Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

Feb 22, 2022, 10am to 3pm, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA Shale Gas and Public Health: Translating Science into Policy, a public health summit hosted by Environmental Health Project

Register Speakers and Topics include: Endocrine Disruption: Dr. Linda Birnbaum, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Child Health and Development: Dr. Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, University of Toronto Scarborough Health Economics: Dr. Nicholas Muller, Carnegie Mellon University Environmental Justice: Rev. Dr. Gregory … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Feb 22, 2022, 10am to 3pm, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA Shale Gas and Public Health: Translating Science into Policy, a public health summit hosted by Environmental Health Project

COP26 is Synergy (no action except billions more public dollars to oil and gas polluters, lots of empty promises and yak). Orion Magazine on Frac Harms: “There exists an axis of betrayal between transnational oil and gas corporations and governments that allows the violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” enabled by courts.

In my view, COP26 (and those before and ahead), is a synergy fest of mostly male (photo below of the leaders attending) corruption, greed and circuitous chatter between gov’ts, industry and NGOs to con the masses into thinking emissions are … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on COP26 is Synergy (no action except billions more public dollars to oil and gas polluters, lots of empty promises and yak). Orion Magazine on Frac Harms: “There exists an axis of betrayal between transnational oil and gas corporations and governments that allows the violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” enabled by courts.

Ernst Frac’d & Fuck’d by Usual Sad Sacks of Shit: Encana, Ovintiv and CEO Gwyn Morgan, later by her own lawyers Murray Klippenstein and Cory Wanless, with Alberta courts and Supreme Court of Canada pissing on the rule of law to protect polluters (100% industry-funded AER).

Many thanks to Sharon for sending this image today. No, I did not add any of the “E”s. Better to walk through hell than succumb to Canada’s rotten corporate, regulatory and legal systems gagging me via delay after delay after … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Ernst Frac’d & Fuck’d by Usual Sad Sacks of Shit: Encana, Ovintiv and CEO Gwyn Morgan, later by her own lawyers Murray Klippenstein and Cory Wanless, with Alberta courts and Supreme Court of Canada pissing on the rule of law to protect polluters (100% industry-funded AER).

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board says “hydraulic fracturing is a delicate process.” Schlumberger Chair and CEO Andrew Gould told investors it’s done by “brute force and ignorance.”

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorsed Trump and got rid of award-winning cartoonist Rob Rogers (for being honest?). My favourite of Mr. Roger’s brilliant cartoons is included below. A few of the comments to the article: Not Saying: Fracking is an environmental … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board says “hydraulic fracturing is a delicate process.” Schlumberger Chair and CEO Andrew Gould told investors it’s done by “brute force and ignorance.”

Legal Shit Show on Crack Continues: Cabot Oil v. Ray Kemble. 2008: Cabot contaminated Dimock drinking water. 2020: PA AG filed 15 criminal charges, including 9 felonies, against Cabot. 2021: Cabot becomes Coterra Energy. Changing names hides crimes (like Encana to Ovintiv).

When frac-harmed citizens hire lawyers, who do the lawyers really represent? Frac’ers? Judges the lawyers bow down to or the status quo? In my view, the lawyers I hired (Murray Klippenstein and Cory Wanless), put my faith in, and paid … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Legal Shit Show on Crack Continues: Cabot Oil v. Ray Kemble. 2008: Cabot contaminated Dimock drinking water. 2020: PA AG filed 15 criminal charges, including 9 felonies, against Cabot. 2021: Cabot becomes Coterra Energy. Changing names hides crimes (like Encana to Ovintiv).

Alberta Cover-up Capital: Frac’ing near 5.0M earthquake 31km WNW of Rocky Mountain House; AER reported nothing about that or waste injection, just said industry didn’t do it.

One of the “felt” reports: “At the coordinates you give for the epicentre there is a big frack going on….” Some of industry’s wells in the quake area, from BOE Report: Earthquakes Canada Felt Reports Snap taken Nov 6, 2021 … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta Cover-up Capital: Frac’ing near 5.0M earthquake 31km WNW of Rocky Mountain House; AER reported nothing about that or waste injection, just said industry didn’t do it.

AER: Regulation only when it suits them. Tidewater Midstream, spills 30,000 litres acidic water into creek, charged with 10 violations, including releasing substance that “caused or may have caused an adverse effect.” Encana injected 18 *million* litres frac fluid into Rosebud’s aquifers contaminating them, covered it up but is not charged. Instead, the company’s VP Gerry Protti and manager Mark Taylor rewarded with top jobs at AER, and CEO Gwyn Morgan the Order of Canada.

