Another racist misogynist lawyer? Old white man, Brian T. Petty (of Hunt Petty LLP), oil & gas lobbyist & bigot, attacks NYT’s Hiroko Tabuchi for her excellent Front Page Frac Fail report detailing execs “looting” companies before bankrupting them, hanging cleanup & more on taxpayers.

Front Page New York Times! Satan Hailing Frac’ers Lynch the People. Oil & Gas companies hurtling into bankruptcy (intentionally – to avoid lawsuits, leak repair & clean-up, enabled by taxpayer-funded courts) as execs snatch millions in unjust rewards (also enabled by our courts).

BNN Interviews Alberta Oil Patch Consultant Brent Nimeck on Lexin and AER’s Orphan Wells: “This problem is 30 years in the making. … I would call it a Ponzi Scheme…. This is an orchestrated fraud from multiple angles: Industry, CAPP and the Alberta Energy Regulator have enabled this to happen. … Through our independent analysis and we’ve confirmed this at multiple sources within the energy regulator, the liabilities are over $300 billion. That’s what’s on the hook for Alberta taxpayers right now – $300 billion.”

2020 07 13 Earthworks’ Alan Septoff:

Hiroko Tabuchi authored a devastating front page story on the wave of bankruptcies hitting oil and gas companies, how executives are feathering their nests just before declaring bankruptcy, and the potential environmental threats as bankrupt companies abandon their environmental liabilities — including methane pollution. 

Brian T. Petty of Hunt Petty LLP emailed his attack from the address he uses as contact info in his role as principal at an oil and gas consulting firm.

Hunt Petty LP lists corporate sponsors including Exxon and Halliburton. Hiroko tweeted about the racist attack. 

National Geographic reporter Daniel Beard responds:

A few tweets in response:

AJennifer Weil@jennemmyh:

Email him. email hidden; JavaScript is required

The Other Jeff Smith@bureau_13 Replying to@ dabeard @Popehat and 2 others

Thanks Brian Petty for bringing Hiroko Tabuchi’s work to my attention. Relentless journalists are the best journalists so I’ll be sure to read more of her work as it comes out, especially in this area of fracking.

Dan Yurman@djysrv:

@HirokoTabuchi has written a 1st class report on fracking, plus looting of the bankrupt companies by their executives who handed ugly cleanup issues of abandoned sites to taxpayers.


Thank you for this. Just sent him an email.


Let us know if you receive a reply!

Diana Dillman @dillman_Diana

Imagine working for Brian Petty as a woman and / or POC!

DISTANCING DAY 122 @CarsonSieving

welcome to the energy industry And the legal/judicial industries – a racist, misogynistic, unjust shit show.

Diana Dillman @dillman_diana

Something may be both commonplace and totally unacceptable.

DISTANCING DAY 122 @CarsonSieving:

Completely agree.


Horrifyingly disgusting. He should resign and frankly never speak publicly (even on local issues) again.

Reggie Newton Flag of United StatesScales @reggienewton22:

when i hear people complaining about “cancel culture” sounds a lot like i don’t want to be accountable for my words and actions.

Everyday Activism @5MinuteActivism:

the war on women is alive and well.


this isn’t really about her being a woman though

it’s about her being Japanese

Everyday Activism @5MinuteActivism:

true. but don’t think a man would have been treated the same way.

KHB @KHB_LookingNow:

Is the nation of her family’s origin all he can complain about? If he really wants to discredit her shouldn’t he be aiming at facts. His approach indicates that she was exactly right.

Josh McCullough@Joshmccullough2:

We should email the NYT about when they’ll follow-up on his racist remarks and cc Brian.

I know I did.

Leyna Nguyen@LeynaNguyenTV:

Mr. Petty (you can’t even make this up) is feeling threatened. Poor guy, bless his tiny little heart.

Arash Shirazi @arashshirazi Replying to @dabeard @HirokoTabuchi and @nytimes cc:
@MarkRuffalo anderson_corri @anderson_corri Replying to @dabeard @HirokoTabuchi
and @nytimes

I emailed him, for what it’s worth.

