POETIC JUSTICE Minority Interests by John Allemang, May 20, 2006, The Globe and Mail
News item: Commons committee rejects former oil-and-gas executive Gwyn Morgan for a federal position after questioning remarks he made about violence among Jamaican and Asian immigrants.
Forgive our best-loved CEO
Whose best-laid plans were soon laid low
By MPs who smelled some disgrace
In his home truths on crime and race.
Gwyn Morgan knows of what he speaks:
Vacations that can last for weeks
Show smart men all the skills you lack
When you’re a poor, Jamaican black.
And if you’re Asian, so much worse:
While you live off the public purse,
And claim to be a refugee
(Though business titans clearly see
Their empires threatened by your knives),
Right-thinking white men give their lives
To fear-filled warnings we won’t hear,
Not even for a buck a year.
The wisdom gained from piping gas
Should give you licence to kick ass,
And help root out each off-white foe
Who might dilute your status quo.
How can they term your rants uncouth?
When you’ve been gifted with the truth,
You have to call a spade a spade
And show that you are unafraid
To tell the Fraser Institute:
“Beware the man who shuns a suit.”
Tough talk’s your thing, you always say,
Which makes it strange you ran away
When all those PC nags you hate
Declined to let you set us straight —
So different from the glowing raves
You’re used to from your workplace slaves.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper was pleased to announce today the nomination of Gwyn Morgan as the first Chairperson of the new Public Appointments Commission. This proposed appointment will be referred to the Standing Committee of the House of Commons on Government Operations and Estimates for review. The Government of Canada looks forward to receiving the results of the Committee’s review as soon as possible.
“Gwyn Morgan is an outstanding Canadian and, throughout his career, has been a champion of transparency and ethics in the private and public sectors,” stated the Prime Minister. “I am delighted that he has accepted this new challenge that will lead to more open, honest and accountable government for Canadians. And, he has agreed to do it for $1 a year.”
Gwyn Morgan, from Calgary, Alberta, has led the building of one of the world’s leading oil and gas companies and Canada’s largest energy company, EnCana Corporation. Mr. Morgan was President and Chief Executive Officer of EnCana from 2002 until stepping down on January 1, 2006. Mr. Morgan is counted among Canada’s most respected business leaders and his accomplishments have been recognized through numerous awards and honorary distinctions, including being named Canada’s most respected CEO in 2005 in a survey conducted by Ipsos Reid.
The mandate of the Public Appointments Commission is to oversee and report on the selection process for Governor in Council appointments to agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations. The Commission will develop guidelines, review and approve the selection processes proposed by Ministers to fill vacancies within their portfolios, and report publicly on the Government’s compliance with the guidelines.
“By establishing the Public Appointments Commission, the Government is implementing a key component of its overall plan to strengthen accountability in government as outlined in the Federal Accountability Act,” stated the Prime Minister. “The Commission will provide the necessary oversight to ensure that the selection of individuals is based on merit and is done in an open and transparent way.”
The Public Appointments Commission is provided for in the Federal Accountability Act which was tabled in the House of Commons on April 11th, 2006.
* * * * *
The mandate of the Public Appointments Commission is to oversee and report on the selection process for Governor in Council appointments. The Commission will ensure that competitions for government appointments are widely publicized and fairly conducted.
In carrying out its mandate, the Commission will:
establish guidelines governing selection processes for Governor in Council appointments to agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations;
approve the selection processes proposed by Ministers to fill vacancies within agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations for which they are responsible;
monitor, review and evaluate selection processes in order to ensure that they are implemented as approved; and,
provide an annual report to the Prime Minister, to be tabled in both Houses of Parliament, on the Government’s performance in following the code of practice.
Gwyn Morgan, from Calgary, Alberta, is one of Canada’s most distinguished business leaders. A petroleum engineering graduate from the University of Alberta, he led the building of one of the world’s leading oil and gas companies and Canada’s largest energy company, EnCana Corporation. Mr. Morgan was founding President and Chief Executive Officer of EnCana from 2002 until stepping down on January 1, 2006. Mr. Morgan has been recognized through numerous awards and honorary distinctions, including being named Canada’s most respected CEO in 2005 in a survey conducted by Ipsos Reid of 250 business leaders in Canada. An inductee to the Alberta Business Hall of Fame, he has served on the Boards of a number of organizations in the private and not-for-profit sectors, including HSBC Bank of Canada, the SNC-Lavallin Group, Alcan Inc., the Public Policy Forum, the Fraser Institute and the Calgary University Hospital. Mr. Morgan was also the co-chair of the Calgary Fundraising Committee for the Northern Alberta Children’s Health Centre, co-Chair of the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference, and is an honorary Colonel (retired) of the 410 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Canadian Air Force.
Gwyn Morgan is recognized for his self-discipline and integrity, and his strong belief that a corporation should be a positive social and ethical force. [Emphasis added]
[Chief Executive Officer of EnCana: 2002 to 2006, stepped down from the Board of Encana on October 25, 2006
2005 Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year award recipient
[Chief Executive Officer of Alberta Energy Corporation (which Mr. Morgan joined in 1975 during start-up operations) until 2002 when it became Encana]
[Refer also to:
From fracking to SNC-Lavalin: The truth about corporate kingpin Gwyn Morgan
SNC-Lavalin will face criminal charges
SNC Lavalin Board of Directors
SNC-Lavalin hit with $1.65 billion class-action lawsuit
Gwyn Morgan, President and past CEO of Encana honoured by University of Alberta
The Gwyn Morgan File: EnCana’s Grip on BC (Part Two of Two)
The Gwyn Morgan File: Rise of a Shale Gas Baron (Part One of Two)
Meet Christy Clark’s Hard Right Advisor Gwyn Morgan
Burning Waters: UVic Partner’s environmental record questioned
Eminently Unsuitable: Gwyn Morgan
Tories name EnCana founder to vet appointments
EnCana’s ‘field of dreams’ has Colorado locals crying the blues