated to enhancing access to justice but lies in rulings, defames applicants, keeps secrets, denies charter rights of Canadians, pisses on CJC’s time limit to release rulings, and is self-regulated.

New Report by Will Koop: “When the People Shout No!” to Oil & Gas in the Fraser Valley, B.C. (all Hell breaks loose), Dedicated to Joyce Nelson.

WHEN THE PEOPLE SHOUT NO! The Friends of the Fraser Valley and the Five Waves of Petroleum Exploration in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia 1914 – 1994 by Will Koop, August 15, 2022, B.C. Tap Water Alliance Short version of … Continue reading

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Michigan, Wixom: Don’t touch the water! Several thousand gallons carcinogen hexavalent chromium “released” (dumped?) by Tribar Manufacturing into sewer system, then Huron River

Video at link: State Officials Say Testing Continues After Huron River Chemical Spill, Preliminary Results Detect No Presence It’s easy for industry and regulators, notably those controlled by industry, to sample to intentionally avoid detection of toxic chemicals. Alberta Environment … Continue reading

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Ridiculous. There’s no rule of law when it comes to the rich and powerful (like Encana/Ovintiv) and crime enablers (like AER), except to evade it. Steve Bannon will be excused by Trump’s appeal & supreme court judges, and if not, when Trump (or one of his ilk) is President again he’ll pardon him.

Andrew Weissmann @AWeissmann_: BREAKING: Bannon sentenced to 4 months. But key here is he won’t be required to surrender to prison until after his “timely” appeal. Bannon now will seek to delay that process until he can be pardoned. Yet … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Ridiculous. There’s no rule of law when it comes to the rich and powerful (like Encana/Ovintiv) and crime enablers (like AER), except to evade it. Steve Bannon will be excused by Trump’s appeal & supreme court judges, and if not, when Trump (or one of his ilk) is President again he’ll pardon him.

Pennsylvania: Allegheny County Co votes 12-3 to ban frac’ing in county parks (Bravo!), overrides Executive Rich Fitzerald’s veto, first county-wide no-frac legislation in the state, protecting 12,000 acres across 12 watersheds

Excellent photos showing what the courageous county council is preventing in the parks: Allegheny County Council Overrides Fitzgerald Veto on Park Fracking Ban by bobscaping, July 20, 2022 “Nothing changed in the past 14 days about the nature of fracking, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pennsylvania: Allegheny County Co votes 12-3 to ban frac’ing in county parks (Bravo!), overrides Executive Rich Fitzerald’s veto, first county-wide no-frac legislation in the state, protecting 12,000 acres across 12 watersheds

True: “Statistically your child is far safer with a Drag Queen rather than a Priest.”

David Climenhaga Aug 13, 2022: I heard someone whinging on CBC yesterday that drag queens shouldn’t be able to read stories to kids in buildings paid for by taxpayers, viz., libraries. Just remember, churches are paid for by taxpayers too, … Continue reading

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Pennsylvania Senate Hearing: Large, growing, consistent, compelling body of evidence shows frac’ing negatively impacts public health; PA must act. Ten years later, Health Canada still won’t publicly release their frac hazard study. In Canada, frac panel members lie, ignore evidence; authorities refuse to study cumulative harms; “regulators” like AER refuse to enforce the law while engaging in fraud to serve law-violating polluters (most foreign owned) and further abuse the harmed.

Senate Hearing: Body Of Evidence Is ‘Large, Growing,’ ‘Consistent’ And ‘Compelling’ That Shale Gas Development Is Having A Negative Impact On Public Health; PA Must Act by David E. Hess, PA Environment Digest Blog The following testimony on unconventional shale … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pennsylvania Senate Hearing: Large, growing, consistent, compelling body of evidence shows frac’ing negatively impacts public health; PA must act. Ten years later, Health Canada still won’t publicly release their frac hazard study. In Canada, frac panel members lie, ignore evidence; authorities refuse to study cumulative harms; “regulators” like AER refuse to enforce the law while engaging in fraud to serve law-violating polluters (most foreign owned) and further abuse the harmed.

Putin Salutin’ Satan in Victory Day Parade

20022 05 09: Morten Morland Times Cartoon The Kyiv Independent@KyivIndependen May 8, 2022: Canada to provide Ukraine with $1.5 billion per year, anti-tank equipment. President Volodymyr Zelensky said “Canada is second only to the United States in terms of aid,” … Continue reading

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Climate Courts: Let trials proceed without gov’ts if politicians care so little about rights of youth and fail to show up or are too ashamed about giving the rich and corporate polluters everything and nothing to our kids and their future.

