Danielle Smith interviewed me years ago with Encana management on her shitty radio show. She tried everything in her sleazy bag of tricks to try to trip me up to serve her criminal master. She failed.
What a steam pile of shit Dani Smith is.Yep. Her pal Gwyn Morgan – who led Encana when it illegally frac’d my community’s drinking water aquifers – is too. He’s a teeny cowardly scab of a man.
annie_fiftyseven comment Oct 28, 2024 to The Tyee article: The Dangerous Americanization of Alberta Democracy, Danielle Smith is looking south for inspiration, ideas and laws.
And now we’re going to have “The Jordan Peterson Law,” where “professional rights” – and unfiltered fetishes – are happily unleashed on an unsuspecting population. So much for “parental rights,” it’s doubtful Smith will notify parents whenever Peterson, or other janky professionals, fire off some Chinese p orn or take a public trip down memory lane.
October 28, 2024 – “Alberta Premier Danielle Smith readies herself for leadership vote
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, who came to power with support from the right flank of her party, has rolled out a new promise in an effort to secure that group’s continued approval: the Jordan Peterson Law.
The Premier, in a video released last week, said the government would protect free speech by reviewing the power wielded by professional colleges and regulating bodies, such as the Law Society of Alberta. Jordan Peterson, who has had a protracted battle with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, is the darling of this niche fight.
Ms. Smith, at a virtual town hall Saturday for UCP annual-meeting attendees, promoted her plan to protect free speech by stripping professional colleges and regulating bodies of some powers.
‘We might sub-name it the Jordan Peterson Law. I think we all watched with disdain and horror as his college essentially called him forward for re-education after doing some mean tweets,’ she said.
The College of Psychologists of Ontario in 2022 determined comments Mr. Peterson made on social media could be potentially harmful to public trust in the profession and directed him to undergo coaching. He was unsuccessful in his court fight against the order.
Ms. Smith said the UCP would take action against the province’s 67 professional colleges and regulating bodies next spring or fall. ‘It is very clear to us that the professional colleges are way outside their scope,’ Ms. Smith said. ‘And the fact that the courts did not stand up for his free speech says to me that the provincial governments have just given too much dictatorial authority to the professional colleges. So we’re going to rein that in.’
The Premier also made her pitch Saturday at a conference hosted by True North News, a right-wing media organization aligned with the UPC’s right. She brought up Mr. Peterson during her Saturday call-in radio spot, too.”
March 15, 2023 – “‘Chinese d*ck sucking factory’ trends after Jordan Peterson shares false China claim”: https://www.yahoo.com/news/chinese-d-ck-sucking-factory-175305640.html
Fracking Pioneer Gwyn Morgan Gave $530K to Anti-Climate Website ‘True North’, The site has close connections to Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and a long record of disputing climate science by Geoff Dembicki, Oct 28, 2024, Desmog.com

A far-right Canadian website whose contributors have disputed the extent to which fossil fuels are warming our atmosphere, attacked the science demonstrating that climate change leads to more destructive wildfires and suggested climate advocates are “the real conspiracy theorists,” is quietly getting large donations from a former oil and gas executive.
Canada Revenue Agency tax records reviewed by DeSmog reveal that the True North Centre for Public Policy, a charitable organization that is the parent group of conservative website True North, has received $530,000 since 2019 from the foundation of fracking pioneer Gwyn Morgan.
Morgan, who claims credit for overseeing some of the first fracking wells drilled in North America and was later CEO of the international oil and gas company Encana, is an outspoken opponent of climate action, arguing in a 2022 op-ed for the Financial Post that “the road to hell is paved with green intentions.”
Yet Morgan’s role as a significant behind-the-scenes funder of True North, which hosted a Calgary event on Saturday called True North Nation featuring Alberta Premier Danielle Smith as keynote speaker, hasn’t been made public until now.
“I’m really not too surprised,” said Shane Gunster, a communications professor at Simon Fraser University who studies climate obstruction on social media, after learning about Morgan’s six-figure financial contributions.
Gunster’s research has shown that True North is one of the loudest and most effective anti-climate media sources in Canada in terms of social media engagement. “From [Morgan’s] perspective it could be seen as money well spent,” he told DeSmog.
DeSmog reached out to True North and Morgan about the contributions but didn’t receive a response.
Ties to Premier Danielle Smith
True North describes itself as “a Canadian digital media platform that seeks to provide Canadians with fair, accurate, truthful and fact-based news reports, analysis, investigative reports, podcasts, interviews and documentaries.”
Its founder and editor-in-chief is Candice Malcolm, a former columnist with Sun Media who has longtime connections to Alberta’s conservative leadership. She became press secretary in 2011 for then-Conservative immigration minister Jason Kenney, who went on to become premier of Alberta. Earlier in her career she was a special assistant for the Wildrose Party, the political organization formerly led by Smith, now the current Alberta premier.

