Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

More frac bankruptcy stench and Encana/Ovintiv Hanky Panky with CPPIB? How many Steve Harper appointees on the Board?

Excellent question in comment by TedCruzAteMyKids: Why is CPP investing in capital intensive fracking operations especially when the past few years have seen shale and fracking burn investor cash? … CPPIB expands bet on Colorado fracking by joining new venture … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on More frac bankruptcy stench and Encana/Ovintiv Hanky Panky with CPPIB? How many Steve Harper appointees on the Board?

While oil & gas frac’ing’s unacceptable environmental and public health impacts continue, including permanently removing billions of gallons of drinking water from the hydrogeological cycle. Sick.

New federal policy restricts thermal coal mine projects, citing ‘unacceptable’ environmental impacts by Emma Graney, June 11, 2021, The Globe and Mail New and expanded thermal-coal mines are highly unlikely to get the green light under a policy change announced … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on While oil & gas frac’ing’s unacceptable environmental and public health impacts continue, including permanently removing billions of gallons of drinking water from the hydrogeological cycle. Sick.

When will the frac’ing insanity stop? Worrying Rystad Energy frac quake analysis.

Treating the US oil industry’s dark water: As earthquakes increase, billions needed to switch course by Rystad Energy in Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide, June 14, 2021 A worrying Rystad Energy analysis of seismic activity in the US’ key oil producing … Continue reading

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John A. MacDonald and Egerton Ryerson going ape shit in their graves this carving not of them instead of Amanda Polchies, Mi’kmaw woman from Elispogtog First Nation, defending her community and drinking water from being raped by colonial frac’ers? Beautiful courage: “Wisp of Hope.”

Mi’kmaw artist picks iconic fracking protest photo for newest stone carving, ‘It was an image I’d always wanted to try to carve,’ says Steve Lawton by Nic Meloney, CBC News, Jun 13, 2021 Steve Lawton says he’s wanted to carve … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on John A. MacDonald and Egerton Ryerson going ape shit in their graves this carving not of them instead of Amanda Polchies, Mi’kmaw woman from Elispogtog First Nation, defending her community and drinking water from being raped by colonial frac’ers? Beautiful courage: “Wisp of Hope.”

Here’s Why Your Gas Stove Is Killing You (and the frac-harmed)

“Natural” gas in North America now comes via hydraulic fracturing which is extremely polluting, anything but “natural,” harms many, and divides families and communities. Dr. Mary Wood: Once a frac’ing company goes into a community, they never leave. Long after … Continue reading

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“Bankruptcy for Profit.” How bankruptcy lets companies walk from clean up. CAPP/AER/OWA’s Plan all along? “They’re just looting what remains and leaving us with the financial and environmental fallout.”

How bankruptcy lets oil and gas companies evade cleanup rules; “It’s basically bankruptcy for profit” by Naveena Sadasivam, Jun 07, 2021, Grist A battle over who is responsible for cleaning up hundreds of oil and gas rigs in the Gulf … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on “Bankruptcy for Profit.” How bankruptcy lets companies walk from clean up. CAPP/AER/OWA’s Plan all along? “They’re just looting what remains and leaving us with the financial and environmental fallout.”

USA: “Law” makers that don’t know the law or intentionally abuse it? Or, just more of the same “rule of law” when it suits them? Federal judge says Senate Republicans had no legal right to sue to overturn Delaware River Basin Commission’s frac ban.

Federal judge throws out lawsuit to overturn fracking ban at Delaware River, The suit was filed a month before the Delaware River Basin Commission decided to officially ban fracking by WNEP Web Staff, AP, June 11, 2021, 16WNEP WAYNE COUNTY, … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on USA: “Law” makers that don’t know the law or intentionally abuse it? Or, just more of the same “rule of law” when it suits them? Federal judge says Senate Republicans had no legal right to sue to overturn Delaware River Basin Commission’s frac ban.

More set-up to hang Canadian taxpayers with frac’d gas clean up? Tourmaline buys Black Swan with $350 Million debt. What about AER’s five charges against Tourmaline for 2018 sour gas release that reportedly harmed human health? Much “natural” gas in NEBC is sour.

