Why worship Trump copycat, con man Pierre Poilievre and his hatred, white supremacy, misogyny, lies and brainless slogans?

I’ve watched politicians controlled by rich climate destroying and health harming corporations (notably frac’ers) intentionally destroy public education throughout my life. I also have watched with horror the stupidity in humans rise accordingly.

Teaching critical thinking is verboten because it reduces profits for billionaires. (Excellent way to beat Trump’s threats against us? Stop buying anything made in America; stop going to America; stop giving your money to America; stop investing in anything American or America controlled. Buy local, do without especially if it’s only available on Amazon.)

Accepting all humans as equal is also verboten and smeared as ‘woke’ because fascism makes the rich – including rape religions, notably the catholic church which now runs the USA and its supremely corrupt supreme court – more powerful. Feeding hatred against the marginalized controls human behaviour with indestructible leashes.

Facebook/Meta/Instagram/Twitter/X – owned by billionaires – are all part of the brainwashing and control of human minds. When Facebook emerged, I was constantly stunned by the many people I didn’t even know begging for me to “friend” them to Zuckerberg’s brainwashing and data farming program. Then, I was even more stunned at how angry they became when I politely declined, “No thank you, I am unwilling to give up my privacy or my critical thinking to something as vile as Facebook.”

AI, controlled by billionaires, will finish off the human brain. I am amazed by the many that leap to create an image using AI – wasting massive amounts of energy and water, rather than go out and take a photo of their own creation, or create art.

‪Emmett Macfarlane‬ ‪@emmettmacfarlane.com‬ Jan 24, 2025:

@maddenifico Oct 21, 2024:

It’s not complicated, y’all. This gentleman’s explanation for the type of people who are going to vote for the loathsome piece of shit is spot-fucking-on.



Trump has no policies. He offers no solutions. All he does for them is legitimize their hate.Same as Pierre Poilievre and his evangelical string handler Steve Hideous Harper

2024 mike luckovich cartoon of nazi elon musk, the real soon to be president of usa, steering with JD Vance, not idiot trump who is sitting in the back seat with a toy steering wheel.
2024 Mike Luckovich cartoon of JD Vance and Elon Musk steering a red car, with orange Donald Trump in the back seat playing with a toy steering wheel.

Musk’s Nazi Salute Tested Legacy Media. They Failed, The beleaguered watchdogs denied reality and offered clumsy excuses, explanations and evasions.

… What’s worse, the tech oligarchs who stole all the advertising and have built empires on our data are sucking it up and falling in line with the new rulers.

And so the Nazi salute disappears within an “exuberant speech” in the Washington Post, or the moment is written off as a “hand gesture” in the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, Reuters and many others. A controversial moment that is open to interpretation. Musk’s act becomes something which could be seen as the sign of a white supremacist movement founded on technological superiority and eugenics, but it also could just have been (according to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League’s surreal downplaying of the event) an “awkward gesture” which led to a massive overreaction in polarized times.

There are many things to talk about as we process day one (to use Shakespeare) of hell being empty and all the devils being here, but Musk’s Nazi salute is one of the most important events, and for a crucial reason.

How each legacy media organization responds to events like this will tell us how accommodating they will be to the rise of fascism in the United States. It is a litmus test of adaptation to authoritarianism on the part of institutions we were always told were the bastions of democratic rule. As Marisa Kabas notes, we need media organizations to just call things what they are.

Keep your eye on the mainstream media, people. Looks like they may be the next to buckle. May be? Pffffff! Main media buckled to fascism years ago, including Canada’s and Britain’s public broadcasters, the CBC and BBC, notably under Herr Harper.


Not “next to buckle,” but very firmly and clearly “enthusiastically pre-buckled.”

Legacy media isn’t simply starting to kowtow to fascist extremism. It was purchased by right wing billionaires for the express purpose of manufacturing support for fascist extremism, and the results of the 2024 US election can serve as exhibit A for how thorough and successful that effort has been.

Lily O’Loughlin:

The mainstream media has been a failure ever since Trump ran for office in 2016. And the reason for that is that it is owned by big corporations and the wealthy who support Trump.

Super Yeti to Lily O’Loughlin:

Mainstream media in Canada started “obeying in advance” in deference to Harper in the early 2000s. A lot of them have been doing this again toward PP for the past year, though I’ve noticed CBC has broken free of the straitjacket and criticized him here and there over the past few months.

2014 Cartoon in Nova Scotia’s small local paper, Pictou Advocate, which was ruthlessly attacked for publishing this honest terrifying cartoon. Main media did not report Harper’s fascism, white supremacy, attacks on women and science, hatred and destruction of Canada.

Be forewarned, Harper’s been busying at the IDU working to get fascist dictators elected globally, supports and loves Israel’s genocide and even profits of it via his kid killing company, and is coming back to finish Canada off via his pathetic puppet Pierre Poilievre.

Button that says "I think, therefore I am not a Poilievre supporter"

Pierre Poilievre isn’t capable of critical thinking; he’s empty brained boring repetitive liar, controlled by others. He’s an unpainted Trump.

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