Category Archives: Global Frac News

Congress investigating Rusty Huston of Diversified Energy and his dirty deeds shell game: Buying up shitty wells, delaying their clean-up and cooking the books to make $millions.

The Fossil Fuel Industry Can’t Avoid Liability for Discarded Oil and Gas Wells, Congressional Democrats are digging into the maneuvers corporations like Diversified rely on to make millions while unplugged wells poison communities with dangerous levels of methane gas by … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Congress investigating Rusty Huston of Diversified Energy and his dirty deeds shell game: Buying up shitty wells, delaying their clean-up and cooking the books to make $millions.

Bob Sacamano: “Nenshi will wipe the floor with Smith and her TBA bosses.”

I’ve boycotted political parties all my life because in my view they’re more harmful than frac’ers. Tonight, I joined and donated some funds. Nenshi is the only politician I have any respect for. The rest are mostly lying self-serving … Continue reading

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Huge “common sense” victory! New York Assembly wisely overwhelmingly passes CO2 frac ban, 97-50!

Assemblymember Dr. Anna R. Kelles@AMKelles: Thrilled that A8866 to ban CO2 #fracking passed the NYS Assembly today! This bill to extend NYS ban on fracking to include the use of carbon dioxide is critical to protect our water, our environment … Continue reading

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Frac’ing is a health crisis! Releases radiation: as airborn particles; *radon into homes and water wells*; in brine/waste dumped on leases, roads, croplands, pastures; contaminating farms, communities, wildlife, livestock, families (frac’ing has been linked to leukemia and lymphoma in kids), workers, foods, landfills, trucks and rig equipment

@SEHNetwork March 12, 2024: Unacceptable! We do not consent to these radioactive exposures. In the #fracking science Compendium with @PSRenvironment, we find evidence of multiple routes of #radioactive exposures to workers & communities around oil and gas operations. FrackingIsAHealthCrisis … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac’ing is a health crisis! Releases radiation: as airborn particles; *radon into homes and water wells*; in brine/waste dumped on leases, roads, croplands, pastures; contaminating farms, communities, wildlife, livestock, families (frac’ing has been linked to leukemia and lymphoma in kids), workers, foods, landfills, trucks and rig equipment

Time to smell the bitumen; Alberta collected less than $1 over 13 years from $Billion profit-raping tarsands companies for clean-up. Obviously, gov’t and AER don’t plan to make industry clean up or seal their climate chaos causing leaking wells. Companies only care about money and $billions in subsidies from ordinary Canadians (struggling to feed their kids), lots of lies, secrets, toxic cover-ups, refusing to pay taxes, and propagandizing you and your kids.

I’ll never understand why anyone believes the shitty lies coming out of Alberta politicians (no matter what polka dot, PC, UCP led by extremist bible-thumping misogynistic racist hate-filled Taking Alberta Waaaaay Back into the Cave, or NDP), AER or Alberta … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Time to smell the bitumen; Alberta collected less than $1 over 13 years from $Billion profit-raping tarsands companies for clean-up. Obviously, gov’t and AER don’t plan to make industry clean up or seal their climate chaos causing leaking wells. Companies only care about money and $billions in subsidies from ordinary Canadians (struggling to feed their kids), lots of lies, secrets, toxic cover-ups, refusing to pay taxes, and propagandizing you and your kids.

West Virginia’s frac cruelty and toxic harms: EQT poisons, sickens and drives four families from their homes. Abby Tennant: “Our home is no longer a home. It is a place of sickness, confusion and sadness.” Remember Baytex?

My condolences to the frac poisoned families. I never had migraines in my life, or skin and eyes burning so badly, the pain made me feel faint or sick to my stomach, until Encana/Ovintiv’s frac invasion. I also never had … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on West Virginia’s frac cruelty and toxic harms: EQT poisons, sickens and drives four families from their homes. Abby Tennant: “Our home is no longer a home. It is a place of sickness, confusion and sadness.” Remember Baytex?

Canada, finally, bans *all* use of strychnine (yes, even in Cruelville Alberta, effective September after six-month phase-out) – a terrible way to die. Health Canada found more strychnine was used than number of poisoned carcasses retrieved, resulting in strychnine-poisoned carcasses available for other animals to feed on, increasing risk of secondary poisoning. What will vile anti-life, anti-science Danielle Smith and her evil Evangelicals do?

My rescue dog Bandit, love of my life, ate gophers poisoned with strychnine (obviously, the gophers were not retrieved by which ever person poisoned them). Our vet was able to save his life, but what a gruelling gruesome stress-filled time … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Canada, finally, bans *all* use of strychnine (yes, even in Cruelville Alberta, effective September after six-month phase-out) – a terrible way to die. Health Canada found more strychnine was used than number of poisoned carcasses retrieved, resulting in strychnine-poisoned carcasses available for other animals to feed on, increasing risk of secondary poisoning. What will vile anti-life, anti-science Danielle Smith and her evil Evangelicals do?

Like frac’ers, AI devours fresh water and is grossly energy intensive and polluting.

The Growing Environmental Footprint Of Generative AI, AI runs on power-hungry equipment that uses millions of gallons of fresh water. Policymakers are weighing the costs by David Berreby, Feb 20, 2024, Undark Two months after its release in November 2022, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Like frac’ers, AI devours fresh water and is grossly energy intensive and polluting.

Billionaire Gina Rinehart’s Benga/Northback Coal (wants to destroy Alberta’s Grassy Mountain, contaminate water for many) bribes Livingston School Division with $75,000 (that doesn’t buy many loads of water) and treats (indoctrinates) kids to breakfast using them as propaganda. Why do communities bribed by water raping corporations not say no? High River Mayor Craig Snodgrass has choice words of wisdom for Energy Minster Brian Jean and his floppy hush puppy, AER.