Why did the main media leave out AER’s charges against Tourmaline? If anyone knows the outcome of the Court hearing Feb 19, 2020 in Grand Prairie, please let me know. Thank you. As natural gas prices sizzle, Tourmaline buys Black … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on More set-up to hang Canadian taxpayers with frac’d gas clean up? Tourmaline buys Black Swan with $350 Million debt. What about AER’s five charges against Tourmaline for 2018 sour gas release that reportedly harmed human health? Much “natural” gas in NEBC is sour.

Must Watch Both: Bedrock Rights, film identifying how frac’ing harms and abrogates human rights and Conversation: Sandra Steingraber, biologist and Mary Wood, award-winning law prof

Dr. Mary Wood: Once a frac’ing company goes into a community, they never leave. Long after they have left, the contamination stays. Dr. Sandra Steingraber: Frac’ing is not only systemic racism, It’s not only misogyny, It’s not only genocide against … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Must Watch Both: Bedrock Rights, film identifying how frac’ing harms and abrogates human rights and Conversation: Sandra Steingraber, biologist and Mary Wood, award-winning law prof

Letter by Paul Strome on “boondoggle” bizarre notoriously polluting Goldboro LNG scheme. “When you take a look at what Pieridae’s performance is on the stock market right now and how Pieridae has done for the past several years in the market you will understand my lack of faith in their ability to perform.”

Pieridae’s “Goldboro” Debacle by Paul Strome, May 5, 2021, The Inverness Oran Dear Editor, What a vast majority of Canadians don’t realize is that we are on the hook for cleaning up billions (if not trillions) of dollars of environmental … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Letter by Paul Strome on “boondoggle” bizarre notoriously polluting Goldboro LNG scheme. “When you take a look at what Pieridae’s performance is on the stock market right now and how Pieridae has done for the past several years in the market you will understand my lack of faith in their ability to perform.”

Gérard Montpetit: Judicial terrorism and frac’ing

May 31, 2021 Good Morning, Jessica It is with deep sorrow that I learned, in The Tyee, that your judicial battle was over.  You are right; you may have lost the judicial battle, but you won the battle of public … Continue reading

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Frac Sand Sentinel #374: Photos of the Devastation & Must Read Submission to Wisconsin’s Frac Sand Mine “Hands Off” “Failure” of a “Regulator” DNR by Dwight (Town Chair of Curran Twp) and Ruth Swenson, Hixton WI

May 26, 2021 Roberta WallsWDNR Nonmetallic Mine Coordinator Ms. Walls, Thanks for the invitation to provide public commentary regarding the WI Adm. Code NR135.06(5) concerning rulings governing local and county non-metallic mine site reclamation efforts in Wisconsin. This is a critical area of … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Frac Sand Sentinel #374: Photos of the Devastation & Must Read Submission to Wisconsin’s Frac Sand Mine “Hands Off” “Failure” of a “Regulator” DNR by Dwight (Town Chair of Curran Twp) and Ruth Swenson, Hixton WI

Oh Order of Caveman Canada: Best comment of the last two frac’d decades!

Morgan got the Order of Canada for fracking your aquifer. Comment by a Canadian living in Manitoba, June 8, 2021, in response to this post: A murder mystery: Who really killed Encana? Or is this a Gwyn Morgan Puff Piece? … Continue reading

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Bad joke? Gov’t fizzes up self-regulating Canadian Judicial Council, where judges regulate judges. Racist Caveman Canada has no “justice” system; just an expensive (and for most) inaccessible legal system. Besides, lawyers can quit whenever they like, no matter how many hundreds of thousands of dollars you paid them, or what the “rules” say, and Supreme Court of Canada judges lie in rulings which the Candian Judicial Council thinks is just fine.

Pfffft! What good will a few burps do added to the Canadian Judical Council? Judges in Canada self-regulate like the oil and gas industry does, and we all know the many crimes oil and gas companies get away with in … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Bad joke? Gov’t fizzes up self-regulating Canadian Judicial Council, where judges regulate judges. Racist Caveman Canada has no “justice” system; just an expensive (and for most) inaccessible legal system. Besides, lawyers can quit whenever they like, no matter how many hundreds of thousands of dollars you paid them, or what the “rules” say, and Supreme Court of Canada judges lie in rulings which the Candian Judicial Council thinks is just fine.

