Author Archives: Jessica Ernst

U.S. Chemical Safety Board on Aghorn’s waterflood station, Odessa Texas: Four serious and willful workplace safety violations where Jacob Dean and wife were killed by sour gas

Many Safety Issues Found Where Texas Oilfield Worker Died from Gas Leak by Insurance Journal, May 6, 2021 In its report on the Oct. 26, 2019, hydrogen sulfide gas release that killed a Texas oilfield worker and his wife, the … Continue reading

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Gérard Montpetit on International Energy Agency (IEA) declaring: “As of 2021, all governments should stop approving new coal mines or oil and gas fields.” Is the Canadian Hydrogen Council trying to save Alberta’s tarshit by transforming it into hydrogen?

Sweet words from the Petroleum industry by Gérard Montpetit, Aug 7, 2021 Last May 18, the International Energy Agency (IEA) published an earthshaking report which traces the road map towards  “…net-zero” greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2050 …As of 2021, all … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Gérard Montpetit on International Energy Agency (IEA) declaring: “As of 2021, all governments should stop approving new coal mines or oil and gas fields.” Is the Canadian Hydrogen Council trying to save Alberta’s tarshit by transforming it into hydrogen?

Gov’t of Canada: Grassy Mountain Coal project “likely to have significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be justified and the project cannot proceed.” What will this do to Benga’s legal appeal of AER/Joint Review Panel’s rejection?

How many billions of dollars will billionaire Gina Reinhart sue Canadians for if she doesn’t get her way? The Final Nail in the Coffin of the Grassy Mountain Coal Project? by Dr. Ian Urquhart, August 8, 2021, Alberta Wilderness Association … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Gov’t of Canada: Grassy Mountain Coal project “likely to have significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be justified and the project cannot proceed.” What will this do to Benga’s legal appeal of AER/Joint Review Panel’s rejection?

Beverley McLachlin, ex-Chief Justice Canada’s Supreme Court, shows her true colours, agrees to serve 3 more years on Hong Kong’s top court, which has “become nothing more than an instrument of oppression.” PS Judicial “independence” does not exist.

Comment by rural Albertan: Disgusting. Comment by another rural Albertan: I should spend more time figuring this out. How or why is this even possible? It seems to me that professionals cavorting with Hong Kong is NOT great optics and … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Beverley McLachlin, ex-Chief Justice Canada’s Supreme Court, shows her true colours, agrees to serve 3 more years on Hong Kong’s top court, which has “become nothing more than an instrument of oppression.” PS Judicial “independence” does not exist.

Thank you Court of Appeal of Alberta, for serving Ms. Hamnett and her loved ones justice for the harms done by Matthew Brown.

Alberta court strikes down self-induced intoxication defence in case of naked magic mushroom attack, Matthew Brown must now go back before the trial judge to be sentenced by Meghan Grant, CBC News, Jul 29, 2021 The Alberta court of Appeal has … Continue reading

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Amazing news. B.C. won’t appeal cumulative impacts “death by a thousand cuts” win. A wise move by B.C. Finally. Congratulations Blueberry River First Nation!

B.C. won’t appeal landmark First Nation court victory, B.C. Supreme Court found approval of energy projects in Treaty 8 territory is ‘death by a thousand cuts’ by Andrew Kurjata, July 28, 2021, CBC News The B.C. government says it will … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Amazing news. B.C. won’t appeal cumulative impacts “death by a thousand cuts” win. A wise move by B.C. Finally. Congratulations Blueberry River First Nation!

Best letter to the Editor: “Fracking must be stopped. It poisons our drinking water and pollutes our air. … Health hazards cannot be prevented. … Laws do not protect people. No regulations protect people. The process is not safe. Fracking must be banned.”

Ban fracking for sake of humanity by Barbara Hughes, Las Vegas Sun, July 26, 2021 Fracking must be stopped. It poisons our drinking water and pollutes our air. More fracking means more deadly climate change. Health hazards cannot be prevented. When … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Best letter to the Editor: “Fracking must be stopped. It poisons our drinking water and pollutes our air. … Health hazards cannot be prevented. … Laws do not protect people. No regulations protect people. The process is not safe. Fracking must be banned.”

Chevron and TRC head to trial over lost production linked to frac’d steam injection sink hole that killed Robert David Taylor. Frac’ers don’t give a shit about what their greed is doing to air, water, land, subsurface, workers, communities, climate and poisoned families.

