Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

New study: Songbirds’ reproductive success reduced by natural gas compressor noise.

Encana/Ovintiv’s noisy invasive polluting compressors (13 around Rosebud) have violated my legal right to quiet enjoyment of my home and land going on 18 years now. Because the company doesn’t give a shit about its neighbours or the health harms … Continue reading

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Excellent letter by Darrell Trenholm on Alberta’s UCP.

UCP: A party that is suspicious, secretive and paranoid by Darrell Trenholm, Feb 3, 2021, East Central Alberta Review Dear Editor, The United Conservative party came to power in Alberta with a promise of sound financial management, accountability, openness, social … Continue reading

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California SB 467 “End Fracking & Harmful Drilling Act” proposes to ban all new frac’ing and other risky techniques like cyclic steaming, acid fracs, and water and steam flooding by Jan 2022 and completely by 2027. How many companies will sue to try to kill the ban and what will Trump’s judges do?

California lawmakers propose ban on fracking by 2027 by Adam Beam, Feb 17, 2021, North Shore News New legislation would ban all fracking in California by 2027, taking aim at the powerful oil and gas industry in the state already … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on California SB 467 “End Fracking & Harmful Drilling Act” proposes to ban all new frac’ing and other risky techniques like cyclic steaming, acid fracs, and water and steam flooding by Jan 2022 and completely by 2027. How many companies will sue to try to kill the ban and what will Trump’s judges do?

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court upholds award by Environmental Hearing Board of $13,135 in court costs & legal fees to be paid by DEP to Stephen and Ellen Gerhart, who were seeking $265,976 in fees paid for experts, including $50,000 in attorney’s fees.

Couple awarded court costs, Gerharts protested pipeline construction on their property by Phil Ray, Feb 18, 2021, Altoona Mirror The Commonwealth Court has upheld an award of more than $13,000 in court costs and attorney’s fees to a Huntingdon County … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court upholds award by Environmental Hearing Board of $13,135 in court costs & legal fees to be paid by DEP to Stephen and Ellen Gerhart, who were seeking $265,976 in fees paid for experts, including $50,000 in attorney’s fees.

UK’s frac ban like Quebec’s and Germany’s? Twisted by definition?

Fracking moratorium doesn’t cover proppant squeeze – minister by Ruth Hayhurst, February 18, 2021, Drill or Drop The energy minister has confirmed that a small-scale form of fracking, planned for a site in Lincolnshire, is not covered by the moratorium … Continue reading

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Dirty politicians: Cooking the vote; cooking the books; cooking the courts.

Canada has dirty politicians aplenty. Pennsylvania G.O.P.’s Push for More Power Over Judiciary Raises Alarms, After fighting the election results, state Republicans are trying to increase their control of the courts. Outraged Democrats and good government groups see it as … Continue reading

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New Mexico might ban frac’ing, study its harms. Industry loses it.

‘Fracking ban’ bill passes New Mexico Senate committee, slammed by oil and gas industry by Adrian Hedden, Feb 16, 2021, Carlsbad Current-Argus A New Mexico Senate bill that would place a four-year moratorium on new permits for hydraulic fracturing, or … Continue reading

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Study: Birth defects **significantly** more common in areas of strip mining/open pit/mountaintop coal mining; Health effects of related air and water contamination appear cumulative. Never forget: Courts ruled in Ernst vs AER that it is legally immune, owes no duty of care and is above Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. AER has no public health mandate and the Alberta gov’t removed its public interest mandate after the Ernst lawsuit went public. There is no authority to protect Albertans, our health, our rights and drinking water, and the feds have gone AWOL.

Comment by a rural Albertan: That should give the Albertans that are opposing open pit coal a realistic view of AER policy and how the Supreme Court of Canada defends that policy. The Effects of Coal Mining on Health in … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Study: Birth defects **significantly** more common in areas of strip mining/open pit/mountaintop coal mining; Health effects of related air and water contamination appear cumulative. Never forget: Courts ruled in Ernst vs AER that it is legally immune, owes no duty of care and is above Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. AER has no public health mandate and the Alberta gov’t removed its public interest mandate after the Ernst lawsuit went public. There is no authority to protect Albertans, our health, our rights and drinking water, and the feds have gone AWOL.

