Category Archives: Other Legal
Largest oil spill (1,572 barrels) in NL history: Polluter-enabling Canada kisses Cenovus (Encana spawn) with tiny fine (less than a tenth of one per cent of 2023 net earnings) *six years* after spill by Husky (bought by Cenovus for $2.9Billion). The court order, after the $2.5Million fine propaganda dust cleared: “An amount of $100,000 will be paid to the Receiver General for Canada.”
Frac Damn, this post was hard to do. $100,000.00 will cover nothing of the costs of this spill, and likely not much more than one day of the regulators’ and prosecutors’ salaries, expenses and tree-killing photocopying. The incestuous circle-jerk justice … Continue reading
Of course Liar Danielle Smith Lied. Lying is Alberta UCP/Con Best Practice. Gov’t to appeal getting caught breaking FOIP law regarding Gina Billionaire et al’s water-destroying coal mines. Buster: “We used to get our facts from the horses mouth, now we get the alternative facts from the horses ass.”
@Bnkr_Chk2: Jean is a member of the UCP so he’s probably lying. It’s the only thing they’re really good at. Dr. Sarcasto Ph. D.@anonfmresident: Bullshit, the government employs an entire cadre of matts who sole job is to manage info. … Continue reading
Pedro Arrojo Agudo, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights to water, has grave concerns about Canada’s “judicial treatment, criminalization” of Indigenous water protectors, violating their rights to peaceful protest and freedom of expression. The militarized RCMP C-IRG raids on Wet’suwet’en territory was a “shocking reaction, so violent.” Are officials, judges, politicians, police and energy regulators listening? I doubt it, they’re rich, mostly white and don’t care about water or lives of others.
UN Special Rapporteur comments on the “repression and persecution” faced by Indigenous water protectors in Canada by Brent Patterson, April 19, 2024, Peace Brigades International Canada Pedro Arrojo Agudo, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights to water … Continue reading
Another BDS Victory! Wilfrid Laurier U Faculty Association calls for permanent ceasefire, complete divestment & boycott of institutions, corporations complicit in Israeli war crimes, breaches of international law, human rights violations, etc., condemns scholasticide in Gaza, West Bank & East Jerusalem. Motion passes with huge majority. Which Zionistiche Gestapo judge will kill justice to kill it?
I’ve been boycotting Israeli products for decades because of its crimes against humanity in Palestine. Israel gov’t’s and IDF’s intentional Palestinian kid-killing is especially abhorrent. F4P SW Ontario@F4PSWON: Another BDS victory! Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association @WLUFApasses historic motion on … Continue reading
Cowardly Crime-enabling Genocidal Canadian Courts: supreme court pisses on Blood Tribe in nauseating ruling by J O’Bonsawin, its one Indigenous judge, writing reconciliation is about “helping to restore the honour of the Crown” not reconciling. WTF! No justice for Indigenous, just stinky judicial circle jerking.
@Darcy13Lindberg [U Victoria Law Prof]: “As long as the grass grows, the sun shines, and the rivers flow….and it’s within a limitation period” ~ Supreme Court of Canada proverb A constitution that has been set up to be juriscidal towards … Continue reading
Hiding life-threatening pollution behind trade secrets; GCT Canada Limited Partnership sues Canada to hide 5 years of emissions data
B.C. container terminal operator calls its emissions data a ‘trade secret’ by The Canadian Press, April 8, 2024, CTV News Vancouver The B.C. company that operates Canada’s largest container terminal is going to court against the federal government to keep … Continue reading
Court of Appeal of Alberta dismisses Altius Royalty appeal v Alberta. Retired law prof Nigel Bankes: “Good news. It won’t help the coal companies (Cabin Ridge, Atrium, Montem, Northback/Grassy) in their claims to compensation” against gov’t of Alberta.
Nigel Bankes@NdbYyc1305: This decision is now available: Altius Royalty v Alberta, Good news. It won’t help the coal companies (Cabin Ridge, Atrium, Montem, Northback/Grassy) in their claims to compensation ‘gst GoA. #ableg Jackie Seidel, PhD@JackieSeidel1: great. whew. Alberta Appeal … Continue reading
Canadian citizens: Never speak to CSIS without lawyer present, notably if you are pro truth, pro-Charter rights (freedom of expression), pro-justice, pro-Palestinian, pro-Peace, anti-Zionist and anti-genocide. PS Most unwise to trust Israel’s henchmen in Canada, notably: Irwin Cotler & Rosalie Abella (or believe what they say).
Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism, no matter how hard our genocide-complicit law-violating politicians and judges (including retired), and the Israeli Lobby try to make it. For decades, I’ve been attacked for exerting my right to freedom of expression opposing hate crimes … Continue reading
Must Watch! Why “Remarkable Gentleman” Laith Marouf drives Zionists crazy
Thank you for this excellent interview and tour of a beautiful shrine. Kaith Marouf: “I targeted the Grand Wizard of Zionism in Canada: Irwin Cotler. … At the time, Cotler was the Minister of Justice. Of course some would say … Continue reading
Bravo! Excellent humane ruling on our right to medical assistance in dying (MAID). Justice Feasby: “The harm to M.V. if an injunction is granted goes to the core of her being. The choice to live or die with dignity is MV’s alone to make.”
I didn’t think there were any humane and fair judges in Alberta. Thank you Justice Feasby, for proving me wrong. My condolences to M.V. for having to endure this stress and public exposure on a vital private decision. May your … Continue reading
This. Is. Why. Judges. Lawyers. Enable. Rape. “Words expressing support for gender equality are cheaper than membership of the Garrick” Club. Roll-call of Britain’s man cave club, which bars women, includes judges, barristers and ministers
Investigation finds one of Australia’s most powerful men, “Sex Pest” former high court judge, Dyson Heydon, sexually harassed judicial clerks and women lawyers – WHILE HE WAS TOP JUDGE! At least four judges resign from men-only Garrick Club after backlash, … Continue reading
Raping catholic church betrays rape victims yet again: “Devil Priest” Johannes Rivoire refuses to face charges for his “reprehensible conduct” of “severe crimes” against 60 Inuit kids while pedophile-enabling catholic authorities hide him. Creepy as fuck.
Michael J. Meenan@MickeyMeenan, April 1, 2022: For decades, church knew this guy fled and was hiding in plain sight in France. Had he stolen church money, he’d be in prison already. Religion is not man’s relationship to God, it is … Continue reading
Romania wins; Canadian miner, Gabriel Resources, loses attempt to rake in $4.4Billion lost imaginary profits, also ordered to pay legal costs, for wanting to destroy four mountain tops, displace hundreds of families, leaving behind toxic cyanide waste lake.
Romania wins legal battle against a Canadian miner over failed plans to open a gold mine by AP News, March 9, 2024 BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — The Romanian government has won a yearslong legal dispute with a Canadian mining company … Continue reading
Fucking furious at Canada’s pedophile-enabling lawyers, judges and media. Yet another judge lets rapist (Chase Noble) of a girl go free; The Sudbury Star headlines it “sex.” Evil Fuckers. Hell is too good for them. No wonder rapes of kids never stop.
No pen for Sudbury man who had sex with girl, 11, Plea deal struck because victim too ‘frail’ to testify by Harold Carmichael, Mar 13, 2024, The Sudbury Star A Sudbury man who had sex with an 11-year-old girl won’t … Continue reading
Yet another white conservative “Christian” rapist of kids: Daniel Harris, pastor and CEO of Kaimen Centre, goes to prison for 18 yrs without chance of parole or early release. Meanwhile, in Canada, self regulators of lawyers grant law licence to known convicted pedophiles giving them protected access to kids to rape.
C. Michael Copeland@mcopeland_: Obviously not a drag queen. Are they ever? 2023: Lawyer, Dan K. Purdy of Missouri, not disbarred for sexual assaults of six clients (some in open court), gets one year suspension for “egregious and outrageous conduct.” Creepy, … Continue reading
“It’s not pie. Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you.” Rights are vanishing in real time for many, especially for people not cis male white. How long before rape is decriminalized in Canada by more and more of our “lawmakers” led and controlled by rape religions?
SueC #GTTO she/her@topsyscatmum Mar 4, 2024 Read on X A wee thread. On why I’m an ally. When I was 19, my best friend at work was called Christopher. He was 21. He spent a lot of time looking at … Continue reading
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation councillor Mike Mercredi to industry’s self-regulator AER CEO Laurie Pusher: “You allow eight regulated cancer causing agents into the water. You’re allowing regulated murder…it’s slow industrial genocide. How many bodies? How many billions are you gonna be making before we’re all dead?”
