How do we clean secret frac, drilling, servicing chemicals from our homes? New study says after wildfires we must clean our homes, contents, clothes and replace HEPA filters.

After a wildfire, more than just your air filters need cleaning, say experts, A new study from Portland State University says chemicals from the smoke were found on everyday items such as drinking glasses and cotton clothes by Tiffany Crawford, Jan 03, 2024, Calgary Herald

Harmful chemicals from wildfire smoke can linger for a month or more inside a home or business on items such as clothing or cups, say experts.

The good news is that washing everything with everyday household cleaners can remove the chemicals, according to a recent study from Portland State University.

The researchers studied highly toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from wildfire smoke in the home over four months on glass, cotton and in air filters.Frac, cementing, servicing, drilling chemicals can contaminate homes and businesses with PAHs too and more toxic chemicals.

What they found was it took 37 days for the chemicals to decrease by 74 per cent for air filters, 81 per cent for cotton and 88 per cent for glass, according to a news release from the university Tuesday.

However, when the items were washed, there was a significant decrease in the amount of chemicals, the researchers said.

For example, laundering cotton clothes just one time reduced PAHs by 80 per cent while using a commercial glass cleaner on materials like windows and cups reduced PAHs between 60 per cent and 70 per cent, according to the university.At Rosebud, Alberta, because of oil patch chemicals spewing from Encana/Ovintiv (now Lynx) endless compressors, and wildfires getting worse annaully, and starting earlier and ending later, I must clean my window screens monthly (they are on the outside of my windows and even though I have rolltop shutters that I keep closed during wildfires, the screens still get nearly completely plugged with thick grey sludge and pollutants, preventing air from moving through the screens. It’s ghastly to see the wash water after I clean even just one screen thickly accumulated with smoke and frac chemicals. Oil and gas industry chemicals adhere to particulate pollution such as in wildfire smoke, creating a much worse hazard for health and entry of toxic contaminants inside homes in frac fields, such as throughout NEBC, most of Alberta, much of SK and MB, etc. North America’s industry controlled main media, like CBC and the Calgary Herald rarely report on how toxic it is to live with frac’d air in our homes, yards and communities, and how the chemicals seep into the construction materials, such as drywall, used to build our homes and fabrics in our furnishings/clothing/bedding.

Think of the cumulative toxic wildfire smoke and frac/drilling chemical harms to families living in frac fields like NEBC in photo above

Elliott Gall, an associate professor in Mechanical and Materials Engineering at PSU, said these chemicals from wildfire smoke are associated with a wide variety of long-term adverse health consequences, such as cancer, potential complications in pregnancy and lung disease.Frac and drilling chemicals, including in the pollutants spewed freely in venting and flaring and via compressors, frac jobs, etc, are much more toxic to health (with most kept secret!), as are the cumulative harms of living drilled and frac’d, during wildfires, never mind also often being radioactive.

In a statement, Gall said most people are thinking about cleaning their air filters after a wildfire but with these chemicals sticking onto surfaces, there are different routes of exposure people should be aware of, like drinking out of tainted glasses.

Gall’s study, which was published in Environmental Science and Technology, notes that while glass and cotton can be washed to reduce the PAHs, air filters can’t be cleaned and need to be replaced after an extreme smoke event.Since frac’ing invaded my community in 2001, I have 3 large HEPA filters running, 24/7. One cost nearly $1,000.00. They are expensive to buy with filter the most expensive part; living frac’d requires them to be replaced often. No one but me, pays for this big expense. Living frac’d is expensive, and health harming. Add in my costs being forced to haul alternate water after Encana/Ovintiv illegally frac’d my community’s drinking water aquifers, enabled and covered up by AER and the Alberta gov’t.

“Even if there’s potentially some more life in them, over time PAHs can partition off the filter and be emitted back into your space,” Gall said in the statement.During wildfires in oil and gas jurisdictions like Alberta and BC, oil and gas industry and secret frac/drilling/servicing/waste (usually radioactive) chemicals, etc, sometimes go up in flames with forests and grasslands (notably in areas where companies get rid of their toxic waste by dumping it on pastures, roads, leases, and croplands, as in the photo below, meaning the toxic chemicals we breath during wildfires is much more harmful to health.

Encana/Ovintiv’s waste dumped on cropland near Rosebud Alberta

Researchers say the study brings up more questions that need to be answered, for example how long do the chemicals linger on drywall? Gall added that future research will look at the most effective ways to clean your home or business after a wildfire.

