Corridor Resources pushing fracking on New Brunswick; Says will address some (not all?) conditions that must be met before gov’t lifts frac ban

Corridor Resources taking lead on reinstating fracking in N.B. by Jeremy Keefe, October 14, 2016, Global News

WATCH ABOVE: Earlier this year the New Brunswick government announced they would uphold the moratorium on hydraulic fracturing instituted in 2014. Now a major oil and gas player is taking the reins on addressing some of the government’s conditions for reinstating the practice. Global’s Jeremy Keefe has more.

Corridor Resources Incorporated say they plan on taking the lead in getting fracking reinstated in the province of New Brunswick.

Corridor Resources was forced to shelve their plans for shale gas development in the province when the government instituted a ban on fracking in 2014. It was announced in May the ban would remain in place indefinitely.

READ MORE:  Ban on fracking in New Brunswick will continue indefinitely: minister

“We’re the biggest player in the province in terms of natural gas producers, certainly have the largest interest to remove the moratorium of any oil and gas company in the province,” said Steve Moran, Corridor’s CEO.

“So we’ve decided to take the initiative.”

Moran believes demonstrating that fracking can be done safely while mitigating risks isn’t too tall of an order for his company, and the work they do should give the government and residents peace of mind.

Of the five main conditions that came out of the Select Committee on Hydraulic Fracturing’s February report, two were in respect to concerns over the treatment and disposal of frack wastewater.

READ MORE: Energy industry urging government to lift fracking moratorium

“There’s only two wastewater facilities in the province that could handle it,” explained Energy and Resource Development Minister Rick Doucet. “At this point in time they’ve declined, they’re not interested in accepting it.”

However, Moran said wastewater can and would be treated and disposed of properly by Corridor. [Pretend to treat it, then dump it into the ocean and rivers, and on roads and “spread” it on foodlands?]

“We think the government understands that the wastewater can be treated and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner,” he said. [Can be does not mean it will be]

“We just want to give them a plan to give them some comfort that they can remove the moratorium.” [Lies and empty promises like every other jurisdiction gets?]

Corridor expects to have a report finished and in the hands of the province by the end of the year. [Won’t that be an interesting wish list to Santa?]

Doucet says they are keen on reviewing the report when it’s presented to them but doesn’t believe fracking is returning to New Brunswick in the near future.

“Due to the price of natural gas right now it’s very low so it could be some time before we actually see development take place,” Doucet explained. “But yes if some of the steps are met we’re definitely interested in looking at them.” [Emphasis added]

[Refer also to:

2016 06 24: Sussex wants New Brunswick government to lift fracking ban: “there just have been no issues what so ever”

“They’ve been here all this time and there just have been no issues what so ever,”Moffett said.


2012 08 07: New Brunswick Frac Problems: First Penobsquis, now Stoney Creek — what’s next?

2006 09 08: BJ Services (fracking in NB for Corridor Resources) radioactive frac blowout

circa 1940: Fracturing Stoney Creek [New Brunswick] Field well with nitroglycerin ]

The five conditions that must be met include:

Ensuring a social licence is in place

Clear and credible information is available about the impacts of hydraulic fracturing on public health, the environment and water

A plan is in place to mitigate the impacts on public infrastructure and to address issues such as waste water disposal

A process is in place to respect the duty of the provincial government to consult with First Nations

A mechanism is in place to ensure that benefits are maximized for New Brunswickers

2016 05 27: New Brunswick extends fracking ban indefinitely & The Environmental Advisory Committee, established by PEI govt to create new Water Act, recommends banning fracking

2016 03 28: Oil & gas industry angry and impatient to frac New Brunswick; How impatient and angry would industry be if they were the plaintiff in the Ernst vs Encana lawsuit, now in its ninth year (will be in it’s tenth year in December 2016)?

2016 03 28: Industry lobby groups urge New Brunswick to lift frac moratorium. What for? To contaminate drinking water, divide and conquer communities, poison land, families and air while companies frac and go bankrupt and then demand that citizens finance their bad gambling debts?