Texas: “No, it wasn’t the windmills.” How much does the fossil fuel industry pay politicians (and regulators) to lie? How much does it pay politicians to appoint dirty judges to the bench, then pay those judges to lie, grant favourable rulings and gag the harmed?

David Weir@djweir Feb 17, 2021: So… Katrina: God’s punishment CA wildfires: God’s punishment TX: windmills How Much the Oil and Gas Industry Paid Texas Republicans Who Are Lying About Wind Energy by Molly Taft, Feb 17, 2021, Earther As the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Texas: “No, it wasn’t the windmills.” How much does the fossil fuel industry pay politicians (and regulators) to lie? How much does it pay politicians to appoint dirty judges to the bench, then pay those judges to lie, grant favourable rulings and gag the harmed?

Feb 25, 2021, 7 – 8:30 pm: Expert panel on infectious lung disease and air pollution (especially important for those living/working in/near Alberta’s toxic tarsands, coal mining and or in frac zones)

The Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project (EHP) will host a virtual expert panel on infectious lung disease and air pollution. The event, funded by the Network of the National Library of Medicine, will take place on Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021 … Continue reading

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Happy V Day 2021: One billion rising: “We are asking for justice!” “No more rape or incest or abuse. Women are not a possession.”

Happy V-Day V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against all women (cisgender, transgender, and those who hold fluid identities that are subject to gender-based violence), girls and the planet. V-Day believes that when art and activism come … Continue reading

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New study: Drone technology locates unplugged oil and gas wells

You can request the full study here: Successful application of drone-based aeromagnetic surveys to locate legacy oil and gas wells in Cattaraugus county, New York by Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, Natalia Romanzo, Nathan Graber, Charles Dietrich and Andrii Puliaiev, … Continue reading

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UK: Supreme Court rules Nigerians can bring claims against Shell in UK for severe pollution, incuding to their drinking water

Nigerians can bring claims against Shell in UK, supreme court rules, Ogale and Bille villagers say Shell oil operations have caused severe pollution including to their drinking water by Sandra Laville and Emmanuel Akinwotu in Lagos, Feb 12, 2021, The … Continue reading

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“Nothing says diversity like eight white guys sitting round a table.” So many racist misogynistic Canadian old white men in positions of power enabling rape of women, children, communities, drinking water and our environment.

2019: Canada to pay nearly C$1bn to sexual misconduct victims in military, Government set aside funds for Canadian Armed Forces members but doesn’t admit liability following class-action lawsuits Again, none of the perps will pay for their crimes, only Canadian … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on “Nothing says diversity like eight white guys sitting round a table.” So many racist misogynistic Canadian old white men in positions of power enabling rape of women, children, communities, drinking water and our environment.

New study: Frac’ing is a Big Fat Fail; Appalachia’s frac boom failed to deliver on promises of local jobs and benefits. Of course it did, frac’ers and their enablers knew it would; frac’ing survives on conning investors, massive debt and gagging the harmed. Locals get: health harms; toxic homes, schools, water, air and land; frac’d authorities and courts; massive stress and sleepless noisy stadium light-filled nights; damaged roads and other infrastructure; more women and children raped; more STDs; lies and useless commitments from companies and lobby groups; fraud from experts and regulators; mega $Billions in clean-up.

This study reveals a frac industry nightmare that companies, politicians and regulators have worked for years (decades in Alberta) to keep secret. Appalachia’s fracking boom has done little for local economies: Study, “There has been no business case for fracking.” … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study: Frac’ing is a Big Fat Fail; Appalachia’s frac boom failed to deliver on promises of local jobs and benefits. Of course it did, frac’ers and their enablers knew it would; frac’ing survives on conning investors, massive debt and gagging the harmed. Locals get: health harms; toxic homes, schools, water, air and land; frac’d authorities and courts; massive stress and sleepless noisy stadium light-filled nights; damaged roads and other infrastructure; more women and children raped; more STDs; lies and useless commitments from companies and lobby groups; fraud from experts and regulators; mega $Billions in clean-up.

Pennsylvania regulator DEP fines Range Resources $300K for submitting inaccurate information and not plugging idle wells, meanwhile Canadian regulators, especially AER, help profit-raping companies deceive the public (for decades) and dump well plugging and clean up on taxpayers.