Think racist Caveman Canada will reconcile with peoples rich politicians toss via genocide? Never. Stuff your heartless deflections pope, and your cruel legal abuse and fake words trudeau jr, you know where.

My love to the people and families, the dead children and the abused, starved, sickened, brainwashed with lying religion, and raped children that survived. Healing won’t come from corrupt churches, pope after pope, any gov’t or prime minister. Healing comes … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Think racist Caveman Canada will reconcile with peoples rich politicians toss via genocide? Never. Stuff your heartless deflections pope, and your cruel legal abuse and fake words trudeau jr, you know where.

Japex sells Canadian shale gas “asset” to frac quaker Petronas for “extraordinary loss of C$493 million”

Japex cuts its losses and exits Canada shale asset, Japanese company to recognise a large extraordinary loss by Rusell Searancke, May 14, 2021, Upstreamonline Japan Petroleum Exploration (Japex) has sold to Petronas its interest in a Canadian shale gas asset, … Continue reading

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Another “No Duty of Care” legally immune AER “shell” game to let big polluter Shell avoid clean up? Looks like it. AER gives Shell-Pieridae sour gas marriage a hearing

It’s time to nationalize Shell. Private oil companies are no longer fit for purpose, Failing, heavily subsidized private oil companies enjoy the profits of oil extraction while the rest of us pay in tax dollars, human rights abuses, and an … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Another “No Duty of Care” legally immune AER “shell” game to let big polluter Shell avoid clean up? Looks like it. AER gives Shell-Pieridae sour gas marriage a hearing

Alan Brubaker against frac’ing: “Those chemicals they use to frack are highly poisonous to humans. Those chemicals cannot be filtered out. What are you thinking, money over the lives of millions people? All who pass this should be put in prison for life.”

Against fracking by Alan Brubaker, Snowflake, Jun 1, 2021, White Mountain Independent In first place, I still am against fracking, because the the chemicals used in the process to break up the soil and rock to remove the oil or … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Alan Brubaker against frac’ing: “Those chemicals they use to frack are highly poisonous to humans. Those chemicals cannot be filtered out. What are you thinking, money over the lives of millions people? All who pass this should be put in prison for life.”

New study: Living near oil development associated with lower lung function

Respiratory health, pulmonary function and local engagement in urban communities near oil development by Jill E. Johnston, Temuulen Enebish, Sandrah P.Eckel, Sandy Navarro, and Bhavna Shamasunder, June 2021, Environmental Research, Volume 197, 111088 Highlights •Urban oil and gas development occurs … Continue reading

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Give your brain a shake Mr. Wallace! AER owes No Duty of Care to Albertans harmed by its actions or inactions (failure to regulate is AER’s fav pastime), has no public interest or public health mandate, abuses and violates the rights of harmed citizens, and is led by questionable old white dudes.

Head of coal-mining panel says Albertans’ trust in resource regulators to be examined, Ron Wallace says public’s low confidence in regulatory body is ‘a major thing’ by Bob Weber, The Canadian Press, May 31, 2021, CBC News A public consultation … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Give your brain a shake Mr. Wallace! AER owes No Duty of Care to Albertans harmed by its actions or inactions (failure to regulate is AER’s fav pastime), has no public interest or public health mandate, abuses and violates the rights of harmed citizens, and is led by questionable old white dudes.

Private land; Frac’ers Garbage Can. Sentron LD 3000 oil barrel on Rosebud River coulee, Ernst property; Matching barrels at Encana/Ovintiv (now Lynx) 7-13 Compressor station.

Comment from a rural Alberta: Good job on the “barrel racing”, Jessica, they won’t forget …this isn’t your first rodeo! Ha. *** Yesterday, walking home checking the mail, I noticed a black blob that did not belong on the landscape … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Private land; Frac’ers Garbage Can. Sentron LD 3000 oil barrel on Rosebud River coulee, Ernst property; Matching barrels at Encana/Ovintiv (now Lynx) 7-13 Compressor station.