Robert David Taylor 2015: “Abnormally dangerous and ultra hazardous activity.” Did TRC or Chevron’s fracing kill Robert David Taylor? What happened to California regulators’ vows to make steam injections safer? “Safer?” Why not make it “safe?” … But state and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Chevron and TRC head to trial over lost production linked to frac’d steam injection sink hole that killed Robert David Taylor. Frac’ers don’t give a shit about what their greed is doing to air, water, land, subsurface, workers, communities, climate and poisoned families.

Oil Patch Strategy of Obstruction on PFAS use: “Commission another government study” while they poison us, Like Canada’s Council of Canadian Academies’ frac panel cowardly concluded

2011 April: Ernst vs Encana lawsuit goes public 2011 August: The Council of Canadian Academies and Environment Canada to study hydraulic fracturing after group of harmed Albertans demand mortatorium 2014: Council of Canadian Academies Expert Frac Report: Provides more questions … Continue reading

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500 international, US, Canadian groups open letter to leaders to “reject carbon capture and storage.” CCS is high risk like frac’ing, another scam used by gov’ts to give oil and gas companies $billions of public money to produce more pollution

2013: Denbury fined $662,500 for Mississippi blowout of CO2 injected in high pressure enhanced oil recovery, So much carbon dioxide came out that it settled in hollows, suffocating deer and other animals Carbon Capture and Storage by Centre for International … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 500 international, US, Canadian groups open letter to leaders to “reject carbon capture and storage.” CCS is high risk like frac’ing, another scam used by gov’ts to give oil and gas companies $billions of public money to produce more pollution

Health Canada: Poisoning Canadians to please Monsanto/Bayer, the oil patch and frac’ers?

Health Canada does not protect the health of Canadians, the agency protects polluters; it still has not publicly released their 2012 report on frac’ing hazards to the air we breath and water we drink. Higher concentrations of controversial herbicide glyphosate … Continue reading

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Canada: BRAVO! Quebec gov’t says no to harmful polluting money-wasting $14 Billion LNG in Saguenay, north of Quebec City, following *years* of opposition from citizens, Indigenous communities and environmental experts

Quebec nixes LNG facility that would have carried western natural gas to overseas markets, Premier Legault had initially supported the project, but it was met with widespread opposition by CBC News, Jul 21, 2021 The Quebec government has refused to … Continue reading

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Frac’ers’ Friends in High Places: Past Greene Co President Judge Farley Toothman (let criminal frac waste dumper Allan Shipman walk) violated state Constitution: “engaged in misconduct so extreme that brought the judicial office into disrepute”

Judicial panel rules Toothman committed ‘serious misconduct’ while judge by Mike Jones, Jul 21, 2021, Observer-Reporter Former Greene County president judge Farley Toothman violated the state Constitution and “engaged in misconduct so extreme that brought the judicial office into disrepute,” … Continue reading

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Manitoba Silica Sand Mining: “Sharp Dealings” by gov’ts serve CanWhite Sands Corp while trumping human right to safe water?

When corporate interests trump the human right to clean drinking water, A Manitoba case of concern by Don Sullivan, June 29, 2021, Canadian Dimension The business of silica sand extraction Silica sand mining has become big business, and there are two … Continue reading

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Argentina: “Trail of Impunity” Toxic frac waste scandal exposed as lawyers present new evidence

Yesterday, from the Argentine Association of Environmental Lawyers, we have provided new and convincing evidence that proves the involvement of the State of Neuquén and the big oil companies (Shell, Chevron, the Argentine YPF, and others) in the violation of … Continue reading

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Erie Co Riseberg Pipeline legal evil fails to settle in court-ordered mediation in U.S. District Court leaving hundreds of landowners hanging with massive liens

Hundreds of liens for millions of dollars remain as mediation fails in Erie County gas pipeline case, With no settlement, more litigation on way in federal case over cost of Erie-to-Ohio natural gas pipeline. Hundreds of property owners in western … Continue reading

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California: Oil industry lobby group demands groundwater protections stripped

California Oil Lobby Seeks to Strip Environmental Protections for Groundwater Amid Drought, The move could make it harder for landowners to sue companies that pollute water tables by Aaron Cantu, July 13, 2021, Capital & Main A prominent oil and … Continue reading

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700 groups ask Ireland to introduce resolution to UN General Assembly to ban frac’ing globally, highlights urgency with which human rights, climate, environmental and public-health impacts of frac’ing must be confronted. Dr. Edward Ketyer: “A global ban on fracking will improve public health and safety everywhere, not just in communities that have been damaged and scarred by unconventional oil and gas operations”

