Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

Pennsylvania Supreme Court gives gas industry big victory, Rules in favour of frac royalty cheaters (Anadarko, Chesapeake), Kills Attorney General’s anti-trust lawsuit. Jackie Root: “It just seems like ruling after ruling is coming down in favor of the oil and gas companies, handing them all the cards and all the money.”

Pa. Supreme Court ruling erodes Marcellus Shale royalty cheating case by Laura Legere, March 26, 2021, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the attorney general cannot use the state’s consumer protection law to make claims on behalf … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pennsylvania Supreme Court gives gas industry big victory, Rules in favour of frac royalty cheaters (Anadarko, Chesapeake), Kills Attorney General’s anti-trust lawsuit. Jackie Root: “It just seems like ruling after ruling is coming down in favor of the oil and gas companies, handing them all the cards and all the money.”

New York Senate Passes Hoylman Bill to Ban the Use of Fracking Byproducts as Highway De-Icing Agents

“What will they do with all the frac waste?” people asked Ernst on her speaking tours.”They will make us eat and drink it,” Ernst replied. (And later we find out: drive, walk, run, bike on it) NY Senate Passes Hoylman … Continue reading

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“When does no mean no?” (To a rapist, never.) Lethbridge & Calgary said “NO!” to frac’ing; Albertans say “NO!” to mining of the Easter Slopes. Go home Ozzie coal. NO means NO!

The Power of NO! Huge VICTORY by the people, businesses, community and City of Lethbridge: Goldenkey withdraws from Penny Project All courageously and firmly said “NO!” to frac’ing in the City of Lethbridge The Power of “No” Review of presentation … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on “When does no mean no?” (To a rapist, never.) Lethbridge & Calgary said “NO!” to frac’ing; Albertans say “NO!” to mining of the Easter Slopes. Go home Ozzie coal. NO means NO!

Canada: Access to (In)justice is excellent and incredibly expensive. Joshua Sealy-Harrington: “The next time someone asks you about access to justice, ask them what they mean by justice.”

Civil Litigation Case(s): Hryniak v. Mauldin, 2014 SCC 7 Access to (In)justice: A critical race reflection by Joshua Sealy-Harrington, March 24, 2021, The Lawyer’s Daily It is a privilege to be invited by the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin to write … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Canada: Access to (In)justice is excellent and incredibly expensive. Joshua Sealy-Harrington: “The next time someone asks you about access to justice, ask them what they mean by justice.”

“Bad Corporate Citizen” Pieridae, after demanding nearly $1Billion of public’s money (during a pandemic no less) while promoting dubious Goldboro LNG in Nova Scotia, now threatens legal action to silence concerned citizens. Bradley Toms: “If there’s one way to show you’ve got bad intentions it’s threatening a SLAPP lawsuit against people who are just repeating things that you’ve said.”

Dear Mr. Alfred Sorenson: If LNG and carbon capture were economical and clean, no oil and gas company would need the public’s money. Keep your grubby greedy mitts off our money and pensions, and stuff your zombie project into the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on “Bad Corporate Citizen” Pieridae, after demanding nearly $1Billion of public’s money (during a pandemic no less) while promoting dubious Goldboro LNG in Nova Scotia, now threatens legal action to silence concerned citizens. Bradley Toms: “If there’s one way to show you’ve got bad intentions it’s threatening a SLAPP lawsuit against people who are just repeating things that you’ve said.”

How many companies, regulators, police, lawyers and judges enable harm to women and bully and harm women directly?

A tiny sampling of men in positions of power since I began speaking out about frac harms: Gwyn Morgan was CEO of Encana (now Ovintiv) and led the company to rape Rosebud’s fresh water aquifers that supply my community and … Continue reading

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The big picture of violence against women

Sarah Boesveld@sarahboesveld March 24, 2021: A woman in Kitchener, Ont gets fined for sharing documents with trusted friends & family about her own court case; a teenager in Britain fined for reporting her stalker to police five times before being … Continue reading

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Catholic Pedophile Church in Action: Estimates of more than 10,000 child victims in France. “Their stories are a true memorial of pain. Entire lives have been devastated.” Time to “cancel” Rape Religion?