Lorne Sossin: Statutory Bars to Constitutional Remedies: The Importance of Being Ernst

ERCB was EUB, is now AER My ex lawyer, Murray Klippenstein, on the Board of the “regulator” of his profession – the Law Society of Ontario (LSO), quit abruptly via email on August 26, 2018, withheld my website for nearly … Continue reading

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AER’s new CEO Laurie Pushor farting spin to make landowners, counties, municipalities ripped off by oil & gas shut up?

One of the comments to the Globe article: Mark Shore: This is clearly an improvement, but something seems off. The regulator hasn’t yet landed on a concrete number of how much energy companies must spend each year on clean-up activities, … Continue reading

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2021 06 24: $400 gets you a module with Mark Taylor, frac’er of blue icing, ex lying Encana manager, ex AER VP who did the hanky panky with ex AER Chief hanky pankster Jim Ellis. Another Caveman Canada shit show brought to us by oil & gas.

Navigating the Energy Regulator when Conducting Acquisitions and Divestitures (June 24, 2021) Course Length 4 hours Instructor JWN Energy Courses Released 24 Mar 2021 Price $400.00 Description This four-hour live course is designed to guide participants through the regulatory issues from … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 2021 06 24: $400 gets you a module with Mark Taylor, frac’er of blue icing, ex lying Encana manager, ex AER VP who did the hanky panky with ex AER Chief hanky pankster Jim Ellis. Another Caveman Canada shit show brought to us by oil & gas.

Why no charges against Encana/Ovintiv for intentionally frac’ing Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers and diverting water from them without the mandatory permit, violating The Water Act, Water Ministerial Regulation, and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act? Rule of law when it suits them.

Calgary company, directors plead guilty to environmental charges by Postmedia News, May 28, 2021, Calgary Herald A Calgary company and the directors of two others have been fined a total of $55,000 after pleading guilty to the dumping of contaminated … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Why no charges against Encana/Ovintiv for intentionally frac’ing Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers and diverting water from them without the mandatory permit, violating The Water Act, Water Ministerial Regulation, and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act? Rule of law when it suits them.

Parallel situations between Canada and Honduras: Father Melo and Phil Little compare Berta Cáceres with Jessica Ernst on radio program, América Libre.

This is an honour beyond my wildest imaginings! Thank you Father Melo, Phil Little and América Libre radio show in Honduras. I only wish Berta was still alive, and we were all enjoying lunch together at the Rosebud Inn. Comment … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Parallel situations between Canada and Honduras: Father Melo and Phil Little compare Berta Cáceres with Jessica Ernst on radio program, América Libre.

CPP & AIMCo gave Bolsonaro $1Billion to privatize water. Just how dirty is CPP Investment Board (Hanky Pankied with Aquifer Frac’er Encana)? We know how dirty AIMCo is by the millions it gives bankrupt frac’ers and other law-violating big polluters

Revealed: Canadian pension funds invested nearly $1B in Bolsonaro-led water privatization scheme, A deal championed by the far-right Brazilian President and financed by two Canadian funds is “illegal,” say unions challenging it in court by Jesse Freeston & Martin Lukacs … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on CPP & AIMCo gave Bolsonaro $1Billion to privatize water. Just how dirty is CPP Investment Board (Hanky Pankied with Aquifer Frac’er Encana)? We know how dirty AIMCo is by the millions it gives bankrupt frac’ers and other law-violating big polluters

June 2, 2021: World Premier of Bedrock Rights: A New Foundation for Global Action Against Fracking and Climate Change

World Premier of Our Film This coming Wednesday is the premier of an exciting new short film that our Tribunal and Bearing Witness team has created over the past several months. It is a rich and powerful story based on the testimony and court … Continue reading

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Diary of a frac’d resident in NEBC. Damn It Premier Horgan, find some humanity! Ban Frac’ing! For the Love of Water, Community and People, not just Fake Jobs for Multinational Polluters.