Alberta You See Pee@youseepeeYYC: Imagine voting for a government that has defunding education so badly that public school districts are forced to accept bribe money from a foreign coal company that intends to poison the water that school children will … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Billionaire Gina Rinehart’s Benga/Northback Coal (wants to destroy Alberta’s Grassy Mountain, contaminate water for many) bribes Livingston School Division with $75,000 (that doesn’t buy many loads of water) and treats (indoctrinates) kids to breakfast using them as propaganda. Why do communities bribed by water raping corporations not say no? High River Mayor Craig Snodgrass has choice words of wisdom for Energy Minster Brian Jean and his floppy hush puppy, AER.

What does peace look like? ‘Woven Together’ by 13 year old Anja Rozen of Slovenia, Plakat Miru competition winner. What does a polluted earth look like? ‘Our World’ poem by 11 year old Scott Douglas Rea of Canada, killed at age 11 by drunk driver.

In my poster, people are holding onto each other. If someone lets go, the rest of them will fall. The hands in my poster represent earth and earth connects us all. It holds us together. We need to respect and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on What does peace look like? ‘Woven Together’ by 13 year old Anja Rozen of Slovenia, Plakat Miru competition winner. What does a polluted earth look like? ‘Our World’ poem by 11 year old Scott Douglas Rea of Canada, killed at age 11 by drunk driver.

Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation councillor Mike Mercredi to industry’s self-regulator AER CEO Laurie Pusher: “You allow eight regulated cancer causing agents into the water. You’re allowing regulated murder…it’s slow industrial genocide. How many bodies? How many billions are you gonna be making before we’re all dead?”

When AER was EUB (before the Alberta gov’t made it ERCB after the regulator got caught breaking the law and spying on innocent cookie making grandmothers), it allowed Encana/Ovintiv to illegally frac repeatedly directly into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers, and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation councillor Mike Mercredi to industry’s self-regulator AER CEO Laurie Pusher: “You allow eight regulated cancer causing agents into the water. You’re allowing regulated murder…it’s slow industrial genocide. How many bodies? How many billions are you gonna be making before we’re all dead?”

Morgan Bassichis, Jewish Voice for Peace: ‘Not in Our Name: On Jews Rejecting Zionism.’ A common enemy: white supremacy and empire. “Everyone deserves the chance to be a kid and everyone deserves the chance to grow old. And for that reason…we reject Zionism. … Because it has been used as the premise for over 75 years of Palestinian dispossession, exile and death. Because it tries desperately to conflate Judaism with Zionism. When Judaism is our thousands-year-old rich tradition and Israel is a 75 year old settler colonial apartheid state. … Because none of us are free until all of us are free. From every river to every sea.”

… We know that our safety, our dignity and our very souls as Jewish people are to be found in solidarity, not in apartheid. In multiracial coalitions against white supremacy, not in coalitions with white supremacists. In channelling our fear … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Morgan Bassichis, Jewish Voice for Peace: ‘Not in Our Name: On Jews Rejecting Zionism.’ A common enemy: white supremacy and empire. “Everyone deserves the chance to be a kid and everyone deserves the chance to grow old. And for that reason…we reject Zionism. … Because it has been used as the premise for over 75 years of Palestinian dispossession, exile and death. Because it tries desperately to conflate Judaism with Zionism. When Judaism is our thousands-year-old rich tradition and Israel is a 75 year old settler colonial apartheid state. … Because none of us are free until all of us are free. From every river to every sea.”

New York State: How to ban deadly industry practices like CO2 frac’ing? Dr. Sandra Steingraber: “Citizen activism + science + journalism + political leadership.” State Senator Lea Webb: “These companies continue to find loopholes…at the expense…of our livelihood not just now but for generations to come….”

Dr. Sandra Steingraber @ssteingraber1 Mar 5, 2024 “The bill has moved quickly through committees in the state legislature and is now heading to senate and assembly floors.” citizen activism + science + journalism + political leadership did that New York … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New York State: How to ban deadly industry practices like CO2 frac’ing? Dr. Sandra Steingraber: “Citizen activism + science + journalism + political leadership.” State Senator Lea Webb: “These companies continue to find loopholes…at the expense…of our livelihood not just now but for generations to come….”

USA airdrops aid for Gaza

2024 03 03: By Hani Abbas, Syrian-Palestinian award-wining cartoonist/teacher, born in 1977 in Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk, Syria. Hani Abbas had to flee Syria and seek asylum in Switzerland. He denounces Wars’ atrocities in his cartoons. Mouin Rabbani@MouinRabbani: Has … Continue reading

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Rest in power, love and courage, Aaron Bushnell: “Free Palestine. Free Palestine. Free Palestine.”

From Aaron’s will: I am sorry to my brother and my friends for leaving you like this. Of course, if I was truly sorry, I wouldn’t be doing it. But the machine demands blood. None of this is fair. I … Continue reading

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Problematic interactions between humanity and the rest of life on earth; Aim of corposystem is endless growth for profit, which depends on endless human population growth: not sustainable on a finite planet.

Scientists’ Warning on the Problem with Overpopulation and Living Systems by Dr. M. Lynn Lamoreux and Prof. Dorothy C. Bennett, Jan 2024, The Journal of Population and Sustainability Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024) DOI: Published 2023-11-30 — Updated on … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Problematic interactions between humanity and the rest of life on earth; Aim of corposystem is endless growth for profit, which depends on endless human population growth: not sustainable on a finite planet.