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops says to avoid Johnson & Johnson vaccine if possible by Jaclyn Peiser and Michelle Boorstein, March 3, 2021, The Washington Post On Tuesday, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged Catholics to avoid taking the Johnson … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Catholic Pedophile Church in Action: Estimates of more than 10,000 child victims in France. “Their stories are a true memorial of pain. Entire lives have been devastated.” Time to “cancel” Rape Religion?

Frac fluids and those injected for enhanced oil recovery (including under guise of carbon capture) and gas storage don’t stay put either.

Why Frack Wastewater Injected Underground Doesn’t Always Stay There by Julie Grant, March 19, 2021, The Allegheny Front Salty wastewater produced by fracking for oil and gas has to go somewhere. Often, it’s injected into disposal wells deep underground. But … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac fluids and those injected for enhanced oil recovery (including under guise of carbon capture) and gas storage don’t stay put either.

Brilliant comment by kootzie to coal propaganda in BOE Report: “Tainted apologism for unrestrained assaults on Alberta by a hired petro-stooge who will write anything to carve off a chunk of the project management pie.”

kootzie on March 19, 2021: Tainted apologism for unrestrained assaults on Alberta by a hired petro-stooge who will write anything to carve off a chunk of the project management pie.… I challenge you to fabricate some disingenuous dishonest rationalizations … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Brilliant comment by kootzie to coal propaganda in BOE Report: “Tainted apologism for unrestrained assaults on Alberta by a hired petro-stooge who will write anything to carve off a chunk of the project management pie.”

Big Tobacco had to pay $206B. Is Big Oil next? Trade associations like American Petroleum Institute are “really just engines of deception.” Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers too.

If “justice” is this dirty in America relating to harms to the public done by the oil and gas industry, how dirty is it in Canada? Whose idea/instruction was it for Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella to defame … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Big Tobacco had to pay $206B. Is Big Oil next? Trade associations like American Petroleum Institute are “really just engines of deception.” Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers too.

Caveman Canada hits a sexual assault victim again, to protect our perverted legal system. Sara Casselman: “This is our justice system folks. A survivor in our community was fined yesterday for sharing a transcript of the judge’s ruling *in her favour* with her friends and family.”

Jonathan Sher@SherOnHealth: Crown prosecutor Brian White recommends and Ontario Justice Thomas McKay fines victim of sexual assault $2,000 and orders her to pay $600 victim surcharge for disclosing HER name to friends/family. Canadian justice shields the system, not victims. Sara … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Caveman Canada hits a sexual assault victim again, to protect our perverted legal system. Sara Casselman: “This is our justice system folks. A survivor in our community was fined yesterday for sharing a transcript of the judge’s ruling *in her favour* with her friends and family.”

Only In Alberta: Vulgar corporate welfare and selective non regulation for oil and gas companies, many foreign owned. $245 Million in municipal taxes unpaid by oil and gas companies

Energy companies that owe property taxes should not get new licences: Red Deer County mayor, $245 million in outstanding taxes owed to Alberta municipalities by Paul Cowley, Mar. 16, 2021, Red Deer Advocate The Alberta Energy Regulator should refuse to … Continue reading

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Corporate lies and abuse, everywhere. Australia Adani’s Carmichael Mine: “They were really good when they wanted something, but now they’ve got it, they’re treating us with arrogance and total disrespect”

Tensions escalate between Bravus and Isaac community as grazier takes on multinational company by Angela Parsons, March 17, 2021, ABC Tropical North The peace and quiet of rural cattle stations north of Clermont, in central Queensland, has been shattered as … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Corporate lies and abuse, everywhere. Australia Adani’s Carmichael Mine: “They were really good when they wanted something, but now they’ve got it, they’re treating us with arrogance and total disrespect”

More Oil & Gas Industry Pollution Health Harm Cover-up. Kert Davies: “We’ve seen the oil and gas industry’s disinformation campaign come full circle with the renewed attacks on research that tells us what we’ve known for decades – air pollution kills”

How does the oil and gas industry get away with harming so many of us for decades? Synergy; money (companies offer to take over studies/investigations and finance them); corrupting/controlling academia and “experts;” regulators deregulating while promising better regulation; and their … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on More Oil & Gas Industry Pollution Health Harm Cover-up. Kert Davies: “We’ve seen the oil and gas industry’s disinformation campaign come full circle with the renewed attacks on research that tells us what we’ve known for decades – air pollution kills”

Cenovus (Encana/Ovintiv spawn): Taking COVID relief to keep workers working, greedily and cruelly laying off thousands instead.

