Category Archives: Global Frac News

Genocide-Complicit Madness May 27 to June 21, 2024 Suffield National Wildlife Area: DND to host “Sandbox” party for Israeli arms companies (Twenty20 Insight Inc, Sentrycs, etc.) to test “Smart Shooter” used in West Bank remote control turrets and on rifle scopes in Gaza to kill Palestinian kids. Companies will be given continual interaction with CAF experts, US Gov’t Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate, RCMP (to share what they use against Canadian Indigenous Water Protectors?), science experts (WTF!), and *cash prizes* up to $1 million and “other funding!” Who the hell pays for this? Canadian taxpayers?

Justin Trudeau, Mélanie Joly at. al., stop this cruel madness. Canada is complicit enough in Israel’s genocide. Israel’s spy company Pegasus must have a lot of creepy dirt on you and yours for you to help Israel commit mass murder … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Genocide-Complicit Madness May 27 to June 21, 2024 Suffield National Wildlife Area: DND to host “Sandbox” party for Israeli arms companies (Twenty20 Insight Inc, Sentrycs, etc.) to test “Smart Shooter” used in West Bank remote control turrets and on rifle scopes in Gaza to kill Palestinian kids. Companies will be given continual interaction with CAF experts, US Gov’t Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate, RCMP (to share what they use against Canadian Indigenous Water Protectors?), science experts (WTF!), and *cash prizes* up to $1 million and “other funding!” Who the hell pays for this? Canadian taxpayers?

Pedro Arrojo Agudo, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights to water, has grave concerns about Canada’s “judicial treatment, criminalization” of Indigenous water protectors, violating their rights to peaceful protest and freedom of expression. The militarized RCMP C-IRG raids on Wet’suwet’en territory was a “shocking reaction, so violent.” Are officials, judges, politicians, police and energy regulators listening? I doubt it, they’re rich, mostly white and don’t care about water or lives of others.

UN Special Rapporteur comments on the “repression and persecution” faced by Indigenous water protectors in Canada by Brent Patterson, April 19, 2024, Peace Brigades International Canada Pedro Arrojo Agudo, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights to water … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Pedro Arrojo Agudo, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights to water, has grave concerns about Canada’s “judicial treatment, criminalization” of Indigenous water protectors, violating their rights to peaceful protest and freedom of expression. The militarized RCMP C-IRG raids on Wet’suwet’en territory was a “shocking reaction, so violent.” Are officials, judges, politicians, police and energy regulators listening? I doubt it, they’re rich, mostly white and don’t care about water or lives of others.

Frac’ers are psychopathic sadists too, with their abusive invasive illegal noise (and endless leaks and intentional dumping of toxic waste and poisoning water and communities)

Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism, Western University prof says noise pollution from illegal cars needs to be taken seriously by Colin Butler, CBC News, Apr 21, 2024 … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac’ers are psychopathic sadists too, with their abusive invasive illegal noise (and endless leaks and intentional dumping of toxic waste and poisoning water and communities)

Columbia students protesting Israel’s butchery of Palestinians vs antisemitism lies by The New York Times. Who knew The Times is a Zionist rag serving freedom of expression hating, kid-killing terrorist Bibi Netanyahu? Who knew Toronto Public Library are racist genocide enablers too, bending over for lying racist “human rights” Zionists, B’nai Brith (in essence, Bibi’s Stasi in Canada).

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Zionism must be criminalized for the terrorism that it is. Long live those risking everything – notably the students and professors – protesting Israel’s genocide and crimes against Palestinians. Long … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Columbia students protesting Israel’s butchery of Palestinians vs antisemitism lies by The New York Times. Who knew The Times is a Zionist rag serving freedom of expression hating, kid-killing terrorist Bibi Netanyahu? Who knew Toronto Public Library are racist genocide enablers too, bending over for lying racist “human rights” Zionists, B’nai Brith (in essence, Bibi’s Stasi in Canada).

Toxic humanity: Horrifying new study results for all life, not just humans: Ocean spray emits more PFAS than industrial polluters. PFAS, used in frac’ing, are forever chemicals (do not break down) linked to cancer, kidney disease, birth defects, decreased immunity, liver problems and other serious diseases.

Note household products listed in table above contaminated with these deadly chemicals include dental floss, shampoo, make-up, lotion, bug spray, sunscreen. We are indeed a stupid species. Too bad there are billions of us. We do not deserve life on … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Toxic humanity: Horrifying new study results for all life, not just humans: Ocean spray emits more PFAS than industrial polluters. PFAS, used in frac’ing, are forever chemicals (do not break down) linked to cancer, kidney disease, birth defects, decreased immunity, liver problems and other serious diseases.

Vancouver BC: Frack Free BC, Stop Fracking Eby, Stop LNG, Climate Strike Rally at Premier David Eby’s Office

Above photos by Will Koop, BC Tap Water Alliance Climate Strike Rally at Premier Eby’s Office by Climate Convergence, April 19, 2024 ClimateJusticeNow Stop Fracking and LNG!Protect Old Growth!Get Gas Out of Buildings and Homes! April 19, 2024: 3-5pmPremier Eby’s … Continue reading

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New Reality Show: Hot and Toxic! Full Trailer.