Last summer in B.C., wildfire smoke was linked to the death of a boy in 100 Mile House in what officials called the province’s worst wildfire season.

Wildfires burned 24,900 square kilometres of land last year, nearly double the 2018 record of 13,600 sq. km. High temperatures, extreme drought and the record-breaking Donnie Creek fire all contributed to the massive amount of land scorched. A smoky haze blanketed much of the province all summer.

Experts urged residents to take every precaution against the wildfire smoke, which they said can lead to serious health problems.

Dr. Emily Brigham, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of B.C., told Postmedia that even healthy people can get sick, but there’s significant concern for asthma patients.

Given that heat and wildfire smoke linked to climate change are more common now, she said it’s a good idea for communities to think about how they can protect their most vulnerable citizens, such as ensuring there are safe spaces with HEPA air filters to go to.Why do our authorities and academia/media not recommend N95 masks for added protection during wildfire smoke? They do not filter out the many toxic gases in the smoke, notably not in oil and gas areas, but they do filter out much particulate pollution. When keeping all my windows and doors closed during fires does not keep the smoke out, and the HEPA filters can’t keep up, I wear N95s inside my home and never walk outside on my land or work in my gardens without one on.

This latest research from Portland shows that after an extreme wildfire event, cleaning surfaces, dishes and clothing could also help lower the risk of serious illness.So residents and workers in frac fields need to clean everything in their homes and businesses every day? How?

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Wildfire Smoke Accumulate on Indoor Materials and Create Postsmoke Event Exposure Pathways by Aurélie Laguerre and Elliott T. Gall, Dec 18, 2023, Environ. Sci. Technol., American Chemical Society


Abstract Image

Wildfire smoke contains PAHs that, after infiltrating indoors, accumulate on indoor materials through particle deposition and partitioning from air. We report the magnitude and persistence of select surface associated PAHs on three common indoor materials: glass, cotton, and mechanical air filter media. Materials were loaded with PAHs through both spiking with standards and exposure to a wildfire smoke proxy. Loaded materials were aged indoors over ∼4 months to determine PAH persistence. For materials spiked with standards, total PAH decay rates were 0.010 ± 0.002, 0.025 ± 0.005, and 0.051 ± 0.009 day–1, for mechanical air filter media, glass, and cotton, respectively. PAH decay on smoke-exposed samples is consistent with that predicated by decay constants from spiked materials. Decay curves of smoke loaded samples show that PAH surface concentrations are elevated above background for ∼40 days after the smoke clears. Cleaning processes efficiently remove PAHs, with reductions of 71% and 62% after cleaning smoke-exposed glass with ethanol and a commercial cleaner, respectively. Laundering smoke-exposed cotton in a washing machine and heated drying removed 48% of PAHs. An exposure assessment indicates that both inhalation and dermal PAH exposure pathways may be relevant following wildfire smoke events.

Refer also to:

2002: What are your kids breathing in school? in Calgary Herald, Nov 2002

Steph W@Stepnstop:

So it turns out that experts have been worried about air quality in schools since at least 2002, when Dr. Michael Shannon, a top pediatric toxicologist and expert on the effects of environmental hazards in children, presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“…what is the quality of the air that our children inhale inside schools? According to Dr Michael Shannon, director of the pediatric environmental health centre at Children’s Hospital, Boston, Mass, we have a problem on our hands and it is predicted to get worse.” (Nov 2002)

In the Calgary Herald no less!

2007: Testimony on water contamination and non-disclosure of chemicals used in shallow hydraulic fracturing of coalbed methane wells in Alberta

2011: Truth comes out on ‘Fracking’ Toxins. Who finally tells us the nasty chemicals used for shale gas drilling in Western Canada? US Congress

2011: Department of Energy panel: Gas drillers should reveal fracking chemicals, manage impacts

2011: Living in fear of fracking, ERCB says frac chemicals publicly available upon request Not true! I’ve asked Alberta’s regulator many times over many years. I still do not know what toxic chemicals I bathed in and breathed venting from my contaminated water taps and breath(ed) from rigs, servicing, compressors, etc.

2012: The hidden health risks of fracking, Nurses demand disclosure of chemicals used in natural gas drilling


Substandard environmental conditions in schools, such as insufficient cleaning or inadequate ventilation, can cause serious health problems for children. Evidence that indoor air quality (IAQ) DIRECTLY IMPACTS HEALTH & student academic performance continues to mount.