In my experience of Canadian judges and lawyers, and the system’s expensive procedures intentionally created to keep ordinary citizens out, youth would do a much better job than any court in Canada could, or would ever try to. Canadian courts … Continue reading

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Too Funny~!! Andrij Melnyk, Ukraine ambassador to Germany and international lawyer, responds to Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Not “very statesmanlike to behave like an offended liver sausage.” Beleidigte Leberwurst indeed!

I’ve been horrified by the cowardly crime enabling behaviour by the German gov’t elites in response to Putin’s illegal war (I’m part German) The Kyiv Independent@KyivIndependent: Speculation is rife that Russia may launch provocations or some military action on May … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Too Funny~!! Andrij Melnyk, Ukraine ambassador to Germany and international lawyer, responds to Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Not “very statesmanlike to behave like an offended liver sausage.” Beleidigte Leberwurst indeed!

Compendium 8 on Harms of Frac’ing & Associated Infrastructure: “The only method of mitigating its grave threats to public health and the climate is a complete and comprehensive ban on fracking.” No evidence was found showing “fracking can be practiced in a manner that does not threaten human health directly or without imperiling climate stability upon which human health depends.”

Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking and Associated Gas and Oil Infrastructure by Physicians for Social Responsibility and Concerned Health Professionals of New York, April 28, 2022 Eighth Edition PSR is proud to … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Compendium 8 on Harms of Frac’ing & Associated Infrastructure: “The only method of mitigating its grave threats to public health and the climate is a complete and comprehensive ban on fracking.” No evidence was found showing “fracking can be practiced in a manner that does not threaten human health directly or without imperiling climate stability upon which human health depends.”

Poisoned by lead, capitalism and greed

Excellent Canadian made documentary! The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History 24:56 Min. by Veritasium, April 22, 2022 One scientist caused two environmental disasters and the deaths of millions. A part of this video is sponsored by … Continue reading

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Why is The Guardian Publishing Putin Propaganda?

Subject: Why is The Guardian Publishing Putin Propaganda? Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 14:59:03 -0600 From: jessica ernst To: email hidden; JavaScript is required Dear Editor, Re: “Further arming Ukraine will only destroy it. The west must act to end … Continue reading

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Easter rips down statue of soviet marshal Georgy Zhukov, “the butcher,” after Russia’s Moskva sinks. Brute Putin next. Slava Ukraini!

Defence of Ukraine@DefenceUUkraine government organization April 16, 2022: For Ukrainian warriors a torn turret of a russian tank is not only a symbol of inevitable victory, but a piece of contemporary art too. We already have quite a collection! Photo … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Easter rips down statue of soviet marshal Georgy Zhukov, “the butcher,” after Russia’s Moskva sinks. Brute Putin next. Slava Ukraini!

Australia High Court “full bench of dinosaurs” unanimously rules Environment Minister owes no duty of care to protect youth from climate change when assessing fossil fuel projects (similar to Alberta courts ruling AER owes no duty of care to residents harmed by companies, not even when their drinking water supplies are illegally frac’d)

Ntina Tzouvala@ntinatzouval: courts won’t save us Of course not! In most cases, the legal industry (called a “justice” system to con the masses) does not serve the citizenry or a livable environment, it serves the rich, dirty (including “sex pest” … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Australia High Court “full bench of dinosaurs” unanimously rules Environment Minister owes no duty of care to protect youth from climate change when assessing fossil fuel projects (similar to Alberta courts ruling AER owes no duty of care to residents harmed by companies, not even when their drinking water supplies are illegally frac’d)

Canada’s Misogynistic Bench: How many rapes will Paul Batchelor get away with? How soon will he be free to rape again and again and again?

Ottawa rapist Paul Batchelor guilty in two cases, acquitted in three, faces three more rape trials by Gary Dimmock, Feb 05, 2022, Ottawa Citizen The last time Paul Batchelor won two rape acquittals on the same day in 2019, he … Continue reading

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Global First! Inaugural class of UVic’s Indigenous law program—the world’s first law degree to combine Indigenous and non-Indigenous laws—will graduate spring 2022.