Hot & Toxic! (Full Trailer) 2:30 Min. Mar 8, 2024 The toxic reality of “natural” gas is now a toxic reality … show. “Hot and Toxic” is a reality show parody that personifies the 21 hazardous toxins in methane gas. … Continue reading

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Another BDS Victory! Wilfrid Laurier U Faculty Association calls for permanent ceasefire, complete divestment & boycott of institutions, corporations complicit in Israeli war crimes, breaches of international law, human rights violations, etc., condemns scholasticide in Gaza, West Bank & East Jerusalem. Motion passes with huge majority. Which Zionistiche Gestapo judge will kill justice to kill it?

I’ve been boycotting Israeli products for decades because of its crimes against humanity in Palestine. Israel gov’t’s and IDF’s intentional Palestinian kid-killing is especially abhorrent. F4P SW Ontario@F4PSWON: Another BDS victory! Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association @WLUFApasses historic motion on … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Another BDS Victory! Wilfrid Laurier U Faculty Association calls for permanent ceasefire, complete divestment & boycott of institutions, corporations complicit in Israeli war crimes, breaches of international law, human rights violations, etc., condemns scholasticide in Gaza, West Bank & East Jerusalem. Motion passes with huge majority. Which Zionistiche Gestapo judge will kill justice to kill it?

Zionistiche Gestapo ‘n B’nai Brith bribing bigots MPP Ted Arnott and Doug Ford gov’t? Discrimination and racism on steroids: Speaker Arnott pisses on Canada’s charter, bans Palestinian Keffiyehs from Ontario legislature. Yarmulke allowed? “Heaven forbid someone make a political statement in a …. legislature”

One of the men that raped me when I was a kid, caused significant damages to my neck, hands and hips. My neck is often in excruciating pain, so is my right hip. Has been so since I was nine. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Zionistiche Gestapo ‘n B’nai Brith bribing bigots MPP Ted Arnott and Doug Ford gov’t? Discrimination and racism on steroids: Speaker Arnott pisses on Canada’s charter, bans Palestinian Keffiyehs from Ontario legislature. Yarmulke allowed? “Heaven forbid someone make a political statement in a …. legislature”

Humans increasing CO2 is driving increase in worldwide severity and frequency of wildfires; “The best way to decrease wildfires is to mitigate our carbon dioxide emissions. We need more emission control now.”

CO2 worsens wildfires by helping plants grow, The greenhouse gas is a floating fertilizer by Jules Bernstein, April 17, 2024, University of California, Riverside By fueling the growth of plants that become kindling, carbon dioxide is driving an increase in … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Humans increasing CO2 is driving increase in worldwide severity and frequency of wildfires; “The best way to decrease wildfires is to mitigate our carbon dioxide emissions. We need more emission control now.”

Humanity’s polluted planet creating plastic-brained zombies?

Boyan Slat@BoyanSlat: What’s happening in Guatemala right now is unbelievable. The amount of plastic we captured… we’ve never seen anything like this before. We’ve been scooping day and night for over a week and we’re still not done extracting it … Continue reading

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Alberta: TC Energy’s Nova Gas Transmission Line explodes, starts out of control wildfire by Edson. But but but, Premier Danielle Smith insists arsonists start wildfires: “Trudeau! Trudeau!”

Alberta You See Pee@youseepeeYYC: So good that TC Energy’s profit margins are doing just fine, even as they ignite entire forests like the Dragon from Paper Bag Princess. Beatsie1@Beatsie1: is Smith saying this was one big arsonist? Fiery natural gas … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta: TC Energy’s Nova Gas Transmission Line explodes, starts out of control wildfire by Edson. But but but, Premier Danielle Smith insists arsonists start wildfires: “Trudeau! Trudeau!”

Sulfolane, health-harming sour gas sweetener, used *intentionally* for decades by oil and gas industry, found in groundwater in “large contaminant plumes across Canada, specifically in Alberta.” Companies *intentionally* dumped it into aquifers with families and cattle poisoned, bullied and *intentionally* gagged by lawyers years ago. Now researchers say it’s emerging and accidental. FFS.

I’ve been following the oil and gas industry’s sulfolane pollution of groundwater for decades. It’s not an “emerging” or “accidental” pollutant, as described in the researchers’ clip on Youtube. Industry knowingly contaminated groundwater with it, enabled by politicians and industry’s … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Sulfolane, health-harming sour gas sweetener, used *intentionally* for decades by oil and gas industry, found in groundwater in “large contaminant plumes across Canada, specifically in Alberta.” Companies *intentionally* dumped it into aquifers with families and cattle poisoned, bullied and *intentionally* gagged by lawyers years ago. Now researchers say it’s emerging and accidental. FFS.

USA finally regulates deadly Silica Dust; long-awaited rule will limit worker exposure, which can lead to incurable, debilitating lung disease. *But* rule is delayed 1 year for coal, 2 years for metal/nonmetal miners. (Will oil and gas be exempt?)

Rules that are not implemented or those that are delayed for years are useless to protect anyone but profit-rapists. And what when those that worship their abusers vote Trump back into power? He’ll immediately undo this to enable his polluter … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on USA finally regulates deadly Silica Dust; long-awaited rule will limit worker exposure, which can lead to incurable, debilitating lung disease. *But* rule is delayed 1 year for coal, 2 years for metal/nonmetal miners. (Will oil and gas be exempt?)

