Retired couple can’t stop oil company by Brian New, November 5, 2012, KENS 5
Texas law gives mineral rights owners the right to extract oil by any reasonable means necessary. No permission is needed from the landowner. “One guy said we can even drill one in your living room if we wanted to,” Leonard said. “I would have loved to have knocked him up beside the head.”
“You just have to get in front of them and try and stop them from driving on your property and hope they don’t run over you,” Leonard said. His wife, Marie, quickly responded, “I don’t think that will work.” Leonard replied, “I know that, but it’s better than just sitting here and watching them do what they want.” The Pophams have put their ranch up for sale but without the mineral rights. So far, no one has been interested. Looking out from his front porch at an oil drill on his neighbor’s property, Leonard said he sees his future and it’s not what he saved for all his life.
Retired couple can’t stop oil company
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