Congratulations…in order to the first graduating class of UVic’s Indigenous law program by Martin, newsletter editor, April 8, 2022, Capital Daily Amanda Vick is among the Indigenous law program’s inaugural graduating class. Photo supplied. UVic’s Indigenous law program graduates its … Continue reading

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Fox Creek, Alberta: TC Energy P/L leak, ignition and fire. Was it caused by cumulative frac quake/frac hit harms? Is the gas sour from industry souring formations with thousands of massive fracs of untreated contaminated surface water?

A few of the comments: Martin Yan: maybe all those earthquakes they get shifted something. Al Millar: Self regulated . Phony emission reports and more . TC energy , no surprise . Maybe the company can demand $ 1.3 Billion … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Fox Creek, Alberta: TC Energy P/L leak, ignition and fire. Was it caused by cumulative frac quake/frac hit harms? Is the gas sour from industry souring formations with thousands of massive fracs of untreated contaminated surface water?

Colorado: After thousands harmed, Bill introduced for an Act on Oversight of *All* (not just some frac) Chemicals Used in Oil & Gas Production (to also disallow trade secrets). Will the oil & gas industry and the rich (judges included) allow this to pass?

Even after sacrificing 18 years and $400,000.00 of my life long savings (and more in kind donations from others concerned about frac’ing), and being betrayed by the courts and my backstabbing quitting lawyers, Murray Klippenstein and Cory Wanless (that did … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Colorado: After thousands harmed, Bill introduced for an Act on Oversight of *All* (not just some frac) Chemicals Used in Oil & Gas Production (to also disallow trade secrets). Will the oil & gas industry and the rich (judges included) allow this to pass?

Russia’s Illegal War: Street Mural in Kyiv by Ukrainian artist Sasha Korban, “We will stand, we will win.”

Sasha Korban’s post and call for donations *** Euromaidan Press@EuromaidanPress: According to the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion🔹78% Russians support Putin, actions (13% don’t)🔹 74% Russians approve of his decision to attack Ukraine (17% don’t)🔹89% trust Russian … Continue reading

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Match made in Hell: Calgary-based killer Calfrac supports Putin’s illegal war, rape & pillage in Ukraine; Frac giants Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, Halliburton too. No wonder: invading, rape & pillage is what frac’ers do.

So, since the war began govt’s & corps have been trying to find a way to stop using Russian oil…which gives Putin $800 million/day to finance the war. And here is Calfrac helping them extract it. Wow. I felt like … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Match made in Hell: Calgary-based killer Calfrac supports Putin’s illegal war, rape & pillage in Ukraine; Frac giants Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, Halliburton too. No wonder: invading, rape & pillage is what frac’ers do.

International Women’s Day 2022

Thank you for remembering and this beautiful card; I am humbled and honoured. It was a brutal 20-year journey filled with stunning betrayals by Encana/Ovintiv; AER; Alberta Environment; politicians provincially and federally; NGOs – notably Pembina Institute, Suzuki Fdn, Council … Continue reading

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Dear Jason Kenney/UCP: Ending the pandemic mask mandate caters to terrorists. I reject your selfish idiocy and continue to wear N95 masks in public to protect others and myself. Now, I join Prof Ubaka Ogbogu and also wear them to spite you.

Dear Prof Ogbogu, I am horrified by what Kenney wrote about you, but then, I am often horrified by what he writes, says and does. In my view, he serves himself and his base (now more than ever with his … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Dear Jason Kenney/UCP: Ending the pandemic mask mandate caters to terrorists. I reject your selfish idiocy and continue to wear N95 masks in public to protect others and myself. Now, I join Prof Ubaka Ogbogu and also wear them to spite you.

On the brink of WW3 (no, already in it): Law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, with extensive Russian client list, pits evil against humanity and other life on earth, “imposes silence in the face of wanton atrocity.” A few days later, Linklaters is first major law firm to exit Russia over Ukraine war.

“Dictator Showering” by Morten Moreland Tweets in response to this vile legal industry news (more tweets near end this post): Snap taken March 10, 2022 Smoky Alvaro@SmokyAlvaro: Lawyers acting like sleazeballs? Who woulda thunk The 76 Percent@Percent76: I guess they … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on On the brink of WW3 (no, already in it): Law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, with extensive Russian client list, pits evil against humanity and other life on earth, “imposes silence in the face of wanton atrocity.” A few days later, Linklaters is first major law firm to exit Russia over Ukraine war.