Over 700 Global Organizations Ask Ireland to Introduce a United Nations Resolution for a Ban on Fracking Press Release by International Frac Ban Coalition, July 15, 2021 DUBLIN, IRELAND — An international coalition of advocates, physicians and scientists have mobilized … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on 700 groups ask Ireland to introduce resolution to UN General Assembly to ban frac’ing globally, highlights urgency with which human rights, climate, environmental and public-health impacts of frac’ing must be confronted. Dr. Edward Ketyer: “A global ban on fracking will improve public health and safety everywhere, not just in communities that have been damaged and scarred by unconventional oil and gas operations”

New Report: “Nightmare Contaminant” Forever Chemicals (PFAS) Use in Drilling & Frac’ing in More than 1,200 Wells in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming between 2012 and 2020, including by Encana (in Canada too?). Records obtained from US EPA under Freedom of Information Act. Did Encana now Ovintiv inject PFAS into Rosebud and Pavillion drinking water aquifers?

From Page 9 of the report (at the time of Encana’s illegal aquifer fracs in 2004 in Alberta, and aquifer fracs in Pavillion Wyoming, there was no Fracfocus yet. After it was implemented with great halleluja, propaganda, pomp and circumstance … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on New Report: “Nightmare Contaminant” Forever Chemicals (PFAS) Use in Drilling & Frac’ing in More than 1,200 Wells in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming between 2012 and 2020, including by Encana (in Canada too?). Records obtained from US EPA under Freedom of Information Act. Did Encana now Ovintiv inject PFAS into Rosebud and Pavillion drinking water aquifers?

Will Horgan gov’t appeal Blueberry River First Nations cumulative impacts win? I think BC’s NDP will, they’ve proven they don’t give a damn about mitigating or reducing harms by the oil and gas industry, including site C dam.

Vaughn Palmer: First Nations hope B.C. won’t appeal key treaty ruling in B.C. Supreme Court, Opinion: Appeal likely as ruling could affect completion of the Site C dam project by Vaughn Palmer, Jul 08, 2021, Vancouver Sun VICTORIA — The … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Will Horgan gov’t appeal Blueberry River First Nations cumulative impacts win? I think BC’s NDP will, they’ve proven they don’t give a damn about mitigating or reducing harms by the oil and gas industry, including site C dam.

Ohio: “Largest jury verdict ever.” Rice Drilling and Gulfport Energy went out of bounds of their land lease, will pay $40 Million in trespassing and damages to landowner Thomas Shaw.

Comment by a rural Albertan: The [Ohio] regulatory system allows for a oil & gas related trespass to be be adjudicated directly by the court system. In Alberta this type of trespass must go through the oil & gas regulatory … Continue reading

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California Dreaming: Regulator denies Aera Energy (Shell & ExxonMobil joint venture) permits to frac in two Kern County oil fields to “protect public health and safety and environmental quality”

California oil regulators deny new fracking permits by The Associated Press, July 9, 2021, The Herald Sun California denied 21 oil drilling permits this week in the latest move toward ending fracking in a state that makes millions from the … Continue reading

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Blueberry River elected Chief Marvin Yahey said last week’s ruling proves BC “failed” to protect his Nation’s treaty rights and that Treaty 8 signatory nations “will not accept anything less than full enforcement of our rights.”

Lawyer Christopher Tollefson in his interview with CBC (at link below), this quote not included in the article: “I think the goal, reading between the lines, is to negotiate a settlement here.” Is that mainly what lawyers learn in law … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Blueberry River elected Chief Marvin Yahey said last week’s ruling proves BC “failed” to protect his Nation’s treaty rights and that Treaty 8 signatory nations “will not accept anything less than full enforcement of our rights.”

Super Polluter Canada: Where did our $1.7 Billion go? Into well clean-up or washed by Alberta’s UCP into pockets of CEOs and enabling lawfirms? “The public is likely paying for private companies’ pollution … a subsidy for oil and gas producers.”

One of the comments: Canadians should be outraged this travesty is allowed to continue – the resource extraction companies already are on the hook to clean up the well sites as a condition of bringing in the wells into production … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Super Polluter Canada: Where did our $1.7 Billion go? Into well clean-up or washed by Alberta’s UCP into pockets of CEOs and enabling lawfirms? “The public is likely paying for private companies’ pollution … a subsidy for oil and gas producers.”