Dave Doherty – Wear a Mask! @_dave_doherty:

Me thinks her winning another Pulitzer Prize bothers him more than her country of origin. Rolling on the floor laughing

PJ McIlvaine @PJMcIlvaine:

Former energy exec

When Will This Nightmare End? @JayashreeNara14:

When you can’t criticize an article on its factual merits, there’s always racism…

Mark “70.1%” Rechtin@MarkRechtin:

Expect contrite, tear-filled “I didn’t mean to offend” non-apology in 3….2….1….


Usually, it is more like “If I offended anyone…..” That is the opening phrase that drives me nuts — “if” as a qualifier. And, of course, the “if” makes it a non-apology. Agree with you 100% but just had to add that “if.”

Douglas Moran@dougom:

Including his email address is a nice touch: doubt it’s will remain live for very long.

carlos diaz@tucutu_cd:

For most people it is not easy to honor their last names with their words or actions.
This guy has just given a master class lecture on how to do it !!

David Marley@djmarley6:

Trump is waiving the requirement that fracking companies fix the methane leaks they cause, and executives are walking away with millions before declaring bankruptcy. The planet killing gas scam.

Rolf Erdahl@rolferd:

Wow. Why can’t they find decent human beings for their executive team? Must be morally, intellectually, and financially bankrupt the have to scrape so hard on the bottom of the barrel to get results like this.


I think all oil company people, should be forced to live on their sites/fields, from beginning to destination.


Wah wah WHAT?! Holy shit.

CactusScorpionPalm tree DZienty@DonaldZienty


Mimi Fox@MimiSwenor:

Listening to Trump talk about saving oil & gas… as a person in the business, we haven’t made money in years! Our family business is supporting a bunch of oil workers because we love them… but we are losing money every day.

Ruel Garcia@ruel_garcia:

It’s an incredible article showing how a businessman isn’t necessarily better than a politician at running things and that they can be crooked as well! I never understood why courts allow the execs who ruined the business to be paid so much. Seems better to hire someone else.


Don’t worry, the Trump administration says industries can self regulate.

Dan Killam, PhD@DantheClamMan:

Article was excellent! Keep making them nervous

Sunlight is the only thing keeping them accountable during this time of corporate capture of all the regulatory levers

Dana B@lwdana

What is Petty’s biggest problem? Is it the content of the article, that a woman wrote it, or that the reporter has a non-European name? In what way is the reporter not an American?

Craig Steenburgh@CraigSteenburgh:

Good Lord. Where has this guy been for the last 50 or so years?

Chris Klugewicz Face with medical mask #StayHome@cjk_tn:

Pretty sure he’ll be crying on TV soon about the left’s cancel culture and how his life has been ruined

Sherry B@OkieLibSherry:

A+ for getting both your racism & sexism in one tiny paragraph, Brian.


Clearly @HirokoTabuchi was SPOT ON in her reporting I’d say.

phil conforti@horseplayerphil:

Fracking is ruining the water tables , energy or water? What should win

Stacy The Resistance@StacyDAlessand3:

This is ridiculous. Does he think he can buy an American journalist? Spread his name and hate far and wide.

Susan Miller@SuSu_Gator:

Petty-some ole white man demeaning a woman.


Scum of the earth, i lived in texas 30 years, they frac the shit outta every well they drill, if the can afford to. One cannot safely drink the ground water because its that caustic. Oh well, that state is destined for some very bad times

Josh Hinton@joshhinton89:

Is this the cancel culture the Harpers brigade was warning about? I’m sure they will be here to defend her at any moment.

2020’s Miasma of Anti-Think- TWIV@SooskaVee:

So only white men with a fracking background and ties to the energy industry are allowed to write about the subject?

Helena Okekai@OkekaiHelena:

Only WEALTHY white men. …

(((Daniel Timm)))@dtimm53217:

My white privilege renders me unable to fathom being clever enough to win a Pulitzer for writing in English while being a native Japanese speaker, and STILL having your credentials questioned based solely on ethnicity. She’s clearly a genius…but oops, she’s not American enough?