Cartoon by C Abel, Alberta cartoonist

2012: North Dakota Turns Blind Eye to Dumping of Fracking Waste in Waterways and Farmland, Releases of drilling and fracking waste, which is often laced with carcinogenic chemicals, have wiped out aquatic life in streams and wetlands

2012: TINY DOSES OF GAS DRILLING CHEMICALS MAY HAVE BIG HEALTH EFFECTS, Authors of new study encourage more low-dose testing of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, with implications for the debate on natural gas drilling

2012: About That Dimock Fracking Study: Result Summaries Show Methane and Hazardous Chemicals

2012: The 10 Scariest Chemicals Used In Hydraulic Fracking

2013: Hormone-disrupting chemicals found in ground and surface water at fracking sites, Peer reviewed study of fracking sites in Garfield County Colorado finds chemicals linked to infertility, birth defects and cancer

2013: Fracking Chemicals May Be Unknown, Even To Gas Drillers, Lawsuit against Range Resources Documents Suggest

2013: Study shows high pollution at Lac-Mégantic: one carcinogen 394,444 times above limit; Fracking chemicals in spotlight regulators investigate rail car corrosion & flammability North Dakota crude

2014: Baytex Finally Successful, Gags & Settles Poisoned Alberta Families: Does a lawyer-touted “positive outcome” of displacing and gagging poisoned families, stop the poisoning? “Our house is contaminated…there’s a smell now…Part of the torture of all this is not only abandoning our farm, but the health experts…told us we shouldn’t bring anything (with us).”

2014: Environment Canada Keeping Nearly a Thousand Frac Chemicals Secret: Memo released through Access to Information Legislation

2014: Companies Illegally Dumping Toxic Fracking Chemicals in Dawson Creek Water Treatment Systems, City to pay $4 Million and more for monitoring to try to stop illegal frac waste dumping

2014: Ian Jessop interviews Jessica Ernst about the Harper government leaving frac chemicals off pollutant list

2014: Harper government enabling the frac harm cover up? Environment Canada criticized for leaving fracking chemicals off pollutant list saying not enough frac chemicals used – 362,000 litres of diesel invert lost underground near Alberta family home

2014: Only a frac ban will protect health, livability in Denton Texas; Frac regulations poison us, “There is no escaping the harmful chemicals. … We feel like prisoners in our own home.”

2014: Air Pollutants From Fracking, Acidizing Threaten Public Health, Report Says; Oil Companies Used More than 45 Million Pounds of Toxic Chemicals in Los Angeles Area Over Past Year

2014: Arvin California: Expert Says Independent Air Sample of Evacuated Home Shows Relatively High Levels of Chemicals Linked to Hydraulic Fracturing

2014: Sounds like Alberta! Pennsylvania health officials ordered to ignore fracking-related health complaints, Former Department of Health employees say they were forbidden to talk about drilling

Slides below from presentation by Geoffrey A. Clark and Colin Murray WorkSafeBC (no longer available):

2014 06 24 Health Effects of drilling fluids
2014 06 24 Base constituents of Concern
2014 06 24 Common additives to drilling fluid
2014 06 24 Occupational Sampling Results from Industry
2014 06 24 Other Hazardous Substances in Drilling

2014: Alberta: Karla Labrecque’s doctor refused to do a blood test until he consults with a local politician; Mike Labrecque gets sick working for Baytex, Baytex lets him go: “You’re done.”

Baytex’s Toxic fumes. Hold your breath all day and night long.

2014: Peace River, Alberta: Thieves stole computer, files but left cash, reports farmer Carmen Langer (who spoke out for years about Baytex’s toxic emissions)

2014: Toxic pollution, odors caused by Baytex heavy oil operations in the Peace River area need to be eliminated says AER; Two-tiered AER? What about the AER saying nothing about Encana fracturing Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers? What about the AER violating Ernst’s Charter Rights trying to cover up Encana’s unlawfulness?

2014: AER shows its true colours: caves to polluting tarsands company, allows Baytex to continue harmful emissions

2014: West Texas county sues Odessa oil service company for dumping thousands of gallons of toxic oilfield chemicals down Odessa city sewer

2014: Federal study confirms toxic chemicals from Alberta tarsands leaching into groundwater and the Athabasca River

2015: Bravo! Prevent Cancer Now calls out AER’s Health Fraud! “The AER has no jurisdiction for human health, and Alberta is famed for a chill against the medical community linking ill health to petrochemicals.”