COVID-19 takes another master. Mark Lanegan: “The tears from your eyes. Is this Heaven?”

2022 02 22: Mark Lanegan, Screaming Trees singer, dies at 57 … The American singer, born and raised in rural eastern Washington state, had survived a battle with Covid-19 that left him in and out of a coma for months-long … Continue reading

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Excellent clip on COVID-19 and immunity: Toronto Emergency Physician Dr. Kashif Pirzada, interviews Dr. Anthony Leonardi, T-cell Immunologist

The T-cells are not alright – an interview with Dr. Anthony Leonardi, T-cell researcher 91 Min by Dr. Kashif Pirzada, MD, recorded Jan 8, 2022, posted Feb 20, 2022 In the first installment of a series by Masks4Canada, we explore … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Excellent clip on COVID-19 and immunity: Toronto Emergency Physician Dr. Kashif Pirzada, interviews Dr. Anthony Leonardi, T-cell Immunologist

Little Orphan Wells on the Prairies *and* in BC *and* in Quebec *and* in the Maritimes *and* souring and blowing up towns in Ontario … And intentional and accidental fracs, spills and leaks (including fake pollution solution Carbon Capture & Storage) leaking gases and toxic chemicals into groundwater …

Look deeper by Ed Janicki, Letter to the Editor Globe and Mail, Feb 7, 2022 Re Little Orphan Oil Well On The Prairie (Editorial, Jan. 28): Cost estimates for remediation are likely to be much higher if we consider a … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Little Orphan Wells on the Prairies *and* in BC *and* in Quebec *and* in the Maritimes *and* souring and blowing up towns in Ontario … And intentional and accidental fracs, spills and leaks (including fake pollution solution Carbon Capture & Storage) leaking gases and toxic chemicals into groundwater …

Frac Science Compendium 8 to be released soon. Sandra Steingraber & Carmi Orenstein: “The more we learn about fracking…the worse it looks. Fracking is a villain, not a hero….” (R. Kennedy Jr., Sierra Club, other NGOs pimped frac’ing for polluters)

Preventing the Preventable Suffering by The Science and Environmental Health Network Table of Contents 1. Editor’s Note: On Preventing the Preventable Suffering 2. The Fracking Science Compendium: Eighth Edition 3. Toxicology: The Language of Hazardous and Broken Dreams … Editor’s … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac Science Compendium 8 to be released soon. Sandra Steingraber & Carmi Orenstein: “The more we learn about fracking…the worse it looks. Fracking is a villain, not a hero….” (R. Kennedy Jr., Sierra Club, other NGOs pimped frac’ing for polluters)

New low for racist Canada: Police & RCMP enable white supremacists shitting & pissing on the rule of law and intimidating/assaulting residents for days while Alberta UCP negotiates with terrorists

Courtney Theriault @cspotweet: A reminder that the trucker protest went to Ottawa to remove Justin Trudeau as leader but instead it’s Erin O’Toole who met with the truckers who has now been removed. Sabina Vohra-Miller@SabiVM: Here’s what it comes down … Continue reading

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A first: Harvard study links frac’ing air pollution to early deaths among nearby residents, both up and downwind of wells. The Guardian: “This would mean thousands of premature deaths linked to the oil and gas boom….”

For the First Time, a Harvard Study Links Air Pollution From Fracking to Early Deaths Among Nearby Residents, The researchers studied more than 15 million Medicare beneficiaries living in all major fracking regions and gathered data from more than 2.5 … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on A first: Harvard study links frac’ing air pollution to early deaths among nearby residents, both up and downwind of wells. The Guardian: “This would mean thousands of premature deaths linked to the oil and gas boom….”

New study on leaking, toxic unnatural gas stoves; leak badly – most when not in use.

Gas Stoves in the US Emit Methane Equivalent to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Half a Million Cars, Cooking with gas is heating up the climate and filling some homes with hazardous nitrogen oxides in excess of EPA safety standards … Continue reading

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Thank you Meat Loaf, for helping me endure the horrors. And for singing the greatest love song of all time. Bat Out of Hell indeed.

And the last thing I see is my heart … still beating … still beating … breaking out of my body and flying away like a bat out of hell … Jim Steinman

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Thank you Meat Loaf, for helping me endure the horrors. And for singing the greatest love song of all time. Bat Out of Hell indeed.