When AER was EUB (before the Alberta gov’t made it ERCB after the regulator got caught breaking the law and spying on innocent cookie making grandmothers), it allowed Encana/Ovintiv to illegally frac repeatedly directly into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers, and … Continue reading
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, tired of empty talk & promises, sues AER for failing to regulate Imperial Oil’s toxic spills from its leaking Kearl bitumen facility. AER says it’s seeking legal advice. (From lying lawyer Glenn Solomon who lied for AER in Ernst vs Encana or will they hire a different liar?)
Bravo ACFN! The winning is in the doing, especially given how dirty (and racist) too many Albertan (and Canadian) judges are. I love that Chief Allan served AER CEO Laurie Pushor in person in public. Winning by doing. Things have … Continue reading
Morgan Bassichis, Jewish Voice for Peace: ‘Not in Our Name: On Jews Rejecting Zionism.’ A common enemy: white supremacy and empire. “Everyone deserves the chance to be a kid and everyone deserves the chance to grow old. And for that reason…we reject Zionism. … Because it has been used as the premise for over 75 years of Palestinian dispossession, exile and death. Because it tries desperately to conflate Judaism with Zionism. When Judaism is our thousands-year-old rich tradition and Israel is a 75 year old settler colonial apartheid state. … Because none of us are free until all of us are free. From every river to every sea.”
… We know that our safety, our dignity and our very souls as Jewish people are to be found in solidarity, not in apartheid. In multiracial coalitions against white supremacy, not in coalitions with white supremacists. In channelling our fear … Continue reading
Pennsylvania: Big legal win for Westmoreland water against CNX Midstream. Heather Hulton VanTassel: “Compliance histories like these demonstrate a lack of willingness to comply with the law.” (Same in Bad Oil & Gas Alberta)
PA DEP Withdraws Permit Application for CNXM Slickville Trunkline Project Press Release by Riverkeepers and Lisa Johnson, February 26, 2024, The Energy Age Contacts:Heather Hulton VanTassel, PhD, 3RWK Executive Director, 724-651-4367Lisa Johnson, Esq., Lisa Johnson & Assoc., 412-913-8583 On February … Continue reading
Oh Racist Genocidal Canada! Parol Board said of RCMP: “Should the public become aware of the release and potential unsupervised visits, it would show the community and all neighbouring communities of the injustice for the two victims.” Board lets killer Roger Bilodeau out of prison unescorted anyways – to go to confession, visit church buddies, and play with his grandkids. FFS, the racism and religious supremacy screams.
Did justice-meddler Danielle Smith interfere again, and demand this killer be allowed out for fun? ‘Cause he’s a white man, has grandkids and goes to church? Or did Smith’s racist extreme religious handler David Parker order it? Alberta farmer whose … Continue reading
Patriarchy & Misogyny Strikes Again: Canada’s House of Caveman Commons Committee studying women’s health, made up of 1 woman, 11 mainly old white men (how many worship rape religion and are opposed to women having: health rights, including reproductive; the right to say no to sex and request condoms; and the right to our own bodies?)
44th Parliament, 1st Session (November 22, 2021 – Present) Women’s Health First meeting scheduled for: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 Written submissions of no more than 2,000 words can be submitted to the Committee. All text contained in the submission, including … Continue reading
“Essential” gut-ripping read by Canadian law prof Joshua Sealy-Harrington. TMU’s Lincoln Alexander School of Law abusing and punishing students for courageously publicly voicing opposition to Israel’s genocide is pathetic and shameful. Academia, courts, lawyers, media (Toronto Star, National Post etc.) helping Bibi Netanyahu destroy our right to freedom of expression globally must be called out and stopped.
Rosel Kim@jroselkim: Thank you @JoshuaSealy for your principled stance. Zachary Al-Khatib@ZaKhatib Feb 26, 2024: It is unfortunate that well-respected, highly accomplished law professor @JoshuaSealy could not get @TorontoStar to publish an op-ed or even a letter response. Kudos to him … Continue reading
AER hearing TransAlta v Saturn Oil & Gas and Westbrick Energy (plan to frac and quake under Brazeau hydroelectric dam) adjorned – yet again. Parties negotiating with gov’t (why is Alberta Justice involved?). Has Danielle Smith’s boss – Cenovus, CAPP et al, ordered her to remove the 2019 frac restrictions at and near the dam?