The Breakdown@TheBreakdownAB So to recap… Alberta lost a corporate head office, a major O&G employer cut ~1000 jobs and they’re letting the pastor out who broke the law multiple times & are withdrawing charges & all @jkenney wants to talk … Continue reading

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Vatican decrees Catholic Church into a pedophile twist: Opposes gay marriage while helping gay priests rape thousands of boys.

Imagine if the gay priests impregnated the boys they rape around the world. “If men could become pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” ~ Florynce Kennedy Catholic Pedophile Church in Action: Estimates of more than 10,000 child victims in France. … Continue reading

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Self regulation in Bloomfield, New Mexico: Harvest Midstream gets to “discuss” resolution, $187,400 penalty reduced to $92,500 for contaminating water with natural gas and not reporting it.

AER fined Encana/Ovintiv $0 for intentionally, illegally frac’ing Rosebud, Alberta drinking water aquifers, contaminating them with gas and more, and keeping it secret. No fine, not even after the community water tower exploded, seriously injuring and hospitalizing the water manager. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Self regulation in Bloomfield, New Mexico: Harvest Midstream gets to “discuss” resolution, $187,400 penalty reduced to $92,500 for contaminating water with natural gas and not reporting it.

Oil patch hot potato: Walk from billions in clean up costs. “It’s the public who loses.” Frac’ers, including Encana/Ovintiv, working to reduce debt and keep investors from fleeing.

Oil and Gas Firms Are Saddling States with Billions in Cleanup Costs, “It’s like a game of hot potato.” by Nick Bowlin The problem is much worse in Alberta, thanks to law violating, no duty of care, corporate crime enabler, … Continue reading

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Yukon Territorial election called; wiping out the frac moratorium

WILL THERE BE FRACKING IN THE YUKON? by Donald J. Roberts, March 2021 Newsletter, Yukoners Concerned  Please be aware that  the 2021 Yukon Territorial election has been called and that means the“NO FRACKING” MORITORIUM IS CANCELLED. Chance Oil and Gas … Continue reading

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New drilling moratorium needed

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Legal experts question Beverley McLachlin’s position at Hong Kong court; Amir Attaran: “[Her] judgment is deeply lacking – like shamefully – if she thinks it propitious to become a judge in Hong Kong at its peak of its repression. … So what possible good can she do by being there, and collaborating in emergent tyranny? Her moral compass is totally demagnetized.”

Amir Attaran@profamirattaran Replying to @profamirattaran Fact: “In February, the Court of Final Appeal said it did not have the jurisdiction to constitutionally review the National Security Law.” So what possible good can she do by being there, and collaborating in … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Legal experts question Beverley McLachlin’s position at Hong Kong court; Amir Attaran: “[Her] judgment is deeply lacking – like shamefully – if she thinks it propitious to become a judge in Hong Kong at its peak of its repression. … So what possible good can she do by being there, and collaborating in emergent tyranny? Her moral compass is totally demagnetized.”

Bravo! Alberta Teachers’ Association file lawsuit against UCP to try protect teachers’ $19.3 Billion retirement fund (about 84,000 members) from sleazy, mega money losing, frac fingers AIMCo

ATA Files Legal Challenge on Pensions Press Release by Alberta Teachers Association, March 12, 2021 A ministerial order on teacher pension management is unreasonable and should be declared invalid by the courts, argues a legal application submitted for filing by … Continue reading

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Entire PA Senate Republican Caucus files lawsuit to overturn Delaware River Basin Commission frac ban

16 Members Of PA Senate Democratic Caucus Filed Motion To Intervene In PA Senate Republican Caucus Legal Challenge To Delaware River Basin Commission Natural Gas Fracking Ban by David E. Hess, March 12, 2021, PA Environment Digest Blog On March … Continue reading

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Ohio: U.S. District Judge Michael Watson blocks new oil & gas leasing & frac’ing in Wayne National Forest, prohibits new surface disturbances on existing leases, and prohibits water withdrawals from Little Muskingum River for already approved drilling, saying the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management had “demonstrated a disregard for the different types of impacts caused by fracking in the Forest. The agencies made decisions premised on a faulty foundation.”