Alberta under fascist Danielle Smith and her anti-science, anti-education, anti-health, anti-freedom, misogynistic TBA evangelicals & oil, frac and gas.

Martin Z. Olszynski@molszyns: Contrary to the Premier’s projections, most academics do not identify as conservative or liberal or left or right. Most of us are just nerds first & foremost, getting our kicks out of trying to solve problems, whether … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta under fascist Danielle Smith and her anti-science, anti-education, anti-health, anti-freedom, misogynistic TBA evangelicals & oil, frac and gas.

Arrakis in Frac’d West Texas

@OilfieldWitness April 9, 2024: Frac sand mining operation in the #Permian Arrakis happening in West Texas yall @banthefrontlawn: It’s horrid seeing it on that scale. Creating a wasteland.The stupidity, greed and inhumanity of humanity is transforming much of earth into … Continue reading

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FFS Trudeau! Iran is defending itself from a murderous war criminal. Do not include me in your “we.” I do not stand with lying genocidal terrorists, occupier Israel or thieving Zionism, no matter what lies ‘n spin Rosalie Abella, B’nai Brith, Irwin Cotler and media spew.

‘We stand with Israel,’ Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said after Iran launched a barrage of drones and missiles at Israel by CBC News, April 13 *** Cowardly war criminal Bibi. Pathetic kid-killing, kid-starving cowardly monster. Barak Ravid@BarakRavid April 13, 2024: … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on FFS Trudeau! Iran is defending itself from a murderous war criminal. Do not include me in your “we.” I do not stand with lying genocidal terrorists, occupier Israel or thieving Zionism, no matter what lies ‘n spin Rosalie Abella, B’nai Brith, Irwin Cotler and media spew.

The Economist: “Israel has lost the battle for global public opinion.” The Court of Public Opinion is the most powerful court in the world, it sees Zionism’s genocide, terrorism and killing Freedom of Expression everywhere (trying to hide it).

The IDF is accused of military and moral failures in Gaza, Its generals botched the strategy, and discipline among troops has broken down by The Economist, Apr 11th 2024 In the early hours of April 7th the Israel Defence Forces’ … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on The Economist: “Israel has lost the battle for global public opinion.” The Court of Public Opinion is the most powerful court in the world, it sees Zionism’s genocide, terrorism and killing Freedom of Expression everywhere (trying to hide it).

Bribed to enable Genocide. The world needs to criminalize Zionism (and frac’ing) and boycott Israel & USA (& Germany & UK & Canada …)

@DrMunaSaleh: It’s not complicated. It’s genocide. It’s ethnic cleansing. It’s occupation. Stop pretending you don’t understand. … Free Palestine.Ceasefire Now.End the occupation.End the genocide.Stop pretending you can’t decipher what’s so fucking clear. ashok kumar @broseph_stalin Dec 26, 2023: 80% of … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Bribed to enable Genocide. The world needs to criminalize Zionism (and frac’ing) and boycott Israel & USA (& Germany & UK & Canada …)

BDS Victory! Canada’s first Faculty Association votes to divest “from any companies and investments complicit in Israeli war crimes or illegal occupation.” What ever will the Zionistiche Gestapo and B’nai Brith do?

F4P SW Ontario@F4PSWON: BREAKING: The Windsor Faculty Association (WUFA) just passed a motion on Academic Freedom, Preservation of Palestinian Education & Solidarity with Palestine at its AGM! Windsor Univ Fac. Union voted to divest from “from any companies and investments … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on BDS Victory! Canada’s first Faculty Association votes to divest “from any companies and investments complicit in Israeli war crimes or illegal occupation.” What ever will the Zionistiche Gestapo and B’nai Brith do?

1,122 Indigenous persons/groups globally sign in solidarity with Palestine: “Stop the Genocide. End the Siege. End the Occupation. Dismantle Apartheid. Decolonize Palestine.”

Joshua Sealy-Harrington@JoshuaSealy Oct 27, 2023: Remember this genocide. Remember what individuals, organizations & governments prioritized. Remember how they misrepresented the past & present. Remember the chasm between their beliefs & actions. Remember who they vilified. Remember their cowardice. Remember their … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 1,122 Indigenous persons/groups globally sign in solidarity with Palestine: “Stop the Genocide. End the Siege. End the Occupation. Dismantle Apartheid. Decolonize Palestine.”

“Disappointing” supremely racist court of Canada ex-justice Rosalie Abella, in tandem with past Attorney General Irwin Cotler, fellow Zionist, “slyly” enables Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.

I used to think highly of Rosalie Abella too. She conned me well. Never would I have believed someone with her supposed legal experience and knowledge to be a staunch supporter of racist inhumane hate-filled genocidal Zionism instead of the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on “Disappointing” supremely racist court of Canada ex-justice Rosalie Abella, in tandem with past Attorney General Irwin Cotler, fellow Zionist, “slyly” enables Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.

Evil is as Evil does. Steve Harper’s investment firm Awz Ventures controls, finances Israeli spy tech Corsight AI – facial recognition used by IDF to kill Palestinians. No wonder I hate AI and despise the cruelty of Harper and his white supremacist gang.