Pennsylvania: Big legal win for Westmoreland water against CNX Midstream. Heather Hulton VanTassel: “Compliance histories like these demonstrate a lack of willingness to comply with the law.” (Same in Bad Oil & Gas Alberta)

PA DEP Withdraws Permit Application for CNXM Slickville Trunkline Project Press Release by Riverkeepers and Lisa Johnson, February 26, 2024, The Energy Age Contacts:Heather Hulton VanTassel, PhD, 3RWK Executive Director, 724-651-4367Lisa Johnson, Esq., Lisa Johnson & Assoc., 412-913-8583 On February … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Pennsylvania: Big legal win for Westmoreland water against CNX Midstream. Heather Hulton VanTassel: “Compliance histories like these demonstrate a lack of willingness to comply with the law.” (Same in Bad Oil & Gas Alberta)

Another new study: Fracking kills birds; Reduces subsequent bird population counts by 15% while “wind turbines do not have any measurable impact”

Quantifying the Effects of Energy Infrastructure on Bird Populations and Biodiversity by Erik Katovich, Dec 28, 2024, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024, 58, 1, 323–332 Copyright © 2023 American Chemical Society Abstract Shale oil and gas production and wind energy … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Another new study: Fracking kills birds; Reduces subsequent bird population counts by 15% while “wind turbines do not have any measurable impact”

“Essential” gut-ripping read by Canadian law prof Joshua Sealy-Harrington. TMU’s Lincoln Alexander School of Law abusing and punishing students for courageously publicly voicing opposition to Israel’s genocide is pathetic and shameful. Academia, courts, lawyers, media (Toronto Star, National Post etc.) helping Bibi Netanyahu destroy our right to freedom of expression globally must be called out and stopped.

Rosel Kim@jroselkim: Thank you @JoshuaSealy for your principled stance. Zachary Al-Khatib@ZaKhatib Feb 26, 2024: It is unfortunate that well-respected, highly accomplished law professor @JoshuaSealy could not get @TorontoStar to publish an op-ed or even a letter response. Kudos to him … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on “Essential” gut-ripping read by Canadian law prof Joshua Sealy-Harrington. TMU’s Lincoln Alexander School of Law abusing and punishing students for courageously publicly voicing opposition to Israel’s genocide is pathetic and shameful. Academia, courts, lawyers, media (Toronto Star, National Post etc.) helping Bibi Netanyahu destroy our right to freedom of expression globally must be called out and stopped.

Billionaire oilman criminal-worshipping Tim Dunn: Christian or racist misogynistic bigoted Antichrist?

Religion is not man’s relationship to God, it is man’s relationship to man. Elie Wiesel Is it possible to be Christian becoming a billionaire raping the earth for oil – a toxic polluting product, enabling the destruction of earth’s abilility … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Billionaire oilman criminal-worshipping Tim Dunn: Christian or racist misogynistic bigoted Antichrist?

Dear Alberta bigots: Pride won’t be cancelled by your votes; you’ll soon see the most rainbows ever in Westlock’s history. Love always wins.

Dr. Kristopher Wells@KristopherWells: You can erase a rainbow crosswalk, but you can’t erase our lives. All this does is strengthen our resolve to combat the forces of hate. Love always wins. Thanks to an amazing donor, hundreds of these lawn … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Dear Alberta bigots: Pride won’t be cancelled by your votes; you’ll soon see the most rainbows ever in Westlock’s history. Love always wins.

March 6, 2024: Join Dr. Larysa Dyrszka and Justin Nobel as they discuss threats and harms caused by “Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret” (worsened by frac’ing) and how the industry gets rid of its billions of tons of often toxic, radioactive waste: “It’s been spilled, spread, injected, dumped, and freely emitted across America” (in Canada too)

Under the Surface: What does the fracking boom mean for our health by Justin Nobel, Science journalist, Feb 20, 2024, Collaborative for Health & Environment Over the last seven years, as I traveled the United States reporting on the oil … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on March 6, 2024: Join Dr. Larysa Dyrszka and Justin Nobel as they discuss threats and harms caused by “Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret” (worsened by frac’ing) and how the industry gets rid of its billions of tons of often toxic, radioactive waste: “It’s been spilled, spread, injected, dumped, and freely emitted across America” (in Canada too)

AER hearing TransAlta v Saturn Oil & Gas and Westbrick Energy (plan to frac and quake under Brazeau hydroelectric dam) adjorned – yet again. Parties negotiating with gov’t (why is Alberta Justice involved?). Has Danielle Smith’s boss – Cenovus, CAPP et al, ordered her to remove the 2019 frac restrictions at and near the dam?

Image is a few years old, wetland health is much worse now in the severe drought and after years of companies frac’ing Alberta dry. Image by Barb Ryan, Fox Creek, Alberta Frac Central Important history: 2019: Alberta Imposes New Frac’ing … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on AER hearing TransAlta v Saturn Oil & Gas and Westbrick Energy (plan to frac and quake under Brazeau hydroelectric dam) adjorned – yet again. Parties negotiating with gov’t (why is Alberta Justice involved?). Has Danielle Smith’s boss – Cenovus, CAPP et al, ordered her to remove the 2019 frac restrictions at and near the dam?

Oil and gas producers fight plan for nuke waste to be stored in heavily drilled and frac’d Permian Basin. Humans have lost the plot; even health and water-destroying frac’ers are finding out what it’s like to be invaded by humanity’s greed-driven deadly waste.

