Danielle Beckman@DaniBeckman:
These numbers are crazy. A generation of young people with dementia waits for us in the near future, and we are not prepared for that. #NeuroCovid
New study: COVID-19 accumulates and persists in the body, especially the brain, for years.

SARSCoV2/COVID-19 reminder: “About one in three people are idiots.”
… Cognitive Disabilities Skyrocket
Most alarming is the rise in cognitive disabilities. The population reporting only a cognitive disability has grown by nearly 1 million—a 43% increase since 2019.
How many assholes took the pandemic money from Trudeau they hate so much?

Coutt’s protester Marco van Huigenbos has been sent straight to jail for 120 days non conditional sentence, and George Janzen, who the judge noted has apologized and has admitted what he did was illegal was given a conditional sentence of 90 days to be served in the community
Always Blunt Canadian@blunt_always:
Feels like it should have been more, but hey that’s the justice system. I wonder how much time that other guy who fired his lawyer. I bet the judge is going to consider that when determining sentencing. Judges don’t like last minute gimmicks delaying their cases.
does marco van huigenbos still have the blessing of danielle smith and the ucp
you bet he does
same conservative values
so does the alberta ucp legislature now have it’s first ,
well probably not the first convict running for office
Was he one of the 4 that were the most responsible for the Coutts blockade? Seems like a very light sentence.
LOL Marco thought he was going to get off! Priceless
I am sure Tamara and Big Red Dickhead Barber are shitting their panties today!
*there, Mastodon https://techhub.social/@deluracct@deluracct:
Wait’ll they hear King’s sentence next week. Closer to the 6+ years the other Coutts defendants got.
Sisu van Hellberta @sisuvanhell:
120 days and straight to jail for Marco van Huigenbos! No conditional sentence available. 90 days, conditional sentence to be served in the community for George Janzen, who the judge noted has apologized and has admitted what he did was illegal.
Exactly. Wonder his position with his UCP constituency board will be affected, if at all?
Mike Petch,#Nenshi4ABPremier,Breaking News=Satire@mpetch:
Heck, his sentence qualifies to be President of the USA or as Danielle Smith’s replacement
Berta Bound@bound_berta:
One more to go. This chapter is almost over.
Was really hoping for more time than that, especially for Marco. Disappointed but glad that clown has to go straight there for 120 days. And has a record that follows him around now.
And a record that will follow them the rest of their days. Would have been better to see more of a longer sentence…
Before the trial began Marco essentially admitted he was guilty of the accusations but he’s so arrogant thinking he was smarter than prosecutor and jury. He got his Xmas with his family, now it’s to jail.
Coutts Update: Marco Van Huigenbos sentenced to 120 days in prison. (Potentially out in 80 days due to statutory release)
My prediction is that Pat King will receive at least three years behind bars, based on Marco’s convictions compared to Pat’s.
Sandra D @LovemycountrySd:
Another former police officer theorized Marco will be out in 30 days or less. …
Does the UCP remove Marco from his board positions now that he’s a convicted criminal serving time?
(If he’s still on them) abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli
Nah, they offer him a better position. That’s the UCP way.
No not really when @ABDanielleSmith is spending $250,000 to go see a convicted felon in Washington…. just saying
I guess it’s illegal for him to own firearms now.
Jean-Luc Marchessault @JeanLucMarches1:
You convoy idiots cost the Canadian economy over $4 Billion, you took citizens of Ottawa hostage for 3 weeks, had weapons in Coutts and jeopardized the auto pact in Windsor. You state Trudeau was tyrannical…