Range Resources fined nearly $300K for misclassifying wells, Company did not disclose that wells weren’t producing gas, should have been plugged by Reid Frazier, State Impact Pennsylvania, Feb 10, 2021 The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection says Range Resources misclassified … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pennsylvania regulator DEP fines Range Resources $300K for submitting inaccurate information and not plugging idle wells, meanwhile Canadian regulators, especially AER, help profit-raping companies deceive the public (for decades) and dump well plugging and clean up on taxpayers.

Equinor sells U.S. Bakken shale assets, posts record $5.5 billion loss for 2020; Between 2007 and 2019, Equinor recorded loss of $21.5 billion on overall U.S. activities, including $9.2 billion due to impairments of onshore shale and other assets

Equinor sells U.S. Bakken shale assets, posts record loss for 2020 by Nerijus Adomaitis, Feb 9, 2021, Reuters OSLO (Reuters) – Norway’s Equinor has agreed to sell its assets in the U.S. Bakken shale oil province after a decade of … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Equinor sells U.S. Bakken shale assets, posts record $5.5 billion loss for 2020; Between 2007 and 2019, Equinor recorded loss of $21.5 billion on overall U.S. activities, including $9.2 billion due to impairments of onshore shale and other assets

Texas, City of San Angelo Water tests found benzene, acetone and naphthalene; “Do not use the water” advisory continues. Schools, restaurants closed, TCEQ investigating. After Encana-Ovintiv illegally injected 18 million litres frac fluid into the fresh water aquifers that supply my well, naphthalene – red blood cell destroyer and one of the chemicals used in frac’ing – was found in my water.

A little industrial history: Hydraulic fracturing fleet to move to San Angelo by Kenneth Grimm, Jan 15, 2018, Concho Valley Homepage From the press release: US Well Services, LLC (USWS) is pleased to announce we will begin operating a high … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Texas, City of San Angelo Water tests found benzene, acetone and naphthalene; “Do not use the water” advisory continues. Schools, restaurants closed, TCEQ investigating. After Encana-Ovintiv illegally injected 18 million litres frac fluid into the fresh water aquifers that supply my well, naphthalene – red blood cell destroyer and one of the chemicals used in frac’ing – was found in my water.

Wild Wild West Cartoons by Malcolm Mayes: Kenney’s UCP and Frac Patch AIMCo Bandits Rob Teachers’ Pension Stagecoach

February 2021 cartoon by Malcolm Mayes, Edmonton Journal Malcolm Mayes cartoon for the Edmonton Journal, January 2020

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New study: Fossil fuels caused 8.7 million deaths globally in 2018, one in five of all people who died that year, exceeds combined total who die globally each year from smoking tobacco plus those who die of malaria. “Without fossil fuel emissions…global economic and health costs would fall by about $2.9tn.”

How many suffer health harms caused by frac’ing? Is anyone looking at cumulative frac pollution in Canada, what are the costs to society? How many deaths annually? The trillion dollar question: what does a trillion look like? The study: Global … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New study: Fossil fuels caused 8.7 million deaths globally in 2018, one in five of all people who died that year, exceeds combined total who die globally each year from smoking tobacco plus those who die of malaria. “Without fossil fuel emissions…global economic and health costs would fall by about $2.9tn.”

Generation Now Inc. to plead guilty in alleged $60Million Ohio bribery scheme provided by FirstEnergy Corp to gain legislative approval of $1Billion bailout to benefit FirstEnergy subsidiary, and guarantee profits for FirstEnergy.

Nonprofit in alleged $60M Ohio bribery scheme to plead guilty, Federal authorities have said former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder and others used the nonprofit as a conduit for $60 million in bribes by Mark Gillispie, Associated Press, Feb 5, … Continue reading

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Judges, preachers, associated leaders vs science/public health; Scientific/public health illiteracy and Big $ Religion. Trump’s Supreme Court New COVID Decision May Kill People

*** *** If the above tweet doesn’t open in this post, watch the 2 Min clip here: Edmonton-area church continues to defy public health orders, questioning COVID-19 restrictions, RCMP officers were on scene Sunday, where signs reading “no visitors” … Continue reading

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Florida Big Cypress National Preserve (home to endangered species such as Florida panther): Texas-based Burnett Oil Co. applies to dredge, fill in wetlands for future oil drilling (frac’ing?), days after Trump admin sleazily gave the state permitting authority under fed gov’t’s Clean Water Act.