Federal judge blocks new fracking in Wayne National Forest by The Lawrence Herald, March 12, 2021 COLUMBUS — A federal judge on Monday blocked new oil and gas leasing and fracking in Ohio’s Wayne National Forest, according to a news … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Ohio: U.S. District Judge Michael Watson blocks new oil & gas leasing & frac’ing in Wayne National Forest, prohibits new surface disturbances on existing leases, and prohibits water withdrawals from Little Muskingum River for already approved drilling, saying the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management had “demonstrated a disregard for the different types of impacts caused by fracking in the Forest. The agencies made decisions premised on a faulty foundation.”

“Toxic masculinity” in the patch: All frac’d up in North Dakota: New book, The Good Hand, by Michael Patrick F. Smith

All fracked up: A debut memoir wrestles with toxic masculinity in the oil fields, Michael Patrick F. Smith’s ‘The Good Hand’ offers sharp observations on North Dakota’s extraction industry by Jason Christian, Feb. 17, 2021, High Country News Courtesy Penguin … Continue reading

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Yet another dirty judge? Farley Toothman, who let serial oilfield wastewater dumper Robert Allan Shipman walk (98 criminal counts charged against Shipman and 77 charges against his company across six counties from 2003 to 2009), claims health issues could impede him from testifying at his misconduct trial.

Toothman claims ‘health issues’ could impede him from testifying at misconduct trial by Mike Jones, March 11, 2021, Observer-Reporter Former Greene County judge Farley Toothman is shown in his chambers in this file photo by Mike Jones WAYNESBURG – Former … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Yet another dirty judge? Farley Toothman, who let serial oilfield wastewater dumper Robert Allan Shipman walk (98 criminal counts charged against Shipman and 77 charges against his company across six counties from 2003 to 2009), claims health issues could impede him from testifying at his misconduct trial.

Poor baby Shell, threatening to run away because of Nigeria harm lawsuits, just like pouting Encana/Ovintiv when any authority dares mention regulating polluters or raising royalties/permit fees to pay for cleanup that companies refuse to do.

Nigeria’s Lawsuits Against Shell Could Cause Oil Major Exodus by Viktor Katona, Mar 10, 2021, Oil Price Judging from recent headlines, Nigeria has unleashed one of the most spectacular legal attacks on one of its key oil and gas investors, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Poor baby Shell, threatening to run away because of Nigeria harm lawsuits, just like pouting Encana/Ovintiv when any authority dares mention regulating polluters or raising royalties/permit fees to pay for cleanup that companies refuse to do.

Rule of Law abuses Canadians to service one rich white American. B.C. Appeal Court gives Stan Kroenke – one of richest men in the world – right to stop anglers from accessing two “public” lakes. Our lawyers, judges and politicians insist they serve the public interest. Pffft.

The court is most merciful when the accused is most rich. Proverb U.S. billionaire wins battle to keep anglers off his giant ranch near Merritt, Stan Kroenke wins battle to stop anglers from accessing lakes on his ranch, even though … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Rule of Law abuses Canadians to service one rich white American. B.C. Appeal Court gives Stan Kroenke – one of richest men in the world – right to stop anglers from accessing two “public” lakes. Our lawyers, judges and politicians insist they serve the public interest. Pffft.

But, but, they promised frac’ing us would make everyone rich! 1,000 gas wells later, Greene Co PA going broke. Will a judge give it $Billions in magic money as given to frac’ers? I doubt it.

Judge lets Chesapeake escape bankruptcy, sets free $7 Billion in debt, gives “big payday” to some, says to CEO Robert Lawler: “To remember that a lot of people have suffered a lot of pain for Chesapeake to have a second … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on But, but, they promised frac’ing us would make everyone rich! 1,000 gas wells later, Greene Co PA going broke. Will a judge give it $Billions in magic money as given to frac’ers? I doubt it.