When True North contributor Rachel Parker got married in 2023, Premier Smith attended the wedding. Her husband is David Parker, the far-right strategist behind the group Take Back Alberta, which helped advise the B.C. Conservatives in the recent provincial election.

“There has been a very, very close relationship between True North and the Smith administration,” Nate Pike, executive producer and host of an Alberta politics podcast called The Breakdown which has covered the outlet, told DeSmog.

Smith’s office didn’t respond to questions about the premier’s ties to True North. They’re grand lying cowards.
True North runs articles and YouTube videos about a range of culture war and political topics from a rightwing perspective, but its coverage of climate change and energy seems to perform particularly well online, engagement data shows.
When Gunster looked at 10,000 Facebook posts referencing these topics between August 2022 and August 2023, he found that True North generated over 300,000 interactions, which is more than CTV New and CBC News combined. At least until Facebook banned news sites from its platform in 2023, resulting in large social media traffic drops for most Canadian media outlets, True North “was getting a ton of engagement,” he said.
Spreading Climate Disinformation
Those energy and climate posts frequently feature fringe claims about climate science. Multiple videos with True North host Harrison Faulkner have attempted to blame arsonists for the 2023 wildfires that were some of the most destructive blazes in Canadian history, with one video from earlier this year stating, “Arsonists set Canada on fire. NOT Climate Change.”
That echoes Premier Smith, who as the fires blazed out of control last year said “we are bringing in arson investigators from outside the province.”
While it’s true that some of the Canadian fires were started intentionally, the vast majority — 93 percent according to a report from the Canadian Climate Institute — were due to natural causes like lightning. And the reason experts say the fires burned so aggressively was because of extremely warm and dry conditions caused by climate change.

2023 Wall of Wildfire at Fox Creek, Frac Central Alberta. Photo by Kyle Brittain

2024: Alberta’s most brutal arsonist, the oil and gas industry, starts yet another wildfire
Global temperature rise “doubled the likelihood of extreme fire weather conditions in Eastern Canada,” according to a team of scientists from Canada and Europe.
True North for years has run content disputing that the climate emergency is serious — or even real. In 2020 it hosted climate denier Patrick Moore for an interview “to discuss why CO2 is a positive, not a negative, for the environment, and how to push back against hysteria from climate alarmists.”
And in 2019, Gwyn Morgan wrote in an op-ed for the site that “the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would have us believe that fossil fuel emissions are the sole reason for climate change. But what about urbanization and deforestation?” Though those factors are contributors to global temperature rise, he neglected to mention in his piece that nearly 90 percent of all carbon emissions come from oil, gas and coal.
Donor and Writer
Morgan’s contributions to True North come via the charity he runs with his wife, the Gwyn Morgan and Patricia Trottier Foundation. Dirty dirty fuckers. I would not take a penny from Morgan and his evil KKKlan, if my life depended on it.
Tax records show that in 2023, the foundation donated $250,000 to True North, along with several other anti-climate organizations, including $50,000 to the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and $200,000 to Second Street.
Over the years True North has provided a platform for Morgan’s views on climate, energy and politics without disclosing that he’s contributing financially. When the Calgary-based oil and gas company that Morgan founded, Encana, announced that it was moving its headquarters to the U.S. and rebranding as Ovintiv, True North covered the news in a post entitled “7 oil and gas companies that Trudeau has driven out of Canada.”