The War Over Burying Nuclear Waste in America’s Busiest Oil Field, Plans to store used nuclear fuel in the Permian Basin could boost the nuclear sector but are opposed by oil-and-gas producers by Benoît Morenne, FEb 18, 2024, Wall Street … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Oil and gas producers fight plan for nuke waste to be stored in heavily drilled and frac’d Permian Basin. Humans have lost the plot; even health and water-destroying frac’ers are finding out what it’s like to be invaded by humanity’s greed-driven deadly waste.

Instead of criminalizing frac’ing in drought stricken NEBC (at or near Level 5 for two years already), BC Energy “Regulator” urges frac’ers to hoard water “for use in the dry season” and lets them keep frac’ing, permanently removing most of the water injected from reuse.

@MerlinofCanada: People in BC and Alberta have no idea how much fresh water is destroyed in fracking B.C. oil and gas producers warned of potential water shortages in drought-stricken areas Fiona Kenny@fionakennyantiq: Amazed grain and canola producers and cattle farmers … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Instead of criminalizing frac’ing in drought stricken NEBC (at or near Level 5 for two years already), BC Energy “Regulator” urges frac’ers to hoard water “for use in the dry season” and lets them keep frac’ing, permanently removing most of the water injected from reuse.

California Geologic Energy Management Division banning frac’ing to “prevent damage to life, health, property, and natural resources” prioritizing communities over the oil and gas industry (especially in Kern Co).

This is welcome news. I applaud the Geologic Energy Management Division’s courage and integrity to do what they set out to do no matter how nasty the frac’ers became in response. How many aquifers did frac’ers contaminate; how many houses … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on California Geologic Energy Management Division banning frac’ing to “prevent damage to life, health, property, and natural resources” prioritizing communities over the oil and gas industry (especially in Kern Co).

Happy Family Day: Take Back Alberta (deeper into fascist Hell) and UCP’s Danielle Smith killing trans kids’ rights *and* parental rights: “Unjust, harmful nonsense.” Thank you Prof MacFarlane.

Yes, the feds can actually override provincial anti-trans school policies. Here’s how by Emmett Macfarlane, Feb 19, 2024, Declarations of Invalidity I have written about the controversial new anti-trans policies adopted by right-wing premiers across Canada that would require schools … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Happy Family Day: Take Back Alberta (deeper into fascist Hell) and UCP’s Danielle Smith killing trans kids’ rights *and* parental rights: “Unjust, harmful nonsense.” Thank you Prof MacFarlane.

Wise Manitoba gov’t says no to Calgary’s Sio Silica (CanWhite Sands) frac sand extraction at Vivian after ousted PC’s reportedly tried to sneak in approval for the invasive, health-harming, aquifer-destroying project after losing the election.

Thank you Dennis LeNeveu! 2023: Participant Dennis LeNeveu Perspective on Manitoba Clean Environment Commission (CEC)’s Recommendations for Vivian Sand Extraction Project by Sio Silica Corporation of Calgary (prev. CanWhite Sand) Manitoba rejects Sio Silica sand mining project, saying risk ‘simply … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Wise Manitoba gov’t says no to Calgary’s Sio Silica (CanWhite Sands) frac sand extraction at Vivian after ousted PC’s reportedly tried to sneak in approval for the invasive, health-harming, aquifer-destroying project after losing the election.

Nearly a year after AER orders Obsidian Energy to come up with a plan *in 15 days* to mitigate its massive earthquakes, the company reportedly still refuses to address Woodland Cree First Nation’s concerns or meet with them. Where’s the self-regulator? Oh right, Obsidian regulates itself, does what it wants, impacted neighbours be damned.

…. On February 7, 2024, the AER, pursuant to our regulatory appeal of the Order, scheduled a hearing to commence on November 27, 2024, to review the Order and whether it should be confirmed, varied, suspended or revoked. … Obsidian … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Nearly a year after AER orders Obsidian Energy to come up with a plan *in 15 days* to mitigate its massive earthquakes, the company reportedly still refuses to address Woodland Cree First Nation’s concerns or meet with them. Where’s the self-regulator? Oh right, Obsidian regulates itself, does what it wants, impacted neighbours be damned.

New study: Air pollution, namely nitrogen dioxide (NO2 – from tailpipes, gas stoves, drilling, frac’ing, flaring, production, compressors, gas plants, etc.), linked to uterine cancer. LNG means more toxic frac’ing, more cancers, more deaths.

I dedicate this post to all those living frac’d and to my three Alberta friends who died recently of cancer, one younger than me. One died from uterine cancer; she lived surrounded by NO2-spewing drilling, flaring and frac’ing, and compressors … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study: Air pollution, namely nitrogen dioxide (NO2 – from tailpipes, gas stoves, drilling, frac’ing, flaring, production, compressors, gas plants, etc.), linked to uterine cancer. LNG means more toxic frac’ing, more cancers, more deaths.