Loving, incredible, powerful, beautiful obit for David Schindler, filled with love, science, wonder and water, by Andrew Nikiforuk in The Tyee, of course.

Condolences to Dr. Schindler’s loved ones. Comment in from USA: “Epic.” David Schindler, the Scientific Giant Who Defended Fresh Water, Among the world’s greatest ecologists, his boreal research has touched all of our lives by Andrew Nikiforuk, March 9, 2021, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Loving, incredible, powerful, beautiful obit for David Schindler, filled with love, science, wonder and water, by Andrew Nikiforuk in The Tyee, of course.

And, the winner is … drum roll … Chesapeake (and the new ombudsperson). Attorney General Josh Shapiro settles with shyster frac company for $5.3 Million for royalty restitution for PA landowners. Who pays for the $7 Billion in magic money given to Chesapeake by the bankruptcy judge?

AG Shapiro, Chesapeake Energy Reach Settlement Amid Bankruptcy Press Release by Office of the Attorney General Josh Shapiro, March 8, 2021 Shapiro Ensures Protections for Landowners Moving Forward TUNKHANNOCK, PA—Attorney General Josh Shapiro today announced that the Pennsylvania Office of … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on And, the winner is … drum roll … Chesapeake (and the new ombudsperson). Attorney General Josh Shapiro settles with shyster frac company for $5.3 Million for royalty restitution for PA landowners. Who pays for the $7 Billion in magic money given to Chesapeake by the bankruptcy judge?

Investors v. Frac’ers: Two lawsuits filed, one against Apache Corp, one against Range Resources for making shit up (like Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella, AER, Alberta gov’t, and Encana/Ovintiv). Do frac’ers ever tell the truth?

TXsharon@TXsharon to Justin Mikulka March 9, 2021: Put the executives in the slammer. Justin Mikulka@JustinMikulka: If oil companies promise investors they can produce oil that isn’t really there, should they be held responsible? What if there is evidence from employees … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Investors v. Frac’ers: Two lawsuits filed, one against Apache Corp, one against Range Resources for making shit up (like Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella, AER, Alberta gov’t, and Encana/Ovintiv). Do frac’ers ever tell the truth?

Is Noise Pollution the Next Big Public-Health Crisis? Research shows that loud noise can have significant impact on human health and devastate ecosystems. “The first thing that has to happen is love.”

Sounds of Silence: The Extinction Crisis Is Taking Away the Earth’s Music by Tara Lohan, The Revelator, Mar. 01, 2021, Ecowatch What does a biodiversity crisis sound like? You may need to strain your ears to hear it. In the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Is Noise Pollution the Next Big Public-Health Crisis? Research shows that loud noise can have significant impact on human health and devastate ecosystems. “The first thing that has to happen is love.”

Does frac’ing kill kids?

When the Kids Started Getting Sick, After pressure from families, Pennsylvania has launched studies into whether fracking can be linked to local illnesses by Eliza Griswold, March 2, 2021, The New Yorker The home of Janice and Kurt Blanock, in … Continue reading

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Environmental and public health groups ask Pennsylvania Dept. of Health to expand scope of studies on frac health harms to include facilities that handle waste (often radioactive).

Groups want fracking waste included in health study, U. of Pittsburgh researchers slated to conduct 3-year study by Reid Frazier, March 5, 2021, State Impact Environmental and public health advocates want the Pennsylvania Department of Health to expand the scope … Continue reading

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Judge David Hittner imposes record $14.25 million pollution penalty against ExxonMobil, rejecting the company’s “act of God” defense. “We call on Exxon to finally stop its scorched-earth litigation tactics, pay its penalty and drop these endless appeals.”

Federal Judge again orders record penalty against Exxon for thousands of Clean Air Act Violations Press Release by Environment Texas, March 2, 2021 HOUSTON – In yet another loss for ExxonMobil Corporation in a historic and long-running environmental enforcement case, … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Judge David Hittner imposes record $14.25 million pollution penalty against ExxonMobil, rejecting the company’s “act of God” defense. “We call on Exxon to finally stop its scorched-earth litigation tactics, pay its penalty and drop these endless appeals.”