2015: New Research: Fracking chemicals lower sperm count in mice when they reach adulthood, Could have fertility implications for people living in shale gas zones

2015: “Keeping the names of the chemicals secret is preposterous” American Medical Association blasts frac chemical secrets, calls for full public disclosure and water monitoring

2015: Edmonton’s bad air is dirtier than Toronto’s. “Levels of contaminants higher than in some of the world’s most polluted cities have been found downwind of Canada’s largest oil, gas and tar sands processing zone…where men suffer elevated rates of cancers linked to such chemicals”

2015: Australia: “urine tests of Tara locals of all ages showed up levels of various toxic chemicals used in the controversial ‘fracking’ of coal seams

2016: Family begs Alberta NDP government for help & compensation, two years after fleeing farm poisoned by Baytex. Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) investigates explosion at shut-in Baytex wellsite, When will AER investigate Encana intentionally & illegally frac’ing Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers in 2004, when will Alberta government file criminal charges?

2016: Environmental causes of childhood cancers ‘grossly underestimated.’ In Canada, toxic chemicals used by oil and gas industry are exempt under CEPA (1999)

2016: Another New Peer-Reviewed, Published Frac Health Harm Review: Harmful chemicals used in, produced by unconventional oil & gas pose serious threat to infants & children

2016: Albertans still don’t know what toxic oilfield chemicals their children are breathing. When will companies be ordered to fully disclose all chemicals, including trade secrets, before racing toxic truck loads through school zones, by hospitals, where children play, and before injected, spilled, dumped, spread on foodlands, flared, vented, spewed from endless facilities?

2016: Oil & gas & frac companies poisoning Alberta families, injecting toxic chemicals into community air, on roads & food land & in drinking water aquifers Go Free while Edmonton dry cleaner first person in Canada to get jail sentence for using dangerous chemicals

2016: Massachusetts Senate Passes 10-Year Moratorium on Fracking and Disposal of Frac Wastewater in the Commonwealth. Senate President: “Fracking releases harmful chemicals into our air while contaminating fresh groundwater, causing seismic events, flaring methane and severely harming public health.”

2016: Yale School of Public Health: Fracking Linked to Cancer-Causing Chemicals; Pennsylvanians Against Fracking Call on Governor Wolf to Implement Statewide Moratorium on Fracking

2016: Two new peer-reviewed studies published after Florida significantly increases toxic chemicals allowed dumped in waterways: 1) Chemicals used in fracking, other gas, oil operations increase risk of miscarriages, reduced male fertility, prostate cancer, birth defects, preterm birth by disrupting hormones; 2) Lit review shows increased risk of negative reproductive effects from exposure to fracking, other oil, gas extraction activities, especially for miscarriages, reduced semen quality, prostate cancer, birth defects, preterm birth

2016: CEPA, Canada’s main environmental law isn’t working. Of course it isn’t, the oil and gas industry is largely exempt while emissions of the most harmful chemicals are on the rise. Live in a frac field? Hold your breath, don’t drink the water.

2017: Amazing New study: Hazardous Chemicals Go Unregulated in Routine Oil and Gas Operations. Chemical regulations that govern hydraulic fracturing do not apply to numerous other uses of same chemicals on oil & gas development fields. (The toxic secrecy is much worse in Canada)

2017: Alberta research shows fracking fluids cause ‘significant’ harm to fish, Can harm fish even at low concentrations. Chemicals caused premature aging in gills, organs

2017: Hypocrites! Health Canda wants “expanded powers” to strengthen regulation of natural health products but not toxic frac chemicals – not even to make companies disclose their secret frac brews to families breathing them! Not even to disclose Health Canada’s own frac health hazard report!

2017: “The public has a right to know”: Fracking companies don’t have to disclose chemicals linked to health concerns

2017: Documents show EPA health concerns on frac chemicals kept secret, approved for use by companies near families & communities anyways: Intentional Environmental Racism by Regulators? Against everyone living frac’d?

