When communities stand united and loudly, respectfully say “NO!” impossible victories happen. In Alberta, look to the magnificent Mission Impossible made possible by a united courageous community in the City of Lethbridge saying “NO!” to fracking by GoldenKey.

Latin America’s largest shale reserve will never be fracked! by Juliano Bueno de Araujo, July 11, 2019, 350.org
The State Assembly of Paraná has banned fracking forever from its territory. It’s official!
Together with a community of experts, teachers, faith groups, farmers, politicians, volunteers and people engaged in the struggle to protect life, we won! Paraná had previously passed a temporary ban on fracking, but now it’s gone for good.

This means:
- The biggest shale reserve in the Southern Hemisphere ever auctioned (roughly 3 times larger than Marcellus) will be kept in the ground.
- 123 municipalities (with their territories already auctioned) are safe
- 12.5 million people in the state are safe from the direct impacts of fracking

This is the result of a campaign that started six years ago when COESUS, the Brazilian Coalition Against Fracking, was founded by local environmentalists and today, has reached national proportions and has 425 organizations and members. COESUS is managed by 350 and our partner Arayara.
The sanction of the law brings the state as a pioneer in the history of Brazil, protecting our waters, our health, agriculture and economy. We chose to stay with life and now we lead as an example to other states so that they also say no to fracking!
But this is for tomorrow. Today we celebrate!

Refer also to:
Republic of Ireland, Love Leitrim to Celebrate their Frack Ban on Global Frackdown Day, Sat October 14, Rainbow Ballroom of Romance, Glenfarne

2017 10 14: Left to right: Blaine Gaffney, Kate Ruddock, Tony McLoughlin TD (The Irish politician who introduced the bill that criminalized frac’ing in Republic of Ireland), Eddie Mitchell, and Jessica Ernst attend Ireland’s Frac Ban Celebration, Rainbow Ballroom of Romance, Glenfarne

Above photos: Andi Bednarzig, Ger Kelly and Jessica Ernst at Ireland’s frac ban celebration
Republic of Ireland: President Michael Higgins signs bill making fracking illegal!
Bravo Brava Courage, Compassion, Community! Republic of Ireland Frack Ban Completes Final Stage: Seanad passes fracking ban!

C Abel cartoons above created and published in 2014 in the Lethbridge Herald