Texas-based oil company applies to build well pads and roads in the Everglades by Adriana Brasileiro, Feb 5, 2021, Miami Herald in Yahoo News A Texas-based oil company has applied for permits to build well pads and access roads in … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Florida Big Cypress National Preserve (home to endangered species such as Florida panther): Texas-based Burnett Oil Co. applies to dredge, fill in wetlands for future oil drilling (frac’ing?), days after Trump admin sleazily gave the state permitting authority under fed gov’t’s Clean Water Act.

“Ecology is everyone’s business!!!” Russian court orders Nornickle to pay nearly $2 Billion for 20,000 ton oil dump into Arctic river, likely Russia’s largest environmental penalty. Canada needs courts like this.

Russian court orders mining giant to pay nearly $2 billion for Arctic spill by Celine Castronuovo, Feb 5, 2021, The Hill A Russian court has ordered a mining company involved in a massive Arctic fuel spill last year to pay … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on “Ecology is everyone’s business!!!” Russian court orders Nornickle to pay nearly $2 Billion for 20,000 ton oil dump into Arctic river, likely Russia’s largest environmental penalty. Canada needs courts like this.

Wow! I am stunned! Maybe there’s a chance for fairness in Caveman Canada yet. For the first time, Supreme Court of Yukon is comprised of three resident judges, all women!

Appointment creates all-female Supreme Court, For the first time, the Supreme Court of Yukon is comprised of three resident judges who are women by Whitehorse Star, Dec 1, 2020 For the first time, the Supreme Court of Yukon is comprised … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Wow! I am stunned! Maybe there’s a chance for fairness in Caveman Canada yet. For the first time, Supreme Court of Yukon is comprised of three resident judges, all women!

Excellent and wise reversal in Ohio: Akron mayor puts community and water first, withdraws proposal to frac under watershed land.

Akron mayor pulls plan to drill for oil and gas at LaDue Reservoir by Doug Livingston, Akron Beacon Journal, Feb 4, 2021 Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan is withdrawing a proposal to allow fracking for gas and oil beneath city-owned watershed land at … Continue reading

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Ohio, Noble Co: Genesis Resources LLC gas well (unused for years) sprays out what is suspected to be toxic injected frac waste (radioactive?); Over two miles of fish kill. Chemical contents will most likely never be disclosed. In a similar incident in 2020, injected frac waste migrated more than five miles.

Unused Gas Well Spews What’s Suspected to Be Frack Waste, Killing Fish by Julie Grant, February 4, 2021 Ohio regulators are working at a gas well that started spewing what’s believed to be brine water from fracking into the environment … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Ohio, Noble Co: Genesis Resources LLC gas well (unused for years) sprays out what is suspected to be toxic injected frac waste (radioactive?); Over two miles of fish kill. Chemical contents will most likely never be disclosed. In a similar incident in 2020, injected frac waste migrated more than five miles.

Fix systemic inequalities in Canada’s judicial industry, Justin Trudeau tells our “justice” minister. More pretend hot air to enable Caveman Canada’s racism? Like “Shit Some More on Indigenous Peoples” UNDRIP Bill C-15? Or to raise Indigenous hopes, only to dash them over a cliff yet again? This stinks.

Trying to repair Canada’s racist misogynistic “justice” reputation around the world? When will the order come to fix systemic misogyny in Canada’s male-dominated “justice” industry? And when will the order come making it illegal for law societies (“regulator” of lawyers) … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Fix systemic inequalities in Canada’s judicial industry, Justin Trudeau tells our “justice” minister. More pretend hot air to enable Caveman Canada’s racism? Like “Shit Some More on Indigenous Peoples” UNDRIP Bill C-15? Or to raise Indigenous hopes, only to dash them over a cliff yet again? This stinks.

Biden’s executive order on oil and gas drilling does little to protect health; Six reasons why Pennsylvanians shouldn’t wait on executive orders to stop fracking immediately.

Edward C. Ketyer, MD, is a pediatrician and president-elect of Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania. email hidden; JavaScript is required Biden’s executive order on oil and gas drilling does little to protect health in Pa., Six reasons why Pennsylvanias shouldn’t … Continue reading

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Trump’s Horrifying Frac’ing Shit Show in New Mexico: National Geographic investigation finds Carlsbad Caverns, scores of other caves and aquifers that supply drinking water to tens of thousands of homeowners at risk of contamination.

