Steven Guilbeault is Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
I will never forget:
2023: Tucker Carlson says the U.S. should invade Canada.
Quockerwodger is a humorous term that originated in the 1850s and means a politician who is controlled by someone else
“Quockerwodger” is a rather obscure and rarely used term in modern political discourse. It refers to politicians who are not truly representing their constituents or acting in the public interest, but are instead serving the interests of those who control them.
2023 cartoon by Michael de Adder
Conservatives in Alberta really got all excited to spend their money to listen to a speech from a guy who a few years ago went on television and ranted for several minutes about how the brown M&M doesn’t give him a boner anymore because it was wearing lower heals
Cis Darius – Author.@OSTBear:
No No, several THOUSAND went for free because they couldn’t sell enough tickets
2023 cartoon by Michael de Adder
They may not be the brightest lights in the room but FREEEEEEDOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!
Also, “unity” somehow. Maybe when they get their beloved US invasion, we will be “united” with the States (?)
I guess Brown M&M doesn’t have the freedom to wear flats
omg this has me howling with laughter!! Fkn comedy gold
Keean Bexte Jan 24, 2024:
Name a better trio than @TuckerCarlson @JordanPeterson @WBrettWilson
JRG @DrJayDrNo;
Lesson learned: goobers do not like the suggestion that their heroes are syphilitic.
They are big mad.
Keean Bexte Jan 24, 2024:
Name a better trio than @TuckerCarlson @JordanPeterson @WBrettWilson
JRG @DrJayDrNo:
Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis.
Teach Critical Thinking@jsinvr:
Picked up from one another.Roaring laughter!
Amir Attaran (@email hidden; JavaScript is required)@profamirattaran:
From left to right:
- Drug addict who went to Russia for rehab
- Spends $8000 for a bottle of Tylenol
- Bozo employee who cost his boss almost $800 million
- Convicted criminal
Barb Germann@BarbJG:
Foriegn interference anyone?
Teach Critical Thinking@jsinvr:
This photo screams violence. Two of the world’s worst misogynists, welcomed by a MAGA premier with a Trump-pardoned felon thrown in for good measure. It’s hard to digest.
Adam van Koeverden@vankayak:
This is astonishingly reckless and irresponsible.
By intentionally using this inflammatory language, Premier Smith is encouraging violence against politicians that she disagrees with.
As if sharing a stage with someone as racist and sexist as Tucker Carlson is wasn’t enough.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is just another inhumane lying fascist Canadian Repuglican monster like Steve Harper and Pierre Picklehead:
The Breakdown@TheBreakdownAB:
“She also encouraged Carlson to direct some of his anger toward federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault…
“I wish you would put Steven Guilbeault in your crosshairs,” Smith said.”
Sandy Garossino@Garossino:
She knew exactly what she was doing.Of course; Danielle Smith is 1000% vicious white-privileged cruelty behind her fake smearing smiles which induce vomit.
Catherine McKenna@cathmckenna:
This is a big security issue. I hope folks are on it and taking it seriously.
And Danielle Smith needs to be called out.
Appalling. Danielle Smith encouraging American right-wing rage farmer with a massive base to attack a Canadian politician. UnCanadian and dangerous.
Dr. Fiona Mattatall @FionaMattatall:
That sounds like an overt incitement of violence towards an elected official, right?
Bogs Cis McFleegel@BogsMcfleegel:
Remember when people printed out range targets with Ms Notley’s face on them and some judge decided that was ”ok”? This will be the same.
Gordon Pattie@GWPattie:
Are you F**king kidding me?
Danielle Smith should be taken down and arrested for threatening the life of a Federal Minister. This is beyond the pale.
What a disgusting comment especially on the heels of what happened at Edmonton City Hall.
If someone said that about Smith, the UCP would be flooding the media with statements about how it was promoting violence against her.
There truly is no low for that woman.That’s why the oil patch, USA dark money, and Take Back Alberta deep into the misogynistic ignorant cave got rid of Jason Kenney and shuffled Smith into power.
Jane Daly@dalybeauty:
Right after a shooting in her province.Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if thug Trump, Fucker Carlson and his Evil Ugly Queen Smith and Pierre Picklehead hired the shooter to flame their fascista extravaganza “debate.”
Truly no low – she is a disgusting example for all humans, but particularly young women.Which I think is Fascist Take Back Alberta’s uber religious women-hating intent.
MyFirstSocialMediaAccount @MyFirstSocialM2:
Not much of a leader if she has to resort to having Tucker do her fighting for her.
Nick Lowe @ewolkcin:
Seriously, after what happened in Edmonton yesterday, she used crosshairs?
A man using a rifle shot windows in City hall and set off a molotov cocktail. Was stopped by an unarmed guard. Apparently, he was well equipped with more weaponry
Leacy O’Brien@Leacyo:
The weapon reference is shocking – and alarming . Some ‘hero’ in the audience might be triggered by a call to arms by the Premier.
