Nota Convite@notaconvite:
First of all…. Actual truckers kept trucking… they weren’t the ones who put Ottawa under siege.
Sept 5, 2023.
100 years after the Freedom Convoy, all we remembered was his statement:
“Take your fucking trucks and shove them up your fucking asses, you terrorist scumbag fucks.”
@glen_mcgregor Feb 1, 2024:
Balcony Man dropped 81 f-bombs in his tirade, about one very three seconds. The clip was once included in Stephen Colbert’s monologue on CBS’s The Late Show.
And…he was a resident being disturbed. I might have dropped more that 81 F bombs.I would have for sure dropped many more than 81 had fucker truckers been outside my home spewing their toxic diesel fumes, blasting horns and partying 24/7, complete with loud speakers and hot tubs, aided and abetted by Ottawa’s dirty police and Ontario’s even dirtier Doug Ford gov’t.
Refer also to:
‘Freedom Convoy’ supporter says Confederate flag on his truck a ‘rebel sign’
A pickup truck decorated with a Confederate flag at the “Freedom Convoy” in Ottawa early last year was driven by a local roofer who supported the protests, not by Liberal government “provocateurs” as convoy organizers alleged at the public inquiry into the invoking of the Emergencies Act. …
….to many, the flag is a racist symbol and a disturbing reminder of the U.S. Confederacy’s fight to preserve slavery. …