@TheBreachMedia: Israel is conducting secret mass surveillance of Palestinians during its assault on Gaza—and ex PM Stephen Harper’s investment fund helped make it happen. @Martin_Lukacs & @timmgroves report on the Israeli spy tech firm controlled by Harper & partners. @salsa111: … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Evil is as Evil does. Steve Harper’s investment firm Awz Ventures controls, finances Israeli spy tech Corsight AI – facial recognition used by IDF to kill Palestinians. No wonder I hate AI and despise the cruelty of Harper and his white supremacist gang.

Too many humans, not enough water. “When in drought” Alberta will take from Albertans, fish, birds and wildlife to give to bully corporations.

40,000+ cubic metres water gone permanently in ONE frac’ Based on 2014 data, Encana will recover less than 20% of water in frac flow back with less than 10% reusable (likely even less than that, as cleaning up toxic radioactive … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Too many humans, not enough water. “When in drought” Alberta will take from Albertans, fish, birds and wildlife to give to bully corporations.

Must Listen: “Anatomy of a Genocide” by Manu Pineda and Francesca Albanesse at the EU & “How an Israeli war criminal turned Gaza into ‘the biggest refugee camp in the world'” by Ilan Pappé

In my view, Francesca Albanesse and Ilan Pappé are more trustworthy and honest than Zionists Irwin Cotler and Rosalie Abella when it comes to Israel’s crimes. Most of our media and politicians in USA and Canada are cowardly genocide-enabling lying … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Must Listen: “Anatomy of a Genocide” by Manu Pineda and Francesca Albanesse at the EU & “How an Israeli war criminal turned Gaza into ‘the biggest refugee camp in the world'” by Ilan Pappé

Alberta regulator (AUC) finds no significant concerns for agriculture or the environment from renewable energy, wind & solar have less impact on agricultural lands than oil & gas with pipelines the largest driver of land loss, “Even if all renewable developments were located on some of Alberta’s best land, the percentage of agricultural land lost is estimated at *less than one per cent* by 2041.”

Of course! All about rage and hate farming by Alberta cons. AUC’s review was intentionally waste of time and money with its results obvious to 5 year-olds, including petro-polluter Danielle Smith and her TBA led UCP – before they banned … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta regulator (AUC) finds no significant concerns for agriculture or the environment from renewable energy, wind & solar have less impact on agricultural lands than oil & gas with pipelines the largest driver of land loss, “Even if all renewable developments were located on some of Alberta’s best land, the percentage of agricultural land lost is estimated at *less than one per cent* by 2041.”

Frac’ers say they’re ready for drought ‘n fire, have hoarded enough water to frac to end 2024. Who are they permanently taking that water away from?

2012: AEA: Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe A proportion (25% to 100%) of the water used in hydraulic fracturing is not recovered, and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac’ers say they’re ready for drought ‘n fire, have hoarded enough water to frac to end 2024. Who are they permanently taking that water away from?

AER (led by ex Encana VPs since its creation) charges, fines Tamarack Acquisition Corp. for violating Water Act, after AER engaged in fraud to help cover-up worse crimes by Encana violating the same act, diverting 8,000 litres fresh water daily (without a permit) from gas well 5-14-22-27 W4M intentionally repeatedly frac’d into multiple fresh water aquifers (violating more laws) used by Hamlet of Rosebud, farms and residents.

April 9, 2024: Ex Encana/Cenovus VP David Goldie said he’s quitting AER. Which Encana/Ovintiv/Cenovus (Encana spawn) VP will be made next board chair? Or will TBA-led, extreme polluter friendly, Premier Danielle Smith make Australian billionaire coal baroness Gina Rienhart next … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on AER (led by ex Encana VPs since its creation) charges, fines Tamarack Acquisition Corp. for violating Water Act, after AER engaged in fraud to help cover-up worse crimes by Encana violating the same act, diverting 8,000 litres fresh water daily (without a permit) from gas well 5-14-22-27 W4M intentionally repeatedly frac’d into multiple fresh water aquifers (violating more laws) used by Hamlet of Rosebud, farms and residents.

Geoengineering by Coastal Atmospheric Aerosol Research and Engagement (CAARE). Duh! The stupidity and arrogance of humanity. Spraying salts into the air (poisoning how much life?): “The secrecy…caught even some experts off guard.” Greg Goldsmith: “History has shown us that when we insert ourselves into modification of nature, there are always very serious unintended consequences”

Mitigating harm caused by humans burning fossil fuels by humans burning more fossil fuels? How stupid can humans get? Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere, A solar geoengineering experiment in San Francisco could lead to brighter clouds that … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Geoengineering by Coastal Atmospheric Aerosol Research and Engagement (CAARE). Duh! The stupidity and arrogance of humanity. Spraying salts into the air (poisoning how much life?): “The secrecy…caught even some experts off guard.” Greg Goldsmith: “History has shown us that when we insert ourselves into modification of nature, there are always very serious unintended consequences”

Bravo Justin Trudeau for telling Canada’s tar patch to clean up it’s deadly polluting leaking lying act. Just Me: “Why do the oil and gas executives always sound like spoiled, greedy whiners??” Me: Because they *are* spoiled, greedy whiners.

