Final Webinar in the Shale Gas Development and Cancer Series by EHP, Oct 15, 2020
David O. Carpenter is a public health physician whose current position is Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany, as well as Professor of Environmental Health Sciences within the School of Public Health at the University at Albany. After receiving his MD degree from Harvard Medical School he chose a career of research and public health. After research positions at the National Institute of Mental Health and the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, he came to Albany in 1980 as the Director of the Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research of the New York State Department of Health, the third largest public health laboratory in the US after NIH and CDC. In an effort to build ties to an academic program, he initiated efforts to create a partnership between the New York State Department of Health and the University at Albany, resulting in the creation of the School of Public Health in 1985. He was then appointed as the founding Dean of the School of Public Health, a position he held until 1998 when he became the Director of the Institute of Health and the Environment. The Institute has been named as a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization.
Dr. Carpenter has contributed to the study of health effects of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and also has a number of international projects looking at health effects of air and water pollution. He has more than 450 peer-reviewed scientific publications, many on health effects of PCBs, and has edited six books. OCTOBER 15, 2020 AT 7:00 PM EDT
Refer also to:
2020 07 28: Here an illegal radioactive frac waste dump, there an illegal radioactive frac waste dump, everywhere they lie ‘n dump dump dump, Encana/Ovintiv too, but in Kentucky a Federal Grand Jury slams down hard on illegal waste dumper
2020 02 17: Frac’ers’ Rule of Law? Oregon: Chemical Waste Management illegally dumped 2.5 million pounds radioactive frac waste from North Dakota company, Goodnight Midstream. Lucky law violators get no fine!
2020 01 21: America’s Radioactive Secret: Oil & gas wells produce nearly a trillion gallons of toxic waste a year in America. It could be making workers sick and contaminating communities (in Canada too). “Us bringing this stuff to the surface is like letting out the devil … It is just madness.”
2019 07 25: Oil Gas Industry Wastewater spread on roads to control dust & ice in at least 13 states , including Pennsylvania, poses threat to environment & human health; Ohio regulator tests on Aquasalina/Nature’s Own Source (made with frac waste, spread on roads, sold at Lowes and to cities for years) showed combined radium 226 & 228 exceeded USEPA Safe Drinking Water limits by average factor of 300
2019 08 08: Pennsylvania regulator allowing radioactive frac waste discharged into rivers as landfill leachate, Impacting Chesapeake Bay & Ohio River Watersheds
2019 08 17: Texas & Oklahoma: Deregulating to redefine toxic frac waste water as “industrial water” so as to let the oil and gas industry increase profits and dump their toxic waste into waterways?
2019 10 26: Radioactive frac waste piling higher and higher; Groundwater used by families showing significant increases in radium. Montana regulator, DEQ, trying to increase radiation limit for frac waste up four times, four times more than allowed in any other state.
2017 04 25: Want a job that kills babies? New Study in Pennsylvania: Fracking strongly related to increased mortality in young babies – Polluted well water is likely cause
2016: The Most Horrific Frac Deregulation Yet? US EPA preparing for “widespread” radioactive frac waste contamination of drinking water or because it’s already happened? EPA’s proposed “protective regulation” to allow dramatically higher levels of radioactivity in drinking water
2016 09 02: New York signs law prohibiting fracking, and oil, natural gas waste in city; Alberta & other jurisdictions allow it dumped in landfills, on roads, leases, near communities and water ways (perhaps in them, who’s checking?). NORM increasing because of unconventional oil & gas, “has become a much more significant health, safety and environmental issue”
2016: Meet Alberta’s Radioactive Ranchers: Nielle and Howard Hawkwood. Timing is everything. Why did AIMCo (ATB/Heritage Fund connected) announce $200 Million (bailout?) investment in “Quite leveraged” Calfrac on same day NDP Rural Caucus try to get Nielle Hawkwood’s frac ban resolution on floor of NDP’s Annual Convention?
2015: Pennsylvania Study Links Fracking to Health Hazards in Fetuses, Infants, Young Children: 35.1% more cancer in children ages zero to four in heavily frac’d counties. Compare to AER’s belittling, dismissive health study in the Lochend
2015: Alberta Health Services Warning: Drinking water contamination in Kneehill County: Toxic Selenium and Uranium found in private water wells ; Metals testing not mandatory before fracing, waste dumping and injection, not even when companies frac into drinking water aquifers
2014: Toxic Insanity: DEP issued permit to Range Resources for experimenting, adding radioactive waste to aggregate for paving well pads and access roads
Canadian citizens are frac guinea pigs too!
2014: Experiment for Atlantic Industrial Services frack waste burning in Lafarge cement plant receives county blessing; families and communities to be the guinea pigs
2014: Nova Scotia regulator gives OK for seven year old frac wastewater (that spilled over when it rained) to be trucked from Debert to Brookfield and used in Lafarge Canada’s cement plant
2014: Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory [NPRI] Oil and Gas Sector Review; Chemicals injected and fugitive or venting emissions (e.g. H2S) by oil and gas industry exempt from reporting
2014: Encana builds water treatment facility in Wyoming after taking over funding of EPA study that showed Encana’s frac’ing and waste pits contaminated drinking water in Wyoming
2013: BP, Chevron Accused Of Illegally Dumping Toxic Radioactive Drilling Waste Into Louisiana Water
2013: Dangerous levels of radioactivity found at fracking waste site in Pennsylvania, Hundreds of disposal sites for frac wastewater could be similarly affected
2013: Drillers Silence Fracking Claims With Sealed Settlements Lisa and her family was frac’d by Encana/Ovintiv
2012: Loosing the Yellow Monster: Fracking and Radioactivity
In Canada too!
2012: Radioactivity worries hold up treatment of fracking wastewater in Nova Scotia
2006: BJ Services radioactive frac blowout in Nova Scotia