Enviro Canada Lists ‘Some 850′ Chemicals In Fracking by Blacklock’s Reporter, August 27, 2014
Environment Canada has quietly compiled a list of nearly a thousand chemicals, toxins and additives used by shale gas drillers nationwide.
The department would not disclose the list, but states in a confidential memo it was compiled through “North American sources”. The memo was released through Access to Information: “Canadians have expressed concern”.
[Refer also to:
Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC). Drilling and Frac Chemical (Mud) List Historical. 2005.
PSAC’s Updated but reduced list, no longer accessible: Drilling Product Listing for Potential Toxicity Information
Above lists referenced in Brief review of threats to Canada’s groundwater from the oil and gas industry’s methane migration and hydraulic fracturing by Ernst Environmental Services, June 16, 2013 ]