Stunning cave images at link: Oil drilling on sensitive New Mexico public lands puts drinking water, rare caves at risk, A National Geographic investigation has found that Permian Basin energy exploration could taint residential aquifers with pollutants—as well as Carlsbad … Continue reading

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“Law” makers or pedophile catholic church protectors? Clergy sexual abuse victims in Pennsylvania *again* must wait for justice

Dear ex-Rep Senator Joe Scarnati: May you and all like you rot on earth and in hell. State Senator Joe Scarnati 25TH DISTRICT Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati is currently serving his 5th term in the Pennsylvania Senate. As … Continue reading

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Darling Downs, Australia: High Court sends controversial thermal coal mine expansion sent back for new hearing. Paul King: “The High Court’s decision is, in our view, vindication that the Darling Downs is for farming – not coal mining.”

High Court Victory as Acland mine sent back for fresh hearing by Environmental Defenders Office, Feb 3, 2021 Farmers and community members from Acland and surrounds have won a significant victory in the High Court, which today ordered a fresh … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Darling Downs, Australia: High Court sends controversial thermal coal mine expansion sent back for new hearing. Paul King: “The High Court’s decision is, in our view, vindication that the Darling Downs is for farming – not coal mining.”

“Affair of the century!” Paris court convicts French gov’t of failing to address climate crisis and not keeping its promises. Fossil fuel pollution quote of the century by Jean-François Julliard: “No more blah blah.”

“There is no greater fraud than a promise not kept.”SCOTTISH PROVERB Imagine if my lawsuit against Encana/Ovintiv, Alberta gov’t and charter-violating AER had taken place in France, Holland or Ireland, instead of frac’d tarshit rape & pillage Caveman Canada. Court … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on “Affair of the century!” Paris court convicts French gov’t of failing to address climate crisis and not keeping its promises. Fossil fuel pollution quote of the century by Jean-François Julliard: “No more blah blah.”

Major victory in 8-year fight to halt fossil fuel investments: University of Victoria, BC announces full divestment of quarter-billion-dollar working capital fund. More to go: Long-term endowment fund, valued at over $400 million.

UVic announces full divestment of capital fund from fossil fuels by CTV News Vancouver Island Staff, February 2, 2021 VICTORIA — The University of Victoria has fully divested its quarter-billion-dollar working capital fund away from fossil fuel investments. The school … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Major victory in 8-year fight to halt fossil fuel investments: University of Victoria, BC announces full divestment of quarter-billion-dollar working capital fund. More to go: Long-term endowment fund, valued at over $400 million.

Air pollution and COVID-19: A dangerous combination.

Download the complete report. “Oil and gas production sites are a major contributor to air pollution. Chronic exposure to air pollution worsens serious health conditions, including asthma, COPD, and lung cancer; premature birth, birth defects, and developmental delays; heart disease, … Continue reading

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Swedbank to withhold credit from worst polluters and new oil and gas projects, will stop financing extraction from Arctic, *shale* and *tarsands.* No wonder, with decades of trickery used by Big Oil to prevent pollution reduction and having become “really good at stretching the truth,” while Exxon cuts $20Billlion in shale value.

Image by FrackingCanada Exxon: Historic annual loss, $20 billion cut in shale value by Jennifer Hiller and Shariq Khan, Feb 2, 2021, Reuters Exxon Mobil Corp on Tuesday posted a historic annual loss…and the company reduced the value of shale … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Swedbank to withhold credit from worst polluters and new oil and gas projects, will stop financing extraction from Arctic, *shale* and *tarsands.* No wonder, with decades of trickery used by Big Oil to prevent pollution reduction and having become “really good at stretching the truth,” while Exxon cuts $20Billlion in shale value.

Water tanker truck for oil and gas company being cleaned with chemicals ignites, causes explosion and fire at Dallas Pike Truck Cleaning Facility, two men hospitalized

Two Hospitalized Following Blast at Dallas Pike Truck Cleaning Facility by Scott McCloskey, Feb 2, 2021, The Intelligencer Photo by Scott McCloskey More than a half dozen area fire departments responded to a report of a truck explosion and fire … Continue reading

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QUESTIONS PRESENTED FOR REVIEW The questions presented for review are as follows: 1. Does the Commonwealth Court’s treatment of whether fracking is a heavy industrial activity with negative impacts on nearby land as an open evidentiary matter in every case … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pennsylvania Supreme Court grants limited review of PROTECT PT v. PENN TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD v. OLYMPUS ENERGY LLC, APEX ENERGY (PA), LLC, and THE TOWNSHIP OF PENN

PA: Another frac water truck spills.

