Subject: | Fwd: Goliaths of Mammon |
Date: | Sat, 27 Sep 2014 19:29:43 -0500 |
From: | Michael Milillo |
To: | Danielle Smith MLA, Legislative Assembly of Alberta <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, Ken Paulson, BC Oil and Gas Commission <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, Alan Boras, NATIONAL <email hidden; JavaScript is required> |
CC: | Adele M. Hurley, The Program on Water Issues <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, Brian Dutton, Encana Corporation <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, The Hon. Jonathan Denis, Alberta Minister of Justice <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, The Hon. Diana McQueen, Alberta Minister of Municipal Affairs <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, Minister Verlyn Olson QC, Alberta Minister of Agriculture <email hidden; JavaScript is required> |
Danielle Smith MLA, Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Ken Paulson, BC Oil and Gas Commission
Adele M. Hurley, The Program on Water Issues
I am forwarding email that was sent to you previously but was rejected by the servers as the email addresses were invalid. I do hope that it is successfully received this time.
From: Michael Milillo
Date: Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 5:24 PM
Subject: Goliaths of Mammon
To: “Jessica Ernst, Rosebud, Alberta, Canada” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>
Cc: “The Hon. Leona Aglukkaq, Canada Minister of the Environment” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Alan Boras, Encana Corporation” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Michele Boulva, Catholic Organization for Life and Family” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Rt Revd Dr. Richard Chartres, Lord Bishop of London” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Bob Curran, Alberta Energy Regulator” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Fr. Patrick H. Daly, Catholic Conferences of the European Union” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Linda Duncan MP, Parliament of Canada” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Martin J. Durbin, America’s Natural Gas Alliance” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “The Hon. Donald S. Ethell OC OMM AOE, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “The Hon. Kyle Fawcett, Alberta Minister of Environment” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Alex Ferguson, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “The Hon. Dr Hedy Fry MP, Parliament of Canada” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Dr. David G. Hallman, WCC Programme on Climate Change” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Rev. Dr. Karen A. Hamilton, Canadian Council of Churches” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Right Hon Stephan Harper, Prime Minister of Canada” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Terrence J. Hopwood Esq, Encana Corporation” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Prof. Anthony R. Ingraffea, Cornell University” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Rev. Msgr. Ronny E. Jenkins, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Frederick W. Krueger, National Religious Coalition on Creation Care” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Rev. Dr. Guy Liagre, Conference of European Churches” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “The Hon. Stephen Mandel, Alberta Minister of Health” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Brian Mason MLA, Legislative Assembly of Alberta” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Jim McCormick, President of PC Alberta” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “John McDougall, National Research Council Canada” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Prof. Karlis Muehlenbachs, University of Alberta” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Andrew Nikiforuk, The Tyee” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “The Hon. Frank Oberle, Alberta Minister of Energy” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Ken Paulson, BC Oil and Gas Commission” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Msgr Patrick Powers, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “The Hon. Jim Prentice QC, Premier of Alberta” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Rosey Rosenke, The Wilberforce Project” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Stacey Schorr, Encana Corporation” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Robbie Schuett, President of LPCA” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Danielle Smith MLA, Legislative Assembly of Alberta” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Natalie Sonnen, LifeCanada” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Mgr. Marcus Stock, Catholic Church in England and Wales” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Dr. David Swann MLA, Legislative Assembly of Alberta” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, World Council of Churches” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “John Walsh, President of Conservative Party of Canada” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “The Revd Rowan Williams, Anglican Diocese of York” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “Jim Winkler, The National Council of Churches” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “David Yager, President of Wildrose” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, “The Hon. Gene Zwozdesky MLA, Speaker of the Alberta Legislative Assembly” <email hidden; JavaScript is required>
Jessica, I applaud your courage, diligence, and tenacity in seeking recompense for the damages done to your Alberta [Canada] property as a result of the toxic contamination from “hydraulic fracturing”. Because you are quite busy fighting the many Goliaths who are opposed to your “hydraulic fracturing” lawsuit [Ernst v. EnCana Corporation], I do realized that you have insufficient time to spend on any other environmental issues.