Italy’s Supreme Court: Rules neighbour’s noisy toilet is a human rights violation. Has Encana/Ovintiv (now Lynx) been violating my human rights and decimating my health for decades with their law violating noisy compressors? With AER fudging Encana’s data, enabling the law and human rights violations? Oh ya, I forgot: Canadians have no rights when harmed by oil & gas (except to pay $hundreds of thousands in legal/court costs, be strung along for years, lied to and betrayed by your lawyers, and defamed by the Supreme Court of Canada).

Italian couple win 19-year battle with neighbours over noisy loo by Elly Blake, Jan 18, 2022, Evening Standard Italy’s top court has enshrined the right to protection from loud lavatories after a 19-year battle between a tired couple and their … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Italy’s Supreme Court: Rules neighbour’s noisy toilet is a human rights violation. Has Encana/Ovintiv (now Lynx) been violating my human rights and decimating my health for decades with their law violating noisy compressors? With AER fudging Encana’s data, enabling the law and human rights violations? Oh ya, I forgot: Canadians have no rights when harmed by oil & gas (except to pay $hundreds of thousands in legal/court costs, be strung along for years, lied to and betrayed by your lawyers, and defamed by the Supreme Court of Canada).

Murder by COVID. UCP, Jason Kenney & Dr. Deena Hinshaw are cruel despicable lying anti-health, anti-Albertan monsters. Paul Hunter: “You don’t get herd immunity with coronaviruses”

Man’s penis ‘shrinks by 1.5 inches after catching Covid’ – and it’s irreversible ….to his dismay the victim found his penis had contracted considerably – a condition doctors told him is likely permanent due to vascular damage in his erectile … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Murder by COVID. UCP, Jason Kenney & Dr. Deena Hinshaw are cruel despicable lying anti-health, anti-Albertan monsters. Paul Hunter: “You don’t get herd immunity with coronaviruses”

Nine months after Teck President Don Lindsay publicly apologized for dumping fish-killing mine waste, committed to “not waver in our focus on addressing this challenge” after settling in court for record $60M fine to avoid full trial, Teck “researchers” blame winter for 90% cutthroat trout kill even though mine contaminants have only gone up since 2014.

Better tell the judge Mr. Lindsay, maybe your fine will get tripled. Which wouldn’t really matter because history shows Teck has a habit of ignoring orders by courts and governments, a habit which courts and governments ignore. Teck says ice, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Nine months after Teck President Don Lindsay publicly apologized for dumping fish-killing mine waste, committed to “not waver in our focus on addressing this challenge” after settling in court for record $60M fine to avoid full trial, Teck “researchers” blame winter for 90% cutthroat trout kill even though mine contaminants have only gone up since 2014.

Billionaires in (and polluting) space.

Cartoon by Hugleikur Dagsson, nicknamed Hulli (Iceland) Why did billionaire Jeff Bezos buy the Washington Post? Refer also to: 2015: Fracking Is Significantly Dangerous, Elon Musk Says 2021: Down with soon-to-be frac’er Elon Musk! To think I used to admire … Continue reading

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Where are the sanctimonious pro-lifers with their incessant desire to control others? Why the silence from them about Alberta’s UCP (many proclaiming to be Christian) intentionally killing in one of the most vile and cruel ways possible?

I expect long after woodland caribou are wiped out, Alberta will continue poisoning wolves even though it was proven decades ago how vital key predators like wolves are to healthy ecosystems. Abusive gov’ts kill wolves in Canada for no reason … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Where are the sanctimonious pro-lifers with their incessant desire to control others? Why the silence from them about Alberta’s UCP (many proclaiming to be Christian) intentionally killing in one of the most vile and cruel ways possible?

Resource Guide and videos for all sessions now available: 9th Annual Shale & Public Health (Dec 10, 2021) Conference by Halt the Harm Network and Physicians for Social Responsibility: “Cradle to Grave: The Reverberating Health Hazards of Oil and Gas Industry.” Focus on workers’ exposure to PFAS chemicals, radioactivity, and effects on their families, communities and beyond.

Ninth Annual Shale & Public Health Conference We thank those of you who helped organize the conference program, who were our speakers, and who attended the ninth annual Shale & Public Health 2021 conference.  The ninth annual Shale & Public … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Resource Guide and videos for all sessions now available: 9th Annual Shale & Public Health (Dec 10, 2021) Conference by Halt the Harm Network and Physicians for Social Responsibility: “Cradle to Grave: The Reverberating Health Hazards of Oil and Gas Industry.” Focus on workers’ exposure to PFAS chemicals, radioactivity, and effects on their families, communities and beyond.

