G20 Class Action Settles. Another lawsuit Murray Klippenstein took on years after he took on Ernst vs Encana and did not abruptly quit like he did on Ernst. Comment by a rural Albertan: “Murray sawed off a deal that protects the status quo. Justice Rosalie Abella should be proud of her boy.”

None of this settlement will come out of the pockets of the politicians leading Canada when the rights violations happened, or any of their soldiers of abuse and aggression – the police.

Only the people will pay.

A few of the comments to the CBC article:

Al Millar
Fake Lakes , gazebos and head bashing police . Harper’s proud G 20 moment .

Rex Yuan
Why we taxpayers are always stuck with the bills on poor/illegal decisions our politicians made? We should have a law to award costs to the responsible political party. That then would be true accountability by ensuring our politicians think twice before making a decision.

Krikor Aghajanian
Should force the PCP and Harper to pay the full amount.

Zahava Goldfinkel
After all these years, the taxpayer is still paying for Harper’s G20 party.

Settlement Reached In 2010 G20 Summit Class Action Between Toronto Police And 1,100 Mass Arrested Demonstrators Press Release by Eric K. Gillespie Professional Corporation, Aug 17, 2020, newswire.ca
TORONTO, Aug. 17, 2020 /CNW/ – After ten years of court proceedings and negotiations, the Toronto Police Services Board and representatives of about 1,100 individuals and public demonstrators who were mass arrested at the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto have signed a comprehensive and unprecedented class action Settlement Agreement.

The Settlement Agreement is a three-part package that includes individual financial compensation totalling up to $16.5 million for those who were mass arrested and detained, a public police acknowledgement regarding the mass arrests and the conditions in which protestors where detained, and a police commitment to detailed changes regarding policing of future public demonstrations.  The Settlement Agreement also provides for the expungement of police records of those allegedly wrongfully mass arrested.

Under the Settlement Agreement, those arrested will be entitled to monetary compensation of between $5,000 and $24,700 per person, depending on their experiences.

During the G20 Summit of world leaders held in Toronto in June of 2010, many public demonstrations were organized on public issues such as climate change, global poverty and other issues.  Thousands of protestors demonstrated peacefully, but the protests were also accompanied by deliberate vandalism by some individuals.

Toronto police reacted by encircling large groups of hundreds of protestors in several locations in downtown Toronto with cordons of riot police, holding them for hours, and then transferring many of them to a temporary Detention Centre where hundreds of protestors were held in extremely harsh conditions. Ontario’s Ombudsman at the time called what happened “the most massive compromise of civil liberties in Canadian history”.

The lawsuit was launched in August of 2010 by Sherry Good as legal representative of the approximately 1,100 class members, later joined by Thomas Taylor.  Toronto Police Services objected to the class action proceedings in court, and class action status was not finalized until a police appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada was dismissed in November of 2016.

Class Representative Sherry Good said:  “The terrifying way in which I and 400 others were suddenly and arbitrarily surrounded and held by riot police on a street corner for four hours in a freezing downpour changed forever the way I look at police, continues to give me chills.  I believe that this Settlement Agreement does bring about some justice, and I hope, and I think, that our freedom of expression rights will now be better respected for a long time to come.”

Thomas Taylor, also a Class Representative, said “For me and hundreds of others, being suddenly surrounded and held captive by frightening numbers of riot police when we had done nothing at all, going through violent and unlawful arrests, and then being thrown into a nightmare detention centre, was a stunning and horrifying experience.  I had never imagined that such a thing could happen in Canada, but that experience showed me how very fragile civil liberties are for so many of us.  I truly hope that this Settlement Agreement will help make sure that such a thing never happens again.”

The class action was lead from the beginning by Toronto litigation lawyers Murray Klippenstein and Eric Gillespie.  According to Gillespie, “When these events happened many Canadians could not believe they happened in Canada. The settlement appears to fairly recognize through financial compensation, acknowledgements and reforms that they shouldn’t have happened and will never happen again”.