If rape-enabling shit sits atop the judicial industry, what runs through it?

Chief Justice Bobde: Are you a rapist? India’s top judge tells accused rapist to marry victim to avoid jail, Sharad Arvind Bobde faces calls to resign over remarks to government technician about schoolgirl by Agence France-Presse in Mumbai, March 4, … Continue reading

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Monitoring methane emissions from gas pipelines using satellite data from Copernicus Sentinel missions

Monitoring methane emissions from gas pipelines by The European Space Agency, March 4, 2021 For the first time, scientists, using satellite data from the Copernicus Sentinel missions, are now able to detect individual methane plumes leaking from natural gas pipelines … Continue reading

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Take your environment and community raping Rosebud racetrack and stuff it you know where: Calgary.

Over 1,700 comments to the CBC article, many opposed and horrified. The racetrack project is about 4 km from Rosebud. The noise will be horrific, amplified by the steep coulee walls. Encana/Ovintiv illegally frac’d Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers in 2004, … Continue reading

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Australia: Victorian State Gov’t follows though on commitment, enshrines frac ban in Constitution, safeguards regions from threat of practices not trusted or supported by community.

Protecting farming and tourism from fracking forever Press Release by Victoria Govt, March 5, 2021, Mirage News The Victorian Government has followed through on its commitment to enshrine the fracking ban in Victoria’s Constitution. The Fracking Ban Bill has this … Continue reading

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Bravo! Congratulations and thank you Dr. John O’Connor, winner of 2021 Peter Bryce Prize for Whistleblowing

2021 Peter Bryce Prize for Whistleblowing 40 Min. Podcast, March 3, 2021 Announcement & Presentation of Inaugural Award 2021 Winner: Dr. John O’Connor Join in the announcement and presentation of the inaugural award of the Peter Bryce Prize given annually to honour … Continue reading

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Frac’d to Hell NEBC, Rose Prairie: Explosive gas levels in *water* well kill $1.3 Million “potable” water station day before it was to open to the public. Taking bets: Will nature be blamed or frac’ers?

Rose Prairie is 31 km north of Fort St John The gas-contaminated water well for the Rose Prairie potable water station, with two energy wells south of it: Information on the two energy wells south of the contaminated water well: … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac’d to Hell NEBC, Rose Prairie: Explosive gas levels in *water* well kill $1.3 Million “potable” water station day before it was to open to the public. Taking bets: Will nature be blamed or frac’ers?

New silica sand extraction invasion of aquifers by CanWhite Sands Inc. and enabling authorities in Manitoba, Canada; Citizen water supplies already reported to be adversely affected.

CanWhite Sands Inc. reportedly claims their extraction project in Manitoba is to obtain silica sand primarily for solar panels, glass and other non frac uses. I do not believe it; I expect they are after sand for frac’ing and are … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New silica sand extraction invasion of aquifers by CanWhite Sands Inc. and enabling authorities in Manitoba, Canada; Citizen water supplies already reported to be adversely affected.

New paper affirms unprecedented slowdown of the Gulf Stream System (aka Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, AMOC)

Current Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakest in last millennium by L. Caesar, G. D. McCarthy, D. J. R. Thornalley, N. Cahill and S. Rahmstorf, Feb 25, 2021, Nature Geoscience The paper is a tart succinct read. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning … Continue reading

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Wisconsin Frac Sand Mining Harms Lawsuit: Cooks Valley couple files lawsuit against EOG Resources and Kraemer Mining & Materials for property and groundwater pollution, damages to home, radon gas, health and property value harms

“Frac Sand Mines, Processing Plants, and Rail-load-outs can be found in abundance in NW Wisconsin. Many people, young and old alike, have had their lives impacted upon by health, safety, economic concerns and an abundance of other issues surrounding this … Continue reading

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Mountains Not Mines mugs are back in stock! (I was sent my very own mug and chocolates.)