Gulf of Mexico: At least 66.3 million gallons frac waste dumped into the Gulf over a decade. U.S. EPA allows companies to discharge unlimited amounts of frac waste; Industry reports each frac releases about 21,480 gallons of waste, including biocides, polymers and solvents. “The failure to curb this major source of pollution is astounding and unacceptable.”

Offshore Fracking Report Finds Toxic Pollution in Gulf of Mexico, Over 3,000 Fracks, 66.3 Million Gallons of Fracking Waste Dumped Since 2010 Press Release by Centre for Biological Diversity, July 7,, 2021 NEW ORLEANS— A report released today by the Center for … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Gulf of Mexico: At least 66.3 million gallons frac waste dumped into the Gulf over a decade. U.S. EPA allows companies to discharge unlimited amounts of frac waste; Industry reports each frac releases about 21,480 gallons of waste, including biocides, polymers and solvents. “The failure to curb this major source of pollution is astounding and unacceptable.”

Honduras: Unanimous ruling finds former energy company manager, Roberto David Castillo, guilty ordering murder of Berta Cáceres. Victor Fernández, one of the Cáceres family’s lawyers: “We have nothing to thank the justice system for. It was they who persecuted Berta; they criminalised her and displaced her.”

Berta Cáceres assassination: ex-head of dam company found guilty, Roberto David Castillo, former Honduran army intelligence officer, found to be co-collaborator in ordering murder by Nina Lakhani, 5 Jul 2021, The Guardian A US-trained former Honduran army intelligence officer who … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Honduras: Unanimous ruling finds former energy company manager, Roberto David Castillo, guilty ordering murder of Berta Cáceres. Victor Fernández, one of the Cáceres family’s lawyers: “We have nothing to thank the justice system for. It was they who persecuted Berta; they criminalised her and displaced her.”

Canada’s Fickle Rule of Law: Comment on Blueberry River First Nations Cumulative Impacts Win by lawyer Robert Janes

Robert Janes@rjmjanes Lawyer, QC, … human rights advocate (He/Him/His). July 6, 2021: A few comments on the recent BCSC treaty infringement decision in the Blueberry River case (…) and everyone’s favourite topic — The Rule of Law It is hard … Continue reading

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Pieridae unable to meet key conditions necessary to make final investment decision on LNG Goldboro in Nova Scotia, blames pandemic (the company has failed at getting financing for years). Did Canada say no to Pieridae demanding nearly a billion of our dollars? That money is better spent finding the disappeared Indigenous women and children and suing the criminal churches.

AIMCo vomits out more mego loss in bad oil patch investiging? Or, was the $120 million a gift from Premier Jason Kenney to Pieridae CEO Alfred Sorensen, on pensioners’ toil? Others, such as Pieridae Energy, in which AIMCo has invested … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Pieridae unable to meet key conditions necessary to make final investment decision on LNG Goldboro in Nova Scotia, blames pandemic (the company has failed at getting financing for years). Did Canada say no to Pieridae demanding nearly a billion of our dollars? That money is better spent finding the disappeared Indigenous women and children and suing the criminal churches.

All those promised millions of frac jobs: Just another Big Lie

The fracking boom is over. Where did all the jobs go? Fracking created startlingly few jobs in Appalachia, and most of them no longer exist by Colin Jerolmack, July 1, 2021, MIT Technology Review Shale gas and oil extraction, also … Continue reading

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Ohio: More radioactive frac waste. More deregulation and lies by regulator?

Residents raise concerns about radioactive waste at business in Martins Ferry by Brittany Grego, June 30, 2021, WTOV9FOX BELMONT COUNTY, Ohio — Concerns have been raised regarding radioactive waste at the Austin Master Services facility in Martins Ferry. Residents spoke out … Continue reading

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Eddie Mitchell of Love Leitrim, Republic of Ireland and farmer: “Fracking is toxic. Everybody gets that now. It is a mainstream view on the island of Ireland at this stage.”

Only a full ban can save Northern Ireland from the threat posed by fracking, Eddie Mitchell of Love Leitrim outlines concerns of border communities that fracking may be set to get back on the agenda in the North by Eddie … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Eddie Mitchell of Love Leitrim, Republic of Ireland and farmer: “Fracking is toxic. Everybody gets that now. It is a mainstream view on the island of Ireland at this stage.”