Murray Klippenstein commented that “Canada had never seen anything like what happened at the G20 Summit, and hopefully it never will again.  We are hopeful that this settlement will bring some justice and some relief to class members, and that we all, including the police, can benefit in the future from the acknowledgements and commitments to policing improvements that are built into the Settlement Agreement”.

Under Ontario class action laws, a class action settlement agreement must be reviewed by a Superior Court Judge for final approval, and the Settlement Agreement is scheduled for an approval hearing before Justice Edward Belobaba on October 19, 2020.

Lawyers Klippenstein and Gillespie have urged anyone who was present in June of 2010 and who might be eligible for compensation to contact them or to review the G20 class action website.  A copy of the Settlement Agreement is available on the website for review.

For further information: Eric Gillespie, 416-436-7473 (call/voicemail/text); Murray Klippenstein, 416-598-0288

Related Links

$16.5M settlement reached in class-action lawsuit over mass arrests during 2010 G20 summit, Compensation for those arrested will be between $5,000 and $24,700 by The Canadian Press, Aug 17, 2020, CBC News

The agreement comes after 10 years of court proceedings and negotiations between the Toronto Police Services Board and representatives for about 1,100 people who were arrested during the summit.

Under the settlement, those arrested will each be entitled to compensation between $5,000 and $24,700, depending on their experiences.

The deal also includes a public acknowledgement by police regarding the mass arrests and the conditions in which protestors where detained, as well as commitment to changing how protests are policed in the future.

Those who were wrongfully arrested will also have their police records expunged.

Thousands participated in demonstrations
Toronto hosted the G20 summit of world leaders in June 2010.

Many public demonstrations were organized to address issues like climate change, globalization and poverty. Thousands of protestors demonstrated peacefully, but some protests were accompanied by deliberate vandalism.

Police reacted by encircling large groups of hundreds of protestors in several locations in downtown Toronto with cordons of riot police, holding them for hours, and then transferring many of them to a temporary detention centre.

The lawsuit was launched in 2010 by Sherry Good as the legal representative of approximately 1,100 class members. The Toronto Police Service initially objected to the class-action proceedings in court, and the class-action status was not finalized until November 2016.

“When these events happened many Canadians could not believe they happened in Canada. The settlement appears to fairly recognize through financial compensation, acknowledgements and reforms that they shouldn’t have happened and will never happen again,” said Eric Gillespie, a Toronto litigation lawyer leading the case with Murray Klippenstein.

Klippenstein and Gillespie are urging anyone who was present at the June 2010 G20 riots and who might be eligible for compensation to contact them or review the G20 class-action website. 

With files from CBC News

Refer also to:

August 26, 2019: Precisely a year after Murray Klippenstein and Cory Wanless abruptly quit the Ernst vs Encana lawsuit (taken on 3 years before the G20 class action), I finally received my trust account funds of $40,000.00.

The lawyers also did not quit the Choc vs Hudbay case which they took on years after taking on Ernst vs Encana and they still (nearly two years after quitting) list my case on the law firm’s website, without stating they abandoned it, the public interest, our drinking water and me.

[October 25, 2020: I observed that Klippensteins finally no longer dishonestly includes my case on their website. The snap below was taken in June 2020; I also continued to see my case listed on the firm’s website months after that.]

As of the date of this post, it’s 715 days I have not yet received my files (all legal charges paid in full including extremely expensive photocopying) from Klippenstein or Wanless – violating law society rules, and which I need to continue my lawsuit and which the lawyers promised (in writing) would be sent to me after they quit in August 2018.

Are they deliberately working to destroy my lawsuit to punish me for refusing to let Klippensteins kill my lawsuit?

2018: “Klippenstein, admittedly, ‘would not be the person’ he is ‘without freedom of thought and expression,’ so where’s his outrage at the legal suppressing of those freedoms – aka gag orders? And who would he be then, with his mouth legally taped shut?” Comment to Andrew Nikiforuk’s article in The Tyee on Klippenstein & Wanless quitting

Law Society Ontario Rule 2.09, withdrawal from representation

2020: Cabot Oil and Gas gets frac’d! Pennsylvania AG Shapiro files 15 criminal charges, including 9 felonies, against Cabot for failing to fix gas wells that leaked methane over 9 square miles into 18 Dimock residential water supplies. “The Grand Jury presentments prove that Cabot took shortcuts that broke the law, and damaged our environment — harming our water supply and public health,” Refer to 2013 links below to see how Cabot bought and “settled” it’s way out of the company’s crimes.