Chance Oil and Gas trying to squeeze $billions for free out of Yukoners? How the hell does a frac moratorium cancel permits to drill wells the company says it need not frac?

Yukon Court of Appeal strikes down more claims in oil company’s lawsuit on government’s fracking ban, The government said there were still parts of the lawsuit that stood no chance of success by CBC News with files from Jackie Hong, … Continue reading

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Frac Happy Nature Conservancy of Canada buys 106 acres along Belly River adjacent to Waterton Lakes National Park (to sell frac’ers water and let companies frac under the park to set precedent to frac in the park?). Paid for by taxpayers?

Nature Conservancy Acquires Grazing Land Near Waterton Park by Don McCracken, Dec 4, 2021, Okotoks Online The Nature Conservancy of Canada, along with the Federal Government, have announced acquisition of just over a hundred hectares of land on the edge … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac Happy Nature Conservancy of Canada buys 106 acres along Belly River adjacent to Waterton Lakes National Park (to sell frac’ers water and let companies frac under the park to set precedent to frac in the park?). Paid for by taxpayers?

Pennsylvania: CNX pleads to criminal charges for misreporting air pollution, AG’s investigation turned on reports by severely impacted family. When will Canadian AGs criminally charge Encana/Ovintiv et al for the endless toxic frac pollution, quake damages and contaminated aquifers severely harming families and farms?

Encana/Ovintiv’s illegal fracs, flares and sour fumes were reported to regulators often by families forced to breath, live and work with and bathe in the company’s toxic crimes in SK, AB, and BC. No wonder AEC/Encana/Cenovus/Ovintiv keeps changing names and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Pennsylvania: CNX pleads to criminal charges for misreporting air pollution, AG’s investigation turned on reports by severely impacted family. When will Canadian AGs criminally charge Encana/Ovintiv et al for the endless toxic frac pollution, quake damages and contaminated aquifers severely harming families and farms?

Geological Survey of Canada, Ruhr-Universität Bochum & McGill University team report new type of fracquake: “hybrid-frequency waveform earthquakes (EHW).” They say their discovery *could* “minimize damage done by tremors caused by fracking.” Pfffft! Not on this pin cushioned planet. Frac’ers only escalate their damages (and greed and lies).

Comment by a resident in Manitoba: the pernicious mitigation myth again. I suppose these researchers must pretend everything can be mitigated just to keep their jobs.  New Type Of Earthquake ‘Triggered By Fracking’ Discovered by David Bressan, Dec 6, 2021, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Geological Survey of Canada, Ruhr-Universität Bochum & McGill University team report new type of fracquake: “hybrid-frequency waveform earthquakes (EHW).” They say their discovery *could* “minimize damage done by tremors caused by fracking.” Pfffft! Not on this pin cushioned planet. Frac’ers only escalate their damages (and greed and lies).

“Fractured Gas – Fractured State: A History.” March 2022 4-part course at Carnegie Mellon U’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute by Doug Shields (in 2010, introduced Community Rights Ordinance that banned frac’ing in Pittsburgh by 9-0 vote, first frac ban in the world)

Where: CMU’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute When: March 9 – 30, 2022, Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Via Zoom. Class size limited to 35. Sign up to reserve your spot. Part 1 provides a review of how the 2005 federal Energy … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on “Fractured Gas – Fractured State: A History.” March 2022 4-part course at Carnegie Mellon U’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute by Doug Shields (in 2010, introduced Community Rights Ordinance that banned frac’ing in Pittsburgh by 9-0 vote, first frac ban in the world)

2021 U of Calgary study: Radon levels in new Canadian homes now 467% higher than in homes in Sweden; 2015 John Hopkins study links radon to frac’ing: “It looks like fracking has unearthed an unbargained for and serious cancer risk in peoples’ homes.”

The University of Calgary (largely controlled by oil and gas money) study does not mention the 2015 John Hopkins study, frac’ing, fracquakes, oil and gas drilling, waste injection, enhanced oil recovery, CCS, pipelines and related activities etc. Let’s just blame … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 2021 U of Calgary study: Radon levels in new Canadian homes now 467% higher than in homes in Sweden; 2015 John Hopkins study links radon to frac’ing: “It looks like fracking has unearthed an unbargained for and serious cancer risk in peoples’ homes.”