Encana kept their illegal aquifer fracs secret and later lied about them to the harmed and public. Encana intentionally commingled its multiple frac zone gas wells to prevent accurate fingerprinting data collection. Encana has yet to disclose to me and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on AER: Regulation only when it suits them. Tidewater Midstream, spills 30,000 litres acidic water into creek, charged with 10 violations, including releasing substance that “caused or may have caused an adverse effect.” Encana injected 18 *million* litres frac fluid into Rosebud’s aquifers contaminating them, covered it up but is not charged. Instead, the company’s VP Gerry Protti and manager Mark Taylor rewarded with top jobs at AER, and CEO Gwyn Morgan the Order of Canada.

Nov 16 &17, 2021: 9th Annual Shale & Public Health Conference including Community Voices and Participatory Research from Canada

The Straight Scoop on Shale A project of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund, Nov 16 & 17, 2021, Free but requires registration. Featuring new research presented by national experts on shale and public health impacts, … Continue reading

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Frac’d to Hell in Pennsylvania: Methane contaminated water only the beginning

They Couldn’t Drink Their Water. And Still, They Stayed Quiet by Colin Jerolmack, Sept 17, 2021, The New York Times Mr. Jerolmack is the author of “Up to Heaven and Down to Hell: Fracking, Freedom, and Community in an American Town,” … Continue reading

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Another warning for investors: Water gets her revenge against big oil, fills most valuable part of Suncor’s Fort Hills tarshit mine in Alberta

Water problems at Suncor Energy’s massive Fort Hills mine cast shadow over stock, analysts say, Shares down since company confirmed the issue during earnings call by Geoffrey Morgan, Aug 06, 2021, Financial Post Water is flowing into the most valuable … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Another warning for investors: Water gets her revenge against big oil, fills most valuable part of Suncor’s Fort Hills tarshit mine in Alberta

New evil low (copying the UK?): Ontario turns H2S gas well into water well to make citizen pay (up to $900,000.00) to plug it. What will investors, insurance and finance think of this crass oil & gas industry-enabling fraud by authorities?

they can designate it a water well all they want … doesn’t change the industry impact and exploding towns and cities … which i believe is of great interest to the insurance industry … and banks … and they can … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New evil low (copying the UK?): Ontario turns H2S gas well into water well to make citizen pay (up to $900,000.00) to plug it. What will investors, insurance and finance think of this crass oil & gas industry-enabling fraud by authorities?

Nov 8, 2021: Frac Investors Beware: Untold Financial Risks of Radioactive Waste to be Publicly Disclosed

PDF of the presentations. Recording of the webinar will be posted when it’s available. Two of Melissa Troutman’s slides: In Alberta, companies (including bully brute Encana/Ovintiv) dump their waste on crop and pasture lands, with AER nowhere to be seen: … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Nov 8, 2021: Frac Investors Beware: Untold Financial Risks of Radioactive Waste to be Publicly Disclosed

Another damning paper by Dominic DiGiulio et al: Chevron oilfield waste “ponds” contaminating groundwater in California. DiGiulio warns the ponds constitute “a potential wide-scale legacy groundwater contamination issue.” Think of Alberta’s toxic tarsands waste lakes, industry’s largest unlined waste “ponds” on earth, leaking into the Athabasca River and groundwater, with AER doing little but deregulate.

Vulnerability of Groundwater Resources Underlying Unlined Produced Water Ponds in the Tulare Basin of the San Joaquin Valley, California by Dominic C. DiGiulio, Robert J. Rossi, Jessie M. Jaeger, Seth B. C. Shonkoff, and Joseph N. Ryan, Oct 15, 2021, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Another damning paper by Dominic DiGiulio et al: Chevron oilfield waste “ponds” contaminating groundwater in California. DiGiulio warns the ponds constitute “a potential wide-scale legacy groundwater contamination issue.” Think of Alberta’s toxic tarsands waste lakes, industry’s largest unlined waste “ponds” on earth, leaking into the Athabasca River and groundwater, with AER doing little but deregulate.

City of Iqaluit says historical fuel spill likely source of drinking water contamination

Imagine the contamination caused by Encana/Ovintiv deliberately injecting – under high pressure – 18 million litres of mystery frac fluid into multiple drinking water aquifers used by the Rosebud community in Alberta. Then imagine the harm caused by the company … Continue reading

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California banning new oil and gas wells within 3,200 ft (975 m) of homes, schools, healthcare facilities, and requiring emissions monitoring of existing wells within those buffer zones. Will industry lobby groups sue? Will captured courts kill the community/public health protections?

In 100% industry-funded AER’s Alberta, wells, including those frac’d with toxic chemicals, are allowed 100m within homes, schools, playgrounds, senior care and hospitals, community centres, etc. Public Health Rulemaking by California Dept Conservation ​Update (October 21, 2021)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Draft Regulations for … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on California banning new oil and gas wells within 3,200 ft (975 m) of homes, schools, healthcare facilities, and requiring emissions monitoring of existing wells within those buffer zones. Will industry lobby groups sue? Will captured courts kill the community/public health protections?