Mountains Not Mines and Fuck You Kenney mugs have been restocked! This time, $12 from each mug will be donated to the No Coal Mines on Niitsitapi Land GoFundMe. As of March 2, 2021: $11,345 raised of $20,000 goal Latasha … Continue reading

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New Investigation: Fractured: The body burden of living near fracking: Families in western Pennsylvania exposed to harmful chemicals; regulations failing to protect mental, physical, social health. In Alberta, doctors will not investigate if we are poisoned by oil/gas/frac’ing; will not take a blood test without politician permission

Have you been impacted by fracking? We want to hear from you. Fill out our fracking impact survey and we’ll be in touch. Excellent photos, video and links to all parts (with many more visuals) at link: scientific investigation … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Investigation: Fractured: The body burden of living near fracking: Families in western Pennsylvania exposed to harmful chemicals; regulations failing to protect mental, physical, social health. In Alberta, doctors will not investigate if we are poisoned by oil/gas/frac’ing; will not take a blood test without politician permission

Free screening Feb 28 & Mar 1, 2021: Invisible Hand, award-winning documentary, seven years in the making. “It’s about the water. It’s always been about the water.” Quebec’s Magpie River becomes first in Canada to be granted legal personhood

“The corporate goal is to make sure democracy doesn’t exist.” As you watch this documentary, remember: Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) is 100% corporate-funded, owes Albertans no duty of care, is legally immune, has no public health or public interest mandate, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Free screening Feb 28 & Mar 1, 2021: Invisible Hand, award-winning documentary, seven years in the making. “It’s about the water. It’s always been about the water.” Quebec’s Magpie River becomes first in Canada to be granted legal personhood

Humanity needs a lot more lawyers like “legendary” Nicola Salomone. “Quite a story this: defence lawyer seeks postponement to get a psychiatrist’s report; judge berates him, invokes victim; lawyer says he’ll cease representing client to protect his interests; judge refuses; lawyer resigns from the Québec bar―while in court.”

Leonid Sirota@DoubleAspect Feb 15, 2021 Tweets: Quite a story this: defence lawyer seeks postponement to get a psychiatrist’s report; judge berates him, invokes victim; lawyer says he’ll cease representing client to protect his interests; judge refuses; lawyer resigns from the … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Humanity needs a lot more lawyers like “legendary” Nicola Salomone. “Quite a story this: defence lawyer seeks postponement to get a psychiatrist’s report; judge berates him, invokes victim; lawyer says he’ll cease representing client to protect his interests; judge refuses; lawyer resigns from the Québec bar―while in court.”

City of Annapolis sues oil and gas companies, naming some of the biggest, including ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP and Shell, for their role in contributing to climate change; Will argue the companies violated Maryland Consumer Protection Act and five other actions, including public and private nuisance, negligence, failure to warn and trespass. Anne Arundel County considering similar litigation

Annapolis sues 26 oil and gas companies for their role in contributing to climate change by Brooks DuBose, Feb 23, 2021, Capital Gazette The City of Annapolis is suing 26 oil and gas companies for what it calls the costs … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on City of Annapolis sues oil and gas companies, naming some of the biggest, including ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP and Shell, for their role in contributing to climate change; Will argue the companies violated Maryland Consumer Protection Act and five other actions, including public and private nuisance, negligence, failure to warn and trespass. Anne Arundel County considering similar litigation

How big a player is the oil and gas patch in sex trafficking?

Pipeline workers among those arrested in sex trafficking sting, The two men have been fired, and Enbridge said it has “zero tolerance for illegal and exploitive behavior.” by Brooks Johnson, Feb 24, 2021, Star Tribune DULUTH – Two pipeline workers … Continue reading

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Exxon erased nearly every drop of Canadian tarsands from its books

Exxon takes Canadian oil sands off its books in historic reserves revision by Kevin Crowley, Feb 25, 2021, World Oil HOUSTON (Bloomberg) –Exxon Mobil erased almost every drop of oil-sands crude from its books in a sweeping revision of worldwide … Continue reading

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Petromasculinity: Diamond Offshore Drilling got $9.7 million tax bailout, filed for bankruptcy protection, paid $9.7 million in executive bonuses, laid off nearly a quarter of its workforce. Seadrill Limited got $3 million bailout, did nothing to stem layoffs or bankruptcy. Superior Energy Services announced $115 million in payroll cuts, layoffs, furloughs; got $30.5 million tax bailout, paid $44 million to top execs, filed for bankruptcy