Nope. Encana ran like the criminal chicken shit corporation it is.
It quoted Morgan, the CEO of Encana until 2005, as saying,Ya, I heard Morgan in a pathetic interview while he was hobnobbing in mass murderer Israel; he was whining he was so upset Encana ran. Ha ha ha ha.
“The destructive policies of the Trudeau Liberals have left the company with no choice but to shift its asset base and capital program south of the border.”

A separate opinion piece on True North authored by Morgan blamed in part “carbon taxes that will hit the industry particularly hard.” (That year Morgan’s foundation contributed $80,000 to True North, tax records show.)
Yet the company’s CEO Doug Suttles didn’t appear to share Morgan’s view about the relocation. “It has no political overtone, it has nothing to do with roles and jobs, it’s quite simply trying to make sure, over time, we’re doing everything we can to get the value of the company reflected in the share price,” he told Radio Canada at the time.
True North earlier this year featured Morgan on the site’s Andrew Lawton Show. Lawton described Morgan in the episode as “a legend in the Canadian oil and gas sector,” saying that “he’s always been a tremendous supporter of True North.”

2013: Banner from www.gwynmorgan.ca website. Gwyn Morgan threatened the owner of it via his lawyers and demanded it be removed. Nasty illegal aquifer frac’ing shitman.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith readies herself for leadership vote, United Conservative Party members on Nov. 2 will vote on whether they approve of Smith’s leadership and she spent Saturday campaigning on her right-wing bona fides by Carrie Tait, Globe and Mail, Oct 28, 2024, in Cochrane Eagle
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, who came to power with support from the right flank of her party, has rolled out a new promise in an effort to secure that group’s continued approval: the Jordan Peterson Law.
United Conservative Party members on Nov. 2 will vote on whether they approve of Ms. Smith’s leadership and she spent Saturday campaigning on her right-wing bona fides. Roughly 6,000 UCP members have purchased tickets to the party’s annual meeting in Red Deer and Ms. Smith is working to shore up support.
The Premier, in a video released last week, said the government would protect free speech by reviewing the power wielded by professional colleges and regulating bodies, such as the Law Society of Alberta. Jordan Peterson, who has had a protracted battle with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, is the darling of this niche fight.
Ms. Smith, at a virtual town hall Saturday for UCP annual-meeting attendees, promoted her plan to protect free speech by stripping professional colleges and regulating bodies of some powers.
“We might sub-name it the Jordan Peterson Law. I think we all watched with disdain and horror as his college essentially called him forward for re-education after doing some mean tweets,” she said.Hey Smith, Don’t you dare speak for me you fucker. Ralph Klein did that too when he claimed in 2006 that all Albertans oppose same sex marriage (I fully support same sex marriage and have as long as I can remember. Love is love and politicians ought to keep their ignorant bigoted hateful nasty selves out of the hearts of loving caring Canadians). Just rude. Peterson is an ignorant hate and rage farmer, a dishonest one at that, and an embarrassment to his profession. He deserved what he got, stupid evil Putin spawn.
The College of Psychologists of Ontario in 2022 determined comments Mr. Peterson made on social media could be potentially harmful to public trust in the profession and directed him to undergo coaching. He was unsuccessful in his court fight against the order.
Ms. Smith said the UCP would take action against the province’s 67 professional colleges and regulating bodies next spring or fall. “It is very clear to us that the professional colleges are way outside their scope,” Ms. Smith said. “And the fact that the courts did not stand up for his free speech says to me that the provincial governments have just given too much dictatorial authority to the professional colleges. So we’re going to rein that in.”
The Premier also made her pitch Saturday at a conference hosted by True North News, a right-wing media organization align with the UPC’s right. She brought up Mr. Peterson during her Saturday call-in radio spot, too.
Ms. Smith spent the summer and early fall hosting town halls for UCP members throughout the province. Her predecessor, former premier Jason Kenney, stepped down as leader of the UCP after receiving support from 51 per cent of members who voted in his leadership review in 2022. The party’s rules do not stipulate what counts as a win, but 77 per cent serves as a psychological marker among Alberta conservatives. Former conservative premiers Alison Redford and Ed Stelmach both received 77-per-cent support before being ousted.