The name Pathways Alliance makes me cringe. Ya, chummy club of “pathways” alright, of leaks to surface, leaks from fracs to other wells and drinking water, and deadly chemicals in groundwater and the air, dumped on foodlands. We only need … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Bravo Justin Trudeau for telling Canada’s tar patch to clean up it’s deadly polluting leaking lying act. Just Me: “Why do the oil and gas executives always sound like spoiled, greedy whiners??” Me: Because they *are* spoiled, greedy whiners.

Israel: Licence to Kill ‘n Drill ‘n Destroy. Dareen Abughaida: “Now we know they can get away with everything. If you can starve children to death, then, natural gas is way behind that. ….the Palestinians are still waiting – in poverty – watching as their gas concessions are bought and sold while the world watches them being killed, while the world watches Gaza being destroyed.”

No wonder Steve Harper, Irwin Cotler, Canada, President Biden, USA, Germany, UK et al serve and worship Israel, no matter how many kids Bibi Netanyahu murders or how much of Palestine he destroys or how many crimes against humanity are … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Israel: Licence to Kill ‘n Drill ‘n Destroy. Dareen Abughaida: “Now we know they can get away with everything. If you can starve children to death, then, natural gas is way behind that. ….the Palestinians are still waiting – in poverty – watching as their gas concessions are bought and sold while the world watches them being killed, while the world watches Gaza being destroyed.”

NEBC: Another Encana/Ovintiv sour gas leak. Sour gas damages the brain, even at low concentrations, but illegal aquifer frac’er, run away to the USA, doesn’t care about air, water, forests, neighbours, workers or communities where it leaks deadly gases, Encana just cares about getting more freebies, subsidies, and more deregulation to legalize its unlawful polluting ass.

BC Energy Regulator confirms sour gas leak at Ovintiv multi-well site in Pouce Coupe by Jeff Cunha, April 5, 2024 POUCE COUPE — The B.C. Energy Regulator is confirming a sour gas leak at an Ovintiv lease in Pouce Coupe. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on NEBC: Another Encana/Ovintiv sour gas leak. Sour gas damages the brain, even at low concentrations, but illegal aquifer frac’er, run away to the USA, doesn’t care about air, water, forests, neighbours, workers or communities where it leaks deadly gases, Encana just cares about getting more freebies, subsidies, and more deregulation to legalize its unlawful polluting ass.

Bravo! Canada not interested giving $Billion-profit-raping oil and gas companies $billions in corporate welfare subsidizing Liquid UnNatural Gas (“damp squib” LNG); Robert Howarth: Ending LNG needs to be global priority

1982: Dome Petroleum LNG bomb cartoon in Vancouver Sun The Climate Scientist Fossil-Fuel Companies Can’t Stand, Robert Howarth’s research on natural gas exports influenced the White House and exasperated oil and gas executives by Benoît Morenne, March 31, 2024, The … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Bravo! Canada not interested giving $Billion-profit-raping oil and gas companies $billions in corporate welfare subsidizing Liquid UnNatural Gas (“damp squib” LNG); Robert Howarth: Ending LNG needs to be global priority

Solar panels over irrigation canals in drought stricken Alberta would save water and produce energy to aid UCP’s failing frac’d gas-fired grid. Farmers get half their water allocation cut while out raging and protesting carbon tax their fuels are exempt from. “Fracking get cut yet?”

2022: Smithsonian, California Is About to Test Its First Solar Canals, The innovative project is a win for water, energy, air and climate 2024: @johnrhanger: Milestone: solar beats coal during March in Texas! TX generates & consumes more electricity than … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Solar panels over irrigation canals in drought stricken Alberta would save water and produce energy to aid UCP’s failing frac’d gas-fired grid. Farmers get half their water allocation cut while out raging and protesting carbon tax their fuels are exempt from. “Fracking get cut yet?”

Big Win for Sanity! EPA scrutiny of San Joaquin Renewables’ carbon capture & storage (CCS) in California’s Central Valley leads to abrupt end, while in Canada, politicians give $billions from the public purse to CCS con artists (oil & gas companies) to put human and other life at risk from suffocation (even miles from projects), pollute more and profit-rape more $billions. Deep stupidity (or corruption).

Nigel Bankes@NdbYyc1305 April 5, 2024: Manitoba introduced legislation April 4 to facilitate the adoption of carbon capture and storage projects in that province. The Captured Carbon Storage Act. For Immediate Release, April 5, 2024 Contact: Victoria Bogdan Tejeda, Center for … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Big Win for Sanity! EPA scrutiny of San Joaquin Renewables’ carbon capture & storage (CCS) in California’s Central Valley leads to abrupt end, while in Canada, politicians give $billions from the public purse to CCS con artists (oil & gas companies) to put human and other life at risk from suffocation (even miles from projects), pollute more and profit-rape more $billions. Deep stupidity (or corruption).

A reminder: Resistance is crucial; Hamas is resistance; Zionism is racist terrorism. Dr. Norman Bethune: “Easier to butcher than to buy.”