Will Stancil @whstancil Jan 7, 2025:
The reason people fall into MAGA so quickly is that it’s not a process of BECOMING something, but of simply GIVING UP. Giving up resistance, giving up critical thought. Much easier to go along with it, say the words, agree that the lies are true. Easier than standing firm.
The more people around you are MAGA, the more strenuous the process of resisting it becomes, and the greater the relief of simply giving up and going along. You don’t have to struggle anymore! No need to think! MAGA will simply tell you what to believe, and you’ll agree.
That’s why there’s been such a collapse after the election, despite the flimsiness of Trump’s victory. So many people, especially in big institutions, are ready to give up and the more of them do, the greater the pressure on the holdouts to do the same.
It still ends in tears, though. He’s a half-coherent idiot, his top supporters are creeps and thugs and goons. They will lie and steal and eventually stuff will collapse. When that happens we need to remind the spineless collaborators the price of collaborating.
One Alberta man gets jail, another community time for 2022 Coutts border protest, The pair were convicted of mischief over $5,000 for their part in the blockade by Bill Graveland, The Canadian Press, Jan 10, 2025, CBC News
One Alberta man has been sentenced to jail and another ordered to serve community time for their roles in the illegal Coutts border blockade in 2022.
Marco Van Huigenbos was sentenced to four months in jail Friday and Gerhard (George) Janzen received a three-month sentence, which is to be served in the community. Janzen was also ordered to complete 100 hours of community service by the end of his sentence.
Neither accused showed emotion and spectators packing the courtroom stayed silent as Justice Keith Yamauchi delivered the sentence in Lethbridge Court of King’s Bench. He had ordered both men to leave the tables with their lawyers and sit inside the prisoner’s box. Both men surrendered their phones and wallets.
Yamauchi told the pair the illegal blockade affected the lives of many Canadians and said, “The sentence must make it clear that the majority of Canadians denounce their actions.”
“The protesters and offenders thought they had a legitimate cause. They undertook the vigilante approach of taking over Highway 4 until their demands were met. This is a significant case of mischief and a period of incarceration is warranted,” Yamauchi said.
As the two men left the courtroom, Van Huigenbos’s lawyer handed over his client’s phone and a single coin to a family member.
One person in the crowd said “Bye Marco.” Another added “I love you Marco. God bless.”
The judge said Janzen had expressed real remorse for his actions but Van Huigenbos had not.
The pair were convicted of mischief over $5,000 for their part in the blockade, which tied up cross-border traffic with the United States for two weeks to protest COVID-19 pandemic rules and vaccinehealth and community protections
A third man, Alex Van Herk, was to have been sentenced as well. However, Van Herk’s lawyer told court Thursday he has been fired by the defendant. Van Herk was granted 30 days to find new legal representation.
During the original trial in April, Mounties testified that as the protest dragged on, officers increasingly turned to the three men to negotiate. The Crown argued the trio became the faces of the blockade and spoke on behalf of protesters.
On Thursday, Crown prosecutor Steven Johnston recommended Van Huigenbos be sentenced to nine months in jail and Janzen six months. Johnston said Van Huigenbos had a higher leadership profile and therefore should get more jail time.
Johnston told court it’s about sending a broader message that actions have consequences.
“The most appropriate sentence for these gentlemen is to sentence them to a term of jail — real jail,” Johnston said. “You can’t break the law and not expect to be punished for it.”Oh ya? Prosecutors and judges let AER, Alberta gov’t, police, RCMP, the rich – notably lying lawyers, oil, gas, bitumen and coal, and many, if not most, rapists break the law
Brendan Miller, the lawyer for Van Huigenbos, asked Yamauchi to grant an absolute or conditional discharge. Failing that, Miller asked for a suspended sentence or no more than two months’ of time served in the community.
Miller told court Van Huigenbos’s underlying motive was political advocacy and the desire to be heard by the government. Bullshit. He’s a fucking vile ass hole anti health care anti science anti reality anti community bully
He said Van Huigenbos did not steer or incite the blockade and acted no differently than the hundreds of other protesters, but was unfairly singled out because he spoke to and became a liaison to police.
Alan Honner, representing Janzen, said he would also like his client to be given an absolute discharge, a fine or a suspended sentence, saying his client played a minor role.
Janzen apologized to the court Thursday.
“Our actions, well intended to voice our concerns on important issues, adversely affected the daily lives of many in Milk River and Coutts,” he said.Well intended? How many did they kill and or disable via COVID? Selfish abusive cruel fucks that also cost how much money to the real truckers stuck at the border because of their ego raging shit?
“For this I am sincerely sorry.
“Laws were broken. This was not in line with our intentions to promote change through peaceful and lawful means.”Why the hell would any person intentionally work to destroy public health and protective care for vulnerable in our communities?
The Crown said it’s an aggravating factor that the men were motivated by politics.
“Politically motivated crime always is a calculated decision.… We don’t change our governments in this country through criminal acts,” Johnston said.Hypocrite! Prosecutors let rapists and law-violating companies and AER, Alberta gov’t thugs happily keep raping the public interest, looking eagerly the other way to assist.
“This was the hostage taking of a highway with the goal of creating political change.”
The 2022 COVID protests sparked polarized debates across Canada on individual rights versus collective responsibility. That emotional debate has been reflected at the Coutts court hearings.
Outside of court, Honner said the outcome was positive.
“We’re very pleased with the outcome in one way. We’re pleased that Mr. Janzen avoided a sentence of actual imprisonment and we’re happy he received a conditional sentence of a short duration,” he said.Extremely lucky fuckers, Janzen and his legal team. The special treatment by the court does not lessen in my view the cruelty and evil done by the Fucker Truckers chasing selfish glory and rage & idiocy farming to escalate hate and violence against Trudeau. I expect Smith and her fascista goons in the UCP and CPC have lots of rewards lined up for all convicted fucker truckers
Miller said he was disappointed at the four-month sentence and so was his client.
“Of course he’s disappointed. At the end of the day, it was always understood that jail was on the table,” said Miller.
“The sentence is what the sentence is … the remedy here is to go to the Court of Appeal if you don’t like what happened and the court will consider whether to create a remedy.”
On Friday, about 300 people lined up outside court to get one of the 90 seats available.