Another huge win for global movement to stop flow of money to big polluters with approval of $4Billion Fossil Fuel divestment. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: “Fossil fuels are not only bad for our planet and our frontline communities, they are a bad investment”

NYC Pension Funds Set ‘New Bar for Climate Finance Action’ With Approval of $4 Billion Fossil Fuel Divestment by Jessica Corbett, Jan 26, 2021, Common Dreams

In another win for the global movement to stop the flow of money to big polluters, New York City leaders announced Monday that two major pension funds have voted to divest their portfolios of an estimated $4 billion from securities related to fossil fuel companies, citing the risks that such holdings pose to both the funds and the planet.

The statement from Mayor Bill de Blasio, Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, and trustees of New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS) and New York City Teachers’ Retirement System noted that the New York City Board of Education Retirement System “is expected to move forward on a divestment vote imminently.”

“New York City has set a new bar for climate finance action,” declared author and activist Bill McKibben. “Today’s landmark action marks a bad day for Big Oil and a good day for the City’s pension systems and our planet. By taking billions out of the companies that own and profit off of fossil fuels, New York City is playing an enormous role in moving the financial industry towards a greener future.”

… In 2018, de Blasio and London Mayor Sadiq Khan established the first-of-its-kind Divest/Invest Forum to help local leaders shift money away from dirty energy. Last September, they joined with officials from 10 other cities to commit to divesting from fossil fuels and investing in a green, just recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Echoing his statement from September, de Blasio said Monday that “fossil fuels are not only bad for our planet and our frontline communities, they are a bad investment.”

“Our first-in-the-nation divestment is literally putting money where our mouth is when it comes to climate change,” the mayor added. “Divestment is a bold investment in our children and grandchildren, and our planet.”

Henry Garrido said that “as NYCERS trustee and executive director of District Council 37, New York City’ largest municipal union, I am proud to vote today with Mayor de Blasio, Comptroller Stringer, and my fellow NYCERS trustees in support of divestiture from fossil fuel stocks.”

“District Council 37 has been an integral part of a very careful, thorough, and deliberate process to identify the most prudent path to move NYCERS away from fossil fuel holdings, and invest in clean, renewable energy and the new technologies that we must embrace for our future,” he said. “Our goal throughout was to proceed in a manner that protected NYCERS’ assets and the retirement security of our many thousands of members. NYCERS voted today to embrace the future and a better life for us all.”

Stringer noted that “since we announced our first-in-the-nation divestment goal, the urgent environmental and financial risks of climate change have only grown more clear. New York City is leading the way forward because we know the future is on the side of clean energy—not big polluters.”

As Daniel Zarrilli, the city’s chief climate policy adviser, explained, “Divesting from fossil fuels and investing in climate solutions will accelerate our economic recovery by creating good-paying jobs in clean energy, resilient infrastructure, and environmental justice.”

“After a rigorous process, today’s vote to approve the divestment plan represents real global leadership that will spur other cities and investors to step up to stop funding the cause of our climate crisis,” he continued. “Congratulations to the pension trustees for taking this bold and necessary action. This is how we secure a livable climate for the next generation and end the age of fossil fuels for good.”

As the New York Daily News reported:

Asked for names of the companies from which the city will divest, a de Blasio spokeswoman cited part of a press release stating: “The names of companies and the final scope of the divestment will be released following the sale of all targeted securities.”

“It is our policy to only share the names of companies after we’ve executed the sale to avoid financial risks of moving markets by broadcasting specifics,” Stringer spokeswoman Hazel Crampton-Hays said in an email.

Despite the lack of details on that front, fellow climate campaigners joined with McKibben in celebrating the divestment votes and urging others to do the same.

“Thanks to the comptroller, mayor, trustees, and eight years of grassroots activism, we are finally turning the tide against the inertia of business as usual and the funding of our own demise, giving concrete hope for a more sustainable future,” said Lyna Hinkel, founder of 350NYC. “May this move inspire other leaders to urgently follow suit.”

Rachel Rivera, a member of New York Communities for Change, explained how this development is personal for her.

“My family lost everything to Hurricane Sandy, a climate disaster,” she said, referencing the devastating 2012 storm. “I am so happy now to see the pension funds dump billions of dollars of investments in the likes of Exxon. We worked hard to get to this moment. Our movement is rising!”

2020 01 31! Ovintiv/Encana, Chevron, Exxon et al deeply deserve this! CNBC’s Jim Cramer: “I’m done with fossil fuels … they’re just done. We’re starting to see divestment all over the world. … It’s going to be a parade that says, ‘Look, these are tobacco and we’re not going to own them.’ … Younger people don’t want to own them. The dividends are great…but you can tell that the world’s turned on them. It’s actually happening really quickly.”

President European Investment Bank, Dr. Werner Hoyer: “Gas is over.” Oh, Oh! What’s gas frac’er Ovintiv/Encana gonna do? And, what’s Petro Pimp Jason Kenney gonna do? Fart bigger (after threatening USA with a tiny fart for wisely killing Keystone XL)?

US “watchdog” (more like kitten) bends over for orange mad man and his mad Repuglicans (not a typo): Starting April 1, 2021, Big US banks forced to loan to oil & gas. Greg Baer, president, CEO of Bank Policy Institute: “The rule lacks both logic and legal basis, it ignores basic facts about how banking works, and it will undermine the safety and soundness of the banks to which it applies.” Big Oil no longer equates to Big Jobs.

Law-violating, aquifer-frac’er bully Ovintiv/Encana/(Cenovus spawned after Ernst lawsuit filed): “New York-based investor considers Ovintiv…to be the poster child for all that ails the North American exploration and production sector…. The sector as a whole is rife with excessive compensation and a lack of accountability”

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) & Crestone Frac’ing Hanky Panky. More than 1,000 formal complaints made to state regulator against Crestone operations in Colorado (sneakily via Encana/Ovintiv)

Total writes off $9.3 Billion worth of Alberta tarshit assets and (best wisdom ever!) cancels its membership in Rip Off Synergizing Propaganda Club, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)

UK: Frac’ing is over as the big frac lies fail

Encana/Ovintiv Greedy Frac’ing Bloodbath Continues, Kills More Jobs After Promising Not To.

Norges Bank blacklists CNRL, Cenovus (split from Encana – now Ovinvtiv – after Ernst lawsuit filed), Suncor and Imperial Oil from Gov’t Pension Fund Global for unacceptable carbon emissions in Alberta’s tarsands. Updated with tar-pimping by Ms. Southern and Alex Pourbaix, CEO Cenovus.

JP Morgan leaked report has dire warnings for human race. Then, quit giving the fossil fuel sector so much money! JP Morgan was one of 33 financial institutions that gave estimated total of $1.9tn to fossil fuel sector between 2016 and 2018

Down down down they go: Whiting Petroleum, one of the original Williston Basin Big Four, hit $2.54 today, down from 2014 high of $370

Frac industry is damaging the oil & gas economy. When flipping for a profit fails, frac companies file for bankruptcy, which in turn deters lenders. “Wall Street has basically completely turned its back on the industry right now.” Is there anything frac’ing doesn’t damage?

Bank in Quebec, Caisse Solidaire, offers Oil-Free RRSPs! 250 professors, including from Calgary, ask Canadian universities to divest from petroleum industry. Laure Waridel: “One of the ways to put the economy at the service of the planet is to review the way we invest.”

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