Shale Gas Frac’ing & Cancer: Conversations with the Experts (Part 1) webinar recording now available. Part 2 of 3 on Sept 15.

Webinar Recording Now Available for Shale Gas Development and Cancer: Conversations with the Experts (Part 1)

Shale Gas Extraction and Cancer: The Current Evidence
Dr. Marsha Haley, August 11, 2020

Dr. Marsha Haley received her medical degree from the University of Virginia and completed a residency in radiation oncology at UPMC. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She is an MPH candidate at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health.

To view the webinar, click here or on link: 
Also, don’t forget to register for the second webinar of our three-part series looking at what is known about shale gas development and cancer.

Refer also to:

Frac Webinar August 11, 2020 7 PM ET with Dr. Marsha Haley: “Shale Gas Extraction and Cancer: The Current Evidence.”

New study concludes UK gov’t ignored public health concerns while heeding frac and chemical industries. In Canada, authorities withhold official reports warning of frac harms; help frac’ers cover-up crimes and enable them to further harm families after they get sick. Most vile, AER’s (no health mandate) Dr. Monique Dube (not a health professional) wrote lying “health” reports about frac’d families and unlawfully made them public online, via Synergy, etc.

New study: Frac’ing in Pennsylvania linked to 20 human deaths caused by particulate pollution emitted by shale gas wells from 2010 to 2017

New study: “Hazardous substances as the dominant non-methane volatile organic compounds with potential emissions from liquid storage tanks during well fracturing.” What toxic frac shit are we breathing, bathing in, ingesting? This study says lots, including red blood cell destroyer, naphthalene (found in my water after Encana/now Ovintiv’s illegal aquifer fracs).

Fracking is dangerous to our health, has ruined the lives of many. Workers “developed cancer, sores and skin lesions, chronic headaches and nausea, numbness in fingertips and face, and ‘joint pain like fire.’”

2019 “Shale and Public Health” conference videos

New Colorado Frac Study showing health harms. Industry official: “There are no long-term health impacts related to oil and gas development.” *Impossible* for any official to know that. If frac’ing causes short-term health harm via toxic chemicals, and harmed people continue living frac’d and poisoned by venting, flaring, leaking facilities, wells, uncleaned up spills as often happens in frac fields, the health harms become long-term.

Remember Emergency Nurse Cathy Behr? Ohio, New Report: Widespread use of frac’ing and drilling chemicals risk water supplies and health. Companies injected undisclosed chemicals “10,992 times into 1,432 wells” enabled by the “law” that allows trade secrets, even from first responders.

Pennsylvania: Frac’ing under investigation following surge of rare cancer cases

Sending your child to school to get cancer? Colorado State air monitoring finds elevated benzene, exceeding federal short-term health guideline, at Greeley School, near Extraction Oil & Gas frac site

Pennsylvania escalating youth cancers in frac fields, Excellent response to Marcellus Shale Coalition’s latest propaganda: “We get it Mr. Spigelmyer, your job is to sell fracking…. We know the facts on the carcinogens your industry produces as do you, the endocrine disrupting chemicals it hides, and all the gagged litigants who held the smoking guns.”

Frac’ing is not safe, it does not improve the environment! Compendium 6 Released: Review by doctors & scientists of more than 1,700 references conclude frac industry poses threat to air, water, climate and human health

Rolling Stone reports on Compendium 5: ‘The Harms of Fracking’: New Report Details Increased Risks of Asthma, Birth Defects and Cancer. Dr. Sandra Steingraber: “Fracking is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” Dr. Pouné Saberi: “There is a code of silence….” Workers rarely report injuries or hazards, for fear of losing their jobs.