Alberta, Two Hills Co: Fire, explosion *and injuries* at Secure Energy (recently merged with notorious Newalta Tervita) crude oil tank farm. *Area residents evacuated.* How toxic is the oil? Was it frac’d with mystery chemicals, PFAS? Any H2S? Was radioactive waste stored in what exploded? Are taxpayers funding the emergency response, as usual? More than 35 firefighters, and RCMP and EMS attended.

Where’s the 100% industry-funded AER? Oh, right, busy deregulating to enable industry increasing their poisons in the air we need to breath. Is Secure Energy as notorious as Tervita? Or is frac waste too dangerous to deal with? 2015: Fire … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta, Two Hills Co: Fire, explosion *and injuries* at Secure Energy (recently merged with notorious Newalta Tervita) crude oil tank farm. *Area residents evacuated.* How toxic is the oil? Was it frac’d with mystery chemicals, PFAS? Any H2S? Was radioactive waste stored in what exploded? Are taxpayers funding the emergency response, as usual? More than 35 firefighters, and RCMP and EMS attended.

West Virginia: Southwestern Energy’s Reinbeau multi well pad near schools goes boom in the night: A piece of equipment ruptured, caused release of pressure and fire, one worker injured. Were they frac’ing? Will they tell the truth if they were?

Southwestern wanted to frac New Brunswick, Canada. Likely location of the incident in WV, visual thanks to Bob Donnan from PA: Incident on well pad near Sorghum Ridge Road in Marshall County last night by Steve Moore, Oct 22, 2021, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on West Virginia: Southwestern Energy’s Reinbeau multi well pad near schools goes boom in the night: A piece of equipment ruptured, caused release of pressure and fire, one worker injured. Were they frac’ing? Will they tell the truth if they were?

PFAS, Endocrine Disruption, and Shale Gas Development Sept 21, 2021 webinar by Environmental Health Project and Halt the Harm available for viewing

Ever wonder why resource rape & pillage Caveman Canada has no EPA? Any authority investigating PFAS pollution in Canadian waters and bodies (human and otherwise)? The webinar features presentations by: Dusty Horwitt, J.D., author of Physicians for Social Responsibility’s report … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on PFAS, Endocrine Disruption, and Shale Gas Development Sept 21, 2021 webinar by Environmental Health Project and Halt the Harm available for viewing

14 year analysis on upstream oil and gas production and ambient air pollution in California found: “higher concentrations of ambient air pollutants at air quality monitors in proximity to preproduction wells within 4 km and producing wells within 2 km” likely harming health of nearby residents. Findings “likely applicable to other regions with oil and gas operations.”

PDF of the complete paper Upstream oil and gas production andambient air pollution in California by David J.X. Gonzalez, Christina K. Francis, Gary M. Shaw, Mark R. Cullen, Michael Baiocchi and Marshall Burke, Science of the Total Environment Volume 807, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 14 year analysis on upstream oil and gas production and ambient air pollution in California found: “higher concentrations of ambient air pollutants at air quality monitors in proximity to preproduction wells within 4 km and producing wells within 2 km” likely harming health of nearby residents. Findings “likely applicable to other regions with oil and gas operations.”

New book by Dr. Kevin Timoney: Hidden Scourge: Exposing the Truth about Fossil Fuel Industry Spills, Six-year investigation into the impacts in western North America. “The science is clear: the production and use of fossil fuels has caused global-scale ecological and atmospheric damage that presently endangers life on the planet.”

Hidden Scourge: Exposing the Truth about Fossil Fuel Industry Spills by Kevin P. Timoney (McGill-Queens University Press), Press Release Oct 12, 2021 A six-year investigation into the impacts of fossil fuel production in western North America Hidden Scourge takes the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New book by Dr. Kevin Timoney: Hidden Scourge: Exposing the Truth about Fossil Fuel Industry Spills, Six-year investigation into the impacts in western North America. “The science is clear: the production and use of fossil fuels has caused global-scale ecological and atmospheric damage that presently endangers life on the planet.”

Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for our medical workers and support staff, still taking care of us, after endless shit & abuse from Jason Kenney, Chief Medical Officer of anti-Health Deena Hinshaw, UCP, anti-everything thugs (if you refuse vaccination, the least you can do for community is wear a mask, over your nose not under it, COVID-19 is airborne)

Thank you health care workers! Wall of hearts by Ottawa artist Alison Fowler I had to return a defective product to Canadian Tire in Drumheller last Friday. While standing in line for ages, with more and more customers – including … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for our medical workers and support staff, still taking care of us, after endless shit & abuse from Jason Kenney, Chief Medical Officer of anti-Health Deena Hinshaw, UCP, anti-everything thugs (if you refuse vaccination, the least you can do for community is wear a mask, over your nose not under it, COVID-19 is airborne)

PSE: Literature review examines last ten years research on methane and health-damaging air pollutant emissions from oil and gas industry

