Failure Of Well Casing During Fracking Operations by The Energy Age, Aug 28, 2024
On August 13, 2024, DEP did an inspection of the Augustine George 6H shale gas well in Cecil Township, Washington County in response to a notification on August 12, 2024 by well owner Range Resources Appalachia LLC of the failure of production casing during fracking operations.
The owner reported that on August 9, 2024 there were “anomalously low pressures” in the well. The owner flushed the well and placed two kill plugs in the production casing at 6531 and 6426 feet.
The owner said the low pressure issue seemed to be above the kill plugs and a well log would be run to determine the location of the production casing failure.
DEP’s inspection report included violations for failing to notify the agency immediately of anomalous pressures and failure to construct the well to insure well integrity.
The owner was requested to provide the well log and a plan by September 4, 2024 on how the well will be brought into compliance.
Augustine Inspection Report 6H (6-page PDF)
Pa DEP Remarks: The Department conducted an inspection of this well on 8/13/2024 after being notified by Range that the production casing failed during stimulation activities. At the time of the inspection equipment was being mobilized off site, and stimulation activities were completed.
According to Range, anomalously low treatment pressures were observed while fraccing stage 64 of the 6H on 8/9/2024 at 7:17am. The Operator cut sand and started to flush when the low pressures were observed, and kill plugs were then placed in the production casing at 6531ft and 6426ft. A pressure of 2801 psi was observed on the backside of the production casing during the incident. Per Range, no anomalous pressures were observed on other casing annuli, nor were anomalous pressures observed on other offset wells. Range informed the Department during the inspection that the issue appears to be above the kill plug locations, and a log was scheduled to be run later in the week to determine the location of the failure.
– The Department was not notified of the incident until 8/12/2024 at 3:45pm. This is a violation of 78a.73(c) which requires immediate notification to the Department in the event that anomalous pressures are observed during stimulation activities.
Compare to Alberta’s Wild Wild West AER (the oil, gas and frac industry’s self regulator – 100% funded, led and controlled by the oil, gas and frac industry) where anything goes, including engaging in fraud to help Encana/Ovintiv get away with illegally secretly frac’ing a community’s drinking water aquifers, repeatedly, injecting 18Million litres frac fluid directly into them without punishment. The only one the “regulator” regulated was me – a frac-harmed water well owner speaking out and seeking regulation; AER regulated me by violating my charter rights trying to terrify me into silent obedience so typical of rural Albertans poisoned by the oil and gas industry. After Encana’s crimes – the company violated every law and regulation in place to protect groundwater in Alberta – AER continued granting Encana/Ovintiv licence to frac hundreds more gas wells in fresh water zones around Rosebud’s dangerously contaminated drinking water supply, and elsewhere in Alberta.
– According to Range, a failure of the production casing was the cause of the observed anomalous treatment pressures. The failure of the production casing during stimulation is a violation of 78a.73(a).
– The Department requests that Range submit as part of their Notice of Violation response a copy of the logs that are scheduled to be run that will be used to determine the location of the production casing failure. The Department also requests copies of stimulation records for stages 54 through stage 64 for the 6H.
Blogs on Augustine site:
AUGUSTINE 15H – Well Modification
DRILLING Close to Home, Literally!

Refer also to:
2020: How stupid can you get PA DEP? Withdraws record $8.9 Million fine in settlement exchange with Range Resources to fix the company’s drinking water and stream polluting, vegetation killing methane leaker, which of course, Range refuses to do.No wonder frac’ers break the law, regulators (and judges, see below) help them get away with it.

2014: New testing finds methane contamination in North Texas drinking water is increasing and spreading; Scientists point to Range Resources, Range and the regulator say nature did it Just like AER, industry’s self regulator, says in Alberta even after Encana illegally frac’d a community’s drinking water aquifers. The purpose of frac’ing is to force methane to let go from formations it’s tightly adsorbed to. Nature is not brute force bullying ignorant frac’ing.

2013: Fracking Chemicals May Be Unknown, Even To Gas Drillers, Lawsuit against Range Resources Documents Suggest I think frac chemicals are kept secret to this extreme degree, not to protect competitive advantage or trade secrets for companies and the rich, but to prevent the thousands of frac harmed from proving frac’ers contaminated their water, land, homes, bodies, pets and livestock.

2013: Range Resources, Texas Fracker, Accused of Bully Tactics
2013: Range denies intentionally providing inaccurate water testing results Liar, liar Frac’er pants on fire.

2012: Range Wins Appeal In Suit Against Texas Landowners
2011: Range Resources, still in court with EPA, sues family over contaminated water claims
2010: EPA Orders Range Resources to Investigate Drinking Water Contamination in Parker County
2010: Watch out for hydraulic fracturing it might make your hair orange