David Climenhaga Aug 13, 2022:
I heard someone whinging on CBC yesterday that drag queens shouldn’t be able to read stories to kids in buildings paid for by taxpayers, viz., libraries. Just remember, churches are paid for by taxpayers too, through their tax exemption, so men in gowns can read stories to kids.
Catholic Church in Crisis Ratzinger’s Dark Legacy by Felix Bohr, DER SPIEGEL.
… The rather limited outpouring of grief shows just how alien the Catholic Church has become to many people – and how advanced is its decay. In the public perception, Catholicism is no longer exclusively associated with integrity, decorum and equity, but with sexual assault committed against children and teenagers. … In Germany, more than 2.5 million people have left the church since the 2010 abuse scandal was made public.
Benedict XVI was one of the faces of this epochal crisis. During his pontificate, a shocking number of cases involving the sexual abuse of children and teenagers were revealed. And the Church continued to erode after he stepped down from the papacy. … Even from his alleged retirement, Ratzinger fulminated against permitting remarried Catholics to take communion. He said the 1968 generation was partially to blame for the sexual abuse of children perpetrated by clergymen. …
Clark@grizzclarkie June 16, 2022:
Statistically your child is far safer with a Drag Queen rather than a Priest.
100% facts.
Catholic Pedophile Church in Action: Estimates of more than 10,000 child victims in France. “Their stories are a true memorial of pain. Entire lives have been devastated.” Time to “cancel” Rape Religion? How many hundreds of thousands of children do priests rape globally, and continue to rape, every year, enabled by pope after pope after pope, other church and community officials, judges and lawyers?