Oil and gas industry pollution in NEBC Oil and gas industry pollution NW of Calgary, Alberta, province with many such facilities And then, the endless fracs and refracs and more refracs: Literature review examines the last ten years of research … Continue reading

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Brilliant courageous Justin Nobel to PA DEP’s Bureau of Radiation Protection at “Policy Hearing on Closing Hazardous Waste Loopholes” about oil & gas companies “screwing their own workers.” Critical issue in frac fields, including in Canada, because of the massive volumes of radioactive waste generated (Radium 226 persists for 1,600 years)

Canadian Guidelines for the Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) by Gov’t of Canada, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-100-23019-1; Cat. No.: H129-34/2013E-PDF Sanctions against polluters are feeble and out of date, and are rarely invoked.Ralph Nader Excellent rivetting 2:18 Min clip … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Brilliant courageous Justin Nobel to PA DEP’s Bureau of Radiation Protection at “Policy Hearing on Closing Hazardous Waste Loopholes” about oil & gas companies “screwing their own workers.” Critical issue in frac fields, including in Canada, because of the massive volumes of radioactive waste generated (Radium 226 persists for 1,600 years)

Whither the Disclaimer? Too funny! Witch hunter Steve Allen’s feelings bruise easily, “The Journalists have also failed to treat me fairly” … Poor Compton Petro Babe Allen ought not to hunt witches if he can’t take the heat. How many law violations did Allan’s bogus inquiry commit?

2020: Too funny! Alberta’s UCP witch hunt changing rules midplay, again. Why? Can’t find any witches or their brooms? 2020: UCP’s witch hunt smells like a Jason Kenney-Vivian Krause flop: “If [Kenney] was serious about uncovering harm to Alberta he … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Whither the Disclaimer? Too funny! Witch hunter Steve Allen’s feelings bruise easily, “The Journalists have also failed to treat me fairly” … Poor Compton Petro Babe Allen ought not to hunt witches if he can’t take the heat. How many law violations did Allan’s bogus inquiry commit?

AG Josh Shapiro: 48 Criminal Charges against Energy Transfer (prev Sunoco) for polluting “lakes, rivers, and our water wells” and putting Pennsylvanians’ safety at risk, 45 charges for “illegally releasing industrial waste at 22 sites in 11 different counties.” Executive Deputy AG Jennifer Selber: “Non disclosure orders are a hinderance to criminal investigations and prosecutions.”

What do we get in Canada? AGs too cowardly to be seen except when it suits their egos and personal agendas. Lying judges pissing on the rule of law even at Canada’s top court under then Chief J B. McLachlin; … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on AG Josh Shapiro: 48 Criminal Charges against Energy Transfer (prev Sunoco) for polluting “lakes, rivers, and our water wells” and putting Pennsylvanians’ safety at risk, 45 charges for “illegally releasing industrial waste at 22 sites in 11 different counties.” Executive Deputy AG Jennifer Selber: “Non disclosure orders are a hinderance to criminal investigations and prosecutions.”

Satartia, Mississippi gassed by Denbury Inc., nearly killing dozens when CO2 P/L (contaminated with H2S) ruptured. Foreshadowing Canada’s Carbon Capture & Storage (that produces more pollution under guise of reducing it)? Deaths already reported in SK at Encana/Cenovus/Ovintiv’s CO2 injected oil recovery experiment.

2012: CO2 in Stream, Dead Ducks Prompt Wyo. DEQ Citation against Anadarko The leak happened in an area where CO2 is injected underground to help revive an old oil field and boost oil production. The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality has … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Satartia, Mississippi gassed by Denbury Inc., nearly killing dozens when CO2 P/L (contaminated with H2S) ruptured. Foreshadowing Canada’s Carbon Capture & Storage (that produces more pollution under guise of reducing it)? Deaths already reported in SK at Encana/Cenovus/Ovintiv’s CO2 injected oil recovery experiment.

Congratulations Val Napoleon, Indigenous scholar at U Victoria

Val Napoleon appointed interim Dean of Law Press Release by U Victoria, Oct 1, 2021 Indigenous scholar Val Napoleon has been appointed interim Dean of Law from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022. Napoleon is the director of the Indigenous law … Continue reading

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Justin Mikulka: “I think the story of US shale has mostly been written already. Best assets gone. Half trillion lost. Environmental and climate disaster. Executive looting. Pathetic media coverage. The damage has been done.”

Justin Mikulka is an independent journalist covering the finances of the energy transition. It’s the same, if not worse, in Canada, the harms and painfully pathetic main media reporting (mostly lies). I spent years (unpaid) researching, buying industry reports/data, and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Justin Mikulka: “I think the story of US shale has mostly been written already. Best assets gone. Half trillion lost. Environmental and climate disaster. Executive looting. Pathetic media coverage. The damage has been done.”