Shale Gas Drill n Frac’ near Dawson Creek inSuper Natural British ColumbiaLife in the Time of Induced, Quakes, Shakes & Slams 2013 May 24 10:59am, 2:16pm, 2:21pm, 2:25pm, 2:34pm, 2:45pm, 2:52pm, 2:57m, 3:03pmside to side, tremor, 3:06pm, 3:10pm stronger steady … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Diary of a frac’d resident in NEBC. Damn It Premier Horgan, find some humanity! Ban Frac’ing! For the Love of Water, Community and People, not just Fake Jobs for Multinational Polluters.

Frac’ing Wow! Canadian Rape enablers, including AGs, LSO, police, school authorities, lawyers and judges, are you watching?

Judge orders ex-Penn State president Graham Spanier to begin prison sentence July 9 by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 26, 2021 A judge on Wednesday ordered Graham Spanier, the former Penn State University president, to begin serving a sentence on a misdemeanor … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Frac’ing Wow! Canadian Rape enablers, including AGs, LSO, police, school authorities, lawyers and judges, are you watching?

Peace Region NEBC Canada, New Study: Cumulative frac development and earthquakes: Warning by Allan Chapman: Bigger frac quakes coming, may kill and destroy; Pathetic 100% industry funded and controlled OGC enabling the horrific frac harms like AER, as usual.

Comments to the Tyee article, including excellent one by Mr. Koop of BC Tap Water Alliance: WillKoop The photo at the beginning of this article, showing three water pits, has been published numerous times, but never identified. I know this … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Peace Region NEBC Canada, New Study: Cumulative frac development and earthquakes: Warning by Allan Chapman: Bigger frac quakes coming, may kill and destroy; Pathetic 100% industry funded and controlled OGC enabling the horrific frac harms like AER, as usual.

Demand grows for Irish-led global frac ban after release of report from Irish Centre for Human Rights; Over 600 groups, scientists, organisations sign open letter to the UN Secretary-General.

Calls grow for an Irish-led global ban on fracking by by Shauna Burdis, 25 May 2021, Demand is continuing to build for an Irish-led global ban on fracking in the wake of a report from the Irish Centre for … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Demand grows for Irish-led global frac ban after release of report from Irish Centre for Human Rights; Over 600 groups, scientists, organisations sign open letter to the UN Secretary-General.

Louisiana, St. Mary Parish: Eight workers from Wild Well Control injured in explosion at natural gas well; Incident began with crew trying to plug abandoned well

Several people hurt after explosion at gas well along Louisiana coast by WBRZ, May 25, 2021 MORGAN CITY – Several workers were hurt after a natural gas well near the coast of Louisiana erupted into flames. Texas Petroleum Investment Company … Continue reading

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Rule of law when it suits them: Federal judge allows DAPL to keep pumping oil despite lacking vital permit, highlights how Supreme Court precedent made NEPA “virtually impossible to enforce.”

Court Allows Dakota Access Pipeline To Keep Pumping (Despite Lacking Key Federal Permit) by Nexus Media, May 24, 2021, Cleantechnica A federal judge ruled Friday the Dakota Access Pipeline may continue pumping oil despite lacking a key federal permit while … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Rule of law when it suits them: Federal judge allows DAPL to keep pumping oil despite lacking vital permit, highlights how Supreme Court precedent made NEPA “virtually impossible to enforce.”

May 25, 11AM Virtual Press Conference with AG Josh Shapiro and PA Senate Democrats to discuss action against negligent frac’ers. Canadian authorities take action against law violating frac’ers by pissing on the rule of law, deregulating, and smearing and further harming the harmed and violating our rights.

AG Shapiro and Senate Democrats to Discuss Action Against Fracking Negligence by Pennsylvania Senate Democrats, May 24, 2021, 19:05 GMT, EIN Presswire On Tuesday, May 25th at 11AM, Attorney General Josh Shapiro and PA Senate Democrats will hold a virtual … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on May 25, 11AM Virtual Press Conference with AG Josh Shapiro and PA Senate Democrats to discuss action against negligent frac’ers. Canadian authorities take action against law violating frac’ers by pissing on the rule of law, deregulating, and smearing and further harming the harmed and violating our rights.