From reading the link that you provided, I discerned that your opponents are ganging up against you in their efforts to stop your lawsuit. This link also revealed that these lovers of Mammon are not only trying to quash your lawsuit against them but are also out to destroy both your character and reputation — that is, kill the messenger if they cannot kill the message. If it is of any consolation to you, their smear tactics only serves as proof that these forces of evil that are arrayed against you are afraid of your illuminating message exposing their own corruption and deceit to the Public that is detrimental to the health of the Public and especially to the Fetus.
In the Corporations’ ceaseless and ravenous pursuit of profits and wealth, only Humanity bears all the “risks” from exposure to environmental contamination while the Corporations reap all the “rewards” as a result of their environmental degradation. Although objecting to women choosing to have legalized abortions, the governments of both Prime Minister Harper and Premier Prentice have no problem whatsoever with passing environmental policies that are lethal to the Fetus. What Harper and Prentice have given — Pro Life — on the one hand, they take away — Pro Death — with the other. While both the Pro Life and the Pro Choice Communities may disagree about a women choosing to have a legalized abortion, the two opposing groups should AGREE that environmental policies that are lethal to the Fetus should NOT be countenanced by any political party. Particularly when the destruction of the environment is accomplished to enhance the bottom line of the political parties’ Corporate benefactors. To the lovers of Mammon which includes Harper and Prentice, whatever Mammon wants, Mammon gets even if Humanity is harmed — with extinction — in the process.
With the release of the Methane — a more potent Greenhouse Gas than CO2 — that was trapped in the now melting Permafrost, all hope of containing, if NOT stopping, Global Warming is gone. One aspect of Global Warming is the pestilence that will be released upon Humanity. With the higher temperatures caused by Global Warming. diseases — that were once confined to isolated areas — are now being liberated into the environment similar to the release of the once frozen Methane that was captured in the thawing Permafrost. In the coming years, these diseases will infect the oblivious World populations. One such disease is the recent outbreak of the deadly “Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever” virus in Africa. Others would soon follow.
If Mankind cannot stop the ravages of Global Warming, at the very least, the limited supply of fresh water must be protected from the contamination of deadly toxins such as the insidious “fracking fluid” that is being emptied into the lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and aquifers throughout North America and soon the entire World. Although Humanity may NOT be able to survive Global Warming, having a plentiful supply of fresh water will ease Humanity’s suffering until the culmination finally arrives.
Jessica, for your conscientious efforts to stop hydraulic fracturing from contaminating the scarce supply of drinking waters in Canada, Humanity and I are eternally grateful and most appreciative for the hardships and sacrifices that you have endured over the years in your struggles with the many Goliaths.
Most Sincerely,
“The Fracking Industry’s Contempt for the Public Is Finally Coming to Light”
“Recent disclosures reveal little else but a interest in making profits.”
By Alison Rose Levy
February 28, 2014
AlterNet / Environment
“Is Arctic Permafrost the “Sleeping Giant” of Climate Change?”
June 24, 2013
NASA Science
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
“Melting Arctic Ocean Raises Threat of ‘Methane Time Bomb’”
“Scientists have long believed that thawing permafrost in Arctic soils could release huge amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Now they are watching with increasing concern as methane begins to bubble up from the bottom of the fast-melting Arctic Ocean.”
by susan q. stranahan
Yale Environment 360
“Humanity Imperiled
“The Path to Disaster”
“Tomgram: ‘Noam Chomsky, The Eve of Destruction'”
Posted by Noam Chomsky at 9:02am, June 4, 2013
A project of The Nation Institute
“And a draft of the latest report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows why. It paints a dire picture of the causes of global warming and what it will do to us in the future, according to the Associated Press, which obtained a copy of the report. ‘Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems,’ the draft says.”
“Carbon is Costing Us Big Time”
September 10, 2014
by Charina Nadura
Moyers & Company
“How the Spreading Symptoms of Climate Change Can be Deadly”
“The hallmarks of a warming climate, heavier rains, more severe droughts, rising sea levels and longer growing seasons, are spreading a variety of pathogens throughout the world”
Feb 18, 2014 |By Daniel Lippman and ClimateWire
Scientific American
“Climate change and infectious diseases in North America: the road ahead”
Amy Greer, PhD, Victoria Ng, BS, and David Fisman, MD MPH
CMAJ. Mar 11, 2008; 178(6): 715–722.