Justice Paul Favel, Federal Court, dismisses federal gov’t appeals against First Nations kids! Bravo Assembly of First Nations and Cindy Blackstock. Dear racist gov’t: Apologize; Do not appeal. You gave $Billions to a polluting American oil & gas corp, you can do the same for children Canada abused.

Judge upholds human rights compensation order for First Nations kids, Canada has lost every battle so far in 14-year-old court fight that isn’t over yet by Brett Forester, Sept 29, 2021, ATPN News The Federal Court has upheld a trailblazing … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Justice Paul Favel, Federal Court, dismisses federal gov’t appeals against First Nations kids! Bravo Assembly of First Nations and Cindy Blackstock. Dear racist gov’t: Apologize; Do not appeal. You gave $Billions to a polluting American oil & gas corp, you can do the same for children Canada abused.

Texas Taliban: Another old white man’s “Rule of Law” abusing women to make himself and his klan feel powerful because their cumulative courage is but a piddle of pee: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will not add exemption to state’s abortion law for rape and incest victims.

If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament Gloria Steinem Opinion: Gov. Abbott sends a message to rape victims in Texas by Ann Telnaes in Washington Post, Sept 27, 2021 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) will not add an … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Texas Taliban: Another old white man’s “Rule of Law” abusing women to make himself and his klan feel powerful because their cumulative courage is but a piddle of pee: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will not add exemption to state’s abortion law for rape and incest victims.

35,000 harmed LA residents settle with SoCalGas for $1.8 Billion over largest methane leak in U.S. history. Utility faced more than 385 lawsuits on behalf of 48,000 people. Matt Pakucko: “SoCalGas’ devastating blowout will never be behind us until the Aliso Canyon storage facility is shut down and the danger it poses to the community is permanently eliminated. We are nowhere near a resolution.”

Gas storage will never be safe as long as it’s done by humans because of rampant greed in our species and until frac’ing is outlawed everywhere. SoCalGas agrees to pay $1.8 billion settlement over 2015 Aliso Canyon gas leak by … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on 35,000 harmed LA residents settle with SoCalGas for $1.8 Billion over largest methane leak in U.S. history. Utility faced more than 385 lawsuits on behalf of 48,000 people. Matt Pakucko: “SoCalGas’ devastating blowout will never be behind us until the Aliso Canyon storage facility is shut down and the danger it poses to the community is permanently eliminated. We are nowhere near a resolution.”

Excellent letter by George Thatcher on COVID-19 explosion in Alberta

I can have my cake and eat it too, I just love the way some folks have made science and vaccinations such political issues by George Thatcher, Trochu, Alberta, Sept 25, 2021, MountainViewToday Hee haw! I just got my ivermectin for … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Excellent letter by George Thatcher on COVID-19 explosion in Alberta

New study on frac’ing in NEBC, Peace River area: “Troubling” link between frac’ing and chemical contamination in homes; Living frac’d may harm your health. Massive new gas plant being built near those already impacted, expected to increase the number of frac’d wells from 10,000 to over 100,000.

PDF of the study Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air and tap water samples in residences of pregnant women living in an area of unconventional natural gas operations: Findings from the EXPERIVA study by Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, Kyle Powys Whyte, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study on frac’ing in NEBC, Peace River area: “Troubling” link between frac’ing and chemical contamination in homes; Living frac’d may harm your health. Massive new gas plant being built near those already impacted, expected to increase the number of frac’d wells from 10,000 to over 100,000.

Alberta: “Get COVID Party” in Edson two weeks ago sends “a lot” of residents to already overwhelmed Edmonton ICU. Is that where COVID-denying UCP officials got sick, now in hospital “battling for their lives?” Ken Michel: “I was going to attend that party, but I went to the ‘Throw big rocks in the air and close your eyes’ party instead.”

de Adder Canada@deAdderCanada: Unless there was some obscure Premier in Canadian history who killed and ate orphans, Jason Kenney will go down as the worst Premier in Canadian history. Dr. Verna Yiu, CEO of AHS: “It’s tragic that we are … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta: “Get COVID Party” in Edson two weeks ago sends “a lot” of residents to already overwhelmed Edmonton ICU. Is that where COVID-denying UCP officials got sick, now in hospital “battling for their lives?” Ken Michel: “I was going to attend that party, but I went to the ‘Throw big rocks in the air and close your eyes’ party instead.”

Judging a judge: Letter in Maclean’s by John Challinor II of Milton Ontario on retired Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella

I read the article about retired Supreme Court of Canada justice Rosalie Silberman Abella with interest (“Rosie Abella said she’d answer questions when she turned 75,” Supreme Court, July 2021). There is much to like about her as a Canadian, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Judging a judge: Letter in Maclean’s by John Challinor II of Milton Ontario on retired Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella

“Frack Master” Breitling Energy CEO Christopher Aundre Faulkner sentenced to 15 years in federal prison, fined $92,446,376.46. He was most cited US media voice and tried to infiltrate Canadian media too; sums up how evil frac’ing is.

United States v. Christopher Aundre Faulkner (3:18-cr-00500) by Court Listener [downloadable files and proceeding details available at link. Sentencing copied below] District Court, N.D. Texas Last Updated: Sept. 22, 2021, 5:06 a.m. CDT Assigned To: Jane J. Boyle Date Filed: Oct. 4, 2018 Date of … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on “Frack Master” Breitling Energy CEO Christopher Aundre Faulkner sentenced to 15 years in federal prison, fined $92,446,376.46. He was most cited US media voice and tried to infiltrate Canadian media too; sums up how evil frac’ing is.

Legal Hanky Panky on Steroids? PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., court-appointed monitor for Bellatrix (made famous by Diana Daunheimer’s lawsuit) bankruptcy, setting up liability escape via insolvent NewCo? Bankruptcy switchero after bankruptcy switchero, name change after name change after name change, enabled by “regulators,” politicians, lawyers and courts. “Rule of Law” rapes Canadians, our economy and our environment.

AER and the courts (notably in Alberta) are paid by the citizenry but work for the rich and oil & gas, protecting/assisting companies that abuse us, our loved ones, homes and lands, and rape our aquifers and environment, get billions … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Legal Hanky Panky on Steroids? PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., court-appointed monitor for Bellatrix (made famous by Diana Daunheimer’s lawsuit) bankruptcy, setting up liability escape via insolvent NewCo? Bankruptcy switchero after bankruptcy switchero, name change after name change after name change, enabled by “regulators,” politicians, lawyers and courts. “Rule of Law” rapes Canadians, our economy and our environment.

Oil companies pushing & funding Kern Co to sue California Gov Newsom for trying to protect environment, communities, families from risky techniques like frac’ing, acidizing, cyclic steaming? Make the county look bad instead of companies doing the harms?

2021 02 18: California SB 467 “End Fracking & Harmful Drilling Act” proposes to ban all new frac’ing and other risky techniques like cyclic steaming, acid fracs, and water and steam flooding by Jan 2022 and completely by 2027. How … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Oil companies pushing & funding Kern Co to sue California Gov Newsom for trying to protect environment, communities, families from risky techniques like frac’ing, acidizing, cyclic steaming? Make the county look bad instead of companies doing the harms?

As expected, CanWhite Sands does not appropriately, completely answer Open House questions. What the Frack Manitoba asks fed gov’t to designate Vivian Sand Extraction Project re: Missing & misleading information in EAP and AECON Canada Ltd’s Hydrogeology & Geochemistry Assessment

Sept. 8, 2021 Via email The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6 email hidden; JavaScript is required Barbara Pullishy, Director, Prairie and Northern Region, Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 1145-9700 … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on As expected, CanWhite Sands does not appropriately, completely answer Open House questions. What the Frack Manitoba asks fed gov’t to designate Vivian Sand Extraction Project re: Missing & misleading information in EAP and AECON Canada Ltd’s Hydrogeology & Geochemistry Assessment

Caveman Canada: B.C.’s farting “commitments” continue to enable water polluter Teck

High River Alberta Mayor Craig Snodgrass with selenium poisoned cutthroat trout from Elk River, Fernie BC, polluted by Teck Canadian coal company appeals tough U.S. selenium rule as provinces consider mines by Bob Webber, The Canadian Press, Aug 28, 2021, … Continue reading

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Frac’ing Ontario? Wheatley (thermogenic corrosive) sour gas explosion injures 20, destroys two buildings, more, many families displaced. Still leaking, area remains at risk of more explosions like Hutchinson Kansas where two were killed in their home from industry’s leaking gas migrating 7 miles. Chatham-Kent top administrator, Don Shropshire: “Our area has hundreds, if not thousands of abandoned gas wells. They stretch from Niagara Peninsula to Windsor.” Also exploded from industry’s gas 85 years ago. The community must be relocated. But, where?

Will Ontario authorities do this to Wheatley too? New evil low for Caveman Canada: Ontario turns H2S gas well into water well to make citizen pay (up to $900,000.00) to plug it. Why are first responders and emergency workers not … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac’ing Ontario? Wheatley (thermogenic corrosive) sour gas explosion injures 20, destroys two buildings, more, many families displaced. Still leaking, area remains at risk of more explosions like Hutchinson Kansas where two were killed in their home from industry’s leaking gas migrating 7 miles. Chatham-Kent top administrator, Don Shropshire: “Our area has hundreds, if not thousands of abandoned gas wells. They stretch from Niagara Peninsula to Windsor.” Also exploded from industry’s gas 85 years ago. The community must be relocated. But, where?

