Why do authorities, notably churches, pressure preach that we forgive our abusers, rapists and pedophiles? Forgiving rapists and pedophiles enables more rape and pedophilia.
Think before you forgive! It’s time we stop forgiving rapists, pedophiles and their enabling authorities notably Popes and other church officials, law societies, lawyers and judges.
2019 12 04: Report says Alberta women at high risk of being killed
… The report also states nearly 2/3 of women entering shelters — roughly 65.9 per cent — are at severe or extreme risk of being killed by their partner.
ACWS executive director Jan Reimer said this is the highest the risk level has been in eight years. “We’re continuing to see more and more women at extreme risk of being killed,” she said. “That has to be really troubling for every Albertan. We know that we have so much more we need to do.”
… ACWS says Alberta has one of the highest domestic violence in the country. [Is the oil patch as misogynistic as the legal profession?]
Must watch 1:52 Min:
Refer also to:

Oh Misogynistic Canadian “Justice!” 2019 11: Kings County teen who could not legally consent to sex with older man shocked by plea deal, Sexual assault charge is withdrawn after accused pleads guilty to lesser charge of assault
Everyone she trusted said what happened was wrong — her parents, the police, the prosecutors, the school principal and her therapist. She says she did what they told her to do. She gave statements to the RCMP. She was interviewed by Social Development. She was cross-examined at a preliminary hearing. And she prepared herself to testify at a seven-day trial to which 400 potential jurors had been summoned.
But at the last minute, the ground shifted, said the teen, who is now 17 and can’t be identified because of a publication ban. The Crown and the defence agreed the charge of indictable sexual assault would be withdrawn if Zachary Gallant pleaded guilty to indictable assault.
Indictable offences are among the most serious and because the complainant was under 16, a sexual assault conviction would have carried a maximum sentence of 14 years of incarceration and a minimum of one.
On Sept. 10, Gallant was sentenced to 16 months to be served in the community. The sentence meant no jail time, no curfew and no requirement to be registered as a sex offender.
The teen was shocked. …
2019 12 02: Catholic abuse legal reckoning: New wave of lawsuits could cost church over $4Billion! [Never mind, misogynistic lawyers and judges will work hard to get the church off the hook and shoved under their pedophilia enabling carpets]

Rape victim set on fire on way to court in northern India, police say
A 23-year-old rape victim was set ablaze by a gang of men, including the alleged rapist, as she made her way to court in the northern India on Thursday, police said, stirring public outrage and shame over the scourge of crimes against women.
During the past week, thousands of Indians have protested in several cities following the alleged rape and murder of a 27-year-old vet near the southern city of Hyderabad.

Protesters and parliamentarians are pressing for courts to fast-track rape cases and demanding tougher penalties.
The woman attacked and burned on Thursday morning was in a critical condition, according to D.S. Negi, a doctor at the Civil Hospital in Lucknow, the capital of the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.
She had been on her way to catch a train in Unnao district to attend a hearing when she was doused with kerosene and set on fire, police said.
“As per victim’s statement five people were involved in setting her on fire, including the one who was accused in the rape case,” Vikrant Vir, a police superintendent in Unnao, told Reuters.
All five men have been detained, Uttar Pradesh police said in a tweet.
Police documents seen by Reuters showed the woman had filed a complaint with Unnao police in March alleging that she had been raped at gunpoint on December 12, 2018.
Having been subsequently jailed, the alleged rapist was released last week after securing bail, police officer S.K. Bhagat said in Lucknow.
Uttar Pradesh is India’s most populous state and has become notorious for its poor record regarding crimes against women, with more than 4,200 cases of rape reported there in 2017 – the highest in the country.
The Uttar Pradesh state government, currently controlled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), came under fire in July from opposition groups accusing it of protecting a lawmaker accused of rape.
Comment to the article
Solidarity with women in India. This is a terrible atrocity and too many women and girls are victims of sexual violence. It is powerful to see so many out protesting these issues.
Lest us forget that here in Canada, women survivors of rape rarely find their court cases taken up. It is rare that a rape ends in the conviction of the perpetrator. We must change this.
Attire does not imply consent, Ontario Court of appeal says, calling out Justice for comments [Why isn’t that Justice removed from the Bench, pronto, with pension taken away? The year is 2019, not 1019!]
A complainant’s interest in sex should not affect her credibility as a witness in a sexual-assault trial, Ontario’s highest court says.
It was the second time in less than a week the Ontario Court of Appeal has singled out judges for falling back on what it described as myths about sexual-assault complainants. The earlier case involved a judge who found that the way a woman dresses may indicate consent.
The complainant in the new case was between 11 and 14 when she alleges her mother’s boyfriend sexually abused her four times. She had only recently returned to her mother from three years of foster care when the first alleged incident occurred. She disclosed the alleged incidents 2 1/2 years after the final one.
Last year, Ontario Superior Court Justice Gary Tranmer acquitted the man, identified by his initials, L.M., saying the Crown had not proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt. The appeal court threw out the acquittal on Monday, partly because Justice Tranmer was concerned, it said, that the complainant’s interest in sex reduced her credibility as a witness.
The appeal court said unanimously that it is a legal error to connect credibility to an interest in sex.
“Evidence of a complainant’s prior sexual activity is never admissible to support the twin myths that the complainant is less worthy of belief or more likely to have consented to the activity,” Justice Mary Lou Benotto wrote, supported by Justice David Brown and Justice David Paciocco.
“Consent of a child is irrelevant and, in these circumstances, impossible at law. Yet, the trial judge considered this evidence in reference to her credibility.”
Justice Benotto added that other underlined headings that dealt with credibility were far from neutral. They included “Lies” and “Motivated by Money.”
The “twin myths” were set out by the Supreme Court in a 1991 case known as Seaboyer. In last week’s case, in which a male resident of a home for people with disabilities was accused of sexually assaulting a female resident on consecutive nights, a judge had acquitted the man, while saying the woman’s attire was “significant.” The appeal court ordered a new trial in that case, too.
… Elizabeth Sheehy, a professor emeritus at the University of Ottawa’s law school, said in an e-mail that the case demonstrates “that judges continue to struggle to apply the law of sexual assault on so many levels,” including using the complainant’s sexual history despite Criminal Code provisions that “constrain resort to such prejudicial and irrelevant evidence.”
She said he found reasonable doubt “where his own review of the accused’s statements to police concluded that they amounted to a confession to criminal sexual acts.”
She said the country needs closer screening of judicial appointments [Do misogynistic racist politicians appoint misogynistic racist judges?] and improved training of judges in sexual-assault law. She added that the case is all the more distressing because it will require “a young and vulnerable complainant to testify for a second time against a man who stood in the place of a stepfather.”
How prevalent is racism (and misogyny) among Canadian lawyers & judges?

Non-Disclosure Agreements “are, indeed, an ugly instrument.”

MUST WATCH! ‘This Hour Has 22 Minutes’ Sketch: “Judges: a danger to Canadian women”

“I am sick of [judges] making us unsafe.”