PMCID: PMC2263103
doi: 10.1503/cmaj.081325
Public health
National Center for Biotechnology Information
From the Research Institute of The Hospital for Sick Children (Greer, Ng, Fisman), Toronto, Ont.; the Ontario Central Public Health Laboratory (Fisman), Toronto, Ont.; and The Australian National University (Ng), Canberra, Australia
Copyright © 2008 Canadian Medical Association
“New Report Finds Rising Risk of Infectious Diseases in America”
Press Release
For Immediate Release: October 29, 2008
Trust for America’s Health
“Spread of Deadly Cryptococcal Disease in U.S. Northwest Linked to Global Warming”
“Cryptococcal infection, once thought to be an exclusively tropical disease, has killed 60 people in the Pacific Northwest as of July, and health experts suspect climate change is involved”
Jul 27, 2010 |By Douglas Fischer and The Daily Climate
Scientific American
“Deadly Fungal Disease May Spread in U.S.”
Annie Hauser Published: Sep 13, 2013, 10:34 AM EDT
The Weather Channel
“The Pacific Northwest — a region known for stunning natural vistas and a love of outdoor recreation — is also home to a deadly fungal disease that’s spread through the air, according to public health officials. The cryptococcus gattii fungus is rare, but spreading, researchers say in a new report published in Emerging Infectious Diseases.”
“Infectious disease is not a problem of the past”
“Antibiotic-resistant superbugs and contagious killers urgently need co-ordinated global action. The problem does not stop at borders and neither can the solution.”
By: Mike Callaghan Published on Sun Jul 06 2014
Mike Callaghan is a Doctoral fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.
Opinion / Commentary
Toronto Star
“Ebola Outbreak in North America?”
By Robin Eisner and John F. Yarbrough
NEW YORK, Feb. 7
ABC News
“Ebola worst-case scenario: Over half a million people infected”
Published time: September 19, 2014 21:54
“Sierra Leone to shut down for 3 days to slow Ebola”
“FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — In a desperate bid to slow West Africa’s accelerating Ebola outbreak, Sierra Leone ordered its 6 million people confined to their homes for three days starting Friday while volunteers conduct a house-to-house search for victims in hiding.”
By CLARENCE ROY-MACAULAY of Associated Press
1 day ago
“2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa”
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
‘Two Americans infected with deadly Ebola virus in West Africa”
July 27, 2014, 10:30 AM
Last Updated Jul 27, 2014 10:00 PM EDT
CBS News
“Noam Chomsky: If Nuclear War Doesn’t Get Us, Climate Change Will”
“The growing threats of nuclear war and environmental catastrophe make it hard to bet on the survival of our species.”
Posted by The Nation
Published on Mar 28, 2013
“God of Life: Contemplating Evolution, Ecology, Extinction.”
Woloschak, G. E. (2013)
The Ecumenical Review, 65: 145–159. doi: 10.1111/erev.12032
“Doubling Of CO2 Levels In End-Triassic Extinction Killed Off Three Quarters Of Land And Sea Species”
By Joe Romm on March 24, 2013 at 12:26 pm
“Another link between CO2 and mass extinctions of species”
By Andrew Glikson, Australian National University
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Arctic News
Andrew Glikson, earth and paleo-climate scientist at Australian National University
“Arctic News: Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm”
Malcolm Light
9th February, 2012
Arctic News
“Last Hours of Humanity: Warming the World to Extinction”
Submitted by Thom Hartmann A… on 8. October 2013 – 9:58
“Thom premieres the climate change documentary, “The Last Hours of Humanity: Warming the World to Extinction” and discusses the lessons from Fukushima with Naoto Kan, the Prime Minister of Japan during the meltdown in 2011. In tonight’s “Daily Take” Thom details how we can avoid the world’s next extinction.”