BC Gov’t ignored – for days – flooded district requesting emergency help to save key infrastructure. MLA Mike Farnworth lies about it to media, or plays dumb/is ignorant. *After* road, houses wash away, gov’t responds. If CAPP et al, notably Encana/Ovintiv, had asked for this help, I expect BC gov’t would have said yes instantly.

Paul J. Henderson@PeeJayAitch Nov 30, 2021: Simplified version of events: @FraserValleyRD Board Chair Jason Lum: “Why won’t the province respond to our flooding infrastructure requests?” @mikefarnworthbc: “We didn’t get any requests.” Lum: “Yes you did. More than 50 to date.” … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on BC Gov’t ignored – for days – flooded district requesting emergency help to save key infrastructure. MLA Mike Farnworth lies about it to media, or plays dumb/is ignorant. *After* road, houses wash away, gov’t responds. If CAPP et al, notably Encana/Ovintiv, had asked for this help, I expect BC gov’t would have said yes instantly.

2011: France banned frac’ing; 2021 French frac giant Total wants wells near Arlington TX daycare in mostly Black and Latino community, health already harmed by pollution

Arlington Parents petition City Council to deny permit to French  fracking giant Total to frack next to children’s daycare Media Advisory by Livable Arlington, Nov 27, 2021 Media Contacts Ranjana Bhandari, Liveable Arlington, email hidden; JavaScript is required, (817) 564-5237 … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 2011: France banned frac’ing; 2021 French frac giant Total wants wells near Arlington TX daycare in mostly Black and Latino community, health already harmed by pollution

Thank you CBC! A fun, fabulous interview. Geoff Hughes’ music helped me get through my M.Sc., notably 2am driving home from the Elora Mill bar where I worked to pay for university.

Thank you Mr. Hughes! I remain grateful to you and your fascinating music. And, I remain in awe of your genius. More music please (no pressure)! What ever happened to Geoff Hughes? 40 years ago, he had a hit song … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Thank you CBC! A fun, fabulous interview. Geoff Hughes’ music helped me get through my M.Sc., notably 2am driving home from the Elora Mill bar where I worked to pay for university.

Emmy-winning “The Story of Plastics”

molly taft@mollytaft Nov 26: i talked to a plastics expert about how cleaning up all the plastic in the ocean is basically impossible, and how plastic exists outside of our conception of time (!) Why Trying to Clean Up All … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Emmy-winning “The Story of Plastics”

Ryan Jesperson: “The Australian coal miners are foreign. … The foreign ones are the ones fucking up the eastern slopes!” Corb Lund livid: “I’ve dug my heels in now.” High River Mayor Craig Snodgrass: “The only foreign-funded money that’s coming into this province right now with the coal stuff is the Ozzies’ money. That’s it. You’re being very hypocritical to pin that on anybody in this province that this coal fight is foreign-funded. It’s not. It’s BS. It’s just us. It’s just Albertans.”

This is an excellent interview. I do not wish Lund pain or to be stressed, but I do love to see him and tens of thousands of my fellow Albertans, finally, in a rage protesting the gov’t helping foreign corporations … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Ryan Jesperson: “The Australian coal miners are foreign. … The foreign ones are the ones fucking up the eastern slopes!” Corb Lund livid: “I’ve dug my heels in now.” High River Mayor Craig Snodgrass: “The only foreign-funded money that’s coming into this province right now with the coal stuff is the Ozzies’ money. That’s it. You’re being very hypocritical to pin that on anybody in this province that this coal fight is foreign-funded. It’s not. It’s BS. It’s just us. It’s just Albertans.”

Encana/Ovintiv spewing sour gas, yet again, says no one injured. H2S damages the brain even at very low concentrations, so how the hell does the company know no one was injured? Were all workers and area residents tested for neurological damages? OGC investigating. Whooptydoo! Will they let Ovintiv off with another community bribe? Or blame nature and the harmed?