Climate Mama Earth globe asia-australia@CLIMATEMAMA

@hirokotabuchi has written an excellent & long needed
@nytimes story abt realities of #fracking industries, stranded assets & total disregard 4 damages or clean plans. No surprise mysogynistic & racist folks like #brianPetty head up these companies. #exxon #halliburton.

Earth globe asia-australiaEarth globe europe-africaEarth globe americas@systemspo:

Ahh in addition to literally destroying the planet they are also virulent racists. Absolutely pure evil.

Adrian ”Swift & Swipian” Wapcaplet@AdrianWapcapIet:

Brian picked the wrong last name. He should have gone with Bigot.

A 45-Year-Old White Man Failing Up@OllieMcClellan:

Thank you for including that asshole’s email address in the screenshot.

Rob Sheppe@robsheppe:

Heinous, cowardly, idiotic public display of racism. I suspect by the end of the day he’ll know what getting ‘raked over the coals’ feels like. Appropriate for a person working in the energy sector.

Flex Diesel@FlexDiesel:

There you go. Brian Petty gets my vote for giant asshole of the year. He’s going to be a hard one to top.

Jon T@Titus_VIII:

Oh a nasty little Trump.

Jade Jurek@JadeJurek:

Wow, Mr. Petty (perfect name)is both a racist and a misogynist. Cool. We see you email hidden; JavaScript is required

Mark C. Dowis@dowis_mark:

A misogynistic racist?


Holy crap?! “a Japanese Woman’ …really? it’s not 1920 or even 1980 …Brian Petty is a jerk.

Helena Okekai@OkekaiHelena:

For decades we taxpayers have subsidized Exxon etc. These oil and gas companies haven’t paid any taxes and now they’re going to be leaving behind structures and wells leaking oil. WE will pick up that cost!

I want a REAL revolution! Off with their heads!

richard osborne@rwoavon:

Fossil you, racist bigot! Hope your inbox runneth over, and your employment runneth out.

BTW, I emailed him. Don’t expect a response. But, for a guy who sponsors conferences, this is not a good business development strategy. Particularly, in Asia. Or, with women. Or, people of color. Or, non racists.


Dr. Lee Hunt and Brian T. Petty are the General Partners of HUNT PETTY LP.  Both have diverse experience in oil & gas lobbying, international government affairs as well as safety, training and environmental drilling issues, primarily in the offshore upstream industry.

Their combined experience spans decades of transition and developments in the upstream industry from Piper Alpha to Macondo.  In addition to traditional markets in the United States, South and Central America, Northwest Europe and Asia, both Dr. Hunt and Mr. Petty have been active in opening and developing upstream and drilling opportunities in the Former Soviet Union, Myanmar and Cuba.


Dr. Lee Hunt

Dr. Lee Hunt served as President and Chief Executive of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) from 1990-2012. Prior responsibilities at IADC include Manager, Accident Prevention and Safety; Manager, State Government Affairs; and, Manager Environmental Affairs. Under Dr. Hunt’s guidance and leadership IADC became recognized as the leading industry advocate, for drilling safety, regulatory and governmental relations. He directed the first US oil field upstream/service industry mission to Cuba in 2010. Since, he has supported the multilateral workshops involving the US, Cuba, Mexico, the Bahamas and Jamaica that have resulted in a Multilateral Technical Operations Procedures plan (MTOP) for government-to-government communications in an oil spill event.

Earlier affiliations include a training position at National Supply Company and assistant professorships at the University of Houston and at Wayne State University.

Dr. Hunt holds a B.S. in political science from the University of Houston; an M.A. and Ph.D. in political science from Northwestern University; and a Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) from South Texas College of Law.  Lee Hunt is a member of the State Bar of Texas.

