Cross sectional view of a regulation that takes us for idiots by Pierre Brignaud

“Do you think we should have our water tested? It smells weird.”
“Don’t worry. They are the required minimum distance from a house and more than a kilometre away.”
Questerre Energy Corporation (“Questerre” or the “Company”) (TSX,OSE:QEC) reported today on the resource assessment (the “Resource Assessment”) of its Utica acreage in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec (“Quebec”) Press Release by Questerre, February 8, 2017, Canada News Wire
[Refer also to:
2017 01 23: Alberta Energy Regulator in Legal La La Land: AER’s “Public Statement” lies about Ernst vs AER Supreme Court of Canada ruling
2017 01 27: Welcome to the Horrors of Living Frac’d: After grinding slowly for 2 years & 2 months, Supreme Court of Canada fractures Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and fabricates grossinly wrong “facts” to help legally immune AER and defame Ernst in Ernst vs AER ruling
2016 12 22: Big Oil Shouldn’t Celebrate Quebec’s Flawed Energy Bill Just Yet
2016 12 11: Questerre’s partner to frac Quebec is Repsol, creator of 4.8M world record frackquake, day of Ernst vs AER Supreme Court of Canada hearing. “The Alberta Model” Knocks Quebec’s People to their Knees: Gov’t of Quebec Takes Your Land & Rights, Gives Them to the Frackers – For Free
2016 12 10: The real reason for Quebec’s Frac Bill 106: Questerre Energy shares soar after Quebec passes Bill 106
2016 12 08: Oil & Gas Industry’s Abusive “Alberta Model” Deregulation Crashes into Quebec: Liberals to force controversial energy bill (106) into law despite massive widespread protests
2016 11 19: Ernst presents in Montreal, Quebec on the fraudulent “Alberta Model”