Thank you Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, for standing strongly against the public paying to clean up oil and gas industry’s world-wide polluting life-threatening leaking abandoned dirty laundry: “It’s the industry that drilled the well. It’s the industry that made money from the well. It’s the industry that was supposed to follow regulations for proper design, proper construction, proper maintenance and ownership of that well forever — and now they are saying let the taxpayers pay for it? No. No. The money has to come from the shareholders. The money has to come from the coffers of the oil and gas industry. They made the mess. They clean it up”

It never ends: damning new study after study, contamination case after contamination case, home/water explosion after explosion, fire after fire, death after death while industry, its enabling regulators, judges, lawyers and politicians lie and lie to enable the harms. A … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Thank you Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, for standing strongly against the public paying to clean up oil and gas industry’s world-wide polluting life-threatening leaking abandoned dirty laundry: “It’s the industry that drilled the well. It’s the industry that made money from the well. It’s the industry that was supposed to follow regulations for proper design, proper construction, proper maintenance and ownership of that well forever — and now they are saying let the taxpayers pay for it? No. No. The money has to come from the shareholders. The money has to come from the coffers of the oil and gas industry. They made the mess. They clean it up”

Rapists Rule the Law? Bill Crosby released

Cartoon by Michael de Adder July 1, 2021 Bill Cosby released from jail after sex assault conviction overturned by court by Maryclaire Dale, The Associated Press, June 30, 2021, Global News Pennsylvania’s highest court threw out Bill Cosby‘s sexual assault conviction and released … Continue reading

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New Study on Climate Litigation: Failing to heed latest science or lawyers intentionally working to ensure their clients’ lawsuits fail to keep big polluters, judges and enabling “regulators” and gov’ts happy?

Filling the evidentiary gap in climate litigation by Rupert F. Stuart-Smith, Friederike E. L. Otto, Aisha I. Saad, Gaia Lisi, Petra Minnerop, Kristian Cedervall Lauta, Kristin van Zwieten & Thom Wetzer June 28, 2021, Nature Climate Change (2021) Abstract Lawsuits … Continue reading

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Dr. Trevor Hancock to gov’ts: “Stop pandering to the large corporate welfare bums and actually do something to protect citizens from corporate-created harms.”

Stop subsidies to ‘corporate welfare bums’ that harm our health by Dr. Trevor Hancock, June 27, 2021, Victoria Times Colonist One of the frequent complaints by the proponents of neoliberal economics and small ­government and their corporate supporters is that … Continue reading

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No Canada Day until catholic church is ordered to pay taxes; pays for their heinous crimes; hands over residential school records of rape, murder, disease, starvation and secret unnamed deaths and burials of children the gov’t and RCMP stole from families; pope apologizes – publicly; feds quit their abusive lawsuits and attacks against the harmed; and Truth & Reconciliation appropriately honestly respectfully completed. I’ve been boycotting Canada’s Colonial Rape & Pillage day for years.

Comments July 1, 2021: A few hours ago, I heard sirens, many sirens, getting louder and louder. I looked out to see flashing red lights on many fire trucks circling the Rosebud church parking area, big puffs of blue fumes … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on No Canada Day until catholic church is ordered to pay taxes; pays for their heinous crimes; hands over residential school records of rape, murder, disease, starvation and secret unnamed deaths and burials of children the gov’t and RCMP stole from families; pope apologizes – publicly; feds quit their abusive lawsuits and attacks against the harmed; and Truth & Reconciliation appropriately honestly respectfully completed. I’ve been boycotting Canada’s Colonial Rape & Pillage day for years.

Incredible Cumulative Impacts victory for Blueberry River First Nations: Yahey v. British Columbia. Will Horgan’s NDP appeal to let industry’s rapes continue another decade or more, notably with how slow the Supreme Court of Canada’s process is?

Congratulations to Blueberry River First Nations for not settling and gagging, and not giving up, and this fantastic win. They filed their complicated massive case in 2015 (my case is simple – one frac’d water well, one person). A mere … Continue reading

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Federal Competition Bureau seeks to block sale of Tervita Corp to Secure Energy Services: “Secure and Tervita are the two largest suppliers, and in many areas, the only suppliers of oil and gas waste services in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin”

Competition Bureau challenges proposed merger of rival Calgary oil service firms by Steve Jenkinson, June 30, 2021, Calgary Herald The federal Competition Bureau is seeking to block the sale of Tervita Corporation to Secure Energy Services, asserting the proposed merger … Continue reading

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Groups urging UN to adopt global frac ban say they’ve won backing of Ireland. Environnement Vert Plus spokesperson Pascal Bergeron in Canada: “could be a major game changer, and affect gas pipeline and LNG projects, among others, all across North America.”

