Frack ban coming to PEI?

Fracking ban coming in act? by Andrew Lush
, Don’t Frack PEI Steering Committee, February 17, 2017, The

Surely there can no longer be any doubt that high-volume hydraulic fracturing (fracking) causes unacceptable damage to human and environmental health, our plans to combat climate change and the social fabric of communities.

The draft P.E.I. Water Act will be released soon, and Don’t Frack P.E.I. expects a ban on fracking to be included in the act due to the overwhelming number of groups and individuals who called for a ban during the public consultations.

At the Environmental Forum before the election, the premier stated, “a moratorium may come through the Water Act process.”

[Warning: A “moratorium” is not a “ban.” A moratorium is just a pause (eg until oil and gas prices go back up or the AER, industry and CAPP threaten, bribe & bully the government to undo the pause, as just happened in Quebec.)]

On the website, there is a database of hundreds of damning reports on the effects of past and current fracking operations which should, in any sane world, be more than enough to put a stop to this reckless and greed-driven rush to the bottom.

From: Don’t Frack PEI email hidden; JavaScript is required
To: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Date: February 13, 2017 at 9:52 PM
Subject: Will Fracking be banned in the PEI Water Act?

The draft of the new PEI Water Act is due to be released any time soon. Don’t Frack PEI expects a ban on high-volume [Who defines “high volume?” Industry? CAPP? The $300-billion-in-the-hole AER? And for what fluid? Only water? High volume sour gas or CO2 fracs OK? Incorrectly defining fracking misleads citizens and is an oft repeated betrayal by Canadian Environmental Groups, including Council of Canadians.] hydraulic fracturing (fracking)

Online Definition of 'Fracking' High Volume not mentioned anywhere

[The online definitions of “fracking” and “frack” do not include “high volume.”]

to be included in the act due to the overwhelming number of groups and individuals who called for a ban during the consultations. A ban on fracking is called for by many groups in the Public Consultation Report At the Environmental Forum before the election, the Premier stated that “a moratorium may come through the Water Act process”.

Don’t Frack PEI intends to see that a ban becomes part of the Act. In other news, MLA Brad Trivers will propose a Motion Calling For a Moratorium on Fracking in the Spring sitting of the legislature.

Thank you for your support on this important issue.
Don’t Frack PEI Steering Committee.

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