2019: Another frac ‘n gag to cover up frac damages? Cuadrilla signs non-disclosure agreement with UK’s national earthquake monitoring agency, British Geological Survey, to ‘destroy confidential documents’ and release operational data only at company’s request

2019: How is settle and gag a “big win” for anyone but the human rights violating company eager to reopen their mine?

2019: “Justice” rears its farcical head, yet again. Radio reporter obtains judge-ordered frac harm settlement ‘n gag, but court stifles him! $3M settlement accidentally made public for 8 plaintiffs against Range Resources & ten other codefendants. Two plaintiffs feel “angry and defeated” by their settlement.

2019: “Unconscionably Unjust!” “Beyond the Pale!” Legal gag at it’s most vile: Protecting known multimillionaire pedophile Epstein and entire network, aided & abetted by? Lawyers! “Non-prosecution deal” gave Epstein and his pedophile ring immunity from all federal charges. How many churches & law societies? Will lawyers & judges hammer out another humdinger of a gag to make sure the world never finds out?

2018: Another frac lawsuit bites the dust, Frac’d & contaminated aquifers for Pavillion Wyoming community not yet repaired: Jeff & Rhonda Locker settle with Encana & gag on their contaminated drinking water

2018: Doug Hendren: Fracking is Everywhere; We’ve got gag orders, no tape recorders, … ‘Cause the judge says that it ain’t legal, Walking ‘round, talking to people.

2017: Are lawyers at fault or Canada’s inaccessible legal system (that inhumanely pushes settle & gag – even regarding threats to public health & safety like Encana illegally fracking a community’s drinking water supply – to keep ordinary people out of the “justice club” for the rich & corrupt)?

2017: Settlement reached between two Oklahoma oil and gas companies and Prague resident Sandra Ladra injured in 2011 frac quake

2017: After Supreme Court of Canada denies Ernst her guaranteed Charter right to seek remedy for her valid Charter claim against the AER, Judge acquits activist who bared breasts at Montreal Grand Prix: ‘It’s a victory for freedom of expression,’ but not if you are exposing Encana illegally frac’ing & contaminating your community’s drinking water supply with the “regulator” violating your rights trying to intimidate & gag you

2016: Another Alberta farm family poisoned by the oil and gas industry, and their Alberta lawyer Kieth Wilson, settle & gag & betray the public interest: The Sakens settle with Bonavista Energy after area aquifer and farm at Edson contaminated with toxic chemicals. Where’s the AER? Where’s the punitive fine? Where’s Alberta’s Energy Minister? On another cushy trip to China with Encana?

2016: After paying $1.6 million fine, ExxonMobil to pay $12 million settlement to Montana, US for oil spill affecting 85 miles of Yellowstone River. What will Husky Pay for spill affecting over 300 miles of river in Canada? Nothing, as usual? After treating spill-poisoned James Smith Cree Nation abysmally, Husky’s oil-sniffing dogs find evidence of oil, then Husky quickly settles with James Bay Cree First Nation

2016: BP to Pay $175 Million to settle claims to US investors that “its managers lied about” size of 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill; Current Encana CEO Doug Suttles was one of those managers

2016: More Frac Fraud: Stealing from a School District, then Gagging it. Texas Attorney General Orders Chesapeake & School District Confidential Settlement Agreement Opened


2015: BP settles oil spill-related claims with Halliburton, Transocean; BP to pay Transocean $125-million in compensation for legal fees

New Jersey Governor Christie gives “appalling and disturbing” gift to Exxon after liability determined in trial (in exchange for what?): Settles $8.9 Billion damages lawsuit for $250 Million

Settlement Agreement in Anadarko Fraud Case Results $5.15 Billion plus interest for Environmental Cleanups Across the USA

Shell announces £55m payout for Nigeria oil spills, Settlement avoids London High Court case

2014: Baytex Finally Successful, Gags & Settles Poisoned Alberta Families: Does a lawyer-touted “positive outcome” of displacing and gagging poisoned families, stop the poisoning? “Our house is contaminated…there’s a smell now…Part of the torture of all this is not only abandoning our farm, but the health experts…told us we shouldn’t bring anything (with us).”