Ireland presses UN to agree a global fracking ban by Mitchell Beer The Energy Mix, June 30, 2021, Climate News Network Campaign groups urging the United Nations to adopt a global fracking ban say they have won the backing of … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Groups urging UN to adopt global frac ban say they’ve won backing of Ireland. Environnement Vert Plus spokesperson Pascal Bergeron in Canada: “could be a major game changer, and affect gas pipeline and LNG projects, among others, all across North America.”

Excellent letter to Premier John Horgan by BC citizens, John, Rosemary and Diane Baxter: “During a news conference on CHEK TV news last night did we really hear you use the words ‘CLIMATE CRISIS’?” It would be helpful if Horgan and his pollution-enabling NDP clan read Baxters’ letter and take appropriate action to stop LNG, stop frac’ing, stop murdering old growth forests.

Subject: PREMIER HORGAN! During a news conference on CHEK TV news last night did we really hear you use the words ‘CLIMATE CRISIS’? Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 15:01:16 +0000 From: Rosemary Baxter <email hidden; JavaScript is required> To: email … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Excellent letter to Premier John Horgan by BC citizens, John, Rosemary and Diane Baxter: “During a news conference on CHEK TV news last night did we really hear you use the words ‘CLIMATE CRISIS’?” It would be helpful if Horgan and his pollution-enabling NDP clan read Baxters’ letter and take appropriate action to stop LNG, stop frac’ing, stop murdering old growth forests.

Mysterious disease killing songbirds and owl in 6 states, sympoms include crusted-over eyes, blindness, seizures, loss of balance, head-bobbing, death within a day. Too much fossil fuel industry pollution spreading, dumped, oozing out, contaminating air, food, waterways and wells while $millions in public money is laundered into polluter pockets, enabling authorities and law firms via witch hunts by cruel idiots like Steve Allan & Jason Kenney?

**Is there a connection to the neurological disease severely sickening and killing humans in New Brunswick?** Mysterious Brain Syndrome Stumps Canadian Doctors, Six years after they were first reported, debilitating neurological symptoms have shaken the province of New Brunswick and … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Mysterious disease killing songbirds and owl in 6 states, sympoms include crusted-over eyes, blindness, seizures, loss of balance, head-bobbing, death within a day. Too much fossil fuel industry pollution spreading, dumped, oozing out, contaminating air, food, waterways and wells while $millions in public money is laundered into polluter pockets, enabling authorities and law firms via witch hunts by cruel idiots like Steve Allan & Jason Kenney?

Confession Time

Indian Residential Schools Survivors Society 1-800-721-0066 IRS National Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419 Distress Centre of Ottawa 613-238-3311 YSB Crisis Line 613-260-2360

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Pennsylvania: Judge J. Andrew (Drew) Crompton, who helped craft Act 13 (parts later struck as unconstitutional) and publicly boasted of his “Shell shirt” in 2016, recuses himself from Murrysville frac appeal case

The Order Commonwealth Court judge recuses himself from Murrysville fracking appeal case by Patrick Varine, June 28, 2021, Murrysville Star A Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania judge whose previous career included helping craft state fracking legislation has recused himself from a … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News, Other Legal | Comments Off on Pennsylvania: Judge J. Andrew (Drew) Crompton, who helped craft Act 13 (parts later struck as unconstitutional) and publicly boasted of his “Shell shirt” in 2016, recuses himself from Murrysville frac appeal case

Frac’ing us to death, in many more ways than toxic chemicals injected into our drinking water aquifers and polluted into our air

Another factor to keep in mind in Colorado’s oil and gas communities — healthy minds, We must have a larger community vision where we promote health and realize that how we are operating right now leads to chronic stress, depression … Continue reading

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Retiring Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella when asked if she’d change any of her past rulings: “Not One.” The End.

Comment by a rural Albertan: “Pretty frightening stuff by somebody who knew about gas chambers and how easy it was to make a mistake i.e. the Jews and Royals that backed Hitler up yet she is beyond all that, only … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Retiring Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella when asked if she’d change any of her past rulings: “Not One.” The End.

Another racist misogynist on Alberta’s Bench? Donald Norheim let go over rude/bullying courtroom behaviour and views regarding “Indigenous accused, female victims of domestic assault, and consent in sexual assault cases which cause significant concerns for the perception of trial fairness….” How many millions in legal costs did taxpayers pay for his many court actions? (In Canada, taxpayers pay legal bills for judges, even those let go for bad behaviour.) Has the Court ordered Mr. Norheim to apologize to those he harmed?