Image is a few years old, wetland health is much worse now in the severe drought and after years of companies frac’ing Alberta dry. Image by Barb Ryan, Fox Creek, Alberta Frac Central Important history: 2019: Alberta Imposes New Frac’ing … Continue reading
Oil and gas producers fight plan for nuke waste to be stored in heavily drilled and frac’d Permian Basin. Humans have lost the plot; even health and water-destroying frac’ers are finding out what it’s like to be invaded by humanity’s greed-driven deadly waste.
The War Over Burying Nuclear Waste in America’s Busiest Oil Field, Plans to store used nuclear fuel in the Permian Basin could boost the nuclear sector but are opposed by oil-and-gas producers by Benoît Morenne, FEb 18, 2024, Wall Street … Continue reading
California Geologic Energy Management Division banning frac’ing to “prevent damage to life, health, property, and natural resources” prioritizing communities over the oil and gas industry (especially in Kern Co).
This is welcome news. I applaud the Geologic Energy Management Division’s courage and integrity to do what they set out to do no matter how nasty the frac’ers became in response. How many aquifers did frac’ers contaminate; how many houses … Continue reading
Happy Family Day: Take Back Alberta (deeper into fascist Hell) and UCP’s Danielle Smith killing trans kids’ rights *and* parental rights: “Unjust, harmful nonsense.” Thank you Prof MacFarlane.
Yes, the feds can actually override provincial anti-trans school policies. Here’s how by Emmett Macfarlane, Feb 19, 2024, Declarations of Invalidity I have written about the controversial new anti-trans policies adopted by right-wing premiers across Canada that would require schools … Continue reading
Crypto crimes on the rise, including in Alberta where licence-lacking Avila/Avex Energy sold (frac’d?) gas energy to bitcoin miners polluting residents with noise 3km away. Just wait ’til AI takes over humanity’s systems in media, military, oil & gas, chemical/bio weapons, finance, courts, law firms, raping churches, police, gov’ts, etc. It’ll be ugly, humans are too evil and stupid to contain AI.
Tweet of Winter 2024: “UnAlbertan” CougstaX@cougsta: Our democracy is under threat by a bunch of fake Christians who don’t believe in reality. Imma gonna need more chocolate foods. imma gonna need more chocolate foods too.Commissioners 2-1 vote to … Continue reading
After Alberta Court denies Benga/Northback’s request for judicial review of no to billionaire Gina Rinehart’s destructive Grassy Mountain coalmine because of risks to drinking water for millions of Canadians, Harper judge, ex-Irving Shipping lawyer Richard Southcott, Federal Court, says yes (for additional First Nation consultations; dismisses Benga’s application in clear loss for the company).
Richard Southcott was made federal judge by Steve Harper (lover of polluters, hater of Canada and the environment), 5 months before Harper lost 2015 election. Will Benga/Northback ever give up, and go home? AER better be planning to deny Benga/Northback’s … Continue reading
“Freedom!” Canadian Fucker Trucker style: “Police made me do it.”
The Fucker Truckers want the Ottawa citizens they brutalized to be liable instead of the American and other foreign-funded mega $millions in dark money and donations that financed the invasions and assaults on citizens, health care workers, other businesses, kids … Continue reading
Grand Chief Allan Fiddler Nishnawbe Aski Nation on SCC ruling on An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis kids: “The colonizer has constitutionally ruled we can make our own laws again.” Cindy Blackstock: “Indigenous children win! Now governments need to honour it!”
I expect Zionist-led pro-genocide, anti-Indigenous provincial and federal gov’ts (e.g. BC, Alberta, SK, Ontario, Harper’s Pierre Picklehead-led CPC, Quebec etc.) won’t honour or abide by this ruling but it’s a relief to see something just and fair come out of … Continue reading
Fucker Truckers Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, Pat King, et. al. and lawyers at Spy-on-Judges Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms lose anti-SLAPP motion. J Calum MacLeod: “There is evidence that certain plaintiffs were subjected to what they contend to have been extreme amounts of noise, horn honking, incessant diesel fumes and other pollution, blockage of the streets and intimidation.”