New Study: Frac chemical mix causes disturbing changes in breast tissue; Low levels of chemicals used in unconventional oil & gas production cause abnormal mammary glands and pre-cancerous lesions

New peer-reviewed, published study by Lisa McKenzie et al, U Colorado School of Public Health: Childhood cancer linked to nearby oil and gas activity; People ages 5-24 diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia more likely to live in areas with a high concentration of oil and gas activity

Environmental causes of childhood cancers ‘grossly underestimated.’ In Canada, toxic chemicals used by oil and gas industry are exempt under CEPA (1999)

Yale School of Public Health: Fracking Linked to Cancer-Causing Chemicals; Pennsylvanians Against Fracking Call on Governor Wolf to Implement Statewide Moratorium on Fracking

Elevated Cancer risks surround oil & gas drilling. Fracking is bad for your health says Israel Health Ministry official; Frac flowback stage causes greatest air pollution; WORLD-WIDE STUDY: One in three strokes caused by air pollution

New Study: Alberta’s tar sands leading source of air pollution in North America, Tens of thousands of people living within reach breathing elevated levels of fine particles linked in previous studies to lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes

Promised Frac Prosperity for All? Albertans (frac’d more than anywhere else in Canada) face longer wait times for cancer surgery that rank among worst in Canada, report says

Many Oklahomans are sick of all the shaking going on: “Five years from now, they’re probably going to wonder why 2 million Oklahomans got cancer”

Concerned Health Professionals Ireland call for frac ban: ‘Extremely strong” evidence fracking harms human health

Albertans still don’t know what toxic oilfield chemicals their children are breathing. When will companies be ordered to fully disclose all chemicals, including trade secrets, before racing toxic truck loads through school zones, by hospitals, where children play, and before injected, spilled, dumped, spread on foodlands, flared, vented, spewed from endless facilities?

New Study Confirms Fracking Wastewater Is Cancer-Causing. “Barium and Strontium were elevated in frac flowback water exposed cells.” Encana and Alberta government testing showed barium & strontium doubled in Ernst’s water after Encana’s illegal aquifer fracing

“What is the acceptable risk for increased risk for childhood cancer? It’s zero.” & Open Letter by Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment to NB Premier Gallant: Termination of Dr. Eilish Cleary, Chief Medical Officer of Health, a concern

Bravo! Prevent Cancer Now calls out AER’s Health Fraud! “The AER has no jurisdiction for human health, and Alberta is famed for a chill against the medical community linking ill health to petrochemicals.”

Pennsylvania Study Links Fracking to Health Hazards in Fetuses, Infants, Young Children: 35.1% more cancer in children ages zero to four in heavily frac’d counties. Compare to AER’s belittling, dismissive health study in the Lochend

Another new study showing frac harms to health: Hydraulic fracturing linked to increases in hospitalization rates in the Marcellus Shale

Another New Study Showing Frac Harm: ‘Fracking’ Linked to Low Birth Weight Babies, Pregnant women who live near multiple natural gas wells tend to have smaller infants

“It looks like fracking has unearthed an unbargained for and serious cancer risk in peoples’ homes.” John Hopkins study links radon levels in Pennsylvania homes to fracking: “These findings worry us”

Fracing’s long reach: New Study says Fracking Wells Could Pollute The Air Hundreds Of Miles Away

Study: Toxic Chemicals, Carcinogens at Levels Far Exceeding Federal Limits Near Frac Sites, Will almost certainly lead to cancer increase in surrounding areas

Terry Greenwood, 66, died after 3 months fighting cancerous brain tumors, years of fighting fracing and for appropriate, accountable regulator response to frac contamination on his farm

N.D. Supreme Court approves benefits in vapor death; Industry Group Issues Warning For Fracking Vapors: ‘One Breath Could be Death’

Worldwide cancer cases expected to soar by 70% over next 20 years; The mysterious decline in female life expectancy

Santos CBM in NSW Australia contaminates aquifer with uranium at 20 times the safe drinking water levels; Regulator does not test for thorium, radon and radium! Thorium and radon are known to cause lung cancer.