I have to read this once in a while to remind myself where the trouble is and why resistance is crucial. Someone named Norman Bethune noticed and expressed his contempt for Capitalism in words so eloquent it deserves to be … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on A reminder: Resistance is crucial; Hamas is resistance; Zionism is racist terrorism. Dr. Norman Bethune: “Easier to butcher than to buy.”

Frac’ers vs Humanity: Who gets the vanishing water? The biggest bullies: Oil and Gas companies and their maids, AER, Danielle Smith, UCP and their evangelical puppet meisters, the TBA. Reports and media worried about $Billion raping gas and frac companies not having all the water they want.

Shelby Grace O’Shea@ShelbyGraceOSh2: The driest areas basically overlap with the boreal. Not concerning at all That plus all the farmland in the pink. Going to be very difficult to grow our food without any water! Local farmers don’t believe in … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac’ers vs Humanity: Who gets the vanishing water? The biggest bullies: Oil and Gas companies and their maids, AER, Danielle Smith, UCP and their evangelical puppet meisters, the TBA. Reports and media worried about $Billion raping gas and frac companies not having all the water they want.

Louisiana: Another high pressure CO2 pipeline failure, many could have been killed or sickened. Calls to Exxon went unanswered, took operator over two hours to show up to fix the leak. CO2 damages the brain. WTF with Denbury and it’s deadly pipeline failures?

Emily Sanders@emdashsanders: learning more about CO2 pipeline leaks has revealed some of the scariest shit I have encountered and I write about climate disinformation for a living. the majority of the public is not concerned enough about this including me … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Louisiana: Another high pressure CO2 pipeline failure, many could have been killed or sickened. Calls to Exxon went unanswered, took operator over two hours to show up to fix the leak. CO2 damages the brain. WTF with Denbury and it’s deadly pipeline failures?

Meet “Lavender” and “Gospel” – Israel’s cold killing machines and another reason why I hate AI: Murderous thieving rich use AI to get richer, more murderous, more thieving. Prof Attaran: “Kill-happy, genocidal Israelis used an AI to decide who to target.” Still think humanity isn’t too evil and stupid to contain AI?

Michael Lenehan / Mícheál Ó Leannacháin@xlenm: Utterly shocking. This has been talked about for years and now the blood of innocent people is actually being spilled. There can be no impunity for anyone involved this technology. Not the design, the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Meet “Lavender” and “Gospel” – Israel’s cold killing machines and another reason why I hate AI: Murderous thieving rich use AI to get richer, more murderous, more thieving. Prof Attaran: “Kill-happy, genocidal Israelis used an AI to decide who to target.” Still think humanity isn’t too evil and stupid to contain AI?

Letters to the Editor on UCP meddling in AER affairs, serving Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart’s Benga/Northback Grassy Mountain coal mine that’ll pollute water for many (water Alberta’s fast running out of).

Time for a rethink on Grassy Mountain coal mine, Excellent example of biting the hand that feeds you Mar 25, 2024, Mountain View Gazette Dear Danielle Smith Premier of Alberta: Say no to Grassy Mountain coal mine. Danielle if you … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Letters to the Editor on UCP meddling in AER affairs, serving Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart’s Benga/Northback Grassy Mountain coal mine that’ll pollute water for many (water Alberta’s fast running out of).

MUST WATCH (you too AER/Encana/Ovintiv): Learn about radioactive frac waste (a public health crisis) with Justin Nobel, author of Petroleum-238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It (available April 24, 2024)

Lunch & Learn with Justin Nobel 1:09:57 Min (includes q & a). March 26, 2024, Protect PT Join us for a exclusive discussion on Justin Nobel’s new book: Petroleum-238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on MUST WATCH (you too AER/Encana/Ovintiv): Learn about radioactive frac waste (a public health crisis) with Justin Nobel, author of Petroleum-238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It (available April 24, 2024)

New study: Plastics, a “self-reinforcing” petroleum pollution feedback loop: Rapid degradation in warmer temperatures, demands frequent replacement, further contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. “Typically viewed as unrelated problems, global warming and plastic pollution are instead inextricably trapped in a ‘vicious circle’ where one feeds the other.”

Global Warming and Plastic Pollution Are Inextricably Trapped in a “Vicious Circle” by KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, March 27, 2024, SciTechDaily Research from Sweden has uncovered a “vicious circle” linking global warming and plastic pollution, where each problem exacerbates … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study: Plastics, a “self-reinforcing” petroleum pollution feedback loop: Rapid degradation in warmer temperatures, demands frequent replacement, further contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. “Typically viewed as unrelated problems, global warming and plastic pollution are instead inextricably trapped in a ‘vicious circle’ where one feeds the other.”

California (non regulator of destructive industries like Alberta): Chevron – “one of the state’s most prolific polluters” – to pay $13Million (peanuts for a $multibillion profit-raping company) in fines after profiting from illegal spills, some decadeslong and which remain ongoing. I bet Chevron won’t pay; there’s no enforcer, why waste money?

This Chevron and feeble regulation mess is tough to swallow, notably after Robert David Taylor’s horrific death. I get no feel goods from this “fine.” It’s not a punishment and Chevron will use it to propagandize how great and clean … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on California (non regulator of destructive industries like Alberta): Chevron – “one of the state’s most prolific polluters” – to pay $13Million (peanuts for a $multibillion profit-raping company) in fines after profiting from illegal spills, some decadeslong and which remain ongoing. I bet Chevron won’t pay; there’s no enforcer, why waste money?