Ireland: Bravo Clare County councillors! Call on gov’t “to put forward a global ban on fracking being proposed by Ireland at the United Nations General Assembly on climate-mitigation, public-health, environmental-protection and human-rights grounds”

Clare councillors seek global ban on fracking by Páraic McMahon, Aug 26, 2021, Clare Echo Almost a decade on from becoming the first local authority in the country to introduce a ban on fracking, Clare County Council has now called … Continue reading

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Code Red vs Rex Murphy. Aug 26-28, 2021 Canadian Energy Executive Association’s 10th Business Forum (masks & proof of vaccination req’d?). Fees are outrageous, as industry’s pollution & lies ramp up while Canada burns.

Erica1984: Replying to @CdnEnergyExecs: Such an incestuous den of snakes. Golf, Banff…ol’ boys’ club alive and well. Mutual suckers. (((Isabella Mac Bardoel))) Replying to @CdnEnergyExecs: Koch Sucking Rex Murphy shills while Canada burns. *** Code Red by Dr. Ned Ketyer, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Code Red vs Rex Murphy. Aug 26-28, 2021 Canadian Energy Executive Association’s 10th Business Forum (masks & proof of vaccination req’d?). Fees are outrageous, as industry’s pollution & lies ramp up while Canada burns.

Insurance industry Gets Smart, backs away from fossil fuels.

Where will the rich go to play when the Mediterranean is gone? My place is beautiful, but I have no safe water after Encana/Cenovus illegally frac’d my community’s aquifers, and compressor noise and weeds invade on. THE MEDITERRANEAN IS ON … Continue reading

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Unnatural unhealthy “natural gas”

Dr. Trevor Hancock: B.C.’s ‘natural gas’ is both unnatural and unhealthy Aug 22, 2021, Trevor Hancock, Victoria Times Colonist If you have used the Tsawwassen ferry ­terminal this past week, chances are you will have seen a large billboard asking “How … Continue reading

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Panama Papers scandal: Ex BC lawyer Fred Sharp charged by SEC & FBI. Law schools teach how to bend (break?) the rules well. Is that why so many politicians are lawyers?

Most excellent work by CBC investigative reporter Frederic Zalac – video clips, including interview with him, at link. U.S. authorities freeze assets, charge British Columbians in ‘long-running fraudulent scheme’, Major Canadian player in Panama Papers scandal, former B.C. lawyer Fred … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Panama Papers scandal: Ex BC lawyer Fred Sharp charged by SEC & FBI. Law schools teach how to bend (break?) the rules well. Is that why so many politicians are lawyers?

Manitoba: CanWhite Sands Virtual Open House Aug 24, 2021; EAP and hydrogeological study for Vivian Sand Extraction Project with submitted questions by D.M. LeNeveu. Will the company appropriately, honestly, respectfully, completely answer?

[CanWhite Sands (CWS)] hydrogeological report in section 4.3.2 states: “It is possible that project operations will result in increased hydraulic communication between the Red River Carbonate and the Winnipeg Sandstone within the Project Area due to fractures and borehole annuli … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Manitoba: CanWhite Sands Virtual Open House Aug 24, 2021; EAP and hydrogeological study for Vivian Sand Extraction Project with submitted questions by D.M. LeNeveu. Will the company appropriately, honestly, respectfully, completely answer?

Barbara Wendeborn Brandom, MD: “There is no safe way to frack gas.”

Health risks from fracking gas have been ignored too long by Barabara Wendeborn Brandom, MD, Aug 19, 2021, PennLive letters The … recent report in the PA Environment Daily Blog documents Pennsylvanians whose health has been diminished by decisions regarding … Continue reading

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Delta variant takes control of oil market with eroding share prices. What do you expect when people refuse to protect themselves, their loved ones, co-workers and community, and medical officers of health and politicians lie and remove protections?

Prices tumble as ‘Delta variant has gained control of the oil market’ by Chris Varcoe, Aug 21, 2021, Calgary Herald After a strong price rally through the spring and early summer, a dose of reality has set in for volatile … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Delta variant takes control of oil market with eroding share prices. What do you expect when people refuse to protect themselves, their loved ones, co-workers and community, and medical officers of health and politicians lie and remove protections?

Presentation by Justin Nobel on frac waste and its “terrifying levels of radioactivity”

Radioactivity in Fracking! Too Hot to Handle by Delaware Riverkepper, Aug 19, 2021 Award-winning journalist, celebrated author and knowledgeable environmental scientist Justin Nobel, discusses his research into the terrifying levels of radioactivity being produced by fracking for oil and gas. … Continue reading

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New Study: Dumping oil & gas drilling wastewater on roads provides little dust suppression, contains toxic chemicals harmful to public health, agriculture, aquatic life. (PS It’s just about giving industry more corporate welfare via free waste dumping)

Efficacy of oil and gas produced water as a dust suppressant by Audrey M. Stallwortha, Eric H. Chase, Bonnie McDevitta, Katherine K. Marakc, Miriam Arak Freedman, Robin Taylor Wilson, William D. Burgos, and Nathaniel R. Warner, Dec 21, 2021, Science … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Study: Dumping oil & gas drilling wastewater on roads provides little dust suppression, contains toxic chemicals harmful to public health, agriculture, aquatic life. (PS It’s just about giving industry more corporate welfare via free waste dumping)

5th Horseman

Bill Bramhall’s editorial cartoon for Monday, Aug. 16, 2021, as misinformation continues to cause havoc amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. New York Daily News

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The world needs more parachuters going to anti-parachute rallys, but please don’t land on those of us wearing masks to protect you.

