I also boycott the Olympigs, for obvious reasons. I will order one of these marvellous shirts!
Buy directly here:
Loblaws just sent an IP infringement to Etsy for this shirt – unless their logo is a gun and grocery basket I don’t understand how this breaks their IP. Maybe their real slogan is actually ‘Live Life Hungry’ and it isn’t just my satire?
Loblaws tries to take down Toronto-made parody merch that calls out its high prices by Becky Robertson, Feb 10, 2024, blogTO
A Toronto-based artist who has been taking a public swing at companies that many perceive to be failing their customers is yet again in hot water over his work this week.
Cristofer Lam, whose Metrolinx spoof merchandise went viral before the transit agency made him switch up his design, has now been asked by Loblaw Companies Ltd. to cease production on a line of garments that takes aim at the grocery giant.
In the same vein as his “Metrostinx” shirts, mugs and tote bags, Lam’s Loblaws-themed motifs use a version of the retailer’s logo that is altered to say “Roblaw$,” an obvious reference to the store’s sky-high prices that consumers have been in uproar about for months.
(Even better, Lam rewrote the brand’s “Live Life Well” slogan to “Live Life Hungry,” which customers will likely find much more fitting.)
Unfortunately for the artist and his fans, representatives from Loblaw have approached him regarding the items, saying that the reworked logo is too close to their own.Oh come on greedy steal-from-the-poor Loblaws, it doesn’t look anything like your boring logo. Loblaws and Etsy need to chat with Alberta’s punted out ex-premier Jason Kenney to learn what logo stealing really looks like.
“In today’s episode of ‘What major Canadian Corp is coming after me today,’ we have Loblaws saying my Roblaws shirt infringes on their intellectual property… unless their slogan is ‘Live Life Hungry’ and their logo is a gun and grocery basket I’m not so sure it holds up,” Lam wrote in community Facebook group Weird Toronto on Wednesday.
“Loblaws sucks and if you want one, you now have to message me directly… anyways, keep dragging shitty corporations screwing the people!”
Lam’s post about Loblaw trying to crack down on his design has received tons of action in the Weird Toronto Facebook group.
As of Wednesday, Loblaw was successfully able to get the shirts in question removed from Lam’s Etsy platform.Wow, that’s gross. As gross as disqus cowardly removing Will Koop’s honest comment about my lying quitting bully ex lead lawyer Murray Klippenstein after he demanded it get removed? More below.
He was, however, able to get around the same issue with Metrolinx in the past by changing the logo yet again, so there may still be hope for those who want to see the Roblaws products continue.
In the meantime, Lam will still sell the stock he has directly, including at local markets like the upcoming Toronto Dark Arts Market in Parkdale on Saturday.
“Everyone has been super supportive of the work… I love seeing them in the wild and that it has made the phrases more popular,” he told blogTO of his various designs last month.
He added that he plans to continue creating and selling new items that take incompetent corporations and agencies to task.
Peter Hickman @Pjhvan:
Loblaws deliberately keeping prices high so @PierrePoilievre can own the Libs
Charlie Angus@CharlieAngusNDP:
This quote from @cathmckenna sums it all up:
“The Pathways Alliance of oilsands companies fill the airwaves with net zero claims but instead their emissions are going up, they’re investing a fraction of their profits in clean solutions and are lobbying against climate action.”
I bet the rich will never allow a bill mandating that frac’ers, bitumen, oil, gas and coal profit-rapers tell us the truth, or if they do allow it, the law will be so filled with corporate benefiting loopholes and escape hatch words like typically, could, maybe, might, should, bla bla lying bla bla etc., it would be useless except to continue the con.
Loblaws just sent an IP infringement to Etsy for this shirt – unless their logo is a gun and grocery basket I don’t understand how this breaks their IP. Maybe their real slogan is actually ‘Live Life Hungry’ and it isn’t just my satire?
Refer also to:
Comment by a Rural Albertan:
Murray the dickhead missed his chance. Instead of being known as a champion of right he will be known in history as the selfish coward who backed out. Now that’s justice.
WillKoop Mr. Koop’s comment was removed from the comments at Tyee after I posted it, seems by disqus. There’s nothing in it that isn’t public. Did Mr. Klippenstein threaten to sue disqus? Mr. Klippenstein sued the Ontario Law Society (LSO) to defend his freedom of thought and expression while denying us non-lawyers ours – the worst of it is he is on the Board of the LSO, “regulator” of lawyers. Comment today, Feb 11, 2024, Klippenstein got his dirty ass voted off the board of his self regulator, proving there are some lawyers with scruples.
Thank you, Andrew.
Mr. Klippenstein was raised a as a conservative Mennonite in Canada. The way I see it, as someone who has followed Ernst’s case for some ten years and filmed a number of her and Nikiforuk’s presentations in Alberta, Klippenstein seems to have abandoned his moral teaching and duties in refusing to release ALL of Jessica Ernst’s legal files. This is very troubling and dishonorable, amidst ongoing numerous Supreme Court, provincial government and private industry shenanigans over the last 16 years or so. Aside from the obvious and irksome question as to why Klippenstein would have bridled Ernst’s access to her own website for a lengthy period of time, why would he then choose not to release all the files to his client, after promising to do so, and fake some idiotic excuse in Nikiforuk’s article to get himself off the public hook??? Hmmmm. Hiding something? The best thing for Klippenstein to do, before descending into Dante’s stairway to hell, is to release her files. Perhaps then there may be a secret path to Dante’s purgatory!
Comment Feb 11, 2024: Klippenstein still has not yet released my files to me. His self regulator with him on the board was useless, as I knew it would be. I’ve painfully and at great financial loss, learned promises by lawyers are worthless. Never trust a word by a lawyer or the lawyers at their self regulator, and for sure, never trust a lawyer’s written promise. My lawyers cost me a fortune in my time (years), legal fees and photocopying, and caused me horrific stresses. I still don’t even have a copy of my final file (massive) that I paid Klippensteins to prepare and paid the mandatory Ottawa agent lawyer to prepare, and get printed, and submit to the supreme court of Canada. The lawyers got copies and 26 some copies (a dreadful intentional waste of money, time and forest) were filed with the secretive lying racist anti-Black, anti-Palestinian court. I did not receive my copy (the Ottawa agent made a lot of mistakes while working on my case, costing me extra money for nothing, no need to wonder why, one mistake was “forgetting” my copy). In my experience, my ex-lawyers were not working for me (who paid their way), they were working for themselves, their carers, and the rotten system. And the judges that intentionally published lies about me and my case, have not corrected their dishonesty. What a hack Canada is.
Yeah, what is he hiding? I’d like to know. Me too!