Fort Chipewyan rare cancer cases cry out for study; Fort Chipewyan councillor latest resident diagnosed with rare cancer, ‘How can this keep happening?’

Hormone-disrupting chemicals found in ground and surface water at fracking sites, Peer reviewed study of fracking sites in Garfield County Colorado finds chemicals linked to infertility, birth defects and cancer

Several families taking Baytex (Alberta tarsands frac’er) to court over toxic emissions; Buyout packages allegedly silence Albertans struck with industry-related cancer

Buyout packages allegedly silence Albertans struck with oil and gas industry-related cancer

Fracking cancer risk

Cancer in the Ransom Note

Fracking is a hostage exchange program. Only the carcinogens go free.

Frac Company Trican Donates $5 Million to Fight Childhood Cancer Trican is the company that Ovintiv/Encana had under contract to illegally and intentionally frac directly into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers, injecting 18 Million litres of frac fluid directly into them. The chemical additives injected into the community’s drinking water supply remain secret, even with Ernst’s public interest lawsuit and document exchange ordered by then chief justice Niel C Wittmannt to be completed in December 2014.

Encana simply refused to heed Alberta Rules of Court (where trade secrets are not allowed). Lawyers and the law do not serve the public interest in Canada, that’s clear.

Family doesn’t pursue lawsuit in cancer death blamed on fracking chemicals

Alberta Health Services to pay executive bonuses, says work ‘already done’ but refused to address concerns about serious negative health impacts caused by oil and gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing

Human Health Risk Assessment of Air Emissions from Development of Unconventional Natural Gas Resources

2012 under Steve Harper gov’t: Health Canada Report, admitting significant health hazards and risks to groundwater and air from hydraulic fracturing, kept from the public

2011: Frack and Ruin: the rise of Hydraulic Fracturing; Inflammable tap water, cancer threats and earthquakes: probably coming soon, near you

2010: Chevron’s Ecuador Cancer Problem: 10,000 People at Risk of Contracting Disease in Coming Decades, Says Expert, Oil Giant Faces Up to $69 Billion in Liability for Potential Cancer Deaths

2010: Cooking with gas raises risk of lung cancer, Electric hobs release fewer carcinogenic fumes when frying meat, study finds

2007: Backlash against a whistle blower, For years, Dr. John O’Connor has made headlines by continually asking why natives near the oil sands have so much cancer

2005: Enter Synergy Alberta buying health care, research and academia to keep industry-caused (frac and tarsands) cancers hidden from the public and those dying from them?

2005: Enbridge research chair first of its kind dedicated to holistic cancer care

The Enbridge Research Chair in Psychosocial Oncology will be the first of its kind in Canada, and one of only a few in the world dedicated to this area of cancer care. Jointly funded by energy transportation leader Enbridge Inc. ($1.2 million), the Alberta Cancer Foundation ($300,000) and the Alberta/N.W.T division of the Canadian Cancer Society ($1.5 million), it will build on the ground-breaking work of Bultz, Dr. Linda Carlson and others at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre. …

The role of the Enbridge Research Chair will be to conduct high-quality nationally funded research into the emotional care of cancer patients and their families, target research areas currently understudied in psychosocial oncology; and attract top-level researchers, students and postdoctoral fellows to Canada. “It’s a project that Enbridge could be passionate about, and it was the right thing to do,” says Pat Daniel, president and CEO of Enbridge. “The need for a compassionate and holistic multi-disciplinary health care model is critical.” Enbridge’s commitment is its largest community contribution ever, and is being offered as a centennial gift to Albertans. The gift Evil? is directed to Reach!, the fundraising initiative of the U of C and the Calgary Health Region. This chair is one of the approximately 100 projects and programs, which, through philanthropic support, will advance health research, education, and patient care to create a new world standard of health for Southern Alberta.

Enbridge Kalamazoo oil spill victim holds community meeting spellbound

Enbridge slammed for ‘Keystone Kops’ response to Michigan spill

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