Driver injured, fracking water spilled in Saturday tanker truck crash by First News Now, Jan 17, 2021, WILLIAMSPORT, PA – Motorists were advised that the Route 15 northbound entrance ramp (Exit 29 – Mansfield) from Route 220 northbound in … Continue reading

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USA Office of Comptroller of Currency (OCC) shelves controversial rule that would prevent banks from refusing financing to oil and gas companies

Regulator shelves rule meant to force banks to serve oil, gun companies by Sylvan Lane, Jan 28, 2021, The Hill The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is shelving a controversial rule meant to prevent banks from rejecting corporate … Continue reading

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Wise Norway wealth fund (world’s biggest) sold off entire oil patch portfolio by end 2020, addressing a key risk. The fund revealed $10bn loss on oil and gas holdings in 2020, had been valued at more than $40bn. Asset managers to hunt down investment opportunities in renewable infrastructure.

Norway wealth fund withdraws from oil sector, New CEO focuses on sustainable investing and orders asset managers to find investment opportunities in renewable infrastructure by Bloomberg, Jan 29, 2021, Business Day Oslo — Norway’s sovereign wealth fund has sold its … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Wise Norway wealth fund (world’s biggest) sold off entire oil patch portfolio by end 2020, addressing a key risk. The fund revealed $10bn loss on oil and gas holdings in 2020, had been valued at more than $40bn. Asset managers to hunt down investment opportunities in renewable infrastructure.

The Hague: Appeals court rules Shell Nigeria acted unlawfully, orders farmers paid for damages caused by leaking pipelines and to start purifying contaminated waters within weeks. Eric Dooh, Plaintiff: “Finally, there is some justice for the Nigerian people suffering the consequences of Shell’s oil”

How will the farmers make Shell heed the court and pay them and purify the polluted water? A Victory for Farmers in a David-and-Goliath Environmental Case, An appeals court said a small group of farmers in the Niger Delta region … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on The Hague: Appeals court rules Shell Nigeria acted unlawfully, orders farmers paid for damages caused by leaking pipelines and to start purifying contaminated waters within weeks. Eric Dooh, Plaintiff: “Finally, there is some justice for the Nigerian people suffering the consequences of Shell’s oil”

Sacrificed in frac zones: “Something just blew up!” Again and again and again. Another frac harmed family settles ‘n gags, enabling plenty more harms to come for many more.

Carlsbad family settles with company in fracking spill by Scott Wyland email hidden; JavaScript is required, Jan 9, 2021, Santa Fe New Mexican A Carlsbad family has settled with an energy company over a burst pipeline that rained contaminated “produced … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Sacrificed in frac zones: “Something just blew up!” Again and again and again. Another frac harmed family settles ‘n gags, enabling plenty more harms to come for many more.

Blackrock, worlds largest fund manager, threatens to sell shares in worst corporate polluters, particularly oil and gas extractors

BlackRock Threatens to Shed Some of Its Massive Fossil Fuels Portfolio, World’s biggest fund manager will pressure companies on plans for net zero emissions, CEO says by Jasper Jolly, Jan 26, 2021 This story was originally published by The Guardian … Continue reading

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“FixOvintiv!” Addicted to debt “Environmental Laggard.” “Failure of Governance, No Alignment or Accountability.” Shareholder Kimmeridge Energy Management Co. LLC: “Ovintiv: A Track Record of Value Destruction.” Sure sums up my experiences living invaded by frac’er Encana-Ovintiv.

Kimmeridge’s new website, honouring the bull-in-a-china-shop illegal aquifer frac’er: That’s a big frac’ing minus 85% for total shareholder return since June 2013. The Kimmeridge Presentation “Despite the share price underperformance, CEO pay increased from $6.7 mm in 2014 to … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on “FixOvintiv!” Addicted to debt “Environmental Laggard.” “Failure of Governance, No Alignment or Accountability.” Shareholder Kimmeridge Energy Management Co. LLC: “Ovintiv: A Track Record of Value Destruction.” Sure sums up my experiences living invaded by frac’er Encana-Ovintiv.