Brian T. Petty

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Brian T Petty served as Executive Vice President for Global Government Affairs for the International Association of Drilling Contractors. He holds a J.D. from Georgetown University and an M.A. in literature from the University of Virginia. Prior to joining IADC, he served in Washington as the State of Texas Energy Counsel. He previously practiced law in New York, then headed the Houston office of Warburg Paribas Becker, an international investment banking firm. He has represented the international drilling industry before the US Congress, European Commission and World Trade Organization (WTO). He is a member of the District of Columbia and State of Virginia Bar Associations. He is based in Washington, DC.

While with IADC, he served for 10 years as chairman of the US federal Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Automotive Equipment and Capital Goods, appointed jointly by the US Secretary of Commerce and US Trade Representative to advise on US international trade initiatives and policy.


Halliburton is one of the world’s largest providers of products and services to the energy industry, assisting its customers to maximize value throughout the lifecycle of the reservoir. Presently Haliburton is celebrating its 100th Anniversary as a premier oil field services and products provider.

Boots & Coots, experienced leaders in addressing the most challenging source control problems, have specialists on call 24/7 and the fastest industry response, with strategically staged personnel and equipme nt globally.

Refer also to:

DEP data shows bankrupt Chesapeake drilling new wells; Did Chesapeake file for bankruptcy to avoid paying outstanding royalties owed and avoid paying fines for criminal charges possibly up AG Josh Shapiro’s courageous sleeves? The company’s timing is suspect

Evil law-violating frac’er Chesapeake Energy files for bankruptcy, owing $9Billion. How much magic money will the court give the frac’ers this time?

The biggest con ever? Millions of abandoned wells enabled by politicians, regulators & courts. Oil, gas ‘n frac industry rapes, profits ‘n runs, hangs the public with clean up, a climate menace & endless health harms & cruelty

Misogynistic Justice. Rapist after rapist set free by Canadian judges. Think those judges will let you seek justice if your water is frac’d by Encana, covered-up by authorities with AER violating your Charter rights trying to terrify you into submissive silence, enabled by Supreme Court of Canada?

No wonder Canadian “justice” is so often misogynistic, racist &/or abusive. Looking in the mirror: Harassment in legal workplaces

“Unf*ck the system.” Alberta’s Neanderthal “Justice” system assaults sexual assault victims. “The judge in this troubling case was none other than former Deputy Justice Minister Ray Bodnarek, a PC loyalist appointed as a judge by former PC Justice Minister Jonathan Denis who himself resigned under troubling allegations of domestic violence.” Commenter: “So who exactly is the crown protecting by blocking the publication of the victim’s name?” Another commenter: “My guess…..the ‘system’. It stinks and it’s all because of the judges & lawyers.”

Canada’s judicial/legal industry treats frac-harmed plaintiffs just as hideously.

Investigation finds one of Australia’s most powerful men, “Sex Pest” former high court judge, Dyson Heydon, sexually harassed judicial clerks and women lawyers – WHILE HE WAS TOP JUDGE!

Canada’s racist legal industry rots & lies on: Alberta lawyer Leighton Grey (posted Black Lives Matter ‘leftist lie’ video), resigns. Picked by racist Kenney’s racist UCP to be on racist committee to pick racist judges? Grey was lawyer for Clayton Boucher, imprisoned after racist RCMP found baking soda in his home.

Legal scholar Joshua Sealy-Harrington “totally eviscerates” Murray Klippenstein’s arguments. It revolts me that my public interest lawsuit is being destroyed by Klippenstein pissing on Law Society Rule 2.09 to enable racism. After abruptly quitting my lawsuit nearly two years ago, he *still* has not sent me my case files. What tune would Klippenstein sing if all the bias/prejudice was directed at Mennonite lawyers?

“[Joshua Sealy-Harrington] deconstructing Jordan Peterson’s latest, also dropping knowledge on intersectionality and hierarchy.” … “Brilliant how @joshuasealy eviscerates him. Can we now all finally recognize what a hack @jordenpeterson is please?” … “Not retweeting the original shite article by charlatan of an academic because it’s racist garbage and click bait anyhow.”