2016 01 28: Canada: $750,000 Fine For Killing 7,500 Migratory Birds from Direct or Indirect Contact with Canaport’s LNG Burning Natural Gas Flare Stack in New Brunswick

2015 12 08: Frack Firing Fraud? New Brunswick’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Eilish Cleary, fired by provincial Liberal government to clear way for lifting frac moratorium

2015 07 31: Exclusive by Miles Howe: Military missed opportunity for peaceful end to 2013 New Brunswick fracking protests, Internal documents show repeated Warrior Society requests for negotiating assistance denied

2015 04 20: Fracing Rerun in New Brunswick Government. Why? Did Jason Kenny and Senior Alberta Government Advisor, frac patent holder Dr. Maurice Dusseault complain that citizens aren’t brainwashed yet like they are in Alberta?

2015 03 26: New Brunswick voted today to prohibit fracking

2015 03 25: Did Harper and the oil and gas industry order RCMP/CSIS/Snipers to attack innocent mothers and grandmothers, and set aflame stripped police cars in New Brunswick to discredit all Canadians concerned about frac harms and lay a red carpet for Harper’s Bill C-51?

200 RCMP? Snipers descend on Mi’kmaq-led camp, children and Elders on site, Rexton, New Brunswick, Canada

MUST WATCH: Snipers descend on Mi’kmaq-led camp (children and Elders on site) protesting SWN 1:22 Min. by Suzanne Patles, Mi’kmaq Warrior Society

2013 10 17 Long row of snipers descend on Mikmaq camp with children & elders

“This is a camera. This is a camera, it’s a camera get your gun off me. It’s two cameras.

“Well, there’s children here too. Hey, this is a phone. Get your guns off me, this is a phone. Hey, this is a phone, I have no gun.

“I don’t have a gun, it’s a phone.

“Hey, put your gun down, this is a phone, I have two phones.

“Get me out of your scope.”

RCMP in camo crawl around the Rexton blockade. PHOTO: Twitter.

RCMP in camo crawl around the Rexton blockade

2013 10 18 Stephen Harper says Canadian families deserve the cleanest water

2014 08 08: Calgary’s Windsor Energy files $105 Million lawsuit against New Brunswick government and former Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup for lost future profits

2014 08 01: New Brunswick: Craig Leonard defends shale gas advisory board appointment, Maurice Dusseault holds patents on fracking, raising questions of potential bias

2014 07 17: Dr. Maurice Dusseault, Public Advisor on Council Canadian Academies Frac Panel, Nova Scotia Frac Panel, New Brunswick Energy Institute (that promotes fracing) Filed Frac Patent in 2011; Frac Patent Issued in 2013

2014 06 24: 22 community groups and three citizens sue New Brunswick government over future of fracing, Statement of claim alleges Charter of Rights and Freedoms violations

2014 06 14: Louis LaPierre stripped of Order of Canada, Former head appointed to New Brunswick Energy Institute that promotes fracing misrepresented his academic credentials

2013 12 30: Is there enforcement of New Brunswick’s “toughest in the world” frac regulations? One month later, aquifer still broken due to SWN’s seismic testing. Energy Minister Craig Leonard blames protesters

2013 05 10: Dr. Eilish Cleary, New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer of Health, uncomfortable with shale gas blueprint, Health officer surprised policy document doesn’t include health as a key objective

2013 05 09: Port Elgin New Brunswick bans fracking within village limits to protect its clean water supply

2012 11 28: No Fracking Message given to Legislators, 400 Citizens from various parts of the province brave cold to show concerns about government policy on shale gas, New Brunswick to weigh in on shale gas development

2012 10 15: Potential health risks cited in New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer of Health report on shale gas industry

2012 10 15: The New Brunswick government must address the “very serious concerns” that people have over fracing

2012 10 06: New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Cleary speaks out on shale gas report after government says it will be kept confidential

2012 09 14: Nova Scotia accepting fracking waste from New Brunswick

2012 07 12: Episode 1- New Brunswick Government Shale Gas Session, Dr. Angela LeGresley

2012 04 25: New Brunswick College of Family Physicians seek hydro-fracking moratorium

2000: Oil and Natural Gas in New Brunswick: Historical and Current Industry-related Activities by C. St. Peter, New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Information Circular 2000-5, 14 p.

Fracturing Stoney Creek [New Brunswick] Field well with nitroglycerin, circa 1940

For more on methane contamination of Stoney Creek drinking water by the oil and gas industry:

Shale gas, hydraulic fracturing, natural gas and water in New Brunswick

First Penobsquis, now Stoney Creek — what’s next?

Stoney Creek residents accept gas in water

Cardy calls for moratorium on Stoney Creek drilling ]

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