Freedom to not wear a mask by Kathony Jerauld, 2020 Refer also to: Dear Deena Hinshaw & Jason Kenney: This post is for you. 

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on The world needs more parachuters going to anti-parachute rallys, but please don’t land on those of us wearing masks to protect you.

New study: Effects of frac’ing on nearby surface water, not just groundwater, may be worse than previously thought; causing increased salts, including chloride, barium and strontium, altering composition. Researchers identified “robust association between new wells and water quality changes, triggering public health concerns.”

Large-sample evidence on the impact of unconventional oil and gas development on surface waters by Pietro Bonetti, Christian Leuz, Giovanna Michelon, Aug 20, 2021: Vol. 373, Issue 6557, pp. 896-902. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz2185 Article Figures & Data Info & Metrics eLetters … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study: Effects of frac’ing on nearby surface water, not just groundwater, may be worse than previously thought; causing increased salts, including chloride, barium and strontium, altering composition. Researchers identified “robust association between new wells and water quality changes, triggering public health concerns.”

25 oil & gas bankruptcies destroy more than 10,000 jobs and pay 76 executives $199 Million, about $2.6 million each, after frac boom built on tax breaks, subsidies, “regulatory favours” and massive debt while destroying environment. No surprise, with judges paving the way.

Executives of Failed U.S. Drillers Got $199 Million in Cash by Josyana Joshua, August 12, 2021, Bloomberg The oil and gas explorers they managed went under, but they walked out with a combined $199 million in cash. That’s how much … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 25 oil & gas bankruptcies destroy more than 10,000 jobs and pay 76 executives $199 Million, about $2.6 million each, after frac boom built on tax breaks, subsidies, “regulatory favours” and massive debt while destroying environment. No surprise, with judges paving the way.

Pennsylvania, Lycoming Creek Watershed: Average water used to frac wells in 2020 was 17,512,356 gallons. Propanda group, Marcellus Shale Coalition does not like truth reported (like Canada’s CAPP, BC’s OGC, Alberta’s AER, etc).

GUEST ESSAY: FracTracker Response to Marcellus Shale Coalition on Lycoming Creek Watershed Digital Atlas of Unconventional Gas Drilling Impacts by PA Environmental Digest Blog, Aug 17, 2021 FracTracker Alliance thanks the Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC) for amplifying the reach of … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pennsylvania, Lycoming Creek Watershed: Average water used to frac wells in 2020 was 17,512,356 gallons. Propanda group, Marcellus Shale Coalition does not like truth reported (like Canada’s CAPP, BC’s OGC, Alberta’s AER, etc).

Thank you doctors and nurses for your “” billboards (and for fighting Covid-19 and our cowardly politicians). “Natural gas has significant health impacts for those living close by the wells and for our global environment,” said Dr. Kevin Liang

Doctors and nurses post billboards near Tsawwassen ferry terminal to warn of harmful impacts of liquefied natural gas by Tessa Vikander with files from Angela Jung, Aug 15, 2021, CVNews Vancouver A billboard, for a campaign about the environmental and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Thank you doctors and nurses for your “” billboards (and for fighting Covid-19 and our cowardly politicians). “Natural gas has significant health impacts for those living close by the wells and for our global environment,” said Dr. Kevin Liang

Encana/Cenovus/Ovintiv’s birth canal

AEC’s New Era: Activity and fortunes are on the upswing for Alberta Energy Corporation as the [Alberta] government sells its stake May 17, 1993, Oilweek Source: Refer also to: Slide from Ernst presentations A murder mystery: Who really killed … Continue reading

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Dear Deena Hinshaw & Jason Kenney & Bonnie Henry: This post is for you.

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Dear Deena Hinshaw & Jason Kenney & Bonnie Henry: This post is for you.

Rystad Energy on Oil & Gas Industry’s Dark Monster: Waste water increasing number of felt earthquakes & sinister deregulation allowing industry’s toxic waste to be dumped for “beneficial” use. Fancy some cancer with your celery?

Treating the US oil industry’s dark water: As earthquakes increase, billions needed to switch course by Rystad Energy, June 10, 2021 A worrying Rystad Energy analysis of seismic activity in the US’ key oil producing regions reveals that the number … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Rystad Energy on Oil & Gas Industry’s Dark Monster: Waste water increasing number of felt earthquakes & sinister deregulation allowing industry’s toxic waste to be dumped for “beneficial” use. Fancy some cancer with your celery?