2014: Chesapeake faces new charges; Encana settled criminal charges by paying 5 times the maximum penality

2014: Encana and Chesapeake Criminal Anti-trust Hearing in Michigan: Encana pleads “no contest” and buys its way out on the first day with $5 Million Settlement

2014: Anadarko Petroleum settles U.S.-wide clean-up and health harm lawsuit for $5.15 billion, US Bankruptcy judge ruled the company should pay $19.35 billion and legal fees

2014: Legal brief filed with court in Harrisburg, PA, regulator “practice” not to issue violation notice, fines, formal contamination determinations where shale gas/frac companies reach settlements with water well owners

2014: Shell May Nix $90M Legal Settlement With Carson, California, Contaminated with Methane and Benzene, Because Gag Order Breached

2014: Alberta Fort McKay First Nation settles, drops lawsuit against Athabasca Oil Corp

2014: I will not Synergize or Gag and Settle presentation by Jessica Ernst at Our Water ~ Our Future 2014, May 23 & 24 in Courtenay, BC

2013: Arkansas homeowners settle fracking lawsuit, Frackers Sued for Causing Earthquakes, Five federal lawsuits mark the first attempt to link drilling and quakes

2012 Sink hole, Assumption Parish, Louisiana, over 300 residents’ homes sacrificed for profit by the oil and gas industry: Class-action plaintiffs settle for $48 million just before trial to start next week

2013: Thomas Thompson settled lawsuit against Encana and moved away from damages at his Rifle, Colorado home

2013: Cabot buys second methane polluted residential property in Dimock 12-acre parcel on Carter Road flanked by faulty gas wells

2013: This once was HOME: Fracking Bombs in Parker County, TX and Battleground Dimock property sold, deed bars owners from building home there “forever”

2012: HSBC is expected to pay US authorities a record $1.9bn (£1.18bn) to settle allegations that its failure to enforce anti-money laundering rules, Swiss Probe $139M SNC-Lavalin Laundering Case, Gwyn Morgan SNC-Lavalin Chair says company aiming at improving compliance

2012: BP says it will pay $4.5 billion in settlement with U.S. government over massive oil spill by Michael Kunzelman with contributions

2012: Dimock residents, Cabot settle, Residents had alleged that their drinking water was contaminated by gas driller

2012: $1.6M settlement in Pa. gas drilling lawsuit

But Jared McMicken of Wyalusing said the agreement reached Thursday provides little comfort since his drinking water was ruined by nearby drilling, and his family must move. “We’ve lost our house, and we’re not going to get out of it what we got into it,” he said. “We have a bunch of people who have to leave their homes.”

The dispute with Oklahoma-based Chesapeake Energy began in 2010. Wyalusing is about 160 miles northwest of Philadelphia. McMicken said he and the other families in the case insisted that any settlement be made public. The arbitration trial began this week and was settled on the fourth day. Attorney Todd O’Malley said he believes this is the first case involving pollution in the Marcellus Shale region where settlement terms were publicly disclosed. Past disputes have been sealed. … Chesapeake said in a statement that it believes there is no permanent damage to the properties and that other water wells in the area showed natural contamination before drilling began. …

2011: Washington County family settles lawsuit over Marcellus Shale drilling Outspoken critics of gas drilling said effects on water, air harmed children and property value

2010: Cornwall, Canada: Pedophilia victims given large settlements to get rid of their lawsuits, including 16 against Catholic Church, in all possibly totaling $70-100 Million with some individuals getting less than $20,000. “The Inquiry found the Catholic Church, police, the Ontario government and the legal system all failed to protect children from sexual predators.”

2007: Confidentiality Agreements, The Problem: Confidentiality agreements in lawsuit settlements can be harmful, even deadly, to the public

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