Can’t afford to feed your family and heat your home? While Canadian con politicos lie and blame Trudeau, EU Parliament holds first public hearing on “The responsibilities of fossil fuel companies in the cost of living crisis” & New UK study: “Much modern inflation is driven by fossil fuels (‘fossilflation’) & climate change (‘climateflation’)”

Pierre Picklehead and his anti-reality, anti-science CPC Con Klan, and the provincial con klans like Danielle Smith and her UCP/TBA evangelicals, blame only and always Trudeau for inflation. Liars. The Hearing Program *** David Roberts@drvolts: Interesting new paper from a … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Can’t afford to feed your family and heat your home? While Canadian con politicos lie and blame Trudeau, EU Parliament holds first public hearing on “The responsibilities of fossil fuel companies in the cost of living crisis” & New UK study: “Much modern inflation is driven by fossil fuels (‘fossilflation’) & climate change (‘climateflation’)”

Cristofer Lambe satire: “Roblaws$ Live life hungry.” Bully greed monger Loblaws attacks artist for his truthful work, orders Etsy to remove product, which Etsy did. Meanwhile, frac’ers get to lie lie lie, and lie some more. On top of boycotting Canada Day (for racism and genocide), Israeli products (for crimes against humanity in Palestine), Hockey Canada (for its gang rapes), Super Bowl (propagandizing for kid-killing land-stealing Zionists), I boycott Loblaws and Etsy too. Lobaws needs to chat with Jason Kenney to learn what stealing logos really looks like.

I also boycott the Olympigs, for obvious reasons. I will order one of these marvellous shirts! Buy directly here: Loblaws just sent an IP infringement to Etsy for this shirt – unless their logo is a gun and grocery basket … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Cristofer Lambe satire: “Roblaws$ Live life hungry.” Bully greed monger Loblaws attacks artist for his truthful work, orders Etsy to remove product, which Etsy did. Meanwhile, frac’ers get to lie lie lie, and lie some more. On top of boycotting Canada Day (for racism and genocide), Israeli products (for crimes against humanity in Palestine), Hockey Canada (for its gang rapes), Super Bowl (propagandizing for kid-killing land-stealing Zionists), I boycott Loblaws and Etsy too. Lobaws needs to chat with Jason Kenney to learn what stealing logos really looks like.

USA: Severe oil & gas work-related injuries during January 2015–July 2022: 32 jurisdictions reported 2,101 injuries resulting in amputation, loss of an eye, or inpatient hospitalization

Severe Work-Related Injuries in the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry — 32 Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration Jurisdictions, United States, January 2015–July 2022 by Vidisha Parasram, Christina Socias-Morales, Audrey Reichard, CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report/ February 8, 2024 … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on USA: Severe oil & gas work-related injuries during January 2015–July 2022: 32 jurisdictions reported 2,101 injuries resulting in amputation, loss of an eye, or inpatient hospitalization

Bravo TransProud Supportive Respectful Caring Alberta Kids! I am in awe at your courage and integrity. Students in Calgary, Edmonton, Leduc, Westlock etc walk out in opposition to UCP/TBA’s cruel hate-filled antitrans kids policies. Meanwhile, Premier Bigot Danielle gets “Fuck you Smith” welcome outside creepy Con (cult) Albany Club of Toronto.

Danielle Smith’s Strange Thoughts on ‘Parental Rights’, Inside the UCP’s take on the family by Susan Jane Wright, Feb 7, 2024, TodayThe Tyee Susan Jane Wright was a lawyer and an executive in the energy sector before she became a … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Bravo TransProud Supportive Respectful Caring Alberta Kids! I am in awe at your courage and integrity. Students in Calgary, Edmonton, Leduc, Westlock etc walk out in opposition to UCP/TBA’s cruel hate-filled antitrans kids policies. Meanwhile, Premier Bigot Danielle gets “Fuck you Smith” welcome outside creepy Con (cult) Albany Club of Toronto.

Take Back Alberta from Bigots! and and and …

Fantastic sign, “Take Back Alberta from Bigots!” at Day #2 pro trans rights rally in Edmonton on the weekend. Bigots. And homophobes and ignoramuses, and abusers and greedies, and cancel culture and cancel alternate energies, and science and truth haters, … Continue reading

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Dear Hate-filled Alberta TBA/UCP gov’t and inhumane bigots David Parker and Danielle Smith: Eat your heart out (if you have one). Many publicly support trans kids and oppose your cruelty; best, we don’t need to be bribed to show up (e.g. with tickets bought by others to attend your Tucker Fucker Carlson chat).

“Take Back Alberta from Bigots!” sign at pro trans rally in Edmonton on the weekend, Day #2. Chris Berthelot@DebatingChris: David Parker should eat his heart out. We didn’t have to buy people tickets to get them to show. @DavidJPba is … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Dear Hate-filled Alberta TBA/UCP gov’t and inhumane bigots David Parker and Danielle Smith: Eat your heart out (if you have one). Many publicly support trans kids and oppose your cruelty; best, we don’t need to be bribed to show up (e.g. with tickets bought by others to attend your Tucker Fucker Carlson chat).

Balcony Guy, Ottawa 2022: A True Canadian Hero, Part of Our Heritage. Fuck the Fucker Truckers.

Nota Convite@notaconvite: First of all…. Actual truckers kept trucking… they weren’t the ones who put Ottawa under siege. Sept 5, 2023. 100 years after the Freedom Convoy, all we remembered was his statement: “Take your fucking trucks and shove them … Continue reading

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Feb 7, 2024 Updated: Alberta School Walkout in response to Premier Bigot Smith and religious hate-filled Take Back Alberta (disguised as UCP) abuse of trans kids. Transgender people deserve to feel safe in school, notably when lives at home are unsafe. Big Oil Danielle and TBA/UCP need to persecute law-violating oil, gas, bitumen, frac and coal companies, not kids and alternate energies.

2023: Iceland passes conversion therapy ban that’s trans-inclusive. None voted against. “Landslide majority” for human rights! Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir: “The legislation had cross party support in parliament, despite attempts from known anti-trans hate groups under English influence to oppose … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Feb 7, 2024 Updated: Alberta School Walkout in response to Premier Bigot Smith and religious hate-filled Take Back Alberta (disguised as UCP) abuse of trans kids. Transgender people deserve to feel safe in school, notably when lives at home are unsafe. Big Oil Danielle and TBA/UCP need to persecute law-violating oil, gas, bitumen, frac and coal companies, not kids and alternate energies.

Wainright Alberta: Toxic smoke alert ended for Lycos Energy Inc. oil tanks explosion and fire. Never a dull moment in AER’s deregulated, no public interest, no duty of care, blowing up, burning up, escalating water restrictions (but not for oil, gas, coal or frac) mayhem. Meanwhile, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith sucks Canada Dry with plastic.

Comment by a rural Albertan: HUGE fire, little lease. Oil tanks. WTF happened? They should be impervious. Another interesting development in the questionably developed oil field. Premier Danielle Smith and her extreme right evangelical racist misogynistic anti-science anti-environment pro-polluter Take … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Wainright Alberta: Toxic smoke alert ended for Lycos Energy Inc. oil tanks explosion and fire. Never a dull moment in AER’s deregulated, no public interest, no duty of care, blowing up, burning up, escalating water restrictions (but not for oil, gas, coal or frac) mayhem. Meanwhile, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith sucks Canada Dry with plastic.

Colorado amends 2022 bill outlawing trade secrets to allow trade secrets: More frac fuckery loopholes by COGCC, state’s oil & gas regulator, with synergy shit and dishonesty by Env NGOs enabling it.

This is a post I did in 2022 but didn’t publish. Synergizing deceptions by NGOs are brutal for me to watch play out and endure. NGOs caused more harm to me, smearing me and my case, than the defendants in … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Colorado amends 2022 bill outlawing trade secrets to allow trade secrets: More frac fuckery loopholes by COGCC, state’s oil & gas regulator, with synergy shit and dishonesty by Env NGOs enabling it.

March 18, 2024, Calgary, AER hearing on frac fight between companies: TransAlta opposes frac’ing by Saturn Oil & Gas and Westbrick Energy near its Brazeau hydroelectric facility. Bring your own beer & popcorn. *4.0M quake Jan 31, Fox Creek (frac central), *2 km depth; 3.9M quake Jan 30, same location, 2 km depth. Better shut ‘er down frac’ers.* Where’s AER? Listed them as 3.3M and 3M (industry fudgery runs the corrupt show).

Comment by an Albertan: Is it wrong of me to wonder if industry and AER collaborate/ collude / conspire to pushing the limits until the arbitrary 4 is cracked. (didn’t mean to be punny) The quakes at Fox Creek suddenly … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on March 18, 2024, Calgary, AER hearing on frac fight between companies: TransAlta opposes frac’ing by Saturn Oil & Gas and Westbrick Energy near its Brazeau hydroelectric facility. Bring your own beer & popcorn. *4.0M quake Jan 31, Fox Creek (frac central), *2 km depth; 3.9M quake Jan 30, same location, 2 km depth. Better shut ‘er down frac’ers.* Where’s AER? Listed them as 3.3M and 3M (industry fudgery runs the corrupt show).

Pennsylvania DEP Copies Colorado’s Frac Fuckery: Orders frac’ers to keep toxic chemicals secret before drilling, instead of after. In case you’re confused: “Proprietary” chemicals remain secret (like deliberations by Canadian judges and fracs in Canada).

20 years later, and half a million dollars wasted in my lawsuit, costs that courts ordered me to pay to defendant lawyers, and water testing, industry report purchasing, FOIPs and data accumulating, I still do not know what toxic chemicals … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pennsylvania DEP Copies Colorado’s Frac Fuckery: Orders frac’ers to keep toxic chemicals secret before drilling, instead of after. In case you’re confused: “Proprietary” chemicals remain secret (like deliberations by Canadian judges and fracs in Canada).

‘Quockerwodger’ Alberta Premier Danielle Smith: “I wish you would put Steven Guilbeault in your crosshairs.” Keean Bexte: “Name a better trio than Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson and W Brett Wilson.” Dr. Jay Dr. No (deserves an Oscar): “Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis.”

Steven Guilbeault is Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change. I will never forget: 2023: Tucker Carlson says the U.S. should invade Canada. Quockerwodger is a humorous term that originated in the 1850s and means a politician who is controlled … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on ‘Quockerwodger’ Alberta Premier Danielle Smith: “I wish you would put Steven Guilbeault in your crosshairs.” Keean Bexte: “Name a better trio than Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson and W Brett Wilson.” Dr. Jay Dr. No (deserves an Oscar): “Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis.”

Frac’ing Canada Dry: Dawson Creek, NEBC’s Frac Central, activates Stage 2 water restrictions for “persons.” Are frac’ers persons?

Dawson Creek to implement Stage 2 water restrictions due to recent cold and drought by Michael Popove, CJDC-TV News, January 25, 2024 DAWSON CREEK — NEBC’s frac frenzy and The recent cold snap and current drought conditions in the Peace … Continue reading

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Canadian gas ‘n oil polluters pissed off by Biden pausing unnatural frac’d LNG approvals in the USA. Dr. Sandra Steingraber: “It looks like Enbridge is mad.” TXSharon: “If Enbridge is mad, it’s a good day.”

This fit of dismay by Canada’s energy industry gives me perverse pleasure. The industry still owes me many apologies, my quiet back (I live surrounded by frac compressors, noisy and polluting as hell), and my illegally frac’d water restored. December … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Canadian gas ‘n oil polluters pissed off by Biden pausing unnatural frac’d LNG approvals in the USA. Dr. Sandra Steingraber: “It looks like Enbridge is mad.” TXSharon: “If Enbridge is mad, it’s a good day.”

