New video by Will Koop, with extraordinary drone footage! Broken Sprocket in the Fox Creek Hub? Alberta’s “Ignorant and Brute Force” Frack Experiments

15:51 Min.

Play at 0.75 speed if more time needed to read the volumes of information researched by Mr. Koop and added to some slides in the clip.

Intro in French by Johanne Dion on her FB page posting of the video:

Un autre excellent documentaire de notre ami Will Koop. Il documente les ravages subis par la communauté de Fox Creek en Alberta, fracturée hydrauliquement puis secouée maintes fois par des séismes, sans compter les nombreuses fuites de contamination. Et tout çà, tenez-vous bien, pour alimenter l`extraction des sales sables bitumineux!!!!

Et tout cela dans le plus grand silence média. La première à le dénoncer publiquement sur son site Web? Jessica Ernst, bien sûr!

Broken Sprocket in the Fox Creek Hub? Alberta’s “Ignorant and Brute Force” Frack Experiments by Will Koop, Aug 10, 2019,

On July 11, 2019, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) was contacted about a significant toxic spill and H2S venting event, six kilometres southwest of the Town of Fox Creek, Alberta. It was coming from a leaking abandoned gas well, presumably impacted by a “frac hit.” The spill was not reported in the media. Two weeks later, energy corporation Paramount Resources sent out an emergency response plan to the Town of Fox Creek, warning residents about possible evacuation due to hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S) from Paramount’s facilities and operations. H2S is a deadly gas, and extremely dangerous.

The video presents the visuals and context of brute force fracking operations in the Fox Creek – Duvernay geological play, and their purpose to provide unconventional condensate and gas to feed the hungry Alberta Tar Sands flow of bitumen.

A comment on youtube:

Kim Hunter

Thank you for posting. What you exposed is gut turning. Greed really is the most deadly of all mental illness.

A review on the clip in from the USA:

Well done video for explanation of what is going on up there. Crazy dangerous!

The failures to alert, post in media–what control the industry has.

The lowest levels of H2S will cause negative effects lasting the rest of one’s lifetime.

The releases documented here should be cause for shutting down their operations already.

The government is sanctioning death to the environment and the people and wildlife that are there.

Thank you for getting this out to the public!

patricia/grassroots coalition

Refer also to:

Is this why Paramount bought Apache Corp’s Fox Creek assets? Koch Industries sells its tarsands properties to Paramount. Paramount/Trilogy next to declare bankruptcy, walk from clean up, with AER’s blessings?

Why did Paramount suddenly distribute Emergency Response Plan in Town of Fox Creek? To distract from Sprocket Energy’s 460,000 litre spill/leak/frac hit at abandoned sour gas well near Smoke Lake Provincial Park and the town?

Pipeline in NW Alberta leaks 100,000 litres contaminated water. More AER Media deflection? Keep the public, community of Fox Creek and summer campers unaware of much more serious, potentially life-threatening, 460,000 litres leak/spill/frac hit? at Sprocket Energy’s abandoned sour gas well near Smoke Lake Provincial Park and campground?

Why is 320,000 litre spill 36 km NE of Swan Hills splashed all over the media, but not the bigger 460,000 litre spill in AER’s Frac Frenzy Blanket Approval Pilot Project 6 km from Town of Fox Creek? Because it was a frac hit? On an abandoned sour gas well? AER instructing media to deflect concerned Canadians in another direction?

IT’S A BIG ONE! AER Order against Sprocket Energy sour gas well leak/spill (by frac hit?) six km SW of Town of Fox Creek. Why no media coverage on possibly life-threatening, brain damaging leak near busy Smoke Lake Provincial Park Campground?

What the Frac Hell is going on in Canada! 3.9M earthquake west of Frac’d Crazy Fox Creek Alberta reported by Earthquakes Canada, 1 km depth, scrubbed from their website!

Frac Hit at Fox Creek? Wanna bet industry’s pet lamb, AER, will issue no fine? 460,000 litres fluids & contaminated water spews forth from abandoned Sprocket Energy Corp sour gas well 6 km SW of Fox Creek, Nothing reported in the media!

Frack Patch Porn: The ultimate sexual assault by men in positions of power? Ensign drills Canada’s longest lateral, 7,770 metres (4.828 miles), at global frac-quake capital, Fox Creek, Alberta. Is it the world’s longest lateral onshore?

“Frack Well Bashing” is going to get expensive! Frack Hit Demolition Derby Down Below: Drill, inject, bump ‘n crack, hit ‘n smash, bash ‘n dash, while Encana lies ‘n says, “We don’t frac. We stimulate.” 2 wells, 1 patch of dirt. Who gets the oil? The biggest bully. “Fracks hitting wells several miles away.”

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