2024 03 22: Rest in Peace Dr. Eilish Cleary. Thank you for warning us of the dangers of glyphosate and frac’ing when you were New Brunswick’s chief medical officer of health. It remains unforgivable the gov’t tried to silence you, and trashed you for telling the truth.

Death of Irish doctor and chief medical officer who highlighted fracking dangers in Canada, Eilish Cleary (60) was sacked as chief medical officer of New Brunswick, allegedly over her concerns about shale gas exploration by Paul Cullen, March 24, 2024, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 2024 03 22: Rest in Peace Dr. Eilish Cleary. Thank you for warning us of the dangers of glyphosate and frac’ing when you were New Brunswick’s chief medical officer of health. It remains unforgivable the gov’t tried to silence you, and trashed you for telling the truth.

About fucking time, after letting the slaughter of kids, women, journalists, doctors, nurses, aid workers, first responders, professors, deans, dancers, artists, musicians, poets, sports pros and more innocents go on and on (watched by the world), UN Security Council demands immediate ceasefire in Gaza (but only until April 9). USA, Israel’s genocide financier, abstains. Hey racist Zionists (that includes you Rosalie Abella): Palestinians are not insects, they are not dogs, they are human and have rights to their own homes, lands, olive groves and farms, water, oil and gas; they deserve and need *permanent* peace.

UN Security Council votes to demand immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as U.S. abstains, Votes comes during Muslim holy month of Ramadan by The Associated Press, Mar 25, 2024 The United Nations Security Council on Monday demanded a ceasefire in Gaza … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on About fucking time, after letting the slaughter of kids, women, journalists, doctors, nurses, aid workers, first responders, professors, deans, dancers, artists, musicians, poets, sports pros and more innocents go on and on (watched by the world), UN Security Council demands immediate ceasefire in Gaza (but only until April 9). USA, Israel’s genocide financier, abstains. Hey racist Zionists (that includes you Rosalie Abella): Palestinians are not insects, they are not dogs, they are human and have rights to their own homes, lands, olive groves and farms, water, oil and gas; they deserve and need *permanent* peace.

Overlooked feedback loop: As fossil fools frac Alberta to dried up hell, drought causes soils to crack, releasing more CO2 and other greenhouse gases, escalating climate chaos.

Frac’ing forces methane and other gases to release from formations they are naturally tightly adsorbed to. Gases not captured by man-made leaky casings (or those deformed by hundreds of frac quakes) migrate though soils to surface where they pollute and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Overlooked feedback loop: As fossil fools frac Alberta to dried up hell, drought causes soils to crack, releasing more CO2 and other greenhouse gases, escalating climate chaos.

Cruel hide-in-the-closet misogynistic hateful old white man fascist Steve Harper to be appointed minister of foreign affairs under Pierre Picklehead?

Navigating near-term climate tragedy @OhSheri1 Mar 22, 2024: IF Canada was a real friend to Israel, it would say, ” You are committing genocide, stop, genocide is bad, it will bring you down.” A real friend is honest and truthful. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Cruel hide-in-the-closet misogynistic hateful old white man fascist Steve Harper to be appointed minister of foreign affairs under Pierre Picklehead?

Brian Mulroney: Cruel to Indigenous, cruel to women, cruel to workers, cruel to ordinary Canadians, cruel to Canada.

Boyd Reimer: Don’t believe the lie — Mulroney never led fight against apartheid. See link:… Peter Elson: I want our $5 million dollars back that he was awarded for lying about his role with Karl Heinz Schreiber. He should … Continue reading

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Human pollution (and over breeding) is taking the breath of trees away: “Trees in warmer, drier climates are essentially coughing instead of breathing,” sending CO2 right back into the atmosphere so they no longer serve as solution to our carbon pollution while earth continues heating and humans continue making more carbon pollution. Stupidest species on earth.

Comments by rural Albertans: Mother of God. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Just WOW and May God help save our planet! CO2 Emissions in 2023, A new record high…. by International Energy Agency … Global energy-related CO 2 emissions grew by … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Human pollution (and over breeding) is taking the breath of trees away: “Trees in warmer, drier climates are essentially coughing instead of breathing,” sending CO2 right back into the atmosphere so they no longer serve as solution to our carbon pollution while earth continues heating and humans continue making more carbon pollution. Stupidest species on earth.

The Beaverton: In honour of Mulroney, national funeral to be privatized

The Beaverton@TheBeaverton Mar 21, 2024: In honour of Mulroney, national funeral to be privatized “A privately owned and operated funeral will be more dignified and more profitable than a state-run state funeral. Don’t forget to check out the merch … Continue reading

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Southern Alberta en route to waterless Hell

Important back ground: 2012: AEA: Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe A proportion (25% to 100%) of the water used in hydraulic fracturing is … Continue reading

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2024 Canadian Hillman Prize winner: “Killer Water,” a story of greed, corruption, and willful government neglect. Congratulations Brandi Morin, Geordie Day, Ricochet Media/The Real News Network/IndigiNews Media and team, and Fort Chip community!