Diversified Energy, largest owner of oil & gas wells in USA with 10% of national total at 78,000, may not be able to pay to clean up inactive wells and reportedly self-reported its cash flows using “a flawed and misleading methodology.” Worse, “Diversified’s methane emission intensity was as much as 16 times higher than the company reports.”

Are any oil and gas companies planning to pay to clean up after their multi-billion dollar profit-raping of North America? It appears not and seems intentional with self-regulators like OGC and AER enabling the rip offs. Diversified Energy tumbles as … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Diversified Energy, largest owner of oil & gas wells in USA with 10% of national total at 78,000, may not be able to pay to clean up inactive wells and reportedly self-reported its cash flows using “a flawed and misleading methodology.” Worse, “Diversified’s methane emission intensity was as much as 16 times higher than the company reports.”

Courageous funny (!!) Nicola Sturgeon tells it how it is: Matt Hancock as “weaker than a nuns piss,” Liz Truss as “about as much use as a marzipan dildo (too funny!) and Suella Bravemann as “Shitler.”

@Emeraldilse65: She should not apologize for speaking the truth. @yp780201: God, Nicola is witty, she needs Damehood for coming up with these names… @PoliticoForYou Jan 25, 204: BREAKING Nicola Sturgeon urged to apologize after leaked WhatsApp messages describing Matt Hankcock … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Courageous funny (!!) Nicola Sturgeon tells it how it is: Matt Hancock as “weaker than a nuns piss,” Liz Truss as “about as much use as a marzipan dildo (too funny!) and Suella Bravemann as “Shitler.”

Self-reporting/self-regulation doesn’t work: Alberta’s tarsands pollution 6,300% higher than bitumen companies/Pathways Alliance/AER/CAPP’s propaganda says. Air quality expert Jeffrey Brook: “there’s a whole class of air pollutants that are being released in large quantities that are largely, if not completely, being excluded from official reporting.”

Brilliant letter by John Baxter: TAR SANDS ARE NOT OILSANDS. Nikiforuk risks arrest on Burnaby Mountain for future of his sons. Canadian tar sands pollution is up to 6,300% higher than reported, study finds, Call for companies to ‘clean up … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Self-reporting/self-regulation doesn’t work: Alberta’s tarsands pollution 6,300% higher than bitumen companies/Pathways Alliance/AER/CAPP’s propaganda says. Air quality expert Jeffrey Brook: “there’s a whole class of air pollutants that are being released in large quantities that are largely, if not completely, being excluded from official reporting.”

Ontario: Pathetic $23.6 Million Action Plan to *try* to stop abandoned oil and gas wells (most locations unknown) from exploding and killing. Rural Albertan: “I don’t think $2 million or $23 million will prevent them all from ‘exploding’ … omg too funny.” And, irresponsible and too tragic.

Map of some of the Ontario energy wells (many of them leaking and or abandoned, including deadly sour gas) as of April 5, 2015. 3,600 of these have been frac’d as of that date (how many more since?) while Ontario … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Ontario: Pathetic $23.6 Million Action Plan to *try* to stop abandoned oil and gas wells (most locations unknown) from exploding and killing. Rural Albertan: “I don’t think $2 million or $23 million will prevent them all from ‘exploding’ … omg too funny.” And, irresponsible and too tragic.

Alberta 2024 drought at Stage 4/5. Sundre begins planning. What will you do when your community runs out of water? Even frac’ers are stressed: “They’ve got to draw water from somewhere…they’re saying there’s barely any water.”

There’s no stress like water stress. I know, I’ve been living it for 20 years. 2012: AEA: Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe A … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta 2024 drought at Stage 4/5. Sundre begins planning. What will you do when your community runs out of water? Even frac’ers are stressed: “They’ve got to draw water from somewhere…they’re saying there’s barely any water.”

New Study: North Dakota frac boom caused home evictions, housing instability. “Rural counties like Williams Co…experienced rapid in-migration of oilfield workers and, consequently, acute housing shortages” and “rural gentrification” (long-term residents displaced by higher-income oilfield workers). “Fossil fuel extraction…is not a formula for long-term prosperity.”

After the study was submitted for publication: Ukrainians move to North Dakota for oil field jobs to help families facing war back home, Ukrainian refugees are finding work in North Dakota’s oil industry–which has struggled to fill jobs. Bakken GROW … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Study: North Dakota frac boom caused home evictions, housing instability. “Rural counties like Williams Co…experienced rapid in-migration of oilfield workers and, consequently, acute housing shortages” and “rural gentrification” (long-term residents displaced by higher-income oilfield workers). “Fossil fuel extraction…is not a formula for long-term prosperity.”

Alberta: Rural municipalities call for end to oil and gas industry’s 3-year holiday on taxes as companies make record profits. Lacombe County Reeve Barb Shepherd: “They’re still riding on the backs of our ratepayers.” And refuse to clean up or repair the aquifers they frac and contaminate.

Rural municipalities call for end to oil industry tax break, Municipalities say makes no sense to maintain tax breaks when industry thriving by Paul Cowley, Jan 18, 2024, Red Deer Advocate Rural municipal leaders say it is time to restore … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta: Rural municipalities call for end to oil and gas industry’s 3-year holiday on taxes as companies make record profits. Lacombe County Reeve Barb Shepherd: “They’re still riding on the backs of our ratepayers.” And refuse to clean up or repair the aquifers they frac and contaminate.

Alberta’s Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission votes to immediately stop use of its water for frac’ing. Carstairs Mayor and Board chair Lance Colby: “The request is that none of the towns supply water for fracking.” Defiant member town Crossfield: We’re not going to stop.

