April 8, 2014 in Warburg Alberta: Diana Daunheimer presents on living with hydraulic fracturing as your neighbour
Diana Daunheimer presents on living with hydraulic fracturing as your neighbour April 8, 2014, Warburg Pembina Surface Rights Group
![2014 04 08 Diana Daunheimer Special Presentation Hydraulic Fracturing Effects as Neighbour Warburg Pembina Surface Rights Group](https://ernstversusencana.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/2014-04-08-Diana-Daunheimer-Special-Presentation-Hydraulic-Fracturing-Effects-as-Neighbour-Warburg-Pembina-Surface-Rights-Group.jpg)
[Refer also to:
Diana Daunheimer files response to Statement of Defence filed by Angle / Bellatrix in $13 Million dollar frac lawsuit
Diana Daunheimer’s frac lawsuit follows years of policing industry in her own backyard; Une mère albertaine se bat contre 5 puits fracturés à côté de chez elle
MUST LISTEN! EXCELLENT! Ian Jessop interviews Diana Daunheimer
Water concerns a long, hard struggle, says Daunheimer family near Didsbury, Alberta
Front Page: Politely spurn fracking, mom Diana Dauheimer urges Yukoners
Canadian Diana Daunheimer awaits February 7 Statement of Defence on fracking nightmare by Angle Energy recently purchased by Bellatrix
Health scare over backyard fracking in Canada; Locals sue fracking companies in Alberta
Hydraulic Fracking Challenged
Oil and Gas Industry Synergy Group “SPOG” says fracking protests not expected to hit Mountain View County, but in reality, many have protested and suffered serious frac impacts
Alberta family, the Daunheimers near Didsbury, suing Angle Energy for $13 million for causing harm to health, property, financial status, personal safety and water ]
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