Baking soda? Frac! Dirty lawyers (become dirtier judges?), dirty prosecutors and dirty RCMP abound. A disgusting horrifying read. I know from experience how terrible it is to be stabbed in the back by one’s own lawyers (in my case, Murray Klippenstein and Cory Wanless), after paying them a fortune. Rotten lawyers know law societies serve their own, like AER serves polluters that pay AER’s way.

How prevalent is racism (and misogyny) among Canadian lawyers & judges?

Law Society Ontario (LSO)’s white privilege bucket runneth over

Gillian Hnatiw, Canadian lawyer, female: “Fundamentally, the law is about power – who has it, who gets it, and how they are allowed to wield it. … Yet evidence of misogyny remains all around us. Lest anyone forget, there is a self-confessed sexual predator in the White House. … In Canada, we’re not faring a whole lot better…. All of our political leaders are men.”

Do you want fairness, equality, diversity, inclusion in Canada’s legal profession? In 2019, 85% of the legal profession in USA is white and mostly male. No wonder so many sexual assault victims are re-victimized in court by judges and known convicted pedophiles are granted licence to practice law! No wonder our environment is underrepresented and unjustly served with vile demented gag orders.

“It’s the judges!” enabling rape and murder of women. No kidding. In Canada too.

Know my Name. A Memoir. Chanel Miller. Horrific Sexual Assault. “Rape is rape.” Another Judge Protecting the Rapist.

Victim blaming and shaming must stop. So many rapists and pedophiles; too many judges enabling them. ‘Un Violador en Tu Camino, The rapist is you!’ Why a Chilean protest chant is being sung around the world

Canadian misogynistic “justice” ensures rapist paradise. Accused serial rapist Paul Batchelor, let off by Justice Beaudoin (elevated to the bench by Harper gov’t), arrested after three new rape charges; now awaits trials involving nine women who don’t know one another.

Why wasn’t Nova Scotia legal profession’s most infamous sexual predator and Premier, Gerald Regan, disbarred? Simple: 1) He was a man in Caveman Canada; 2) He was a lawyer in Caveman Canada; 3) He was in a position of power in Caveman Canada; 4) “Justice” is not available for raped women (or the environment) in Caveman Canada, just expensive lawyers.

Canada’s legal system is sexist and broken

When it comes to dealing with sexual harassment and assault, Canada’s legal system is sexist and broken. …

A few years ago, I had a revealing encounter of my own. A local law office came out with an ad which was condemned by local activists as sexist. “Assault this, and you’ll only need one law firm,” stated the ad, where the ‘this’ being objectified referred to women.

When I wrote a complaint about the ad to the provincial Law Society, I had expected them to look into the matter. Instead, they disclosed my complaint and identity to the lawyer in question, and I proceeded to receive a number of aggressive letters, suggesting my statement that “the ads in question may be easily construed as condoning and in fact encouraging violence against women” may be libellous.

I was understandably shocked; calling out a triggering ad about sexual assault as being sexist resulted not in apologies but instead what appeared to be threats from a male lawyer. When I complained about this to the Law Society, and pointed out their treatment of the matter would have been deeply traumatic to a survivor of sexual assault, they indicated they hadn’t dealt with a complaint of this nature before. In the end the complaint was resolved — the ad was removed and the Law Society indicated they would revise and clarify their complaint procedures, which they subsequently have.

But the whole affair revealed a very telling fact — the legal field was badly unprepared for what in the 21st century should be a much higher priority: tackling sexism. These problems are not confined to Canada, either. A 2015 article in The New Statesman offers a moving example of how deeply rooted sexism is in western legal institutions.

In Canada, the low rates of conviction for sexual assault are an indictment of the system itself. As a 2014 Toronto Star article revealed using Statscan data from 2004 and 2006, 460,000 women self-reported sexual assault: 15,200 reported to the police, 5,544 charges were laid, with 2,824 prosecutions and 1,519 convictions. Again, that’s almost a half million self-reported assaults, and 1,519 convictions. Something is deeply wrong.

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