Down down down they go. Why? Because of increasing competition from renewable energy.

Rating agency S&P warns 13 oil and gas companies they risk downgrades as renewables pick up steam, Firms including Woodside, Chevron, Shell and Exxon Mobil, told they could be downgraded within weeks by Ben Butler, 27 Jan 2021, The Guardian … Continue reading

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Frac’ing takes our eyesight too? New study: Air pollution linked to higher risk of irreversible sight loss

PDF of the study plus supplementary material Clinical science Association of ambient air pollution with age-related macular degeneration and retinal thickness in UK by Sharon Y L Chua, Alasdair Warwick, Tunde Peto, Konstantinos Balaskas, Anthony T Moore, Charles Reisman, Parul … Continue reading

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US District Court of Appeals from D.C. Circuit agrees Dakota Access P/L Crossing at Missouri River near Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is illegal, requires in-depth environmental review, but did not order the pipeline shut down during the review. Will Biden shut it entirely down, as he did Keystone XL?

Appeals Court Agrees that Dakota Access Pipeline River Crossing Is Illegal by Olivia Rosane, Jan. 27, 2021, ecowatch A federal appeals court has struck another blow against the contested Dakota Access Pipeline. A three-judge panel on the U.S. District Court … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on US District Court of Appeals from D.C. Circuit agrees Dakota Access P/L Crossing at Missouri River near Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is illegal, requires in-depth environmental review, but did not order the pipeline shut down during the review. Will Biden shut it entirely down, as he did Keystone XL?

Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau chat about dead Keystone-XL and dirty oil monkeys on their backs

First time I’ve seen frac’ing called a dirty oil monkey. It’s perfect! I know intimately the hell that it is to live frac’d and polluted (going past two decades) by Encana/Ovintiv and abused by law-violating cover-up agents, AER and Alberta … Continue reading

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Another huge win for global movement to stop flow of money to big polluters with approval of $4Billion Fossil Fuel divestment. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: “Fossil fuels are not only bad for our planet and our frontline communities, they are a bad investment”

NYC Pension Funds Set ‘New Bar for Climate Finance Action’ With Approval of $4 Billion Fossil Fuel Divestment by Jessica Corbett, Jan 26, 2021, Common Dreams In another win for the global movement to stop the flow of money to … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Another huge win for global movement to stop flow of money to big polluters with approval of $4Billion Fossil Fuel divestment. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: “Fossil fuels are not only bad for our planet and our frontline communities, they are a bad investment”

Centre for Biological Diversity to President-Elect Biden, Re: Climate Emergency Executive Order, on behalf of 380 organizations representing millions of members and supports. Big Wow: “Holey macaroni!!! SCHUMER says declare climate emergency… ok who said dem prayers?”

‘Incredible’: Schumer Says Biden Should Declare a Climate Emergency, “If ever there was an emergency, climate is one,” the Senate Majority leader said by Andrea Germanos, Jan 26, 2021, Common Dreams Advocates for bold climate action welcomed Senate Majority Leader … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Centre for Biological Diversity to President-Elect Biden, Re: Climate Emergency Executive Order, on behalf of 380 organizations representing millions of members and supports. Big Wow: “Holey macaroni!!! SCHUMER says declare climate emergency… ok who said dem prayers?”

TXsharon: “The SEC [Securities Exchange Commission] is finally tuning into the fracking shit show that it is”

Exxon SEC probe highlights concerns over inflated shale reserves by Kevin Crowley and Rachel Adams-Heard, Jan 25, 2021, Bloomberg The Securities and Exchange Commission has been largely silent on the financial wreckage of the U.S. shale industry in recent years, … Continue reading

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Frac sand mining webinar: February 18, 2021, 1:00pm CT (2:00pm ET). Registration required by Feb 8, 2021

Sentinel Training Online by stevie, January 20, 2021, Public Lab Join us for a training on the Sand Sentinel Program! Have you seen sand blowing off a frac sand pile? A stream cloudy with sediment coming off a mine? These … Continue reading

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Minnesota: Important win for consumers and solar companies: Utility Xcel Energy fined $1million for exceeding maximum number of customer service complaints as a result of significant delays in processing interconnection requests for solar projects. Ruling from Public Utilities Commission affirms the right of consumers to **reasonable customer service** in the interconnection process.