California regulator releases draft rule to ban frac’ing by 2024; For phase out of all “well stimulation” techniques including fracking, acidizing, gravel packing, steam flooding and steam injection. After how many aquifers permanently contaminated?

California Launches Rulemaking To Ban Fracking In 2024 by Charles Kennedy, May 24, 2021, Oil Price California initiated on Friday the pre-rulemaking stage of proposed legislation that would end fracking in the state in 2024. The Department of Conservation, Geologic … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on California regulator releases draft rule to ban frac’ing by 2024; For phase out of all “well stimulation” techniques including fracking, acidizing, gravel packing, steam flooding and steam injection. After how many aquifers permanently contaminated?

New Irish Study: Frac’ing not compatible with human rights law; “Must be banned worldwide” … “No amount of regulation can adequately address all the problems that fracking causes”

Emails just in from Ireland as I finished this post: 1. That’s unrealistic guilt Jessica.We build our campaign on your shoulders. You saved us when you filled the Rainbow that night. There’s bans on fracking all over the place because … Continue reading

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Frac Sand Sentinel #372: MUST READ Letter by retired judge Tom Lister to Roberta Walls, DNR, frac sand “regulator”

Comment by a rural Albertan: Alberta to a T ? It appears that a Minnesota judge could be describing the Alberta regulatory system ,the AER project approval process and the Municipal development process, as is now allowed under the Alberta … Continue reading

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National Geographic: Frac Flip-Flopper Canadian company ReconAfrica (plans to invade 13,200 sq miles of Africa’s most wildlife-rich habitats) doing the hanky panky to mislead investors? And operating like Encana without required permits?

Joan Ellis@breadbaker48 May 22: @UNEP Irony: @NamPresidency & @Recon_Africa will release more CO2 into earth’s atmosphere by drilling the pristine #OkavangoDelta when 100s of elephants died -just months before- from a toxic bloom linked to Climate Change/CO2/GHG in same region. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on National Geographic: Frac Flip-Flopper Canadian company ReconAfrica (plans to invade 13,200 sq miles of Africa’s most wildlife-rich habitats) doing the hanky panky to mislead investors? And operating like Encana without required permits?

June 3, 2021: Webinar Reimagining Rivers: Magpie River as Person

Webinar Registration: Reimagining Rivers: Magpie River as Person jointly organized by the Centre for Constitutional Studies and the Environmental Law Centre DescriptionThe Magpie River was recently granted legal personhood by the Innu Council of Ekuanitshit and the Minganie Regional County … Continue reading

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Eliminate light pollution! Let’s bring bees back! Rena Woss: Protecting bees takes little effort. Billions of bees are dying because of light pollution. Provide darkness; Shield or turn outdoor lights off, use only when needed.

Frac’ing comes with horrific light pollution. World Bee Day event hopes to (not) shine a light on pollinators by Tim Kalinowski, May 18, 2021, Lethbridge Herald World Bee Day event organizers in Lethbridge hope to start a conversation with Lethbridge … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Eliminate light pollution! Let’s bring bees back! Rena Woss: Protecting bees takes little effort. Billions of bees are dying because of light pollution. Provide darkness; Shield or turn outdoor lights off, use only when needed.

Nikiforuk: The Brutal Legal Odyssey of Jessica Ernst Comes to an End (post includes translation of the article into Spanish). “They whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm. She whispered back, I am the storm.”

Comment by a Rural Albertan: Murray the dickhead missed his chance. Instead of being known as a champion of right he will be known in history as the selfish coward who backed out. Now that’s justice. WillKoop Mr. Koop’s comment … Continue reading

Posted in Case News, Global Frac News | Comments Off on Nikiforuk: The Brutal Legal Odyssey of Jessica Ernst Comes to an End (post includes translation of the article into Spanish). “They whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm. She whispered back, I am the storm.”