Amir Attaran@profamirattaran: The Ottawa residents’ class action will proceed after the Mothertruckers tried—and failed—to honk it out of court. It would be wise of the defendants to start paying up and settling now. Because if they wait until certification of … Continue reading
Take Back Alberta from Bigots! and and and …
Fantastic sign, “Take Back Alberta from Bigots!” at Day #2 pro trans rights rally in Edmonton on the weekend. Bigots. And homophobes and ignoramuses, and abusers and greedies, and cancel culture and cancel alternate energies, and science and truth haters, … Continue reading
Dear Rosalie Abella, This post is for you.
I am part Jewish. My family was also persecuted in WW2. Few people living their lives escape human cruelty. That persecution does not give Bibi Netanyahu and Slaughterhouse Zionists the right to commit war crimes in Gaza and the West … Continue reading
Copycat judicial industry serves the Patriarchy, not Canadians: Yet another judge enables breach of trust and assault of girl by RCMP officer. Judge Kelly Winchester kisses him with a few months of house arrest with freedom to work and run errands. Vulgarly unjust, as usual, while saying to the victim and her family: “I have no doubt that the impact of this case will take years to heal.”
Mountie gets community sentence for assaulting girl, breach of trust by Hina Alam, The Canadian Press, January 26, 2024, The Globe and Mail A New Brunswick RCMP officer found guilty of assaulting a 16-year-old girl who he was hoping to … Continue reading
Read all about it! Tower Name Change
This is a name change I love. I don’t know who did the meme, but I love it too! Bravo to the new owner. I commend your grit, courage and integrity! E. Jean Carroll has done more for Americans with … Continue reading
Canada’s judicial-pedophile industry strikes again. Judge Reginald Harris sentence contradicts his verbiage, kisses child porn collector Nicholas Kyle David Symons with tiny stay free sentence, let’s him attend school and run errands. Law societies (self regulators of lawyers) licence known convicted pedophiles to practice law; pedophile lawyers become pedophile judges.
Ross@LRoss65543: A judge coddles a deranged sex offender. Can Canadians standards drop any lower? Brad West@BradWestPoCo Jan 25, 2024: Current judicial logic at work. Judge says: “Those who wish to possess child pornography encourage sexual abuse of children. The possession … Continue reading
Steve Harper running Norway’s courts? Truls Gulowsen:“It’s frightening that the judicial system shows so little understanding for environmental rights.” I think the judges understand very well – they’re paid to serve the rich, which includes polluting miners and their toxic waste.
Norway to allow mining waste to be dumped in fjords, Environmental campaigners say move will threaten marine life and put biodiversity at risk by Elisabeth Ulven and Tone Sutterud, Fri 12 Jan 2024, The Guardian Norway is to allow mining … Continue reading
Thank you Miami Herald! Secrets aid the rich and evil; too many judges (including in Canada) enable secrets. First batch Epstein list naming ‘John Does’ released.
brutal south@Paul_Bowers Jan 4, 2024: Don’t forget why we’re finally seeing the Epstein documents: The Miami Herald and its lawyers fought to unseal them in court for 5 years. Sometimes that’s what it takes. Phalsleyconvicted@Phalsleyconvic1: Ever heard about #OpDeathEaters ?Give … Continue reading
Jan 11 & 12, 2024 Public Hearings: South Africa v Israel at International Court of Justice over “Genocidal” War on Gaza
@CIJ_ICJ Jan 4, 2024: PRESS RELEASE: the #ICJ will hold public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by #SouthAfrica in the case #SouthAfrica v. #Israel on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 January 2024. Watch live … Continue reading
Bravo! Canadian kids win at Federal Court of Appeal, can sue feds for failure to address climate crisis after Harper judge Michael D. Manson ruled it’s not for courts to decide.
