Review of Dr. Eilish Cleary’s presentation by Jean-Paul Bourque, Moncton, New Brunswick, November 15, 2012
Last night I spent 3 hours at Moncton’s Central(Methodist) United Church located just down the street. There I heard Dr. Eilish Cleary, the Province’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, speak to her September 2012 Government Report on public health impacts of shale gas development. Close to 200 people attended the Church’s Assembly Hall; CBC and other media stayed throughout the entire evening, and even shale gas company officials and their shills spoke at the public microphone. Strong moments were (a) the 6-7 minute standing ovation following Dr. Cleary’s presentation,(b) an Albert Co. citizen’s question about what can be done to stop 15 shale gas wells surrounding his rural property from being hydraulically fractured under Government permits,(c) a statement by biologist Karen White, an environmental health expert in Dr. Cleary’s Office, describing her panel participation during a recent public health conference at the U. of Pittsburgh PA,(d) energetic testimony from a Fredericton doctor determined not to stand idle should the Province approve shale gas hydraulic fracturing, and (e) an emotional description by a strong and ostensibly healthy young man of his past 3 years’ experience doing nitrogen hydraulic fracturing in Alberta’s natural gas fields, ending his testimony and the evening with a THANK YOU to Dr. Cleary along with a sigh of relief that “…spouse, children and myself have moved back to N.B. and are now 3000 miles away from that hell.” [Emphasis added]
Public Health and Shale Gas Mining, New Brunswick’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eilish Cleary Presents on November 14, 2012 at 7 PM at Community Peace Centre by Upriver Environment Watch
Source: Branch Graphic Design Inc.
NEWS ALERT: Water Supply for Hamlet of Rosebud Contaminated
Letter Ernst to Dr. Nicholas Bayliss, Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, September 20, 2006
Letter Dr. Nicholas Bayliss to Ernst, September 21, 2006