The Good Ole’ Boy Frac Club: A new and particularly virulent form of masculinist entitlement

The Good Ole’ Boy Extraction Club: An Eco-Feminist Critique of the Culture of Hydraulic Fracturing by Wendy Lynne Lee, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, The emergence of hydraulic fracturing—fracking—as a method of fossil fuel extraction presents a new and particularly virulent … Continue reading

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Government of Ireland Statement on Importation of Frac’d Gas

Policy Statement on the Importation of Fracked Gas Published, From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications Press Release by Government of Ireland, 18 May 2021 Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD today received Government approval … Continue reading

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May 24, 2021 17:00 – 18:30 BST: Free webinar launch of Human Rights Impacts of Fracking Report by Human Rights Clinic, National University of Ireland Galway

SUPPORT CALL FOR GLOBAL BAN ON FRAC’ING BY SIGNING HERE: Human Rights Impacts of Fracking – Launch of Report produced by Human Rights Clinic at NUIG About this event Fracking is an unconventional and harmful oil and gas extraction … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on May 24, 2021 17:00 – 18:30 BST: Free webinar launch of Human Rights Impacts of Fracking Report by Human Rights Clinic, National University of Ireland Galway

Pennsylvania: Protect PT will appeal fracking decision to state’s Supreme Court

Protect PT will appeal fracking decision to Pa. Supreme Court by Patrick Varine, May 14, 2021, TribLIVE Environmental group Protect PT is expected to make its case to state’s highest court next week, arguing that zoning board decisions allowing additional … Continue reading

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Joshua Sealy-Harrington: Twelve Angry (White) Men of Few Principles (includes my ex lead lawyer Murray Klippenstein): The Constitutionality of the Statement of Principles

Twelve Angry (White) Men: The Constitutionality of the Statement of Principles by Joshua Sealy-Harrington, Jan 1, 2020, Ottawa Law Review Volume 51, Issue 1 Footnotes not included below, access them via link or the PDF This paper analyzes the constitutionality … Continue reading

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Amir Attaran, Prof of Law & Medicine: “Oil companies are so arrogant that they refuse to obey the law.” Yup, Encana/Ovintiv one of the worst in Canada, illegally frac’d a community’s drinking water aquifers with AER and Alberta Environment too chicken to say peep, while blaming and shaming the harmed.

Rob Schwartz (previous director of Alberta Surface Rights Group): There are 3 things that nobody, including the CBC wants to talk about that might put this news in proper context. # 1 . Enbridge has been ignoring Michiganan’s pipeline safety … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Amir Attaran, Prof of Law & Medicine: “Oil companies are so arrogant that they refuse to obey the law.” Yup, Encana/Ovintiv one of the worst in Canada, illegally frac’d a community’s drinking water aquifers with AER and Alberta Environment too chicken to say peep, while blaming and shaming the harmed.

Free Webinar May 18, 2021: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Hydraulic Fracturing in the Shale Patch

You are invited to join Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Shale Gas Development May 18 (Tue), 5:00 PM Central Standard Time · Zoom Registration Event Information ​On Tuesday, May 18 at 7 p.m., Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project (EHP) and Halt … Continue reading

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Alberta university teachers pension plan pulls out billions in assets from AIMCo management after massive loss in value.

Rob Schwartz (past director of Alberta Surface Rights Group): Posted on ASRG because pensions are private property. Over the past several years AIMCo has been the go to lender for small underfinanced companies proposing to buy depleted oil & gas … Continue reading

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Pennsylvania: Pro-frac’ing judge must recuse himself from a frac hearing? “Hell Yes!”

Citizen group appeals to Commonwealth Court to overturn Murrysville fracking ordinance by Patrick Varine, May 11, 2021, triblive The Murrysville Watch Committee, a citizen group seeking to overturn the municipality’s unconventional gas drilling ordinance, had its appeal heard Monday morning … Continue reading

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The Rule of Gag: Alberta Rules of Court Amendment Regulation (AR 36/2020) *confidential* dispute resolution (ADR) for civil actions. USA: “Lighting strike more likely than forced arbitration win.” Of 60 million employees *forced* into arbitration, only 282 awarded damages. “The U.S. Supreme Court drew a road map to give immunity to these corporations.”