‘Overwhelming relief’ for youth activists cleared to sue Ottawa over climate change, Lawsuit alleges inaction on environment violates charter rights by Padraig Moran, CBC Radio, Dec 22, 2023 Lauren Wright wants the federal government to do more to curb climate … Continue reading
Benga Mining Limited/Northback has application for judicial review dismissed by Alberta Court of King’s Bench
Grassy Mountain Coal Project – Privative Clauses and Vavilov by Michael B. Niven, K.C. and Michael Custer, Dec 14, 2023, Carscallen LLP The Grassy Mountain Coal Project (the “Project”) was recently back for consideration before the Alberta Courts. The team … Continue reading
Liar Liar Another Lawyer’s Pants on Fire: Ex Trump/Epstein lawyer Alan Dershowitz says Doctors without Borders, UNICEF, citizens concerned about humans destroying earth’s livability work for Hamas. Ya, sure, me too – AER magically proved it so when their lying lawyer Glenn Solomon said I am a terrorist, with absolutely zero evidence, in their 2012 court filing. Baffoons!
Where’s your evidence Mr. Dershowitz? Refer also to: Slaughterhouse Zionism: 75 years of bloodshed and feeding hate. Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, Neturei Karta spokesman, talks to TRT World about Israel’s decades of sins and attacks on Palestine: “Zionism is the … Continue reading
Fleecing the Vatican: Tribunal convicts, sentences senior (papal contender) cardinal Angelo Becciu and accomplices (including lawyers) for stealing (wanna bet they serve no time?), while catholic church keeps kid-raping priests raping via its Silent Shuffle.
A Church that has lost its voice for justice is a Church that has lost its relevance in the world. Martin Luther King, Jr. The greed, corruption and hypocrisy of the catholic church – the richest fucking corporation on earth, … Continue reading
Ho Ho Ho! There *is* a Santa after all! Australia coal baron Clive Palmer ordered to pay costs after 2nd failure to overturn licence refusal for $6.5billion coal mine intended for exports. Land Court President Fleur Kingham: “Wherever the coal is burnt the emissions will contribute to environmental harm, including in Queensland.”
Clive Palmer fails in second attempt to overturn $6.5 billion coal mine refusal by Rex Martinich, 24 November 2023, reneweconomy Clive Palmer’s mining company will have to pay costs after dropping its second attempt to overturn a licence refusal for … Continue reading
Meanwhile next door in Pennsylvania, another sexual predator – Rep. Mike Vereb, R- Montgomery – happily waltzes on via NDA enabled by Gov. Josh Shapiro. Disgusting.
Gov. Josh Shapiro’s office quietly settled sexual harassment allegation against top aide by Angela Couloumbis, Oct 19, 2023, TribLive HARRISBURG — Gov. Josh Shapiro’s office quietly entered into a settlement agreement to resolve allegations of sexual harassment against one of … Continue reading
Jessica Denson v. Trump wins “Total Victory for Transparency! … Nothing was hidden in the end.” Best: Trump can’t appeal. Brava Ms. Denson, NDA killer! Law Prof Alan Garfield: “People with wealth and power have for far too long abused nondisclosure agreements to suppress information of vital public importance, including information about dangerously defective products [e.g. frac chemicals], violent sexual predators, and, in the case of Trump’s wildly excessive NDAs, about a candidate for the nation’s highest office. It is time for courts to end this abuse.”
Jessica Denson@JessicaDenson07 Oct 11, 2023: MASSIVE WIN!! In the midst of dark times, it was a beautiful & victorious day in a New York courthouse, where Judge Gardephe ordered our class action settlement into law, forever voiding hundreds of Trump … Continue reading
California v. Big Oil: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
California to Big Oil: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire, Lawsuit Charges Companies Knew Fossil Fuels Caused Climate Change and Deliberately Denied It by Nick Welsh, Sep 20, 2023, Santa Barbara Independent CAVEAT EMPTOR: I happen to be reading a book … Continue reading
Dual Trucking, suspected radioactive Bakken frac waste dumper, does the hanky panky; Montana court sides with Admiral Insurance
Trucking company withheld information, taking insurer off the hook for hazmat violation by Tyson Fisher, May 26, 2021, Landline Now An insurance company for Dual Trucking is off the hook for covering an environmental violation on the company’s property, in … Continue reading
Judicial flashback 2010: Harper gov’t appointed politically like-minded judges who donated cash. Jacob Ziegel: “It’s a system that lacks credibility, it’s tarnished and highly partisan and it should be a national embarrassment.” It is to me.
It’s clear to me that Canada’s judicial industry is dirty, shameful, partisan and abusive to the citizenry even though we pay for it, and became hideously and blatantly more so under Herr Harper. Ex Justice Russell Brown, who recently resigned … Continue reading
“….Jordan Peterson, that mean, spiteful little ho.”