Former Hinton judge let go over ‘rude and bullying’ behaviour loses bid for reappointment by Jonny Wakefield, June 26, 2021, Edmonton Journal A former Alberta judge denied a reappointment over his courtroom behaviour and views regarding Indigenous people and abuse … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on Another racist misogynist on Alberta’s Bench? Donald Norheim let go over rude/bullying courtroom behaviour and views regarding “Indigenous accused, female victims of domestic assault, and consent in sexual assault cases which cause significant concerns for the perception of trial fairness….” How many millions in legal costs did taxpayers pay for his many court actions? (In Canada, taxpayers pay legal bills for judges, even those let go for bad behaviour.) Has the Court ordered Mr. Norheim to apologize to those he harmed?

What’s in a picture? Compare Dogwood’s “Stop Funding Fracking” billboard in Vancouver to Sean Lennon/Yoko Ono’s in NYC “Imagine There’s No Fracking.” One enables frac’ing, the other does not. Can you see the difference?

2012: Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon “Imagine There’s No Fracking” message to Governor Cuomo on New York Billboard Two years later: 89-34 vote! New York Assembly passes fracking ban 2021 06 24: Dogwood’s “Horgan: Stop Funding Fracking” billboard at Vancouver intersection … Continue reading

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Thank you, Polly Higgins! Legal experts worldwide draw up ‘historic’ definition of ecocide.

Legal experts worldwide draw up ‘historic’ definition of ecocide, Draft law is intended to prosecute offences against the environment by Haroon Siddique Legal affairs correspondent, Jun 22, 2021, The Guardian Legal experts from across the globe have drawn up a … Continue reading

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Drought makes California cut water for 4,300 rights holders, some will be entirely without while oil companies continue to remove billions of gallons of water from the hydrogeological cycle via frac’ing, and inject toxic waste into protected aquifers.

How much water goes into oil fracking in drought-stricken California? by Eric Ting, SFGATE, June 28, 2021 When California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced plans to ban hydraulic fracturing, a highly controversial method of oil and gas production more widely known as … Continue reading

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Nikiforuk: Who saved Alberta’s mountaintops and precious clean water? Albertans. “Coal Bullshit” Grassy Mountain project is dead. No thanks to Kenney Gov’t or regulators. annie_fiftyseven: “What a bloody circle-jerk.”

Thank you Mr. Nikiforuk for your exemplary reporting. I believe it’s the main reason Grassy Mountain is spared Rinehart’s greed and Kenney’s/UCP’s betrayals and idiocy. AER and the feds don’t give a shit about us, other species, water or the … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Nikiforuk: Who saved Alberta’s mountaintops and precious clean water? Albertans. “Coal Bullshit” Grassy Mountain project is dead. No thanks to Kenney Gov’t or regulators. annie_fiftyseven: “What a bloody circle-jerk.”

Racist Caveman Canada Frac Rape & LNG Pillage up next with Pieridae’s 5,000 worker camp 50 km from Paqtnkek First Nation? Women and children sacrificed to keep oil and gas polluting the world and CEO pockets bulging? Stop it! “Lead in Love” instead!

Dr. Sandra Steingraber: Frac’ing is not only systemic racism, It’s not only misogyny, It’s not only genocide against Indigenous people, It’s also hate against people who are queer. That’s just very plain in the frac’ing fields of the United States. … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on Racist Caveman Canada Frac Rape & LNG Pillage up next with Pieridae’s 5,000 worker camp 50 km from Paqtnkek First Nation? Women and children sacrificed to keep oil and gas polluting the world and CEO pockets bulging? Stop it! “Lead in Love” instead!

AER says no to Grassy Mountain Coal Mine. Must be the “F*ck You Kenney, Mountains Not Mines” mugs going around, reporting by Andrew Nikiforuk, thousands of Albertans yelling “NO!” and study by Brad Stelfox et. al. because “Public Interest” is nowhere in REDA or AER’s mandate.

Did Kenney order AER to do this, because he’s been sliding deep into unpopular hell and wants to be re-elected? He’ll never make Prime Minister of Canada if Albertans turf him. Best comment to the CBC article below: Daphne Veilleux: … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on AER says no to Grassy Mountain Coal Mine. Must be the “F*ck You Kenney, Mountains Not Mines” mugs going around, reporting by Andrew Nikiforuk, thousands of Albertans yelling “NO!” and study by Brad Stelfox et. al. because “Public Interest” is nowhere in REDA or AER’s mandate.