This post is for you Rob Schwartz. 2023: Rest well Rob Schwartz. We’ll miss you dearly. 2007, Ottawa: Rob Schwartz on his way to present to a parliamentary committee on known harms to Alberta water by frac’ers. 2012: AEA: Support … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta’s Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission votes to immediately stop use of its water for frac’ing. Carstairs Mayor and Board chair Lance Colby: “The request is that none of the towns supply water for fracking.” Defiant member town Crossfield: We’re not going to stop.

Art Berman: Overshoot (humans using natural resources and polluting at rates beyond earth’s capacity to recover) and the planetary predicament. His solution: “Radically reduce the consumption of all energy–fossil energy, renewable energy, nuclear energy–all energy.”

I wholeheartedly agree and have been saying so my entire life. And that humans must stop all food and water waste and reduce water use and stop polluting it with toxic chemicals. Intentionally contaminating potable water and injecting it to … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Art Berman: Overshoot (humans using natural resources and polluting at rates beyond earth’s capacity to recover) and the planetary predicament. His solution: “Radically reduce the consumption of all energy–fossil energy, renewable energy, nuclear energy–all energy.”

Oilfield worker (frac’er? radioactive waste handler?) covered in sour crude oil (or frac waste?) “so strong and noxious” entire Weyburn General Hospital was contaminated and evacuated, source later “bagged and tagged.”

Services resume at Weyburn General Hospital following evacuation by 650 CKOM, Jan 13, 2024 The Saskatchewan Health Authority announced that services would resume at Weyburn General Hospital at 2 p.m. on Saturday. The hospital was evacuated on Friday due to … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Oilfield worker (frac’er? radioactive waste handler?) covered in sour crude oil (or frac waste?) “so strong and noxious” entire Weyburn General Hospital was contaminated and evacuated, source later “bagged and tagged.”

Steve Harper running Norway’s courts? Truls Gulowsen:“It’s frightening that the judicial system shows so little understanding for environmental rights.” I think the judges understand very well – they’re paid to serve the rich, which includes polluting miners and their toxic waste.

Norway to allow mining waste to be dumped in fjords, Environmental campaigners say move will threaten marine life and put biodiversity at risk by Elisabeth Ulven and Tone Sutterud, Fri 12 Jan 2024, The Guardian Norway is to allow mining … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Steve Harper running Norway’s courts? Truls Gulowsen:“It’s frightening that the judicial system shows so little understanding for environmental rights.” I think the judges understand very well – they’re paid to serve the rich, which includes polluting miners and their toxic waste.

Dear Mountain View Co Reeve Angela Aalbers: Of course you can and must dispute Tourmaline’s frac invasion of McDougal Flats. You could have denied the road use agreement. You can say the county has no water to spare. You can say “NO!” Lethbridge and Calgary did and won. You can object to Tourmaline, CAPP, UCP, AER, Alberta Environment, Danielle Smith and more. You can answer gov’ts request to municipalities for a plan on conserving water; you could suggest banning frac’ing. Doing nothing means you endorse **permanent** removal of millions of gallons of water from the hydrogeological cycle and puts residents at risk of health harm.

Comment by Barb Ryan, resident in Frac Central Fox Creek Alberta: Wow, not only did reeve Angela Aalbers repeat the same thing “not our jurisdiction,” in a few ways, over and over BUT Dan Singleton wrote it over and over. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Dear Mountain View Co Reeve Angela Aalbers: Of course you can and must dispute Tourmaline’s frac invasion of McDougal Flats. You could have denied the road use agreement. You can say the county has no water to spare. You can say “NO!” Lethbridge and Calgary did and won. You can object to Tourmaline, CAPP, UCP, AER, Alberta Environment, Danielle Smith and more. You can answer gov’ts request to municipalities for a plan on conserving water; you could suggest banning frac’ing. Doing nothing means you endorse **permanent** removal of millions of gallons of water from the hydrogeological cycle and puts residents at risk of health harm.

Frac’d to hell Alberta dries up. Fast.

A bit of Alberta water-raping history: Frac Water Orgy Announced by AER’s Mark Taylor (ex-manager Encana who lied to Rosebud, said Encana would never frac their drinking water). No Wonder AEP is Taking Water Licences Away from Farmers/Ranchers: AER grants … Continue reading

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Anti Science, Anti Health, Anti Canada hatred and ignorance spreading, thanks to Take Back Alberta baffoonery, the fucker truckers and their dark money funding and lawyer-leading by Calgary’s vile ‘n wacko spy-on-judges Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (but only for them, not the rest of us, especially not anyone choosing health protections and wanting safe air to breath)

It’s clear the anti-science movement has a tight grip on the Alberta government, In Alberta, some politicians and activists are still flying the ‘freedom’ flag and continuing their fight against vaccination and necessary public health measures by Gillian Steward, January … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Anti Science, Anti Health, Anti Canada hatred and ignorance spreading, thanks to Take Back Alberta baffoonery, the fucker truckers and their dark money funding and lawyer-leading by Calgary’s vile ‘n wacko spy-on-judges Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (but only for them, not the rest of us, especially not anyone choosing health protections and wanting safe air to breath)

Art Berman: Beginning of the End for the Permian (and Bakken and Eagle Ford …)

This is an important must read, especially for those who believe in frac’d oil and gas fairy tales of never-ending riches via polluting, water-destroying health-harming rape and pillage. Hello Danielle Smith, Pierre Picklehead, BC NDP, Scott Moe, and Lord of … Continue reading

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