Backlash against a whistle blower, For years, Dr. John O’Connor has made headlines by continually asking why natives near the oil sands have so much cancer by Andrew Nikiforuk, May 19, 2007, The Globe and Mail
Finally, in 2004, Alberta’s oil regulator, the Energy and Utility Board, recommended a study. … Within weeks, three employees of Health Canada, one from Alberta Health and another from Environment Canada had filed a complaint against Dr. O’Connor with the College of Physicians and Surgeons. According to one source, the bureaucrats have accused him of “irresponsible actions” and “raising undue alarm among the public.” … However, the timing of the complaint has led Dr. Sauvé and other local doctors and nurses to conclude that the federal and provincial governments wanted to silence an outspoken critic of the area’s industrial growth.
Backlash against a whistle blower, For years, Dr. John O’Connor has made headlines by continually asking why natives near the oil sands have so much cancer
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