Many thanks to Sharon for sending this image today. No, I did not add any of the “E”s.
Better to walk through hell than succumb to Canada’s rotten corporate, regulatory and legal systems gagging me via delay after delay after delay (the longest by the Supreme Court of Canada); lie after lie after lie; smear after smear after smear (crazy lady to criminal to terrorist by AER – without any arrests or charges or fingerprinting, to Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella pulling magic out of her ass, changing AER judging me to be a criminal then terrorist to vexatious litigant, all without any evidence filed or argued, and without me given the chance to file my evidence proving her magic wrong); ex-PM Steve Harper’s anti-terrorist squad invading my property trying to terrify me silent after the defendants were served their legal papers; my ex legal lead Murray Klippenstein bullying me, lying to me in writing and lying by omission about me to the court in a “sworn” Affidavit (ordered sealed by the court so I am unable to send it to the Law Society of Ontario, the legal industry’s self-regulator), running out my lawsuit’s clock withholding my website, trust funds and files, and long after he was no longer my lawyer, cruelly stressing and threatening me with loss of my home trying to make me let him “wind down” (gag me) my lawsuit; etc. All that while I endure living with PTSD from many rapes as a child.
I’m still hauling alternate water (hard work for a senior living alone in Alberta) 17 years after Encana illegally frac’d multiple fresh water aquifers in my community and hundreds of gas wells in the fresh water zones around the community.
Historic records for my water well on file with the regulator state “Gas Present: N0.”
The regulator removed these records from their database in about 2010, edited out the “No” replacing it with a blank (they did this to all the historic records for water wells contaminated with gases after frac’ing in Alberta).
2003: Encana/Ovintiv tests on my water before the company frac’d the aquifers that supply my well did not report gas present. Encana thereafter lied to the media and on the company website, saying I refused to cooperate and did not let them test my water, in classic blame the victim deflection. Interviewers on live radio were most upset with me when I countered with results from Encana’s very own tests on my water.
Alberta regulators also blamed the victims, saying we contaminated our drinking water aquifers by being dirty.
(And, Klippenstein blamed me – in writing no less – for him quitting my lawsuit!)
2006: My water after Encana’s illegal repeat aquifer fracs:
Lots of Gwyn Morgan/Encana/Ovintiv history here:
Money RCMP dots here:
More on Abella: