Geoscience BC: Industry Money Thieving Scheme? Propaganda Puff Piece: Scientists focus on hydraulic fracking fallout in B.C.

Puff piece on Geoscience BC below. A few financial tidbits about Geoscience BC first:

Geo”science” BC

Geoscience BC is an independent, non-profit organization that generates earth science in collaboration with First Nations, local communities, governments, academia and the resource sector. Our independent earth science enables informed resource management decisions. [Frack and mine no matter what or who is harmed?!] We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of our partners including the province of British Columbia. [But, seems only Christie Clark Government financed this industry scam. Will Horgan/Weaver Government continue financing it?]


Received a $25,000,000 grant from BC Ministry of Energy & Mines, creating instant pro-development, anti-environment, anti-community bias of Geo”science” BC.

Earned $636,563 in interest in Geoscience BC’s first year.

Excess of revenues over expenditures in Geoscience BC’s first year = $22,574,421.

Geoscience BC Society (the “Society”) was incorporated under the Society Act (British Columbia) on April 26, 2005 as a not for profit organization. The Society is exempt from taxation under Section 149(1) of the Income Tax Act of Canada.

8. Subsequent Event

Subsequent to period end, The Board of Directors of the Society approved an additional $1,362,992 in project funding at their May 4th, 2006 meeting. [Where did that come from? Encana, ConocoPhillips, CSUR and CAPP?]


[Geoscience BC suddenly becomes an investment bank. Do BC families struggling to pay their hydro bills know that their hard earned money is being used to fund oil patch and mining propaganda?]

4. Temporary Investments
During the current fiscal year, the Society’s board elected to invest an aggregate of $18.0 million in temporary investments other than cash. Accordingly, $8.0 million was invested in banker’s acceptances which initially matured at three, six and twelve month intervals and which are readily convertible to cash at any time at market values. A further $10.0 million was invested in various pooled private equity funds under the discretionary management of Connor, Clark and Lunn Private Capital Ltd. (“CC&L”), and subject to a Statement of Investment policy between the Society and CC&L. These monies are also readily convertible to cash at any time without penalty.

9. Subsequent Events

During the period subsequent to March 31, 2007:
• The Society approved and disbursed the ten scholarships of $5,000 each [To start early bribing and propagandizing future BC “scientists” to be pro business and development and enable the endless frac harms and pollution?] that are disclosed in note 3. …
• Geoscience BC announced the Quesnellia Exploration Strategy (“QUEST”), pursuant to which its board of directors has approved approximately $4.25 million to be spent directly by the Society on regional geophysical and geochemical exploration programs in the area of the Mountain Pine Beetle infestation in central British Columbia. In addition, Geoscience BC has also received a commitment of $750,000 from the Northern Trust, a non-profit organization established by the British Columbia government in 2004 to support regional economic development in north-central BC, in connection with the funding of this work in two specific areas near Mackenzie, BC.


8. Subsequent Events

During the period subsequent to March 31, 2008:
• The Society received additional funding from the B.C. provincial government in the amount of $11.7 million, of which $6 million is intended to fund mineral resource geoscience and the balance designated for oil & gas funding.

-The Society approved and disbursed 11 scholarships of $5,000 each.

-The Society approved $2.6 million, which includes $500,000 to be received from the Northern Development Trust Initiative, for a seismic survey in the Nechako Basin and related logistics.


Grants: $12,015,320

The Society has no source of operating revenue and its future operations are therefore dependent upon the receipt of continued unrestricted and non-repayable funding, anticipated to be from government sources. [Why don’t the “scientists” hold bake sales and raffles to fund their underhanded schemes instead of stealing from BC taxpayers under the guise of “science?”] In the event such funding is not received, the Society would in due course deplete its cash reserves and be required to cease operations. [Geoscience BC is servicing industry’s wants to enhance corporate profits at BC taxpayers’ expense.]

10. Subsequent Events

In addition to items mentioned elsewhere in these notes, during the period subsequent to March 31, 2009:
• The Society announced the QUEST (“Quesnellia Exploration Strategy”)-South program, pursuant to which its Board of Directors has approved up to $2.0 million to be spent directly by the Society on a regional airborne gravity survey in the QUEST-South area.
• The Board of Directors of the Society approved an additional $5,455,377 in project funding, comprised as to $2,328,570 for minerals projects and $3,126,807 for oil & gas projects, including $3,046,900 for aquifer studies and well data purchases in the Horn River Basin. [Why did the accountants not specify how much on aquifer studies, and how much on well data?]
• The Society approved and disbursed 9 scholarships of $5,000 each.


Grant: $12,000,000 from BC Ministry of Energy and Mines (BC taxpayers again)

The Society announced the QUEST (“Quesnellia Exploration Strategy”)-Northwest program, pursuant to which its Board of Directors has approved approximately $3.25 million to be spent directly by the Society on regional geophysical and geochemical exploration programs, bedrock mapping projects and the purchase of existing
company aeromagnetic data in the QUEST-Northwest area.
• The Board of Directors of the Society approved an additional $1.56 million in program funding, and a further $55,000 for the purchase of a DAP server.
• The Society approved and disbursed 8 scholarships of $5,000 each.


Grants: $3,376,935 [3 million from BC Energy & Mines, the rest from BC Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training. How to steal from taxpayers to fund private profit?]

10. Subsequent Events
During the period subsequent to March 31, 2014:
• The Board ofDirectors ofthe Society approved $1,010,000 in program funding, and an additional $1,500,000 for the Montney Airborne Groundwater Mapping Project, subject to confirmation of FirstNation and local community support, other funding support, and decreased costs to meet the budget.
• The Society approved and disbursed 7 scholarships of $5,000 each.


Grants: $5,000,000 BC Energy & Mines

10. Subsequent Events
During the period subsequent to March 31, 2015:
• The Board of Directors of the Society approved $2,215,000 in program Funding.
• The Society approved and disbursed 10 scholarships of $5,000 each.


Grants: $100,000 – [Peanuts! Unscrupulous thieving “scientists” not achieving the con job Christie Clark et al wanted? BC citizens not buying the Synergy BC crap ‘n lies under science guise?]

10. Subsequent Events
During the period subsequent to March 31, 2016:
• The Board of Directors of the Society approved $211,000 in program funding.
• The Society approved and disbursed 10 scholarships of $5,000 each.

Banks/firms listed in Geoscience BC’s various statements for this apparent money thieving scheme:




Bank of Nova Scotia

First Bank

TD Mortgage Corp.

Advisor’s Advantage Trust

Montreal Trust





Scientists focus on hydraulic fracking fallout in B.C., An NDP panel on fracturing would find several studies are already well underway
by Nelson Bennett, July 18, 2017, Business Vancouver

Provided a new BC Green Party-backed NDP minority government lasts long enough to tick off all the big priority items on its ambitious agenda, it might eventually get around to fulfilling the promise of striking a special [pro-fracking “expert” with big oil controlled environmental NGOs like Pembina Institute, EDF, Sierra, Eco “justice” or on Harper’s Council of Canadian Academies “expert” frac panel?] scientific panel to study the impacts of hydraulic fracturing. [Why would the NDP/Green Party waste time and tax payer money? To keep the oil and gas industry happy, while conning citizens and giving more and more tax money to multinationals (just like Christie Clark and her Gwyn Morgan/Encana clan of harm enablers did for years)? The science is long in, fracking pollutes and harms health:

“This will include assessment of impacts on water and, given recent minor earthquakes in the area, what role gas production has in seismic activity,” the BC NDP’s platform states. [The BC NDP are miles behind. Already proven by regulators and industry years ago, that fracking directly causes earthquakes in BC and Alberta.]

Such a panel will find that several B.C.-focused scientific studies either have already been done or are underway. Some go even further than what the NDP plank on fracking contemplates.

One study involving NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), for example, is using sniffer drones to detect methane in the region where gas wells operate – data that can then be matched with Geoscience BC’s Natural Gas Atlas, which uses carbon isotope “fingerprinting” to identify possible origins of the methane. [Flying the drones upwind from leaking wells and facilities? Geoscience BC has no credibility with its ultra heavy oil patch and “business” slant on its board (refer below for details)]

“This is something that’s really important to us – depending on what this review of fracking might look like – is to make sure that they understand that there has been a whole lot of work already done, so they don’t have to start from scratch,” [Translation: Only listen to us propagandists and oil patch and business promoters at Geoscience BC, and don’t read or respect any of the already completed, peer-reviewed, published research showing frac harms to environment and public health?] said Richard Truman, director of external relations for Geoscience BC. “There’s a lot of stuff already going on in B.C. A lot of it is stuff that isn’t going on in other places.”

Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling – which unlock trapped gases in shale rock – have been used for many years now in B.C. But the NDP acknowledges that oil and gas drilling in northeastern B.C. has the potential for “significant expansion.”

Even if a liquefied natural gas industry never takes root in B.C., the Montney formation in the Peace region is so massive and prolific that it gives oil and gas producers there a big competitive advantage over many other regions in North America. Oil and gas companies have therefore been investing billions in the Montney.

The NDP says it wants to be sure that an anticipated expansion of fracking in B.C. is done safely and in a way that protects the environment. [Proven impossible]

The main concerns around fracking are induced seismicity (earthquakes), groundwater contamination, fugitive methane emissions and water consumption. [uneconomic realities; air pollution; methane and radon gas intrusion into homes and other buildings; high risk abandoned wells under airport terminals and runways; frack hits connecting to abandoned wells and or into sour gas zones, souring of sweet formations; salt water intrusions; captured & corrupt, law violating regulators and politicians; explosions of homes and water towers; land loss; toxic waste dumping onto foodlands and into water ways and on roads; waste water injection; that frac’ing is a brute force, ignorant, uncontrollable experiment with companies lying about the endless harms and impacts, and not taking responsibility for damages caused; toxic drilling, cementing, acidizing, fracturing, servicing chemical secrecy; compressor, associated facility and construction noise; associated pipeline leaks (two a day, on average); health harms too numerous to list; road and other public infrastructure damages to the tune of billions all repaired on taxpayer shoulders; law violating industrial traffic; increases in traffic and worker fatalities; increased addictions and crimes and domestic abuse; worker deaths and accidents; tax payer subsidies; abandoned wells and facilities, spills, damages, crimes by oil and gas companies dumped onto taxpayers, etc etc etc etc.]

When a well is fracked, it can induce a mini-earthquake [or a world record 4.8M quake, felt for hundreds of kilometres, waste water injection can create much larger quakes felt much further]. So can geothermal energy production.

The induced seismic activity from fracking in B.C. is already fairly well understood, thanks to a 2012 study commissioned by the BC Oil and Gas Commission. [Why not mention the subsequent studies by the BC OGC on frackquakes?

Another Study! Federal and provincial scientists, BC OGC and AER Prove hydraulic fracturing directly caused (August 17, 2015) 4.6M frac quake in NE BC

BC Regulator: 4.6 quake in August 2015 triggered by fracking largest on record, OGC finds while Geological Survey of Canada experts get their frack quake harm facts mixed up

Since frac’ing, earthquakes now frequent near Fort St. John; Why is OGC lying about drinking water contamination caused by hydraulic fracturing?

NE BC: Monday’s 4.5 Magnitude frac quake, felt from Pink Mountain to Fort St. John (180 km), ‘likely’ caused by Progress Energy, OGC confirms
New BC OGC Report: From August 2013 to October 2014 Fracking directly caused 193 earthquakes (11 felt on surface), 38 more caused by waste injection, in Montney basin area surrounding Dawson Creek and Ft St John ]

Most of the mini-quakes that have occurred have been in the magnitude-3 range, which is low enough that it isn’t felt [Not true, low magnitude quakes caused by oil and gas are sometimes felt, and sometimes cause damage]. One was 4.6 on the Richter scale – powerful enough to be felt but causing no damage. [Who’s investigating the damages underground, notably to groundwater? ]

“Ninety-five per cent of the events are below [magnitude] 3 that we’ve recorded,” said Carlos Salas, vice-president of oil and gas for Geoscience BC.

Since the study was commissioned, the number of seismic monitoring stations in northeastern B.C. has been expanded to 13 from three, so a lot of data on seismic activity in the northeast gas fields is now available.

Perhaps the biggest unknown [???] is hydraulic fracturing’s impact on groundwater used for drinking.

To address that knowledge gap, Geoscience BC has completed a groundwater mapping exercise to identify where the aquifers are and how deep they go, and the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) department of earth, ocean and atmospheric sciences is preparing a controlled natural gas leak to study the impacts on groundwater. [University of Guelph already did one, proving how fast and dangerous methane migrating from leaking energy wells can be. Why does BC Geoscience not mention that damning scientific study?  Too much science to handle?  Or, has Geoscience BC been given the contract from it’s oil masters to create a bogus study to counter Cahill’s et al and cover up how serious a problem industry’s leaking methane is, and how life threatening?]

When methane leaks into a freshwater aquifer, it can change the chemistry, said Roger Beckie, who is leading the UBC study. For example, it can increase the amount of dissolved iron in the water. That doesn’t pose a health hazard, but it can affect the water’s taste and appearance.

[Prof Beckie, tell that to Bruce Jack and Cody Murray and the others who blew up with them, including Cody’s 4 year old daughter, from industry contaminating their groundwater with methane:

Cody Murray and family

Bruce Jack in hospital the day after his methane contaminated water exploded during testing by two industry gas in water testers. Jack’s industrially contaminated water was professionally vented, as recommended by Alberta Environment to make it “safe.”

Prof Beckie, tell that to the 23 victims who blew up in the Dress for Less explosion in LA, caused by industry’s leaking methane:

Prof Beckie, tell that also to the people who died in Hutchinson Kansas, because of industry’s greed and leaking methane traveling nearly 7 miles:

Prof Beckie, tell that to the woman who died in Ohio, with her partner seriously injured from methane migrating in water, exploding and destroying their home:

2014 07 17 Ohio Home Explosion kills 27 year old woman, critically injures boyfriend


“There’s no real alarmist kind of thing going on here,” Beckie said, “but it’s something we want to cross off to make sure.” [Has Prof Beckie’s been given marching orders or promises of funding to downplay the dangers of industry’s leaking methane migration and counter the study results by Cahill et al? Will we be reading synergy, lies and propaganda in Beckie’s BC Geoscience controlled natural gas leak paper?]

He said the results of the study should be available by mid-2018. [Can’t wait to read that Encana controlled (via Richard Dunn, refer below) crap! ]

As for fugitive methane emissions from gas wells, to date it has been a challenge to determine if higher levels of methane in an area are biogenic (from dairy farms, swamps or other natural sources) or thermogenic (from natural gas wells). [WHAT A LOAD OF SYNERGY SPINNING!  OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE FRACKING BIOGENIC METHANE! ESPECIALLY ENCANA! GEOSCIENCE BC CAN EASILY VERIFY THIS IF THEY READ INDUSTRY’S DATA AND REPORTS]

… Geoscience BC is now experimenting with a kind of carbon isotope fingerprinting technique to identify the unique signatures of methane from specific formations. [What an insult to Dr. Karlis Muehlenbachs, who pioneered the technique years ago, with the Alberta regulator writing a Bulletin 99-6 recommending that companies use it.]

“What we’re trying to do is fingerprint the natural gas,” Salas said. “Each field, each pool, will have a certain geochemical fingerprint based on the carbon isotopes. If there was a fugitive gas leak … you could figure out where that molecule came from, and you could remediate that in a much more cost-effective fashion.”

[Reality Check, discovered by industry decades ago:

End Industry Discovered Reality Check]

It also helps companies zero in on the more lucrative shale oil and gas deposits because it can tell them if a formation has only dry gas or wet gas as well. (There is far more value in wet gas.)

As for detecting the methane, Geoscience BC is working with NASA’s JPL on a project that uses mini mass spectrometers mounted on a drone to sniff out methane at low altitudes.

“It will measure the fugitive gas leaks in real time,” Salas said. “It will give you the carbon isotopes [so] you can tell whether it’s biogenic or thermogenic.”

[Fugitive Methane Sniffing Drone Reality Check:

Knowing if the gas sniffed by drone is biogenic or not won’t be very useful, certainly not if the propaganda researchers blame nature for the leaks because the methane is biogenic. Most of industry’s leaking methane does not come from thermogenic production zones, it comes from shallower intermediate zones, including where biogenic methane is.

Alberta Energy Regulator presentation, 2007:

And quantified by Dr. Karlis Muehlenbachs:

End Fugitive Methane Sniffing Drone Reality Check]

As for the use of fresh water in fracking, that has been a fairly significant concern in B.C. simply because water is so abundant, so it’s relatively cheap.

The BC Oil and Gas Commission estimates that, in 2014, the two biggest operators in B.C. used one million cubic metres in their fracking operations – enough to fill 800 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

But some companies are starting to reduce their water use through things like “energized fluids” (liquefied carbon dioxide or nitrogen) or “grey water” from sewage treatment plants. [Using treated sewage water is not reducing water use. It’s still water! Where did Geoscience BC find their “scientists?”]

“Companies, wherever possible, [are] just staying away from water,” Salas said. [Emphasis added.  Really? Carlos Salas, VP of oil & gas Geoscience BC, needs to tour the frac fields of BC, fast. Even if he’s lying.]


Geoscience BC Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Committee

Mike Cathro, Chair of the Board

Mike Cathro is a Kamloops-based geological consultant and Principal of Cathro Resources Corp. He serves as Vice-President of Operations for Skeena Resources Limited., a TSX Venture Exchange-listed company exploring for gold and copper in northwest BC. In addition, he serves as Director of Happy Creek Minerals Ltd., which is developing advancing tungsten and copper deposits in southern BC.

Mike is a registered professional geoscientist in British Columbia and holds a B.Sc. from Queen’s University and a M.Sc. from the Colorado School of Mines. Mr. Cathro’s career has included work as an exploration geologist in Canada and overseas, and 17 years in technical and management roles with the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. Prior to leaving government in early 2008, Mike led the team that successfully completed the aboriginal consultation [paid synergy?], environmental review and permitting of the New Afton copper-gold project, now one of the largest underground metal mines in Canada.

Over the years he has volunteered in various capacities with industry associations and committees including the Kamloops Exploration Group, the Association of Mineral Exploration British Columbia, and the BC Geological Survey Technical Liaison Committee.

Brad Armstrong

Brad Armstrong, QC, Partner at the [law] firm Lawson Lundell LLP, has extensive experience in civil litigation, aboriginal law, administrative and constitutional law, and environmental law. He represents clients involved with land use issues, project development, regulatory approvals, environmental assessments, First Nations consultation, and litigation, in a range of natural resource industries including mining, forestry, agriculture, aquaculture, energy, independent power projects, oil and gas, and transportation. His practice extends through Western Canada and the North, including the Yukon and Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Brad has extensive experience in corporate and commercial litigation, injunctions and environmental prosecutions, as well as competition law. He acts as counsel in court hearings and in public review hearings in all levels of the British Columbia Courts and the Federal Courts and before federal, provincial and territorial boards, panels and commissions.

Brad is a regular contributor to the Project Law Blog, a resource that updates proponents on developments in the law and policy that applies to the development of major projects in Canada. He also teaches a course in Oil and Gas Law at the University of British Columbia.

Richard Dunn

As Vice-President, Regulatory & Government Relations [of Encana!!!], Richard is responsible for federal and provincial government relations and policy development.

Richard joined one of Encana’s predecessor companies in 1986, where he held various technical and leadership positions. Since the formation of Encana in 2002, Richard has been significantly involved with the formulation and implementation of strategies which have stimulated increases in Canadian oil and natural gas activity.

Richard graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in applied science — mechanical engineering and from the University of Calgary with a Master’s degree in chemical and petroleum engineering.

Richard serves on the Business Council of British Columbia Executive Committee, the British Columbia Job’s and Investment Board and the Board of Directors for Geoscience BC. He actively participates in both community and public education band programs. Richard and his wife Beverly have three children and currently reside in Calgary.

John Milne

John Milne, CPA, CA, is an audit partner at KPMG LLP. Originally from Vancouver, John attended the University of British Columbia and obtained his chartered accountant designation in 2000. He is a member of KPMG’s Energy and Natural Resources practice providing audit and audit-related services to a variety of clients, comprising mainly companies in the mining industry, junior oil and gas companies, and large forestry clients. John has extensive experience with public companies operating in the resource sector and has worked at various client operations throughout BC as well as internationally. He assists companies with the accounting for complex organizational structures, financing arrangements, joint arrangements and business acquisitions, and with their Canadian and US securities filings. Since 2011, John has also acted as a mentor to UBC Sauder School of Business MBA students.

Nalaine Morin

Nalaine Morin, Principal at ArrowBlade Consulting Services, is nationally recognized for her work in environmental assessment. She has led and managed the environmental review of several large resource development projects on behalf of First Nations. Her deep technical background in both mining and environmental assessment processes combined with being of Tahltan descent has enabled her to understand and to identify methods for the connection and support of both First Nation traditional knowledge and western science together in a way that bridges cultural understanding on both sides. Nalaine provides services in technical review, regulatory support, negotiations, community consultation and environmental resource management.