Minnesota PUC Fines Xcel Energy $1 Million for Interconnection Failures by Gwen Brown, January 22, 2021, IREC (Interstate Renewable Energy Council) Minnesota utility Xcel Energy was fined one million dollars on Thursday for exceeding a maximum number of customer service … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Minnesota: Important win for consumers and solar companies: Utility Xcel Energy fined $1million for exceeding maximum number of customer service complaints as a result of significant delays in processing interconnection requests for solar projects. Ruling from Public Utilities Commission affirms the right of consumers to **reasonable customer service** in the interconnection process.

President European Investment Bank, Dr. Werner Hoyer: “Gas is over.” Oh, Oh! What’s gas frac’er Ovintiv/Encana gonna do? And, what’s Petro Pimp Jason Kenney gonna do? Fart bigger (after threatening USA with a tiny fart for wisely killing Keystone XL)?

‘Gas is over’, EU bank chief says by Kira Taylor, Jan 21, 2021, Europe needs to acknowledge that its future is no longer with fossil fuels, said the President of the European Investment Bank as he presented the bank’s … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on President European Investment Bank, Dr. Werner Hoyer: “Gas is over.” Oh, Oh! What’s gas frac’er Ovintiv/Encana gonna do? And, what’s Petro Pimp Jason Kenney gonna do? Fart bigger (after threatening USA with a tiny fart for wisely killing Keystone XL)?

More settle ‘n gags to keep polluting us?

DuPont, Chemours Reach Agreement Over Chemicals Jan 24, 2021, The Intelligencer DOVER, Del. (AP) — The Dupont Co. and its spinoff business Chemours have agreed to resolve legal disputes over environmental liabilities for pollution related to man-made chemicals associated with … Continue reading

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Down with soon-to-be frac’er Elon Musk! To think I used to admire his imagination and critical thinking.

Elon Musk to Start Fracking? When did you ever think you would see “Elon Musk” and “fracking” in the same sentence? by bobscaping, Jan 24, 2021 … Let’s try to get this straight… To be self-sufficient by providing his own super-chilled … Continue reading

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Colorado: Grand Valley Citizens Alliance chairperson Leslie Robinson: “We’re not going to be fossil fuel driven in the future. I don’t understand why Garfield county continues to support an industry that is dying essentially.”

Terra Energy to cease oil, gas production in Battlement Mesa area by Ray K. Erku, Jan 22, 2021, Post Independent Natural gas production in Battlement Mesa hit a new milestone this week. Garfield County Oil and Gas Liaison Kirby Wynn … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Colorado: Grand Valley Citizens Alliance chairperson Leslie Robinson: “We’re not going to be fossil fuel driven in the future. I don’t understand why Garfield county continues to support an industry that is dying essentially.”

Pennsylvania; Briggs v. Southwestern Production Company: Rule of Capture still bars subsurface trespass claim, including by hydraulic fracturing, but appears after much judicial scrutiny, nothing has been resolved except judges change the rules to suit whatever feeds the industrial-political demands of the day. Judges will change the rules next time too, no matter how specific pleadings are, eg will complain the pleadings are too long and demand they are shortened, as they did to me.

Pennsylvania Rule of Capture Still Bars Subsurface Trespass Claim by Gary Reed, Jan 20, 2021, JD Supra After a trial court order, two appellate opinions, a dissent, and another appellate opinion, the tension between a well operator and an adjacent … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Pennsylvania; Briggs v. Southwestern Production Company: Rule of Capture still bars subsurface trespass claim, including by hydraulic fracturing, but appears after much judicial scrutiny, nothing has been resolved except judges change the rules to suit whatever feeds the industrial-political demands of the day. Judges will change the rules next time too, no matter how specific pleadings are, eg will complain the pleadings are too long and demand they are shortened, as they did to me.

Is it possible to undo the damage done by Citizens United? “I will believe corporations are humans in law when Texas executes one by electric chair, a bullet to the ‘head’, a public hanging.”

Some juicy comments (nice to see that I’m not the only human who sees the dirt our corporate financed and controlled politicos appoint to the bench to give the rich and powerful, eg industry and pedophile churches – notably catholic … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Is it possible to undo the damage done by Citizens United? “I will believe corporations are humans in law when Texas executes one by electric chair, a bullet to the ‘head’, a public hanging.”