Peterson, Black, and Carlson are all Trump allies. Smith was endorsed by Harper and Harper’s side-kick at the IDU(Roman) was indicted with Trump. As PP is accused of using Trump’s playbook Trump outlines his plan for dictatorship.
Dani: I will do an interview with literally anyone*
*anyone associated with white nationalism, neonazis, islamophobic, antisemitism, homophobic, transphobic, flatearther, antivax, anti choice, white collar crime, sexualized violence, sexual abuse of minors, domestic terrorism
Bruce Arthur@bruce_arthur:
The state of Canadian conservatism: homophobic jokes, climate change denial, anti-vaccine, anti-trans, white grievance, pro-Russian, lies about democracy, a misunderstanding of the concept of free speech and what constitutes mainstream media in Canada, and more
Max Fawcett @maxfawcett:
Conrad Black and Jordan Peterson have columns in the National Post. Tucker Carlson was a host on the most popular TV news network in Americ
You know, the mainstream media.
I’ve endured environment-hating misogynistic Alberta men behaving despicably towards me most of my career and in my community. I am especially hated because I am female and work to try to protect the environment in their Alberta, their oil patch. Women verboten! (Yet, many of them took credit for my ideas and work and never apologized after being called on it.)
When I bought my property at Rosebud, a much abused old farm and 50 acres that has taken me over 20 years to clean up and restore the grasses on, one of my neighbours refused to shake my hand when I put my hand out to shake his. He recoiled in disgust, saying out loud he wouldn’t shake my hand because I was one of those types using the environment to destroy Alberta and the economy.
There is no economy without life, which needs clean air, land, water and food.
After I began speaking out publicly about the law violations by Encana/Ovintiv, AER, Alberta Environment and the Alberta gov’t, men in my community and from far afield, began dropping in at my home to threaten me and my dogs, including shooting directly at us, on our own land and towards the house with us in it. My dogs Bandit and Magic were rescues, terrified of gunshots and became increasingly frenzied with stress and fear when we were shot at. Some of the men demanded that I drop my lawsuit and to stop talking to the media (because only men are allowed to do that). As if I would heed threats from cowards.
American Repuglican and past Alberta MLA Ted Morton (not shooting on my land)
Too many Albertans are racist bigoted ignorant old white Repuglican immigrants from America (like Fucker Carlson) screaming hatred towards immigrants. Cruel, cowardly, misogynistic, gun-worshipping, unimaginative bullies deeply in love with industries that are destroying their health, and their children’s and grandchildren’s prosperity and futures.
PS Alberta men need to watch Barbie, twice.
Refer also to:
2012: Danielle Smith and the War on Canada by Montreal Simon:
Uh oh. Somebody call a tow truck. I see Danielle Smith and her Wild Hog Party’s triumphal ride desperate race to the finishing line, is temporarily bogged down in a redneck swamp of pig shit and bigotry.
With Big Oil’s Bubbah Barbie hiding from the public and the media.
The Conservatives said Wildrose candidates are “missing in action” from Fort McMurray to Lethbridge and the NDP said Smith — in a bid to preserve her party’s lead in the polls — is dodging tough questions about her stance on climate change and candidates’ social views.
So she can get enough sleep, get some more coaching from her campaign manager Tom “Strangelove” Flanagan…
And somehow find the strength to massage the fleshy hind quarters of yet another Wild Hog bigot.
Ms. Smith was asked about the comment early Tuesday.
“I’m not concerned about them. I think every candidate puts forward the best argument about why they should be the best candidate to represent the community,” she said.
Which is scary enough eh? Do those rednecks wear cowboy hats or hoods? And should gays, visible minorities, and women who might need an abortion leave the bigot province now or later?
But you know what’s the scariest part? If you google their list of good ol’ boys.
It’s clear that they are the greatest collection of kooks, climate change deniers, Alberta firewallers, religious fanatics, and just plain crazies this country has ever seen.
They hate Canada and its values more than the Quebec separatists. And if they get elected they will wage war on us, torch every environmental regulation they can, weaken the CPP, and fatally undermine our medicare system.
And the good news? Stephen Harper is one of THEM:
“I, too, am one of these angry westerners … We may love Canada but Canada does not love us … Let’s make (Alberta) strong enough that the rest of the country is afraid to threaten us.” Report Newsmagazine, December 2000.
And since the Cons’ Alberta-first petro-dollar policies are destroying good manufacturing jobs in the other provinces, especially in battleground Ontario. And little Jimbo Flaherty is sounding like he works for the Alberta Chamber of Commerce.
I think we can stir up a storm of righteous regional alienation, plaster Harper’s face all over it, force him to choose between the Alberta supremacists/separatists and Canada. And use the Bubbah Barbie to help destroy him.
Golly. How ironic eh?
Hey redneck. Put another ten bucks on Barbie and the pig.
I loathe everything they stand for. And I feel sorry for the good people in Alberta.
But Con fighting Con is a sight I could enjoy.
And the fate of Canada is more important…