Full Show 10/8/13: Warming the World to Extinction
The Big Picture on RT
Hosted by Thom Hartmann
Posted by TheBigPictureRT
Published on Oct 8, 2013
[Refer also to:
Above photo from article in the Calgary Herald, August 28, 2014
January 18, 2013: Jessica Ernst taking a stand at the Drumheller Court House, where by law the Ernst vs Encana case is supposed to be heard. The hearing took place in Calgary; Ernst did not ask for and was not provided video coverage. Ernst and her witness spent the duration of the hearing in the Drumheller Court House waiting area.
In October 2012, the Chief Justice of Court of Queen’s Bench moved the case to Calgary after Encana’s lawyers complained and said they would not drive to Drumheller.
The case was returned to Drumheller.
Many thanks Michael, for your support, this powerful letter and taking the time to distribute it to so many experts and elected officials. FIPA sums up Harper’s Mammon and disdain for Canada, her people and water.
Encana speeds up liquids push with US$7.1B acquisition of Permian player Athlon by Lauren Krugel, The Canadian Press, September 29, 2014, Calgary Herald
Encana Corp. is speeding along plans to shift its focus toward lucrative liquids with a US$7.1-billion deal to buy Athlon Energy Inc., giving it an entry into the oil-rich Permian formation in Texas.
The acquisition of Athlon Energy announced Monday includes nearly US$6 billion in cash and the assumption of more than US$1 billion in debt.
The transaction brings Encana’s earlier target of deriving three quarters of its cash flow from liquids by 2017 two years closer, said CEO Doug Suttles.
“In some ways we’re almost pinching ourselves how quickly we’ve gotten here. We’re very, very pleased,” said Suttles, a former BP executive who unveiled a sweeping overhaul to Encana’s strategy nearly a year ago. “I don’t think it was a predictable outcome at this pace. I think it was something we thought would take a number of years.”
The Calgary-based company (TSX:ECA) has been eyeing a deal in the Permian for roughly a year. It considers the region — where Suttles noted his oilman grandfather plied his trade back in the 1930s — one of the top resource plays in North America.
This is the second big oil deal Encana has done this year in Texas, following a US$3.1-billion deal with Freeport-McMoRan for acreage in the Eagle Ford shale announced in May.
Encana had been known as a natural gas-centred player, a challenging strategy amid a prolonged price slump. But with Suttles’ arrival last year, the focus shifted to more valuable oil and natural gas liquids.
With the Athlon deal, Encana aims to produce 250,000 barrels per day of liquids by 2017, a sharp increase from the 50,000 barrels per day it churned out last year.
Athlon’s shareholders are being offered US$58.50 per share cash, for a total of US$5.93 billion.
Shares in the company (NYSE:ATHL) jumped about 24 per cent on Monday, rising $11.48 to US$58.21 in late morning trading on the New York Stock Exchange. In Toronto, Encana’s shares were up 54 cents at C$24.13, a gain of more than two per cent.
Encana says the Athlon deal will add the equivalent of about 30,000 barrels of oil per day of production focused in the Midland Basin, part of the Permian formation. It says that can grow substantially, with 5,000 possible drilling locations and up to three billion barrels of resource potentially in the ground.
The company intends to invest at least US$1 billion in the play and ramp up production to at least seven horizontal rigs by the end of 2015.
Last week, Encana sold its remaining stake in PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. (TSX:PSK) for about $2.6 billion to a syndicate of underwriters.
PrairieSky has a big royalty land position in Alberta that was spun off from Encana through an initial public offering in May. There had been suggestions the recent PrairieSky sale was a sign Encana was winding up to make a major move.
“The strengthened balance sheet provides Encana ‘dry powder’ to act opportunistically to accelerate its liquids focused strategy,” CIBC World Markets analyst Arthur Grayfer wrote in a note to clients ahead of Monday’s announcement.
Suttles said Monday one did not have anything to do with the other. “The timing is just fortuitous,” he told reporters.
The CEO did not rule out Encana doing more deals to bolster its portfolio, but declined to give specifics.
“An oil and gas company in my view at least has to always pay attention to its portfolio. So it’s something you’re never done with and it’s something we’ll continue to look at.”