The Premier’s Office did not acknowledge a request for an interview or comment.
Ms. Smith’s detractors concede she enjoys far more support than Mr. Kenney did when he faced an internal party revolt. Opposition to her leadership is fractured and lacks a defining issue. The remnants of Take Back Alberta (TBA), which staunchly opposed Mr. Kenney and enthusiastically supported Ms. Smith, now consists of disjointed pockets of support and dissent.
Cameron Davies, a political operative once fined by Elections Alberta for his role in a scheme to install Mr. Kenney as the UCP’s inaugural leader, is wrangling UCP members to vote against Ms. Smith. His pitch underlines how the push to tear down Ms. Smith does not have a unifying theme, such as TBA’s campaign against Mr. Kenney’s public-health restrictions and vaccine mandates during COVID.
“Voting ‘Yes’ in this review means you agree with the largest budgets in Alberta history, an increase in AHS middle managers, a declining GDP growth, and a massive increase in government overall,” Mr. Davies said in a statement. “Smith is a self-declared non-social conservative, and she is governing the opposite of a fiscal conservative.”
Ms. Smith, who is skeptical of mRNA vaccines that shield recipients against COVID, has not been able to avoid lingering anger tied to the pandemic. On Monday evening, some of her dissenters will host a gathering in Red Deer to rehash their pandemic frustrations, in lieu of a UCP constituency association cancelling the second edition of an event dubbed Injection of Truth. TBA and the 1905 Committee, an upstart group that is home to some former TBA supporters, are among the event’s sponsors.
Jonathan Baynes is a director for the Alberta Prosperity Project, an organization that favours Alberta sovereignty but not separation. He believes UCP members will overwhelmingly vote in favour of Ms. Smith’s leadership, and her detractors are both impatient and focused on their own pet projects.
“I think they are short-sighted. They don’t have the support from the majority of people,” Mr. Baynes said in an interview. “Theirnaiveté of how government works is sometimes more destructive than their enthusiasm to seek change.”
Alberta’s legislature reconvenes Monday and the government has teed up plans based on policy proposals UCP members supported at the party’s last AGM, including limiting access to medical treatment for transgender youth.
The government will also roll out changes Monday to beef up the Alberta Bill of Rights. The government, in a statement Oct. 25, said changes include “the right not to be given medical care, treatment or a vaccine without consent; the right to acquire, keep and use firearms in accordance with the law; and strengthened property rights.”
John Williams, a board member for two UCP constituency associations, thinks the vast majority of members will back Ms. Smith. The government’s proposed Bill of Rights will not satisfy all members, but he believes it will be enough.
“There are people you can never please,” he said.
Luke LeBrun@_llebrun:
Tuesday: True North announces Danielle Smith as the headliner for its “True North Nation” event in Calgary
Thursday: True North accuses “True North Nation” headliner Danielle Smith of secretly trying to stack a vote to survive a leadership review
Con Job Alert @ConJobAlert:
Conservative Propaganda Media, pretending to be non-partisan, has the Premier as their puppet.
have you had enough:
I wish nothing but bad luck to her and ucup party
I concur!
Refer also to:
2006: Eminently Unsuitable Nikiforuk on Gwyn Morgan

Slide from Ernst presentations


2014: POETIC JUSTICE Minority Interests: A poem about Ex-Encana CEO Gwyn Morgan
2021: Many Gwyn Morgan evil deeds cross referenced in this post: A murder mystery: Who really killed Encana? Or is this a Gwyn Morgan Puff Piece? Best thing that could happen is the death of AEC/Encana/Cenovus/Ovintiv
2023: “….Jordan Peterson, that mean, spiteful little ho.”
2024: And lots of cross references in this post showing how deadly industry’s CO2 can be: Net Zero & Carbon Capture are oil & gas industry scams that help industry profit & pollute more and steal $billions from the public to finance injecting CO2 for enhanced oil recovery and to frac. Excess CO2 harms the brain and can kill quickly, it’s not a health product or “foundational nutrient” as pimped by Athabasca-Barrhead-Westlock and Red Deer South constituency associations.