New study: What a racket! USA fossil fuel (coal, natural gas, gasoline, diesel) producers benefit from $62 billion in subsidies annually, translates into large funds for individual companies due to relatively small number of producers.

The producer benefits of implicit fossil fuel subsidies in the United States by Matthew J. Kotchen, April 6, 2021, PNAS, 118 (14) e2011969118 Complete paper in PDF SignificanceThere are real and substantial financial implications to fossil fuel producers of … Continue reading

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“Utter disgust” at retired judge Brian Giesbrecht’s “filth” telling us “to move on” from 215 Indigenous children found in unmarked graves at Kamloops Residential School. “He is the disease.” A despicable Canadian Caveman. “I worry about how he may have injected his incredibly biased views against Indigenous people during his time as a judge in Manitoba. I am thoroughly disgusted.”

Winnipeg Sun Contributes to the Denial of the Atrocities Experienced by Indigenous Children Forced to Attend Residential Schools June 11, 2021 Mr. Mark Hamm, Editor-in-ChiefWinnipeg Sun1700 Church AvenueWinnipeg, MB R2X 3A2 Re: Winnipeg Sun contributes to the denial of the … Continue reading

Posted in Other Legal | Comments Off on “Utter disgust” at retired judge Brian Giesbrecht’s “filth” telling us “to move on” from 215 Indigenous children found in unmarked graves at Kamloops Residential School. “He is the disease.” A despicable Canadian Caveman. “I worry about how he may have injected his incredibly biased views against Indigenous people during his time as a judge in Manitoba. I am thoroughly disgusted.”

Silica Dust is Deadly. Don’t let CanWhiteSands, any sand miner, frac’er or their enabling “regulators” tell you otherwise

Silica dust – does it really matter? by Jeremy Martin, June – July 2021, Hardscape Magazine Respirable crystalline silica dust has been a hot subject in the industry for some years now. I first heard rumbles about updated OSHA standards … Continue reading

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More frac bankruptcy stench and Encana/Ovintiv Hanky Panky with CPPIB? How many Steve Harper appointees on the Board?

Excellent question in comment by TedCruzAteMyKids: Why is CPP investing in capital intensive fracking operations especially when the past few years have seen shale and fracking burn investor cash? … CPPIB expands bet on Colorado fracking by joining new venture … Continue reading

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While oil & gas frac’ing’s unacceptable environmental and public health impacts continue, including permanently removing billions of gallons of drinking water from the hydrogeological cycle. Sick.

New federal policy restricts thermal coal mine projects, citing ‘unacceptable’ environmental impacts by Emma Graney, June 11, 2021, The Globe and Mail New and expanded thermal-coal mines are highly unlikely to get the green light under a policy change announced … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on While oil & gas frac’ing’s unacceptable environmental and public health impacts continue, including permanently removing billions of gallons of drinking water from the hydrogeological cycle. Sick.

When will the frac’ing insanity stop? Worrying Rystad Energy frac quake analysis.

Treating the US oil industry’s dark water: As earthquakes increase, billions needed to switch course by Rystad Energy in Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide, June 14, 2021 A worrying Rystad Energy analysis of seismic activity in the US’ key oil producing … Continue reading

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John A. MacDonald and Egerton Ryerson going ape shit in their graves this carving not of them instead of Amanda Polchies, Mi’kmaw woman from Elispogtog First Nation, defending her community and drinking water from being raped by colonial frac’ers? Beautiful courage: “Wisp of Hope.”

Mi’kmaw artist picks iconic fracking protest photo for newest stone carving, ‘It was an image I’d always wanted to try to carve,’ says Steve Lawton by Nic Meloney, CBC News, Jun 13, 2021 Steve Lawton says he’s wanted to carve … Continue reading

Posted in Global Frac News | Comments Off on John A. MacDonald and Egerton Ryerson going ape shit in their graves this carving not of them instead of Amanda Polchies, Mi’kmaw woman from Elispogtog First Nation, defending her community and drinking water from being raped by colonial frac’ers? Beautiful courage: “Wisp of Hope.”

Here’s Why Your Gas Stove Is Killing You (and the frac-harmed)

“Natural” gas in North America now comes via hydraulic fracturing which is extremely polluting, anything but “natural,” harms many, and divides families and communities. Dr. Mary Wood: Once a frac’ing company goes into a community, they never leave. Long after … Continue reading

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