2016 10 09: Emergency preparedness is goal of Quebec earthquake road show, Or because Quebec gov’t broke its promise, created Bill 106 to enable fracing in Quebec? First Nations communities in Gaspé unite against fracking, First Nations leaders threaten legal action over Petrolia drilling
2016 09 22: Trying to lure investors while frac’ers go bankrupt at record rates? Junex Says Galt Well in Quebec’s Forillon Formation Delivering “Historic Results.”
2016 09 18: Alberta Model East: Quebec gov’t to vote in few weeks on deregulating, rights decimating Frac Bill 106; Citizen committees, politicians, Quebec’s powerful famers’ lobby – Union des producteurs agricoles, First Nations, Confédération des syndicats nationaux, Chambre des notaires, Regroupement vigilance hydrocarbures Québec, environmental and community groups, 331 municipalities and even Quebec’s notaries ask gov’t to rework the bad bill
2016 08 23: Anticosti mayor applying for UNESCO heritage designation. Court orders Quebec to continue financing Petrolia’s Anticosti fracking operations, Orders monthly payments to Petrolia must continue to prevent job losses
2016 07 16: Quebec’s Anticosti Island: Will it get frac’d? Dreamers come and go, but it remains an enigma for developers
2016 07 07: That’s some frac moratorium Quebec! Ottawa (DFO has jurisdiction) not consulted on Anticosti fracking plan to use water from endangered salmon rivers, frac waste will be dumped into Gulf of St. Lawrence
2016 06 23: Bravo Julien Villeneuve & citizens who stood with integrity! Montreal bylaw restricting protests ruled unconstitutional, Quebec Superior Court judge invalidates key sections of bylaw P6
2016 06 17: “A New Step Forward!” Quebec introduces draconian oil & gas bill to give companies more rights than property owners, Days later authorizes Petrolia Inc to frack Anticosti: “This resounding success on the regulatory front is essentially due to the work of Petrolia, accompanied by the experts at SNC-Lavalin….”
2016 03 15: Where are Canadian Celebrities (outside of Quebec)? Mark Ruffalo, Colin Firth, Livia Firth, Vivienne Westwood, Taron Egerton, Rupert Friend, Aimee Mullins, Bianca Jagger, Felicity Blunt open letter telling David Cameron to stand up against fracking
2015 06 04: The Most Over-the-Top-Biased Frac Panel Yet? QUÉBEC Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources sold itself to the Devil. Check out this list! Check it twice!
2015 06 01: Compare to oil and gas industry’s schemes to deceive: Judge awards $15 billion to Quebec smokers; $1 Billion must be paid in the next 60 days, even if the companies appeal
2015 03 01: Frac Patch Treachery: Promises of regulations led Gaspé to drop lawsuit with Petrolia. Junex dares to dream of oil in Québec; penny stock soared 209% recently, lifted shares of peers Petrolia and Petrolympcs while $200 Billion debt looms over USA oil and gas
2014 12 16: Quebec’s Premier Declares Province-wide Shale Gas Ban after Environmental Review Board (BAPE) says Fracking Not Worth The Risk, “Too many negative consequences to the environment and society…risks to air and water quality…noise and light pollution”
2014 11 03: How low will the con go? Questerre Energy CEO Michael Binnion pitches fracking in Quebec
2014 09 16: Action needed on abandoned energy wells leaking methane in Quebec
2014 08 01: Governments across Canada failing to protect drinking water; Government betrays Ristigouche and 70 other Quebec municipalities that put bylaws into place to protect drinking water; Gastem attacks Ristigouche with $1.5 Million Lawsuit
2014 07 25: Municipalities, protect your drinking water supplies from fracing! “Quebec government is pussyfooting”
2014 07 17: Officials from Quebec to visit Alberta again for more frac lies: “Alberta is a model to follow when it comes to develop hydrocarbons”
2014 05 30: Quebec announces extensive studies to assess oil and gas potential, St. Lawrence Lowlands, Anticosti Island subjects of fracking probes
2014 03 28: Methane contamination found in Gaspé water wells near Petrolia’s methane leaking oil well; Is the Quebec government deflecting the explosive risk to protect the oil and gas industry?
2014 02 16: 71 Quebec municipalities defend their drinking water and municipal by laws from possible oil and gas industry lawsuits
2014 02 14: Quebec oil and drinking water: Gaspé is getting impatient
2014 02 14: Quebec signals shift in support for oil and gas development
2014 02 13; gaspé wants Quebec government to intervene; The Quebec Superior Court agrees with Petrolia, says Gaspé municipality can’t protect its drinking water supplies from the oil and gas industry
2014 01 11: Gaspé, Quebec passes water law to stop oil drilling near its wells and homes
2013 10 17: Quebec set to make unprecedented challenge to Nadon’s Supreme Court appointment
2013 10 03: Lone Pine Resources, a Canadian frac company in serious financial trouble with $300 million in aggregate debt sues Canada for $250 million to lift Quebec frac ban
2013 07 09: Toll in Quebec frac’d oil train derailment sure to rise, Traumatized survivors braced for more bad news inspectors finally cleared to enter charred site
2013 05 16: Quebec tables bill to block shale gas fracking
2013 04 25: Petrolia asks Quebec Superior Court to rule on Gaspé drilling ban put in place to protect groundwater, Do decisions of municipal councils outweigh drilling rights
2013 04 14: The man who did not know Quebec, L’homme qui ne connaissait pas le Québec
2013 02 27: Canada’s former spy watchdog is now a wanted man in Quebec
2013 02 17: Emotions driving Quebec fracking moratorium and fear of English-Speaking Oilpatch workers, Bouchard says
2013 02 10; Quebec: Oil drilling concerns to be addressed says environment minister
2013 02 10: Can Corporate Interests Trump Sovereign Rights? Lone Pine Resources suing Quebec government trying to protect citizen health and environment from harms caused by fracking
2013 02 02: Quebec Liberal leadership hopefuls back fracking
2013 01 30: Projects like Haldimand 4 will probably be banned, Gaspé obligerait Québec à trancher
2012 12 05: Public vs. corporate rights: NAFTA Chapter 11 invoked in Quebec fracking decision
2012 11 24: Feds studying eco impact of shale gas sector in Quebec amid moratorium
2012 11 23: Canadian taxpayers could be on hook for Quebec fracking decision because of NAFTA Chapter 11 that protects corporations even if they risk health, the public interest and environment to take profit
2012 11 23: Ottawa sued over Quebec fracking ban, Ontario Smacked by U.S. NAFTA Lawsuit on Fracking
2012 11 15: NAFTA challenge launched over Quebec fracking ban
2012 11 15: Quebec minister lashes out against plans to bring Alberta oil to province
2012 09 28: Quebec, shale gas and Pandora’s Box
2012 09 08: The shale industry is reaching out to Quebec hoping “to resume a meaningful dialogue with the government”
2012 09 27: Quebec government hints at long-term fracking ban
2012 09 24: Questerre says won’t be affected by stricter Quebec fracking ban
2012 09 21: Alberta companies critical of Quebec minister’s stance on fracking
2012 09 20: Fracking banned by Quebec government
2012 09 20: Quebec Minister’s fracking comments worry Calgary companies
2012 09 20: Quebec to seek ban on shale gas fracking: Minister
2012 04 12: Quebec bans any fracking pending studies
2012 04 02: Quebec should say no to all hydraulic fracturing: report
2012 04 03: No fracking, even for research, recommends Quebec committee report
2011 12 24: Happy Christmas! Groundwater contaminated with shale gas found in Quebec
2011 09 18: Leaking Energy wells in Quebec keep on leaking
2011 07 01: Quebec ban leaves shale gas drillers staggering
2011 03 08: Fracking Ban in Quebec

Slides above from Ernst presentations ]