2017: CBC News: Alberta is a Fracking Black Hole for Information! Since 2006, Ernst has been trying to get disclosure of the chemicals Encana injected into her community’s drinking water aquifers and elsewhere, with zero success, not even for her lawsuit, Alberta Rules of Court do not allow trade secrets but no authority is compelling Encana to disclose the information

2018: New Study: Frac chemical mix causes disturbing changes in breast tissue; Low levels of chemicals used in unconventional oil & gas production cause abnormal mammary glands and pre-cancerous lesions

2019: Frac Hanky Panky hits the UK: Cabinet Office defies **court** order to release 2016 secret gov’t report on frac’ing industry – Like Encana still defying Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench 2014 order to release to Ernst all relevant documents to her lawsuit, most evilly withheld: all chemicals Encana secretly injected into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers As of today, Jan 3, 2024, Encana/Ovintiv still has not yet disclosed to the harmed at Rosebud, the chemicals injected into our drinking water, and for years, into our air.

2019: Pennsylvania escalating youth cancers in frac fields, Excellent response to Marcellus Shale Coalition’s latest propaganda: “We get it Mr. Spigelmyer, your job is to sell fracking…. We know the facts on the carcinogens your industry produces as do you, the endocrine disrupting chemicals it hides, and all the gagged litigants who held the smoking guns.”

2019: Colorado study shows toxic chemicals up to 2,000 feet from frac sites; Benzene (carcinogen), toluene (neurotoxin, notably damages the brain in children) and ethyltoluenes found at up to **10 times** recommended levels 500 feet from frac operations. “Secret exposure to chemicals that our own EPA reports as a potential hazard to human health is unconscionable.”

2019: Washington County PA: Family members tell state to ‘fix’ cancer study. How many cancers/deaths in Alberta caused by frac/oil industry chemicals & pollution? How would we know? Authorities not looking, too busy blowing taxpayer money up their Hanky Panky asses, denying, lying, and changing names on propaganda machines to enable more carcinogenic oil industry pollution!

2019: Pennsylvania: Grant Township vs DEP legal battle over drilling & frac’ing waste water continues. “The waste contains radioactive material and unknown chemicals. The regulations are failing our people.”

2019: Remember Emergency Nurse Cathy Behr? Ohio, New Report: Widespread use of frac’ing and drilling chemicals risk water supplies and health. Companies injected undisclosed chemicals “10,992 times into 1,432 wells” enabled by the “law” that allows trade secrets, even from first responders.

2020: New study: “Hazardous substances as the dominant non-methane volatile organic compounds with potential emissions from liquid storage tanks during well fracturing.” What toxic frac shit are we breathing, bathing in, ingesting? This study says lots, including red blood cell destroyer, naphthalene (found in my water after Encana/now Ovintiv’s illegal aquifer fracs).

2020: Frac’er WPX made it rain toxic water upon New Mexico, sickens family, kills livestock, birds fell dead from the poisoned sky. As everywhere, the “regulator” did nothing but protect the company, issued no penalty. WPX does not have to disclose details on the toxic chemicals that rained on the family for proprietary reasons. Penny Aucoin: “This has ruined our lives in so many different ways. Our health, family relations, financial problems, literally all aspects of our lives. It has become a living nightmare.”

2020: New study: Frac chemicals in farm water linked to rare birth defect in horses; The implications for human health are “worrisome” say researchers.

2020: New study concludes UK gov’t ignored public health concerns while heeding frac and chemical industries. In Canada, authorities withhold official reports warning of frac harms; help frac’ers cover-up crimes and enable them to further harm families after they get sick. Most vile, AER’s (no health mandate) Dr. Monique Dube (not a health professional) wrote lying “health” reports about frac’d families and unlawfully made them public online, via Synergy, etc.

2020: New study: Frac’ing in Pennsylvania linked to 20 human deaths caused by particulate pollution emitted by shale gas wells from 2010 to 2017

2021: Pregnant women must avoid frac pollution to protect their health and that of their babies. How, when living surrounded by frac’ing?

2021: Resource Guide and videos for all sessions now available: 9th Annual Shale & Public Health (Dec 10, 2021) Conference by Halt the Harm Network and Physicians for Social Responsibility: “Cradle to Grave: The Reverberating Health Hazards of Oil and Gas Industry.” Focus on workers’ exposure to PFAS chemicals, radioactivity, and effects on their families, communities and beyond.

2021: New Study: Dumping oil & gas drilling wastewater on roads provides little dust suppression, contains toxic chemicals harmful to public health, agriculture, aquatic life. (PS It’s just about giving industry more corporate welfare via free waste dumping)

2021: New Report: “Nightmare Contaminant” Forever Chemicals (PFAS) Use in Drilling & Frac’ing in More than 1,200 Wells in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming between 2012 and 2020, including by Encana (in Canada too?). Records obtained from US EPA under Freedom of Information Act. Did Encana now Ovintiv inject PFAS into Rosebud and Pavillion drinking water aquifers?

