Courageous funny (!!) Nicola Sturgeon tells it how it is: Matt Hancock as “weaker than a nuns piss,” Liz Truss as “about as much use as a marzipan dildo (too funny!) and Suella Bravemann as “Shitler.”


She should not apologize for speaking the truth.


God, Nicola is witty, she needs Damehood for coming up with these names…

@PoliticoForYou Jan 25, 204:

BREAKING Nicola Sturgeon urged to apologize after leaked WhatsApp messages describing Matt Hankcock as “Weaker than a nuns piss,” Liz Truss as “About as much use as a marzipan dildo,” and referring to Suella Braverman at “Shitler.”

Ralston Milton Nettleford@Portlandia62:

Hahahahaha. I want to see the other insults she used. This is pure gold.


@NicolaSturgeon has nothing to appologise for


Well she wasn’t wrong and she said it privately. If it got leaked, it got leaked.

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