BC Oil and Gas Commission to investigate Pouce Coupe natural gas leak by Michael Popove, Nov 22, 2021, CJDC TV  PIUCE COUPE — Ovintiv has confirmed to CJDC-TV News, that a sour gas leak from a wellhead near Riverside Road … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Encana/Ovintiv spewing sour gas, yet again, says no one injured. H2S damages the brain even at very low concentrations, so how the hell does the company know no one was injured? Were all workers and area residents tested for neurological damages? OGC investigating. Whooptydoo! Will they let Ovintiv off with another community bribe? Or blame nature and the harmed?

Not broken. Judicial industry & police working as intended by rich white men. In Canada too.

How prevalent is racism (and misogyny) among Canadian lawyers & judges? “Rule of Law” or “Rich White Man Law?” Emmett Macfarlane@EmmMacfarlane Poli Sci Prof, UWaterloo: Law is politics people. Never forget. All Supreme Court of Canada appointments to date: 88 … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Not broken. Judicial industry & police working as intended by rich white men. In Canada too.

Dear Horgan et al: To repair and prepare for climate chaos: Stop frac’ing! Stop Site C dam (the chaos ahead will flush it downriver anyways). Quit giving public dollars to cash-hoarding foreign energy companies (notably Encana-Ovintiv). Use the workers and money to repair and prepare instead.

How B.C.’s string of natural disasters are connected, While weather is naturally variable, events such as extreme heat, wildfires and flooding will become more frequent and more intense because of climate change by Kathryn Blaze Baum, Carrie Tait, Justine Hunter, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Dear Horgan et al: To repair and prepare for climate chaos: Stop frac’ing! Stop Site C dam (the chaos ahead will flush it downriver anyways). Quit giving public dollars to cash-hoarding foreign energy companies (notably Encana-Ovintiv). Use the workers and money to repair and prepare instead.

Frack Free Lancashire: “The fracking industry lurches on like a zombie that doesn’t know it’s dead” … “Carbon Capture and Storage…remains a theoretical practice with no at scale projects anywhere near completion today. It is a fantasy.”

Calls to revive fracking amid gas crisis spark angry response in Lancashire, An industry body has called on the Government to consider reviving the fracking industry, two years on from the moratorium that stopped gas exploration in Lancashire by Tim … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frack Free Lancashire: “The fracking industry lurches on like a zombie that doesn’t know it’s dead” … “Carbon Capture and Storage…remains a theoretical practice with no at scale projects anywhere near completion today. It is a fantasy.”

Another study: Preliminary Results Find Increased Cancer, Health Risks From Road Dumping Drilling Wastewater, Especially For Children; Arsenic, lead, manganese, nickel, hexavalent chromium in road dust contaminated by wastewater

If Encana had notified me, I would never have rescued any dogs. I am horrified to think what my dogs were exposed to, their noses much closer to the waste than mine and their pads directly on it. And what … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Another study: Preliminary Results Find Increased Cancer, Health Risks From Road Dumping Drilling Wastewater, Especially For Children; Arsenic, lead, manganese, nickel, hexavalent chromium in road dust contaminated by wastewater

New Study: Shows Higher Exposures To Radiation In Road Dumping Of Drilling Wastewater When Appropriate Exposure Scenarios Are Used, with Constant Exposure for Residents Living Next To and Using Those Roads (imagine living with Encana/Ovintiv waste in your body)

Encana/Ovintiv got rid of its waste on our roads too (under guise of dust suppression) and bribed farmers (for a pittance) to accept the waste dumped on crop and pasture lands, including immediately next to my home, filling it with … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Study: Shows Higher Exposures To Radiation In Road Dumping Of Drilling Wastewater When Appropriate Exposure Scenarios Are Used, with Constant Exposure for Residents Living Next To and Using Those Roads (imagine living with Encana/Ovintiv waste in your body)

Amazing! BC Court of Appeal and BC Supreme Court move into the present, announcing: “The use of the terms ‘My Lord’, ‘My Lady’, ‘Your Lordship’, and ‘Your Ladyship’ is to be avoided.” Will Alberta Courts vacate the cave next? I doubt it.

Comments by rural Albertans: Bruce Jackson just posted a one hour presentation by Dr. Kevin Timoney about the collusion and corruption of the AER.  All  facts that McLachlin , Abella and the whole SCC were very much aware of when … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Amazing! BC Court of Appeal and BC Supreme Court move into the present, announcing: “The use of the terms ‘My Lord’, ‘My Lady’, ‘Your Lordship’, and ‘Your Ladyship’ is to be avoided.” Will Alberta Courts vacate the cave next? I doubt it.