Report: There’s no College of Satire Writers, so we’re allowed to call Jordan Peterson a hateful little bitch without consequence by Luke Gordon Field, August 25, 2023, The Beaverton TORONTO – The Ontario Divisional Court has upheld the College of … Continue reading
Held v Montana Victory! Judge Kathy Seeley rules kids’ constitutional right to “clean and healthful environment” violated by state agencies permitting fossil fuel development without considering greenhouse gas emissions effect on climate (like Steve Harper made agencies do in Canada when he was PM). Michael Gerrard, founder of Columbia’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law: “I think this is the strongest decision on climate change ever issued by any court.”
@MichaelGerrard: … After a trial where climate scientists testified under oath and were subject to cross examination (very rare in itself), the court issued a 103-page decision that found that fossil fuel use is the principal cause of climate change, … Continue reading
FFS! Calgary Stampede “committing to” no longer covering up rape of kids for decades isn’t good enough. “Committing to” means nothing. Just look to frac’ers, the popes and catholic church for ample example of that.
Marky Mark@MrkStdngr: The whole “Transgendered People are grooming our Children” was a Lie made up by the establishment involving Church and State to deflect from the real abusers (Priests, Executives, etc). True: “Statistically your child is far safer with a … Continue reading
Harper judge, Sheldon W. Lanchbery, orders injunction against grieving families who don’t want their loved ones left in a garbage dump, tells them he doesn’t come from white privilege because he grew up poor. FFS! What a cruel racist asshole.
I am white; I am female (because of our violent patriarchal world, men have much more privilege than women, even white women). I was born in Canada, grew up in a poor immigrant family. I was raped before I was … Continue reading
Misogynistic Canadian “justice” strikes victims yet again. David Kukoly, ex cop who sexually abused 11 women, gets rewarded by Justice Richard Blouin with tiny sentence to spend sweetly at home even though the judge said some assaults were “harrowing” causing “a significant impact on the psychological health” of victims. As usual, the judge only gives kind care to the abuser, and gross unjust unfair disgusting disrespect for the victims.
Former Niagara cop who ran massage business sexually abused 11 women. Will serve 18 months of house arrest, David Kukoly pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual assault and was sentenced in June by Samantha Beattie, CBC News, Jul 06, … Continue reading
Canada needs to start jailing law-violating polluting frac’ers too. Ohio: Benjamin Altier and his company ordered to pay more than $20,000.00 in fines and sentenced to 30 days in jail, 50 hours community service, three years of community control for theft (fabricating wastewater disposal tickets and taking money for them), dumping waste on land, improperly storing the rest.
In my view, the reason corporations like Teck, tarsands miners, and Encana/Ovintiv et al intentionally break the law and pollute, is because they know Canadian “regulators” and courts will let them get away with it more often than not. And … Continue reading
Billy Marcum, Jr., owner of oil & gas companies, sentenced to 17 years in prison for $30 million fraud, ordered to pay $16 million in restitution. Why did “Frack Master” Breitling Energy CEO Chris Faulkner get less time (15 years for $80 million fraud, fined over $90 million)?
Fort Worth oil, gas owner sentenced to 17 years in prison in $30 million fraud case by Nicole Lopez, June 23, 2023, Yahoo News A Fort Worth owner of oil and gas companies was sentenced to more than 17 years … Continue reading
US Federal Appellate Court rules for American Home Insurance Co. in case where Superior Well Services Inc.’s “improper use of certain chemical mixtures” damaged 53 U.S. Energy Development Corporation gas wells. But, frac’ers promise us their process is perfectly safe!
Accidental frac’ing? Frac’ers intentionally experiment with different chemical brews intentionally using “brute force and ignorance” intentionally contaminating millions of gallons of water to intentionally cause damage underground (often contaminating aquifers and water wells in their violent stupid intentional process). Trigger … Continue reading
PA Frac Lawsuit Hearing: Bryan & Ryan Latkanich v Chevron & EQT Corporation health harm, and well water and home contamination
An update by Bob Donnan, June 22, 2023: I learned yesterday the local Washington, Pa newspaper for our same county WILL NOT be publishing a story about the case, even though they had a reporter in court on Tuesday. Reason? … Continue reading