ADR = Alternative Dispute Resolution = Rule of law when it suits them (like Case Management). The Public (that pays for our courts) is not allowed in to witness ADR. ADR is misused by AER and the public health harming … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on The Rule of Gag: Alberta Rules of Court Amendment Regulation (AR 36/2020) *confidential* dispute resolution (ADR) for civil actions. USA: “Lighting strike more likely than forced arbitration win.” Of 60 million employees *forced* into arbitration, only 282 awarded damages. “The U.S. Supreme Court drew a road map to give immunity to these corporations.”

“Yes We Can Globally Ban Fracking” Sign on for groups

Quick way for groups to sign on; answer the questions and send: English: Espagnol: Français: Sign on letter here.

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“Up to Heaven and Down to Hell” — The High Price of Frac’ing

Book Review: “Up to Heaven and Down to Hell” — The High Price of Fracking by Ed Meek, May 7, 2021, The Arts Fuse. Up to Heaven and Down to Hell: Fracking, Freedom and Community in an American Town by … Continue reading

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May 10, 2021 Frac Ordinance Hearing; Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania: Murrysville Watch Committee v. Municipality of Murrysville ZHB, et al. Dr. Jerome Paulson: “There is also no scientifically definitive setback distance that would prevent health and safety impacts from oil and gas infrastructure.”

Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court will hear arguments on an important case on fracking, as it relates to residential zoning, this Monday by bobscaping, May 8, 2021 Those who have followed fracking closely in Pennsylvania, over the past decade, recall alarming legislation … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on May 10, 2021 Frac Ordinance Hearing; Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania: Murrysville Watch Committee v. Municipality of Murrysville ZHB, et al. Dr. Jerome Paulson: “There is also no scientifically definitive setback distance that would prevent health and safety impacts from oil and gas infrastructure.”

A murder mystery: Who really killed Encana? Or is this a Gwyn Morgan Puff Piece? Best thing that could happen is the death of AEC/Encana/Cenovus/Ovintiv

Living frac’d by Gwyn Morgan-led Encana is horrendous hell. ROB Magazine: Who killed Encana?: Inside the mess that crushed Canada’s energy icon, It was supposed to be a Canadian champion too big to fall into foreign hands. Now it’s gone. … Continue reading

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Hello Pieridae, Are you watching? Another LNG project bites the-damning-environmental-report dust

Australian liquefied natural gas import project cancelled, AGL scraps Crib Point import scheme after damning environmental report by Amanda Battersby in Singapore, May 4, 2021, Upstream online Australia’s AGL Energy has pulled the plug on its planned liquefied natural gas … Continue reading

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Study: Increased cancer risk for oil patch workers and neighbours

Cancer Incidence and Mortality among Petroleum Industry Workers and Residents Living in Oil Producing Communities: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Felix M. Onyije , Bayan Hosseini, Kayo Togawa, Joachim Schüz and Ann Olsson. Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou Int. … Continue reading

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Meet Johnny Gogan, filmmaker of Groundswell; Important “document” of how a small rural border community in Ireland beat Calgary frac’er Tamboran leading to a country-wide frac ban and now working for a global ban. A loving positive interview! Bravo!

I love the bit in the interview about Nuala McNulty’s anger (I am still angry at my lawyers for quitting my case in 2018 and abandoning me). Ms. McNulty was my host (an exemplary fun and nurturing host) on my … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Meet Johnny Gogan, filmmaker of Groundswell; Important “document” of how a small rural border community in Ireland beat Calgary frac’er Tamboran leading to a country-wide frac ban and now working for a global ban. A loving positive interview! Bravo!

Plan to make communities accept frac quakes damaging heart, home, wellbores and aquifers with **excitement**? “Start out with some level of risk – such as a 50 percent chance of 30 households experiencing shaking that feels exciting but not frightening”

Stanford scientists map local earthquake risks from Eagle Ford fracking, Stanford scientists simulated the local risk of damaging or nuisance-level shaking caused by hydraulic fracturing across the Eagle Ford shale formation in Texas. The results could inform a new approach … Continue reading

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