Brandi Morin@Songstress28 March 19, 2024: Stunned to learn @geordieday and I won the prestigious @SidneyHillman 2024 Canadian Hillman Award Broadcast category for our film Killer Water produced in conjunction with @ricochet_en@TheRealNews@IndigiNewsMedia These stories are making waves & I am soooooo … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 2024 Canadian Hillman Prize winner: “Killer Water,” a story of greed, corruption, and willful government neglect. Congratulations Brandi Morin, Geordie Day, Ricochet Media/The Real News Network/IndigiNews Media and team, and Fort Chip community!

Alberta, The Wild Wild West of Stupid: Under extreme drought and climate chaos diminishing supplies, frac’ers plan to truck water province-wide

A 3-year (and counting) drought is threatening Canada’s farmers and oil producer by Rod Nickel and Nia Williams, Reuters, March 18, 2024, Fast Company Farmers, oil drillers in parched Alberta brace for water shortage by Rod Nickel and Nia Williams, … Continue reading

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Alberta rural municipalities want “No Duty of Care” AER – industry’s self-regulating servant, to make oil and gas companies pay their taxes (over $250 Million owed and growing). Will a delinquent multi billion dollar profit-raping industry make itself pay its debts as it wipes out earth’s livability? Not even in your dreams.

Jason Scott@JasonOnTheDrums: … This is AFTER Smith is doing NOTHING Who does Smith represent? Smith and the UCP/PC/CPC’s being servants to the rich and raping companies while on our dime was obvious decades ago. Albertans are addicted to lies, secrets, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alberta rural municipalities want “No Duty of Care” AER – industry’s self-regulating servant, to make oil and gas companies pay their taxes (over $250 Million owed and growing). Will a delinquent multi billion dollar profit-raping industry make itself pay its debts as it wipes out earth’s livability? Not even in your dreams.

Lyin’ Brian Bags-o-Cash Mulroney: Racist genocide-enabler divisive cruel crooked lawyer bribe-taking white man abuser of Indigenous Peoples and civil rights, sold Canadians out serving USA and the rich via NAFTA, dead at 84.

It’s horrific that Canada will give a crook a state funeral. Just more propaganda to con Canadians. Mulroney betrayed Indigenous peoples with his hateful racism and violence, and betrayed ordinary Canadians with NAFTA to serve the rich, USA and his … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Lyin’ Brian Bags-o-Cash Mulroney: Racist genocide-enabler divisive cruel crooked lawyer bribe-taking white man abuser of Indigenous Peoples and civil rights, sold Canadians out serving USA and the rich via NAFTA, dead at 84.

Oh Oh! Human pollution caused climate chaos is coming for our chocolate, beloved by many.

I would have died decades ago without chocolate. It’s my most important essential food group, protects my heart and soul, and helps/helped me endure the hideousness of humanity – especially rape religions, and rape-enabling authorities like lawyers, judges and politicians. … Continue reading

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USA: Surveys of methane pollution from oil and gas systems continues to be far higher than gov’t estimates, wasting about $1Billion worth of gas annually and causing $9.3Billion in yearly climate damage. Dr. Robert Howarth: “It’s worse than most of us have been saying. … Shale gas and LNG are really bad for climate.”

Dear UCP/Danielle Smith and your evangelical bosses at TBA, this graph is for you: How China Became the World’s Leader on Renewable Energy *** Robert Howarth@howarth_cornell March 13, 2024: Best synthesis to date of methane emissions from natural gas in … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on USA: Surveys of methane pollution from oil and gas systems continues to be far higher than gov’t estimates, wasting about $1Billion worth of gas annually and causing $9.3Billion in yearly climate damage. Dr. Robert Howarth: “It’s worse than most of us have been saying. … Shale gas and LNG are really bad for climate.”

Canada: “Fish have more rights than humans.” Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and Mikisew Cree ask feds to designate naphthenic acids in tarsands waste lakes as toxic

Alberta First Nations want Ottawa to class oilsands tailings component as toxin by Bob Weber, The Canadian Press, March 14, 2024, St Albert Gazette Two Alberta First Nations have asked the federal government to examine whether a component of oilsands … Continue reading

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Follow Alberta’s vanishing water, frac by frac, coal mine by coal mine, UCP/AER/Danielle Smith lie by lie.

2012: AEA: Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe A proportion (25% to 100%) of the water used in hydraulic fracturing is not recovered, and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Follow Alberta’s vanishing water, frac by frac, coal mine by coal mine, UCP/AER/Danielle Smith lie by lie.

Nenshi is what Alberta needs and is the only one that can save our CPP from TBA’s/UCP’s/Smith’s dirty fingers aiming to give our pensions to rich oil and gas companies to frac to dust.

Nenshi’s leadership would boost voter support for Alberta NDP: poll, Nenshi holds a unique, personalizing appeal that extends beyond partisanship, said MRU political scientist Lori Williams by Bill Kaufmann, Mar 14, 2024, Calgary Herald A Naheed Nenshi-led Alberta NDP would … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Nenshi is what Alberta needs and is the only one that can save our CPP from TBA’s/UCP’s/Smith’s dirty fingers aiming to give our pensions to rich oil and gas companies to frac to dust.