Oil Driller Took $9.7 Million Bailout, Declared Bankruptcy, Gave Execs $9.7 Million, Laid Off Staff by ClimateDenierRoundup Community, February 25, 2021, DAILY KOS We and others have talked about Cara Daggett’s concept of petromasculinity a lot since she coined the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Petromasculinity: Diamond Offshore Drilling got $9.7 million tax bailout, filed for bankruptcy protection, paid $9.7 million in executive bonuses, laid off nearly a quarter of its workforce. Seadrill Limited got $3 million bailout, did nothing to stem layoffs or bankruptcy. Superior Energy Services announced $115 million in payroll cuts, layoffs, furloughs; got $30.5 million tax bailout, paid $44 million to top execs, filed for bankruptcy

Tammy Bouvette, Intentional miscarriage of justice in Canada?

Comment to the CBC artlce by Susan Korotash: The prosecution relied on the findings of Dr. Evan Matshes. Many of his findings have been investigated and discredited over the years, but the Alberta Justice Department at the time would do … Continue reading

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Another dishonest Canadian lawyer shit show: Disbarred Edmonton lawyer, Shawn Beaver, off to jail for a year.

Disbarred Edmonton lawyer sentenced to year in jail by Dylan Short, Feb 24, 2021, Edmonton Journal A former Edmonton lawyer must spend one year in jail after he was found to be in contempt of court, an associate chief justice … Continue reading

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Holy Frac Ban! Delaware River Basin Commission, water regulator, votes to permanently ban drilling and frac’ing in Delaware River watershed. All four basin states (PA, NJ, DE, NY) voted for the ban, citing scientific evidence that frac’ing has polluted drinking water, surface water, and groundwater. Delaware Gov. John Carney: “As DRBC chair, I welcome this opportunity to provide the fullest protection to the more than 13 million people who rely upon the Delaware River Basin’s waters for their drinking water”

Frac bans on a roll! Delaware River Basin Commission Bans Hydraulic Fracking Drilling Activities In Watershed; Will Develop Regs To Manage Drilling Wastewater by David E. Hess, Feb 25, 2021, PA Environmental Digest On February 25, the Delaware River Basin … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Holy Frac Ban! Delaware River Basin Commission, water regulator, votes to permanently ban drilling and frac’ing in Delaware River watershed. All four basin states (PA, NJ, DE, NY) voted for the ban, citing scientific evidence that frac’ing has polluted drinking water, surface water, and groundwater. Delaware Gov. John Carney: “As DRBC chair, I welcome this opportunity to provide the fullest protection to the more than 13 million people who rely upon the Delaware River Basin’s waters for their drinking water”

New study: Unconventional oil/gas development has larger impact on ambient particle radioactivity (PR) level compared to conventional; Widespread upwind unconventional/frac activities could significantly elevate PR level in downwind communities and induce adverse health effects to residents.

Unconventional oil and gas development andambient particle radioactivity by Longxiang Li, Annelise J. Blomberg, John D. Spengler, Brent A. Coull, Joel D. Schwartz & Petros Koutrakis, 2020 11:5002, Nature Communications Unconventional oil and natural gas development (UOGD) expanded extensively … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study: Unconventional oil/gas development has larger impact on ambient particle radioactivity (PR) level compared to conventional; Widespread upwind unconventional/frac activities could significantly elevate PR level in downwind communities and induce adverse health effects to residents.

Finally, “a non/racist justice and jury in Alberta,” Bradley Barton found guilty in 2011 death of Cindy Gladue

When will Canadian courts and lawyers/prosecutors begin to treat rape victims, even dead rape or sex victims, with respect and fairness from the start of proceedings and throughout? Soul-destroying for friends and family of Ms. Gladue, the public interest, jury … Continue reading

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Water quality and quantity regulator (Delaware River Basin Commission) to make final decision Feb 25 on permanent drill & frac ban in Delaware River watershed.

Agency to take action on fracking ban near Delaware River by Associated Press, Feb 18, 2021 WEST TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A regulatory agency that’s responsible for the water supply for more than 13 million people is poised to take … Continue reading

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