Nalaine has gained a national reputation for effectively managing complicated resource project issues in a cross cultural setting. Many of the innovative processes she has helped develop have been subsequently adopted for use at the Provincial level. Nalaine works with First Nations across Canada on projects as varied as mining, pipelines and highway infrastructure. In 2009, Nalaine’s expertise was recognized by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency when she was selected as a panel member for the review of a major mining project in BC.

Nalaine holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree from the University of British Columbia and a Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology. She has recently acquired certification as an Environmental Professional, certified by the Canadian Environmental Certification Approvals Board. Nalaine currently resides in Leduc, Alberta.

Robert Quartermain

Over his 38-year career in geology, exploration and development, working in 18 countries, Dr. Quartermain established a solid track record in building shareholder value in the field of precious metals exploration and development. He was the president of Silver Standard Resources for 25 years building it from a fledgling exploration company to one of the largest in-ground silver resources held by a publicly traded company with a market capitalization of over $2 billion.

After leaving Silver Standard, Quartermain launched Pretium Resources Inc. with one of Canada’s largest IPOs in 2010 and is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company. Pretivm has 100% interest in the high-grade gold Brucejack project, which it is developing into production in northern British Columbia.

Dr. Quartermain holds a Bachelor of Science degree in geology from the University of New Brunswick, a Master of Science degree in mineral exploration from Queen’s University and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of New Brunswick in May 2009.

Recognizing the importance of education and recruitment in the field of geology, Robert Quartermain supports his alma mater, the University of New Brunswick (UNB), through philanthropic initiatives for the Quartermain Center for Earth Sciences, the Quartermain Sports Medicine Centre, and annual Robert Quartermain Geology Scholarships.

Dr. Quartermain is a past president of the World Silver Institute, recipient of the AMEBC Murray Pezim Award for Perseverance in Mineral Exploration and the CIMM VALE Medal for Distinguished Service to the Canadian Mineral Industry.

Randy Smallwood

Randy Smallwood is the President and CEO, and one of the founding members of Silver Wheaton Corp. In 2007, he was appointed Executive Vice President of Corporate Development and focused on growing the company through the evaluation and acquisition of silver stream opportunities. He was appointed President of Silver Wheaton in January 2010 and CEO in April 2011. Randy originally started as an exploration geologist with Wheaton River Minerals Ltd. and in 2001 was promoted to Director of Project Development, which was his role through the 2005 merger with Goldcorp. Randy was an instrumental part of the team that built Wheaton River/Goldcorp into one of the largest and most profitable gold companies in the world. He is now focused on continuing to add to Silver Wheaton’s impressive growth profile. Randy holds a geological engineering degree from the University of British Columbia.

Alan Winter

Dr. Winter has wide experience at senior levels in the technology sector and in government, including such roles as the President and CEO of Genome BC for the past 15 years, the founding President and CEO of the New Media Innovation Centre in Vancouver, the President of the ComDev Space Group in Ontario, and the President and CEO of MPR Teltech Ltd. in Vancouver. During his tenure as CEO, six companies were spun out of MPR, including PMC-Sierra and Sierra Wireless. Prior to MPR, Dr. Winter worked for Telesat Canada and the federal Communications Research Centre in Ottawa, where he was responsible for the satellite-aided search and rescue project (Sarsat). The international Cospas/Sarsat system continues to be instrumental in saving many lives.

Alan Winter is currently President of Winteck Consulting Inc. and director of Discovery Capital. Dr Winter was a Trustee of the Providence Health Care Research Institute, and Chair of the BC CDC Foundation for Population and Public Health. In 2007, he received a Leadership Award from LifeSciences BC. He was also a director of Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, Blackbridge Corporation, Zedi Corporation, and Oceans Network Canada. On the federal side, he was Chair of the Communications Research Centre, Deputy Chair of the Council of Science and Technology Advisors (CSTA), and a member of the Expert Panel on Research Performance and Science Funding, Council of Canadian Academies.

Dr. Winter is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is a Fellow of the Canadian Astronautics and Space Institute and received their inaugural Alouette Award. Dr. Winter received his B.Sc. (Hons) from Queen’s University, Belfast, his Ph.D. from Queen’s University, Kingston and was recognized by the Queen’s alumni Legacy of Achievement. [Emphasis added]

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