2021: Frac’ing us to death, in many more ways than toxic chemicals injected into our drinking water aquifers and polluted into our air

Schlumberger polluting up the community on a frac job in Alberta near Calgary. Hold your breath, all day and all night long!

2021: Alan Brubaker against frac’ing: “Those chemicals they use to frack are highly poisonous to humans. Those chemicals cannot be filtered out. What are you thinking, money over the lives of millions people? All who pass this should be put in prison for life.”

2021: Free Webinar May 18, 2021: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Hydraulic Fracturing in the Shale Patch

2021: New Investigation: Fractured: The body burden of living near fracking: Families in western Pennsylvania exposed to harmful chemicals; regulations failing to protect mental, physical, social health. In Alberta, doctors will not investigate if we are poisoned by oil/gas/frac’ing; will not take a blood test without politician permission

2021: New study on frac’ing in NEBC, Peace River area: “Troubling” link between frac’ing and chemical contamination in homes; Living frac’d may harm your health. Massive new gas plant being built near those already impacted, expected to increase the number of frac’d wells from 10,000 to over 100,000.

PDF of the study

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air and tap water samples in residences of pregnant women living in an area of unconventional natural gas operations: Findings from the EXPERIVA study by Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, Kyle Powys Whyte, Maryse F. Bouchard, Jonathan Chevrier, Sami Haddad, Ray Copes, Katherine L. Frohlich, Dean Dokkie, Treaty 8 Tribal Association, Sonje Juul, Michèle Bouchard, Marc-André Verner, Science of The Total Environment Volume 805, 20 January 2022, 150242


  • Northeastern British Columbia (NEBC) is a region of natural gas exploitation.
  • Unconventional natural gas operations may release volatile organic compounds (VOC).
  • We measured a suite of VOC in indoor air and tap water from 85 pregnant women in NEBC.
  • Density of UNG wells was associated with indoor air chloroform, acetone and BTEX.
  • Density of UNG wells was associated with tap water trihalomethanes.

2022: Pennsylvania Frac Lawsuit Latkanich v Chevron et. al., family contaminated with high levels benzene and toluene, PFAS “forever chemicals” and more. Brian Laktanich: “They gotta stop poisoning people”

2023: PA Frac Lawsuit Hearing: Bryan & Ryan Latkanich v Chevron & EQT Corporation health harm, and well water and home contamination

2023: Testosterone, going going … gone? Phthalates (endocrine and metabolic disruptors), used in oil and gas wells, are some of the most hazardous chemical additives in plastics for health. People can be exposed via ingestion, inhalation, skin.

2023: Just Released! Videos for 2023 Shale & Public Health Conference (11th Annual) with hair-raising presentation by Justin Nobel, and analysis by David Hess. The oil, gas and frac industry is toxic, no matter how we look at it.

2023: Frac’ing harms seniors. UC Berkeley epidemiologist David González: best way to protect health is by eliminating the hazard — ban new wells and phase out existing fossil fuel development. Frac’d resident Ray Kemble: “This industry is basically killing us”

2023: New study: Frac compressor pollution harms health. Dear Encana/Ovintiv/Lynx/AER/UCP & TBA et al: Shut up frac compressors and stop poisoning us, our loved ones, homes, livestock, wildlife; stop harming our health!

2023: 2022 Pennsylvania oil & gas facilities spewed over 26 billion pounds toxic air pollution (likely under reported). Imagine Alberta’s oil, gas ‘n frac patch pollution, law violations, $billions in gifts/freebies from toxic politicians like Danielle Smith and her boss (Take Back Alberta into the Cave’s David Parker), and NEBC’s, Ontario’s, Saskatchewan’s, Manitoba’s … Hold your breath! All day and night long.

2023: Frac Compendium 9: From 65 studies to “an avalanche” of nearly 2,500 showing evidence of harm from frac’ing. Dr. Sandra Steingraber: “Fracking resembles lead paint or indoor smoking — no rules or regulations can make these practices safe.”

2023: ‘The Petroleum Industry is a Fire Industry.’ Interview with John Vaillant on his new book Fire Weather, The Making of a Beast

2023: Frac’ing harms health. Ron Gulla: “The truth has to come out and the law firms are the ones that really need to be held accountable because the law firms are making a lot of money representing the industry and covering all the lies up. … This is organized crime, that’s what this is.”

2023: Fracking Next Door

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